Demanding Sentence Examples
Would he soon grow tired of her showing up at his door, demanding a meal?
He.s demanding we return Ully.
He wasn't demanding or pleading, he was reasoning with her.
The Exemplars are demanding an immediate audience.
So far he is in general agreement with Anaximander, but he differs from him in the solution of the problem, disliking, as a poet and a mystic, the primary matter which satisfied the patient researcher, and demanding a more vivid and picturesque element.
By night he was a demanding stranger who knew no bounds.
It couldn't be easy shifting from the role of the patient to the demanding role of husband and father.
In pursuance of his method of successive studies he began in 1823 the study of Italian literature, passing over German as demanding more labour than he could afford.
Aggravated by her second display of defiance in one night, he crossed to her and planted his hands on either side of her chair, demanding her attention.
It roared awake, thirsty and demanding.
AdvertisementThey're demanding your life in exchange for it.
In August an ultimatum was received from Chile demanding arbitration.
On his death Teumman succeeded and almost immediately provoked a quarrel with Assur-bani-pal by demanding the surrender of his nephews who had taken refuge at the Assyrian court.
But Mahmud had by this time heard of his asylum at the court of the caliph, and wrote a letter menacing his liege lord, and demanding the surrender of the poet.
Baby Claire helped too, by taking her turn by demanding attention while I spent the time worrying about how I could protect the nest of fragile souls under my care.
AdvertisementHis kiss was hot, demanding, and quick, his lips warm and soft.
On one occasion Dundas carried a motion in the House of Commons, censuring Hastings and demanding his recall.
C. Farini was issued demanding the reforms advocated by the powers memorandum of 1831.
In 1854 he appeared in the first New Zealand parliament as extra-official adviser of the acting governor, a position which excited great jealousy, and as the mover of a resolution demanding the appointment of a responsible ministry.
Looking back, those days made me realize just how demanding competitive bodybuilding is.
AdvertisementBut as it turns out, just at that moment a third enemy rises before us--namely the Orthodox Russian soldiers, loudly demanding bread, meat, biscuits, fodder, and whatnot!
Chains also go across the gap in the thong, thus demanding that you should be shaved to wear it.
She leaned into him, yielding as the intensity of the bond between them grew hot and demanding.
His gaze was direct, just short of demanding.
Darkyn kissed her, hot, hard and demanding.
AdvertisementWhen his lips sought hers again they were warm and demanding.
Returning to London early in November, he found it necessary to consult his physicians for a symptom which, neglected since 1761, had gradually become complicated with hydrocele, and was now imperatively demanding surgical aid; but the painful operations which had to be performed did not interfere with his customary cheerfulness, nor did they prevent him from paying a Christmas visit to Sheffield Place.
His obsequious language on this occasion, and the favours with which it was rewarded, formed a too violent contrast to the determined attitude of the university of Paris, which, tired of the schism, was even then demanding the resignation of the two pontiffs.
It is feeblest in architecture and strongest in the branches demanding skill and care in a limited compass, such as painting, porcelain and enamel.
In 1780 and 1781 he took an active part in opposition to Lord North's American policy, and it was largely as the result of his motion on the 22nd of February in the latter year, demanding the cessation of the war against the colonies, when the ministerial majority was reduced to one, that Lord North resigned office.
Within three days of the Paardekraal meeting a letter was sent to the administrator demanding the keys of the government offices.
The officers on whom devolved the duty of representing the wrongs of their fellow-countrymen and demanding redress, proceeded to Rangoon, the governor of which place had been a chief actor in the outrages complained of; but so far were they from meeting with any signs of regret, that they were treated with indignity and contempt, and compelled to retire without accomplishing anything beyond blockading the ports.
Meanwhile he wrote demanding arrears of pay, with the threat of resignation if the money were not forthcoming, but the king intimated that the loss of Conway had been due to his negligence, and only sent part of the money.
But to employ enamels successfully is an achievement demanding special training and materials not easy to procure or to prepare.
At a popular demonstration held at Offenburg on the 12th of September 1847, resolutions were passed demanding the conversion of the regular army into a national militia which.
On the receipt by Arthur of the insulting message of the Roman emperor, demanding tribute, it is he who is despatched as ambassador to the enemy's camp, where his arrogant and insulting behaviour brings about the outbreak of hostilities.
When the pledge, given by the Treaty of Amiens, to restore the Order of St John with a national Maltese "langue," could not be fulfilled, political leaders began demanding instead the re-establishment of the " Consiglio Popolare " of Norman times (without reflecting that it never had legislative power); but by degrees popular aspirations developed in favour of a free constitution on English lines.
Louis having discovered Victor's intrigues with the emperor, tried to precipitate hostilities by demanding his participation in a second expedition against the Waldensians.
On the 10th the garrison of Alessandria mutinied, and two days later Turin was in the hands of the insurgents, the people demanding the Spanish constitution.
But when Denmark got a free constitution in 1848, which had no legal validity in Iceland, the island felt justified in demanding full home rule.
A congress of ex-burghers was held at Brandfort in December 1904, when among other resolutions passed was one demanding the grant of self-government to the colony.
The British government were on the point of demanding reparation for this act in a peremptory manner which could hardly have meant anything but war, but Prince Albert insisted on revising Lord Russell's despatch in a way which gave the American government an opportunity to concede the surrender of the prisoners without humiliation.
Parliament had long been ferociously demanding Mary's execution, not because she was guilty but because she was dangerous to the public peace.
Bands of masked men rode about the country both in the Black Patch and in the Burley, burning tobacco houses of the independent planters, scraping their newly-planted tobacco patches, demanding that planters join their organization or leave the country, and whipping or shooting the recalcitrants.
