Denser Sentence Examples
The connective tissue of the integument and basement membrane imperceptibly merges into that which surrounds the muscular bundles as they are united into denser and definite layers, and this is especially marked in those forms (Akrostomum) where the density of the muscular body-wall has considerably diminished, and the connective tissue has thus become much more prominent.
Consequently, during the hot season in Upper India, and at all times except during the rains in the more southern districts, elephants keep much to the denser parts of the forests.
In Tucuman and eastern Salta the same division into forests and open plains exists, but the former are of denser growth and contain walnut, cedar, laurel, tipa (Machaerium fertile) and quebracho-colorado (Loxopterygium Lorentzii).
Fuchs and its allies, which form conspicuous members of the larger Algae, have their external cells much smaller, more closely put together, and generally much denser than the rest of their tissue.
Chromatophores.The chromatophores or plastids are protoplasmic structures, denser than the cytoplasm, and easily distinguishable from it by their color or greater refractive power.
The outermost, newly formed layer is composed of a more homogeneous, denser substance than the inner one, and can be distinguished in all starch-grains that are in process of development.
The temperature is rather remarkable, there being an intermediate cold layer between 25 and 50 fathoms. This is due to the sinking of the cold surface water (which in winter reaches freezing-point) on to the top of the denser more saline water of the greater depths.
The sinkingdown occurs in the Kattegat when the inflowing Atlantic water enters the Baltic as an undercurrent which is both warmer and denser than that on the surface.
The silica, in the form of diatom or radiolarian skeletons, is eventually deposited on the ocean floor after the death of the organisms. Most of the fine colloidal clay is, however, deposited as river-sludges when the fresh water carrying it mixes with denser sea-water.
The shores of all the lakes which filled the depressions during the Lacustrine period abound in remains dating from the Neolithic Stone period; and numberless kurgans (tumuli), furnaces and so on bear witness to a much denser population than the present.
AdvertisementTo avoid conflicts with the denser populations of the south, they preferred to advance eastwards along higher latitudes; meanwhile Moscow erected forts and settled labourers around them to supply the garrisons with food.
The atmosphere of London is almost invariably misty in a greater or less degree, but the denser fogs are generally local and of no long duration.
During the returnstroke the latter was kept closed in virtue of the partial vacuum formed within the cylinder, while at the same time the former n'as forced open by the pressure of the denser air in the vessel and nozzle.
In the denser jungles malaria prevails for months after the cessation of the rains, but the Gonds do not appear to suffer much from its effects.
The ligament is simple in Anadonta; in many Lamellibranchs it is separated into two layers, an outer and an inner (thicker,and denser).
AdvertisementAccording to lapidaries the hardness of sapphire slightly exceeds that of ruby, and it is also rather denser.
This powder, provided that it has not been too' strongly ignited, is soluble in strong acids; by ignition it becomes denser and nearly as hard as corundum; it fuses in the oxyhydrogen flame or electric arc, and on cooling it assumes a crystalline form closely resembling the mineral species.
By setting the camera slit so as to admit to the photographic plate the light of the denser calcium vapour, which lies at low levels, or that of the rarer vapour at high levels, the phenomena of various superposed regions of the atmosphere can be recorded.
The lower and denser vapour appears as bright clouds, but the cooler vapour, at higher levels, absorbs the light from below and thus gives rise to dark clouds.
Poland, with 193 (domiciled) inhabitants or 213 inhabitants in all to the square mile in 1897, and 240 to the square mile in 1904, has a denser population than any other region in the Russian empire, the next to it being the governments of Moscow, with 189 inhabitants to the square mile, Podolia with 186, and Kiev with 181.
AdvertisementIn other cases the mucilage is denser and the branches more closely compacted (Helminthora).
For the purposes of wireless telegraphy, when large condensers are required, the ordinary Leyden jar occupies too much space in comparison with its electrical capacity, and hence the best form of con denser consists of a number of sheets of crown glass, each partly coated on both sides with tin foil.
The rhinoceros is found in the denser parts of the forests and generally in swampy places.
The foliage much resembles that of the Scotch fir, but is shorter, denser and more rigid; the cones are smaller but similar in form.
The denser forests are commonly found on the northern faces of the higher ranges, or in the deeper valleys, between 8000 and 10,500 ft.
AdvertisementIf the denser body be solid we can often demonstrate this; for the liquid tends to spread itself over the surface of the solid, so as to increase the area of the surface of contact, even although in so doing it is obliged to increase the free surface in opposition to the surface-tension.
Hence we may suppose that a condition has been attained in which the denser salt water below and around the saucer CC (greatly exaggerated in vertical scale) balances the less dense, but deeper Salb Water v sand,.
However well the work may be done, the lower part of a mass of puddled clay invariably settles into a denser mass when weighted with the clay above.
The wool has a broad staple, and is denser and longer, and the fleece heavier, than in any other British breed.
Inclined, , 584 Horizontal „ 570 Of the existing forms of vertical retort it remains a matter to be decided whether the coal should be charged in bulk to the retort or whether it should be introduced in small quantities at regular and short intervals; by this latter means (the characteristic feature of the Settle-Padfield process) a continuous layer of coal is in process of carbcnization on the top, whilst the gas escapes without contact with the mass of red-hot coke, a considerable increase in volume and value in the gas and a much denser coke being the result.
