Demonstrate Sentence Examples
I tried to demonstrate the panic I felt.
She held her hands up in a circle to demonstrate.
I offer these stories not to demonstrate that people can be cruel.
Events were soon to demonstrate the baselessness of these hopes.
Why not demonstrate that adoration?
Use questions to demonstrate your knowledge.
This will help demonstrate your ability to focus.
Before and after style pictures of actual clients to demonstrate their work.
As children grow, they demonstrate to their parents they are trustworthy and they earn more freedom.
It's like having another teacher in the room to demonstrate the topic in a different way.
AdvertisementSample love letters demonstrate your ability to go on at length about the one you love.
In 1920 he was able to demonstrate by means of light-interference that the diameter of Alpha Orionis was 260,000,000 miles.
We ask our leaders to demonstrate commitment, not engage in hollow promises.
Firefighters must complete rigorous training and demonstrate that they have the knowledge, skills and fitness level necessary to perform in dangerous situations under extreme pressure.
Online classes demonstrate all kinds of sewing topics from threading the needle on a sewing machine to sewing a button hole.
AdvertisementFor example, to demonstrate kindness, I look for ways to assist others.
Before you call the whole thing off, consider that this may be the opportunity/challenge you both need to demonstrate that the two of you are indeed meant for each other.
He can tell you what he learned about cheating from his previous relationships AND he can demonstrate that he no longer cheats by telling you about his past "faithful" relationships.
Which brings me to my second concern and that is the way you and your fiancé demonstrate love for each other.
I can tell you that sex is a way two people who love each other and care about each other demonstrate their commitment to each other.
AdvertisementThe first rule of thumb when looking for love is to demonstrate traits, caring, and behavior you want in a mate.
Reason contains principles which we cannot demonstrate, but which can be deduced, and are the proper objects of belief.
Its object was to demonstrate the unconditional freeness of the Gospel.
Studies repeatedly demonstrate the positive side effects of exercise on your internal processes, but exercise can also have profound effects on your mental well being.
Whether an adult is planning a performance on stage, dressing up to compete or just wanting to dress up for a dance event, dance costumes help project an image you may not otherwise demonstrate.
AdvertisementAcknowledging and applauding their strengths, aptitudes, and talents demonstrate that you notice and think about them.
The point of the pickup line, if used correctly, is to demonstrate interest, confidence, sincerity, and above all, cleverness.
The idea behind the gift basket is to demonstrate just how well you pay attention in the relationship; you take note of your boyfriend or girlfriend's favorites because you care.
After choosing an engagement ring, the official proposal must demonstrate the care and feeling in your heart while honoring the traditions you will begin together.
While these are only a guideline, they help demonstrate the quality of a stone by showing how closely it relates to traditional standards of cut and shape excellence.
By researching diamond shapes beforehand and choosing one that suits your beloved, you demonstrate your caring and consideration for her preferences.
The best jeweler will be one who already has designs similar to what you have in mind, because they can demonstrate their skills with the type of ring you want to design.
It is not possible here to unravel the problem, but documents at St Andrews, now printed, demonstrate the error of the historians who regard Graham as a holy man, persecuted because he was half a premature Protestant.
A hero, who was probably originally intended to demonstrate the failure of the vacillating temperament when brought face to face with the problems of art, proved ill-adapted to demonstrate those precepts for the guidance of life with which the Lehrjahre closes; unstable of purpose, Wilhelm Meister is not so much an illustration of the author's life-philosophy as a lay-figure on which he demonstrates his views.
By the use of a revolving mirror similar to that used by Sir Charles Wheatstone for measuring the rapidity of electric currents, he was enabled in 1850 to demonstrate the greater velocity of light in air than in water, and to establish that the velocity of light in different media is inversely as the refractive indices of the media.
The uniform result of all experiments has only been to demonstrate the scientific soundness of the ordinary process of water-retting, and all the proposed improvements of recent times seek to obviate the tediousness, difficulties and uncertainties of the process as carried on in the open air.
These instances, so well stated by Spruce, seem to demonstrate the complete acclimatization of Spaniards in some of the hottest parts of South America.
It is not so easy to demonstrate the connexion between a man's life and doctrine.
What Schopenhauer professed, therefore, is to have dispelled the claims of reason to priority and to demonstrate the relativity and limitation of science.
To demonstrate readily its action on various substances, certain media have been devised.
Sometimes the missionary, on the other hand, is anxious to demonstrate that the myths of his heathen flock are a corrupted version of the Biblical narrative.
In his Discorso intorno alle cose the stanno su l'acqua, published in 1612, he used the principle of virtual velocities to demonstrate the more important theorems of hydrostatics, deducing from it the equilibrium of fluid in a siphon, and proved against the Aristotelians that the floating of solid bodies in a liquid depends not upon their form, but upon their specific gravities relative to such liquid.
On the other hand, the plant-beds of the Permo-Carboniferous age in South Africa, South America, India and Australia demonstrate the existence of a widely distributed vegetation wh i ch agrees in age with the Upper Carboniferous and of the beds in which Glossopteris and other genera make FIG.
A few plants described by Potonie from German and Portuguese East Africa demonstrate the occurrence of Glossopteris and a few other genera, referred to a Permo-Triassic horizon, in a region slightly to the north of Tete in the Zambesi district (Map A, I.), where typical European plants agreeing with Upper Carboniferous types were discovered several years ago, and described by Zeiller in 1882 and 1901.
Howie was reluctant to demonstrate his abilities to yet another person but the four of us persuaded him, provided Brennan was able to get the ear of the right person.
This killer seems to demonstrate amazing ingenuity.
It distracted her until he shifted her body forward to demonstrate and correct her stance.
She lifted the edge of the sleeping bag to demonstrate that there wasn't room for two people in it.
The didactic purpose of "War of the Worlds" is to demonstrate that mankind is a lesser breed.
The panel, as always, wishes to demonstrate due diligence to its stakeholders.
This is valuable information as we struggle with how to engage early-adopters who demonstrate a high propensity for commercial avoidance.
The analyzes she proposes are intricate and complex, but they demonstrate the importance of comparative syntax.
To demonstrate the ability to achieve full cost recovery in respect of Client Services.
Additionally candidates will have to demonstrate swimming stamina ability.
This document provides guidance on the minimum evidence required to demonstrate school achievement of national healthy school status.
Good institutions will be able to demonstrate adherence to the requirements in their institutional audits.
You should also be able to demonstrate an affinity with the Outdoors and camping.
To avoid alienation of patient groups, NICE needs to demonstrate that patients ' views have had more than a marginal impact.
They also demonstrate that bandpass filtered acoustic pulse trains provide a useful analog of electric hearing.
The answer will demonstrate some appreciation of the nature of the historical period or periods under discussion.
The perfect way to settle every football argument or demonstrate tactics that should have been used on the pitch.
