Demonstration Sentence Examples
The pottery class instructor asked for a volunteer to knead the clay in a demonstration.
As the main support of his proof of the truth of Christianity appears his detailed demonstration that the prophecies of the old dispensation, which are older than the Pagan poets and philosophers, have found their fulfilment in Christianity.
The procession of the Host on Corpus Christi day became, as it were, a public demonstration of Catholic orthodoxy against Protestantism and later against religious Liberalism.
But Faraday's demonstration did little to stop the popular craze.
The demonstration of these assertions would require a volume, but the general nature of the evidence on which they rest may be briefly indicated.
Oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon monoxide have the value 1.4; these gases have diatomic molecules, a fact capable of demonstration by other means.
In 1880 there was a memorable election riot under the guise of an anti-Chinese demonstration.
In the Armenian question Italy seconded with energy the diplomacy of Austria and Germany, while the Italian fleet joined the British Mediterranean squadron in a demonstration off the Syrian.
Italy, in constant danger from France, needed good relations with Austria and Germany, but could only attain the goodwill of the former by firm treatment of the revolutionary Irredentist agitation, and of the latter by clear demonstration of Italian will and ability to cope with all anti-monarchical forces.
Towards the close of 1888 the emperor returned and was received by the populace with every demonstration of affection and esteem.
AdvertisementThe alliance was cemented in July by a military demonstration, of which Jellachich was the hero, at Vienna; as the result of which the government mustered up courage to declare publicly that the basis of the Austrian state was " the recognition of the equal rights of all nationalities."
Smith, at the request of a member of the commission by which the prize was proposed, undertook in 1882 to write out the demonstration of his general theorems so far as was required to prove the results for the special case of five squares.
But the starting-point of the argument in question is the purely empirical evidence of a single fact or set of facts; it proceeds by way of analogy, not of strict demonstration; and it claims for its results nothing more than probability.
He was more of a theologian than a philosopher; and in his chief work, of Summa universae theologiae, he simply employs his increased philosophical knowledge in the demonstration of theological doctrines.
Caesar meanwhile constructed his famous bridge over the Rhine in ten days, and made a demonstration of force on the right bank.
AdvertisementThese observations confirmed by experimental demonstration the hypothetical conclusions of Bell.
A brief survey of its contents will be sufficient to show its general nature and its relations to such works as Clarke's Demonstration and Butler's Analogy.
The demonstration made a deep impression upon public opinion.
So, again, it is in place where the movement of revulsion from a mechanical philosophy takes the form rather of immediate assertion than of reasoned demonstration, and where the writers, after insisting generally on the spiritual basis of phenomena, either leave the position without further definition or expressly declare that the ultimate problems of philosophy cannot be reduced to articulate formulas.
What about giving one person a fool proof demonstration?
AdvertisementHe died in the Marshalsea on the 5th of September 1569, and was buried in St George's, Southwark, at midnight to avoid the risk of a hostile demonstration.
Almost up to the moment of the French occupation of Tunisia the Italian government believed that Great Britain, if only out of gratitude for the bearing of Italy in connection with the Dulcigno demonstration.
Similarly, the teaching of Christ and the Apostles on the sacraments is considered, implicitly and explicitly, as transitory, as representing that passage from the significantia to the significata which Joachim signalizes at every stage of his demonstration.
But the proposal fell through when the news of the armistice between King Charles Albert and Austria arrived, and the two delegates were made the objects of a hostile demonstration.
No treaty was obtained or insisted upon, - the British government being content with the tacit acquiescence of the king of Burma without such documents; but its resolution was declared, that any active demonstration of hostility by him would be followed by retribution.
AdvertisementBut in the absence of a general demonstration of that principle, his results did not command the confidence which they would otherwise have deserved, and it became desirable to have a theory more certain, and depending solely on the fundamental laws of mechanics.
In 1665 and 1666 he published the second and first volumes respectively of the Exact Chronological Vindication and Historical Demonstration of the supreme ecclesiastical jurisdiction exercised by the English kings from the original planting of Christianity to the death of Richard I.
In 1879 the Musa Khels and other Pathan tribes to the number of 5000 made a demonstration against Vihowa, but the town was reinforced and they dispersed.
He describes an experiment made by a Benedictine monk and architect, Dom Papnutio or Panuce, of the same kind as Leonardo's but without the demonstration.
Kennington Common, now represented by Kennington Park, was the site of a gallows until the end of the 18th century, and was the meeting-place appointed for the great Chartist demonstration of the 10th of April 1848.
A public demonstration at Dresden in favour of the Frankfort constitution was prohibited as illegal on the 2nd of May 1849.
The French chose to view this as an unfriendly demonstration, and there was some talk of getting up a counter-ball in Paris, the duke of Orleans to figure as William the Conqueror.
The prince of Wales's voyage to India in the winter of 1875-76 had brought the heir to the throne into personal relationship with the great Indian vassals of the British crown, and it was felt that a further demonstration of the queen's interest in her magnificent dependency would confirm their loyalty.
To put a stop to this the Powers decided to intervene by means of a joint demonstration of their fleets, in order to enforce an armistice and compel Ibrahim to evacuate the Morea (Treaty of London, July 6, 1827).
Chalmers also took part in the Junius controversy, and in The Author of Junius Ascertained, from a Concatenation of Circumstances amounting to Moral Demonstration, Lond.
The great philosophical impulse was that given by Darwin in 1859 through his demonstration of the theory of descent, which gave tremendous zest to the search for pedigrees (phylogeny) of the existing and extinct types of animal and plant life.
His persecutions and oppressions of the orthodox ultimately raised a rebellion which compelled him to flee for his life; but his authority was restored, although with difficulty, by a military demonstration.
His demonstration that the planes of all the planetary orbits pass through the centre of the sun, coupled with his clear recognition of the sun as the moving power of the system, entitles him to rank as the founder of physical astronomy.
This was the demonstration of the fact that gold existed in large quantities along the western slope of the Sierra Nevada of California.
From Naples Armfelt communicated with Catherine II., urging her to bring about by means of a military demonstration a change in the Swedish government in favour of the Gustavians.