There is here a denser population, occupied in the cultivation of wheat, beetroot and fruit, the breeding of excellent cattle, shipping and industrial pursuits.
It is harder, denser, and often contains calcite.
Then methought the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer Swung by Seraphim whose footfalls tinkled on the tufted floor.
With its denser white curds, the French plant was much more popular.
But the real Earth is a sort of geological plum duff, denser in some places than others.
Each stage of refinement defines a new, denser, polyhedron whose vertices are related to local sets of vertices of the original.
The outer layers are denser than the inner, the density decreasing more or less uniformly from the outside layers to the centre of hilum.
Population is naturally denser in the south than in the north, and densest of all in the districts along the southern coasts; thus Malmohus Lan has about 220 persons per sq.
This is often coloured, is of a denser texture than the surrounding tissue, and is traversed by fibrovascular bundles, which pass from the placenta to nourish the ovule.
At each ascent or descent of the road the crowds were yet denser and the din of shouting more incessant.
The smoke, rendered denser by the mist, prevented him from seeing anything for an instant, but there was no second report as he had expected.
As Pierre approached that street the smoke became denser and denser--he even felt the heat of the fire.
Create rockeries, or banks with plenty of crevices, in south-facing areas close to denser vegetation.
The woodland flora over this open area indicates that there was probably denser tree growth in the past.
Red cedar is a denser wood than other types of cedar, making it heavier.
Ski resorts that are located near the east and west coasts typically experience wetter, denser snow than ski resorts further inland.
They likely won't have too much to do with the design, but if you want a cake that's made with all whole-wheat pastry flour, for instance, it may be denser and not as fluffy or tall as a cake made with white flour.
Most autumn cakes involve hearty seasonal fruits and produce like apples, squash, or sweet potatoes, and textures tend to be denser than the fluffy, light cakes of summertime.
The flowers resemble those of Decaisnes variety of the common Acacia, being of a pale pink color, but the clusters are shorter and denser.
Compacta is so called from its denser and more numerous flowers, and is therefore the handsomer of the two.
Since this type of loose fill is much denser and therefore heavier than fiber glass or slag and wool, it sometimes may not be able to be used in attics since too much weight would cause the drywall ceiling below to sag.
Items made with this flour are often denser and thicker than baked goods made with all-purpose flour, so it's a good idea to find recipes that specifically call for this type of flour instead of substituting it for other kinds.
The final products made with organic pastry flour still might be a bit denser than those made with bleached cake flour, but pastry flour is a solid alternative to using cake flour.
Pubic hair changes from sparse and downy to denser and coarser.
This is a denser and thicker grain and will take nearly twice the amount of water and cooking time of a white rice.
However, since carat defines the stone's weight, a denser stone will appear smaller than other stones of the same weight.
Muscle cells are denser than fat cells, physically taking up less space in the body.
While honey has more calories when compared to the same amount of sugar, it is sweeter and denser than cane sugar, allowing dieters to use less and get more.
You will find that it is denser and creamier in consistency.
Bland foods are generally better tolerated by the stomach than denser, more complex foods.
To be more specific, muscle tissue is denser than fat.
LashGenesis is a lash treatment that helps condition lashes to help them look longer, thicker and denser with no side effects.
This surface drifting water is cold and as it enters into intermediate zones it remains colder than the water in situ there and is therefore denser; it sinks below the surface and continues to flow along the bottom either back to the polar regions or towards the equator.
In the placer or alluvial deposits, the precious metal is found usually in a water-worn condition imbedded in earthy matter, and the method of working all such deposits is based on the disintegration of the earthy matter by the action of a stream of water, which washes away the lighter portions and leaves the denser gold.
As a rule, the density increases with the amount of carbon, but in some instances a very high specific gravity is due to intermixed earthy matters, which are always denser than even the densest form of coal substance.
The basic lavas are usually darker and denser than lavas of acid type, and when fused they tend to flow to great distances, and may thus form far-spreading sheets, whilst the acid lavas, being more viscous, rapidly consolidate after extrusion.
This arises from the fact that water is much denser than air, and because water supports on its surface substances which fall through air.
Just before you enter denser woodland, look right to see the delightful lily tarn.
Then the way moves into denser conifer woodland before emerging into an open pasture, with oak woodland away to your left.
It is easy to suspect that it was planned that way, that The Hobbit was meant to develop an audience that would be grown up when the larger, denser work was ready for their consumption.
Thus water being about Boo times denser than air and mercury 13.6 times denser than water, k/h = 6,/p = 800 X 13.6 = Io,880; (2) and with an average barometer height of 30 in.
C. atlantica, the Atlas cedar, has shorter and denser leaves than C. Libani; the leaves are glaucous, sometimes of a silvery whiteness, and the cones smaller than in the other two forms; its wood also is hard, and more rapid in growth than is that of the ordinary cedar.
We have strong reason to believe that even the sun, though much denser than the general average of the stars, may possibly be characterized as gaseous rather than solid.
This is valid so long as the pencil is in air; but if, on the other hand, the pencil passes from air through a plane surface into an optically denser medium, e.g.
From the con denser it passes into the refrigerator through a regulating valve in the usual manner.