Departure Sentence Examples
But after Bennigsen's departure, the Grand Duke Tsarevich Constantine Pavlovich joined the army.
They too beat a hasty departure for the downstairs.
He failed to acknowledge my departure as I returned to our room.
Actually, I was considering a departure from my usual costume.
This new departure she lost no time in proclaiming to the world.
Yet the new departure then made did not lead far.
But the countess' health obliged them to delay their departure from day to day.
According to Suidas, Plato, on his departure for Sicily, left his pupils in charge of Heraclides.
And I'm gone too; again, not in my usual way of departure.
He raised the topic as much to take Cynthia's mind off Martha's departure as from any serious concern about the old man.
AdvertisementNejef is also the point of departure from which Persian pilgrims start on the journey to Mecca.
He thus initiated what was known as the "New Departure" Democratic movement.
There is here little departure from the well-trodden paths of Europe.
During the 18th century, a departure was made from these strict canons.
Latest of all to acknowledge the impulse of the new departure have been the potters of Kaga.
AdvertisementHis speech on their departure was uncompromisingly Italian and Liberal.
Subsequent to their departure he had opened up relations with the British agent at Zanzibar.
Near it an obelisk commemorates the departure of George IV.
On Pandulf's departure the pope was induced to promise that no other legate should be appointed in the lifetime of Archbishop Stephen Langton.
In Italy, by a departure from the traditional policy of the Roman Church, the newly formed "Pious Society of St Jerome for the Dissemination of the Holy Gospels" issued in 1901 from the Vatican press a new Italian version of the Four Gospels and Acts.
AdvertisementAnother defect in the evidence of coins is that, when one variety of the unit of weight was once fixed on for the coinage, there was (barring the depreciation) no departure from it, because of the need of a fixed value, and hence coins do not show the range and character of the real variations of units as do buildings, or vases, or the actual commercial weights.
The social war (90-89 B.C.) had been brought to a close by the enfranchisement of Rome's Italian subjects; and the civil war which followed it led, after the departure of Sulla for the East, to the temporary triumph of the populares, led by Marius and Cinna, and the indiscriminate massacre of their political opponents, including both of Caesar's uncles.
The translation of these Gospels as well as of the Epistles referred to above is stiff and awkward, the translator being evidently afraid of any departure from the Latin text of his original.
Soon after the king's departure for the Holy Land it became known that he had designated his nephew, the young Arthur of Brittany, as his successor.
It might be assumed that the Israelites (or at least those who had not remained behind in Palestine) effected their departure at a somewhat later date, and in the time of Mineptah's successor, Seti II., there is an Egyptian report of the pursuit of some fugitive slaves over the eastern frontier.
AdvertisementAs a point of departure for the history of the development of Gnosticism may be taken the numerous little sects which were apparently first included under the name of " Gnostics " in the narrower sense.
The natives cheerfully accepted this new departure in British policy, and from this time forward Khama's country was known as the British protectorate of Bechuanaland.
Previous to his departure for England, Henry bestowed the government on Hugh de Lacy, having granted by charter "to his subjects of Bristol his city of Dublin to inhabit, and to hold of him and his heirs for ever, with all the liberties and free customs which his subjects of Bristol then enjoyed at Bristol and through all England."
On his departure from Norway in 1000, the king commissioned him to proclaim Christianity in Greenland.
This passion finds its clearest expression in the Latin poems. Faustine was guarded by an old and jealous husband, and du Bellay's eventual conquest may have had something to do with his departure for Paris at the end of August 1557.
The self-contradictory character of the present world forms the point of departure for Mani's speculations.
The departure of the Ordovician life from that of the Cambrian was perhaps most pronounced in the great development of the molluscs and crinoids (including cystoids), but corals were also abundant for the first time, and graptolites came into prominence.
A similar plan, differing in some details, was subsequently introduced in the city of Des Moines, in Iowa; and the success which has attended this new departure in both cities has led to its adoption in many others, especially, but not exclusively,in the Western states.
After the departure of Agamemnon to the Trojan war, Aegisthus seduced his wife Clytaemnestra (more correctly Clytaemestra) and with her assistance slew him on his return.
The size and character of this house, probably, at the time of its erection, the most spacious house of a subject in the kingdom, not a castle, bespeaks the wide departure of the Cistercian order from the stern simplicity of the original foundation.
A new departure, however, was made by Willebrord Snell of Leiden in his Cyclometria, published in 1621.
On the landing of Pyrrhus in Italy (281 B.C.) they were among the first to declare in his favour, and found themselves exposed to the resentment of Rome when the departure of Pyrrhus left his allies at the mercy of the Romans.
On Lord Ripon's departure from India in November 1884 there were extraordinary manifestations in his favour on the part of the Hindu population of Bengal and Bombay, and more than a thousand addresses were presented to him.
He rejected the Platonic hypothesis of forms, and affirmed that they are not separate but common, without however as yet having advanced to a constructive metaphysics of his own; while at the same time, after having at first adopted his master's dialectical treatment of metaphysical problems, he soon passed from dialogues to didactic works,, which had the result of separating metaphysics from dialectic. The all-important consequence of this first departure from Platonism was that Aristotle became and remained primarily a metaphysician.
After Plato's death, coming to his third period he made a further departure from Platonism in his didactic works on politics and rhetoric, written in connexion with Alexander and Theodectes.
Still more marked was his departure from Plato as regards rhetoric. Plato in the Gorgias, (501 A) had contended that rhetoric is not an art but an empirical practice (rpt/37) KaL Epirecpia); Aristotle in the Gryllus (Fragm.
In the earlier poems he is practically a lay figure, his court the point of departure and return for the knights whose adventures are related in detail, but he himself a passive spectator.
The departure of Lightfoot to the see of Durham in 1879 was a great blow to Westcott.
Upon Dee's departure the mob, believing him a wizard, broke into his house, and' destroyed a quantity of furniture and books and his chemical apparatus.
A departure of more recent origin has been the calling together of the smaller powers for the settlement of matters of general administrative interest, conferences such as those which led to the conclusion of the conventions creating the Postal Union, the Copyright and Industrial Property Unions, &c.
