Dem Sentence Examples
His chief works were Oeffentliche Zuschrift von dem Phosphor Mirabil (1678); Ars vitriaria experimentalis (1689) and Laboratorium chymicum (1716).
His most powerful satire - and the most virulent German satire of the period - is Von dem grossen lutherischen Narren, wie ihn Dr Murner beschworen hat.
The Lib Dem shadow education spokesman added that the government was ignorant to the work already carried out by many schools.
The Lib Dem health spokesman, Dr. Evan Harris, has accused the Tories of " playing politics with public health " .
Among the translations made by "Carmen Sylva" are German versions of Pierre Loti's romance Pecheur d'Islande, and of Paul de St Victor's dramatic criticisms Les DeuxMasques (Paris,1881-1884); and in particular The Bard of the Dimbovitza, a fine English version by "Carmen Sylva" and Alma Strettell of Helene Vacarescu's collection of Rumanian folk-songs, &c., entitled Lieder aus dem Dimbovitzathal (Bonn, 1889).
On the relation of Neoplatonism to Monachism, compare Keim, Aus dem Urchristenthum (1878).
In his first philosophical treatise, Philosophie als Denken der Welt gemdss dem Princip des kleinsten Kraftmaasses, Prolegomena zu einer Kritik der reinen Erfahrung (1876), he based his views on the principle of least action, contending that, as in Nature the force which produces a change is the least that can be, so in mind belief tends in the easiest direction.
On the whole I agree with the Lib Dem principles but even they have policies that I find frankly absurd.
It was a Lib Dem amendment, supported by the Tories.
Such a complaint was made by Lib Dem backbencher Evan Harris on the Today program this morning.
AdvertisementLib Dem candidate Amy Rodger was born in 1977 and has an MA in politics from Glasgow university.
Labor leaders here are said to be increasingly disenchanted with their Lib Dem coalition partners and considering alternative alliances after May 2007.
They began the counter-offensive against the Poles under General Erich von dem Bach who assumed command of all German forces suppressing the Uprising.
Related sites Reflecting Britain campaign An challenge issued to the Lib Dem leadership contenders from the party's own equality taskforce.
When she'd git into dem tantrums, she always had one word dat she said.
AdvertisementThat apparent gaffe was exploited to the full by Tony Blair in the Commons but he may well have helped the Lib Dem cause.
Liberal Democrats in Lewisham have selected leading Lib Dem Chris Maines as their candidate to challenge Lewisham's sitting Mayor, Steve Bullock.
We r doing a full ward canvass but ignoring students as they'll vote lib dem!
The increased congestion has led the Lib Dem party to call for a wide-ranging road-charging scheme designed to deter motorists from inner-city areas.
Full Story Stewart Willie increases Lib Dem vote in General Election May 11th.
AdvertisementFor all the latest news on Lib Dem widgets, check out this blogs ' widget ' category.
Medical science further owes to him the classification of new growths on a natural histological basis, the elucidation of leucaemia, glioma and lardaceous tumours, and detailed investigations into many diseases - tuberculosis, pyaemia, diphtheria, leprosy, typhus, &c. Among the books he published on pathological and medical subjects may be mentioned Vorlesungen fiber Pathologic, the first volume of which was the Cellular-pathologic (1858), and the remaining three Die Krankhaften Geschwiilste (1863-67); Handbuch der speziellen Pathologic and Therapie (3 vols., 1854-62), in collaboration with other German surgeons; Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur wissenschaftlichen Medizin (1856); Vier Reden fiber Leben and Kranksein (1862); Untersuchungen fiber die Entwicklung des Schlidelgrundes (1857); Lehre von den Trichinen (1865); Ueber den Hunger-typhus (1868); and Gesammelte Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der afentlichen Medizin and der Seuchenlehre (1879).
Of his writings on social and political questions may be mentioned Die Erziehung des Weibes (1865); Ueber die nationals Entwicklung and Bedeutung der Naturwissenschaften (1865); Die Aufgaben der Naturwissenschaften in dem neuen nationalen Leben Deutschlands (1871); Die Freiheit der Wissenschaft im modernen Staat (1877), in which he opposed the idea of l - L eckel - that the principles of evolution should be taught in elementary schools - on the ground that they were not as yet proved, and that it was mischievous to teach a hypothesis which still remained in the speculative stage.
On the history of Florence and of Tuscany he wrote Tavole cronologiclze e sincrone della storia fiorentina (1841; Supplement, 1875); Geschichte Toscanas seit dem Ende des florentinischen Freistaats (Gotha, 1876-77); and Lorenzo de' Medici (Leipzig, 1874, and again 1883).
Charles, Eschatology, Hebrew, Jewish and Christian, and Schwally, Das Leben nach dem Tode, as well as Gressmann's suggestive work Der Ursprung der israelitisch jiidischen Eschatologie, which contains, however, much that is speculative.
AdvertisementSchlatter's Geschichte Israel's von Alexander dem Grossen bis Hadrian (2nd ed., 1906) is perhaps the least dependent upon Scharer and attempts more than others to interpret the fragmentary evidence available.