We must not demonstrate any arrogance, and we must refrain from any irrational or undemocratic behavior.
They demonstrate how to design a one-dimensional cellular automaton that supports infinite families of signals of different speeds.
United plan to demonstrate against their fixture backlog this month.
I have sought to demonstrate that both these concepts are thoroughly biblical.
The use of a prepared rock slide containing biotite to demonstrate pleochroism and to align the polariser east-west is also described.
Bohemian lifestyle might be alien to you, yet demonstrate an easy way of relaxation that has its charms.
These rocks demonstrate a change from coastal to marine conditions and contain fossil brachiopods, corals and the remains of sea-lilies.
They will need to demonstrate a good breadth of marketing communications skills across all disciplines.
Delve inside Criss Angel Masterminds as Criss and Wayne demonstrate the play-by-play breakdown for you to perform the Coin Through Soda Can.
Our older boys will demonstrate their daily training at the pell using a broadsword.
A host of renowned chefs appear at the show to demonstrate their culinary talents, allowing visitors to sample their innovative creations.
Investigations In supporting the clinical diagnosis, laboratory testing to demonstrate mixed chimerism is important.
Applicants without Master's degrees are occasionally allowed entry, providing they can demonstrate academic skills comparable to a good undergraduate degree.
Many men are insensitive to a woman's needs, lack insight, are emotionally naive and demonstrate little compassion.
All BW personnel have to demonstrate competence in their activities.
Organizations in all sectors need to demonstrate compliance, which has become a key driver for the use of assessments within the workplace.
Once the sentence has been created, the children can then copy it and draw a picture to demonstrate comprehension.
The examples above demonstrate the unique confluence of humor, fearless truth telling, and political subversion which distinguishes the Cynic way of living.
A visit to his own website here will demonstrate the devotion he reciprocates to his fans.
The performer offers to demonstrate how he became so dexterous as a magician by revealing an exercise called " Dead Cutting.
Based on years of experience, I could also demonstrate exactly how not to play a didgeridoo, a skill my daughter hates.
How actually does the ethic of self-expression in Park's rant demonstrate a disregard for the rules for good argumentation?
Meanwhile, Baird asked the American pioneer Philo Farnsworth to come over to Britain to demonstrate his image dissector camera.
The new crime would further suppress dissent, without needing to demonstrate any link with a banned organization.
The top three animals mirrored the global result, which surprisingly didn't demonstrate a wildly divergent set of choices depending on different cultures.
We have recently done pioneering experiments to demonstrate that resonant radiofrequency electromagnetic fields also affect radical reactions.
We unexpectedly demonstrate that all these genes play key roles in regulating Pol II transcriptional elongation and termination [44, 45] .
The use of mathematical models to demonstrate safety equivalence is therefore becoming more important.
The novel shows the falsity of his public image in order to demonstrate the fallacy of the doctrines he pretends to hold.
Candidates need to be able to demonstrate familiarity with British Higher Education.
An early Coprario 4-part fantasia will demonstrate that he borrowed motives directly from a Ferrabosco madrigal.
You will of course be able to demonstrate strong commercial acumen, entrepreneurial flare and have excellent written and verbal communication skills.
These next shots demonstrate the severe power of the tidal flows on the Severn Estuary!
You will be a graduate or member of the CIPD and will be able to demonstrate significant generalist HR experience.
I will demonstrate the use of gprof using the gnu make utility.
You should demonstrate a clear grasp of the budgetary implications of the project.
They will be ambitious, driven and have the necessary gravitas to lead a team and demonstrate superb presentation skills.
See Tigger demonstrate his tumbling skills, speak fun phrases, hear wacky sound effects, see him perform daring cartwheels and funny handstands.
Do elderly patients with symptomatic and reproducible orthostatic hypotension demonstrate reduced health status and quality of life when compared with healthy controls?
I delight in his lack of patience with everyone from students to politicians who demonstrate inexcusable ignorance, incompetence or obfuscation.
This would demonstrate an inability to consider what Sally's beliefs are.
However, if these sets are considered as single rep-tiles, then I cannot demonstrate that the full set of rep-tiles is uncountably infinite.
Widely scattered massive sulfide intersections, however, demonstrate considerable exploration potential.
June badash l. And sander admitted designed to demonstrate a book on his minerals had.
The ILO has given the military junta until November 2004 to demonstrate real progress on the issue of forced labor.
Level 4 Pupils demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical processes drawn from the key stage 2 or key stage 3 program of study.
The successful applicant will be able to demonstrate research leadership and a strong international reputation.
We have imaged demineralised tissue, caries lesions, restored teeth and oral mucosa and demonstrate the detection of changes in tissue microstructure.
Some crab eating macaques were brought in from Shamrock, which I was later able to demonstrate against and see closed.
Continually repeating the major premise with prophetic fervor will not demonstrate the truth of the minor premise.
Using a facemask on a suitable manikin, demonstrate rescue breathing for 2 minutes.
A Capability Task is designed to allow the student to demonstrate the mastery of the work they have covered in the Resource Tasks.
Year quot quot salary to demonstrate search early middle.
A special doll, called Betty, filled with strawberry milkshake is used to demonstrate what happens when nursing staff need to take blood.
I started exhibiting and selling their exquisite miniatures in the UK, and sometimes invited Russian artists to come and demonstrate.
These substrates demonstrate the multiple roles of Plk1 in promoting mitosis.
Ask your vet or the veterinary nurse to demonstrate how to brush.
Feedback from all of these studies demonstrate that performance is comparable to standard hand held direct ophthalmoscopes.
Students are encouraged to design and maintain some of their own equipment and are given every opportunity to demonstrate originality.
I'd say it's always wrong to demonstrate that Black and Asian characters have no permanency.
Nevertheless, mouse models of CF clearly demonstrate a range of abnormal pulmonary phenotypes as a result of the Cftr mutation.
We are looking for graduates and post-graduates who can demonstrate practical problem-solving skills, maturity, and evidence of teamwork and initiative.
Are our officers ' negotiations with operators about concessions well documented and sufficiently transparent for us to demonstrate probity?
A proof-of-concept prototype to demonstrate the viability of the scheme is described.
At each stage he failed to demonstrate psi and we designed further experiments to take account of his own suggested reasons for failure.
You will need to be able to demonstrate that an appropriately qualified individual completed the assessment.
Abstract We demonstrate the viability of improved staggered light quarks in studies of heavy-light systems.
In particular, we demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach over standard mesh refinement algorithms which employ ad hoc error indicators.
Use in maths to demonstrate division by putting counters on the screen, press split screen then regroup the counters in different patterns.
They demonstrate great resilience, battling against considerable odds.
And because we're the people who get blamed, it's probably politically savvy to demonstrate that we're trying not to.