On O'Bryan's departure, James Thorne, the first fully recognized minister, at whose father's farm the connexion started, became its leader.
Although his exceptional method of address seems to have gained him the qualified approval of certain dignitaries of the church, the prospect of his obtaining a settled charge seemed as remote as ever, and he was meditating a missionary tour in Persia when his departure was arrested by steps taken by Dr Chalmers, which, after considerable delay, resulted, in October 1819, in Irving being appointed his assistant and missionary in St John's parish, Glasgow.
Being thus radically at variance with the main current of the thought of his time, the failure of the commission he had undertaken was sooner or later inevitable; and shortly after the opening of his new church in Regent Square in 1827, he found that "fashion had taken its departure," and the church, "though always well filled," was "no longer crowded."
His earliest teacher (omitting the legendary Scotchman Menzies) was the dyak, or clerk of the council, Nikita Zotov, subsequently the court fool, who taught his pupil to spell out the liturgical and devotional books on which the children of the tsar were generally brought up. After Zotov's departure on a diplomatic mission, in 1680, the lad had no regular tutor.
The acceleration of the departure of the Japanese is shown by the fact that in the eighteen months (July 1904 to January 1906) occurred 19,114 of the 42,313 departures in the sixty-six months from July 1900 to January 1906.1 After 1906, owing to restrictions by the Japanese government, immigration to Hawaii greatly decreased.
He considered that the whole hypothesis that an outer physical thing causes a change in one's central nervous system, which again causes another change in one's inner psychical system or soul, is a departure from the natural view of the universe, and is due to what he called " introjection," or the hypothesis which encloses soul and its faculties in the body, and then, having created a false antithesis between outer and inner, gets into the difficulty of explaining how an outer physical stimulus can impart something into an inner psychical soul.
What frontier was adopted after Agricola's departure, whether Tweed or Cheviot or other, is unknown.
This does not mean that there was any great " departure of Romans."
After Antiochus' departure for the East, Apamea lapsed to the Pergamenian kingdom and thence to Rome in 133, but it was resold to Mithradates V., who held it till 120.
These utterances are eminently characteristic. They show how far Bismarck was (even at the close of 1870) from comprehending the traditional policy of the papacy towards Germany and German interests, and how little he conceived it possible to employ the relations between the future empire and the Vatican as a point of departure for a successful and consistent ecclesiastical policy.
But the name he assumed, Pius X., was significant; and, even had he had the will, it was soon clear that he had not the power to make any material departure from the policy of the first " prisoner of the Vatican."
The Gurkhas, however, in 1788 and following years continued to strike coins of progressively debased quality, which were rude imitations of the old Nepalese mintage, and to endeavour to force this currency on the Tibetans, eventually making the departure of the latter from old usage a pretext for war and invasion.
His departure was due to controversies between the Jesuits and Capuchins at Rome, which caused an order to be issued for his retirement from Tibet.
But in neither portion does it in any sense mark a new legislative departure, unless in so far as it marks the beginning of the era of written charters for towns.
All this was a new departure in monachism.
In insects of the order Orthoptera, departure from the normal in form and colour, carrying with it similarity to other living things, usually takes the line of protective resemblance to parts of plants.
The last point of departure was at a point called G in lat.
In 1792, Carey, a Baptist, who was not only a cobbler, but a linguist of the highest order, a botanist and zoologist, published his Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens, and the book marks a distinct point of departure in the history of Christianity.
A new departure was taken by the Eleatic Parmenides (q.v.), who, expressly noting that, when Thales and his successors attributed to the supposed element changing qualities, they became pluralists, required that the superficial variety of nature should be strictly distinguished from its fundamental unity.
The fall of the tree is believed to mark the departure of the spirit.
With characteristic caution Louis Philippe refused to commit himself by any overt pretensions, and announced his intention of going to America; but in the hope that something might happen in France to his advantage, he postponed his departure, travelling instead through the Scandinavian countries as far north as Lapland.
He led the English army back to England after Richard's departure from Palestine; but in Sicily he heard of the king's captivity, and hurried to join him in Germany.
This departure into criticism he continued further in 1879 with a volume of papers, entitled Principle in Art, and again in 1893 with Religio poetae.
The magnificent piece in praise of winter, the solemn and beautiful cadences of "Departure," and the homely but elevated pathos of "The Toys," are in their various manners unsurpassed in English poetry for sublimity of thought and perfection of expression.
But as the time agreed upon for the departure approached, it appeared that the crusaders had not the money to pay the stipulated advance.
After his departure, E house of however, the duke returned, and in 1239 was in possession of his former power, while the changes made by the emperor were ignored.
Just before his departure the announcement that he would address the Woman's Anti-Slavery Society of Boston created "a mob of gentlemen of property and standing," from which, if he had been present, he could hardly have escaped with his life.
It leaves the Ibrahimia at Derut near its original point of departure from the Nile.
A double expedition shortly after Bonapartes departure was sent by the Porte for the recovery of Egypt, one force being despatched by sea to Damietta, while another under Yflsuf Pasha took tle land route from Damascus by al-Arish.
Before the preparations for the departure of the French were completed, orders came to Sir Sidney Smith from the British government, forbidding the carrying out of the convention unless the French army were treated as prisoners of war; and when these were communicated to Klber he cancelled the orders previously given to the troops, and proceeded to put the country in a state of defence.
His departure with most of the army to attack the Turks at Mataria led to riots in Cairo, in the course of which many Christians were slaughtered; but the national party were unable to get possession of the citadel, and Klber, having defeated the Turks, was soon able to return to the capital.
This wily chief professed his willingness to obey the commands of the Porte, but stated that his troops, to whom he owed a vast sum of money, opposed his departure.
According to E, Moses with Aaron is to demand from Pharaoh the release of Israel, which will be effected in spite of his opposition; in assurance thereof the promise is given that they shall serve God upon this mountain; moreover, the people on their departure are to borrow raiment and jewels from their Egyptian neighbours.
According to J, on the other hand, the spokesmen are to be Moses and the elders; and their request is for a temporary departure only, viz.
Their departure from Egypt is deliberate; the people have time to borrow raiment and jewels from their neighbours.