A notable one was the Epistles of Phalaris, a late Greek forgery, demonstrated to be such by Bentley in a treatise which is a model of what such a demonstration should be.
In practice the time required to reach these various conditions of equilibrium would be too great for experimental demonstration, but the theoretical consideration of vapour pressures is of fundamental importance.
Boltzmann offered a demonstration of the law of osmotic pressure in dilute solutions, based on the idea that the mean energy of translation of a molecule should be the same in the liquid as in the gaseous state.
A British occupation of part of the coast of Maine proved to be mere demonstration.
A military demonstration on the 8th of September 1881, led by Arabi, forced the khedive to increase the numbers and pay of the army, to substitute Sherif Pasha for Riaz Pasha as prime minister, and to convene an assembly of notables.
These marks of favour, naturally, did not lessen Hobbes's self-esteem, and perhaps they explain, in his later writings, a certain slavishness toward the regal authority, which is wholly absent from his rational demonstration of absolutism in the earlier works.
He published a number of these theorems without demonstration as a challenge to contemporary mathematicians.
The marriage of the duke of Cumberland (the title by which the king called himself till he could come into his possessions) with Princess Thyra of Denmark in the same year was made the occasion of a great demonstration, at which a deputation of the Hanoverian nobility assured the duke of their continued attachment to his house.
In Bohemia the Czechs were very active; while the Poles were parading their hostility to Russia in such a manner as to cause the emperor to avoid visiting Galicia, some of the Czech leaders attended a Slav demonstration at Moscow, and in 1868 they drew up and presented to the diet at Prague a " declaration " which has since been regarded as the official statement of their claims. They asked for the full restoration of the Bohemian kingdom; they contended that no foreign assembly was qualified to impose taxes in Bohemia; that the diet was not qualified to elect representatives to go to Vienna, and that a separate settlement must be made with Bohemia similar to that with Hungary.
This " Los von Rom " movement, which was caused by the continued alliance of the Clerical party with the Slav parties, is more of the nature of a political demonstration than of a religious movement.
The Young Czechs could not take their place; their Radical and anti-clerical tendencies alarmed the Feudalists and Clericalists who formed so large a part of the Right; they attacked the alliance with Germany; they made public demonstration of their French sympathies; they entered into communication with other Slav races, especially the Serbs of Hungary and Bosnia; they demanded universal suffrage, and occasionally supported the German Radicals in their opposition to the Clerical parties, especially in educational matters; under their influence disorder increased in Bohemia, a secret society called the Umladina (an imitation of the Servian society of that name) was discovered, and stringent measures had to be taken to preserve order.
On the 15th of September 1905 a huge socialist and workingclass demonstration in favour of universal suffrage took place before the parliament at Budapest.
An initial demonstration, resulting in some bloodshed, was organized in Vienna at the beginning of November.
The premier, Baron Gautsch, who had previously discountenanced universal suffrage while admitting the desirability of a restricted reform, then changed attitude and permitted an enormous Socialist demonstration, in support of universal suffrage, to take place (November 28) in the Vienna Ringstrasse.
In 1883 he took the chair at a meeting of the Liberation Society in Mr Spurgeon's chapel; and in June of that year was the object of an unparalleled demonstration at Birmingham to celebrate his twenty-five years of service as its representative.
The Peloponnesian confederacy resolved to aid the rebels both directly and by a counter demonstration against Athens.
The Athenians, though their reserve of 6000 talents was by now almost exhausted (except for 1000 talents in a special reserve), made a tremendous effort (raising 200 talents by a special property tax), and not only prevented an invasion by a demonstration of loo triremes at the Isthmus, but sent Asopius, son of Phormio, to take his place in the western seas.
To the sceptical the truth of Islam is held forth; and a certain, not very cogent, method of demonstration predominates.
This led to a naval demonstration on the part of the Venetians, who secured better terms for their trade, and to the seizure of Egyptian vessels by the king of Aragon and the prince of Catalonia.
With the ending of this dispute and the strengthening of the British garrison in Egypt a demonstration was given of the ability of the protecting power to maintain its position.
Wolseley with the bulk of the expeditionary force arrived at Port Said on the 20th of August, a naval demonstration having been made at Abukir with a view to deceive the enemy as to the object of the great movement in.
Lord Hartington replied that the government did not consider that a demonstration of this kind could be effective, and again suggested stronger measures.
Further steps were taken after Goluchowski's interview with the tsar at Miirzsteg in 1903, and two civil agents representing the countries were appointed for two years to ensure the execution of the promised reforms. This period was extended in 1905, when Goluchowski was the chief mover in forcing the Porte, by an international naval demonstration at Mitylene, to accept financial control by the powers in Macedonia.
Puberty in the other sex was generally marked by feasting, or some other demonstration, among the female friends.
But in other respects his last years were cheered by marks of general regard and admiration, in which non-Catholics joined; and after his death (16th February 1865) there was an extraordinary demonstration of popular respect as his body was taken from St Mary's, Moorfields, to the cemetery at Kensal Green, where it was intended that it should rest only until a more fitting place could be found in a Roman Catholic cathedral church of Westminster.
For his demonstration in 1851 of the diurnal motion of the earth by the rotation of the plane of oscillation of a freely suspended, long and heavy pendulum exhibited by him at the Pantheon in Paris, and again in the following year by means of his invention the gyroscope, he received the Copley medal of the Royal Society in 1855, and in the same year he was made physical assistant in the imperial observatory at Paris.
Fitzgerald was the first to attempt to measure the length of electric waves; Helmholtz put the problem into the hands of his favourite pupil, Heinrich Hertz, and the latter finally gave an experimental demonstration of electromagnetic waves, the "Hertzian waves," on which wireless telegraphy depends, and the velocity of which is the same as that of light.
Considerant's share in the "demonstration" under the leadership of Ledru-Rollin on the 13th of June 1849 caused his compulsory flight to Belgium.
On the 26th of November Lord Rosebery's speech on the same lines at a meeting in South London resulted in a powerful demonstration in favour of his resuming the Liberal leadership, but he made no public response.