The dedicated secretariat was established in 2000 to enable DPTAC to demonstrate its independence.
Members who demonstrate a strong tendency to be passive or lack self-confidence in speaking up for themselves.
Two experiments were carried out to demonstrate special sensitivity to direct eye contact from birth.
This means that rather than the employe proving there has been discrimination, the employer has to demonstrate s/he has not violated the law.
He and Kruger demonstrate some fine romantic chemistry, and Justin Bartha gets off some legitimately funny lines as Ben's long-suffering sidekick.
We must now strain every sinew to make the world demonstrate next March.
Key essential skills you will need to demonstrate include excellent customer service and strong leadership skills.
The London Irish Greens held a protest outside Shell HQ on Tuesday of this week, to demonstrate solidarity with the persecuted men.
The associated vibrational spectra provide an opportunity to demonstrate the nature of the transition.
Identify, select and demonstrate understanding of appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics.
We will be happy to demonstrate how the Defect Tracking System could considerably streamline your customer relations procedures.
Integrated optical wireless transceivers Research Group home page To demonstrate compact potentially low cost optical transceivers for in-building free space networks.
Unlike the UK, however, France voted to " demonstrate its support for a cut-off treaty in the CD " .
Alec Glass will demonstrate the skills of a professional upholsterer in the first term.
Dolin created the showpiece Variations for Four (1957) to demonstrate the virtuosity of a quartet of his male dancers.
These two checks demonstrate that the cold water pipes are being heated at some point in the property.
Mingle with actors in period costume as they demonstrate weaponry and talk about their lives.
Doubts having been raised whether the powerful electric waves sent out from these stations Ewould not interfere with the ordinary ship to shore communication, special demonstrations were made by Marconi before the writer, and later before British naval officers, to demonstrate that this was not the case.'
Raymond attempts to demonstrate the whole of church theology upon principles of reason.
The same diagrams serve to demonstrate the streptoneurous condition of the visceral loop in Aspidobranchia.
A more plausible theory is that the author is an honest thinker, a keen observer and critic of life, who sees that the world is full of miseries and unsolved problems, regards as futile the attempts of his time to demonstrate an ethically active future life, and, recognizing a divine author of all, holds that the only wise course for men is to abandon the attempt to get full satisfaction out of the struggle for pleasure, riches and wisdom, and to content themselves with making the best of what they have.
Marsilius of Padua and John of Jandun, though they had both reason to be grateful for the benefits of John XXII., chose this moment to demonstrate, by plausible arguments, the supremacy of the Empire, its independence of the Holy See, and the emptiness of the prerogatives "usurped" by the sovereign pontiffs - a demonstration naturally calculated to give them a claim on the gratitude of the German sovereign.
The logarithmic curves which accompany his paper demonstrate that within wide ranges of maximum induction W = 0.01 B 1.6 = 0.5271 1 ' 62 very nearly.
Lamarck, Treviranus, Erasmus Dar win, Goethe, and Saint-Hilaire preached to deaf ears, for they advanced the theory that living beings had developed by a slow process of transmutation in successive generations from simpler ancestors, and in the beginning from simplest formless matter, without being able to demonstrate any existing mechanical causes by which such development must necessarily be brought about.
Many cancer-parasites have been described in cancerous growths, including bacteria, yeasts and protozoa, but the innumerable attempts made to demonstrate the causal infective organism have all completely failed.
To complete Kant's work, to demonstrate that all the necessary conditions of knowledge can be deduced from a single principle, and consequently to expound the complete system of reason, that is the business of the Wissenschaftslehre.
It must be grounded in principles of assured certainty and must demonstrate its conclusions with the use of such middle or linking terms only as it is possible to equate with the real ground or cause in the object of knowledge.
We may, however, reject the sceptical hypothesis that Laura was a mere figment of Petrarch's fancy; and, if we accept her personal reality, the poems of her lover demonstrate that she was a married woman with whom he enjoyed a respectful and not very intimate friendship.
Phoronis has long been regarded as a possible ally of Rhabdopleura (see Pterobranchia); and Masterman (to) has attempted to demonstrate the existence in Actinotrocha of most of the structures which occur in the Pterobranchia.
Ismael Bouillaud (1605-1694) stated in 1645 the fact of planetary circulation under the sway of a sun-force decreasing as the inverse square of the distance; and the inevitableness of this same " duplicate ratio " was separately perceived by Robert Hooke, Edmund Halley and Sir Christopher Wren before Newton's discovery had yet been made public. He was the only man of his generation who both recognized the law, and had power to demonstrate its validity.
Alan Morley 's observations of queen bumblebees Bombus terrestris collecting pollen in winter demonstrate the point.
Conclusion The ambition of the project must be to demonstrate, beyond reasonable doubt, the location of the battle.
I demonstrate how this ' reduction to referential intention ' may proceed.
Students wishing to take such units must be able to demonstrate that they have the requisite linguistic competence.
However, this case does demonstrate the difficulty in learning new information, retaining it and subsequently retrieving it.
And because we 're the people who get blamed, it 's probably politically savvy to demonstrate that we 're trying not to.
The dedicated Secretariat was established in 2000 to enable DPTAC to demonstrate its independence.
A self-starter with previous supervisory experience you will also be able to demonstrate proven project management skills.
Be able to demonstrate the physical significance of closed shells by using plots of the spherical harmonics.
Does the supplier 's proposal demonstrate how subcontractors and/or consortium members will be organized and managed?
For here, again, there is no argument which will demonstrate that bile is thinner than the serous superfluities.
Demonstrate anything supernatural the village has anywhere else in a sneak preview.
So they take a second direction of using simple computer simulations to demonstrate this -- based on the " swarm algorithm ".
Unable to resort to conventional tactics of warfare in order to secure victory, they created new theaters of war to demonstrate their superiority.
This is perhaps harder to demonstrate directly, in a cultural practice which involves language but does not often explicitly theorize about language.
Demonstrate the ability to select relevant principles from theories to support the practice of Occupational Therapy.
You will be required to demonstrate an understanding of Western tonal harmony through the study and harmonization of melodies.
Pick out some phrases that demonstrate " tragic irony ".
The purpose of the work is to use 20 trailblazer projects to demonstrate the use of compost to the brownfield sector.
Unlike the UK, however, France voted to " demonstrate its support for a cut-off treaty in the CD ".
A revolutionary party facing vacillating centrist leaders must demonstrate clarity and steadfastness; one has to be firm to steady the unsteady.
Otherwise we cannot demonstrate the truth or validity of the hypothesis and the theory.
Longitudinal studies demonstrate that maternal smoking is associated with an increased incidence of wheezing illness, particularly at younger ages.
Via these fourteen tracks they demonstrate an age-defying wisdom, worrisome tendencies and musical dexterity.