England particularly attracted him, and his fascinating book, Aus dem Tagebach eines in Grossbritannien reisenden Ungarns (Pesth, 1837), gained for him the membership of the Hungarian Academy.
First and foremost of these was Erasmus; others were Hermann von dem Busche, the missionary of humanism, Conrad Goclenius (Gockelen), Conrad Mutianus (Muth von Mudt) and pope Adrian VI.
He died on the 5th of September 1879, having, a few years earlier, written an autobiography under the title Bruchstiicke aus dem Leben eines siiddeutschen Theologen.
Plattner, whose treatise Die Probirkunst mit dem Lothrohr is a standard work on the subject.
The first of these was Ober den Unsprung andCharakterdesKrieges gegen die franzosische Revolution (1801), by many regarded as Gentz's masterpiece; another important brochure, Von dem politischen Zustande von Europa vor and nach der Revolution, a criticism of Hauterive's De l'etat de la France a la fin de l'an VIII, appeared the same year.
Eckart, Bilder aus dem Neckartal (1893).
The Lib Dem health spokesman, Dr. Evan Harris, has accused the Tories of " playing politics with public health ".
Read the Lib Dem statement on the new Prevention of Terrorism Legislation.
In March 2001, he engineered the first defeat of the Labor Lib Dem Executive, over the issue of a fishing tie-up scheme.
Lib Dem treasury spokesman Matthew Taylor said, Labor 's tax system is unfair.
He was a Knight of the Coburg Order, "Dem Verdienste," and of the Prussian Order, "Pour le Merite," and a member of at least ten foreign Academies.
During the next two years he continued to support the cause of the duchies, and in 1850, with Carl Samwer, he published a history of the dealings of Denmark with Schleswig-Holstein, Die Herzogthiimer Schleswig-Holstein land das Kiinigreich Ddnemark seit dem Jahre 1806 (Hamburg, 1850).
Mohr's paper on the nature of heat, and three years later he published Die organische Bewegung in ihren Zusammenhange mit dem Stoffwechsel.
This result having been attained, he passed the rest of his days in retirement, emerging sometimes from his retreat to give addresses on theological questions, and also writing, in conjunction with his friend Reusch, his last book, Geschichte der Moralstreitigkeiten in der romisch-katholischen Kirche seit dem sechzehnten Jahrhundert mit Beitragen zur Geschichte and Charakteristik des Jesuitenordens (Nordlingen, 188 9), in which he deals with the moral theology of St Alfonso de' Liguori.
It is important to notice that Fechner maintained this " world-view " in a little book, Das Biichlein vom Leben nach dem Tode, which he originally published in 1836 under the pseudonym of Dr Mises, but which he afterwards republished in his own name in 1866, and again in 1887, as a sketch of his Weltansicht.
In September of that year Luptons captain, Rufai Aga, was massacred with all his men at Dembo, and Lupton, short of ammunition, was forced to retire to Dem Suliman, where he was completely cut off from Khartum.
Blanc (2nd ed., 1859); Comtesse de Choiseul-Gouffier, Memoires historiques sur l'empereur Alexandre (1829), and Reminiscences sur l'empereur Alexandre I., &c. (Paris, 1862); Rulemann Friedrich Eylert, Charakterziige and historische Fragmente aus dem Leben Konig Friedrich Wilhelm's III.
The Almanach of the following year, 1798, was even more noteworthy, for it contained a number of Schiller's most popular ballads, "Der Ring des Poly-krates," "Der Handschuh," "Ritter Toggenburg," "Der Taucher," "Die Kraniche des Ibykus" and "Der Gang nach dem Eisenhammer;" "Der Kampf mit dem Drachen" following in 1799, and "Das Lied von der Glocke" in 1800.
Freshficld, Travels in the Central Caucasus and Bashan (1869); Parrot, Reise zum Ararat (1834); Wagner, Reise nach dem Ararat (1848); Abich, Die Besteigung des Ararat (1849); articles "Ararat," in Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible, and the Encyclopaedia Biblica.
Another work, which was soon translated into all the principal European languages, Die wahre Weihe des Zweiflers (1823; 9th ed., with the title Die Lehre von der Siinde and dem Versohner, 1870), the outcome of his own religious history, procured for him the position which he ever after held of the modern Pietistic apologist of Evangelical Christianity.
In the neighbourhood are the old and modern castles of the Fiirstenstein family, whence the town is sometimes distinguished as Freiburg unter dem Fiirstenstein.
The official life of King Charles, mainly his own composition, Aus dem Leben KOnig Karls von Rumdnien (Stuttgart, 1894-1900, 4 vols.), deals mainly with political history.
Strauss resumed his literary activity by the publication of Der Romantiker auf dem Thron der Ciisaren, in which he drew a satirical parallel between Julian the Apostate and Frederick William IV.
Besides the books mentioned under Mysticism, and those referred to under individual authors, Baur's Die christliche Gnosis in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung (1835) and Hamberger, Stimmen aus dem Heiligthum der christlichen Mystik and Theosophie (1857), may be mentioned.