Carter (U.S. Marine Hospital Service) that although the incubation of the disease was 5 days, 15 to 20 days had to elapse before the "infection" of the house, and from Ross's demonstration of the part played in malaria by the Anopheles.
Thorbecke's funeral furnished the occasion for an imposing national demonstration, which showed how deeply he was revered by all classes of his countrymen.
Faucitano for a demonstration at Gaeta led to the discovery of the Unita Italiana society, whose object was to free Italy from domestic tyranny and foreign domination.
Nor was opposition to Japanese reforms confined to popular demonstration.
Necessary principles, discovered by this process of induction and identification, become premises of deductive demonstration to conclusions which are not only necessary consequents on the premises, but also equally necessary in reality.
Induction thus is the source of deduction, of its truth, of its probability, of its moral certainty; and induction, combined with identification, is the origin of the necessary principles of demonstration or deduction to necessary conclusions.
How does it by the aid of identification convert probable into necessary conclusions, which become necessary principles of demonstration?
It belongs to the principles of demonstration.
The Evidences and the Horae Paulinae were intended as a demonstration of this credibility.
No one has yet been able to isolate positive electrons, or to give a complete demonstration that the whole inertia of matter is only electric inertia due to what may be called the inductance of the electrons.
Hitherto the mode of demonstration had been by the syllogism; but the syllogism is, in many respects, an incompetent weapon.
The French subsidies, which might have sufficed for a six weeks' demonstration (it was generally assumed that the king of Prussia would give little trouble to a European coalition), proved quite inadequate; and, after five unsuccessful campaigns, the unhappy Hats were glad to make peace and ignomini- YearsThe Sevenar.
Thus on the 13th of November 1810, the Swedish government was forced to declare war against Great Britain, though the British government was privately informed at the same time that Sweden was not a free agent and that the war would be a mere demonstration.
Reprisals and engagements followed with varied success; and the crown prince of Persia, after a demonstration in Shirvan, returned to Tabriz.
His ship, the Hardinge, was escorted by four cruisers, and the voyage was regarded as a political demonstration, to be interpreted in, connection with Lord Lansdownes declaration.
The bulk of the demonstration yielded at once.
Next comes the preservation of order, the protection of all reputable people, and the maintenance of public peace by checking riot and disturbance or noisy demonstration, by enforcing the observance of the thousand and one regulations laid down for the general good.
The motion was defeated, and next day (June 13, 1849) he headed what he called a peaceful demonstration, and his enemies armed insurrection.
About the same time he began to study with care Samuel Clarke's celebrated Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, which had been published as the Boyle Lectures a few years previously.
Clarke answered his unknown opponent with a gravity and care that showed his high opinion of the metaphysical acuteness displayed in the objections, and published the correspondence in later editions'of the Demonstration.
Without altogether eschewing Samuel Clarke's a priori system, Butler relies mainly on the inductive method, not professing to give an absolute demonstration so much as a probable proof.
His funeral at Madrid was an imposing demonstration of the sympathy and respect of all classes and parties.
While denying the possibility of an absolute method and an absolute philosophy, as contended for by Hegel and others, Trendelenburg was emphatically an idealist in the ancient or Platonic sense; his whole work was devoted to the demonstration of the ideal in the real.
Not only so, but the evident parallelism between this absorption of light and that by the chlorophyll of green plants, is completed by the demonstration that oxygen is set free by these bacteria - i.e.
The demonstration by Pasteur that definite diseases could be produced by bacteria, proved a great stimulus to research in the etiology of infective conditions, and the result Historical was a rapid advance in human knowledge.
In 1537 he took his doctor's degree at Montpellier, lectured on the Greek text of Hippocrates, and next year made a public anatomical demonstration.
The state is also acquiring, and maintaining as demonstration acres and public parks, forest reserves in various parts of the state.
The mathematical demonstration of its truth was left by Augustine for his disciple,.
These figures are furnished as demonstration of the geographical distribution of the but are based on the returns for 1903.
Bellarmine did not proscribe the Copernican system, as has been maintained by Reusch (Der Process Galilei's and die Jesuiten, Bonn, 1879, p. 125); all he claimed was that it should be presented as an hypothesis until it should receive scientific demonstration.
His philosophical treatises abound with incoherent formulae to which, according to their inventor, every demonstration in every science may be reduced, and posterity has ratified Bacon's disdainful verdict on Lull's pretensions as a thinker; still the fact that he broke away from the scholastic system has recommended him to the historians of philosophy, and the subtle ingenuity of his dialectic has compelled the admiration of men so far apart in opinion as Giordano Bruno and Leibniz.
It was intended to be the first of three discourses, in the second of which he was to attempt a particular and rational explanation of the reputed mysteries of the gospel, and in the third a demonstration of the verity of Divine revelation against atheists and all enemies of revealed religion.
On the evening of the 9th of September 1881, after the military demonstration in Abdin Square, Riaz was dismissed; broken in health he went to Europe, remaining at Geneva until the fall of Arabi.
Mayor's show in London is the most conspicuous survival; the processions connected with royal coronations and with court ceremonies generally; the processions of friendly societies, so popular in Great Britain and America; processions organized as a demonstration of political or other opinions; processions forming part of the ceremonies of public worship. In a narrower sense of "going forth, proceeding," the term is used in the technical language of theology in the phrase "Procession of the Holy Ghost," expressing the relation of the Third Person in the Triune Godhead to the Father and the Son.
The undulatory theory of light, first founded upon experimental demonstration by Thomas Young, was extended to a large class of optical phenomena, and permanently established by his brilliant discoveries and mathematical deductions.
The great victory, however, was not so much the defeat of the papal pretensions as the demonstration that interdicts and excommunications had lost their force.
He took part in the Cretan insurrection of 1841, and in the demonstration of 1843, by which the Greek constitution was obtained from King Otto, he was secretary to General Theodoraki Grivas.
Before it was introduced he went to Belfast in Easter week, and at a great demonstration, presided over by Sir Edward Carson, encouraged the Ulstermen to trust to themselves; Belfast was again, he said, a besieged city; the Government by the Parliament Act had erected a boom against them - they would burst that boom; and it would be said of them that they had saved themselves by their exertions, and would save the Empire by their example.
