Depended Sentence Examples
It depended on how a person looked at it.
I sensed my life depended on it.
Her father was planning something that depended on her magic.
His sole security was the loop of this rope around his body, between his legs, across his back and over his shoulder, which he then grasped as if his life depended on it.
She paused and stared at him, unable to comprehend an entire planet that depended on her.
The actual number of sets of apparatus it was possible to work multiplex depended upon the length of the line, for if the latter were long, retardation effects modified the working conditions.
Sofia held onto him as if his life depended on it and shook her head to clear the dizziness.
Etymologically the word implies that the messages are written, but its earliest use was of appliances that depended on visual signals, such as the semaphore or optical telegraph of Claude Chappe.
The destinies of Italy depended upon the character which Rome.
Up until now, we have thought of the Internet as a place to store information, and we have depended upon search engines to help us find it.
AdvertisementThey depended on each other, while sharing everything, and owned twelve beautiful estates around the world.
However, my wife was far and away the most intelligent of the five of us and understood our success depended on strong leadership.
We have to foJiow the fortunes of unexpected allies, upon whom in no small measure his success depended.
The Meditations were written, it is evident, as occasion offered - in the midst of public business, and on the eve of battles on which the fate of the empire depended - hence their fragmentary appearance, but hence also much of their practical value and even of their charm.
Biltz (Ber., 1888, 21, p. 2013; 1901, 34, p. 2490) showed that the vapour density decreased with the temperature, and also depended on the pressure.
AdvertisementWhat form it would ultimately take depended still on the balance between the forces of conservatism and change, the suspicious temper of the autocracy being revealed, during the years of unstable equilibrium, by the alternate concession and withdrawal of privileges, e.g.
Its buildings depended for their effect principally on mass and gorgeous colouring.
In this office in 1863 he won before the Supreme Court of the United States the famous prize case of the "Amy Warwick," on the decision in which depended the right of the government to blockade the Confederate ports, without giving the Confederate states an international status as belligerents.
At a time when everything depended on the army, they had destroyed the main tie which bound the Austrian court to their interests by tampering with the relation of the Hungarian army to the crown.
She clung to the metal railing as if her life depended on it, stumbling toward him, blocking his progress.
AdvertisementMusset, though he depended on her exertions, was first bored and then irritated at the sight of this terrible vache a ecrire, whose pen was going for eight hours a day, and sought diversion in the cafés and other less reputable resorts of pleasure.
In the northern Netherlands generally up to the end of the 14th century the towns had no great political weight; their importance depended upon their river commerce and their markets.
The extent of jurisdiction of archdeacons depended much upon local customs. In England the custom was generally in their favour.
The verdict of the physicians was that the injured eye was hopelessly paralysed, and that the preservation of the sight of the other depended upon the maintenance of his general health.
But this was based upon the assumption of a distance-action between electric particles, the intensity of which depended on their relative motion as well as on their position.
AdvertisementThe elders of these groups possessed some influence, and tended to form an aristocracy, which took the lead in social life, although their authority generally depended merely upon custom.
The king stood at the head, as the court of final appeal, and upon him and his officers depended the people's welfare.
For many centuries the culture and development of the Hindus depended mainly on the interaction of the old Brahmanical religion and Buddhism.
Her efforts to restore it in1526-1528were ineffectual; her prestige had depended upon her reputation for wealth derived from the fact that she had acted in recent years as the paymaster of Europe.
The appeal to Rome was a natural course to be advocated by Wolsey, whose despotism over the English church depended upon an authority derived from Rome; but it was probably a mistake.
It ran counter to the ideas suggested in 1527 on the captivity of Clement VII., that England and France should set up independent patriarchates; and its success depended upon the problematical destruction of Charles V.'s power in Italy.
The agriculture of the region bordering the Tigris and Euphrates, like that of Egypt, depended largely on irrigation, and traces of ancient canals are still to be seen in Babylonia.
Disputes about vestments had expanded into a controversy over the whole field of Church government and authority, and Parker died on the 17th of May, 1575, lamenting that Puritan ideas of "governance" would "in conclusion undo the queen and all others that depended upon her."
There is little doubt that the original lagoon population depended for its administration, as far as it had any, upon the larger cities of the mainland.
The most important industries were those that depended upon the forests, their product amounting to nearly 45% of the entire manufactured product of the state.
Conceived in the Hildebrandine spirit, his reforms led by a natural sequence to strained relations between Church and State; the equilibrium which he established was unstable, and depended too much upon his personal influence with the Conqueror.
Regnault confirmed Neumann's observations, and showed that the molecular heat depended on the number of atoms present, equiatomic compounds having the same molecular heat.
Although establishing certain general relations between atomic and molecular refractions, the results were somewhat vitiated by the inadequacy of the empirical function which he employed, since it was by no means a constant which depended only on the actual composition of the substance and was independent of its physical condition.
To Jaeger is due the determination of the topic parameters of certain haloid-derivatives, and, while showing that the morphotropic effects closely resemble those occasioned by methyl, he established the important fact that, in general, the crystal form depended upon the orientation of the substituents in the benzene complex.
In the early periods of their history the Greeks depended too much on their nets to capture game, and it was not until later times that they pursued their prey with dogs, and then not with greyhounds, which run by sight, but with beagles, the dwarf hound which is still very popular.
For transportation the North Saskatchewan is to some extent depended on for carrying freight by steamboats, but railways are widespread in the province.
Howles, who, employing a high tension alternating arc, showed that the effectiveness depended upon the temperature.
This latter manoeuvre depended, however, on his maintenance of Dresden, and to this end he sent the I.
