Delta Sentence Examples
The delta arms sometimes remain blocked with ice the whole year round.
The most fertile soil is the alluvium of the' Delta, deposited during the overflows of the Mississippi.
The Senegal indeed has what is styled an interior delta, but, with the exception of the marigot named, all the divergent branches rejoin the main stream before the sea is reached.
As these were insufficient to give employment to all the prisoners, some were put to work on Yazoo Delta plantations on partnership contracts.
From the extreme south most of the merchantable timber had been cut, but immediately north of this there were still vast quantities of valuable long-leaf pine; in the marshes of the Delta was much cypress, the cotton-wood was nearly exhausted, and the gum was being used as a substitute for it; and on the rich upland soil were oak and red gum, also cotton-wood, hickory and maple.
The Delta is drained chiefly by the Yazoo.
The delta soil is typically a heavy, black, alluvial clay, very fertile, but difficult to work; admixture of sand is beneficial, and the localities where this occurs yield the best cotton.
The Niger delta was for long known as the Oil rivers.
Oxbow lakes and bayous are common only in the Delta.
The western shore, from the delta of the Volga to the mouth of the Kuma, a distance of 170 m., is gashed by thousands of narrow channels or lagoons, termed limans, from 12 to 30 m.
AdvertisementThe heads of the existing old canals, taken out of the river at intervals throughout the delta, were to be closed, and the canals themselves all put into connexion with the three high-level trunk lines taken from above the barrage.
Mosquitoes are also abundant throughout the delta.
The city is situated at the head of the delta of the Mahanadi.
Situated in a marshy delta not more than 22 ft.
Beyond the delta firm ground takes the place of mud and the mangroves disappear.
AdvertisementThe Purari, however, whose delta is 20 m.
Naukratis in the Egyptian Delta was famous under the Ptolemies for its brilliant venal women.
These Semitic tribes had been gradually encroaching into the northern delta area taking control of much of the land in the north of Egypt.
Parnahyba is situated at the point where the most easterly of the delta outlets, or channels, called the Rio Iguarassu, branches off from the main stream.
The western, or Behera, canal was thoroughly cleared out and remodelled; and thus the whole delta irrigation was supplied from above the barrage.
AdvertisementSome statues and sphinxes, found in 1861 by Marlette at Tanis (in the northeast of the Delta), which had been usurped by later kings, had peculiar "un-Egyptian" features.
Semitic features were pointed out in the supposed Hyksos names, and Petrie was convinced of their date by his excavations of1905-1906in the eastern Delta.
Beyond the Delta eastward the coast is again barren and without harbours.
Like all the Delta lakes, Mareotis abounds in wild-fowl.
Menzala greatly exceeds the other Delta lakes in size, covering over 780 sq.
AdvertisementThe lotus, greatly prized for its flowers by the ancient inhabitants, is still found in the Delta, though never in the Nile itself.
The wild boar is found in the Delta.
Situated on the Delta in the midst of a fertile district, Zagazig is a great centre of the cotton and grain trade of Egypt.
So also with the numerous bronzes, the phosphor, the delta, the aluminium and other alloys of copper; each is made in several grades to render it suitable for different kinds of treatment.
With the exception of a small portion of the great delta plain, which extends across the frontier from the province of Kiang-su, and in which are situated the famous cities of Hu Chow, Ka-hing, Hang-chow, Shao-Sing and Ning-po, the province forms a portion of the Nan-shan of south-eastern China, and is hilly throughout.
Menander (126 B.C.) invaded India at least to the Jumna, and perhaps also to the Indus delta.
Stretching south-eastwards from the delta of the Irrawaddy, a confused succession of little explored ranges separates the Burmese division of Tenasserim from the native kingdom of Siam.
The thickness of the delta deposit is unknown; 481 ft.
Eastward from the Bengal delta, two alluvial plains stretch up between the hills which connect the Himalayan system with that of the Burmese peninsula.
The Bengal Central serves the lower Gangetic delta.
The delta is the largest in Africa and covers 14,000 sq.
That the vast network of rivers on the Guinea coast, of which the Nun was the chief, known as the Oil Rivers, formed the delta.
The delta of the Niger has been partially surveyed since it became British territory by various ship captains, officials of the Royal Niger Company and others, including Sir Harry Johnston, sometime British consul for the Oil Rivers.
Ground-nuts and sesame are grown in large quantities for the oil they yield, and cotton of quality equal to that grown in the Delta is produced.
But even in the period of disintegration the minor princes of the Delta were no doubt associated with their eastern neighbours, and although the Assyrian Musri stands in the same relation to the people of Philistia as do the Edomites and allied tribes of the Old Testament, Philistia itself was always intimately associated with Egypt.