Closer examination also of P's narrative of the manna shows that its true position is after the departure from Mt.
Allusions in the chapter itself point unmistakably to a time just before the departure from Sinai-Horeb, and this date is confirmed both by Deut.
The Mormons remained only about five years, but on their departure for Utah their places were speedily taken by new immigrants.
On the departure of the Romans, the Goidelic hill-tribes, probably with help from Gower and Ireland, seem to have regained possession of the Usk valley under the leadership of a chieftain of their own race, Brychan, who became the ancestor of one of the three chief tribes of hereditary Welsh saints.
Bluff Harbour is the port of call and departure for steamers for Melbourne and Hobart.
For that very reason his schemes were doomed to end in disaster, since the time was come for a new departure.
He rendered valuable service in connexion with the Elementary Education Act of 1870, and the educational code of 1882, which became known as the "Mundella Code," marked a new departure in the regulation of public elementary schools and the conditions of the Government grants.
Osborn have made careful studies of preDarwinian writers on evolution, but the results of their inquiries only serve to show the greatness of the departure made by Darwin.
The United States, asserting that expatriation is an inalienable right of man, maintains that, to lose his right to American protection, the emigrant who has been naturalized in the United States must have done that for which he might have been tried and punished at the moment of his departure; it claims to protect him against the exaction of what at that moment was merely a future liability ' Cf.
After his father's departure from Rome to take up the governorship of Egypt, Sejanus was made prefect in his stead.
During their travels the beard was allowed to grow, and they prepared for departure by confession and communion.
Death is caused by the departure of the spirit from the body.
In 1241 Pest was destroyed by the Tatars, after whose departure in 1244 it was created a royal free city by Bela IV., and repeopled with colonists of various nationalities.
Pest in the meantime entirely lost its importance, and on the departure of the Turks was left little more than a heap of ruins.
Meanwhile, after the departure of Schelling from Jena in the middle of 1803, Hegel was left to work out his own views.
Goethe's departure for Weimar in November made the final break less difficult.
In the spring of 1787 he extended his journey as far as Naples and Sicily, returning to Rome in June 1787, where he remained until his final departure for Germany on the 2nd of April 1788.
In 1796 Washington appointed him minister to Portugal, but before his departure thither his father John Adams became president and changed his destination to Berlin (1797).
Lord Grey, very properly, proposed measures of repression to put this anarchy down, and O'Connell opposed them with extreme vehemence, a seeming departure from his avowed principles, but natural in the case of a popular tribune.
But the Home Rule departure filled him with misgivings, and he declined the offer of a safe Liberal seat in 1891.
A ruler imposed upon a free people by foreign arms is always unpopular; he is unable to stand alone; and his foreign auxiliaries soon find themselves obliged to choose between remaining to uphold his power, or retiring with the probability that it will fall after their departure.
A foe to philosophy and a renegade from art, Socrates took his departure from the same point as Protagoras, and moved in the same direction, that of the education of youth.
His reign also marks a new departure from another point of view.
He left for Italy on the 4th of August 57, and on arriving at Brundisium (Brindisi) found that he had been recalled by a law passed by the comitia on the very day of his departure.
He was bitterly attacked by Marcus Antonius (Mark Antony) in the senate on the ist of September for not being present there, and on the next day replied in his First Philippic. He then left Rome and devoted himself to the completion of the de Qfficiis, and to the composition of his famous Second Philippic, which was never delivered, but was circulated, at first privately, after Antony's departure from Rome to Cisalpine Gaul on the 28th of November.
These recommendations were eventually adopted and formed the basis of a new departure.
After this battle Musa reconquered Toledo, which, after the departure of Tariq, had recovered its independence, and entered the capital in triumph.
Thereupon Ali fled from Balkh, leaving the treasury, which was plundered by the populace after his departure.
On the journey he was attacked by an internal malady, which carried him off, ten months after his departure from Bagdad, A.H.
This point of departure is noteworthy, as also is the treatment of the inductive syllogism as one in which the middle term is resoluble into a group or series (Reihe).
A term was placed to this condition of affairs by the preaching of Bernard of Clairvaux, and the consequent departure of many turbulent nobles on crusade.
Many Protestants rebelled against this radical departure from the principles of the Reformation and of Biblical Christianity.
In some places the oblique Mongolian eye is noticed, and (together with certain Indo-Chinese customs) there is often a scantiness of beard and general "Malay" look, which increases westwards, and seems to imply relations with the archipelago subsequent to the departure thence of the pure Polynesians.
The bridgehead was well protected by these flanking bastions, and for this reason it made an excellent point of departure for an attack.
Rule Ix.-Cargo, Ship'S Materials, And Stores Burnt For Fuel Cargo, ship's materials and stores, or any of them, necessarily burnt for fuel for the common safety at a time of peril, shall be admitted as G.A., when and only when an ample supply of fuel had been provided; but the estimated quantity of coals that would have been consumed, calculated at the price current at the ship's last port of departure at the date of her leaving, shall be charged to the shipowner and credited to the G.A.
But this arrangement was cried down as a revolutionary departure from all established precedent; and he had much ado to secure the compromise that doctrines and practical reforms should be simultaneously discussed.
This admirable body represents a significant departure from medieval ideals.
There is one date, however, which may be remembered with advantage as the starting-point in time of the Re naissance, after the departure from the middle ages had been definitely and consciously made by the Italians.
The Nabataeans were forbidden to cultivate the vine, the object being to prevent any departure from their traditional nomadic habits.
After Villafranca he became the organizer-inchief of the expeditions to Sicily, remaining at Genoa after Garibaldi's departure for Marsala, and organizing four separate volunteer corps, two of which were intended for Sicily and two for the papal states.
York, however, contrived to put off his departure for eighteen months.
Gramme (1826-1901) inaugurated a departure from which we may date modern electrical engineering.
At the moment of his departure he was suspended by the representatives of Innocent for not enforcing the papal censures against the barons.
Jenkins was deputed by the governor-general of India, Lord William Bentinck, to report upon the resources of the country, and the tea plant was brought to his especial notice by Mr Bruce; in 1834 a minute was recorded by the governor-general on the subject, in which it is stated that his attention had been called to it in 1827 before his departure from England.
