Depletion Sentence Examples
Reversing the trends in climate change, pollution, non-renewable resource consumption and resource depletion require a vast majority of the population make changes in their daily lives.
Given their rapid depletion in numbers, she didn't actually think she would ever get a chance to see one in the wild.
The rapid exhaustion in late years of the caribou, seals and other animals, once the food or stockin-trade of the Aleuts and other races, threatens more and more the swift depletion of the natives.
In Argentina, intensive soybean cultivation has led to massive soil nutrient depletion.
Around each column, the depletion region is approximately cylindrical.
This caused the region of total ozone depletion to grow upwards, with considerable partial depletion of ozone at heights up to 23 km.
In conclusion, perhaps the scale of global warming has been overstated by omitting to take into account fossil fuel depletion.
Estate woodland in this LCA is under threat; expansion of housing has already seen its loss or severe depletion.
In the latter case, chemical ozone depletion in the Arctic would be expected to diminish.
A good number of the marathon runners on Sunday would have faced a similar state of glycogen depletion.
AdvertisementIn 1986 further recognition was achieved with our work with bedside Leucocyte depletion filters.
One research group had provided some in vitro data to suggest that induction of CYP2E1 resulted in 2,3-DCP mediated hepatotoxicity and glutathione depletion.
B lymphocyte depletion has been shown to be safe in the treatment of lymphoma.
The water stored in such a time supplies the immediate need of the transpiring cells and prevents the injury which would result from their excessive depletion.
In addition, sulfate aerosols have been linked to ozone layer depletion.
AdvertisementAll of the grounds have suffered depletion, and cultural methods to maintain the supply have been instituted.
The depletion is unaffected by cobra venom factor treatment and thus presumably does not depend on complement lysis (Isaacs et al 1992 ).
Protects the heart against harmful effects of oxygen depletion - it is a powerful free-radical scavenger.
Eating living foods rich in enzymes, such as uncooked fruits and vegetables or sprouted seeds, replenishes the enzymes or at least stops the depletion, since the enzymes needed for digestion are included in the foods.
Soil treatment supports earth-friendly practices for recycling, minimizing soil erosion and reducing soil depletion through crop rotation and other replenishment methods.
AdvertisementLong-term benefits are provided by Medicare for these conditions only after the depletion of the person's assets.
Another harmful consequence of video games is the depletion of finances.
Ignoring or overriding those warning signals can lead to such severe energy depletion that the muscle cannot be relaxed, causing a cramp.
Significant depletion of calcium stores can lead to osteoporosis.
If deficiency is due to prolonged depletion, treatment may include injections of magnesium sulfate; if severe enough to provoke convulsions, intravenous infusions may be given.
AdvertisementProlonged vomiting can lead to fluid and electrolyte depletion.
Marasmus, a PEM disorder, is caused by total calorie/energy depletion rather than primarily protein calorie/energy depletion.
In this he claimed to have made the most salutary reform because all physicians from Hippocrates had treated diseases by depletion and debilitating measures with the object of curing by elimination.
Under the American regime seal fishing off the Aleutians save by the natives has never been legal, but the depletion of the Pribilof herd, the almost complete extinction of the sea otter, and the rapid decrease of the foxes and other fur animals, have threatened the Aleuts (as the natives are commonly called) with starvation.
The focus was to understand the role these species might play in stratospheric ozone depletion.
Both rising CO2 levels and stratospheric ozone depletion tend to cool the stratosphere.
Owing to the depletion of some of the more accessible banks, and to difficulties in connexion with the employment of coloured crews, many of the vessels have now gone farther afield.
Though irregular, his action was to some extent justified by the depletion of the secret service fund under Giolitti and by the abnormal circumstances prevailing in 1893-1894, when he had been obliged to quell the insurrections in Sicily and Massa-Carrara.
When man first began to use natural resources for comfort and growth, little to no thought was given to their eventual depletion.
Global environmental problems that affect the air include climate change, air pollution and ozone depletion.
One is a steady depletion that occurs at a four percent rate and has been recorded since the 1970s.
The other is an annual seasonal depletion that's located over the polar caps and is referred to as the ozone hole.
Both types of ozone depletion occur when chloroflourocarbons (freons) break down in the atmosphere, but this is a very slow process that takes between 20 and 120 years.
Opening up to foreign trade brought quite a boon to Japan, but it also brought something else; a depletion of natural pearls and near extinction of the nation's clam beds.
This is thought to be because of depletion of quality soil caused by conventional, intensive farming.
Another symptom associated with the depletion of estrogen is hair loss.
Concerns about the depletion of the ozone layer focus on the serious health effects that increased exposure to UVC light would have.
This action leads to depletion of clotting factors and platelets, which are then not available at a site of injury where clotting is needed.
This concern intensifies if the vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea that accelerates fluid and electrolyte depletion.
If, on the contrary, the gradual cooling is met by a corresponding depletion of the cells of water, even intense cold may be sustained without injury.
Yet the sejm, so sensitive to its own privileges, allowed the insult to the king and the injury to the state to pass unnoticed, conniving at the destruction of the national navy and the depletion of the treasury, "lest warships should make the crown too powerful."