It's only when you demonstrate the ability to make sales repeatedly that you have a model you can take to the next phase.
You have to be committed to make the startup successful, and at times you must demonstrate an obstinate, even pig-headed determination to make your business successful.
Seeing a person demonstrate each step of creating the diaper cake can make a difference in understanding small details of a project.
Most instructions also have pictures that demonstrate how crib parts fit together.
If you're a new couple and she's told you her favorite flower, you can demonstrate what a good listener you are by sending an arrangement with those as a focal point.
Any visit to a department store will demonstrate the vast number of choices available.
Photographs demonstrate how they look on beds.
The basic idea is that the hosts demonstrate or talk about different products, and if the customer is interested in the product, he or she calls the number on the screen and talks to a customer service representative who takes the order.
As kittens play, they demonstrate body language traits that will stay with them throughout their lives.
When cats play or fight, often one will have had enough and will want to demonstrate to the other that he is submitting.
To demonstrate submission, the cat will put himself at a level that is lower than the other feline.
Even an indoor cat may demonstrate an affinity for open windows, so pet owners must exercise vigilance regarding their pet safety measures.
If you have debt, demonstrate consistent progress in eliminating the debt.
Just to demonstrate the basics of this formula, we're not factoring in interest.
The applicant must demonstrate the ability to repay the debt independently or have a co-signer over the age of 21.
If you can demonstrate to the Court that your spouse sold or disposed of an asset to avoid having it included in marital property, you may be awarded a cash payment or be given another asset to compensate.
In the case of a parent asking for increased child support, he or she would have to demonstrate financial need.
To qualify for spousal support, the recipient would need to demonstrate financial need.
The person asking for financial assistance will need to demonstrate that they do not have the means to support themselves independently.
These reports demonstrate that the number of marriages is declining more rapidly than divorce filings, and that divorce filings are remaining relatively stable.
Remember to acknowledge birthdays and occasions like Mother's Day and Father's Day with cards, small gifts or other celebratory gestures to instill thoughtfulness in the child and demonstrate caring and kindness.
This is often done through tithing and church programs, but other charitable acts also demonstrate the same compassion and sharing.
Discussing the effects of global warming on the earth can easily take up an entire book, but there are a few basics that demonstrate how changes in the earth's atmosphere are dramatically affecting life on this planet.
These examples demonstrate that global warming affects every living thing on the planet.
Often organizations use the distance between the moon and earth as a way to demonstrate the volume of waste items.
Through various activities and events throughout the year, the MREA promotes and explains sources of renewable energy and offers tours at the ReNew the Earth Institute to demonstrate various renewable energy sources and how they work.
These fun facts demonstrate what Earth Day is about and are food for thought every day of the year.
Other studies also demonstrate improvements in overall blood cholesterol numbers and in the amount of LDL cholesterol in the blood.
The major findings from acai berry research demonstrate that in laboratory experiments, chemicals and compounds in the acai berry scavenge free radicals.
Many studies demonstrate a modest improvement in symptoms.
S. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, herbs and other botanicals are classified as dietary supplements, not drugs, so herbal supplements are not required to demonstrate the health benefits they claim.
You have to be able to demonstrate knowledge in the area you want to write about, and you need to know the right people.
If you have monthly budget goals and want to know where you spend money, even superfluously, you can use My Spending Report to see charts and layouts that demonstrate where your money goes and where you can tighten your belt.
Look for angles that are interesting and demonstrate the mood you're trying to capture.
I demonstrate how to do this in my instructional DVDs that are available through my websites, Raw In Ten and Raw Organic Saving the Planet.
They even have a separate kitchen area so you can have a quick snack break while you work.Archiver's expert employees are also on hand to demonstrate how to use products and offer creative tips and ideas.
If you're an experienced scrapbooker eager to share your knowledge with others, making your own video podcast can be a great way to demonstrate techniques and project ideas.
Most major scrapbooking Web sites and many larger retail stores have a design team that is responsible for creating sample projects to demonstrate how to use new tools, patterned papers, and embellishments.
In order to be eligible for this award, a school must have 40 percent of the school population designated as disadvantaged and demonstrate a dramatic improvement in their state's academic performance system.
If not, bring plenty of pictures to demonstrate the types of flowers you wish to include in your theme wedding.Ordering flowers online is a tactic many brides use to save money on their wedding arrangements.
What qualities does a couple need to demonstrate true love?
As long as they demonstrate the power of the love you feel for your bride or groom on your wedding day, you have succeeded.
A person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder may also demonstrate the traits of a compulsive liar.
Compulsive lying comes into play with the Narcissistic Personality Disorder when the individual exaggerates his/her experiences and/or achievements to demonstrate to others how superior he or she is.
While there is no specific compulsive lying personality, people who live with personality disorders may demonstrate these symptoms.
Tack and Richardson demonstrate step-by-step instructions for decorating cupcakes with pumpkins, aliens, werewolves, and other Halloween themes.
To maintain eligibility for federal financial aid, you must demonstrate satisfactory academic progress toward your degree.
Students who receive Pell Grants may also be eligible for Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) if they can demonstrate a significant amount of need.
In addition to federal financial aid, most colleges and universities offer scholarships and other incentives to students who can demonstrate academic promise, athletic ability, or other desirable characteristics.
Many college and campus radio stations provide forums for community members to demonstrate their talents.
The best way to have a better chance at winning an award is to demonstrate how well you meet its criteria and further the purpose of the award, rather than just filling out a generic list of qualifications.
They must have a G.P.A. of at least 2.5, demonstrate financial need, and submit a letter of recommendation from a school official.
Applicants must demonstrate a readiness to engage in advanced study by showcasing above-average written communications skills, articulating well-developed academic goals, and showing evidence of self-direction and previous academic success.
Recipients of the rank demonstrate a legacy of service and leadership.
Eagle Scouts demonstrate a high academic success rate due, partially, to the qualities young men must possess to achieve their Eagle Scout Awards and remain dedicated to the Boy Scouts of America and the future of the organization.
The community college continues to win the support of its community and of educators throughout the nation as its programs demonstrate academic excellence with a focus on preparing students for future careers locally and globally.
Some schools even offer their own scholarships to students who demonstrate a need.
To receive this scholarship, students must have a GPA of at least 3.0 and demonstrate unmet financial need.
The course objectives are designed to demonstrate your competency in predicting and improving performance, conducting research, policy decisions and managing complex organizational changes.
The flip side is that many countries outside of America offer far more affordable MBA programs to potential students, so those who might demonstrate a significant financial need at home might be able to more easily afford a program abroad.
The goal of a dissertation is to demonstrate a student's experience, expertise and education.
Potential guides must demonstrate the ability to assess a given situation for themselves, and decide against obeying a command if it will put their person in danger.