She accepted it jocularly as a "pasquil," and Knox on his departure was condemned and burned in effigy.
After the departure of the Romans the baths seem to have been long neglected, but were again frequented in the 16th century, when the chapel of St Anne was hung round with the crutches of those who were supposed to owe their cure to her healing powers; these interesting relics were destroyed at the Reformation.
In 1014, the year of Earl Eric's departure to England with Canute, Olaf Haraldsson, returning to Norway as king, put an end to the Swedish and Danish supremacy, and in 1015 he forced Earl Sweyn to leave the country.
In a corresponding manner the right side of the animal's body is somewhat less developed than the left, and to this extent there is a departure from the bilateral symmetry characteristic of Lamellibranchs.
Many of the ministers would have been considered in Europe merely as chiefs of departments of a ministry, as, for instance, the minister for Crown buildings, that for Crown domains, the minister of ceremonies, those for arsenals, army accounts, &c.; also an accumulation of several offices without any connection between their functions, in the hands of a single person, was frequently a characteristic departure from the European model.
Shah Abbas the Great commenced his long and glorious reign (1586) by retracing his steps towards Khorasan, which bad been reinvaded by the Uzbegs almost immeAbbas the diately after his departure thence with the Kizil-bash Great.
Delhi must have experienced a sense of relief at the departure of its conqueror, whose residence there had been rendered painfully memorable by carnage and riot.
Thence he seems to have returned to Kandahar, and in May 1740just one year after his departure from Delhihe was in Herat displaying the imperial throne and other costly trophies to the gaze of the admiring inhabitants.
It is not shown what was the understood boundary between the two countries at this particular period; but Watson states that on the shahs departure he had received the submission.
In 1824, on a solicitation from Mustafa Khan, who had got temporary hold of Herat, more troops were despatched thither, but, by the use of money or bribes, their departure was purchased.
The Russian envoy, who had appeared among tne tents of the besieging army almost simultaneously with his English colleague, no sooner found himself alone in his diplomacy than he resumed his aggressive counsels, and little more than a fortnight had elapsed since MNeills departure when a vigorous assault, planned, it is asserted, by Simonich himself, was made upon Herat.
Forty days after his departure an order for his execution was signed, hut he anticipated his fate by committing suicide.
The Imperial Bank of Persia, which had already advanced a large sum of money, and thereby greatly facilitated the shahs early departure from Tabriz and enabled the grand vizier at Teheran to carry on the government, started buying up the copper coinage at all its branches and agencies.
Mahommed Ali consented, but withdrew from Teheran; and on his departure the royal bodyguard of so-called Cossacks Persian soldiers officered by Russians in the shahs serviceat once came into conflict with the Nationalists.
Every cab-stand is under the charge of its own policeman, who knows the men, notes their arrival and departure, and marks their general behaviour.
He even made overtures to Shaftesbury in November 1679, but the latter insisted on the departure of both the queen and James.
On the 15th of August 1792, he led a band of peasants to prevent the departure of the volunteers of St Ouen, near Laval, and retired to the wood of Misdon, where they lived in huts and subterranean chambers.
This was a serious departure from the principles of the system, facilitating a return of later Stoicism to the dualism of God and the world, reason and the irrational part in man, which Chrysippus had striven to surmount.3 Yet in the general approximation and fusion of opposing views which had set in, the Stoics fared far better than rival schools.
Thus he describes the body (which, after Epicurus, he calls the flesh) as a mere husk or fetter or prison of the soul; with its departure begins the soul's true life.
The severance of the school which was to feed the college exclusively, placing it not at Oxford, but at Winchester, and constituting it a separate college, was a new departure of great importance in the history of education.
Disturbances of the former kind lead to vibrations of harmonic type, whose amplitudes always remain small; but disturbances, whose wave-length exceeds the circumference, result in a greater and greater departure from the cylindrical figure.
A departure from the law of isochronism may then be expected to develop itself.
Semi-Arians and Unitarians, though sufficiently distinguished from the free-thinkers by reverence for the letter of Scripture, might be held to encourage departure from the ancient landmarks.
This theory was attacked by Dr Charleton (1725), one of the physicians of Charles II., who maintained that it was erected by the Danes, and consequently after the departure of the Romans from Britain.
After his departure, civil war between the moderate Hussites (Calixtines or Utraquists) and the advanced Taborite party broke out for the first time, though there had previously been isolated disturbances between them.
A neutral government is bound - (i) to use due diligence to prevent the fitting out, arming or equipping within its jurisdiction of any vessel, which it has reasonable ground to believe is intended to cruise or to carry on war against a power with which it is at peace, and also to use like diligence to prevent the departure from its jurisdiction of any vessel intended to cruise or carry on war as above, such vessel having been specially adapted, in whole or in part, within such jurisdiction, to warlike use; (2) not to permit or suffer either belligerent to make use of its ports or waters as the base of naval operations against the other, or for the purpose of the renewal or augmentation of military supplies or arms or the recruitment of men; (3) to exercise due diligence in its own ports and waters, and as to all persons within its jurisdiction to prevent any violation of the foregoing obligation and duties.
Upon the departure of the French troops from Rome at the end of 1866 he again attempted to conciliate the Vatican with a convention, in virtue of which Italy would have restored to the Church the property of the suppressed religious orders in return for the gradual payment of £24,coo,000.
His great work Asia polyglotta (Paris, 1823 and 1831, with Sprachatlas) not only served as a résumé of all that was known on the subject, but formed a new departure for the classification of the Eastern languages, more especially those of the Russian Empire.
Prince shortly afterwards became curate of Stoke in Suffolk, where, however, the character of his revivalist zeal caused his departure at the end of twelve months.
It should be observed that examples have been given of every kind of mighty work referred to in the reply of Jesus to the messengers of the Baptist; and that in the discourse which follows their departure the perversity and unbelief of the people generally are condemned, and the faith of the humble-minded is contrasted therewith.
On the departure of the German troops in 1852 the Danes demolished the fortifications on the north side.