He attended a great demonstration in Dublin on Nov.
In the following November Newton redeemed his promise to Halley by sending him, by the hand of Mr Paget, one of the fellows of his own college, and at that time mathematical master of Christ's Hospital, a copy of his demonstration; and very soon afterwards Halley paid another visit to Cambridge to confer with Newton about the problem; and on his return to London on the 10th of December 1684, he informed the Royal Society " that he had lately seen Mr Newton at Cambridge, who had showed him a curious treatise De Motu," which at Halley's desire he promised to send to the Society to be entered upon their register.
Halley only communicated to Newton the fact " that Hooke had some pretensions to the invention of the rule for the decrease of gravity being reciprocally as the squares of the distances from the centre," acknowledging at the same time that, though Newton had the notion from him, " yet the demonstration of the curves generated thereby belonged wholly to Newton."
While Lord Bonville supported the queen, the house of Courtenay were staunch Yorkists, and the earl of Devon joined in the armed demonstration of Duke Richard in 1452.
In the autumn of 1851 the queen was much annoyed at hearing that he had received a deputation at the foreign office, which had waited on him to express sympathy with the Hungarian refugees, and to denounce the conduct of the despots and tyrants of Russia and Austria, and that he had, in his reply, expressed his gratification at the demonstration.
History may hereafter conclude that the most significant circumstance of the earlier period is to be found in the demonstration of loyalty and affection to which the sixtieth anniversary of Queen Victorias accession led in 1897.
This remarkable demonstration was not confined to the British empire alone.
With regard to the demonstration of Pliicker's equations it is to be remarked that we are not able to write down the equation in point-co-ordinates of a curve of the order m, having the given numbers 6 and of nodes and cusps.
The rising revolutionary school in France, if they had read it, would have taken it for a demonstration of the theorem to be proved.
Jean Pierre Minckelers, professor of natural philosophy in the university of Louvain, and later of chemistry and physics at Maestricht, made experiments on distilling gas from coal with the view of obtaining a permanent gas sufficiently light for filling balloons, and in 1785 experimentally lighted his lecture room with gas so obtained as a demonstration to his students, but no commercial application was made of the fact.
No such demonstration of grief was expected even by those who grieved the most.
This repugnance to believe blindly what rested on arbitrary authority, as distinguished from what was seen to be sustained by self-evident reason, or by demonstration, or by good probable evidence, runs through his life.
It was a protest against those who in theology " peremptorily require demonstration and demand certainty where probability only is to be had."
Chillingworth, Jeremy Taylor, Glanvill and other philosophical thinkers in the Church of England urged toleration in the state, in conjunction with wide comprehension in the church, on the ground of our necessary intellectual limitation and inability to reach demonstration in theological debates.
For this post he was especially fitted by his acquaintance with recent advances in science, and by his skill in a classical severity of demonstration, acquired by a thorough study of the works of the Greek geometricians.
For Aristotle remained content with a successful demonstration of the dependence of "voluntariness" as an attribute of conduct upon knowledge and human personality.
For, inasmuch as scientific proof depends upon the evidence of causality, such efforts after scientific demonstration would end only by bringing either the man's whole personality or some element in it within the sequence of the chain of natural causes and effects, under the domination of that natural necessity from which as a conscious being he is free.
The fact that men give different answers to moral problems which seem similar in character, or even the mere fact that men disregard, when they act immorally, the dictates and implicit principles of the moral consciousness is certain sooner or later to produce the desire either, on the one hand, to justify immoral action by casting doubt upon the authority of the moral consciousness and the validity of its principles, or, on the other hand, to justify particular moral judgments either by (the only valid method) an analysis of the moral principle involved in the judgment and a demonstration of its universal acceptation, or by some attempted proof that the particular moral judgment is arrived at by a process of inference from some universal conception of the Supreme Good or the Final End from which all particular duties or virtues may be deduced.
This yearning, he held, springs - like more sensual impulses - from a sense of want of something formerly possessed, of which there remains a latent memory in the soul, strong in proportion to its philosophic capacity; hence it is that in learning any abstract truth by scientific demonstration we merely make explicit what we already implicitly know; we bring into clear consciousness hidden memories of a state in which the soul looked upon Reality and Good face to face, before the lapse that imprisoned her in an alien body and mingled her true nature with fleshly feelings and impulses.
Until this is done, the utmost demonstration of the abstract reasonableness of social duty only leaves us with an irreconcilable antagonism between the view of abstract reason and the self-love which is allowed to be the root of man's appetitive nature.
Finally, Price, writing after the demonstration by Shaftesbury and Butler of the actuality of disinterested impulses in human nature, is bolder and clearer than Cudworth or Clarke in insisting that right actions are to be chosen because they are right by virtuous agents as such, even going so far as to lay down that an act loses its moral worth in proportion as it is done from natural inclination.
The science had its origin in the demonstration by Sir Isaac Newton that Kepler's three laws of planetary motion, and the law of gravitation, in the case of two bodies, could be mutually derived from each other.
The importance of their heliacal risings, or first visible appearances at dawn, for the purposes both of practical life and of ritual observance, caused them to be systematically noted; the length of the year was accurately fixed in connexion with the annually recurring Nile-flood; while the curiously precise orientation of the Pyramids affords a lasting demonstration of the high degree of technical skill in watching the heavens attained in the third millennium B.C. The constellational system in vogue among the Egyptians appears to have been essentially of native origin; but they contributed little or nothing to the genuine progress of astronomy.
He aimed at finding out the cause as well as the mode of the planetary revolutions; and his demonstration that the planes in which they are described all pass through the sun was an important preliminary to a physical explanation of them.
The ceremony was made the occasion of a great demonstration of friendship between the two nations.
But the demonstration of Adam's result was soon made 1 Philosophical Transactions, 1853.
The second trope deals with the validity of proof; the proof of one so-called fact depends on another fact which itself needs demonstration, and so on ad infinitum.