In an ad that was created to demonstrate how much difference new IKEA Furniture can make, a little Jack Russell Terrier enters his house through a dog door.
Science teachers and parents can use these systems to demonstrate new age growing techniques.
Joining a tradition that includes Keith Richards and Ronnie Wood from The Rolling Stones and Brad Whitford and Joe Perry from Aerosmith, Slash and Izzy demonstrate remarkable prowess for what Keith Richards calls the ancient art of weaving.
A one of a kind piece of jewelry helps to demonstrate your individuality and can make a dramatic statement.
A unique gemstone bracelet allows the wearer to demonstrate their individuality and style.
A personalized gold disc necklace is a great way to demonstrate your individuality with style and flare!
Additionally, many companies that produce organics demonstrate a profound commitment to the environment.
By choosing the proper suit for her specific shape and accessorizing it to demonstrate her individuality, she will radiate confidence in her body, and that will make whatever she is wearing insignificant to her inner beauty.
But a strong, confident woman who is comfortable with her body is a sexy woman, and why shouldn't she demonstrate that sexuality in a teeny bikini?
Similarly, students who demonstrate excellent safety behavior may be eligible for extra points.
Workers who demonstrate a good knowledge of workplace safety policies are given a scratch off game card.
To increase motivation, try taking "before" photos and follow them up with monthly snaps to demonstrate your progress.
The program provides a competitive atmosphere for participants eager to demonstrate their abilities in a national sports event.
If possible, bring some pictures or demonstrate the movements for your doctor.
They usually have one or two lift chairs to demonstrate the function and the construction.
The customer service experts in the store can answer most questions, help you find out what your sleep number is and demonstrate how the mattresses work.
What these glasses have is the ability to demonstrate just how true the saying, "Less is more" really is.
Eyeglasses have come a long way, as even a glimpse at the history of eyeglasses can demonstrate.
The salespeople are always glad to demonstrate the magnets' strength.
Candy cane glasses are an excellent way to demonstrate the fact that you love the festivities.
The Triwizard Spirit Rally has its roots in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and parades the classes from Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons as they demonstrate their skills.
Acclaimed pastry chefs from around the world demonstrate their talents and guests can also enjoy the sweet desserts that are made.
Before you get that first job, you need to be able to demonstrate a love of video games.
They demonstrate your dedication to exceptional gaming.
Note, to demonstrate my fairness and neutrality, wineries in surrounding AVAs such as Mt. Veeder, Howell Mountain and others that overlook the Valley are also included.
His success was due in large part to the fact that he used women to demonstrate the machines.
He had women demonstrate the ease and speed at which they were able to use the Singer treadle sewing machine.
This position will not only protect your vital organs, but will also demonstrate to the bear that you are no longer a threat, and it will usually stop attacking you.
Having a pre-approval in place allows you to demonstrate to RV dealers that you are serious about purchasing and that you won't run into problems when seeking financing.
As the child gets older, parents should demonstrate proper brushing techniques.
A skin biopsy may be used to demonstrate the structurally abnormal collagen.
A skin biopsy may be performed to demonstrate an abnormality in either component.
For infants who demonstrate sensitivity to cow's milk, formulas based on soy protein are available.
They often demonstrate lower than normal levels of interest in their environment and responsiveness to others, and they are slower than other children in reacting to visual or auditory stimulation.
Only children may demonstrate characteristics of firstborns and lastborns.
When placed in leadership or mentoring roles with their younger siblings, some firstborns may demonstrate aggressive or domineering behavior.
However, children begin to demonstrate a preference for their own sex starting at about age two.
The term emotional intelligence refers to the child's ability to understand the emotions of others, perceive subtle social cues, "read" complex social situations, and demonstrate insight about others' motivations and goals.
Parents should also be actively involved and demonstrate interest in their teen's friends and social activities.
Children in center-based care demonstrate slightly better cognitive development than those cared for in homes, possibly because they have more opportunities to interact with other children and are exposed to more learning materials.
Parents should demonstrate a unified front when it comes to discipline.
Parents need to identify those skills and behaviors they want their children to demonstrate and then make a concerted effort to teach and strengthen those behaviors.
The main goal is for parents to generally structure daily routines but to also demonstrate flexibility in meeting infants' emerging needs.
In some cases, CT, MRI, or other imaging tests are required to demonstrate fracture.
Statistics compiled by the Women's Sports Foundation also demonstrate that young female athletes receive substantial benefits from participation in sports.
Evidence does not find children abnormal or overanxious just because they demonstrate an attachment to a security object.
They often demonstrate lower than normal levels of interest in their environment and less responsiveness to others, and they are slower than other children in reacting to visual or auditory stimulation.
Cross-cultural studies show that babies who are held, massaged, carried, rocked, and breast fed grow into less aggressive and violent adults who demonstrate a greater degree of compassion and cooperation.
Pediatricians should also consider displaying posters and offering brochures that demonstrate support for gay and bisexual teens.
Skin prick tests or intra dermal tests to demonstrate IgE allergies are standardized for very few medications.
Children and adolescents also tend to demonstrate irritability and aggressiveness instead of the elation of mania in adults.
An x ray also can demonstrate pneumothorax, if this complication has occurred.
Skin changes, like atopic dermatitis or eczema, may demonstrate that the patient has allergic problems.
Most children exhibit some antisocial behavior during their development, and different children demonstrate varying levels of prosocial and antisocial behavior.
If you get a chance to practice your heel walking for the contest, you can also demonstrate your amazing posture to make your tush and bust look perkier and more defined.
Your boyfriend or girlfriend is more likely to confide in you if you demonstrate that you can listen.
Some individuals demonstrate their love through acts of kindness, while others are comfortable verbalizing their feelings.
Most mokume gane designers will allow you to select which metals you are interested in using, and they will often have sample sheets or rings available to demonstrate what the different shades look like together.
By carefully considering the person for whom the jewelry is intended, you demonstrate the same level of caring and sensitivity that first began your relationship together.
Perhaps the most important consideration when choosing an anniversary ring is to demonstrate the intimate knowledge of one's spouse, that special connection that husbands and wives share.
Because many couples opt for traditional engagement ring designs and coordinating wedding bands, right hand jewelry is the opportunity for the woman to demonstrate her personality.
In fact, there are many style differences that clearly demonstrate the differences between the two types of rings.
For the couple wishing to break away from tradition and to demonstrate their individuality, however, more unusual and unique ring engraving ideas need to be sought.
A couple can demonstrate their love and commitment in any number of ways.
An unusual engraving on a ring will be a unique way to celebrate and demonstrate a life long partnership.
Overall, Alex Sepkus' thoughtful metalwork results in cleverly detailed designs that are both artistic and elegant yet clearly demonstrate a more adventurous personality.
At the same time, the notion of saving up for a ring does demonstrate the value of the symbol (it must be worked for and earned), as well as the commitment to the relationship.