The Bourbon sovereigns threatened to make war on the pope in return (France, indeed, seizing on the county of Avignon), and a joint note demanding a retractation, and the abolition of the Jesuits, was presented by the French ambassador at Rome on the 10th of December 1768 in the name of France, Spain and the two Sicilies.
On the 1st of March 1854, at Ayutla in Guerrero, a section of the army under Colonel Villareal proclaimed the Plan of Ayutla, demanding Santa Anna's deposition and the establishment of a provisional government to secure a new constitution.
He has also the almost mechanical function of representing the state for various formal purposes, such as demanding from other states the extradition of offenders, the issuing of writs for the election of members of the legislature and of members of the Federal House of Representatives, and the receiving of reports from various state officials or boards.
From the letters patent addressed to the bailiffs of Padstow demanding the survey and delivery of ships for foreign service, the appointment of a king's butler for the port, and the frequent recourse which was had to the king's courts for the settlement of disputes of shipping, Padstow appears to have been a port of considerable repute in the 14th century.
The pope then requested the emperor to leave Roman territory; but he remained near Rome for some days, demanding satisfaction for the losses suffered by his troops.
Elected to the Municipal Council of Paris in 1879, he declared in favour of communal autonomy and joined with Henri Rochefort in demanding the erection of a monument to the Communards; but after his election to the Chamber of Deputies for the 5th arrondissement of Paris in 1881 he gradually veered from the extreme Radical party to the Republican Union, and identified himself with the cause of colonial expansion.
The soil in which the stock grows is a point demanding attention.
Petitions were sent in setting forth the Belgian grievances, demanding a separate administration for Belgium and a full concession of the liberties guaranteed by the constitution.
Thousands of workmen went on strike, demanding better wages and the suffrage.
The Democratic National Convention adopted (August 29, 1864) a resolution (drafted by Vallandigham) declaring the war a failure, and demanding a cessation of hostilities; it nominated M'Clellan for president, and instead of adjourning sine die as usual, remained organized, and subject to be convened at any time and place by the executive national committee.
The Protestants responded by demanding that they should lose nothing which they had held before 1618, when the war began.
Five days later, in spite of this, she sent an ultimatum to Berlin, demanding the continuance of the Prussian disarmament and an immediate settlement of the Schleswig-Holstein question.
During 1870 and 1871 meetings were held by the Gustavus Adolphus Verein, and a great Protestant conference was called, at which resolutions were passed demanding the expulsion of the Jesuits and condemning the Vatican decrees.
Kettelers work was continued by Canon Moufang, and Catholics brought forward motions in the Reichstag demanding new factory legislation.
Here the diet passed a resolution denouncing the dual system and demanding the restoration of the union of the empire.
The Germans in their turn now left the diet, and the Czechs voted an address to the crown, drawn up by Count Thun, demanding the restoration of the Bohemian kingdom.
The generation which was so vigorously demanding national rights had themselves all been brought up under the old system in German schools, but this had not implanted in them a desire to become German.
In the Reichsrath a motion was introduced, supported by all the German Liberal parties, demanding that German should be declared the language of state and regulating the conditions under which the other idioms could be recognized; it was referred to a committee from which it never emerged, and a bill to the same effect, introduced in 1886, met a similar fate.
He interfered as little as possible with the independence of the different tribes, demanding from each only its due proportion of tribute and military service; and he kept his army constantly engaged in brilliant schemes of foreign conquest.
A parliament (31st of August) demanded the loss of votes (fourteen) by bishops, and freedom of debate on bills formed by the Lords of the Articles, who had practically held all power; while Argyll carried a bill demanding for each estate the right to select its own representatives among these lords.
In July 1820 a military mutiny broke out at Caserta, led by two officers and a priest, the mutineers demanding a constitution although professing loyalty to the king.
The new government's first difficulty was Sicily, where the people had risen in rebellion demanding their own charter of 1812, and although the Neapolitan troops quelled the outbreak with much bloodshed the division proved fatal to the prospects of liberty.
He saw the necessity of going back to Kant in the sense of demanding a critical reconsideration of the epistemological problems which Kant had made but a partially successful attempt to solve.
For administrative convenience the "stars" - whose name comes from the scrap of crimson cloth worn on cap and jacket sleeve - have been generally concentrated at Portland, and employed in labours specially allotted to them, for the most part demanding a higher rate of intelligence than the general average shown by convicts.
Though the truce was for two years, Philip assembled an army in 1188 to invade Normandy, demanding Gisors and the conclusion of the marriage which had been arranged between his sister Alice and Richard of England, who had meanwhile deserted his father.
Thus demanding an act of will on the part of individuals, they are classed once more as " ethical " religions.
But Berkeley meanwhile had outlawed Bacon, whose forces now marched on the capital demanding recognition as the authorized army of defence.
But the renaissance of law began relatively early; by the 12th century it had created a university, by the 13th it was helping to organize national states and laying the basis for that order which the economic renaissance was already demanding.
Although at various times he had helped to strengthen the law for the recovery of fugitive slaves, declining as secretary of state to aid Great Britain in the further suppression of the slave trade, and demanding the return of fugitives from Canada, yet he heartily supported the colonizing of the slaves in Africa, because slavery was the "deepest stain upon the character of the country," opposition to which could not be repressed except by "blowing out the moral lights around," and "eradicating from the human soul the light of reason and the law of liberty."
Incidentally the candidate is trained to perform his duties as a tribesman, but religion presides over the course, demanding earnest endeavour of an impressionable age.
The United States government characterized the affair as an outrage, demanding an indemnity as satisfaction.
The Majlis issued a manifesto to the powers, declaring that the shah intended to overthrow the constitution, and demanding intervention.
