Demonstrated Sentence Examples
She demonstrated that last night.
If it can be demonstrated that in the future, peace will always be preferable to all nations, then war will end.
Similar sensitivenesses can be demonstrated in other cases.
Parker and Ftirbringer have demonstrated that desmo FIG.
Francis Darwin later demonstrated that the tips of the plumules of grasses were sensitive parts.
His argument for the Being of God is based on the hypothesis that thought - not individual but universal - is the reality of all things, the existence of this Infinite Thought being demonstrated by the limitations of finite thought.
Deidre watched closely as Cora demonstrated how to heat water, insert the teabag and then add sugar.
When set, the eldest demonstrated a simple strike and block, then corrected her form as she followed his example.
She wore neither makeup nor jewelry, but her blouse and skirt demonstrated that she had made a half-hearted attempt to dress for company.
Newton demonstrated these to be no strayed Phoenician products.
AdvertisementOne of these steamers was lost in a squall during the passage down the river near el- `Irsi, but the other performed the voyage in safety and thus demonstrated the practicability of the downward navigation.
Reuters News reported a study out of the University of Miami that also demonstrated that a little bit of cinnamon daily reduced blood sugar levels.
You've demonstrated your abilities and yet you've restricted your activities to accomplish a specific good, at no small risk to yourselves, I might add.
Robert Napier says that these results would have been reduced to order and demonstrated consecutively but for his father's death.
In plant cells its presence has been demonstrated in the Thallophytes and Bryophytes.
AdvertisementThe suggestion is obvious that the halving of the number of nuclear threads in the reproductive cells as compared with the number of those present in the ordinary cells of the tissues - a phenomenon which has now been demonstrated as universal - may be directly connected with the facts of segregation of hybrid characters observed by Mendel.
Poisson, although previously demonstrated by Laplace for the case when p=0.
Only in our own day has the existence of the southern continent been demonstrated within the modest limits of Antarctica.
This is associated with the fact, so ably demonstrated by Darwin, that, at any rate in a large number of cases, cross-pollination yields better results, as measured by the number of seeds produced and the strength of the offspring, than self-pollination; the latter is, however, preferable to absence of pollination.
A disease of cattle in Nova Scotia, known as the Pictou cattle disease, long treated as contagious, has now been demonstrated by the veterinary officers of the department to be due to the ingestion of a weed, the ragwort, Senecio Jacobea.
AdvertisementThe nation in arms itself was the product of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars, but it was in Prussia that was seen the systematization and the economical and effective application of the immense forces of which the revolutionary period had demonstrated the existence (see also ARMY; CONSCRIPTION; FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS, &c.).
Lastly it may be mentioned that when a toxin has some action which can be demonstrated in a test-tube experiment, for example, a dissolving action on red corpuscles, this action may be annulled by previously adding the antitoxin to toxin; in such a case the intervention of the living tissues is excluded.
A steam powered 19th century reciprocating saw demonstrated by Jo Lawley of Shropshire.
We demonstrated that Chp2 binds both C. abortus elementary bodies and reticulate bodies in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
With regard to the molecular background, no mutation of the p53 or retinoblastoma susceptibility (Rb) genes has been demonstrated.
AdvertisementThe slingshot effect of gravity in the presence of gravity can be demonstrated in your back garden with a simple experiment.
The smelting of copper from the sulfide ore, a bright green and very soft mineral, was demonstrated.
This is demonstrated in this paper by hexane and cyclohexane sorption measurements on different oxides.
We previously demonstrated the selective presence of 5T2MM cells in bone marrow and spleen of diseased mice.
We have demonstrated the HiTUS technology is capable of controlling the grain size in the sputtered films.
Results included young people feeling stereotyped by police and adults and demonstrated their enthusiasm to get involved in decisions that affected them.
The size of the turn outs demonstrated the strength of the British media 's appetite for sensational, personal stories.
The effectiveness of the pulse artifact subtraction method is demonstrated in this image.
In patients with a single clinical event suggestive of multiple sclerosis, efficacy has been demonstrated over a period of two years.
Previous studies have demonstrated improved survival after complete resection of pulmonary and hollow viscus gastrointestinal metastases.
References should be tabulated at the end in the style demonstrated below and referenced in the text e.g. (Vandekerckhove etal., 1993).
Viral induced gene silencing has been demonstrated for the characterization of gene function in diploid and tetraploid potato.
It is demonstrated for the results of the 2001 KDD Cup thrombin competition.
The CNS tissues of sheep clinically affected with scrapie had been demonstrated to have higher titres of infectivity than those of asymptomatic infected sheep.
But he did raise a titter from the kids when he demonstrated how he would play tunes on women 's ' butt cracks '.
In well controlled add-on trials, no correlation has been demonstrated between trough plasma concentrations of topiramate and its clinical efficacy.
On Christmas Day itself, at three o'clock appropriately, a chef demonstrated how to carve a turkey !
Demonstrated a very good understanding based in solid research.
Implicit memory or priming was demonstrated by subjects producing more studied than unstudied words to the association cues.
The system compared unfavorably with the University of Iowa videodisk project demonstrated a year earlier at the CHArt 1986 conference.
His skill at the video game demonstrated his rapid reaction time.
However, your pet has either demonstrated an uncanny ability to surmount the obstacles presented by fences or you prefer not to have a visible fence.
Publicly, as one example, the current government has demonstrated a bad tone of fiscal responsibility - one of the worst in this nation's history.
This even applies to corporations, many of which have demonstrated poor financial decisions that unfortunately affect the rest of us.
Good faith is demonstrated if the couple had a child together or it can be shown that the husband and wife owned property together.
If this cannot be demonstrated, then the Court will not grant special equity.
Alimony cannot be requested simply as a matter of principal, but must instead be demonstrated as being necessary.
It is based upon need, which must be demonstrated to the court.
This is often demonstrated through church weddings and religious components of many wedding ceremonies, and many religions require pre-marital counseling before a couple weds to ensure they understand the sacred bond of marriage.
Hundreds of companies promoted and demonstrated the latest developments in green building materials.
The uproar created over the first installation of the United States offshore wind farm on Nantucket Sound in 2010 demonstrated that offshore does not necessarily mean out of sight.
Testing demonstrated a marked reduction in stress response among those test subjects given Rescue Remedy.
While pomegranate juice provides specific health benefits with demonstrated results, it's also a nutritional powerhouse.
In laboratory experiments, the form of tannins in pomegranate juice called punicalagins has demonstrated its ability to act as a free radical scavenger and mop up free radicals, thought to be a precursor to cancer.
The same study cited above in the journal Clinical Nutrition points to an Israeli study with 19 participants that demonstrated this effect of pomegranate juice.
Muscular activity and brain waves were measured and again, participants given the Bach flower remedies demonstrated lower stress responses.
Research at Kansas State University demonstrated that cinnamon fights E.coli bacteria.
In another study conducted in Taiwan, the People's Republic of China, demonstrated similar effects against other strains of bacteria.
Several good studies have demonstrated that the benefits of St. John's Wort for mild to moderate depression are real, and people seeking herbal remedies for depression may be justified in taking St. John's Wort.
I watched the program and found this mineral makeup stuff pretty fascinating with the flawless coverage they talked about and demonstrated.
In my mind, that speaks of organizing, not the kind of behavior Edith Shipton has demonstrated.
This treatise is in two books, dedicated to Dositheus, and deals with the dimensions of spheres, cones, "solid rhombi" and cylinders, all demonstrated in a strictly geometrical method.
These spiracles, according to Hinds, are remarkable honeycomb-like structures, and perforations to the tracheal tubes have not been demonstrated.
The visits to the United Kingdom of properly organized teams of bowlers from Australia and New Zealand in 1901 and from Canada in 1904 demonstrated that the game had gained enormously in popularity.
In 1904, during the RussoJapanese war, war news was transmitted for The Times by wireless telegraphy, the enormous importance of which in naval strategy was abundantly demonstrated.
The Chamber, though convinced of the danger of this reform, the perils of which were incisively demonstrated by Sella, voted by an overwhelming majority for an immediate reduction of the impost by onefourth, and its complete abolition within four years.
Gower in 1772, practically demonstrated the registration of a vessel's speed by mechanical means.
It was only then, too, that a reform was started in secondary education, with the object of revising the so-called " classical " system favoured in the lyceums since the 'seventies, the complete failure of which has been demonstrated after nearly thirty years of experiment.
