Demonstrates Sentence Examples
While her writing demonstrates education, most likely her background ill equipped her for the practical realities of the real world.
The appearance of the city plainly demonstrates the modern growth of its importance, and evidence is not wanting that for a considerable period architectural improvement was unable to keep pace with commercial development.
His example Stephen demonstrates the superiority of genius and valour Bathory, over the most difficult circumstances.
He also demonstrates how enlarged images can be produced and projected on paper by using a concave lens at a suitable distance behind the convex, as in modern telephotographic lenses.
The Assyrians with all their culture, never attained the stage of analysis which demonstrates that only a few fundamental sounds are involved in human speech, and hence that it is possible to express all the niceties of utterance with an alphabet of little more than a score of letters.
Applying the principle of the conservation of internal energy, he demonstrates that for iron in a field of woo units and upwards the E.M.F.
Lice-eating is a widely prevalent habit among the Indians and mestizos, and demonstrates how numerous these parasites are among the people.
Whatever truth there may be in the legend, it demonstrates conclusively the absence of a rallying point where the idea of a central government might have taken root.
This demonstrates the council's vital role in bringing about change to facilitate productive collaboration with industry.
It demonstrates the sheer futility of using animals in such experimentation.
AdvertisementIt really demonstrates the true potential of an iPod using peripheral speakers.
It demonstrates the os acromiale, an unfused acromial apophysis.
This also demonstrates that lurcher coursing is a growth area.
The De jure praedae further demonstrates that Grotius was originally determined to this subject, not by any speculative intellectual interest, but by a special occasion presented by his professional engagements.
His justification has been set aside by modern critics, not on the ground that the evidence demonstrates its falsity, 6 but because it is inconceivable or unnatural that any man should receive a present from another, and not suffer his judgment to be swayed thereby.
AdvertisementIn the case of (2) the actual population has always been exceeded by the estimate based on natural increase, and this demonstrates an excess of emigration over immigration.
That white men can thrive and work in Cape Colony the history of South Africa amply demonstrates.
B. fragilis is a Gram negative short bacillus which demonstrates pleomorphism.
This exercise demonstrates the principles of restriction site mapping, using DNA from the lambda bacteriophage.
Imagine an attentive class of virus cells, green and gloopy, listening as a big teacher virus demonstrates at a small blackboard.
AdvertisementEngland Made Me is a fine album that ably demonstrates that not all Britpop albums were about trad glamor or novelty pop bombast.
The example given demonstrates a commercial unit producing budgerigars for the pet market.
An able controversialist no more than an able general demonstrates the justice of his cause.
It demonstrates that the need for international law enforcement cooperation has never been greater.
Scientific study and evidence clearly demonstrates the direct correlation between line speed, operator skill and contamination levels.
AdvertisementIt demonstrates what drug law reformers have been saying for decades, that the war on drugs has failed and is often actively counterproductive.
Case 70 Recurrent craniopharyngioma A young adult with recurrent headaches Findings The lateral skull film demonstrates a previous frontal craniotomy.
The evidence clearly demonstrates a serious risk in the terms required for a closure order.
Here's an example that demonstrates that constructors that aren't completed don't have the associated destructors called.
Bens demonstrates how to stay neutral, synthesize ideas, summarize content, ask questions and manage digression.
It demonstrates that economic progress is not inevitably tied to geographic dispersion.
The status of NHER Site Assessor demonstrates that you are competent to undertake detailed energy assessments on existing dwellings.
In the paradoxical encomium, however, he demonstrates that before God wholly different standards apply.
It emphasizes the ultimacy of spiritual values; yet it demonstrates that the roots of spiritual life lie in conditions that are essentially existential.
The work also amply demonstrates the fallacy of that argument.
Lord Shore demonstrates the falsity of the claim that the euro is an economic decision only.
There is further evidence that demonstrates the inadequacy of the current planning system.
Certainly, in its passionate intensity, this work demonstrates Trotsky's unsurpassed literary gifts.
This is manifestly a global commitment and demonstrates the interdependence of British society and nations in distress in many parts of the world.