In the same address he called attention to the conditions of the world's food supply, urging that with the low yield at present realized per acre the supply of wheat would within a comparatively short time cease to be equal to the demand caused by increasing population, and that since nitrogenous manures are essential for an increase in the yield, the hope of averting starvation, as regards those races for whom wheat is a staple food, depended on the ability of the chemist to find an artificial method for fixing the nitrogen of the air.
Livingston and Aaron Burr; and such Federalist control as there was from time to time after 1799 depended upon coalition with one or other of these groups.
Bahia, as capital of the Brazilian states, felt that its ascendancy depended upon the union with Portugal.
The answer to the first question, in effect, depended on that given by events to the second; and this was not long in declaring itself.
Trumbic on his part could not enter a purely Serbian Cabinet without prejudicing that freedom of choice of his compatriots in the Dual Monarchy, upon which the moral case of the Yugosla y s depended.
The growth of Wisbech depended on its position and episcopal patronage.
The importance of Crispi in Italian public life depended less upon the many reforms accomplished under his administrations than upon his intense patriotism, remarkable fibre, and capacity for administering to his fellow-countrymen the political tonic of which they stood in constant need.
He introduced a system which, so far as we know, was his own, though founded upon the Epicurean philosophical creed; on the practical side it conformed pretty closely to the Stoic rule of life, thus adapting itself to the leanings of the better stamp of Romans in the later times of the republic. According to Asclepiades all diseases depended upon alterations in the size, number, arrangement or movement of the "atoms," of which, according to the doctrine of Epicurus, the body consisted.
The normal condition or temperament of the body depended upon a proper mixture or proportion of the four elements - hot, cold, wet and dry.
The sensible properties and physical alterations of animal fluids and solids depended upon different proportions, movements and combinations of these particles.
Life depended upon a universally diffused ether, which animals breathe in from the atmosphere, and which is contained in all parts of the body.
The only chance of the invaders achieving their object after the first week of land fighting depended on their being joined by very substantial additional forces in a region where a belligerent fighting on the defensive in home territory, as the Osmanlis were, enjoyed marked strategical and tactical advantages.
But Cambon soon came to the conclusion that the security of France depended upon the triumph of the Mountain, and he did not hesitate to accord his active cooperation to the second committee.
But there is no evidence for his "cyclic date" of 2517 B.C., on which his system depended, and there is little doubt that the beginning of the historical period of Berossus is to be set, not in 2506 B.C., but in 2232 B.C. The two systems of Sayce,' that of Rogers,' the three systems of Winckler, 5 both those of Delitzsch, 6 and that of Maspero, 7 may be grouped together, for they are based on the same principle.
Totila's conquest of Italy was marked not only by celerity but also by mercy, and Gibbon says "none were deceived, either friends or enemies, who depended on his faith or his clemency."
Gaston Paris maintained that French versification was a natural development of popular Latin methods which depended on accent rather than quantity, and were as widely different from classical rules as the Low Latin was from the classical idiom.
Shibwan, on which the water-supply of their capital depended.
From the beginning the `Abbasids depended for help on Persians and Turks, and the chief offices of state were frequently filled with foreigners.
Poetry depended on patronage, and that was to be had now chiefly in the court of the caliph and the residences of his governors.
The gaiety of Vienna had for centuries depended on the brilliancy of its court, recruited from all parts of Europe, including the nobility of the whole empire, and on its musical, light-hearted and contented population.
But there was no domestic product nor manufacture; the kingdom depended solely upon the now precarious transit dues, and administration was in the hands of a major domus also called khakan.
Petersburg unattended, but also great lack of faith in the existing order, since, having discovered that through an irregularity his pay depended on the Privy Purse, he caused it to be charged to the Treasury as the first act of his tenure of office.
As early as the beginning of the 17th century Havana depended on this supply to furnish the fleets of royal ships which monopolized trade between Spain and America.
Meteoric observation has depended upon rough and hurried eye estimates in past years, but the importance of attaining greater accuracy by means of photography has been recognized.
This view depended principally on the fact that the life of the polypide and of the zooecium are not coextensive.
The chances of continued resistance in Ireland, which depended on communication with France, were finally destroyed by the great victory off Cape La Hogue (May 19th, 1692).
This theory, however, depended upon unverified assumptions, such as the supposed silence of theologians about the creed at the beginning of the 9th century; the suggestion that the completed creed would have been useful to them if they had known it as a weapon against the heresy of Adoptianism; the assertion that no MS. containing the complete text was of earlier date than c. 813.
Christ as man was one of the Elect (and their head); He needed grace; He depended upon the Holy Spirit.
Sir Isaac Newton, who depended for the perfecting of his lunar theory upon "places of the moon" reluctantly doled out from Greenwich, led the movement for immediate communication; whence arose much ill-feeling between him and Flamsteed.
No doubt it depended on the innate force and firmness' of a man's soul whether his reason was effectually exercised; but moral responsibility was saved if the vicious act proceeded from the man himself and not from any external cause.
Christianity inherited the notion of a written divine code acknowledged as such by the " true Israel " - now potentially including the whole of mankind, or at least the chosen of all nations, - on the sincere acceptance of which the Christian's share of the divine promises to Israel depended.
A system of feudal service-tenures (lala) is the institution on which their social and political fabric mainly depended.
The sick man, therefore, appeals to Shamash as the god who can be depended upon to help those who are suffering unjustly.
But until 354 B.C. it had never been more than a gratuity, of which the payment depended on the treasury having a surplus.