But the general tendency to regulate rates by authority of the state has apparently rendered unnecessary the old plan of rate regulation through competition, even if it had not been demonstrated often and again that this form of regulation is costly for all concerned and is effective only during rare periods of direct conflict between companies.
For suburban traffic with a service at a few minutes' interval and short distances between the stations electric traction has proved itself to be superior in many respects to the steam locomotive, but for main line traffic and long distance runs it has not yet been demonstrated that it is commercially feasible, though it is known to be practically possible.
It is not economical to force the boiler to work at too high a rate, because it has been practically demonstrated that the boiler efficiency decreases after a certain point, as the rate of combustion increases.
It is emphatically a speculation; it cannot be demonstrated by observation or established by mathematical calculation.
After the defeat and death of Pompey (48 B.C.) Antipater transferred his allegiance to Caesar and demonstrated its value during Caesar's Egyptian campaign.
If some from time to tune dared to hope for political independence their futility was demonstrated.
In 1879 he followed up the Urangi river to the Altai Mountains, and demonstrated to the world the extraordinary physical changes which have passed over the heart of the Asiatic continent since Jenghiz Khan massed his vast armies in those provinces.
By this achievement they had demonstrated the internal weakness of the Persian empire and the absolute superiority of the Greek arms.
In Orthoptera, Heymons has demonstrated the existence of eleven pairs, the terminal pair becoming, however, soon united with the tenth.
Berzelius's investigation of the action of the electric current on salts clearly demonstrated the invaluable assistance that electrolysis could render to the isolator of elements; and the adoption of this method by Sir Humphry Davy for the analysis of the hydrates of the metals of the alkalis and alkaline earths, and the results which he thus achieved, established its potency.
Of great importance is the chemical identity of the diamond, graphite and charcoal, a fact demonstrated in part by Lavoisier in 1773, Smithson Tennant in 1796, and by Sir George Steuart-Mackenzie (1780-1848), who showed that equal weights.
At the same time, however, the conception of radicals could not be entirely displaced, for the researches of Liebig and Welder, and those made subsequently by Bunsen, demonstrated beyond all doubt the advantages which would accrue from their correct recognition.
It had long the reputation of being almost constantly ice-bound, but after the Norwegian captain Johannesen had demonstrated its accessibility in 1869, and Nordenskield had crossed it to the mouth of the Yenisei in 1875, it was considered by many to offer a possible trade route between European Russia and the north of Siberia.
His work, Monumenti delle anti christiane primitive, is the first in which the strange misconception, received with unquestioning faith by earlier writers, that the catacombs were exhausted sand-pits adapted by the Christians to the purpose of interment, was dispelled, and the true history of their formation demonstrated.
In these he seems suddenly to have cut adrift from every principle the truth of which he had himself so brilliantly demonstrated, and we find him discussing plans based on hypothesis, not knowledge, and on the importance of geographical points without reference to the enemy's field army.
At the great Indian eclipse of 1868 he demonstrated the gaseous nature of the red prominences, and devised a method of observing them under ordinary daylight conditions.
Assuming as an axiom that the centre of gravity of any number of interdependent bodies cannot rise higher than the point from which it fell, he arrived, by anticipating in the particular case the general principle of the conservation of vis viva, at correct although not strictly demonstrated conclusions.
Some of the principal phenomena of magnetism may be demonstrated with very little apparatus; much may be done with a small bar-magnet, a pocket compass and a few ounces of iron filings.
Thomson has demonstrated the existence under many different conditions of particles more minute than anything previously known to science.
This has not been demonstrated by an actual following out of the development, but the position of these pieces and the fact that they are (in Limulus) supplied by an independent segmental nerve, favours the view that they may comprise the sternal area of the vanished praegenital somite.
The cerebral mass is in Limulus more easily separated by dissection as a median lobe distinct from the laterally placed ganglia of the cheliceral somite than is the case in Scorpio, but the relations are practically the same in the two forms. Formerly it was supposed that in Limulus both the chelicerae and the next following pair of appendages were prosthomerous, as in Crustacea, but the dissections of Alphonse Milne-Edwards (6) demonstrated VI FIG.
The bi-ramose structure of the post-oral limbs, demonstrated by Beecher in the trilobite Triarthrus, is no more inconsistent with its claim to be a primitive Arachnid than is the foliaceous modification of the limbs in Phyllopods inconsistent with their relationship to the Arthrostracous Crustaceans such as Gammarus and Oniscus.
By considering only the particles of air found in a right line, he reduced the problem of the propagation of sound to the solution of the same partial differential equations that include the motions of vibrating strings, and demonstrated the insufficiency of the methods employed by both his great contemporaries in dealing with the latter subject.
Marggraf demonstrated that alumina was another constituent.
The discordance of their results incited Laplace to a searching examination of the whole subject of planetary perturbations, and his maiden effort was rewarded with a discovery which constituted, when developed and completely demonstrated by his own further labours and those of his illustrious rival Lagrange, the most important advance made in physical astronomy since the time of Newton.
The long-sought cause of the "great inequality" of Jupiter and Saturn was found in the near approach to commensurability of their mean motions; it was demonstrated in two elegant theorems, independently of any except the most general considerations as to mass, that the mutual action of the planets could never largely affect the eccentricities and inclinations of their orbits; and the singular peculiarities detected by him in the Jovian system were expressed in the so-called "laws of Laplace."
Laplace treated the subject from the point of view of the gradual aggregation and cooling of a mass of matter, and demonstrated that the form which such a mass would ultimately assume must be an ellipsoid of revolution whose equator was determined by the primitive plane of maximum areas.
So persistently does the human ear rebel against the division of the tetrachord into two greater tones and a leimma or hemitone, as represented by the fractions 9, 9, 26, that, centuries before the possibility of reconciling the demands of the ear with those of exact science was satisfactorily demonstrated, the Aristoxenian school advocated the use of an empirical scale, sounding pleasant to the sense, in preference to an unpleasing tonality founded upon immutable proportions.
With a curious respect for those theories his familiarity with the secret social history of France had caused him to entertain, he hoped and attempted to retain a hold over the king through the influence of Lady Yarmouth, though the futility of such means had already been demonstrated to him by his relations with Queen Caroline's "ma bonne Howard."
The value of such protective inoculations is demonstrated in the treatment against small-pox (Jenner), cholera, plague (Haffkine) and typhoid (Wright and Semple).
Krawkow in 1897 clearly demonstrated it to be a proteid in firm combination with chrondroitin-sulphuric acid.
The commercial success of these works has demonstrated the value of pure science to manufactures.
In the hands of Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) hydrostatics assumed the dignity of a science, and in a treatise on the equilibrium of liquids (Sur l'equilibre des liqueurs), found among his manuscripts after his death and published in 1663, the laws of the equilibrium of liquids were demonstrated in the most simple manner, and amply confirmed by experiments.
The " pseudo-Sesostres " of Herodotus, already demonstrated non-Egyptian by Rosellini.
On this view, multiple scolices are, therefore, not buds, but an example of the unlocalized organization of the embryo such as occurs in other groups of animals, and is demonstrated by experiment.
Yet, in 1713, he was implicated in the famous Solov'ey process, in the course of which it was demonstrated that he had defrauded the government of ioo,000 roubles.'
Further, he extended the work of Maurolycus, and demonstrated the exact analogy between the eye and the camera and the arrangement by which an inverted image is produced on the retina.
In1882-1886he was mayor of the city of Brooklyn, being twice elected on an independent ticket; and by his administration of his office he demonstrated that a rigid "merit" civil-service system was practicable - in September 1884 the first municipal civil-service rules in the United Service were adopted in Brooklyn.
The budget demonstrated at once its author's absolute mastery over figures and the persuasive force of his expository gift.
It has been abundantly demonstrated by careful observations that the east coasts of Japan are slowly rising.
Fayrer has demonstrated that in India alone annually some 20,000 human beings perish from snake-bites.
Clerk Maxwell demonstrated, however, that all electric charge or electrification of conductors consists simply in the establishment of a physical state in the surrounding insulator or dielectric, which state is variously called electric strain, electric displacement or electric polarization.
The contemporaneity of these structures has been demonstrated by the identity of the pottery and other objects discovered in them, including some remarkable steatopygic figures in stone, and it is clear that they belong to the neolithic period, numerous flints, but no metal, having been found.
Lyell demonstrated to the satisfaction, or - perhaps it should rather be said - to the dissatisfaction, of his contemporaries that the story of the geological ages as recorded in the strata of the earth becomes intelligible only when vast stretches of time are presupposed.