All of the jewelers listed below offer a range of different styles that demonstrate the versatility and beauty of this combination.
There are many engagement proposal ideas that can suit any couple, from classic, elegant questions to outrageous stunts that demonstrate love and commitment.
Unique marriage proposals can demonstrate your individuality and make a special occasion into something truly memorable.
Designing your own wedding rings or marriage bands allows you to demonstrate your individuality by creating an absolutely unique piece of jewelry.
Pink is an extremely romantic color and has been used by artists and designers through the centuries to demonstrate love.
Religious promise rings are a strongly symbolic way for individuals to demonstrate their faith, spirituality, and commitment.
A simple ring to symbolize something as complex as faith and belief can be a stunning way to demonstrate one's commitment to oneself and to one's faith.
Most men do not frequently shop for jewelry, and if they are able to buy an engagement ring that is a perfect fit, they demonstrate their commitment to making the marriage proposal a special, unblemished moment for the woman they love.
Promise rings are a form of jewelry that couples share to demonstrate their love and commitment to each other.
These can be fun and quirky items of jewelry that demonstrate a couple's commitment in an unconventional way or they can be traditional matching promise rings.
For couples looking for something a little special, white gold promise rings can be the ideal way to demonstrate their commitment.
White gold is the perfect choice for a promise ring and a lovely way for a couple to demonstrate their commitment to each other.
Creative proposals are the perfect way to demonstrate your commitment and also your individuality.
Unique wedding bands are the perfect way for a couple to demonstrate their individuality.
While some families do prefer for a young man to demonstrate his financial stability by purchasing a more expensive ring, what is more important is choosing a ring that the bride will appreciate and that will match her design preferences.
The concept of Everlonia to demonstrate the love of two people binding them together forever.
An eternity ring may be purchased to celebrate the birth of a baby, a special anniversary, the renewing of wedding vows or simply to demonstrate on-going love.
This is an excellent way to demonstrate the quality of poems to potential clients.
Even bridal magazines prefer to work with writers who can demonstrate a history of success with their topic.
A federal agency that seeks to withhold information due to FOIA exemptions must demonstrate that the exemption applies to the particular request.
Internship experience is invaluable as well, since this is the best way to demonstrate that you have the skills necessary for success as a sports reporter.
They don’t have to be from major magazines—all they need to do is demonstrate your style and professionalism.
A menu can also demonstrate the extra steps a restaurant is willing to take to reach out to a group of individuals with special needs.
Even though we are a classic brand we wanted a piece that could demonstrate that an elegant handbag can be joyful too.
If you are still trying to lure him, demonstrate how affectionate you can be by expressing your passion for life, for your friends, for the environment, whatever.
Lots of action will be required of you to demonstrate your devotion and commitment to loved ones.
He probably points this out to them not so much as a show of opulence, but to demonstrate just how important they are to him that he's spared no expense to wine and dine them.
Your older child should start to meet more expectations but will still need frequent redirection and reminders to help him demonstrate positive behaviors.
You can demonstrate an activity to him, and he learns by watching you.
Preschool math activities are the perfect way to demonstrate to your child how we use math in everyday life.
A demonstration is similar to a model, but it generally has a reaction or moving parts to demonstrate a scientific principle.
Demonstrate how plants draw water upwards from the roots.
Demonstrate and explain why Mentos makes soda explode?
Demonstrate and explain the effects of yeast.
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words at a science fair, and many students choose to make a scale model of an object to demonstrate a specific scientific principle.
Demonstrate how acid/base reactions work using vinegar and baking soda.
Children of authoritative parents demonstrate more self-control, higher self-esteem, and a higher level of self-direction.
Uninvolved parents typically demonstrate both low demand and low responsiveness to their children.
These great Perfect Fish instructions demonstrate that with video podcasts, cooking fish can be easy and enjoyable.
Spirits rarely attack people, much less demonstrate the intense phenomena associated with the Bell Witch.
Each location must demonstrate some level of paranormal activity.
Long has the debate raged on in the field of psychic ability and phenomenon as to whether we all demonstrate symptoms of psychic abilities at some point in our lives.
Some of these stories are innocent enough, while others demonstrate a thorough lack of respect for the board as a tool for spirit communication.
The scariest stories demonstrate a level of stupidity that is almost as difficult to believe as the stories themselves.
For them, frugality became a game and a great way to demonstrate their ability to work together as a team toward reaching a common goal.
Aid recipients must demonstrate that they are looking for work and pursuing vocational education.
From spiritual activities such as home sermons to secular assistance with household chores or running errands, outreach groups demonstrate many charitable and Christian qualities.
A quick glance at the Aldo shoes website is enough to demonstrate the fashion-forward style of the company.
Take your choice in skate shoes one step further and use the lacing technique to further demonstrate your style.
Some stores may even demonstrate how the recording works and what the recorded voices sound like.
This is particularly useful with the moon phase watches as the salesperson can demonstrate how the moon phase functionality works.
The Daryl watch would be perfect for a man looking to demonstrate his individuality through his watch.
A Marc Jacobs watch is a great way to demonstrate individuality and style.
A great looking watch for a nurse is an important way for someone who enjoys style and fashion to demonstrate their individuality even through the constraints of wearing a uniform.
Many watch stores will hold a range of watches and will be happy to demonstrate different features and functionality.
Iyengar, widely considered to be the greatest living yoga teacher, also provides 602 photos to demonstrate both beginning and advanced yoga poses.
While the physical aspects of yoga demonstrate control and concentration, yogis achieve those elements only through a dedicated intent and purpose.
Both demonstrate restorative yoga poses and Turner recites scripture during each posture.
Considered an extension of the company, the goal is to raise awareness about renewable energy and to demonstrate solutions.
When you can demonstrate to prospective studio owners that you have experience teaching all types of people in various situations, they have confidence that your style will serve their clients well.
Studio owners want to lift your hood and kick your tires, and the best way to do that is for you to demonstrate how you'd lead a class.
A small number of people with autism demonstrate an exceptional talent, many at a genius level.
If you want your child to imitate, then demonstrate how by imitating.
Children who demonstrate acting out behaviors and tantrums will likely need longer intervention time, as the negative behaviors will need to be controlled before any learning can take place.
You've got to demonstrate that you want their help, not just their money by listening to what they have to say.
Know your market, know your customers, and demonstrate in your plan and in your actions that you can satisfy their needs by providing great service and goods at a reasonable cost.
What you need to do is interview to find the superstars who are very experienced or greenhorns who demonstrate the highest potential.
Demonstrate your work at business breakfast meetings, realtor sales meetings and cleaning services.
While these statements won't automatically grant you the interview, much less the job, objective statements that demonstrate thought and purpose reflect who you are and what you'll accomplish for the company in a brief scan of your resume.