The Athenian tenure of the Thracian Chersonese partly depended for its security on the good-will of the Thracian prince Cersobleptes.
The landlord indeed had little choice, for his importance depended on the poll-book.
In 1845 the population had swelled to 8,295,061, the greater part of whom depended on the potato only.
A succession of wet summers told against all farmers, and in mountainous districts it was difficult to dry the turf on which the people depended for fuel.
The match had always been kept in view, but its completion depended greatly on the assurance Ferdinand and Isabella could feel of Henry's secure position upon the throne.
His popularity and private influence, however, were reasons enough for the court party to mark him for exile; he was not one of them, and could not be depended on.
The maritime supremacy of Athens was used for commercial purposes, and important members of the Peloponnesian confederacy, whose wealth depended largely on their commerce, notably Corinth, Megara, Sicyon and Epidaurus, were being slowly but relentlessly crushed.
The safety of the house of Austria depended on the attitude of France; for Austria could no longer harm her.
The predisposing causes of the Donatist schism were the belief, early introduced into the African church, that the validity of all sacerdotal acts depended upon the personal character of the agent, and the question, arising out of that belief, as to the eligibility for sacerdotal office of the traditores, or those who had delivered up their copies of the Scriptures under the compulsion of the Diocletian persecution; the exciting cause was the election of a successor to Mensurius, bishop of Carthage, who died in 311.
Encouraged by the flattering reception accorded to him, he ventured, in his Letters on the Solar Spots, printed at Rome in 1613, to take up a more decided position towards that doctrine on the establishment of which, as he avowed in a letter to Belisario Vinta, secretary to the grand-duke, "all his life and being henceforward depended."
Becquerel that the intensity of the effect depended on the thermoelectric power of the junction and was independent of its form or dimensions.
The Spaniard became the swordsman and executioner of the counter-Reformation, because the power of the House of Austria depended on the imposition of religious unity in Europe.
The revival of Spain depended on the restoration of her colonial and naval ascendancy at the expense of Great Britain, and for this the support of France was needed.
But the Family Compact, on which the French alliance depended, ceased to exist when Louis XVI.
For a century politics in Spain had been a game, played by professionals, between the ins and outs; victory or defeat at the polls depended less on any intelligent popular judgment on the questions at issue than on the passing interests of the wire-pullers and bosses (Caciques) who worked the electoral machinery.
Below it, to the south, are considerable remains of ancient reservoirs for rain-water, upon which the city entirely depended.
Bismarck depended for his position solely on the confidence of the king, and the necessity for defending himself against the attempts to destroy this confidence added greatly to the suspiciousness of his nature.
He showed also that the value of the former depended often both upon the intensity of the pressure and upon the length of time during which contact had lasted, both of which facts quite agree with what we should expect from our knowledge of the physical nature, already mentioned, of the causes of friction.
He had recognized that the good operation of a microscope objective depended essentially upon the size of the aperture, and he therefore endeavoured to produce systems with wide aperture and good correction.
The recent advance of fossil botany has depended in a very great degree on the study of petrified specimens with their structure preserved; so far, at least, as the older strata are concerned, it is, as a rule, only with the help of specimens showing structure that any safe conclusions as to the affinities of fossil plants can be arrived at.
Not without a struggle Henriette consented not only to the marriage, but to make her home with the young couple, whose housekeeping depended on the sum that she could contribute.
He refused the new position, was deprived of his chair, and henceforth depended solely upon his pen.
Depended on the king and the Oracle.
She clamped her mouth closed, watching him check Selyn's vitals with the urgency and diligence of a man whose life depended upon the results.
And you better believe he backed off—like his life depended on it.
The outcome depended on Bill Rice who unfortunately succumbed to defeat.
Most depended upon survey using the mariner's compass.
For them the success or failure of the Soviet Union depended on the working class of other countries successfully overthrowing capitalism.
That there are defects in the logical process as here outlined to account for the curious rite constitutes no valid objection to the theory advanced, for, in the first place, primitive logic in matters of belief is inherently defective and even contradictory, and, secondly, the strong desire to pierce the mysterious future, forming an impelling factor in all religions - even in the most advanced of our own day - would tend to obscure the weakness of any theory developed to explain a rite which represents merely one endeavour among many to divine the intention and plans of the gods, upon the knowledge of which so much of man's happiness and welfare depended.
Consequently it was needful to secure his favour, and in order to gain this, gifts were made to him by the local resident population who depended on the produce of the land (see Baal, especially ad init.).
He points out that under this benevolent despotism, though men might be happy, their happiness was unstable, because it depended on the character of a single man; and the highest praise he can give to those virtuous princes is that they " deserved the honour of restoring the republic, had the Romans of their days been capable of a rational freedom."
As was written of him in The Times after his death, "his personal character carried immense weight, but his great position depended still more on the universally recognized fact that his belief in Christian truth and his defence of it were supported by learning as solid and comprehensive as could be found anywhere in Europe, and by a temper not only of the utmost candour but of the highest scientific capacity.
Many of the local maps, too, were excellent specimens of cartography, but when we follow any cartographer of the period into regions the successful delineation of which depended upon an intelligent interpretation of itineraries, and of information collected by recent travellers, they are generally found to fail utterly.
The prosperity of Lower Egypt, and almost the very subsistence of its inhabitants, depended upon the annual overflowing of the Nile; and they looked for it with the utmost anxiety.
Suffice it to say here that the land belonged to the tribes, and that the success of Patrick's undertaking depended 'entirely on his ability to gain the goodwill of the tribal kings and chiefs of clans.