The evidence upon which these opinions were based had been gathered by such anthropologists as Schmerling, Boucher de Perthes and others, and it had to do chiefly with the finding of implements of human construction associated with the remains of extinct animals in the beds of caves, and with the recovery of similar antiquities from alluvial deposits the great age of which was demonstrated by their depth.
Not merely were artistic sculptures and bas-reliefs found that demonstrated a high development of artistic genius, but great libraries were soon revealed, - books consisting of bricks of various sizes, or of cylinders of the same material, inscribed while in the state of clay with curious characters which became indelible when baking transformed the clay into brick.
It is demonstrated, then, that as early as the beginning of the r4th century B.C. the Mycenaean civilization was in touch with the ancient civilization of Egypt.
The result, though disastrous, abundantly demonstrated Leslie's capacity as a soldier, and it might be claimed for him that Cromwell and the English regulars proved no match for him until his movements were interfered with and his army reduced to indiscipline by the representatives of the Kirk party that accompanied his headquarters.
Although Cyrus was defeated at Cunaxa, this rebellion was disastrous inasmuch as it opened to the Greeks the way into the interior of the empire, and demonstrated that no oriental force was able to withstand a band of well-trained Greek soldiers.
But it also demonstrated how impossible it was for any one to govern at all who had no claim, either personal or inherited, to the respect of the legions.
This fact having been fully demonstrated, acetylene dissolved in this way was exempted from the Explosives Act, and consequently upon this exemption a large business has grown up in the preparation and use of dissolved acetylene for lighting motor omnibuses, motor cars, railway carriages, lighthouses, buoys, yachts, &c., for which it is particularly adapted.
How far from the coast the real authority of the sultan extended was never demonstrated.
This circumstance appeared so anomalous that some astronomers doubted whether the surviving lines were really due to calcium; but Sir William and Lady Huggins (née Margaret Lindsay Murray, who, after their marriage in 1875, actively assisted her husband) successfully demonstrated in the laboratory that calcium vapour, if at a sufficiently low pressure, gives under the influence of the electric discharge precisely these lines and no others.
For in no other country had hostility to religion attained such a pitch or assumed such grotesque forms; and consequently in no other country did the yearning for religion manifest itself so unequivocally, when bitter experience had demonstrated the necessity of a return to law and order.
The idea of the existence of separate sexes in plants was entertained in early times, long before separate male and female organs had been demonstrated.
Though not a commercial success, the expedition had demonstrated the weakness of the Portuguese.
Leon Bourgeois as president of the committee appointed to deal with the FrancoGerman treaty, the necessity for the ratification of which he demonstrated.
Jagiello's signal for the attack at the battle of Griinewald, "Cracow and Vilna" (the respective capitals of Poland and Lithuania) had 'eloquently demonstrated the solidarity of the two states.
The events of the last reign had demonstrated the incompetence of the Poles to govern themselves.
Lee's right wing had in the meantime demonstrated against the main body of the Federals about Fair Oaks, on the south bank of the river.
While these views were current in France, exaggerating and surpassing the thought of Cuvier, they were strongly opposed in Germany by such authors as Ernst Friedrich von Schlotheim (1764-1832) and Heinrich Georg Bronn (1800-1862); and the latter demonstrated that certain species actually pass from one formation to another.
Hyatt went further and demonstrated that ancestral characters are passed through by successive descendants at a more and more accelerated rate in each generation, thus giving time for the appearance of new characters in the adult.
Paul similarly demonstrated genetic series of Paludina (Vivipara) in the Pliocene lakes of Slavonia (1875).
He also demonstrated that mutations have this special or distinctive character, that they repeat in the same direction without oscillation or retrogression.
This principle has been demonstrated recently among Tertiary rhinoceroses and titanotheres, in which remains of four or five genetic series in the same geologic deposits have been discovered.
The polyphyletic law was early demonstrated among invertebrates by Neumayr (1889) when he showed that the ammonite genus Phylloceras follows not one but five distinct lines of evolution of unequal duration.
Such sudden appearances may be demonstrated possibly in zoology and embryology but never can be demonstrated by palaeontology, because of the incompleteness of the geological record.
Internal causes of extinction are to be found in exaggeration of body size, in the hypertrophy or over-specialization of certain organs, in the irreversibility of evolution, and possibly, although this has not been demonstrated, in a progressive reduction of variability.
Great waves of extinction have followed the long periods of the slow evolution of relatively inadaptive types of tooth and foot structure, as first demonstrated by Waldemar Kowalevsky; thus mammals are repeatedly observed in a cul-de-sac of structure from which there is no escape in an adaptive direction.
These precise conditions were afterwards demonstrated by Newton to follow necessarily from the law of gravitation.
This problem, also termed the " Apollonian problem," was demonstrated with the aid of conic sections by Apollonius in his book on Contacts or Tangencies; geometrical solutions involving the conic sections were also given by Adrianus Romanus, Vieta, Newton and others.
Lambert, 1 " read before the Berlin Academy in 1761, in which he demonstrated the irrationality of 7r.
A notable one was the Epistles of Phalaris, a late Greek forgery, demonstrated to be such by Bentley in a treatise which is a model of what such a demonstration should be.
In 1895 it was demonstrated that Alabama pig-iron could be sent to Liverpool and sold cheaper than the English product, and Birmingham (Alabama) came consequently to rank next to Middlesborough and Glasgow among the world centres of the pig-iron trade.
The work of criticism has brought to light important examples of fluctuating tradition, singular lacunae in some places and unusual wealth of tradition in others, and has demonstrated that much of that which had long been felt to be impossible and incredible was due to writers of the post-exilic age many centuries after the presumed date of the events.
Henri Milne-Edwards in 1844 demonstrated the affinities of the Polyzoa with the Molluscan class Brachiopoda, and proposed to associate the three classes Brachiopoda, Polyzoa and Tunicata in a large group " Molluscoidea," co-ordinate with the remaining classes of Cuvier's Mollusca, which formed a group retaining the name Mollusca.
His capacity was again demonstrated in the action of Belfast-Dalmanutha (August 23-28, 1900), and after the fall of Pretoria he reorganized the Boer resistance with a view to prolonged guerrilla warfare.
Roland's experience demonstrated that not cold but heat is the agent which saps the constitution of the silkworm and makes it a ready prey to disease.
This was first demonstrated by Commander Matthew Flinders by experiments made in H.M.S.
True, it cannot be demonstrated that all the fearful accusations afterwards levelled at John XXIII.
He examined the opacity of the air for sound in connexion with lighthouse and siren work, and he finally clinched the proof of what had been already substantially demonstrated by several others, viz.
Equilibrium requires that the available energy and therefore the area of contact should be a minimum, as is demonstrated in Plateau's beautiful experiment, where a large drop of oil is placed in a liquid of equal density and a perfect sphere is formed.
Such systems are opposed to all doctrines which rest solely or ultimately upon external authority; the individual must investigate everything for himself and abandon any position the validity of which cannot be rationally demonstrated.
It is thought to depend upon some connexion, not yet anatomically demonstrated, between the third cranial nerve and its nucleus in the floor of the iter and the substantia nigra.
Allen in America demonstrated the same fact upon the same species of rodents.
In this case, the greater constitutional vigour of the albino is thus accurately demonstrated.
The advantage to the fly of its deceptive resemblance to the bee is theoretically perfectly evident and practically can be demonstrated by experiment.
This explanation depends upon what is now an experimentally demonstrated fact that insectivorous birds, and probably other animals, have no instinctive knowledge of what insects are edible and what inedible.
He demonstrated before Pierre Varignon the resolution of forces,.
In this case the carbonaceous beds-coal-seams-naturally appealed most strongly to the imagination, and the name is a good one, notwithstanding the fact that coal-seams occupy but a small fraction of the total thickness of the Carboniferous system; and although subsequent investigations have demonstrated the existence of coal in other geological formations, in none of these does it play so prominent a part.
Miyoshi then demonstrated that if Botrytis is sown in a lamella of gelatine, and this lamella is superposed on another similar one to which a chemotropic substance is added, the tips of the hyphae at once turn from the former and enter the latter.
The marked preference shown by the natives to resort to the civil and criminal courts established by the British demonstrated their faith in the impartial treatment awarded therein.
Pursuing the investigations of Laplace, he demonstrated with greater rigour the stability of the solar system, and calculated the limits within which the eccentricities and inclinations of the planetary orbits vary.