But we are ignorant how he proposed to meet his own criticisms; and they do not appear to have suggested to him an actual departure from his master's doctrine, much less any radical transformation of it.
Meanwhile the Peripatetic school may be said to have taken a new departure and a new lease of life.
The progress made by all these experiments at aviation had naturally created widespread interest, both as a matter of sport and also as indicating a new departure in the possibilities of machines of war.
In these circumstances he decided to leave Scotland, but a variety of causes prevented his departure; and meanwhile at Craigmillar a band of nobles undertook to free Mary from her husband, who refused to be present at the baptism of his son, James, at Stirling in December 1566.
It is the point of departure of the Congo railway.
John Bermudez, a subordinate member of the mission of 1520, who had remained in the country after the departure of the embassy, was, according to his own statement (which is untrustworthy), ordained successor to the abuna (archbishop), and sent to Lisbon.
As foreign policy it was inglorious, and involved a departure from Edward's earlier plan of a Burgundian alliance.
It is as the official representative of this scientific and sceptical departure that Speusippus is entitled to a place in the history of philosophy.
After the departure of Hugh Roe from Ireland in 1602, Niall Garve and Hugh Roe's brother Rory went to London, where the privy council endeavoured to arrange the family quarrel, but failed to satisfy Niall.
Another departure from the normal is that in which the juvenile or seedling form of shoot persists in the adult tree; the numerous coniferous plants known as species of Retinospora are examples of this.
He continued for some years in favour with the king, who made him a knight of the Garter; but, having killed a man in a passion, he fled abroad and was entertained at the court of the emperor Maximilian, and afterwards at that of Philip, king of Castile, when resident in the Low Countries before his departure for Spain.
From the Hungarian and Russian sources, which are somewhat more precise, the date of the arrival of Dragosh, who is confused with the historical Bogdan Voda (1349-1365), appears to have been 1349, and his departure from Marmaros was carried out in defiance of his Hungarian suzerain.
The conclusion is that the photosphere is very sharply defined and shows no definite departure from a truly spherical shape.
Pondoland, another native territory, was added to the colony in 1894, and the year was marked by the Glen Grey Act, a departure in native policy for which Rhodes was chiefly responsible.
But on the departure of the fleet the scattered bands returned, and encouragement was given to their countrymen in Santo Domingo.
An important departure was made in 1828 by Amand Bazard, who gave a "complete exposition of the Saint-Simonian faith" in a long course of lectures at Paris, which were well attended.
In 1739 he published his Journal from his arrival in Savannah to his return to London, and also his Journal from his arrival in London to his departure thence on his way to Georgia.
The crest-line of an anticline or trough-line of a syncline is rarely horizontal for any great distance; its departure from horizontality is designated the "pitch," and the fold is said to pitch (or dip) towards the north, &c. Most simple folds - with the exception of very shallow curvatures of wide area, - when considered in their entirety, are seen to be somewhat canoe-shaped in form.
This inevitably led on to the reiteration of confession after repeated lapses, and Chrysostom (bishop of Constantinople, 398-407) was attacked for allowing such a departure from ancient rule.
On hearing of this disaster the vikings in Exeter surrendered the place on being granted a free departure.
His policy seemed tame and cautious, but was entirely justifiable, for within a few months of Roberts departure the inevitable feudal rebellion broke out.
Less than a month later he quitted England; the victorious royalists celebrated his departure by a second reissue of the Great Charter, which contained some new clauses favorable to the baronial interest.
After the departure of Prince Louis and his foreigners the earl marshal had to take up much the same task that had fallen to Henry II.
On the eve of his departure he detected and quelled a plot as wild and futile as that of Oldcastle.
The deliberate harrying of the Midlands by Margarets northern levies was a new departure, and one bitterly resented.
Having accomplished his coup detat Richard started for a royal progress through the Midlands, and a few days after his departure sent back secret orders to London for the murder of his two nephews in the Tower.
Other notable dates in history are 1637 and 1647, when general synods of New England churches met at Cambridge to settle disputed doctrine and define orthodoxy; the departure for Connecticut of Thomas Hooker's congregation in 1636; the meeting of the convention that framed the present constitution of the commonwealth, 1779-1780; the separation of the Congregationalists and Unitarians of the first parish church, in 1829; and the grant of a city charter in 1846.
It is probable that the apparent severity of the medieval Latin Church on this subject was largely due to the real strictness of the Greek Church, which, under the patriarch Photius in 864, had taken what was virtually a new departure in its fasting praxis.
A superficial pacification effected by Shekib Effendi, the Ottoman commissioner, lasted only till his departure; and the Porte was obliged to despatch a force of 12,000 men to the Lebanon.
These, to the number of 1200, were presented to him on the eve of his departure (spring, 194), and formed the chief ornament of his triumph.
His stay at Walthamstow was brief, his departure abrupt, and he went to school no more.
Wherever oases are found they present similar features, and are naturally the halting-places and points of departure of desert caravans.
The leaftraces usually interrupt the continuity of the stele of the axis on their departure.
And it seems probable that in the case of the Hexapoda, at any rate, the point of departure was subsequent to the attainment of the nomomeristic character presented by the higher grade of Crustacea.
Their departure is known as the first emigration.
The king still had counsellors who wished for his departure as a means to regaining freedom of action.
A sixth grave was found immediately after his departure.
This act of Russia created great dissatisfaction in Servia, and became the starting-point for a new departure in Servian politics.
This new departure was considered by the Russians - especially by those of the Panslavist party - almost as an apostasy, and it was decided to oppose Prince Milan and his supporters, the Servian Progressives.
Some of his intimate friends asserted that he contemplated divorcing the queen, and that he was only waiting for her departure for an Austrian watering-place, which departure was fixed for the 15th of June 1903.
They have since been adduced as Divine attestations of her saintship, but the sisterhood in the convent set them down to possession by a devil; her new departure was due in their eyes to no worthier motive than the desire to be peculiar and to be reputed better than other people.
During the Hundred Days, Louis Napoleon, then a child of seven, witnessed the presentation of the eagles to 50,000 soldiers; but a few weeks later, before his departure for Rochefort, the defeated Napoleon embraced him for the last time, and his mother had to receive Frederick William III.