It could be made perfectly clear that our action was not directed against the existence of the republic. We should only be demanding the re-establishment of rights which now exist in the Orange Free State, and which existed in the Transvaal itself at the time of, and long after, the withdrawal of British sovereignty.
The transference of the Curia from Rome to Avignon (1309) had brought the papacy under the influence of the French crown; and this position Philip the Fair of France now endeavoured to utilize by demanding from the pope the dissolution of the powerful and wealthy order of the Temple, together with the introduction of a trial for heresy against the late Pope Boniface VIII.
In 1741 he issued the bull Immensa pastorum principis, demanding more humane treatment for the Indians of Brazil and Paraguay, and in the bulls Ex quo singulari (1742) and Omnium sollicitudinum (1744) he rebuked the missionary methods of the Jesuits in accommodating their message to the heathen usages of the Chinese and of the natives of Malabar.
After leaving Congress he became one of the earliest champions of the "Ohio idea" (which he is said to have originated), demanding that the government should pay the principal of its 5-20-year 6% bonds in the "greenback" currency instead of in coin.
He it was who drew up the resolution of the Lower House in reply to the rescript of the Austrian ministry demanding the repeal of the Hungarian constitution.
After demanding a respite, Louis abruptly appealed at Nuremberg from the future sentence of the pope to a general council (December 8, 1323).
Worn out with his evasions, she at last (1723) took the desperate step of writing to Stella or, according to another account, to Swift himself, demanding to know the nature of the connexion with him, and this terminated the melancholy history as with a clap of thunder.
The right of the secular tribunals to take cognizance of the offences of ecclesiastics had been asserted in two remarkable cases; and the scope of two ancient laws of the city of Venice, forbidding the foundation of churches or ecclesiastical congregations without the consent of the state, and the acquisition of property by priests or religious bodies, had been extended over the entire territory of the republic. In January 1606 the papal nuncio delivered a brief demanding the unconditional submission of the Venetians.
It was his dauntless courage in denouncing compromise, in demanding the repeal of the Fugitive Slave Act, and in insisting upon emancipation, that made him the chief initiating force in the struggle that put an end to slavery.
A proclamation was issued demanding the community of goods, the abolition of the right of inheritance, and the enfranchisement of women.
Further, there was as yet no idea of demanding an official compilation.
Among the numerous methods which have been adopted by sovereigns everywhere to obtain support from their people, that of demanding gifts has frequently found a place, and consequently it is the word and not the method which is peculiar to English history.
In the latter case the defendant could stop the progress of the seizure by paying the debt, giving a pledge, or demanding a trial; and he then could choose a Brehon.
Truculent pamphieteers like Simon Fish, who wrote Beggars Supplication, were already demanding that these sturdy boobies should be set abroad into the world, to get wives of their own, and earn their living by the sweat of their brows, according to the commandment of God; so might the king be better obeyed, matrimony be better kept, the gospel better preached, and none should rob the poor of his alms. It must be added that monastic scandals were not rare; though the majority of the houses were decently ordered, yet the unexceptionable testimony of archiepiscopal and episcopal visitations shows that in the years just before the Reformation there was a certain number of them where chastity of life and honesty of administration were equally unknown.
But the initiative of demanding justice had passed from thecrown to the Commons.
But the temper of the country was by this time excited, and it was loudly demanding something more than a preliminary success.
On the meeting of the new parliament Lord Salisburys government was defeated on an amendment to the address, demanding facilities for agricultural laborers to obtain small holdings for gardens and pasturethe policy, in short, which was described as three acres and a cow.
On the 8th Thermidor (26th of July) Robespierre addressed the Convention, deploring the invectives against himself and the Revolutionary Tribunal and demanding the purification of the committees and the punishment of traitors.
And during the period of a century and a half between Antiochus and Plutarch, we may suppose the school to have maintained the old controversy with Stoicism on much the same ground, accepting the formula of " life according to nature," but demanding that the " good " of man should refer to his nature as a whole, the good of his rational part being the chief element, and always preferable in case of conflict, but yet not absolutely his sole good.
Improved practice, again, reacted upon theory by bringing to notice residual errors, demanding the correction of formulae, or intimating neglected disturbances.
He was elected as a deputy for Paris to the Legislative Assembly, where he gravitated more and more towards the extreme left; he was a member of several committees, and, when a member of the diplomatic committee, presented a famous report demanding that the nation should be declared to be in danger (Iith June 1 793).
There are Old-Irish Catholics, under pope's nuncios, under Abba O'Teague of the excommunications, and Owen Roe O'Neill, demanding not religious freedom only, but what we now call ` repeal of the union,' and unable to agree with Catholics of the English Pale.
This state of tension and irritation could not last, and at length, towards the close of 1894, the French government sent an ultimatum to the Malagasy sovereign, demanding such powers as would have made French authority supreme in the island.
The custom of giving a bride without demanding bride-price, in reward for a great exploit, is several times alluded to in the Iliad.
Thanks to Hughs support and to the good offices of Otto and his brother Bruno, archbishop of Cologne and duke of Lorraine, Lothair was chosen king and crowned at Reims. Hugh exacted, as payment for his disinterestedness and fidelity, a renewal of his sovereignty over Burgundy with that of Aquitaine as well; he was in fact the viceroy of the kingdom, and others imitated him by demanding indemnities, privileges and confirmation of rights, as was customary at the beginning of a reign.
They drew support from the Parisian democracy, and considered the decentralization of the Girondins as endangering Frances unity, circumstances demanding a strong and highly concentrated government; they opposed a republic on the model of that of Rome to the Polish republic of the Gironde.
At last, on the 20th of April 1898, when the Spanish government learned that the United States minister, General Woodford, War with had been instructed by telegraph to present an the United ultimatum demanding the cessation of hostilities Stases.
