Dependant Sentence Examples
His father, William Rolle, was perhaps a dependant of the Neville family.
This is ideal for athletic wear, which is not dependant upon fashion trends.
Your dependant children through the age of 24 can be covered on the same health plan.
Insulin dependant diabetes mellitus These patients are not suitable patients to be treated using general anesthesia in an outpatient environment.
The manor was formerly dependant on the barony of Linstock or Crosby; but the land is now all enfranchised.
A dependant economy designed to reduce the indigenous population to perpetual servitude soon developed.
This duty is dependant on what it is reasonable for the employer to do in the circumstances.
Dependant on level of the shoreline they colonize, they need also to be tolerant to desiccation when uncovered by the tide.
Choosing the right dehumidifier is dependant on many factors.
Custom bedding for your cat runs the design gamut, so the bed you'll eventually select is dependant on your cat's specific needs.
AdvertisementIt is not the same as alimony, which is a payment that is intended to compensate someone who was economically dependant upon his/her spouse for the majority of the marriage.
They become dependant on caffeine to stay alert during the day and find it hard to relax at night because of their excessive caffeine consumption.
Just like any drug addiction, the body becomes dependant on the substance.
This life span, of course, is dependant upon how well the lights are cared for and the climactic conditions of your area.
Office dress codes are dependant on your employer and their specific requirements.
AdvertisementThe concept of yin and yang is based on the Chinese philosophies that opposite energies are actually dependant upon and connected to, one another.
Board shorts are not dependant on an elastic waistband.
Just like the choice of a five-stone ring, the selection of a diamond shape is largely dependant on your own personal preferences.
The spouses and dependant children of service members can purchase a VGLI insurance policy.
Every contestant also receives a stipend, dependant on how long he or she remains in the game.
AdvertisementPoland was to be dependent on her despoilers, but they evidently meant to make her a serviceable dependant.
The South American Brazil nut tree is dependant on carpenter bees for its pollination.
Three teams are promoted and three teams demoted from each division each year dependant on the final placings within the division.
I work with Drug dependant people who are either trying to quit the habit, trying to stay off drugs.
The grouping separator as well as the size of each group is locale dependant and is determined by sub-classes of NumberFormat.
AdvertisementUse 12 - 14 quarters of lemon slices dependant upon size of squares to be cut once baked.
Some units have promoted Day case tonsillectomy, but its use is dependant upon favorable population characteristics.
There is also an opportunity to view the snowy summit, weather dependant.
You can drink beer until you puke your guts out to compete for the title of Insanely Dependant Alcoholic, or use the screen blurring effects this creates to add extra difficulty to your next battle.
The rate constant k is also dependant on temperature.
Choosing the right smartphone will be dependant upon your individual needs, your current computer operating system and the applications you require for your day to day tasks.
If your child will continue to be dependant after age 18 or 19, you may return to court and formally request that the court issue an order to continue child support payments.
The food stamp income requirements are based on the federal poverty level, but deductions are allowed for expenses such as dependant care, legally-owed child support payments, and medical care for people who are elderly or disabled.
Alcohol rehab is a process where an alcohol dependant person restores his/her physiological, psychological and mental equilibrium by participation in a structured and professionally monitored program.
Esther, daughter of a merchant named Edward Johnson, a dependant, and legatee to a small amount, of Sir William Temple's (born in March 1680), whose acquaintance he had made at Moor Park in 1689, and whom he has immortalized as "Stella," came over with her companion Rebecca Dingley, a poor relative of the Temple family, and was soon permanently domiciled in his neighbourhood.
A synod of Africa was formed, before which Caecilian was summoned; his consecration was declared invalid, on the ground that Felix had been a traditor; and finally, having refused to obey the summons to appear, he was excommunicated, and the lector Majorinus, a dependant of Lucilla's, consecrated in his stead.
At thirty, still a dependant, without a settled occupation, without a definite social status, he often regretted that he had not " embraced the lucrative pursuits of the law or of trade, the chances of civil office or India adventure, or even the fat slumbers of the church."