Such knowledge is fundamentally hypothetical, and might well be accepted as such without the labour of a demonstration which is logically invalid.
But the anti-Semitic and antiDreyfusard spirit in certain French circles could not easily be quelled even then; and on the occasion of the translation of the remains of Emile Zola (Dreyfus's determined champion) to the Pantheon on the 4th of June 1908, Major Dreyfus was shot at and wounded by a fanatical journalist named Gregori, who was subsequently acquitted by a Paris jury of the charge of attempted murder, his own plea being that he had merely intended a "demonstration."
The day after the demonstration of June 1832 on the occasion of the funeral of General Lamarque, he made himself indirectly the mouthpiece of the Democrats in an interview with Louis Philippe, which is given at length in his Memoires.
This demonstration is the substance of the Monologion and Proslogion.
He desired to have some one short demonstration.
Such a demonstration he presented in the Proslogion; it is his celebrated ontological proof.
The demonstration is, in brief, this.
When the power of writing has been actualized, we have a parallel to the intellectus in actu - the way of science and demonstration is entered.
X X XX Union troops.,.® demonstration, developed into a serious and successful action, whereby the first line of the Confederate centre was driven in for some distance.
Lenfant, Le Niger; voie ouverte a notre empire africain (Paris, 1903), chiefly a demonstration that the Bussa rapids are not an absolute bar to navigation.
From the leaning tower of Pisa he afforded to all the professors and students of the university ocular demonstration of the falsehood of the Peripatetic dictum that heavy bodies fall with velocities proportional to their weights, and with unanswerable logic demolished all the time-honoured maxims of the schools regarding the motion of projectiles, and elemental weight or levity.
It is a singular circumstance, however, that the argument upon which Galileo mainly relied as furnishing a physical demonstration of the truth of the new theory rested on a misconception.
Even here, he was obliged to take for granted that the velocities acquired in descending from the same height along planes of every inclination are equal; and it was not until shortly before his death that he found the mathematical demonstration of this not very obvious principle.
He gave the first satisfactory demonstration of equilibrium on an inclined plane, reducing it to the level by a sound and ingenious train of reasoning; while, by establishing the theory of "virtual velocities," he laid down the fundamental principle which, in the opinion of Lagrange, contains the general expression of the laws of equilibrium.
He succeeded a few years afterwards in verifying this remarkable prediction by the experimental demonstration that a current of positive electricity flowing from hot to cold in iron produced an absorption of heat, as though it possessed negative specific heat in the metal iron.
By the constitution of 1876 non-Catholics were only permitted to exercise their form of worship on condition that they did so in private, without any public demonstration or announcement of their services.
He behaved with much coolness and self-possession when he was met in the streets by a noisy and disgraceful demonstration.
On July 14th the reconstituted Liberal-Unionist organization held a great demonstration in the Albert Hall, and Mr Chamberlain's success in ousting the duke of Devonshire and the other free-trade members of the old Liberal-Unionist party, and imposing his own fiscal policy upon the Liberal-Unionist caucus, was now complete.
It derives its celebrity ffom the demonstration by Laplace that to whatever mutual actions all the bodies of a system may be subjected, the position of this plane remains invariable.
In the summer of 1896 (June 14-22) there were massacres at Van, Egin, and Niksar; and on the 26th of August the Imperial Ottoman Bank at Constantinople was seized by revolutionists as a demonstration against the Christian powers who had left the Armenians to their fate.
The town is very generally illuminated, and I understand from men who have traversed the principal streets that every demonstration of joy was manifested by the inhabitants."
That these resolutions were not followed by any further action was due to the war of parties in Germany, which enabled the papacy to ignore a demonstration of opinion.
The discovery of this Antarctic flora is a further demonstration of the world-wide distribution of a uniform Jurassic flora.
In his early essays he had rightly drawn the distinction between mathematical demonstration and philosophic proof, referring the certainty of the first to the fact that the constructions were synthetic in character and entirely determined by the action of constructive imagination.
She stared after him, still perplexed by the hug - a fatherly or brotherly demonstration of fondness?
Xander smiled at the demonstration of his power.
They no longer regarded him as one of their own after the demonstration of Death's power.
Once the festival was underway, this would be the prime area for gear demonstration.
Let us again recommend the perusal of the demonstration.
Since there has been no demonstration of the predictive accuracy of the estimation of time varying parameters, even this argument fails.
This Frog Support has been stuck in position with double sided adhesive tape for demonstration purposes only.
Excellent writing skills, a strong publication record, and previous demonstration of funding will all be considered advantageous.
To enable efficacy and demonstration work to be conducted with the herbicide glufosinate- ammonium.
Demonstration of how complex characters are constructed using armatures, and animated using a puppet system.
A demonstration will be taking place this Thursday in solidarity with those campaigning against Europe's largest arms bazaar, DSEi.
However have stood the handle toward incline bench a. Demonstration about a kind bangladesh multi trip holiday insurance of man.
The likely location for our demonstration will be in a high profile mall, local community center or school.
In the instance of the Robbins problem, the computer demonstration is just barely comprehensible to humans.
Please contact customer services to arrange a free demonstration.
The kind of ' local authorities ' that can promptly organize an anti-U.S. demonstration?
During the two years of conversion to organic production the farm hosted more than 400 visitors attending many demonstration and educational events.
February 13 2004 The British National Party is to hold a demonstration outside the NUJ headquarters in London on Monday February 16.
The anti-war demonstration in London on Saturday 18 March was a magnificent reminder to Tony Blair that we will not disappear.
The ' Ready, Steady cookery demonstration ' for students is the first event of its kind to take place at Queen's.
Despite these setbacks, Genoa was the largest anti-capitalist demonstration in a long line.
To crack down the children of those affected the hifa demonstration waiver.
Starting Well The Starting Well Health Demonstration Project was launched in November 2000 and was established in two areas of socioeconomic deprivation in Glasgow.
The campers explored the ways to dye textiles using the demonstration dyeing machines and produced their own tie-dyed t-shirts using reactive dyes.
In particular they often expose the falsity of claims by Soviet historians that the Bolsheviks were responsible for some strike or demonstration.