It was his chief concern to prevent the French from building in the Ohio Valley a chain of forts connecting their settlements in the north with those on the Gulf of Mexico; and in the autumn of 1753 he sent George Washington to Fort Le Boeuf, a newly established French post at what is now Waterford, Pennsylvania, with a message demanding the withdrawal of the French from English territory.
Special clauses were inserted in the charters of the British East Africa and South Africa Companies enabling the government to forfeit their charters if they did not promote the objects alleged as reasons for demanding a charter.
In addition to the three classes, Equisetales, Lycopodiales and Filicales, under which recent Pteridophytes naturally group themselves, a fourth class, Sphenophyllales, existed in Palaeozoic times, clearly related to the Horsetails and more remotely to the Ferns and perhaps the Club-mosses, but with peculiarities of its own demanding an independent position.
The prophet of Islam was now, however, building up his power in Arabia, and although Heraclius paid no heed to the letter demanding his adhesion which he received from Medina (628), and the deputation of fifteen Rahawiyin who paid homage in 630 were not Edessenes but South Arabians, a few years later (636 ?) Heraclius's attempts, from Edessa as a centre, to effect an organized opposition to the victorious Arabs were defeated by Sa`d, and he fell back on Samosata.
The jurisdiction of a justice of the peace, usually coextensive with the county, extends to the collection of notes of hand not exceeding $1000; to the settlement of accounts not exceeding $500; to suits for the recovery of property or suits demanding payment for damages, except for libel or slander, not exceeding $500; to equity cases in which the amount in controversy does not exceed $50; and to various other small cases.
Last week, citizen Dean came to my office demanding I chase down a childish hoax by crawling into a mine, purportedly in search of a dead body!
And why their leader is demanding an audience with me to discuss you.
So, it's not verbal; but, it is intelligent and demanding in ways which will appeal to even the most stick-in-the-mud adventurer.
Was she not accustomed to demanding barley in the middle of the night?
Self Guided The walk s range from a gentle amble of 6 kms right through to a more demanding day hike of 20 kms.
All the while Abel could hear the voice calling, demanding, inviting, its cries ringing out across the valley bottom.
In short Paisley is demanding total nationalist capitulation to the unionist agenda.
Although a very demanding and time consuming pursuit, for the right person, becoming a celebrant is very satisfying and worthwhile.
Meanwhile, the Turks hastened the preparations and sent an envoy to Venice demanding the cession of Cyprus.
In a hugely controversial move, an influential group of frontline officers is demanding a radical change in the law.
The combination of all these factors is very demanding on our hands and leads to dry, cracked skin and tough white cuticles.
Science and Technology Society is becoming less deferential, with people increasingly demanding more involvement in the decisions that affect their lives.
Again a high-level Soviet delegation arrives in Warsaw (Khrushchev, Mikoyan, Molotov ), demanding talks with the leaders of the PZPR.
The skills required of the teacher may make this unit more demanding for a class teacher without specialist support.
And because you want an intellectually demanding course that has credibility in the job market.
Back to Top How physically demanding will my event be?
The conservation of objects is a technically demanding job, which uses a range of scientific techniques.
Long distance travel providers will need to respond to the increasingly demanding business traveler who is traveling further distances for longer periods of time.
So making Smart Communities a success is going to be extremely demanding and is far from assured.
The path now becomes more demanding, a steep scramble up loose rock.
For some part-time students facing increased professional commitments this proved too demanding, leading to withdrawals from the programs.
By the end of '83 my recordings were getting increasingly more demanding.
And despite the libel laws demanding that she prove deliberate distortion by Irving, the final judgment upheld every major aspect of her defense.
Since May 2004, as Associate Artist at Forma, he has been researching the highly experimental and technologically demanding Signal Transposition project.
A messenger arrives demanding fealty to King John of France, to which Edward returns a challenge.
Beware of upsetting editors by being too forceful or demanding.
It had been a very demanding day and I was rather frazzled.
These attacks on an almost hard-wired complacency are vital in terms of grabbing the audience and demanding that they listen.
It provides considerable performance headroom for the most demanding departmental applications.
Diplomats estimate Baghdad garners $ 2bn a year by smuggling crude oil over its borders, charging buyers illegal surcharges and demanding kickbacks.
The most demanding day was the ascent of Piz Buin (the mountain that lends its name to the sun-tan lotion ).
Here it lives as a rather malevolent presence, demanding to be filled.
With my carefully manicured lesson plan in hand, I stood in front of a sea of pupils, all demanding my attention NOW!
Built-in magnifying lens and luminous markings for night navigation are other important features for the most demanding users.
The potential for sexual misadventures or for demanding sexual behavior.
Maybe Colchester police demanding costly security measures is proving off-putting.
Thousands of hungry landless African peasants in their own country demanding a piece of their own land are effortlessly dismissed.
They won't leave him be, always pestering, demanding.
With its lightening-fast processor, 128-voice polyphony and 6 realtime performance parts, the G-70 will satisfy even the most demanding player.
We bring all the benefits of sheer professionalism that we have gained over the years working within the demanding corporate hospitality industry.
For highly demanding applications continuous fiber reinforcement can be used.
They may start demanding extra feeds outside their normal routine.
By 1531 the king was demanding the surrender of Tyndale by the Emperor, on the charge that he was spreading sedition in England.
The 8... more megapixel sensor on the Cybershot DSC-N1 will meet the requirements of the most demanding photographers.
In it Paul is trying to save the life of an escaped slave without sounding too demanding to his owner.
The most exciting thing was Sid demanding coal tar soap, nothing flowery scented that Kathy might get suspicious at.