But he intrigued with the republicans, and Casimir - Perier insisted on the departure of both mother and son.
His departure is sometimes connected with the myth of the deluge.
On the departure of the Romans he succeeded in recovering Gythium, in spite of an attempt to relieve it made by the Achaeans under Philopoemen, but in an encounter he suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of that general, who for thirty days ravaged Laconia unopposed.
After the departure of the imperious conqueror, a fresh revolt of the Lombards of Beneventum under Arichis, Desideriuss son-in-law, supported by a Greek fleet, obliged Pope Adrian to write fresh entreaties to Charlemagne; and in two campaigns (776777) the latter conquered the whole Lombard kingdom.
The stibsequent revision of the tariff, completed in 1906, involved no serious departure from the economic policy adopted in 1890.
Southern Spain was overrun and plundered by the Vandals before their departure for Africa.
The disregard which both showed for the interests of Spain and its constitutional rights led to the outbreak of the revolt of the citiesthe Comuncroswhich plunged Castile into confusion in 1519 and 1520 after the departure Revolt of the of Charles for Flanders.
His connexion with Birmingham University was indeed peculiarly appropriate to his character as a man of business; but in spite of his representing a departure among men of the front rank in politics from the "Eton and Oxford" type, his general culture sometimes surprised those who did not know him.
The duke objected to this departure from neutrality, and suggested that it was becoming "impossible with any advantage to maintain under existing circumstances the existence of the Liberal-Unionist organization."
While Decazes was still in power, the king's policy to a large extent followed his, and was rather liberal and moderate, but after the assassination of the due de Berry (1820), when he saw that Decazes could no longer carry on the government, he sorrowfully acquiesced in his departure, showered honours upon him, and transferred his support to Richelieu, the head of the new ministry.
From Khartum he proceeded up the White Nile to Gondokoro, where he arrived in twenty-four days, the sudd, which had proved such an obstacle to Baker, having been removed since the departure of the latter by the Egyptian governor-general.
He had accepted the Formula Concordiae, a Lutheran document promulgated in June 1580, and sought to prevent any departure from its tenets.
It was, after all a dramatic departure from our quest for total anonymity.
Allowing stranger to paw through their quarters might seem tactless but I suppose I harbored animosity at their abrupt departure.
She offered an abbreviated version of Martha's eminent departure.
In spite of Martha's pending departure, they gloried in the early summer sunshine, rocking contentedly in a few stolen minutes of relaxation.
There he sullenly joined his wife Paulette, who was stuffing her face with the excess baked goods now available by virtue of Pumpkin Green's nocturnal departure.
Bastion alone knew of his departure.
His acrimonious departure from the county last year is another area of controversy that he seems keen to clear up.
The sudden departure of Pat Baker at the end of October has caused a slight hiatus in the work of Hewlett-Packard.
You may of course, choose your own departure airport.
He regards all these as points of departure, none as a destination we live in a post avant-garde world.
The departure point for Glenn Miller's fateful final journey could be turned into a museum dedicated to the famous wartime bandleader.
You must make declarations on all relevant vouchers before presenting the carnet to us at the office of departure.
Perhaps this is why the two have become so chummy since Mourinho arrived last summer after the protracted departure of Claudio Ranieri.
These points of departure approaches mad better use of all the data to estimate the dose-response curve.
If you are booking less than 8 weeks before the departure date then we will ask you for payment of the holiday in full.
Far from being necessary for the fulfillment of Godâs electing decree, the Fall was a departure from Godâs purpose for humanity.
We then packed and awaited the departure of the return " red-eye " to Brize Norton.
Period before scheduled departure within which major change notified to you.
Lack of insurance cover led to more financial difficulties, eventually hastening the departure of Charles to pastures new.
Musically this was a radical departure from the previous line-up.
The discussions are immediately centered around the whys and wherefores of the imminent departure of myself and family as immigrants to the United States.
The library committee held an emergency meeting to find a replacement but the minute book gives no reason for his hasty departure.
Scheduled departure broke terminal to board rates began to.
The £ 300 deposit for this trek will secure you a place on your chosen departure.
Day 10 morning departure for London Heathrow arriving the same day.
Your Eurostar departure will normally be between 8am and 9am, although on some holidays an earlier start of around 6am is necessary.
The evening before her departure, she went for a solitary walk, lingering amid all her old favorite haunts.
The sexes the money at stake Rogers Jennifer tilly departure lounge producer.
Great book to fit into the ' departure lounge ' genre.
Rumors of star midfielder Cristiano Ronaldo's imminent departure are jangling the nerves of the Old Trafford faithful.
The headlamp nacelle is the major departure in terms of new bits, and leads to many other details.
Departure does cruise hawaii luxury not meat on a dine on damselfly naiads desk for lunch.
The period of your stay is from 12 noon on the day of arrival to 12 noon on the day of arrival to 12 noon on the day of departure.
Parking spaces must be vacated by noon on the day of departure.
Noise charges or tradable noise permits should be introduced - based on time of arrival and departure.
Crummy and cold flotilla's departure uprivergalena illinois the Yangtze rivergalena illinois the Yangtze river.
On departing your island resort your return seaplane transfer time will be confirmed the day before departure.
Your house sitter will then give you a courtesy call two or three days prior to departure to confirm arrival times.
A former Scotland Under-21 skipper, Ian has captained Hibs since the departure of John O'Neil to Falkirk.
Special upgraded guest amenities are available in the suites including bathrobes and slippers, stationary sets, and a departure souvenir.
The last major depreciation in the value of sterling came in the early-mid 1990s following sterling's departure from the exchange rate mechanism.
Viewed in that light, Paterson's sudden departure from the Bank seems less surprising.
Fully ripe on departure, their sugar levels decrease rapidly in transit, leaving them often tasteless, even bitter, on arrival.
From some districts in Ulster, numbers of the smaller tenantry are taking their departure.
Day 12 Mon/Sat San Francisco to UK The tour escort will assist in arranging a transfer to the airport for the departure flight.