The following invocations of ' foo ' demonstrates the fact that the language is dynamically typed.
Evidence from Holland demonstrates that voluntary euthanasia leads to non-voluntary and even involuntary euthanasia.
At least one piece from the assemblage demonstrates re-use of a previously knapped source material.
This sample demonstrates the automatic account lockout ability, as well as how to unlock a user once the account is locked out.
And from him we have immense amounts to learn, as Simon Schama's recent magnum opus vividly demonstrates.
This demonstrates a maturity within the Black electorate that you cannot take the Black Vote for granted.
The picture below demonstrates the set-up of a bench microtome.
The career of Josse De Pauw (1952) actor, writer, theater director and filmmaker demonstrates an impressive artistic multiplicity.
Our present study clearly demonstrates that anticancer chemotherapy can induce mutagenesis in vivo in various pediatric cancer patients.
The consistency of these findings with prior imaging reports demonstrates the utility of the VBM technique for investigating the neuroanatomy of DS.
The sample also demonstrates how to convert easting northing values in the coordinate space of the view, into latitude/longitude values.
Teacher, using template, demonstrates use of Photoshop tools; lasso tool, paint bucket, paint palette.
This demonstrates subluxation, patella tilt, lateral patella tilt, lateral patella hyperpressure and any arthritis or thinning of the articular cartilage.
Next month Kevin Keegan demonstrates winning ways with a bubble perm.
Their diversity demonstrates that blind and partially sighted people cannot be neatly pigeonholed.
Programs We have described how the project manager demonstrates readiness to start a stage by a short presentation to the project sponsor.
This study demonstrates that endowing scaffolds with a sensing element could provide an on-line and non-destructive monitoring method for tissue engineering.
A Chartered Manager demonstrates ability and professionalism across the full range of management skills through continuing self-development and positive impact in the workplace.
Another interesting display here is the Rabinovitch collection of silver slices which demonstrates the skill and diversity of contemporary silversmiths.
Bava, who also photographed the film, as always demonstrates that he is a wonderful visual stylist.
This success demonstrates the great story-telling and film-making talent that we have in the UK.
In this sense the physical realm demonstrates a certain teleology (telos = ' end ' or ' purpose ' ).
The hero demonstrates the tenacity of God to pursue the plan of salvation despite repeated failures in the plan.
This demonstrates subluxation, patella tilt, lateral patella hyperpressure and any arthritis or thining of the articular cartilage.
Raeburn is printed and painted underglaze and it demonstrates the brilliance of Spode's colors.
The genuine warmth from his people demonstrates more than anything else how much they support him.
There is no chance for the moral consciousness to claim a decisive vote if a metaphysical system like Hegel's demonstrates all realities in every region, and if its janissaries crush out every movement of rebellion against the tyranny of abstract thought.
In the last quarter of the 19th century the conception grew clearer that morbid anatomy for the most part demonstrates disease in its static aspects only, and also for the most part in the particular aspect of final demolition; and it became manifest as pathology and clinical medicine became more and more thoroughly integrated, that the processes which initiate and are concerned in this dissolution were not revealed by the scalpel.
The image on the left demonstrates the solidity of the walls of this slender church.
This research demonstrates how reparation for victims of gross and systematic human rights violations differs from reparation for isolated violations.
In this sense the physical realm demonstrates a certain teleology (telos = ' end ' or ' purpose ').
The ultimatum game demonstrates that people will always make choices according to their self-interest.
Raeburn is printed and painted underglaze and it demonstrates the brilliance of Spode 's colors.
Firstly, they must address the largely unspoken needs of the client in a way that demonstrates great understanding and significant empathy.
Mrs. Gardiner, who 's husband is in trade, however, demonstrates well-bred manners and does not intrude into Elizabeth 's affairs.
Watching kittens from their earliest stages of play clearly demonstrates the amount of body language that exists with cats.
The cat's body language demonstrates to other animals important information such as submission, aggression or fear.
There are many other signals that can be seen in a cat's body language, however, which demonstrates his feelings.
This demonstrates that a dog is happy, wanting to play or just generally having fun.