Now there are libertarians demanding a total free market, the moderates have become blue Social Democrats.
The course is no doubt demanding but with the help of its prolific lectures and researchers the coursework is made less strenuous.
Its goal was to collect signatures in favor of a Charter demanding universal suffrage.
The 11-18 curriculum for secondary school mathematics teaching is very extensive and thus the program is demanding.
The 21st Century is a very demanding time for nutritional therapists.
This upgrade increases usable mid band torque and unlocks more of the engine's potential without demanding further upgrades to supporting systems.
In February 1905, France had violated this treaty by demanding control of the Sultan's army and police force without consulting Germany.
Responsibilities of scheme trusteeship will become more demanding in the new regime.
Women trade unionists at Ford's took the lead in demanding equal pay for equal work.
Caring for a partner or family member is an incredibly demanding job that is usually unpaid.
Here again the political murder of the duc de Berry, on the 14th of January 1820, led to Follen being regarded as a suspect, and he accordingly took refuge in Switzerland, where he taught for a while at the cantonal school at Coire and at the university of Basel; but the Prussian authorities imperatively demanding his surrender, he sought in 1824 the hospitality of the United States of America.
The minority of the sultan gave full play to the anarchic elements in the state; the soldiery, spahis and janissaries, conscious of their power and reckless through impunity, rose in revolt whenever the whim seized them, demanding privileges and the heads of those who displeased them, not sparing even the sultan's favourites.
Others attribute it to the queen, and there is no doubt that she hated Turgot for supporting Vergennes in demanding the recall of the comte de Guines, the ambassador in London, whose cause she had ardently espoused at the prompting of the Choiseul clique.
At the meeting of the estates which opened in Paris in October 1356 Le Coq played a leading role and was one of the most outspoken of the orators, especially when petitions were presented to the dauphin Charles, denouncing the bad government of the realm and demanding the banishment of the royal councillors.
One of them was involved in war with the Romans in 24 and 23 B.C.; the land was invaded by C. Petronius, who took the fortress Premis or Ibrim, and sacked the capital (then Napata); the emperor Augustus, however, ordered the evacuation of the country without even demanding tribute.
In the 18th century Rollin, in his Traits des etudes (1726), agreed with the Port - Royalists in demanding that Latin grammars should be written in French, that the rules should be simplified and explained by a sufficient number of examples, and that a more important place should be assigned to translation than to composition.
Mary took leave of her first and last master with passionate anguish and many parting kisses; but in face of his enemies, and in hearing of the cries which burst from the ranks, demanding her death by fire as a murderess and harlot, the whole heroic and passionate spirit of the woman, represented by her admirers as a spiritless imbecile, flamed out in responsive threats to have all the men hanged and crucified, in whose power she now stood helpless and alone.
He, however, gave his support to Richard's assumption of office, but allowed subsequently, if he did not instigate, petitions from the army demanding its independence, and finally compelled Richard by force to dissolve parliament.
In the Hungarian ministerial crisis of 1909 the question of the renewal of the charter played a conspicuous part, the more extreme members of the Independence party demanding the establishment of separate banks for Austria and Hungary with, at most, common superintendence (see History, below).
On the 31st of May he was one of the delegates from the Commune to the Convention demanding the dissolution of the Commission of Twelve and the proscription of the Girondists, and he was in command of the insurrectionary forces of the Commune during the emeute of the 2nd of June (see French Revolution).
The news of that battle of Tarutino, unexpectedly received by Napoleon at a review, evoked in him a desire to punish the Russians (Thiers says), and he issued the order for departure which the whole army was demanding.
Miloradovich, who said he did not want to know anything about the commissariat affairs of his detachment, and could never be found when he was wanted--that chevalier sans peur et sans reproche * as he styled himself--who was fond of parleys with the French, sent envoys demanding their surrender, wasted time, and did not do what he was ordered to do.
This seems to be unrealistically demanding for real-world agents, and therefor bounded rationality models have been proposed.
Maybe we 're being unreasonably demanding, but the quality of the new Who has given us sky-high expectations.
Now there are libertarians demanding a total free market, the moderates have become blue social democrats.
But launching big is a risky business, demanding a steely nerve.
This upgrade increases usable mid band torque and unlocks more of the engine 's potential without demanding further upgrades to supporting systems.
In February 1905, France had violated this treaty by demanding control of the Sultan 's army and police force without consulting Germany.
The group had also issued an ultimatum letter to world leaders, demanding they void all contracts with Iran by June 16.
This underlines the seriousness of the problem and members of the community are demanding urgent action by the authorities.
Women trade unionists at Ford 's took the lead in demanding equal pay for equal work.
So, it 's not verbal, but it is intelligent and demanding in ways which will appeal to even the most stick-in-the-mud adventurer.
Childbirth is both physically and emotionally demanding and many women are quite apprehensive about the whole childbirth experience.
Childbirth is a demanding adventure for a pregnant woman both physically and mentally.
Make clear that it is a special one-time treat so that your toddler doesn't start demanding movies at the first sight of rain.
Before you go charging into a dealership demanding recompense, it is important that you research the specific laws where you live.
This is sufficient for basic applications like Microsoft Word or Excel, but may not be the best if you work with demanding applications used for animation, graphics, games, or other heavy memory demanding programs.
They can live up to seventy years; however, and it is important to note that these birds can be very demanding.
One of the most immediate benefits of this type of program is that creditors will stop making phone calls demanding payment.
The guidelines for this certification are as demanding as those for a LEED contractor.
Experts like Andrea Kay insist that some jobs "will be less demanding, have less responsibility, or will demand less in terms of precision or stamina" but won't be stress-free.