How strong this position had become was demonstrated during the crisis that arose after the revolution in Turkey and the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria in October 1908.
Whilst by many the movements were ascribed to the agency of spirits, two investigators - count de Gasparin and Professor Thury of Geneva - conducted a careful series of experiments by which they claimed to have demonstrated that the movements of the table were due to a physical force emanating from the bodies of the sitters, for which they proposed the name "ectenic force."
And Faraday devised some simple apparatus which conclusively demonstrated that the movements were due to unconscious muscular action.
They demonstrated the ascent of the sap through the wood of the tree, and supposed the sap to "precipitate a kind of white coagulum or jelly, which may be well conceived to be the part which every year between bark and tree turns to wood and of which the leaves and fruits are made."
He was a religious fanatic, who had probably been high Anienophis priest of the sun-god at Heliopolis, and had come to view the sun as the visible source of life, creation, growth and activity, whose power was demonstrated in foreign lands almost as clearly as in Egypt.
It can be demonstrated that they are practically indefatigable - repeatedly stimulated by electrical currents, even through many hours, they, unlike muscle, continue to respond with unimpaired reaction.
In the myelinated cell branches of the neuron, that is, in the ordinary nerve fibres, no visible change has ever been demonstrated as the result of any normal activity, however great - a striking contrast to the observations obtained on the perikarya.
Three years before this date a local penny post had been provided in Edinburgh by private enterprise, carried on by a staff of seven persons, and after the success of this effort had been demonstrated the concern was taken over by the post office.
That the language had been imposed, in a remote age, by Celtic-speaking invaders, on a prior non-Celticspeaking population, is probable enough, but is not demonstrated.
On the other hand, the work of modern systematists shows an extraordinarily exact relation between their species and geographical locality, and the fact of divergent evolution can be almost demonstrated in museum collections when localities have been recorded exactly.
We append, however, again from the late Professor Weldon's article, a summary of the lines on which it seems possible that the actual process of selection may be demonstrated.
For the old dream of the pilgrim, to view the country where God had walked as man, lived on in the Crusades - a fact which is demonstrated by the letters of Bernard of Clairvaux, with the songs of Walther von der Vogelweide and other Crusaders.
The general relations between the parabola, ellipse and hyperbola are treated in the articles Geometry, Analytical, and Conic Sections; and various projective properties are demonstrated in the article Geometry, Projective.
Seven years before he had started a model farm at Frechine, where he demonstrated the advantages of scientific methods of cultivation and of the introduction of good breeds of cattle and sheep. Chosen a member of the provincial assembly of Orleans in 1787, he busied himself with plans for the improvement of the social and economic conditions of the community by means of savings banks, insurance societies, canals, workhouses, &c.; and he showed the sincerity of his philanthropical work by advancing money out of his own pocket, without interest, to the towns of Blois and Romorantin, for the purchase of barley during the famine of 1788.
It is the oldest commission with such power in the United States, and the litigation with railways which followed its establishment in 1871 fully demonstrated the public character of the railway business and was the precedent for the policy of state control elsewhere.2 Population.
The reasons were not understood until the researches of Wailer demonstrated the difference between the effects of merely dead loads and of live loads, and between repetitions of stress of one kind only, and the vastly more destructive effects of both kinds alternating.
In the Pyramid texts Thoth is already closely associated with the Osiris myth, having aided the god by his science and knowledge of magic, and demonstrated the justice of his claims in the contest with Set.
He demonstrated the rotation of the satellites of Jupiter round the planet, and gave rough predictions of their configurations, proved the rotation of the sun on its axis, established the general truth of the Copernican system as compared with that of Ptolemy, and fairly routed the fanciful dogmas of the philosophers.
A study of their geographical distribution has demonstrated that the islands may be divided into fairly well-marked groups, in each of which the birds show a degree of specialization closely correlated with diversity of environment and completeness and probable duration of separation from adjacent groups.
Newton, according to Dr Pemberton, thought in 1666 that the moon moves so like a falling body that it has a similar centripetal force to the earth, 20 years before he demonstrated this conclusion from the laws of motion in the Principia.
And what is to be said of the judgment of a writer who considers the relativity of thought demonstrated by the fact that every judgment unites two members?
Its extension to new and hitherto unknown languages was in 1910 in process of being rapidly demonstrated by English and German expeditions in Chinese Turkestan.
The bacillus has been demonstrated in the bodies of fleas, flies, bugs and ants.
He demonstrated the presence of the bacilli in the sputa, and showed that the inflammation in the lungs was set up by primary plague infection.
Principle of Least Resistance.Where more than one system of resistances are alike capable of balancing the same system of loads applied to a given structure, the smallest of those alternative systems, as waS demonstrated by the Rev. Henry Moseley in his Mechanics of Engineering and Architecture, is that which will actually be exerted but are distinguished by an asterisk.
The relation between the advance and the rotation, which compose the motion of a screw working in contact with a fixed screw or helical guide, has already been demonstrated in 32; and the same relation exists between the magnitudes of the rotation of a screw about a fixed axis and the advance of a shifting nut in which it rotates.
Observation has demonstrated that the two rates are generally found to move along parallel lines.
Tests made for several successive years by means of culture media and sterile plates, demonstrated the perfect bacteriologic purity of the air, first drawn into the caverns through myriads of rocky crevices that served as natural filters, then further cleansed by floating over the transparent springs and pools, and finally supplied to the inmates of the sanatorium.
In subsequent trials with another apparatus, he found that the clouds were sometimes positively and sometimes negatively electrified, and so demonstrated the perfect identity of lightning and electricity.
Lord Kelvin showed that Faraday's discovery demonstrated that some form of rotation was taking place along lines of magnetic force when passing through a medium.'
On the Catholic side, as was speedily demonstrated, there existed no sort of tendency to conciliation.
Jute, indeed, is much more woody in texture than either flax or hemp, a circumstance which may be easily demonstrated by its behaviour under appropriate reagents; and to that fact is due the change in colour and character it undergoes on exposure to the air.
In 1863, however, Huxley in his Man's Place in Nature demonstrated that the higher apes might fairly be included in Bimana.
The navy, of even more importance to Sweden if she were to maintain the dominion of the Baltic, was entirely remodelled; and, the recent war having demonstrated the unsuitability of Stockholm as a naval station, the construction of a new arsenal on a gigantic scale was simultaneously begun at Karlskrona.
It has also been demonstrated that under proper restriction great quantities of mature oysters, and seed oysters as well, may be taken from any region of natural oyster-beds without injurious effects.
But when the revolt of the younger Cyrus against his brother (401 B.C.) had demonstrated the surprising ease and rapidity with which a courageous army could penetrate into the heart of the empirewhen the whole force of that empire had proved powerless, not only to prevent some 12,000 Greek troops, completely surrounded, cut off from their communications, and deprived through treachery of their leaders, from escaping to the coast, but even to make a serious attack on themthen, indeed, the imperial impotence became manifest.
How difficult it was for infantry to hold their own against these mounted squadrons was demonstrated by the Roman campaigns, especially in broad plains like those of Mesopotamia.
On the death of the Shah Rukh in 1446 he was succeeded by his son Ulugh Bey, whose scientific tastes are demonstrated in the astronomical tables bearing his name, quoted by European writers when determining the latitude of places in Persia.
As has been demonstrated the action taken was one of vacillation between these two courses, and was complicated by a native policy which, though well intentioned and intelligible, needlessly irritated the white colonists (British and Dutch) and did not prevent bloodshed.
By 1886, the year in which Johannesburg was founded, the wealth of the Witwatersrand fields was demonstrated.
In 1760 Admiral Boscawen had violated Portuguese neutrality by burning four French ships off Lagos; Pombal protested and the British government apologized, but not before the military weakness of Portugal had been demonstrated.
The researches of later years have demonstrated that a still more inexhaustible supply of nitrogen is made available by the nitrogen-fixing bacteria of the soil.
Although the formation of toxins with characteristic action can be shown by the above methods, yet in some cases little or no toxic action can be demonstrated.
In addition, however, there occur in bacterial diseases symptoms to which the correlated structural changes have not yet been demonstrated.
Alterations in metabolism are found to be associated with some of these, but with others no corresponding physical change can be demonstrated.
His next and best-known work, Divine Legation of Moses demonstrated on the Principles of a Religious Deist (2 vols., 1737-1741), preserves his name as the author of the most daring and ingenious of theological paradoxes.