They provide technical support for veterinarians, which certainly demonstrates their knowledge of the field.
Their role in supporting research and disaster relief demonstrates their devotion to a mission to protect cats and preserve the integrity of their recognized pedigreed breeds.
This upward trend demonstrates how individuals with multiple marriages and divorces are more likely to have their next marriage also end in divorce.
Many retailers and antique stores put forth a "look" that demonstrates what is now known as "retrostalgia," that look from the past.
According to their research summary, acai demonstrates some ability in laboratory studies to scavenge free radicals.
Other research demonstrates that acai berry is absorbed by the human body.
As one of America's top designers, Rachel demonstrates through her book Rachel Ashwell's Shabby Chic Treasure Hunting & Decorating Guide how to hunt for the perfect items.
Such a kitchen layout demonstrates the integrity of style serving function.
Their advertising clearly demonstrates the belief that colorful cosmetics enhance how you feel and look.
Her whole line of "Lovely" demonstrates her artistic flair for scent layering and you will enjoy its uniqueness without having to wear a scent overshadowing your own natural beauty and personality.
The video demonstrates the most commonly used features, how to get to them quickly and how to customize your account page to focus on the items you use most frequently.
Making a page that demonstrates your love of scrapbooking is a wonderful way to pay tribute to this great hobby!
Time Management Techniques demonstrates ways to log activities both in personal and work activities, as well as time wasters to avoid.
Nearly everyone demonstrates similar traits when telling a lie, although some people are more adept than others at hiding their discomfort.
This demonstrates the gaining popularity of comforters over the past years.
In these roles, Mendes demonstrates that she is a flexible actress, able to switch from drama to action to comedy in the blink of an eye to capture and delight audiences.
Many students want to go to a top party college because the ranking demonstrates the fun and exciting atmosphere of college.
The doctorate demonstrates knowledge of business applications, management and specialization.
Mastery is achieved when the student demonstrates a deep understanding of the topic and relevant matters.
Yes, obtaining a college degree can be expensive, but an education is a lifetime investment that demonstrates remarkable economic value.
When this is the case, the city proudly demonstrates it through exhibits, artisan works and in the decorations it uses.
Choice (b) demonstrates the concept of intelligent disobedience, and although it may seem like a lot to expect from simple canines, thousands of guide dogs make these choices on a daily basis.
Make sure to create a functional resume that demonstrates real solutions.
Resmed's equipment demonstrates their commitment to improving both the diagnosis process and patient care.
The official cause of death was heart failure, but this video game related death demonstrates the power of obsession.
At two months, a baby will visually lock onto a human face, watches people who are some distance away, is able to alternate his or her gaze between two people or objects, and demonstrates simple visual preferences.
If the physical exam demonstrates nothing else is wrong, the pediatrician may diagnose colic by the parent's description of the crying.
Research demonstrates that in most cases bedwetting does not indicate that the child has a physical or psychological problem.
The inherited form may appear in childhood, but often demonstrates no symptoms.
Depressed reflexes in only one limb, while the other limb demonstrates a normal response usually indicates a peripheral nerve lesion.
Recent research demonstrates benefits for premature infants, children with asthma, diabetes, and certain skin disorders.
For example, this Charles Morgan video demonstrates the foot rock, spinning, and pointing.
Many consumers may assume that six weeks is an average length of time before the hair will regrow, but the simple addition of "up to" demonstrates that it is the maximum length of time.
Transitions Abroad demonstrates this concept by saying that working for an Egyptian-funded nongovernmental organization will earn a measly $750/month at the most.
The consultant typically demonstrates several different products and gives those attending the event a chance to ask questions or use the items on their own.
One of them demonstrates a pro to working for a very large company.
Click on every job category which education or prior work experience demonstrates qualifications.
Find Inspirations demonstrates the kusudama flower ball through photographic directions and written instruction, complete with embellishments.
This online video demonstrates how to do the moves correctly.
This can be considered ironic, since it plainly demonstrates that young males are attracted to depictions of strong, intelligent women and yet those roles tend to be few and far between.
Because ovens must often be preheated for certain foods, some GE appliances have a small indicator that demonstrates when the oven is preheated enough to begin cooking.