Other common factors of the top three jobs are demanding schedules that may change at any time, long shifts, and extended lengths of time away from home.
While taking the rest of the afternoon off may not always be feasible, it is okay to work on less demanding tasks that require less effort and mental energy.
If this happens, try a more demanding task to distract from the difficulties of dealing with the problem at hand.
Accept that you are not perfect and stop demanding perfectionism from yourself and from others.
But if a family is demanding a lot more than just babysitting (such as doing any house work), I think you should sit down and discuss expectations with the family and decide on fair compensation.
He was very demanding and it took a lot of energy.
He spilled it all to the cameras and the rest of the Carter Clan, demanding respect from his younger sib.
In a statement released February 28, 2007, the former Soprano's actor said, "I didn't realize just how physically demanding it would be for me.
He doesn't believe the baby is his and is demanding a paternity test.
She has captivated fans and audiences with her wide-eyed portrayals of a vast range of characters and her skilled performances in many demanding roles.
Though they don't include any details with the lists, such as how much the tip was or how demanding the celebrities were, it's still an interesting list to read.
Both Lightbourne and Bridgewater are accused of demanding the Travoltas pay them $25 million in exchange for the pair to not make the document public.
Both actors were demanding and earning incredible salaries for their movies, and were extremely influential in Tinseltown.In 2001, just after their tenth anniversary, Cruise filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences.
It can be demanding and exhausting to work and be a student at the same time, but it's a valid option for many people who need extra cash.
People with children, ailing parents or demanding careers may not have the time to commute to campus and participate in presentations and discussions.
Business doctoral degree distance learning programs are often rigorous and demanding on students.
The more specialized a degree is, the more demanding the educational materials and assignments will be.
The program requires 30 hours in order to complete and it is rigorous, demanding, and extremely challenging.
Distance learning allows students to earn a certificate or degree without demanding the student to physically appear in the classroom at a specific time.
All distance learning programs require a notable investment in both money and time, but doctoral programs are especially demanding.
Teens can be demanding family members, and a surly teenager can dampen an entire vacation.
Demanding white water rafting adventures the can intimately explore deeper into the country's interior, perhaps with overnight camping excursions for even more involved explorations.
There are dozens of different types of cruise ship jobs available, including everything from highly specialized, demanding professional positions to more low key, entry level vacancies.
These tours can be as physically demanding as you would like them to be, with expedition cruises being the most demanding.
A quality rescue organization has the dog's best interest at heart and has you go through a demanding application and adoption process.
They are taking our hard earned dollars and placing them before our own pets' health and we as consumers must start demanding higher quality and products made here in the USA, which some wonderful companies already provide.
We know that consumers of natural products are very demanding about what may be used or not in formulas and we take this seriously.
However, in today's culture, plus size women are demanding the same fashion options as their smaller counterparts, and lingerie is no exception.
In addition to excelling in demanding careers in both fields, she is also an outspoken advocate for AIDS/HIV awareness and breast cancer.
People in dangerous lines of work generally retire earlier than those whose work is not as demanding.
In some cases, such changes result from changes in physical ability over time that lead to the need to find a different type of work or a less demanding schedule.
Then there is Vin Diesel himself-powerful, strong, and demanding attention.
Rudy Project's website boasts that the company creates "comfortable, practical, stylish and cutting-edge product that meets the needs of even the most demanding athletes."
Eagle BluBlockers have been worn by U.S. troops and are designed for demanding activities.
She is also very demanding, firmly requesting presents and gifts from Overlord.
As culture and technology build in your kingdom, the more demanding the people's needs are.
Most online hunting games are not demanding on your PC and you will not need to buy anything special to get them to work.
Fans of the red checkmark are demanding that they release the Verizon Blackberry Curve.
It is the most exhausting and demanding phase of labor.
Dimensions of the parent-child relationship are linked to the child's psychological development, specifically how responsive the parents are, and how demanding they are.
Some parents are demanding, while others are too tolerant.
Children's healthy psychological development is facilitated when the parents are both responsive and moderately demanding.
Children whose parents are both responsive and demanding continue to thrive psychologically and socially during the middle childhood years.
Indulgent parents are responsive but not especially demanding.
Finally, disengaged (detached) parents are neither responsive nor demanding.
Parenting that is responsive and demanding is related to healthier child development regardless of the parent's marital or employment status.
Some lastborns transfer this powerlessness into a personal asset by becoming the boss of the family, coyly eliciting or openly demanding their own way.
These children may learn both to model their parents' insensitivity and to rely on intrusive, demanding behavior of their own in order to get attention.
By contrast, parents of popular children are typically more positive and less demanding with their children than parents of unpopular children.
Caring for a child with an atrial septal defect is demanding.
Caring for a child with congenital cardiovascular defects is demanding.
Parents in Britain began demanding the measles vaccine as a separate dose, and scientists were exploring that option as an alternative to the combined MMR vaccine.
A schedule that is too demanding can be stressful on a child and can lead to behavioral problems.
They may blame one or both parents and may become controlling by demanding to stay in one place or to switch residences constantly.
Caring for a child with cancer is demanding.
Parenting children with pervasive developmental disorders is difficult and emotionally demanding.
Toddlers' egocentric and demanding behavior, often marked by temper tantrums and negativism, has given this period a negative reputation.
The developmentally delayed preschooler may act more egocentrically and show more signs of demanding behavior.
Some children get into the habit of excessive crying as a way of demanding parental attention.
Individual sports such as karate, swimming, tennis, etc. are less socially demanding than team sports; yet they provide an opportunity for the child to thrive in a competitive activity.
A student might respond better to a demanding, competitive style of teaching, or to a gentler, supportive method.
On the down side, national chains may not be as familiar with the specific needs of individuals in one location, particularly in a demanding climate like the South.