The latter, unable to withstand the phalanx, abandoned their chief town, and fled to the steppes (Po-La g pmuos, north of the Danube delta), whither Alexander was unwilling to follow them.
Beyond contracting with smith is a carries the California delta dental insurance titles.
It is therefore interpreted as a flood tide delta.
Molar ellipticity, mean residue ellipticity and delta epsilons are all mentioned in the literature.
At Tulcea we'll board our private houseboat in time for dinner, with an evening cruise toward the heart of the Delta.
They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki.
Women and their health insurance mart plan wal reform and economic by reductions in purchase offer delta.
Delta does the nitty-gritty work a well as implementing strategic decisions.
The DJ will match this with a Danube Delta groove selected from the best of Romanian modern music plus a few oldies for fun.
Must face the the delta queen affords panoramas of.
We had a tip-off that the three Hunters from Delta Jets, based at Kemble would be arriving around 10.00.
Little is known about the importance of the beta and delta forms of vitamin E, but a debate has arisen concerning gamma tocopherol.
The very cozy Delta red and gold 'Poppy ' color scheme of the sprung upholstery remains for 2006.
Similarly hitting a heavy fixed object at 40 mph and ending up at 0 mph would have a delta vy fixed object at 40 mph and ending up at 0 mph would have a delta v of 40 mph.
In wipe clean vinyl, the Delta has a la... .
In Herodotus's account of the first Greek intercourse with Egypt (about 664 B.e.) he describes " Ionian and Carian " adventurers and mercenaries in the Delta.
The Mekong divides at Pnom-Penh in Cambodia into two arms, the Fleuve superieur and the Fleuve inferieur, which, pursuing a course roughly parallel from northwest to south-east, empty into the China Sea by means of the numerous channels of its extensive delta.
These rivers flow into the sea through numerous winding channels, forming a delta united by canals to that of the Mekong.
Duck, teal, cranes and other aquatic birds abound in the delta.
From here he explored both arms of the delta to the ocean, now seen by the Macedonians for the first time.
Gold is washed out of the sands of the Vitim and the Olekma, and tusks of the mammoth are dug out of the delta.
There is still, however, a distinct current from the Shari delta to the east end of the lake - known to the natives, like the depression beyond, as the Bahr-el-Ghazal - indicative of the former overflow outlet.
The pampas, which cover so large a part of the republic, have no native trees whatever, and no woods except the scrubby growth of the delta islands of the Parana., and a fringe of low thorn-bushes along the Atlantic coast south to Mar Chiquita and south of the Tandil sierra, which, strictly speaking, does not belong to this region.
The Rhne, the source of which is in Mont St Gothard, in Switzerland, enters France by the narrow defile of LEcluse, and has a somewhat meandering course, first flowing south, then north-west, and then west as far as Lyons, whence it runs straight south till it reaches the Mediterranean, into which it discharges itself by two principal branches, which form the delta or island of the Camargue.
A feature of its surface is a strip of bottom land between the Mississippi and Yazoo rivers, known as the Yazoo Delta; it extends from north to south about 175 m., and has an average width of more than 60 m., and covers an area of about 7000 sq.
Others that are exceedingly productive are the black calcareous loam of the prairies, the calcareous silt of the bluff belt along the eastern border of the Delta, and the brown loam of the tableland in the central part of the state.
From the delta of the Ganges and Brahmaputra on the east to that of the Indus on the west, and intervening between the tableland of the peninsula and the foot of the Himalayan slope of the Tibetan plateau, lies the great plain of northern India, which rises at its highest point to about moo ft., and includes altogether, with its prolongation up the valley of Assam, an area of about 500,000 sq.
The delta of the Cauvery occupies the flat northern part, which is highly cultivated, dotted over with groves of coco-nut trees, and is one of the most densely populated tracts in India.
Diodorus Siculus, writing of later times, says that cattle were sent during a portion of each year to the marshy pastures of the delta, where they roamed under the care of herdsmen.
Asphalt is taken from several deposits - from Maracaibo, Cumana and Pedernales in the Orinoco delta.
On the west, between the Pegu and the Arakan Yomas, stretches the Irrawaddy delta, a vast expanse of level plain 12,000 sq.
Their home was in the spurs of the Caucasus and along the shores of the Caspian - called by medieval Moslem geographers Bahr-al-Khazar ("sea of the Khazars"); their cities, all populous and civilized commercial centres, were Itil, the capital, upon the delta of the Volga, the "river of the Khazars," Semender (Tarkhu), the older capital, Khamlidje or Khalendsch, Belendscher, the outpost towards Armenia, and Sarkel on the Don.