Indeed it may be safely said that Gustavus III., during the last six years of his reign, mainly depended upon Wallqvist and his clerical colleague, Carl Gustaf Nordin, who were patriotic enough to subordinate even their private enmity to the royal service.
Thus the peace of Szatmar assured to the Hungarian nation all that it had won by former compacts with the Habsburgs; but whereas hitherto the Transylvanian principality had been the permanent guardian of all such compacts, and the authority of the reigning house had been counterpoised by the Turk, the effect and validity of the peace of Szatmar depended entirely upon the support it might derive from the nation itself.
Third, and worst of all, he had prefixed a preface to the sixth volume, in which he went out of his way to rouse the enmity of the men on whom depended his annual re-election to the post of examiner for the Polytechnic school.
Both sides sent embassies to the emperor at Constantinople, as both saw the importance of gaining the recognition and support of the East, for on this practically depended the victory in the struggle between papacy and council for the supreme jurisdiction over the church (see CouNcILs).
The government of Sir John Macdonald felt, however, that the future of the Dominion depended upon linking together the Atlantic and the Pacific, and in view of the vast unoccupied spaces lying between the Great Lakes and the Rocky Mountains, open to immigration from the United States, their audacity in undertaking the work was doubtless justified.
Thus was proclaimed the identity of the Slav and the conservative points of view; the radical "Illyrian " assembly had done its work, and on the 9th of July Jellachich, while declaring it " permanent," prorogued it indefinitely " with a paternal greeting," on the ground that the safety of the Fatherland depended now " more upon physical than upon moral force."
The success of Seneca's own management of Nero largely depended on his being able gradually to emancipate the emperor from his mother's control.
For this he was violently attacked in the German parliament by the extreme Radicals; but on this and other occasions (he had himself been elected to the parliament) he defended moderate and constitutional principles, all the more effectively because he depended not on eloquence but on a recognition of what has been called the "irony of facts"- to which the parliament as a whole was so blind.
In championing the cause of imperial fiscal union, by means involving the abandonment of a system of taxation which had become part of British orthodoxy, he followed the guidance of a profound conviction that the stability of the empire and the very existence of the hegemony of the United Kingdom depended upon the conversion of public opinion to a revision of the current economic doctrine.
Much depended on Rostov's winning or losing on that seven of hearts.
She could not help loving the countess and the whole Rostov family, but neither could she help loving Nicholas and knowing that his happiness depended on that love.
Nothing outside himself had any significance for him, because everything in the world, it seemed to him, depended entirely on his will.
Everything depended on whether he was, or was not, in time to lock it.
It encouraged a slackening of tempo in delivering the action on which the assessment of remote risk actually depended.
These strong reflections depended on the spacing of the planes of atoms inside the crystal, according to his son Bragg 's Law.
Talabani said an independent Iraqi uprising against Saddam depended on an unlikely alliance among the country 's different ethnic, political and religious groups.
His vindication of the rights of property depended on the belief that men had " mixed their labor " with it.
If Moses had depended only upon the wisdom of the Egyptians, he would have produced a rather clumsy account of Creation.
Beth spoke adamantly, as if her life depended upon it.
When your toddler was just a baby, he depended upon you to feed him and take care of all his basic needs.
Older generations depended on intricate lace patterns to serve as a class distinction as well as provide certain garments with womanly inspiration.
When fruit is borne freely it has attractions, but fruit cannot be depended upon in this country.
No doubt individual taste will vary, but these may be depended on.
Old-fashioned corsets depended on materials like steel and whalebone to make a woman's waist appear incredibly tiny, but they often did so at the risk of a woman's health!
Whether a tribe performed harvest-protecting dances to encourage rainfall or sunlight also depended on where the tribe was located.
When this powerful oracle was first used, people threw three yarrow stalks and the prediction depended on the pattern formed once they fell.
With a high profile job as a Hollywood actress, her career depended on her ability to lose the weight quickly after her son Ryder was born.
If you knew your professional livelihood depended on your ability to slim down to your pre-baby weight as fast as possible, you'd be dieting like your life depended on it.
The bulk of these were most likely fishermen and others whose livelihoods depended on the local waters, as well as sailors.
Creating an unwelcoming campaign giving atmosphere - While you may have depended on eight $250,000 donors in the past to be your campaign's base, times have changed.
More than a century ago when sailors depended upon the heavens for navigation through rough seas, they adopted the nautical star as a sign of belief in the North Star's ability to lead them safely home.
In years gone by, the successful selling of handcrafted items depended on word of mouth and finding an outlet for your wares.
This uncontrolled element makes results less dependable as research depended on participants word regarding what they ate.
Sell your idea like your future depended on it.
Both now tell of how they depended on their parents to help them overcome their natural teenage tendencies to be interested in romantic relationships and remain on a path more in line with their religious beliefs.
Through a series of misunderstandings and misadventures, the group of actors find themselves on an actual starship in outer space, reprising their roles as if their lives depended on it - because indeed they do.
One's social life depended on catching the weekly episode of Star Trek, because it would be continually rehashed in school the next day.
That's because it depended on the state that raised the regiment in the first place.
The variations depended on rank and regiment.
The color of the lining depended on the branch of service.
But, though a Whig, alike by descent, by education and by conviction, Ashley could by no means be depended on to give a party vote; he was always ready to support any propositions, from whatever quarter they came, that appeared to him to promote the liberty of the subject and the independence of parliament.
As the revenues of Bhutan mainly depended on these Dwars, the British government, in return for these concessions, undertook to pay the Deb and Dharm rajas annually, subject to the condition of their continued good behaviour, an allowance beginning at £ 2500 and rising gradually to the present figure.
