Depictions Sentence Examples
Today you can still find depictions of lettuce on the walls of Egyptian tombs.
A tasseled cord is plain on their depictions of people.
The entire building is covered in depictions of the lotus flower from the tops of the vast columns to the pictograms on the walls.
The elaborate depictions of a universe populated by almost numberless beings were banished.
Medieval depictions of SCRIBES often show them holding a quill in one hand and a knife in the other.
Depictions of these types of brutality should not be tolerated in a civilized society.
The reviews include written evaluations, ratings and video depictions of products.
Reliefs - Reliefs featuring both hieroglyphics and depictions of gods and rules are common.
Stylized flowers and other depictions of nature were common motifs.
Because color depictions can be misleading when viewing colored items online, it's best to be able to accommodate a different hue when selecting your rug.
AdvertisementSome patterns available are of pine needles and pinecones, while others are mountain depictions, including bears.
Most commonly worn by persons of the Catholic faith, a saint bracelet contains images, engravings, or other depictions of important saints.
This round features the Sex Workers Outreach Project USA, a group dedicated to the promotion of a safe working environment for sex workers, raising protest for the violent depictions of the rape and murder of prostitutes in GTA.
The team from EA Sports has once again outdone themselves, producing not only one of the best-looking games in the series, but also one of the most robust and realistic depictions of the real game.
Whatever you need, you can find happiness in the digital depictions of the kingdom of Far Far Away. offers video depictions of how to make various weapons, such as an 8-point star and flip knife.
This type of breathing style is the one that most people are probably most familiar with from television and movie depictions of Lamaze childbirth.
Those that enter may discover graphic sexual material, nudity, and explicit depictions of sexual behavior.
When the women in a science fiction/fantasy film or show have special powers, it stirs the imagination more vividly than most other depictions of an attractive actress.
This can be considered ironic, since it plainly demonstrates that young males are attracted to depictions of strong, intelligent women and yet those roles tend to be few and far between.
AdvertisementCave drawings have revealed swimmers, although it is not known if the depictions of people in water were part of a ritual.
Some depictions are more true to life than others.
These included stylized representations of animals, pastoral scenes, depictions of famous paintings and inventive interpretations of such things as the seasons or times of day.
Colors tended to be less sharp and backgrounds often varied to include flashing colors and "speed lines" rather than artistic depictions of actual objects and locations.
Depictions of fairies as fallen angels or being connected to witchcraft are not always common, but are not unheard of, either.
AdvertisementBelow you will find many of the common depictions used in the old school style of tattoo art.
Contemporary artists such as Ed Hardy, Paul Jefferies and Mike Malone revived the tradition of old school tattoos while adding in present-day themes and personalized depictions (such as Asian artistry and American Indian themes).
For the zodiac enthusiast, consider combining all of the natural elements associated with each zodiac sign into a tribal piece (earth, air water, and fire) and add colorful depictions of every birth sign.
Egyptian tattoo art is among the most popular of these archaic depictions due to its beauty, mystery and detail.
In paintings and relief depictions, the subject's body faces front while the head appears in profile.
Tattooed depictions typically feature a stylized eye design with a backdrop of the sun.
They are sometimes rendered in the Gothic cross style and may feature stylized depictions of barbed wire and daggers.
Modern Celtic tattoos often rely heavily on depictions from the Irish Book of Kells in order to maintain an authentic appearance and impart desired elements of religious symbolism.
The distinctive tribal style lends itself easily to depictions of the sun, because sun designs have a simplicity that allows for easy embellishment.
They were joined by the NOW - the National Organization for Women - who were offended by the graphic depictions of violence against his wife and mother on The Marshall Mathers LP.
This flexibility is often used for the development of Cautionary Tales - depictions of life after Peak Oil, or the collapse of civilization attendant upon global warming, perhaps.
Close Encounters is one of the first films to deal with benign alien visitors; earlier sci-fi depictions of aliens are as frightening invaders.
Later depictions show these creatures as diminutive winged folk, no more than a few inches tall.