Because of the demanding nature of Pur Hair products, it is recommended that individuals seek out salon professionals experienced with different coloring techniques and the precise techniques required by Pur for the best results.
Some employers are more demanding than others are.
Medical jobs can be demanding but they can be very rewarding, as well.
Most roughnecks work long hours and the job is physically demanding.
King crab fishing jobs are among the most demanding and dangerous vocations.
Though it's not exactly "simple," it is less demanding than some other bird models like the flamingo, owl, or complex pelican.
Understand before you get started that this is a very difficult, demanding business.
Movies and TV shows make fun of vapid models, but the truth is that it's a demanding, cutthroat business, and you have to be strong and have a really good sense of humor.
Getting that great Christmas gift for her is not as demanding as you originally thought.
Over the years, more military escorts have been necessary as Santa must cross restricted airspace in order to keep his demanding schedule, but military forces have always been cooperative with Mr. Claus.
Video is a fairly demanding application, so you will need a decent computer to have the best experience.
I can't help but wonder if her current behaviors are in reaction to feeling as if you're too demanding?
Your boyfriend or girlfriend is constantly calling or texting, and demanding to know where you have been.
But be careful not to load the question in such a way that it sounds like you're spoiling for a fight or demanding that your lover justify him or herself.
A polyamorous relationship sets up different rules that often are even more strict and demanding than many monogamous relationhips.
The authors talk about the skill set required to be a successful tech writer, how to work with demanding deadlines and discusses the entire workflow from start to finish, including planning, writing, editing, indexing, and production.
Born between January 20 and February 18, Aquarian pets have the tendency to be a little demanding of your time and attention.
In a relationship, Virgos have the tendency to be critical and a little demanding.
Aries can be very demanding of his partners; if he becomes overbearing it is better to stand up for yourself than to suffer in silence.
On the surface, a Virgo guy can seem fairly nonchalant - that's when he's not being demanding.
Virgo dads are simply demanding because they really care and want the very best from and for their children.
Capricorns can be demanding and may hold others to the same high standards to which they hold themselves.
Taurus is demanding of all things in life, especially herself.
On the other hand, few zodiac signs are as critical and demanding as Virgo.
It’s tough being the first sign of the zodiac, so cut him some slack whenever you feel he’s being a bit too demanding of your time.
Summer camp jobs can be quite demanding physically.
What is physically demanding about checkers?
Many avoid conflict, instead giving in to their children and not demanding a certain level of maturity or behavior.
Both demanding and responsive, they communicate clear expectations based on logical reasoning, and consistently follow through with consequences that make sense in accordance with the transgressions.
Terms of Endearment (1983) - Shirley MacLaine stars as a woman who is devoted to her daughter until the very end when she's demanding the hospital staff give her drugs to ease her pain.
If you receive a notice from the rebate fulfillment center saying that your request was denied because your application was incorrectly submitted, resend a copy of your application with a letter demanding your rebate.
The original Foot Locker shoe store opened its doors in 1974, at a time when more customers were demanding authentic athletic shoes for their homegrown sports adventures.
Women's winter boots has to be one of the largest categories of women's shoes because winter is quite possibly the most demanding season of the year.
Because Asolo hiking boots come in a variety of styles for either light mountain trekking to intense scaling, to even light or demanding backpacking.
Many of Red Wing's shoes are outfitted with steel toes to protect a worker's feet from falling objects and generally demanding tasks.
If you are shopping for boots for construction work, factory work or any other work that is physically demanding, you have to try them on first to be guaranteed of not just a correct fit, but the right feel based on your need.
Whether the job is highly demanding and rigorous or simply requires something more practical than a dressy loafer, a pair of shoes from the vast men's selection is sure to do the trick.
The man returned to haunt Greenlee time and time again, even taking her hostage and demanding a million dollar ransom.
Those guests who can afford the luxury the hotel provides will find their every need is catered to with a level of service that amazes even the most demanding patrons.
It was a Speedmaster chronograph that was worn on the first mission to the moon, the only brand to pass NASA's demanding tests.
They have liked the concept, especially because it would work with the current alarm systems without requiring any major installations or demanding legislation updates.
Graduates of the program say that it is demanding, but that you get much more out of the teacher training than you put into it.
This is important because Ashtanga is a very strenuous and demanding form of yoga, and those who practice it often sweat profusely.
The Gaiam Premium Sticky Yoga mat is twice as thick as the standard yoga mat, making it a great choice for Ashtanga, Hot Yoga or other more demanding yoga sessions.
However, the significant number of families and experts who believe in a connection between the vaccine and specific cases of autism are still demanding answers.
Often, parents label these children as "good babies" because they are less demanding of attention.
According to Harvard Medical School, babies who are less active and more passive at six months, but more irritable and demanding around their first birthday, are more likely to be diagnosed with autism later in childhood.
Jobs today are increasing competitive and more demanding leading to overworked employees hard-pressed for time to do all the tasks they are increasingly assigned.
Governments worldwide are demanding more fuel-efficient, less emission output autos, as well as alternative fuel models.
Consumers were becoming more discerning and demanding.
The need for specialized cheer underwear came as a result of the skirts of cheerleaders becoming shorter while their routines became more complicated and demanding in terms of physicality.
This puts the knees in a position well in front of the center of gravity, which is quite demanding on the knee joints.
It's because so many muscles are recruited to work at the same time, at a highly demanding level, that the heart has to work extra hard in order to provide your muscles with enough oxygen for them to properly function.
Not asking the right questions and demanding proper coverage may eventually result in inadequate coverage for a very valuable watercraft.