Decorating a Christmas Tree With Ribbon demonstrates all the many ways that ribbon accentuates holiday greenery.
To answer this, think about the characteristics or qualities someone demonstrates that draw you to them.
If your words are positive but your behavior demonstrates fear, then the risk of miscommunication or coming across as inauthentic increases.
You are willing to let go of what happened as long as he demonstrates behaviors that you never have to question.
While taking responsibility for your actions (no matter how embarrassing or painful that may be is) won't be easy; doing so demonstrates a growing maturity.
Let's explore how each of you behaves lovingly toward one another and how each of you demonstrates trust for the other person.
Her ability to manage her emotions without the aid of alcohol demonstrates that people change and so can you.
Recognizing this is wonderful and demonstrates a willingness on your part to take action!
Despite the scandal and heresy that has shadowed Spears' career, that nostalgic gesture clearly demonstrates the love between husband and wife and shows how they both value classic traditions.
Sending out a party invitations to celebrate your engagement is the first step towards a fun event that demonstrates your new commitment to one another.
Not only does Daniel K specialize in high quality jewelry, but the company also demonstrates exceptional commitment to superior customer service and industry ethics.
It demonstrates more creativity than the cliché dinner proposal.
Most sapphires have tiny inclusions or internal marks and this is nothing to worry about - in fact this is one way that demonstrates the stone is natural and not lab-created.
However, you can still act like you're a professional by submitting a well-written letter that demonstrates you're serious about your career.
A copywriter with a portfolio that demonstrates a high skill level and work for a variety of clients will be able to earn much more than someone who is just starting out.
Strides the Catholic Church and others have made to open up free worship to all followers, demonstrates their true compassion.
The fact that fast food restaurants provide food allergen information is certainly helpful and demonstrates a willingness to accommodate people with special needs.
This storied history clearly demonstrates why so many refuse to part with their favorite Burberry style.
This willingness to embrace other aspects of the fashion world demonstrates how in touch Juicy Couture is with the hippest trends, and how the company is willing to expand to meet their customers' needs and desires.
Beautifully crafted from leather and imprinted with Johnson and Austin bucks, this checkbook cover demonstrates the lifeblood of the outdoor hobbyist or deer hunter in stunning detail.
The following example demonstrates the method used to determine your animal sign.
If it were possible to say that a pet owner is beloved by his pets, this is the sign that demonstrates all things are possible.
An evolved Taurean profile demonstrates that Taurus is more than the superficial dressings of success and has a genuinely big heart.
If your child demonstrates a real passion and talent for arts and crafts, this could be the ideal business.
For example, one popular science fair project is a model of the solar system that demonstrates how all the planets orbit.
The Pin Bone Wizard podcast on shows viewers how to remove pin bones from fish, and also demonstrates a terrific salmon recipe.
It isn't meant to look realistic, but demonstrates the fan's wish to see that there is, in fact, a Jurassic Park 4 on its way to theaters.
Reviewing the top 100 moments in soap history above demonstrates some of the finest reasons why soap fans tune in day after day, week after week, year after year.
All of these religious symbols work together to make the perfect tattoo for you that demonstrates your religion in your own way.
As the history of nautical star tattoos demonstrates, even a tiny shape helps mold the culture of a nation and the whole world.
Be creative, work with your artist of choice, and use a traditional rose tattoo in a way that stands for something you care about or demonstrates a facet of your personality.
Beginning with innovative pocket watches boasting features well ahead of their time, the company demonstrates both a passion and professional commitment to watch development and construction.
This sequence demonstrates how succinctly your breath drives movement.
A clearinghouse for all types of bamboo flute music, this website demonstrates the wide versatility of the instrument.
He demonstrates a solitary routine in a serene setting.
Edward Vilga's Yoga in Bed program demonstrates that you can perform yoga anywhere.
The gentle poses Garcia demonstrates encourages using the support of a chair, wall, ottoman, and other fixtures while celebrating the movement of every type of body.
This dedication is what demonstrates to the studio owner that you're serious about yoga.