In contrast to the great French actress she avoided all "make-up"; her art depended on intense naturalness rather than stage effect, sympathetic force and poignant intellectuality rather than the theatrical emotionalism of the French tradition.
Although there was no lack of hard fighting, victory in this war depended largely on the work of the engineer.
The government on which Machiavelli depended had fallen, never to rise again.
That whatever he did was done for the service of God, that success or failure depended on the inscrutable will of the Almighty and not on himself, were his guiding convictions, which he transmitted to his successors.
Some of the earlier sinkings of this kind, when pumps had to be depended on for keeping down the water, were conducted at great cost, as, for instance, at South Hetton, and more recently Ryhope, near Sunderland, through the magnesian limestone of Durham.
The subjects of didactic epics were very numerous; they seem to have depended on the special knowledge possessed by the writers, who used verse as a form for unfolding their information.
This machine depended simply on the pressure of water acting directly in a cylinder on a piston, which was connected with suitable multiplying gear.
It is necessary to realize Gaza's position and its links with trading centres, since conditions in the comparatively small and halfdesert land of Judah depended essentially upon its relations with the Edomites and Arabian tribes on the south-east and with the Philistines on the west.
Much depended on whether Ney would grasp the full purport of his orders; in a similar case at Bautzen he had failed to do so, and he failed as badly now.
Tisserand in 1895.1 It involved the action of no third mass, but depended solely upon the progression of the line of apsides in a moderately elliptical orbit due to the spheroidal shape of the globes traversing it.
Here he soon became a good workman, developed a passion for politics and especially for political statistics, came to be depended upon for more or less of the editing of the paper, and was a figure in the village debating society.
They regarded it as their principal task to bring about a compromise between the nationalities, and this again depended on the outcome of the GermanCzech negotiations which were always being started afresh.
This in part depended on national factors, which became more clearly visible as the situation of the Central Powers became more and more unfavourable, but it was in part due simply to the exhaustion due to economic need.
The Babylonians suspended male clusters from wild dates over the females; but they seem to have supposed that the fertility thus produced depended on the presence of small flies among the wild flowers, which, by entering the female flowers, caused them to set and ripen.
Moreover, the Septembriseurs- Robespierre, Danton, Marat and their lesser satellites - realized that not only their influence but their safety depended on keeping the Revolution alive.
That they had a large measure of authority of course goes without saying, but it depended always upon their brethren's recognition of their possession of the divine gift of apostleship, and the right of Churches or individuals to test their claims and to refuse to listen to them if they did not vindicate their divine call was everywhere recognized.
Indeed, from first to last, the Polish gentry as a body took good care to pay and fight as little as possible, and Casimir depended for the most part upon the liberality of the Church and the Prussian towns, and the valour of the Hussite infantry, 17c,000 of whom, fighting on both sides, are said to have perished.
In the centre, the valleys of the Ohio, the Cumberland and the Tennessee were the battle-ground of large armies attacking and defending the south and south-eastern states of the Confederacy, while on and beyond the great waterway of the Mississippi was carried on the struggle for those interests, vital to either party, which depended on the mighty river and its affluents.
The common soldiers were promoted for acts of daring, and the children of chiefs were regularly trained to war, and initiated by being sent into battle with veterans, with whose aid the youth took his first prisoner, but his future rise depended on how many captives he took unaided in fight with warlike enemies; by such feats he gained the dignity of wearing coloured blankets, tassels and lip-jewels, and reached such military titles as that of " guiding eagle."
The Mexican calendar depended on the combination of numbers with picture-signs, of which the four principal were the rabbit, reed, flint,, house - tochtli, acatl, tecpatl, calli.
Marriages depended much, as they marriages.
His suspicion suggested to him that, if his own brother failed him, the loyalty of the great nobles, especially the members of the ancient Sture family, who had been notable in Sweden when the Vasas were unknown, could not be depended upon.
But this effect of participation in the bread and cup was not in Paul's opinion automatic, was no mere o, ', us operatum; it depended on the ethical co-operation of the believer, who must not eat and drink unworthily, that is, after refusing to share his meats with the poorer brethren, or with any other guilt in his soul.
Influenced by somewhat similar motives, fearing from the advance of civilization the destruction of the buffalo, on which they chiefly depended for food, robes Y Y P ?
In 1903 an agreement was reached by which the question of this boundary, which depended on the interpretation put upon the treaty of 1825 between Russia and England, should be submitted to a commission consisting of " six impartial jurists of repute," three British and three American.
The number of days receiving their denomination from the Calends depended on the number of days in the month and the day on which the Ides fell.
For many years after its foundation it depended entirely upon the traffic of the canal, being the chief coaling station of all ships passing through and becoming the largest coaling station in the world.
But the parcels, examined by an expert, contained no trace of organic remains, proving how much the Egyptians depended on magic imitations and make-believe.
Villele's successor was the vicomte de Martignac, who took Decazes for his model; and in the speech from the throne Charles declared that the happiness of France depended on "the sincere union of the royal authority with the liberties consecrated by the charter."
The length of time during which France was to be occupied by the allies practically depended upon Wellington's judgment.
Up to the year 1718 England depended on the thrown silks of Europe for manufacturing purposes.
Hitherto he had had to reckon with obstacles more powerful than those which were now left for him to conquer, and, what was more, with the fact that his authority depended upon the will of others.
Besides investigating other phenomena connected with a vacuum, he constructed an electrical machine which depended on the excitation of a rotating ball of sulphur; and he made successful researches in astronomy, predicting the periodicity of the return of comets.