See one of their classic demonstration freight or parcel trains.
Demonstration that the treating isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly reduces stroke risk.
Still, it was a useful demonstration to my new joiner who started today of why we need more staff.
Disputes about public policy toward the poor provide the clearest demonstration of the incompatibility between sectional anti-racism and egalitarian liberalism.
A peaceful demonstration begins to get rowdy... and the police link arms to hold the protest marchers back.
The concert and demonstration was given to Years 7, 8 and 9 accompanied by musicians from all other parts of the school.
A parody work is a demonstration of a derivative work, thereby nullifying it of copyright infringement.
The user can initially opt for a demonstration mode, which clearly explains the main features of the program.
Others hung banners from highway overpasses, causing rush hour traffic to halt to a standstill as commuters pondered the demonstration.
Tuesday's opening was somewhat overshadowed by a large demonstration by London taxi drivers.
The solo performance is a demonstration of your skills to date and your confidence as a performer.
Click on picture to enlarge l Edison commissions 600 tin-foil phonographs from several workshops to circulate for demonstration purposes.
They asked the police officer in charge for permission to go to Trafalgar Square to hold a demonstration.
This is also preparatory work for next National Minimum Wage Demonstration in Manchester on April 28.
A pair of Rustons worked another short demonstration freight in the yard - plenty to see and do while dodging the raindrops.
All this whilst hauling a demonstration rake of coaches is a real test.
I have managed to get some needle removers from NovoNordisk which work very well - give them to the patient after demonstration.
A master showman, he often started his performances with a demonstration of his electrical powers by passing 30,000 volts through his body.
In the late 1920s, the association carried out an eight month demonstration of the humane stunner at an Islington slaughterhouse.
Last month the Nampula provincial court found 14 Renamo supporters guilty of participating in an illegal demonstration in May.
What they like put together a during the demonstration both brashly tactless.
Call us on +44 (0) 1488 73366 to see teammate in action We will also have a mobile demonstration unit available.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like a demonstration and some amazing testimonials!
The people filling the city's main thoroughfares are part of a huge silent demonstration of protest.
Each stage of an eyelash tint demonstration was recorded in digital format and transferred to CD and the college VLE.
I saw a video demonstration on the next-gen consoles, and there is alot more to it than just ultra realistic graphics.
The king was the, object of a hostile demonstration in Milan, and although he was ready to defend the city to the last, the town council negotiated a capitulation with Radetzky.
Clarke's Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God is really a priori.
Wolff, to the present elaborate analysis of the floral organs, morphology exhibits a continual advance towards the demonstration of a fundamental unity among the seeming diversities of living structures.
And this demonstration has been completed by the final establishment of the cell theory (see Cytology), which involves the admission of a primitive conformity, not only of all the elementary structures in animals and plants respectively, but of those in the one of these great divisions of living things with those in the other.
He then draws a positive demonstration of the truth of his religion from the effects of the new faith, and especially from the excellence of its moral teaching, and concludes with a comparison of Christian and Pagan doctrines, in which the latter are set down with naïve confidence as the work of demons.
Maclaurin's object was to found the doctrine of fluxions on geometrical demonstration, and thus to answer all objections to its method as being founded on false reasoning and full of mystery.
They are A Demonstration of the Gross and Fundamental Errors of a late Book called "A Plain Account, &c., of the Lord's Supper" (1737); The Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Regeneration (1739); An Appeal to all that Doubt and Disbelieve the Truths of Revelation (1740); An Earnest and Serious Answer to Dr Trapp's Sermon on being Righteous Overmuch (1740); The Spirit of Prayer (1749, 1752); The Way to Divine Knowledge (1752); The Spirit of Love (1752, 1754); A Short but Sufficient Confutation of Dr Warburton's Projected Defence (as he calls it) of Christianity in his "Divine Legation of Moses" (1757); A Series of Letters (1760); a Dialogue between a Methodist and a Churchman (1760); and An Humble, Earnest and Affectionate Address to the Clergy (1761).
Bosnia and Herzegovina were handed over to the administration of Austria; Montenegro and Greece received accessions of territory to which only strong pressure coupled with a naval demonstration induced Turkey to consent three years later.
And the important consequences following from the demonstration of the identity in structure of Limulus and Scorpio are evaded by arbitrary and even phantastic invocations of a mysterious transcendental force which brings about " convergence " irrespective of heredity and selection.
This was followed, in the second volume of the Miscellanea Taurinensia (1762) by his "Essai d'une nouvelle methode pour determiner les maxima et les minima des formules integrales indefinies," together with the application of this important development of analysis to the solution of several dynamical problems, as well as to the demonstration of the mechanical principle of "least action."
Putting aside fantastic theories, these observers endeavoured to give in their classifications a strictly objective representation of the facts of animal structure and of the structural relationships of animals to one another capable of demonstration.
The Nicene Creed of the liturgies, often called the Constantinopolitan creed, is the old baptismal creed of Jerusalem revised by the insertion of Nicene terms. The idea that the council merely added to the last section has been disproved by Hort's famous dissertation in 1876.3 The text of the creed of the Nicene Council was based on the creed of Eusebius of Caesarea, and a comparison of the four creeds side by side proves to demonstration their distinctness, in spite of the tendency of copyists to confuse and assimilate the forms.4 Creed of Eusebius, A.D.
Thus the " Brownian movements " provide visual demonstration of the reality of the heat-motion postulated by the kinetic theory.
In 1847 he was returned for Nottingham, and in 1848 he presided at a Chartist demonstration on Kennington Common, which caused great alarm (see Chartism).
The truth of the new doctrine is proved by accumulated instances of God's working in nature and in history; the objections of opponents, whether advanced in good faith or in jest, are controverted by arguments; but the demonstration is often confused or even weak.
In 1880, after a naval demonstration by the powers, Dulcigno was surrendered to Montenegro in compensation for the districts of Pla y a and Gusinye restored to Turkey.
No doubt Aristotle's demonstration of the inappropriateness of attributing moral excellence to the Deity seems to contradict Plato's doctrine that the just man as such is " likest the gods," but here again the discrepancy is reduced when we remember that the essence of Plato's justice (8ucacoouvfl) is harmonious activity.