Smith, Jr. demonstrates how powerful the meaning of Namaste can be when you put real purpose behind it.
Google Books has a preview that demonstrates the type of editorial content in the first few issues and the regional focus of it.
An autistic savant is a person with autism who demonstrates a special skill or expertise.
Selecting the correct response demonstrates that the child has mastered the task, which is an important part of the process.
Tell a story about the person which demonstrates their values and skills.
This example also demonstrates how to set out a career objective properly.
Throughout the podcast, CAT sits in a chair and demonstrates the knitting technique of the podcast step by step.
Knowing when to say good morning, good afternoon or good evening demonstrates not just mastery of a few phrases but an understanding of French culture.
Sydney's Vintage Clothing demonstrates just how beautiful sheer retro nightgowns could be.
The progression of British pop in the '90s demonstrates a rise in grand guitar anthems, from artists like Oasis, Blur, Ocean Colour Scene and the Bluetones.
Tommy gains a measure of local celebrity when he demonstrates an ability at pinball.
The more unusual the homemade item, the more meaningful it may be because it also demonstrates the friendship between the party hostess and the guest.
When you're preparing to audition, choose a song that you're comfortable with and that demonstrates your best vocal qualities.
After Jo demonstrates all the new techniques, the parents are left without her guidance but with camera crews still present.
He demonstrates affection for all his girlfriends and is portrayed as a very generous person.
He also demonstrates how small changes, like switching light bulbs, can make a big difference and how living an eco-friendly lifestyle is a learning process.
The Eagle Scout emblem is a symbol that demonstrates that a scout has reached the highest rank in the Boy Scouts.
Take your business size into account and choose a company that demonstrates experience with similar sized businesses.
It is obvious that the final moral ideal is not realized in any body of civic institutions actually existing, but the same analysis which demonstrates this deficiency points out the direction which a true development will take.
He exhorts a former pupil, Demetrianus, not to be led astray by wealth from virtue; and he demonstrates the providence of God from the adaptability and beauty of the human body.
The first forms the text of the principal argument in the Epistle to the Hebrews, in which the author easily demonstrates the inadequacy of the mediation and atoning rites of the Old Testament, and builds upon this demonstration the doctrine of the effectual high-priesthood of Christ, who, in his sacrifice of himself, truly " led His people to God," not leaving them outside as He entered the heavenly sanctuary, but taking them with Him into spiritual nearness to the throne of grace.
Peter had resolved to crown his consort empress, and on the 15th of November 1723 he issued a second manifesto explaining at some length why he was taking such an unusual step. That he should have considered any explanation necessary demonstrates that he felt himself to be treading on dangerous ground.
This demonstrates beyond a doubt the possibility of a strongly palatalized n becoming a palatal sibilant or vice versa, between which utterances there is but a very slight tongue movement.
The Greek name for the lion is very ancient, and this suggests, although by no means demonstrates, that it refers to an animal indigenous to the country.
Comparison between 1905 and the average for1871-1875clearly demonstrates the change which Scottish agriculture had undergone.
But Egmont depends for its interest almost solely on two characters, Egmont himself and Klarchen, Gretchen's counterpart; regarded as a drama, it demonstrates the futility of that defiance of convention and rules with which the Sturm and Drang set out.
A hero, who was probably originally intended to demonstrate the failure of the vacillating temperament when brought face to face with the problems of art, proved ill-adapted to demonstrate those precepts for the guidance of life with which the Lehrjahre closes; unstable of purpose, Wilhelm Meister is not so much an illustration of the author's life-philosophy as a lay-figure on which he demonstrates his views.
In most cases we have only the evidence of sterile fronds, and this is necessarily unsatisfactory; but the occurrence of numerous stems and fertile shoots demonstrates the wealth of Cycadean plants in many parts of the world, more particularly during the Jurassic and Wealden periods.
Academic research clearly demonstrates that race itself is neither a causal nor a predictive factor in youth criminality.
The horizontal section (B) with equal clearness demonstrates the bee's ingenuity in economizing space, showing how the outer combs are used exclusively for stores, and, as such, may be built of varying thickness as more or less storage room is required.