Hardy, who found that certain colloids did possess electric charges, the sign of which depended on whether the surrounding liquid was slightly acid or slightly alkaline.
The two churches of Iberia and Albania at first depended on the Armenian for ordination of their primates or catholici, and in large part owed their first constitution to Armenian missionaries sent by Gregory the Illuminator.
The first successful idea of using electricity depended on the enormous heating powers of the arc. The infusibility of alumina was no longer prohibitive, for the molten oxide is easily reduced by carbon.
It will have been gathered from what has been said that seeds cannot always be depended on to reproduce exactly the characteristics of the plant which yielded them; for instance, seeds of the greengage plum or of the Ribston pippin will produce a plum or an apple, but not these particular varieties, to perpetuate which grafts or buds must be employed.
Prussia, however, refused to approve of any coup d'etat; the parliament, chastened by the consciousness that its life depended on the goodwill of the king, moderated its tone; and Maximilian ruled till his death as a model constitutional monarch.
The far-sighted stadholder, despite popular opposition, by his powerful personal influence induced the States-General to grant the naval aid, and thus obtain the French alliance on which the safety of the republic depended.
Hume naturally expected that the world would see as clearly as he did the connexion between the concrete problems agitating contemporary thought and the abstract principles on which their solution depended.
Although Moab and Ammon were "brothers," their history was usually associated with that of Judah and Israel respectively, and naturally depended to a considerable extent upon these two and their mutual relations.
The financial position of the crown was the most important of all the problems demanding solution, for upon that everything else depended.
On Gambetta the influence of Leonie was absorbing, both as lover and as politician, and the correspondence which has been published shows how much he depended upon her.
The chief difficulty, as usual, was the determination of the gradient, which depended on a difference of potential of the order of 20 microvolts between two junctions inserted in small holes 2 cms. apart in a bar 1 .
If the effects depended merely on the velocity of translation of the molecules, both conductivity and viscosity should increase directly as the square root of the absolute temperature; but the mean free path also varies in a manner which cannot be predicted by theory and which appears to be different for different gases (Rayleigh, Proc. R.S., January 1896).
The lord lieutenant and his chief secretary continued to be appointed by the English ministers; their tenure of office depended on the vicissitudes of English, not Irish, party politics; the royal prerogative was exercised in Ireland on the advice of English ministers.
The dogmas of Epicurus became to his followers a creed embodying the truths on which salvation depended; and they passed on from one generation to another with scarcely a change or addition.
All now depended on the attitude of Austria; and this was for some time doubtful.
Much depended on the success of these experiments.
Everything now depended on the attitude of Prussia, and on the 22nd her decision was received.
The attitude of Napoleon was dubious; the active alliance of Italy was necessary to the certainty of Prussian success; and the policy of Italy depended ultimately upon that of France.
Had the completion of unity depended wholly on internal causes, it certainly would not have lieen soon achieved; but other forces, not altogether unexpectedly, came to Bislnarcks aid.
It was on their support that Bismarck depended in building up the institutions of the empire.
It naturally falls into two periods; the first, which ends in 1878, is that in which Bismarck depended on- the support of the National Liberals.
The condition of parties was such that Bismarck could not hope to win a majority for his schemes, especially as he could not obtain the monopoly on tobacco on which he depended to cover the expense.
The persecution of the Poles in Prussia naturally iroused indignation in Austria, where the Poles had for long been among the strongest elements on which the government depended; and it was not always easy to prevent the agitation on behalf of the Germans in Bohemia from assuming a dangerous aspect.
The ruling idea of this new WeltPolitik was that Germany could no longer remain merely a continental power; owing to the growth of population she depended for subsistence on trade and exports; she could not maintain herself amid the rivalry of nations unless the government was able actively to support German traders in all parts of the world.
Carpenter and others pointed out, however, that the phenomena obviously depended upon the expectation of the sitters, and could be stopped altogether by appropriate suggestion.
Upon the fortunes of war in the peninsula depended the ultimate issue of the revolutions so far as Austria was concerned.
The fate of the Habsburg empire depended upon the issue of the campaign in Italy, which would have been lost by the withdrawal of the Magyar and Croatian regiments; and the Hungarian government chose this critical moment to tamper with the relations of the army to the monarchy.
Since that time it has been the foundation on which the policy of Austria-Hungary has depended, and it has survived all dangers arising either from commercial differences (as between 1880 and 1890) or national discord.
Meanwhile it was necessary for the government to do something for the Czechs and the other Sla y s, on whose support they depended for their majority.
This was not the result of any law, but depended on administrative regulations of the government service; it was practically necessary in remote districts, such as Galicia and Bukovina, where few of the population understood German.
The Czechs refrained from obstruction, for they did not wish to forfeit the alliance with the Poles and Conservatives, on which their parliamentary strength depended, and the Germans used the opportunity to pass measures for promoting the material prosperity of the country, especially for an important system of canals which would bring additional prosperity to the coal-fields and manufactures of Bohemia.
From this time onwards he seems to have depended chiefly on the bounty of his pupil Willughby, who made Ray his constant companion while he lived, and at his death left him 60 a year, with the charge of educating his two sons.
But Ray's influence and reputation have depended largely upon his two books entitled The Wisdom of God manifested in the Works of the Creation (1691), and Miscellaneous Discourses concerning the Dissolution and Changes of the World (1692).
Not long ago the supposed meaning of these was extracted chiefly by brilliant guessing, and the published translations of even the best scholars could carry no guarantee of more than approximate exactitude, where the sense depended at all on correct recognition of the syntax.