Exactly how true that was then or is now is a matter constantly debated, but with more and more tweens eager to grow up quickly demanding them, training bras are something parents feel trapped into buying.
This kind of modeling is not as demanding as other modeling.
They filed a lawsuit and collected the names of Napster users who had traded the tracks, demanding that these users be banned from the network and threatening the fans with legal action.
However, the 3,000-plus fans that showed up for the event needed to be handled by 35 police units and Island Records Vice President James Roppo was arrested for not hampering the demanding crowd quicker.
Driven by critically acclaimed vocalist Hayley Williams, Paramore successfully walks the tough line of pleasing fans and critics alike by demanding to be respected as musicians rather than pop stars.
Before the day was out, the phones were ringing off the hook with calls from viewers demanding to see it again.
Because the audiences of the Circuit were so demanding, Hendrix was able to refine his style to meet their musical ideals.
One may be very physically demanding, while the other may be extremely tedious.
Bridezillas is a reality show that follows different brides about to get married and showcase how demanding and bossy they can be.
The show offers viewers a look at what goes into the creating that distinctive look and just how demanding the clients can be when they are undergoing their transformations.
So upset by the use of the lyrical melody, as well as the dramatic change in style of the credits, some Star Trek fans began an online petition demanding that the Star Trek Enterprise theme song be removed altogether.
However, between taking care of your family and keeping up with a demanding career, it is easy to get burned out.
The eye complex, for one of the skin's most demanding areas, is said to brighten, tone and smooth with results both immediate and long-term.
This penalty increases to one percent if the taxpayer does not pay after the IRS sends a letter demanding payment.
As the nursing profession has changed so has the need for a different kind of uniform - one which is stylish, with more color and fit choices to meet the changing needs of one of the most demanding, professional jobs.
As those who have one of the most demanding professions in the world, professional nurses ask more from uniform catalogs.
Not all clothing needs to stop a bullet, but the job of law enforcement can still be very demanding on clothing.
He grabbed her shoulders, pulling her roughly against him and kissed her lips in a demanding way that roused more anger than anything else.
It was a soft kiss, not demanding but more inquisitive.
Our activities certainly looked demanding and our positions important.
His lips turned more demanding, and he took her hands in his.
The demons are demanding I return it to them.
He found this entirely entertaining, and only approached her once while patrons were demanding her attention.
She tasted like honey, and her hot mouth soon became more demanding.
A part of the Afghan force was encamped on the west bank of the Kushk, and on the 29th of March General Komarov sent an ultimatum demanding their withdrawal.
It was founded on the 16th of July 17 9 1 by several members of the Jacobin Club, who refused to sign a petition presented by this body, demanding the deposition of Louis XVI.
The rest sat on, discussing the constitution, drawing up lists of damnable heresies and of incontrovertible articles of faith, producing plans for the reduction of the army and demanding - consolidating his rule and power.
Other provisions, the object of which had been to restrain John from demanding more money from various classes of his subjects, were also deleted, and the same fate befell such chapters as dealt with mere temporary matters.
They replied by demanding his death and called in the Syrians.
These he defended with great ability, but with so much heat that Erasmus joined in demanding his expulsion from the city.
The Cunard arrangement was the first of various measures that worked for a commercial rapprochement between the New England states and Canada, culminating in the reciprocity treaty of 1854, and Boston's interests are foremost to-day in demanding a return to relations of reciprocity.
For the purposes of scientific topography observation of the natural features and outlines is followed by exact investigation of the architectural structures or remnants, a process demanding high technical competence, acute judgment and practical experience, as well as wide and accurate scholarship. The building material and the manner of its employment furnish evidence no less important than the character of the masonry, the design and the modes of ornamentation.
In 1789 he drew up the first article of the cahier of the electors of the bailliage of Roye, demanding the abolition of feudal rights.
To the student of ecclesiastical history it is remarkable as exhibiting a form of Christianity widely divergent from the prevalent types, being a religious fellowship which has no formulated creed demanding definite subscription, and no liturgy, priesthood or outward sacrament, and which gives to women an equal place with men in church organization.
Russia, meanwhile, had seized the occasion to send to Constantinople an ultimatum demanding satisfaction for her own particular grievances; the Porte resented the intrusion of new demands before the others had been dealt with, and hurried on preparations for war.
In 1685, at the invitation of the popular leaders, the Danes appeared before Hamburg demanding the traditional homage; they were repulsed, but the internal troubles continued, culminating in 1708 in the victory of the democratic factions.
For long the Brahmas did not attempt any social reforms. But about 1865 the younger section, headed by Babu Keshub Chunder Sen, who joined the Samaj in 1857, tried to carry their religious theories into practice by demanding the abandonment of the external signs of caste distinction.
On his return to Canada, when the two provinces were now united, he became a member of the lower house and continued to take part in public life, demanding "the independence of Canada, for the Canadians need never expect justice from England, and to submit to her would be an eternal disgrace."
Matters came to a climax at the council of Vienne in 1311 under Pope Clement V., where the "sect of Beguines and Beghards" were accused of being the main instruments of the spread of heresy, and decrees were passed suppressing their organization and demanding their severe punishment.
The financial position of the crown was the most important of all the problems demanding solution, for upon that everything else depended.
Chile replied by curtly demanding the annulment of the secret treaty and an assurance of Peruvian neutrality.
Write to Kuragin demanding an explanation?
As he had promised, Bordeaux was demanding a decision to his proposal of marriage.
The canonists define the degrees of suspicion as "light" calling for vigilance, "vehement" demanding denunciation, and "violent" requiring punishment.
The existing Council was still working on a very demanding agenda.
He deepened the kiss, thrilled when she responded by becoming more demanding, more passionate.
With her body no longer active and demanding attention, her mind was free to wonder.