Vaughan Thompson demonstrated the existence of metamorphosis in the development of the higher Crustacea.
Although the excretory function of these has been demonstrated by physiological methods, however, their morphological relations are not clear.
Lastly he demonstrated that the wings of flying creatures, when the I By the term aeroplane is meant a thin, light, expanded structure inclined at a slight upward angle to the horizon intended to float or rest upon the air, and calculated to afford a certain amoune, of support to any body attached to it.
One of the most important discoveries made during the latter part of the 19th century was that by Ikeno, a Japanese botanist, who first demonstrated the existence of motile male cells in the genus Cycas.
It is often stated that fertilization occurs after the ovules have fallen, but it has been demonstrated by Hirase that this occurs while the ovules are still attached to the tree.
Other observers have in recent years demonstrated a similar relation in other genera between the number of chromosomes in the nuclei of the two generations.
He also demonstrated that no motor nerve ever passes through a ganglion.
It is a mere prejudice of philosophic thinkers, a prejudice which has descended from Aristotle, that mediate or demonstrated cognition is superior in cogency and value to the immediate perception of truths or facts.
It was not till Vaughan Thompson demonstrated, in 1830, their development from a free-swimming and typically Crustacean larva that it came to be recognized that, in Huxley's graphic phrase, "a barnacle may be said to be a Crustacean fixed by its head and kicking the food into its mouth with its legs."
Frazer in England have amply demonstrated the enduring influence exercised on popular thought and custom by certain primitive forms of vegetation worship, of which the most noteworthy example is the so-called mysteries of Adonis.
There was no doubt of his military ability, which had been fully demonstrated in the long Welsh wars, but he is reputed to have shown himself arrogant, contentious and over-given to looseliving.
Lord Palmerston, speaking in 1845, had declared that steam had bridged theChannel; and the duke of Wellington had addressed a letter to Sir John Burgoyne, in which he had demonstrated that the country was not in a position to resist an.
Fraas, of Stuttgart, has demonstrated the derivation of the whale-like Zeuglodon from the creodonts.
Whales and dolphins being thus demonstrated to be nothing more than highly modified Carnivora, might almost be included in the same ordinal group.
Recent discoveries have demonstrated the African origin of the elephants (Proboscidea) and hyraxes (Hyracoidea), the latter group being still indeed mainly African, and in past times also limited to Africa and the Mediterranean countries.
Illuminating Gas.-The first practical application of gas distilled from coal as an illuminating agent is generally as cribed to William Murdoch, who between the years of 1792 and 1802 demonstrated the possibility of making gas from coal and using it as a lighting agent on a large scale.
It is clear from these facts that, prior to Murdoch's experiments, it was known that illuminating gas could be obtained by the destructive distillation of coal, but the experiments which he began at Redruth in 1792, and which culminated in the lighting of Messrs Boulton, Watt & Co.'s engine works at Soho, near Birmingham, in 1802, undoubtedly demonstrated the practical possibility of making the gas on a large scale, and burning it in such a way as to make coal-gas the most important of the artificial illuminants.
With this conception of the infinite as absolutely unconditioned should be compared what may be described roughly as lesser infinities which can be philosophically conceived and mathematically demonstrated.
Morality, Locke thinks, as well as mathematical quantity, is capable of being demonstrated.
What he really means is less paradoxically stated in the general proposition that " originally and in reality it is natural and (morally speaking) necessary that the will should be determined in every action by the reason of the thing and the right of the case,"` as it is natural and (absolutely speaking) necessary that the understanding should submit to a demonstrated truth."
By these means, employed with consummate skill, he attained an unprecedented degree of accuracy, and as an incidental though valuable result, demonstrated the unreality of the supposed trepidation of the equinoxes.
It was especially adapted to the tracing out of " secular inequalities," or those depending upon changes in the orbital elements of the bodies affected by them, and hence progressing indefinitely with time; and by its means, accordingly, the mechanical stability of the solar system was splendidly demonstrated through the successive efforts of Lagrange and Laplace.
The corona was photographed at Konigsberg during the totality of the 28th of July 1851; similar records of the red prominences, successively obtained by Father Angelo Secchi and Warren de la Rue, as the shadowtrack crossed Spain on the 18th of July 1860, finally demonstrated their solar status.
The notion of God comes thus into the foreground of the system; before all things it is necessary that it should be made clear to reason, that it should be demonstrated to have real existence.
On the other hand, it now seems practically demonstrated that Alain de Lille was the author of the Ars catholicae fidei and the treatise Contra haereticos.
He has there not only demonstrated, from the external and internal evidence alike, the spuriousness of the whole treatise, but in a collation (extending to nearly a hundred pages) of numerous passages with corresponding passages in classical medieval authorities, has also traced out the various sources whence Bertram derived the terminology and the facts which he reproduced in the De Situ.
This condition of thought is demonstrated to be, and to have been, universal among savages, and it may notoriously be observed among children.
It is quickly absorbed into the blood, where its presence can be demonstrated especially in the white blood corpuscles.
The fall of Athens left Sparta once again supreme in the Greek world and demonstrated clearly.
But it has not been demonstrated that these are exclusively pre-Mosaic. On the other hand, a better acquaintance with the ancient political, sociological and religious conditions has made it increasingly difficult to interpret the records as a whole literally, or even to find a place in pre-Mosaic Palestine for the lives of the patriarchs as they are depicted.'
Lenfant ascended the river with a flotilla from its mouth to Say, and he demonstrated the "normal practicability" of the route, despite the Bussa rapids.
The ruinous failure of the great Armada in 1588 demonstrated the incapacity of Spain to maintain her pretensions.
That control would have been lost had a European power other than Great Britain obtained possession of any part of the Nile valley; and at the time the Sudan was reconquered (1896-98) France was endeavouring to establish her authority on the river between Khartum and Gondokoro, as the Marchand expedition from the Congo to Fashoda demonstrated.
When the general election came in 1880, Mr Schnadhorst's powers were demonstrated in the successes won under his auspices.
But it has been demonstrated again and again that, directly the company's interests begin to clash with those of foreign powers, the home government must assume a protectorate over its territories in order to simplify the situation and save perhaps disastrous collisions.
In several cases heterospory, unknown among recent Equisetaceae, has been demonstrated in their Palaeozoic representatives.
The occurrence of secondary growth in these plants, demonstrated by Williamson's researches, is a point of great interest.
The curious, transversely-ribbed fossils known as Sternbergia or Artisia have proved to be casts of the medullary cavity of Cordaiteae; their true nature was first demonstrated by Williamson in 1850.
In the isolated seeds of Cordaitales and Pteridosperms, pollen-grains are often found within the pollen-chamber, and the pluricellular structure of these pollen-grains has been repeatedly demonstrated.
In view of recent discoveries which have demonstrated the Pteridosperm nature of many supposed ferns of Palaeozoic age, we must admit the possibility that the term fern as applied to Glossopteris and Gangamopteris may be incorrect.
The existence of Upper Gondwana plants, resembling Jurassic species from the Rajmahal beds of India, has been demonstrated in the Argentine by Dr Kurtz.
Mr Wieland's researches have, however, demonstrated the existence in flowers of this type of the remains of a disk at the base of the receptacle, between the receptacle and the surrounding bracts, to which staminate leaves were originally attached.
In 1676 Wepfer and Conrad Brunner demonstrated on dogs the tetanizing action of nux vomica, and similar rough experiments were repeated from time to time with other substances by later investigators.
Numerous researches have demonstrated these points with regard to individual groups of substances, but hitherto it has not been possible to formulate any fixed laws regarding the relationship between chemical constitution and physiological action.
Freedom, it is true, is theoretically not an object of cognition, but its impossibility is not thereby demonstrated.
By the time he caught up with them, Donnie had recovered somewhat, but gone was the enthusiasm demonstrated earlier and he continued to clutch his father, as close as the seat belt would allow.
Her writing showed she was intelligent and perceptive, though she demonstrated incredibly poor judgment at times.
Overwhelming evidence demonstrated it was totally out of character for Jeffrey Byrne to discard his world like yesterday's trash, and yet, piece by piece, the picture was emerging that he'd done just that.
For the next three years, Wilson demonstrated immense political acumen.
In fact, as Roberto Unger has demonstrated, there is no elective affinity between capitalism and democracy.
Antecedent poliomyelitis was demonstrated in all patients by electromyography or muscle biopsy or both.
In minford yard, the department's new toy, the rail-mounted cherry picker was being demonstrated.