This will demonstrate that you've paid attention to what the employer needs.
Having just stated that two page resumes may be expected, applicants entering a new field may be better off using a one-page resume to demonstrate a stable job history and specify the intent to change direction through the resume objective.
The use of more extensive resumes are reserved for those with a long list of accomplishments, leadership qualifications, publications, speaking engagements or technical ability to demonstrate.
The biggest challenge for professionals changing careers is how to demonstrate that all the experience accumulated so far will be attractive to a prospective employer in a new field.
You must demonstrate you are the perfect waitress for the job by crafting a compelling objective.
Following a fairly standard list of interview questions is a good way to demonstrate that the interview process at your organization is designed to ensure that all qualified applicants have an equal chance of being selected.
If you could demonstrate it, will sales increase?
If you can demonstrate your writing skills to companies in need of writers, you may be able to build a list of clients that provides you with enough work to enjoy a steady income that you can earn from your home office.
Many schools are even looking for students who are right out of school, and an objectives statement can demonstrate the fresh perspective of a forward-looking new teacher.
Not only do you demonstrate your skill here, but you also show that you want to help a business to grow.
It should be included if (a) the job has specific educational requirements or if your education or (b) your academic credentials help demonstrate your qualifications for the position.
Of course they don't expect you to tell them how the car runs, but you need to know and be able to demonstrate that the car's headlights, tail lights, brake lights, and horn are in working order.
Ask the salesperson to demonstrate storage features after the road test.
These senior cheerleaders demonstrate an excellent blend of a variety of dance moves.
Depending on which area of talent you auditioned for, you would have to demonstrate specific skills to the judges.
For instance, gymnasts had to demonstrate a standing back tuck and a round-off back handspring, back tuck.
Those in the other talent categories had to demonstrate a co-ed toss extension and a toss hands liberty.
Making birthday cards with your children is an excellent way to demonstrate the importance of thoughtfulness.
In a workshop, an experienced instructor typically leads the class through a project that is designed to demonstrate one or more jewelry design concepts.
How to Tie Dye has a detailed tutorial to demonstrate what steps you must follow for this design.
If you are planning to teach origami to a group of children, have separate models folded to demonstrate each step in these paper Easter bunny crafts for kids.
For more advanced polymer clay tutorials, many polymer clay artists host YouTube videos that demonstrate their techniques in detail.
For the colorectal cancer component of the study, lowering fat intake did not demonstrate a decreased risk of developing colorectal cancer.
Illustrated portion guides for popular foods that demonstrate the increase in calories, fat, carbohydrates, and proteins as portion sizes increase.
You may also want to show a professional the types of exercises you will be doing so you can demonstrate how you are doing them.
For beginners, it is sometimes more helpful to see someone demonstrate the exercise in motion instead of just seeing a picture of one part of the exercise, which is what makes Pilates DVDs a great choice for beginners.
Henderson" will demonstrate his "extraordinary trampoline leaps."
You demonstrate flow through fluid movement as you maintain a strong center or core.
At the end of this course, one must be able to demonstrate all of the skills outlined above up to level 11.1.
If you are going to get your health insurance company to pay for the surgery, you will need to demonstrate that your reasons for wanting the reduction have to do with health concerns, as opposed to cosmetic reasons.
The doctor will also need to document your health issues and demonstrate that they are related to the size (and accompanying weight) of your breasts.
If you can demonstrate that your residence has these safety options available, you will be able to save money with discounted insurance rates.
According to the Vehicle Code Section 16020, individuals who rent cars in California are required to demonstrate financial responsibility.
An easy way to demonstrate financial responsibility is through the purchase of rental car insurance.
However, if you do not want to purchase rental car insurance, you can demonstrate financial responsibility in other ways.
This law defines the minimum financial responsibility that every driver must demonstrate that they can manage in the event of an accident.
Successfully completing an approved defensive driving course can help a high risk driver demonstrate that he or she is less likely to be involved in an accident.
To be eligible for these policies, applicants usually must demonstrate that they have been denied insurance or are unable to pay the premiums charged by one or more providers.
They even have a picture to demonstrate how it looks.
Boxing is not only a fun calorie burner, but it's also one sexy sport, and the bras that pay homage to the activity clearly demonstrate that fact.
Planning the corporation's holiday party is an important task, as the event is a great way to demonstrate that employees are truly appreciated and to build camaraderie among co-workers.
How much effort and time a guest puts into a homemade gift can reflect their relationship with the hostess or simply demonstrate their passion for creating lovely homemade items.
The ladies were taught proper etiquette and assigned tasks to demonstrate what they had learned.
These advantages include things like the option to swap team members for the next challenge, or extra time with experts who are brought in to demonstrate new tools or techniques.
In each episode, the subjects describe and demonstrate their addictions, and then meet with a licensed mental health practitioner who describes to viewers the details about these addictions.
The Citation Theory also compares data between various websites in order to demonstrate strengths and weaknesses of competitors.
Those in an honor guard must demonstrate outstanding conduct, a clean service record, and must be prepared to devote the time to the service.
There are designated spots to post the colors and teams must demonstrate how to remove and fold a flag from a coffin.
Girl Scouts earn patches as a way to demonstrate they have accomplished a specific task or activity.
These help to demonstrate the scout's participation.
In some way, demonstrate the principles of the Scout Oath and Law.
Then, scouts will demonstrate the ability to do various types of swimming activities.
But I can demonstrate.
It is an attempt once more to demonstrate all scholastic dogmas out of the book of creation or on principles of natural reason.
The purpose of the work is to exhibit social phenomena, not to demonstrate their source in the mental constitution of the individual.
He personally sought to demonstrate such origin, first, in the existence of a specific internal growth force, which he termed bathmic force, and second in the direct inheritance of acquired mechanical modifications of, the teeth and feet.
The researches of Prjevalsky demonstrate that gold is plentiful in northern and eastern Tibet.
The time was close at hand when a Danish magnate was to demonstrate that he preferred the utter ruin of his country to any abatement of his own personal dignity.
It arose from an attempt to demonstrate to his class the nature of the glow of reflected light sometimes seen in the eyes of animals such as the cat.
None the less, the Assyrian statements with regard to the Medes demonstrate that the Iranians must have reached the west of Iran before 900 B.C. It is probable that at this period the Persians also were domiciled in their later home, even though we have no direct evidence to adduce.
The Assyrian inscriptions demonstrate, however, that Zoroasters teaching was dominant in Media two centuries before Cyrus.
Living in Cape Town and at the head of the government, Rhodes used every effort to demonstrate to the Cape' Colonists that the work he was doing in the north must eventually be to the advantage of Cape Colonists and their descendants.
If the denser body be solid we can often demonstrate this; for the liquid tends to spread itself over the surface of the solid, so as to increase the area of the surface of contact, even although in so doing it is obliged to increase the free surface in opposition to the surface-tension.