Major Patrick Ferguson with several hundred Loyalists and a small body of regulars, made a demonstration against the western settlements, but at King's Mountain in South Carolina he was completely defeated by the Americans, among whom Colonel Sevier and the troops led by him were conspicuous (see King'S Mountain) .
The law is being redrafted to make sure it will no longer be possible to have any demonstration in front of Parliament without permission.
After the demonstration at Clontarf in 1843 O'Connell was arrested and early in 1844 was convicted of seditious conspiracy.
On the local level, a sit-in demonstration held on February 15, 1960 in Chattanooga, led to a race riot.
Call us on +44 (0) 1488 73366 to see TeamMate in action We will also have a mobile demonstration unit available.
Like the Innsbruck teleportation scheme published several weeks earlier (Update 350), this demonstration employs a pair of entangled photons.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like a demonstration and some amazing testimonials !
Demonstration samples shown to Eureka were made of thermoplastic polyurethane but could also be made of polyethylene or polypropylene for industrial uses.
The people filling the city 's main thoroughfares are part of a huge silent demonstration of protest.
Speedy turnaround on quotations, use of our comprehensive demonstration equipment and of our superbly equipped demonstration room.
Observing of the makers at a party is the best demonstration you can get.
Click here for a demonstration of how this model works.
Karastan repeated this amazing demonstration six years later at the New York World's Trade Fair, where four million more people tread on their rug than in Chicago.
Not only will you be able to obtain expert advice, but you may also receive a free demonstration on how to apply the eye makeup.
For a demonstration, see kuuipo1207's application video on YouTube.
It may also be possible to request a product demonstration.
We walked past a group who congratulated us on our marriage and Andie asked if she could join in the demonstration because, "I just got married and I can't stand George W."
However, it's important to remember that the sentiment behind your vows is much more important than any demonstration of literary skill.
Some dog schools actually operate over the Internet, and for a fee, owners receive lesson instructions and sometimes demonstration images, so they can teach their pets at home.
If your vet prescribes medicine for your dog, request a demonstration on how to administer it.
You can ask your vet for a demonstration on pill delivery.
The University of Kentucky near Lexington, for example, has a beautiful arboretum and demonstration vegetable garden, and the staff loves to share their knowledge of raised bed gardening with visitors.
Nature can adjust to compensate for their over-eager demonstration.
For the visual learner who already possesses skill with stringed instruments, bluegrass videos offer clear demonstration in fingering, picking and timing.
With so many beneficial properties, it's no wonder that the gift of a ruby was considered the ultimate demonstration of love.
There are several retailers of lift chairs in Illinois with demonstration chairs.
Chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists may provide a 10-minute demonstration of their services, and explain the benefits of receiving periodic treatments.
Meeting these professionals and having the opportunity to experience a free demonstration might give some seniors a better understanding of these treatments and determine if they should consider them in their overall wellness plan.
Potential buyers can also request a DVD explaining the benefits of the bed or visit a Select Comfort store to receive a demonstration from a consultant.
If you feel your portfolio is weak, spend some time creating your own sample projects; video game developers admire this kind of initiative and the demonstration of creativity is appreciated.
You can almost always count on Verizon Wireless commercials for a quick chuckle and a good demonstration of just what a plan, feature, or phone can do.
You get a short overview of the phone's perks and disadvantages, a price, specs, and a video demonstration of each phone.
Demonstration that such symptoms are the result of hypoglycemia requires evidence of low blood glucose at the time of symptoms and reversal of the symptoms by glucose.
While some information can be learned from articles such as this, or even YouTube, there is no subsitute for live, hands-on demonstration.
Skills - Of course, the biggest determination of an instructor's ability is going to be actual demonstration of the dance skills, usually through photos and videos of them in action.
To see such a demonstration, check out North Dakota's Northern Great Plains Culture Fest, which involves arts and entertainment with an authentic American Indian experience.
Lastly, this Samba Demonstration is a great video for seeing many of the samba steps you've learned in action.
It even has a section on how to "put steps together" and a final demonstration of expert dancers doing their thing on the floor.
Choose which style of dance you are interested in taking, and see if they offer a free demonstration class.
Police used bayonets and tear gas to break up the demonstration and to move students into their dorms.
Eily311 on YouTube gives a very thorough demonstration of how to thread your brows at home.
Classes at a beauty college are likely to be a mix of lecture, demonstration, and practical application.
To see a demonstration of each of these folds, download the PDF file Explanation of Origami Folds.
People who are new to paper folding may want to do an educational presentation on who invented origami, while intermediately skilled members might do a demonstration on origami folding instructions.
They are a good demonstration to do for a junior high or high school speech class.
As a demonstration, I have screwed internal monitors into the skin on my finger--it doesn't hurt and feels like sticking a straight pin into my skin.
A short demonstration from the first trimester workout DVD is shown at the bottom of the instruction pages.
The fort also offers a pier crabbing demonstration during the spring, summer and early fall.
Don't miss the Civil War-era cannon loading demonstration, which will show new generations how soldiers loaded and fired cannons during an artillery drill.
You could also happen upon a chapel tour, a in-depth hospital tour, a cell door demonstration, a talk about the life of an Alcatraz guard, a tour of the catwalks overlooking the recreation yard and more.
You can see a demonstration of Lulu on YouTube.
Find one in your area by visiting the company's primary Rainbow website and schedule an in-home demonstration.
To see the juicer in action, visit the Magic Bullet website for a video demonstration.
This video featuring Emmy winner Adrienne Frantz from The Young and the Restless and her candle company-owning friend, offers a very thorough demonstration regarding the essential steps to making scented candles using soy wax.
Rules can include no stealing once a gift is opened, or a demonstration of the gift once it's opened.
This is understandable on her part, but it is also a demonstration of her immaturity.
He named the Chinese years after each animal in the order of their arrival as a demonstration of his gratitude for their attendance.
In your care and treatment of this special man, you need to be sure to pepper your physical demonstration with a lot of sincere words.