In addition, candidates should have a clear knowledge of topographical anatomy as demonstrated by modern imaging techniques.
Regulatory approval requires that their product is demonstrated in over 1000 patients.
He has demonstrated a great aptitude for carpentry skills.
User groups have demonstrated that mobile subscribers have an average attention span of just 90 seconds.
These effects have been demonstrated with benzodiazepines administered to normal subjects and anxious patients and in long-term benzodiazepines administered to normal subjects and anxious patients and in long-term benzodiazepine users.
Insulin has been demonstrated to have direct effects on the endothelium to increase NO bioavailability.
The futility of sinking hundreds of millions in large scale biofuel plants can be demonstrated quite simply.
The practical relevance of ' quantum chaos ' has - to my knowledge - yet to be demonstrated.
Alexis Didier was the younger and more gifted of two brothers who both demonstrated clairvoyance when put into a hypnotic trance.
In December, Brian Mickelthwaite said the sector demonstrated the futility of trying to build an internationally competitive industry behind high tariff barriers.
Over the past 10 years, we have demonstrated the complementarity of SIMS and IR spectroscopy through applications in a number of areas.
Mason demonstrated his musical ability at several stages throughout the night by playing drums, guitar and an impressive assortment of percussion contraptions.
The ringing skills demonstrated were less than awesome but perfectly creditable.
The attraction of radon decay products to sources of power frequency electric fields has been demonstrated by Henshaw et al (1996 ).
His acidic quick wit is also amply demonstrated on BBC radio shows such as Just A Minute.
It also appears to be relatively inexpensive and may even be cost saving, although this has not been conclusively demonstrated.
Moreover, as in my view Dr. C convincingly demonstrated, her neurological condition remains about as bad as it could be.
Apparently SCIMAC have " graphically demonstrated consideration for the views of the public " .
Chronic epilepsy All hospital studies of newly diagnosed epilepsy have consistently demonstrated that 20 - 30% of patients do not enter remission 1-3.
They are descriptions containing demonstratives whose uses refer to whatever pattern is instantiated by the demonstrated token.
Two separate studies demonstrated no significant difference between dental check frequency and decayed, missing and filled teeth in deciduous or mixed dentition.
Evidence of this flow pattern is demonstrated by the numerous drumlins that compose much of the landscape.
The authors report an atypical case where the diagnosis was revealed by contrast echocardiography that demonstrated marked intrapulmonary shunting.
Both trials demonstrated efficacy in these elderly patients, who are at high risk of cardiovascular events.
This demonstrated a poor control and a larger sample with catheter encrustation in both methods is needed.
We have been delighted by the enthusiasm of both staff and pupils and the obvious improvement in ability and confidence demonstrated by all pupils involved.
An example of an illustration by John Gould demonstrated the artistic excellence achieved.
What is truly extraordinary is that each of these myths is exactly contrary to what can clearly be demonstrated was the case.
Last night Robert Ellis demonstrated why he is one of our colleagues to have been awarded a prestigious national teaching fellowship.
In so doing he has demonstrated real investment flair.
The small bowel follow-through demonstrated 32 of 55 metastases (sensitivity 58% ).
It demonstrated the folly of preventive war fought without international support.
The continuing generosity of individuals to the Institute was also demonstrated in several gifts.
Serco's response to recent disasters demonstrated a great generosity of spirit.
Diagnosis Thrombosis of the aorta and aortic graft Renal infarction Discussion The more distal images demonstrated the nature of his previous surgery.
We recently demonstrated that secretory granules can signal their own export from the cell by releasing Ca 2+ to the cytosol.
He is on very solid ground, his thorough grasp of historical theology having already been ably demonstrated in earlier writings.
There are other structural differences as well, and up til now, the new glass has demonstrated increased honesty over previous products.
Studies in humans have demonstrated that carbocisteine reduces goblet cell hyperplasia.
The potential for iron overload to cause hypertrophy is demonstrated in Friedrich's ataxia.
All these techniques and many more are now at the digital image-maker 's fingertips with the step-by-step sequences demonstrated in this book.
On the overall political level, It has demonstrated the impossibility of John Prescott's job.
That the shows merely demonstrated the political impotence of those American idols was a major setback.
The AIS has also demonstrated exercise improvement with an even simpler approach.
The period from now until the end of the war in 1453 demonstrated an apparently ineluctable downhill slide.
In support of this notion, recent clinical studies have demonstrated that the breast-fed infant has a lower risk of acquiring urinary tract infections.
Widespread white matter demyelination and subcortical lacunar infarcts are demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging.
The garden demonstrated the wide variety of plant material that can become established in the seemingly inhospitable habitat of a disused railroad line.
Already, the researchers demonstrated that their technology is 20 to 100 times faster than conventional phase-shifting interferometers.
Kali training - demonstrated by Lucas Castrounis with one of his students, Dan Creswell.
An abnormal karyotype was demonstrated in 57% of patients.
Linseed seeds act as a gentle bulk laxative and their use has been demonstrated through use of case examples and a literature review.
Postmortem histopathology from nearly fifty years ago demonstrated the consistent presence of poliovirus lesions in specific brain areas.
We have successfully demonstrated that polymer light-emitting diodes can be fabricated with silver-based conductive lithographic film printed contacts.
The audience took an instant liking to it, which was demonstrated by the gentle swaying of bodies.
James demonstrated his bluesy guitar skills alongside a soulful melody.
Have you demonstrated your artifact to your supervisor and/or moderator?
The technique was demonstrated at Mount St Josephs School and the year 10 pupils worked with the artists to fill the mold.
Mechanical instability is abnormal movement of the talus within the ankle mortise, usually demonstrated on stress radiography.
The author demonstrated a positive reaction of the oral mucous membrane to Primula on himself (Helmke 1937 ).
Aplidin(R) also demonstrated activity against a panel of 35 human multiple myeloma (MM) cell lines.
Recent advances in affective neuroscience have demonstrated this beyond doubt for fear.
The healing response as demonstrated by fibroblast outgrowth is retarded when compared with conventional conjunctival closure.
No definite advantage from the patient's point of view has been demonstrated by the use of tubes and nasal packing.
It was concluded that whenever the HSG demonstrated tubal patency with free flow of dye, laparoscopic may not be necessary.
Ultrasound demonstrated bilateral occlusion with a sensitivity of 100 %, and showed tubal patency with a specificity of 96% .
Agreement of the theoretical models with real systems has been demonstrated by the inclusion of 3% copper phthalocyanine in paraffin wax.
The bioenhancing effects of piperine have been demonstrated in several other studies which show that piperine can improve the absorption of many nutrients.
Mums also demonstrated outside the Department of Health brandishing placards bearing the slogan ' Tony, please support our breasts ' .
Evidence of remote denervation consistent with antecedent poliomyelitis was demonstrated in all patients by electromyography or muscle biopsy or both.
He highlighted how this research has now demonstrated that the applications of Seprion can be expanded to the detection of abnormal prion can be expanded to the detection of abnormal prion in blood.
A functional prototype of an SRA was demonstrated at the conclusion of the project.
He recognized the need for practicing a psychotherapy which can be demonstrated to be an effective contribution to mental health care.
The improvement in image quality is demonstrated in the measured signal-to-noise ratio of flood exposure images.
This efficacy was demonstrated in a group of epileptic patients with long-standing, highly refractory seizures despite many trials of medication.
This case demonstrated that unwarranted demotion and disciplinary sanctions would amount to constructive dismissal should the employe resign.
Octreotide scintigraphy demonstrated that this tumor avidly bound the peptide.
This tumor selectivity has been demonstrated for transplanted tumors in animal models.
The axis powers demonstrated high growth rates through severe, and often self-inflicted, restrictions on external trade through the 1930's.
A novel approach invented and demonstrated by the group is to use sideband filtering technique for an externally phase modulated signal.
In verse 20 then you see God's love demonstrated toward a penitent sinner.
The team demonstrated exceptional sportsmanship at the event, whether they finished first or last in any of the events.
Special mention goes to Matt Hornby 10R who demonstrated great sportsmanship by offering to play number 8 for the depleted Devizes team.
The size of the turn outs demonstrated the strength of the British media's appetite for sensational, personal stories.
The site had a clay subgrade and demonstrated considerable problems on the heavily loaded up-line, which carried steel freight trains from South Wales.
Martin, Gilgamesh and Nick demonstrated effortless superiority with the frisbee.
The importance of assessment and feedback in learning will be demonstrated with examples of how IT can make the process more tailored and efficient.