The gradual disappearance of the sexual method of reproduction, as we pass upwards in the fungi from the points of their departure from the Algae, is an important fact, the last traces of sexuality apparently disappearing in the ascomycetes.
The fact that standards of Methodist doctrine are laid down as consisting of "Mr Wesley's Notes on the New Testament and the 1st Series of his Sermons" (fiftythree in number), might seem to indicate a departure from existing systems, but it was not so.
Cabot's colony at San Espiritu did not long survive his departure; an attempt of the chief of the Timbus to gain possession of one of the Spanish ladies of the settlement led to a treacherous massacre of the garrison.
After the departure of Amadeus, Ruiz Zorilla advocated the establishment of a republic. Notwithstanding this, he was not called upon either by the Federal Republicans to help them during the year 1873, or by Marshal Serrano during 1874 to join Martos and Sagasta in his cabinet.
In all the colonies a complete departure from principles laid down by the leading political economists of the 1 th century was dig P 9 Y made when acts were passed subjecting every branch of domestic industry to the control of specially constituted tribunals, which were empowered among other important functions to fix the minimum rate of wages to be paid to all grades of workmen.
If it blows horizontally over the open end of a vertical tube it causes a decrease of pressure, but this fact is not of any practical use in anemometry, because the magnitude of the decrease depends on the wind striking the tube exactly at right angles to its axis, the most trifling departure from the true direction causing great variations in the magnitude.
The victories of Generals Wellesley and Lake, however, saved the Rajputs; but on Lord Wellesley's departure from India the floodgates of anarchy were reopened for ten years.
Monstrosities.A large class of cases of departure from the normal form, depending on different and often obscure causes, may be grouped together under this heading; most of them arc of the kind termed Teretological, and it is difficult to decide how far they should be regarded as pathological if we insist that a disease threatens the existence of the plant, since many of these malformationse.g.
The trouble began early in the 17th century with the attempt, made in connexion with the printing of the liturgical books, to emend certain ritual details in which there was proved to have been a departure from primitive usage; 1 it came to a head under the patriarch Nikon.
The wagons from the upper reception lines are sorted into trains on the sorting sidings, and then, in the gridirons, are arranged in the appropriate order and marshalled ready to be sent off from the departure lines.
His lectures formed a new departure in the academic treatment of zoology and botany, which, in direct continuity from the middle ages, had hitherto been subjected to the traditions of the medical profession and regarded as mere branches of " materia medica."
Again, Aristotle's description of Xenophanes as the first of the Eleatic unitarians does not necessarily imply that the unity asserted by Xenophanes was the unity asserted by Parmenides; the phrase, "contemplating the firmament, he declared that the One is God," leaves it doubtful whether Aristotle attributed to Xenophanes any philosophical theory whatever; and the epithet a ypoLKOTEpos discourages the belief that Aristotle regarded Xenophanes as the author of a new and important departure.
More suggestive still of high repute as a man of insight and authority is his mission from the Jerusalem Church to inspect and judge of the new departure in the Gospel at Antioch, in Acts xi.
It was time for a new departure, but there seemed to be no sufficient strength left within the charmed circle of the orthodox schools, and the new movement was fated to come from the masses, whose voice had hitherto been silent in the art world.
Although subsequently to the Reformation period the Protestant churches for the most part relapsed into the dogmatism of the Roman Catholic Church, and were ever ready with censure for every departure from orthodoxy - yet to-day a spirit of diffidence in regard to one's own beliefs, and of tolerance towards the beliefs of others, is abroad.
The nearest approach to a reconciliation of the two statements would appear to be that while, at his advanced age, he did not wish to assume the responsibility of being head of a new denomination, formed in circumstances of exceptional difficulty, he was unwilling to condemn those who were ready to hazard the new departure.
Taking the Articles of Marburg (see Marburg, Colloquy Of) and of Schwabach as the point of departure, he repudiated all connexion with heretics condemned by the ancient church.
At the same time, in opposition to Grote, he maintains that the appearance of the sophists marked a new departure, in so far as they were the first professors of " higher education " as such; that they agreed in the rejection of " philosophy "; that the education which they severally gave was open to criticism, inasmuch as, with the exception of Socrates, they attached too much importance to the form, too little to the matter, of their discourses and arguments; that humanism, rhetoric, politic and disputation were characteristic not of all sophists collectively, but of sections of the profession; that Plato was not the first to give a special meaning to the term " sophist " and to affix it upon the professors of education; and, finally, that Plato's evidence is in all essentials trustworthy.
The worshipper, having first circumambulated the shrine as often as he pleases, keeping it at his right-hand side, steps up to the threshold of the sanctum, and presents his offering of flowers or fruit, which the officiating priest receives; he then prostrates himself, or merely lifts his hands - joined so as to leave a hollow space between the palms - to his forehead, muttering a short prayer, and takes his departure.
The departure of so large a number of persons caused serious misgiving both to the Cape and the home governments.
A notable departure from the labour policy of the other states was made by Natal in 1860, when Indian coolies were introduced.
Careful Observations With Special Precautions To Ensure The Cleanliness Of The Water Have Shown That Over A Considerable Range, The Departure From Tate'S Law Is Not Great.
After his departure (1587) the advocate of Holland, Oldenbarnevel,dt, became the indispensable statesman of the struggling republic. The multiplicity of his functions gave to the advocate an almost unlimited authority in the details of administration, and for thirty years the conduct of affairs remained in his hands (see Oldenbarneveldt).
He traces this opposition into the forms in which it appears in the social life of mankind (as, e.g., in the difficulty of reconciling the conflicting claims of individual self-development and self-culture and social service), and finds " a hidden root of insincerity and hypocrisy beneath all morality " (p. 243), inasmuch as it is not possible to pursue any one type of ideal without some departure from singleness of purpose.
Venality and the extortion of the tax-gatherer flourished anew after the departure of Gordon, while the feebleness of his successors inspired in the Baggara a contempt for the authority which prohibited them pursuing their most lucrative traffic. When Mahommed Ahmed (q.v.), a Dongolese, proclaimed himself the long-looked-for Mandi (guide) of Islam, he found most of his original followers among the grossly superstitious villagers of Kordofan, to whom he preached universal equality and a community of goods, while denouncing the Turks 2 as unworthy Moslems on whom God would execute judgment.