A demonstration is similar to a model, but it generally has a reaction or moving parts to demonstrate a scientific principle.
For example, the overly common volcano experiment is a demonstration.
Demonstrations can be easy, but you do have to make sure that you can get the demonstration to work.
Customers who have difficulty navigating Coupon Cabin can also click on the link on the homepage to open a pop-up video demonstration how to use the website.
It's an extremely thorough how-to demonstration complete with large, clear pictures and written instructions.
It can also be a demonstration of your personal style.
Watch a demonstration of dirgha pranayama.
The physical demonstration of yoga that most of us are familiar with, the asanas, are but one of a series of eight steps outlined in the Yoga Sutras to join the physical, astral, and casual bodies.
Don't hesitate to touch, explain, and guide during your demonstration.
The combination of strong consistent features, detailed pose demonstration, and a focus on yoga lifestyle from many principles adds to the magazine’s appeal.
Some also sell retired demonstration cars.
However, Provo Craft does offer numerous project ideas online complete with materials lists, alternative ideas, and free demonstration videos.
Teach them how to rubber stamp with a brief demonstration.
To see each exercise in a photo demonstration, click on the name and a new window will open.
It's great for those who have a hard time learning by reading, and prefer to watch how-to demonstration videos.
For beginners, watching a demonstration of each exercise can be easier than reading a description of it.
Sometimes the staff will engage in a little impromptu cooking demonstration.
If you attend a product demonstration, technique class or cooking class, you are likely to end up taking home some authentic recipes from Williams Sonoma.
They have a demonstration of every type of men's silk underwear imaginable.
Even calling places that are unexpected, such as a martial arts studio, could result in getting a demonstration for children who are interested in tae-kwon-doe or karate.
For example, during an artist's gallery showing, Adriana brings in another artist to give an artistic demonstration.
Klaatu's demonstration terrifies the world leaders and the military.
The addition of the rebels to her crew is a demonstration of her flexibility.
Let's say for the sake of this demonstration, that you've always identified with Harry Potter's supersmart friend Hermione.
If you purchase (or already have) the DVD, you can watch a short behind-the-scenes of Stearns talking about using the instrument show give a quick demonstration on using one.
He talks about the instrument after the brief demonstration.
In addition to the facial, you may want to get a video or personal demonstration of firming facial massage and each guest can learn how to do this healthful exercise.
If you are seeking someone with a sense of humor, a demonstration of your own levity might be a good way to meet people like you.
Eisenstein, who had also given without demonstration some of the results for five squares.
Spiritualists have, as a rule, sought to convince not by testimony but by ocular demonstration.
In the history of economics or the biography of Ricardo it is of interest to show that he anticipated later writers, or that his analysis bears the test of modern criticism; but no economist is under any obligation to defend Ricardo's reputation, nor is the fact that a doctrine is included in his works to be taken as a demonstration of its truth.
The demonstration which it affords of the extreme shortening of the Euthyneurous visceral nerve-loop is most instructive and valuable for comparison with and explanation of the condition of the nervous centres in Cephalopoda, as also of some Opisthobranchia.
The recognition as captain-general he had obtained at another synod in Corinth, by an imposing military demonstration in Greece immediately upon his accession.
The existence of intellections in our minds is, he maintains, a sufficient demonstration of the existence of an intelligible world, just as the ideas of sense are sufficient evidence of a sensible world.
The Ars magna of the former professed by means of a species of logical machine to give a rigid demonstration of all the fundamental Christian doctrines, and was intended by its author as an unfailing instrument for the conversion of the Saracens and heathen.
After he had been two years at the Ecole Polytechnique he took a foremost part in a mutinous demonstration against one of the masters; the school was broken up, and Comte like the other scholars was sent home.
The Positive Philosophy has another object besides the demonstration of the necessity and propriety of a science of society.
A sociological demonstration lies in the establishment of an accordance between the conclusions of historical analysis and the preparatory conceptions of biological theory.
At a popular demonstration held at Offenburg on the 12th of September 1847, resolutions were passed demanding the conversion of the regular army into a national militia which.
A rigorous demonstration was wanting for many years, Leonhard Euler's proof for negative and fractional values being faulty, and was finally given by Niels Heinrik Abel.
Timotheus was sent in 366-365 to make a demonstration against Persia.
The writings of Tertullian afford the clearest demonstration that what is called Montanism was, at any rate in Africa, a reaction against secularism in the Church.
He took a leading part in the settlement of the dockers' strike in the autumn of 1889, and his patient and effectual action on this and on similar occasions secured for him the esteem and affection of great numbers of working men, so that his death on the 14th of January 1892, and his funeral a week later, were the occasion for a remarkable demonstration of popular veneration.
Of course the demonstration was not accepted at once.
In 1701 he published also the demonstration of his solution, which was accepted by the marquis de l'Hopital and Leibnitz.
In one of his early investigations he gave an ingenious though indirect demonstration of the problem of the parallelogram of forces.
A popular demonstration, in which the papal bulls had been paraded through the streets with circumstances of peculiar ignominy and finally burnt, led to intervention by Wenceslaus on behalf of public order; three young men, for having openly asserted the unlawfulness of the papal indulgence after silence had been enjoined, were sentenced to death (June 1412); the excommunication against Huss was renewed, and the interdict again laid on all places which should give him shelter - a measure which now began to be more strictly regarded by the clergy, so that in the following December Huss had no alternative but to yield to the express wish of the king by temporarily withdrawing from Prague.
After a public disputation in which the Catholics were weakly represented, and a popular demonstration in favour of the new doctrines, the council of Geneva rather reluctantly sanctioned the abolition of the Mass.
On one view as on the other scientific demonstration was impossible.
After the return of Columbus and his supposed demonstration that the Indies could be reached by sailing west, disputes might obviously arise between the two powers as to their respective "spheres of influence."
By sceptics the word " dogma " is generally used contemptuously, for an opinion grounded not upon evidence but upon assertion; and this attitude is so far justified from the purely empirical standpoint that theological dogmas deal with subjects which, by their very nature, are not susceptible of demonstration by the methods of physical science.