But he did raise a titter from the kids when he demonstrated how he would play tunes on women's ' butt cracks ' .
That was nothing other than a complete triviality which I just demonstrated.
On Christmas Day itself, at three o'clock appropriately, a chef demonstrated how to carve a turkey!
We say it expresses a clear untruth that can be demonstrated as such.
Clinical trials have clearly demonstrated efficacy in reducing wind and smells and relieving indigestion and gastric upset in the dog.
A rectangular flat-roofed canopy extended from the building, over the platform, and demonstrated an intricate pointed valance (see Plumstead ).
It has also clearly demonstrated its contempt for democracy through its willingness to ignore the democratically expressed wishes of the electorates in member states.
About this time Hansen, who had long been engaged in researches on the biology of the fungi of fermentation, demonstrated that yeast free from bacteria could nevertheless occasion diseases in beer.
That, as now constituted, mind does depend on brain, life on body, must be conceded, but that this dependence is so absolute that the function must cease with the organ has not been scientifically demonstrated; the connexion of the soul with the body is as yet too obscure to justify any such dogmatism.
He had already demonstrated in his prefaces the possibility of a psychology apart from physiology, of the science of the phenomena of consciousness distinct from the perceptions of sense.
Hence, when the undulating telephonic currents were made to pass through the apparatus, the constant variation of the friction of the spring caused the deflexions of the diaphragm to vary in unison with the variation of the electric The extreme smallness of the magnets which might be successfully employed was first demonstrated by Professor Peirce of Brown University, Providence, R.I.
He greeted the treaty of San Stefano (3rd March 1878) with undisguised relief, and by the mouth of the king, congratulated Italy (7th March 1878) on having maintained with the powers friendly and cordial relations free from suspicious precautions, and upon having secured for herself that most precious of alliances, the alliance of the future a phrase of which the empty rhetoric was to be bitterly demonstrated by the Berlin Congress and the French occupation of Tunisia.
On the occasion of the incident raised by Goblet with regard to Massawa, Bismarck made it clear to France that, in case of complications, Italy would not stand alone; and when in February I 888 a strong French fleet appeared to menace the Italian coast, the British Mediterranean squadron demonstrated its readiness to support Italian naval dispositions.
Crafters tend to be very visual people, often preferring to see a new technique demonstrated instead of simply reading an article about it.
It was this role in which Berry not only proved her skills as an actress, but also demonstrated her dedication to her craft.
As the above examples have demonstrated, plastic surgery can often go bad.
His later ventures including Hot Shots and Major League demonstrated a cheeky sense of humor in the actor.
The American Association of Candy Technologists awards an annual $5,000 scholarship to a college student with a documented or demonstrated interest in the field of confectionary technology.
As is demonstrated to great comic effect in Some Like It Hot, there's a serious learning curve to getting the movement right.
Verizon's 30-day trial period is demonstrated in a "Tryout Wife" commercial featuring a young couple who appears to be very much in love.
In the end, you can't really go wrong with either choice and this comparison has demonstrated that they really are on par with one another.
Its effectiveness was demonstrated in a study by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
Anxiety, demonstrated by crying, clinging, and turning away from the stranger, is revealed when separation occurs.
Prenatal testing is available for pregnancies in which an affected parent has been identified and the DNA mutation is known or the biochemical defect has been demonstrated.
The bones may also be affected as demonstrated by a decrease in bone mass.
Behavior may also change, demonstrated by reluctance to go to school, daydreaming in class, or a decline in academic performance.
The child, however, may be allergic to a completely different food from the one to which the parent has demonstrated sensitivity.
Controlled studies have demonstrated that patching a corneal abrasion does not improve healing either in children or adults and that patching of an eye may make walking difficult.
Since recent studies have demonstrated that repetition of these reflexes seems to eventually inhibit them, parents can work with the infant by assisting with the repetition of persistent reflexes.
Each stage demonstrated specific characteristics and had an age range.
However, admissions officers consider other factors, such as a demonstrated talent in athletics or the arts or leadership in school or extracurricular activities.
This tracking allows reflux to be demonstrated and also reveals whether the level of reflux increases when pressure increases during urination.
Experts believe that the most common skill demonstrated by savants is extraordinary memory.
Although some nutritionists have suggested a possible connection between sugar or food coloring and tic severity, no studies published as of 2004 had demonstrated such a connection.
The bacterial infection involved in Lyme disease has also been demonstrated as causing some cases of Bell's palsy.
In the early 1950s, researchers first demonstrated that phenylalanine-restricted diets could eliminate most of the typical PKU symptoms-except for mental retardation.
If the results of culture and sensitivity positively identify the causative bacteria, an antibiotic is prescribed for that demonstrated sensitivity.
Reviews of controlled studies have not demonstrated a clear advantage of the newer formulations over the older monophasic drugs.
Research has demonstrated that symptoms compatible with IBS are about as common in school-age children as in adults.
Sturge (1850-1919), who first described the condition, and Frederick Parkes Weber (1863-1962) who demonstrated its intracranial calcifications.
For example, a controlled trial demonstrated that self-massage can help smokers crave less intensely, smoke fewer cigarettes, and in some cases completely give them up.
For an extremely preterm fetus, a normal NST is reported as being reactive for gestational age, which indicates the FHR demonstrated two accelerations of 10 beats per minute above baseline for 10 seconds over a 20-30 minute period.
Results indicated that massaged infants had fewer postnatal complications and exhibited fewer stress behaviors during the 10-day period, had a 28 percent greater daily weight gain, and demonstrated more mature motor behaviors.
But the long-term effectiveness of any form of therapy for anti-social behavior has not been demonstrated.
Effective drug therapy for spinal cord injury was demonstrated in 1990, when methylprednisolone, the first drug shown to improve recovery from spinal cord injury, was approved for standard use.
After six months, those following the diet demonstrated significant improvement in the duration of morning stiffness, the number of swollen joints, and pain status.
Older teens or young adults who have demonstrated at least five of the DSM-IV-TR criteria (or symptoms) outlined above are eligible for a diagnosis of dependent personality disorder.
This was an important discovery, for it demonstrated for the first time that the genes inherited from one's mother can be expressed differently than the genes inherited from one's father.
However, their usefulness in humans for this purpose has not as of 2004 been demonstrated.
Not only is each step demonstrated with the couple dancing so that you know what the step will eventually look like, but you also get to see the steps broken down and slowed down.
E-How has a series of fifteen videos that show the ballroom dancing beginner steps in slow motion and demonstrated by a ballroom dance teacher.
The koi fish has a powerful and energetic life force, demonstrated by its ability to swim against currents and even travel upstream.
Depending on the demonstrated financial need, recipients may receive a hairpiece completely free of charge or on a sliding scale relative to their financial situation.
The result, though, was worth the time and effort, as demonstrated by the millions who faithfully adhered to the arduous curling rules.
The company is looking for students from any major who have a good academic record and demonstrated leadership abilities.
If you have trouble understanding written directions for a project, seeing the steps demonstrated may be the best way to get the information you need.
This is perfect for folders who need to see techniques demonstrated instead of just reading through instructions.
Despite the seemingly glowing feats of resveratrol as demonstrated by Dr. Sinclair, quite a bit of controversy now surrounds the efficacy of this wondrous product.
The home fragrance products are typically sold through home parties where the products are demonstrated and guests have the opportunity to experience different products and fragrances.
Since kids sell most school and sports fundraising items, discount cards are ideal because they are demonstrated with a brochure.
You have demonstrated patience and been sensitive to her needs.
Your unspoken ambivalence about the relationship is demonstrated in your lateness.
Prior to your husband leaving on his deployment, he behaved in ways that demonstrated a lack of trustworthiness, honesty, and emotional faithfulness on his part.
What romance means to you and how it is demonstrated will be different from for any other person.
Every couple is different and unique, meaning that individuality can be demonstrated in a variety of ways when making a proposal.
If a real life psychic demonstrated the same inconsistency, it would be time to seek a second opinion.
In 1991, Jack Palance demonstrated that a person can be in great shape at any age; his one-armed push-ups are still the stuff of screen legends.
That cohesive vision was beautifully demonstrated by the number of nominations and wins for Slumdog Millionaire in 2009.
When family friend and future president Andrew Jackson came to visit, the witch stopped his wagon on the road to the Bell's farm, and wouldn't let it move forward until she'd demonstrated her powers to him!
