Depositing Sentence Examples
Am I depositing enough money in the account?
The eggs are of comparatively large size, one female depositing from 50 to ioo.
It forms yellow crystals soluble in water; the aqueous solution on standing gradually depositing a basic salt.
As it moves north it becomes gradually warmed and takes up moisture instead of depositing it as rain.
Elmore, Dumoulin, Cowper-Coles and others have prepared copper cylinders and plates by depositing copper on rotating mandrels with special arrangements.
Others have arranged a means of obtaining high conductivity wire from cathode-copper without fusion, by depositing the metal in the form of a spiral strip on a cylinder, the strip being subsequently drawn down in the usual way; at present, however, the ordinary methods of wire production are found to be cheaper.
Towards the sea the solid land gives place to a vast network of streams and creeks, whose sluggish waters are constantly depositing silt, and forming morasses or quicksands.
It was then discharged through the regenerator, depositing heat for the next charge of air in turn to take up. The indicator diagram approximated to a form made up of two isothermal lines and two lines of constant pressure.
There is a close relation between the pollination of many yuccas and the life of a moth (Pronuba yuccasella); the flowers are open and scented at night when the female moth becomes active, first collecting a load of pollen and then depositing her eggs, generally in a different flower from that which has supplied the pollen.
By this time it is heavily laden with vapour, which it continues to bear along across the continent, depositing it and supplying the sources of the Amazon and La Plata.
AdvertisementIn art-work of this nature the principal points to be looked to in depositing are the electrical connexions to the cathode, the shape of the anode (to secure uniformity of deposition), the circulation of the electrolyte, and, in some cases, the means for escape of anode oxygen.
Fergusson Island clearly shows remains of extinct craters, and possesses numerous hot springs, saline lakes and solfataras depositing sulphur and alum.
It is a dark yellow powder, which fuses at a high temperature, the liquid on cooling depositing shining tabular crystals; at a white heat it loses oxygen and yields the monoxide.
At Canyon City it passes out of the Rockies through the Grand Canyon of the Arkansas; then turning eastward, and soon a turbid, shallow stream, depositing its mountain detritus, it flows with steadily lessening gradient and velocity in a broad, meandering bed across the prairies and lowlands of eastern Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas, shifting its direction sharply to the south-east in central Kansas.
Next water is carefully added, and the mixture again turned, when it is ready for depositing.
AdvertisementThe method of depositing depends on the situation.
Depositing concrete under water for breakwaters and bridge foundations requires special skill and special appliances.
Frost will not injure it after it has once set, though it is essential to guard it from frost during the operations of mixing and depositing.
Piercing the desert, and at its annual overflow depositing rich sediment brought from the Abyssinian highlands, the river has created the Delta and the fertile strip in Upper Egypt.
Tides have a vital role to play in the formation of embryo dunes, by depositing tidal litter.
AdvertisementThe Carboniferous period began with a marine transgression, enabling limestones to form in Tasmania and New South Wales; and at the same time the sea first got in along the western edge of the western plateau, depositing the Carboniferous rocks of the Gascoyne basin and the coastal plain of north-western Australia.
There are stony wastes, or alluvial fans, where mountain streams emerge upon the plains, in time of flood, bringing detritus in their torrential courses from the mountain canyons and depositing it along the mountain base.
We trace without difficulty all the separate apartments that are described to us by Roman authors - the apodyterium, frigidarium, tepidarium, caldarium, &c. together with the apparatus for supplying both water and heat, the places for depositing the bather's clothes, and other minor details (see Baths).
Swan has succeeded in depositing excellent copper at currentdensities exceeding moo amperes per sq.
You will earn 300 ipoints when depositing and wagering a minimum of £ 40.
AdvertisementCats have an insatiable need to mark the places they claim for their own by dragging their nails down every inch and depositing their own unique signature from the scent glands in their pads.
Direct deposits can only come from one source, so a cardholder with more than one employer will need to decide which employer will have access to depositing funds to the card.
However, if your priority is managing or controlling the spending of a cash advance, then you might accomplish that by depositing a cash advance onto a prepaid card.