On Egypt Rome depended for its supplies of corn; entrenched there, a revolting general would be difficult to attack, and by simply holding back the grain ships could threaten.
His naval superiority wrested from the Greeks the command of the sea, on which the fate of the insurrection ultimately depended, while on land the Greek irregular bands were everywhere routed by Ibrahims disciplined troops.
The authority of the khedive and the maintenance of law and order now depended absolutely on the British forces left in occupation.
Yet, after all, the prospects of the burgesses depended mainly on economic conditions; and in this respect there was a decided improvement, due to the increasing importance of money and commerce all over Europe, especially as the steady decline of the Hanse towns immediately benefited the trade of Denmark-Norway; Norway by this time being completely merged in the Danish state, and ruled from Copenhagen.
Much depended on the character and personality of the young prince who had now taken into his hands the reins of government, and for half a century was to guide the destinies of the nation.
Reactionary as the measure was it enabled the agricultural interest, on which the prosperity of Denmark mainly depended, to tide over one of the most dangerous crises in its history; but certainly the position of the Danish peasantry was never worse than during the reign of the religious and benevolent Christian VI.
It should be noticed that clocks, on which Tycho Brahe depended very little, were used at Cassel for finding the difference of right ascension between Venus and the sun before sunset; Tycho preferred observing the angular distance between the sun and Venus when the latter was visible in the daytime.
At the conference of Calais in 1521 English influence reached its zenith; but the alliance with Charles destroyed the balance on which that influence depended.
At all events, the conferring of the title by a pope was entirely unprecedented; previously its validity had depended on the emperor solely.
On the extension of the railway to the lake depended the development of a large area suitable for cotton.
Its stability and the necessary furtherance of commerce, usual among Oriental kings, depended upon the attitude of the maritime coast (Philistia and Phoenicia), Edom, Moab, Ammon, Gilead and the Syrian states; and the biblical and external records for the next four centuries (to 586) frequently illustrate situations growing out of this interrelation.
But science and free thought then, as now, in Islam, depended almost solely on the tastes of the wealthy and the favour of the monarch.
The number of subsequent deaths from yellow fever has depended solely on the degree to which the necessary precautionary measures were taken.
In short, Abdur Rahman's reign produced an important political revolution, or reformation, in Afghanistan, which rose from the condition of a country distracted by chronic civil wars, under rulers whose authority depended upon their power to hold down or conciliate fierce and semi-independent tribes in the outlying parts of the dominion, to the rank of a formidable military state governed autocratically.
Themselves of necessity stylists, because their professional success largely depended upon skilful and effective exposition, the sophists both of culture and of rhetoric were professedly teachers of the rules of grammar and the principles of written and spoken discourse.
Husbandry depended on the periodical rains; and forecasts of the weather, with a view to " make adequate provision against a coming deficiency," formed a special duty of the Brahmans.
Ever since the nawab wazir, Shuja-ud-Dowlah, received back his forfeited territories from the hands of Lord Clive in 1765, the very existence of Oudh as an independent state had depended only upon the protection of British bayonets.
Not the least of these burdens were the personal and irregular drafts of some of the executives upon the treasury and revenue officers, particularly the custom-house of this port, upon which the republic depended for the major part of its revenue.
It depended on status, fixed by religious faith.
The Water Equivalent Of The Calorimeter Was About 85 Grammes, And Was Determined By Varying The Quantity Of Water From 140 To 260 Or 280 Grammes, So That The Final Results Depended On A Difference In The Weight Of Water Of 120 To 140 Grammes.
Penal codes depended rather upon shorter and more cruel methods; the scaffold was in constant use, with all manner of physical pain, torture before and after sentence, shameful exposure, hideous mutilation, exile, selling into bondage as slaves.
Being a Tamimite, he belonged to the Moelar, on whom the government in Khorasan depended; but he aided the Yemenites to gain the upper hand of them.
In view of the.great difference in the legal position of the free man and of the villein in feudal common law, it became very important to define the exact nature of the conditions on which the status of a villein depended.
Even in Hamilton's earlier work it was shown that all such questions were reducible to the solution of linear equations in quaternions; and he proved that this, in turn, depended on the determination of a certain operator, which could be represented for purposes of calculation by a single symbol.
Their influence in the foreign relations of the country was likewise great, it being in their interest to keep up friendly relations with England, on whose wool the flourishing state of the staple industry of Flanders depended.
They were the guardianspirits of men and families, and stories are told of the way in which human life depended upon the safety of the reptile.'2 As a chthonic animal the serpent has often been regarded as an embodiment of the soul of the dead.
Everything depended on the attitude of the emperor Nicholas.
For the safety of his route to the new positions assigned to his army depended now on the ability of the left wing of the worn-out II.
Up to the year 1857 the fame of Guicciardini as a writer, and the estimation of him as a man, depended almost entirely upon the History of Italy, and on a few ill-edited extracts from his aphorisms. At that date his representatives, the counts Piero and Luigi Guicciardini, opened their family archives, and cornmitted to Signor Giuseppe Canestrini the publication of his hitherto inedited MSS.
His contention was that its preservation depended on the recognition of the rights guaranteed to the states by the Constitution, and that aggression by one section could only end in disruption.
The apparatus he employed was devised by the Rev. John Michell, though he had the most important parts reconstructed to his own designs; it depended on measuring the attraction exercised on a horizontal bar, suspended by a vertical wire and bearing a small lead ball at each end, by two large masses of lead.