The shower was now over, and a rainbow above the eastern woods promised a fair evening; so I took my departure.
This was the Marshal of the Nobility of the district, who had come personally to point out to the princess the necessity for her prompt departure.
A maid came to the door to say that Alpatych was asking for orders about their departure.
Unwilling to obtrude himself on the princess, Rostov did not go back to the house but remained in the village awaiting her departure.
The head of the family, Count Ilya Rostov, continually drove about the city collecting the current rumors from all sides and gave superficial and hasty orders at home about the preparations for their departure.
Princess Mary postponed her departure.
I will call round in case you have any commissions for me, said he, standing before Princess Mary and turning red, but not taking his departure.
Departure radials will be separated by a minimum of 20 degrees.
We will then offer you an alternative departure, or refund all payments made to us.
Guests are welcome after 4pm on day of arrival and requested to vacate their gite by 10 am on day of departure.
The movie boasts some terrific special effects and a departure from the usual sentimentality associated with some of Spielberg 's recent cinematic adventures.
Of these, 115,000 were deported to Poland for slave labor, and after departure all trace of them was lost.
The last major depreciation in the value of sterling came in the early-mid 1990s following sterling 's departure from the exchange rate mechanism.
For the Premier season, MacLaren dropped back into a sweeper position to fill the void left by Hoddle 's departure.
Mr Moon, 05 Sep 05 Very easy check in, swift departure to airport at a realistic price.
The RIB 's untimely departure would have stirred memories for Nelson.
Rabies vaccination must be given the animal not more than 6 months ago and not less than 15 days before departure.
Once full payment has been made, tickets and final travel timetable are normally issued two weeks before departure.
Buy your ticket at least three weeks before your intended departure or just a few days before.
On top of that, there are times of the day to fly that are cheaper-late at night and early morning-so keep an eye open for those departure dates and times.
You can book your flight up to ten months before the departure date.
For en suite bathrooms, it makes sense to carry color themes from the adjoining bedroom through, but in general, this is one room in your house in which you can take a departure from your overall design style and have a little fun.
Ramona's departure last week left nine contestants competing for their own HGTV show.
Mineral makeup is light and airy, a departure from regular cosmetics, which feel heavier, like a mask.
Sometimes, simply changing the date of your departure can save you quite a few bucks.
Castle cakes are a fun departure from more traditional wedding desserts and a great way to spice up any reception.
Destiny's Child named their third album Survivor as a nod to joke about them "voting" members "off the island" after the departure of Luckett, Roberson, and Franklin from the group.
Comedy Central is rerunning the episode of South Park in which the writers took a few shots a Scientology, outraging Tom Cruise and leading to Issac Hayes departure from the show.
The two series, titled Oprah Winfrey's The Big Give and Your Money or Your Life will provide a different departure from some of the reality show topics that grace our television screens.
Since her departure from reality television, Conrad has focused on her clothing lines and writing.
Further fueling Hudson's departure was a power outage in her hometown of Chicago on voting night.
The role proved to be a huge departure from his boyish portrayal of Harry Potter, and he received favorable reviews for his performance.
In light of Rosie O'Donnell's departure from the chatfest The View, a number of rumors have been circulating about who will fill in for co-host duties.
Rosie's departure from The View certainly didn't hinder her chances at a continued career on television.
He apparently was a Celebrity Fit Club 3 contestant until his sudden departure after week three, in order to enter a drug rehab facility.
Nikki and her father Carl were awaiting departure in an airport lounge when the whole ordeal began.
Gone are Lauren Conrad and Whitney Port, and now, most recently, Audrina Patridge is also planning her departure from the reality show.
Katherine Heigl talks about her Grey's departure just shortly after she announced she was leaving the hit show early.
In a detraction from her normal foot-in-mouth barbs regarding movies like Knocked Up and shows like Grey's Anatomy, that made her career, Heigl's comments about her early Grey's departure were rather subdued.
Of her departure, she says "It's sad" and she feels bad for disappointing the millions of Grey's fans out there and she hopes that her decision to leave is the right decision for her and the show.
While playing this strong mother may have seemed like a departure for Bullock, she has some strong lineage behind her.
Despite a fewer number of ships, Celebrity Cruises offers a wide range of departure ports, including Fort Lauderdale and Miami in Florida as well as Galveston, TX and San Juan, Puerto Rico for various Caribbean voyages.
Other departure ports include San Francisco, CA; San Diego, CA; Bayonne, NJ; and Seattle, WA.
As ships are repositioned during the year, departure ports are often changed, so be sure to ask a travel agent or visit for updated details.
This range of departure ports makes Norwegian Cruise Line a viable option for passengers across the country, with cruise itineraries ranging from Bermuda and Bahamas voyages to both Alaskan and Hawaiian journeys.
As ships are relocated to different departure ports, however, itineraries are subject to change and interested cruisers should consult a travel agent for the most up-to-date information.
From its widely varied departure ports, Norwegian Cruise Line offers a wide variety of vacation itineraries.
Because Holland America offers a wide variety of itineraries, potential passengers have a wide selection of departure ports available all over the world.
Boston and New York are convenient departure ports for northeastern cruisers, while San Diego is the line's principle departure port in California.
A variety of international departure ports are available for European, Mediterranean, transatlantic, and other exotic itineraries.
The most common length is seven days, and shorter voyages are rare from U.S. ports because of the time necessary to reach easternmost islands from different departure ports.
Bermuda Cruises are a favorite for departure ports in the northeastern United States, and New England and Canadian cruises are seasonal variations that explore magnificent autumn foliage.
Unfortunately, most departure ports are distinctly opposite the delightful lushness of the ships they service, but with proper preparation travelers can start their vacation off without a hitch.
Many of Oceania's itineraries are long, offering a variety of international departure ports depending on when passengers begin their voyage.
Both Miami and Los Angeles serve as departure ports periodically.
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The only regular United States departure port is Miami, though the ships rotate among popular Caribbean embarkation ports such as Costa Rica, Tortola, and Grenada.