Your employer- provided they offer the service - can then begin directly depositing your paycheck into your checking account.
The front needle is lifted through the back needle, depositing pigment to the area of the skin where the needles originally met.
Manually depositing money is when you go to the bank and deposit your check with the bank teller.
Tattooing is a process of puncturing the skin and depositing pigments, usually indelible ink, by a variety of methods beneath the skin to create a desired design or pattern.
Water runoff from commercial farms carry huge amounts of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, depositing them into lakes, streams and aquifers used to supply nearby cities and towns.
Meanwhile, the 250-foot long enclosed slide winds both inside and outside of the park before depositing guests in the re-entry pool.
Depositing or withdrawing funds from a bank account was done by visiting a teller and getting assistance from that employee.
Use a proper cleanser for your skin type to avoid stripping too much oil from the skin or depositing unnecessary chemicals on the skin.
If you step in mud before getting into your van, you'll end up depositing that mud on the carpet.
For example, bone is no longer depositing calcium after age 35 or so, all major organs are fully developed, and our body is running as efficiently as it will ever work.
This payment is usually made within a few days, either by giving the account holder a check or by depositing the money into an account for the depositor at another insured bank.
A transporter of this kind, when fitted with a grab, is a very efficient machine for taking coal from barges and depositing it in a coal store.
The dace is a lively, active fish, of gregarious habits, and exceedingly prolific, depositing its eggs in May and June at the roots of aquatic plants or in the gravelly beds of the streams it frequents.
These require constant shifting because the objects are in contact at many points, and because the top ones shield those below from the depositing action of the current.
Dumas, who regarded them as hydrates of olefiant gas (ethylene); on the other they yielded chloroform, chloral and aldehyde, as well as other compounds of less general interest, and also the method of forming mirrors by depositing silver from a slightly ammoniacal solution by acet aldehyde.
The Oxus itself is steadilyencroachingon its right banks and depositing detritus on the left.
Henry Wilde, in 1875, in depositing copper on iron printing-rollers, recognized this principle and rotated the rollers during electrolysis, thereby renewing the surfaces of metal and liquid in mutual contact, and imparting sufficient motion to the solution to prevent stratification; as an alternative he imparted motion to the electrolyte by means of propeller blades.
The thickness of the film of oil adequate to check the camphor movements can be determined with fair accuracy by depositing a weighed amount of oil (such as 8 mg.) upon the surface of water in a large bath.
The glaciation is also responsible for the poor soil of most of the state, for, although the rocks are the same crystallines which give good soils further south in unglaciated regions, all the decayed portions of the Maine rocks have been removed by glacial erosion, revealing fresh, barren rock over great areas, or depositing the rather sterile hard-pan as a thin coating in other places.
Its aqueous solution is unstable, gradually depositing red selenium on standing.
From this it will be seen that, with the increase of temperature, the hydrocarbons - the olefines and marsh gas series - gradually break up, depositing carbon in the crown of the retort, and liberating hydrogen, the percentage of which steadily increases with the rise of temperature.
They have a habit of depositing their droppings during successive days on the same spot - a habit appreciated by the Peruvian Indians, who use those deposits for fuel.
Some systems collect information from financial institutions and creditors on a schedule you establish, and can be designed to automatically withdrawal funds for paying bills, depositing savings account installments, and making investments.
The vats for depositing may be of enamelled iron, slate, glazed earthenware, glass, lead-lined wood, &c. The current densities and potential differences frequently used for some of the commoner metals are given in the following table, taken from M ` Millan's Treatise on Electrometallurgy.
Moreover, when depositing the concrete, a shovel or other tool must be worked between the wet concrete and the shutter.
He informed Dean the climbers, who were due to check out later, had left for the ice park, grumbling at the heavy accumulation of snow which was abating to a last-ditch flurry after depositing thirty inches of fluffy white.
He was moving on while depositing her back at the same crossroads where he'd found her last week.
He wrapped one arm around her and touched her ear with his other hand, depositing a translator there.