His purpose was to defend what may be called a humanist position in moral philosophy; that is, to show that morality was not an affair of mysterious innate principles, or abstract relations, or supernatural sanctions, but depended on the familiar conditions of personal and social welfare.
The linen manufacture by degrees ceased to be a domestic industry, and began to centre in and become the characteristic factory employment of special localities, which depended, however, for their supply of raw material primarily on the operations of small growers, working, for the most part, on the poorer districts of remote thinly populated countries.
To have retreated would have meant the ruin of her Baltic trade, upon which the national prosperity so much depended.
But now, when everything depended on a concentration of forces, Charles's imprudent assumption of the title of " King of the Lapps of Nordland," which people properly belonged to the Danish Crown, involved him in another war with Denmark, a war known in Scandinavian history as the war of Kalmar because the Swedish fortress of Kalmar was the chief theatre of hostilities.
Everything depended upon the policy of the next few years.
O'Higgins was named director-general of Chile, while San Martin, realizing that the independence of each colony depended on the Spanish being expelled from the whole of South America, set about preparing an invasion of Peru.
In spite of this, however, the rise of the Arsacid Empire marks the beginning of a reaction against Hellenismnot, indeed, a conscious or official reaction, but a reaction which was Reaction all the more effective because it depended on the impetus against of circumstances working with all the power of a natural ilelienism.
In order to obtain servile parliaments and also obsequious juries, who with the co-operation of judges of the stamp of Jeffreys could be depended upon to carry out the wishes of the court, the borough charters were confiscated, the charter of the city of London being forfeited on the 12th of June 1683.
On this point Plateau's explanations are not very clear, and he sometimes expresses himself as if the time of disintegration depended only upon the capillary tension, without reference to initial disturbances at all.
It depended for its prosperity upon the export of wheat, fish and slaves, and this commerce supported a class whose wealth and vulgarity are exemplified by the contents of the numerous tombs to which reference has been made.
The sustaining of the whole, therefore, depended upon the speed at which it travelled through the air, and the angle at which its under surface impinged on the air in its front....
They depended mainly on the utilization of natural air currents, trusting for stability and balance to movements in their own bodies, or in portions of their machines which they could control.
The machine was furnished with two wheels and vertical supports which depended from the anterior parts of the aeroplanes and supported it when it touched the ground FIG.
Thus his refusal to sacrifice Polish to Lithuanian or Lithuanian to Polish interests caused both Poles and Lithuanians to accuse the f ar-seeing monarch of partiality and favouritism; while his anti-German policy, on which the future safety of the dual state depended, could only be carried through by the most humiliating concessions to patrician pride and greed.
His discussion of curves of the third order turned mainly on the nature of their asymptotes, and depended on the fact that the equation to every such curve can be put into the form pqr-hus = o.
In cases in which the lateral rigidity of the floors is depended upon to transfer the horizontal strains to the exterior walls which are framed to resist them, no form of floor construction should be used which is not laterally strong and rigid.
Frederick Slare noticed that the luminosity increased when the air was rarefied, an observation confirmed by Hawksbee and Homberg, and which was possibly the basis of Berzelius's theory that the luminosity depended on the volatility of the element and not on the presence of oxygen.
The church was Orthodox Oriental, and depended from the patriarch of Ochrida.
He was not indeed a parish pastor; he inspired church activities which grew to large proportions, but trusted the organization of them to laymen of organizing abilities in the church; and for acquaintance with his people he depended on such social occasions as were furnished in the free atmosphere of this essentially New England church at the close of every service.
Yet it cannot be too constantly urged that such filtration depends for its comparative perfection upon the surface film; that this surface film is not present when the filter is new, or when its materials have been recently washed; that it may be, and very often is, punctured by the actual working of the filters, or for the purpose of increasing their discharge; and that at the best it must be regarded as an exceedingly thin line of defence, not to be depended upon as a safeguard against highly polluted waters, if a purer source of supply can possibly be found.
It depended on the individual how long he would wait for initiation.
The Brehonship was not an office of state like that of the modern judge, but a profession in which success depended upon ability and judgment.
Which method was pursued depended partly upon the facts of the case and partly upon the respective ranks of the parties.
Thus in the chapterhouse of a monastery there constantly took place acts of discipline that depended on the theory that the sin of the individual is the concern of the society; open confession was made, open penance exacted.
In the early 'eighties the organization of creameries and cheese factories began in the county-seats; they depended upon gathered cream.
The English nation began to have some conception of a rgime of fixed custom, in which its rights depended on some other source than the sovereigns personal caprice.
It was plain beyond the possibility of doubt that the future depended on the course which the Irish Nationalists might adopt.
But it was noticed that the majority depended on Scottish, Irish and Welsh votes, and that Englandthe predominant partner, as it was subsequently called by Lord Roseberyreturned a majority of members pledged to resist any attempt to dissolve the union between the three kingdoms.
The idea held up to about 1890 was that the illuminating value depended upon the amount of ethylene present.
The outcome depended on Bill Rice who unfortunately succumbed to a straight set defeat.
Could it grow strong enough to make her forget about those who depended on her?
And you better believe he backed off—like his life depended on it.
Only now was he beginning to understand that her staying depended less on duty and honor and more on him.
It was probably safe to say the rest of his life depended heavily on how he handled things from this point on.
The mining industry on which the town formerly depended is extinct, but the district is agricultural and dairy farming is carried on, while the town has flour mills, tanneries and iron foundries.
They were men who made the laws, and much depended upon their wisdom.
What she had left of her dignity depended upon it.
Examining only those expressions of the will of historical persons which, as commands, were related to events, historians have assumed that the events depended on those commands.