Overweight and obese individuals are at a greater risk for many health problems, and their insurance rates are generally higher even if they have not demonstrated those problems.
Even if you don't have leftover root vegetables, you can purchase bags of these inexpensively and they'll last through the two-week menu cycle demonstrated above.
The drama Peyton Place (1964-1969) demonstrated that soap operas could draw an audience in the evening hours as well daytime, and two nighttime soaps in particular made some lasting contributions to the genre.
The show tackled tough subjects, but overall the family values the show demonstrated is what appealed to viewers.
Peyton Place demonstrated that soap operas could play well in the evening hours as well as on daytime.
Throughout her career, the Julliard graduate has demonstrated amazing versatility.
Blood suckers are very popular in soapy situations as demonstrated by the success of True Blood.
Telemundo follows the Turner model of prime time scheduling as demonstrated by the TBS network.
This cliffhanger demonstrated how Deb/Jane were integrating as one person.
Her work in raising awareness to protect the environment, prevent AIDS and improve lives demonstrated her passion for giving back to a world she has performed for since the age of three.
The show's popularity demonstrated just how mainstream the art of inking has become andprovided a glimpse into the skill and history of the artists and their customers.
Sector watches are a brand with a difference, and this is demonstrated from the company ethos and the unusual websites through to the strong brand styling.
The moon phase is demonstrated using different methods, although this typically involves the symbol of a moon.
Hans Asperger recorded observations of children who demonstrated unusual behavioral and social traits in 1944.
Her account of her experiences with Kim helps others gain valuable insight into the autistic experience, as demonstrated with clarity in the text.
Within 12 weeks, the teenagers demonstrated improved social skills, demonstrating the importance of parental involvement.
Sales are performed in people's homes during shows or parties by appointment where items are displayed and demonstrated.
She has demonstrated wonderful initiative and a positive attitude.
Describe their character and behavior, but also include examples of when they showed initiative, went beyond their job description, or demonstrated that they are a person of good character.
Dollars spent will simply be directed at different avenues of marketing to emphasize those methods demonstrated most effective.
Bezos had already demonstrated a keen intelligence for details and put that to work in the business plan for Amazon.
Quilters from all over the world are now able to watch as quilting techniques were demonstrated and patterns and ideas were shared.
If you want to see the soap making process demonstrated, there are a number of cold process soap making tutorials available on YouTube.
The Oral hCG Research Clinic states, "hCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity.
Ball exercises can also extend the range of motion of the exercise, as demonstrated in the photo at the top of the page.
If an individual has many points on their license, they are considered a high risk because they have demonstrated that they have the potential to be in accidents or drive recklessly.
Several studies have demonstrated that there are definite differences between male and female drivers in terms of driving behavior as well as accident and traffic violation rates.
This was demonstrated in a study published in 2005 in the International Journal of Rehabilitation Research of 12 healthy young women who were made to wear corsets for one hour.
This was met with some discontent amongst fans, demonstrated during a visit to Chicago where David's Telecaster guitar was stolen.
Oasis demonstrated that same desire to abandon the industrial claws of Manchester and explore their potential, whilst clinging intensely to their northern identities.
This demonstrated a desire to be taken seriously as a band, though the single was misplaced amongst the British pop scene and America's fixation on grunge.
This album demonstrated an attempt to incorporate grunge elements that were missing from earlier works, and they eventually achieved success in America with the anthemic 'Song 2', which was also a massive hit in Britain.
Every week a celebrity is voted off the program, and every week the judges expect more complicated skating skills to be demonstrated by the celebrities.
Sam and Jack cannot get married in the current universe, but alternate universes are fair game as already demonstrated by the series.
As a prequel, the show demonstrated space travel without the convenience of popular franchise technology such as the transporter, phasers and the intergalactic translator.
In some works, the end of the Earth is not the end of mankind, for man will travel out into the stars as demonstrated in television series like Firefly.
Winer discussed the enclosure concept with MTV disc jockey Adam Curry and demonstrated its use by enclosing a Grateful Dead song in his weblog.
Two of these theories, one proposed as a possibility and one demonstrated as a matter of record, are among the most widely cited by historians and encyclopedias.
My guess is someone did a bit of planning for Jerome Shipton's big fall, and Edith hasn't demonstrated any real talent for long-range thinking.
The power of green plants, not even specialized in any of these directions, to absorb certain carbohydrates, particularly sugars, from the soil was demonstrated by Acton in 1889.
Thus he demonstrated that the forms of the land exercise a directive and determining influence on climate, plant life, animal life and on man himself.
More original, perhaps, is the argument in the immediately preceding work, The Destiny of Man, viewed in the Light of his Origin (1884), which is, in substance, that physical evolution is a demonstrated fact; that intellectual force is a later, higher and more potent thing than bodily strength; and that, finally, in most men and some "lower animals" there is developed a new idea of the advantageous, a moral and non-selfish line of thought and procedure, which in itself so transcends the physical that it cannot be identified with it or be measured by its standards, and may or must be enduring, or at its best immortal.
One of Leon's most effective works was his attack on the Kabbala ('Ari Nohem, first published in 1840), for in it he demonstrated that the "Bible of the Kabbalists" (the Zoltar) was a modern composition.
The coast-line of Siberia is very extensive both on the Arctic Ocean and on the Pacific. The former ocean is ice-bound for at least ten months out of twelve; and, though Nordenskjold and Captain Wiggins demonstrated (1874-1900) the possibility of navigation along its shores, it is exceedingly is s.
The ancient crafts of mommy wrapping and cartonnage making were among the special activities demonstrated by experts with hands-on opportunities for visitors.
The Nucleus.The nucleus has been demonstrated in all plants with the exception of the Cyanophyceae and Bacteria, and even.
Where it is possible to make legitimate and unambiguous comparisons, the ethical and spiritual superiority of Old Testament thought has been convincingly demonstrated, and to the re-shaping and re-writing of the older history and the older traditions the Old Testament owes its permanent value.
It was in the year 1886 that Hellriegel and Wilfarth first published in Germany the results of investigations in which they demonstrated that, through the agency of micro-organisms dwelling in nodular outgrowths on the roots of ordinary leguminous plants, the latter are enabled to assimilate the free nitrogen of the air.
Joule also made experiments upon iron wires under tension, and drew the erroneous inference (which has been often quoted as if it were a demonstrated fact) that under a certain critical tension (differing for different specimens of iron but independent of the magnetizing force) magnetization would produce no effect whatever upon the dimensions of the wire.
That omnivorous universally credulous stage, which may be called the " legendary," was succeeded by the age of collectors and travellers, when many of the strange stories believed in were actually demonstrated as true by the living or preserved trophies brought to Europe.
Attention had been previously directed to the corpuscles of Cornalia, and it had been found, not only that they occurred in the blood, but that they gorged the whole tissues of the insect, and their presence in the eggs themselves could be microscopically demonstrated.
He made experiments, simultaneously with Wallis and Wren, on the collision of hard spherical bodies, and his statement of the results (1669) included a clear enunciation of the conservation of linear momentum, as demonstrated for these cases of collision, and apparently correct in certain other cases, mass being estimated by weight.
Since then numerous other cases of symbiosis have been demonstrated.
The final fall of Napoleon in 1815 gave the people of the United Kingdom leisure to think about their possessions at the Ante podes; and in 1817 free settlers commenced to arrive in coy siderable numbers, attracted by the success of Captain Joh i M'Arthur, an officer in the New South Wales Regiment, who had demonstrated that the soil, grass and climate were well adapted for the growth.
Thus, in the Parmenides, with the paradox of likeness and unlikeness for his text, he inquires how far the cur14nt theories of being (his own included) are capable of providing, not only for knowledge, but also for predication, and in the concluding sentence he suggests that, as likeness and unlikeness, greatness and smallness, &c., are relations, the initial paradox is no longer paradoxical; while in the Sophist, Zeno's doctrine having been shown to be fatal to reason, thought, speech and utterance, the mutual Koevwvia of Elan which are not abra KaO' abra is elaborately demonstrated.
In the fourth of Galileo's dialogues on mechanics, he demonstrated that the path described by a projectile, being the result of the combination of a uniform transverse motion with a uniformly accelerated vertical motion, must, apart from the resistance of the air, be a parabola.
Ladenburg (1883, 1887) demonstrated that the molecule contained a reduced pyridine nucleus.
He demonstrated the important effects arising from quaternary centers in polymer chains.
Mrs. Watson demonstrated with a deftness at odds with her age.