In the majority of forms it has not hitherto been possible to demonstrate a nucleus of the type which is so characteristic of the higher plants.
He was also the first to demonstrate experimentally the difference of action between what he called a "quantity" magnet excited by a "quantity" battery of a single pair, and an "intensity" magnet with long fine wire coil excited by an "intensity" battery of many elements, having their resistances suitably proportioned.
That such a principle must exist in all beings capable of sensation, or of anything analogous to human passions and feelings, will hardly be denied by those who perceive the force of arguments which metaphysically demonstrate the immaterial nature of the mind.
The author's object was clearly to demonstrate to his readers the necessity of faith in Israel's God, who shall not for ever allow his chosen ones to be ground under the heel of a ruthless heathen oppressor.
Monstrosities at least demonstrate possible lines of development, but when the abnormal forms of growth in various directions are fairly evenly balanced, trustworthy deductions become difficult.
It is certain that the formation of hydrogen peroxide and ozone accompany the glowing, and in 1848 Schonbein tried to demonstrate that it.
French and German governments to occupy suitable stations distributed over the world, but they served only to demonstrate that no high degree of accuracy can ever be expected from this.
Although primary instruction is gratuitous it is not compulsory, and these figures clearly demonstrate that school privileges have not been extended much beyond the larger towns, The total attendance, however, compares well with that of 1897, which was 143,096, although it shows that only 5% of the population, approximately, is receiving instruction.
George Grenville, whom the Rockinghams had displaced, and who was bitterly incensed at their formal reversal of his policy, printed a pamphlet to demonstrate his own wisdom and statesmanship. Burke replied in his Observations on a late Publication on the Present State of the Nation (1769), in which he showed for the first time that he had not only as much knowledge of commerce and finance, and as firm a hand, in dealing with figures as Grenville himself, but also a broad, general and luminous way of conceiving and treating politics, in which neither then nor since has he had any rival among English publicists.
With the aid of these instances of paired caeca, coupled with the frequent existence of a rudiment of its missing fellow when only one is functional, the author has been enabled to demonstrate conclusively that these double organs in birds correspond in relations with their normally single representative in mammals.
It remains to try another psychological basis for ethical construction; instead of presenting the principle of social duty as abstract reason, liable to conflict to any extent naturalness of man's social affections, and demonstrate a normal harmony between these and his self-regarding impulses.
Not that he repudiates the obligation either of rational benevolence or self-love; on the contrary, he takes more pains than Butler to demonstrate the reasonableness of either principle.
In the first place, the department had to train teachers of agricultural subjects; and secondly, it had to demonstrate to farmers all over Ireland by a system of itinerant instruction some of the advantages of such technical instruction, in order to induce them to make some sacrifice to obtain a suitable education for their sons and daughters.
He immediately felt bad for snapping at the woman who in some ways didn't demonstrate the good sense to blow on hot soup.
And now I shall demonstrate my salacious side.
Biologists, however, can demonstrate that these behaviors are only apparently altruistic.
These studies demonstrate that training and certification programs are strategic investments in the intellectual capital of the organization.
To demonstrate our point - the first 20lb carp caught this year was on the 22 March 2006.
Demonstrate the ability to appraise selected literature using an appraisal checklist.
I've chosen a somewhat contrived example to demonstrate my new found test structure.
The diversity of his compositions demonstrate his desire to experiment with many forms, even if the format and orchestration remained conventional.
To become a diver coxswain, however, you need to demonstrate excellent skills in handling the boat in much tougher conditions.
Demonstrate an awareness of personal responsibility and incorporate a critical ethical dimension into their work where applicable.
There is, however, a more profound sense in which they demonstrate the persistence of a romantic esthetic and indeed ethic today.
Sourcing There are several different ways in which ceramic petrology can help to demonstrate the source of pottery.
You MUST be able to demonstrate an impressive on-line portfolio.
They also must demonstrate a far greater sense of ambition, urgency and focus on Africa in world trade talks.
Demonstrate the ability to select relevant principles from theories to support the practice of Occupational therapy.
Demonstrate self-awareness and the ability to identify own training needs.
As his brilliant biographies demonstrate he had extraordinary insight and a naturally unprejudiced mind.
Demonstrate how to safely and efficiently use the tools and fasteners and encourage everyone to use each tool to connect some boards together.
Always dress in business attire and demonstrate your knowledge about the value of your gold and silver.
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR), people with antisocial personality disorder demonstrate a pattern of antisocial behavior since age 15.
An adult diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder will demonstrate few of his or her own feelings beyond contempt for others.
When infants are exposed to variations in the sights and sounds in their environment, some become aroused and demonstrate this arousal by moving their arms and legs and fretting or crying.
Research has shown that babies and caregivers demonstrate an instinct to attach.
School-age children with a history of secured attachment histories demonstrate an ability to be more goal-oriented and often display positive leadership skills.
This classification is often referred to as anxious-ambivalent because the child will demonstrate anger towards the caregiver at the same time they are expressing their need for comforting.
They may talk nonstop for hours, have unending enthusiasm, and demonstrate poor judgment.
Demo videos showcase the instructors as they demonstrate a particular step, showing it from multiple perspectives so both men and women can get a feel for the appropriate footwork.
While many instructors demonstrate each step as they introduce a new combination, many more instructors simply say the names of the steps and indicate with their hands which foot or arm is doing a given step.
By preserving native cultures rather than exploiting them, the company hopes to demonstrate how different societies can live in harmony for the benefit of everyone.
A hair video will correctly demonstrate how to use the iron along with other useful tips that can benefit the health of your hair.
Lea Michele and Catherine Zeta-Jones demonstrate the beauty of luscious dark brown locks.
That means that the parent must be able to honestly assess the child's knowledge through testing, and be willing and able to seek out other ways to teach the child, if the child cannot demonstrate learning.
The Model Method requires students to draw out mathematical concepts in the form of rectangles and symbols in order to demonstrate a problem.
Second, by pursuing training specific to a legal career you'll demonstrate to employers that you are serious about transitioning to this field.
That will demonstrate professionalism on your part, and will ensure that you leave on a positive note.
There is no shortage of work to be done on a farm, and you have a good chance of getting hired if you can demonstrate that you are not afraid of getting your hands dirty.
Employers who are willing to hire students for summer jobs expect for the people they hire to show initiative and demonstrate a true desire to work.
Regardless of the procedure that you are required to follow when requesting benefits, you'll be required to demonstrate compliance with all applicable rules and regulations in order to qualify to receive payments.
Once the new employee can demonstrate that he or she has mastered the task, the trainer should make a note indicating this fact in the training materials.
You will also need to answer questions that give insight into your personality, and perhaps answer questions that demonstrate how you will fit into the corporate culture at the business.