In the 8th century B.C. Sais held the hegemony of the Western Delta, while Bubastite families ruled in the east and the kings of Ethiopia in Upper Egypt.
This Musri appears to have been a district outside the limits of Egypt proper, and although tribes of the Delta may well have been concerned, its relations to Philistia agree with the independent biblical account of the part played previously by Edom and Arabian tribes (see MIzRAIM).
The Mackenzie forms a large but little-known delta in lat.
The Orinoco finds its way to the ocean through a delta of about 700 sq.
Libyan founded a separate dynasty in the Delta (Dynasty PC 0 XXI.).
This river, as well as the Amu, conveys vast quantities of sediment into the lake; the delta of the Syr-darya increased by 134 sq.
At the same time another branch of the same gulf protruded northwards in the direction of the Aral, probably as far as the Sary Kamish depression, which lies to the west of the Khivan delta of the Oxus, separated from it by wide beds of loess, clays and gravel, covering rocks of an unknown age.
Though in one or two places rocky headlands jut into the sea, the coast is in general sandy, low, and much broken by rivers and deep estuaries, dotted with swampy islands, giving it the appearance of a vast delta.
The second part enters upon the history of the crusade itself, and tells how Joinville pledged all his land save so much as would bring in a thousand livres a year, and started with a brave retinue of nine knights (two of whom besides himself wore bannerets), and shared a ship with the sire d'Aspremont, leaving Joinville without raising his eyes,"pour ce que le cuer ne me attendrisist du biau chastel que je lessoie et de mes deux enfans"; how they could not get out of sight of a high mountainous island (Lampedusa or Pantellaria) till they had made a procession round the masts in honour of the Virgin; how they reached first Cyprus and then Egypt; how they took Damietta, and then entangled themselves in the Delta.
In the middle of the Don Cossacks territory it turns definitely south-west, and finally enters the north-east extremity of the Sea of Azov, forming a delta 130 sq.
The delta enclosed between the Kilia and St George's branches, about loon sq.
Is more than riverboat designed in in the delta tax fraud on.
The most valuable species for lumber are the long-leaf pine which is predominant in the low southern third of the state, sometimes called the "cow-country"; the short-leaf pine, found farther north; the white oak, quite widely distributed; cotton-wood and red gum, found chiefly on the rich alluvial lands; and the cypress, found chiefly in the marshes of the Delta.
The beautiful live oaks and magnolias grow only in the south of the state; the holly in the lowlands; and the finest species of pecan, in the Delta.
The area devoted to cotton in Egypt is about 1,800,000 acres, and nine-tenths of it is in the Nile Delta.
Osiris and Isis are closely connected with Syria and the Lebanon in legend; the Ded or sacred pillar of Osiris is doubtless really a representation of a great cedar with its horizontally outspreading branches; 8 another of the sacred Egyptian trees is obviously a cypress; corn and wine are traditionally associated with Osiris, and it is probable that corn and wine were first domesticated in Syria, and came thence with the gods Osiris and Re (the sun god of Heliopolis) into the Delta.
Most of its alluvial burden being deposited in the lakes, the Neva takes a long time to alter its channels or extend its delta.
Being the great entrepot for the trade of Egypt, the city is the headquarters of the British chamber of commerce and of most of the merchants and companies engaged in the development of the Delta.
Its hold upon the delta region is, however, almost unchallenged, especially since the rice farmers have found in the prairie lands that excel the delta for their purposes.
The strong, black perique of the delta - cultivated very generally in the lower alluvial region before the Civil War, but now almost exclusively in St James parish - is a famous leaf, grown since early colonial times.
The canal system is especially well developed in the parishes of the Mississippi delta, where, at the close of 1907, there were about 50 m.
The whole of Cambodia lies in the basin of the lower Mekong, which, entering this territory on the north, flows south for some distance, then inclines south-west as far as Pnom-penh, where it spreads into a delta and resumes a southerly course.
The bay of the Yana, east of the delta of the Lena, is a wide indentation sheltered on the north by the islands of New Siberia.
Alexander Carlyle, the famous divine (1 77 2-1805), whose Memorials of his Times still affords fascinating reading, ministered for fifty-five years in the parish church, in the graveyard of which lies David Macbeth Moir (1798-1851), who under the pen-name of " Delta " wrote Mansie Wauch, a masterpiece of Scots humour and pathos.
This delta, which includes the districts of Bassein, Myaungmya, Thongwa, Henzada, Hantha waddy, Tharrawaddy, Pegu and Rangoon town, consists almost entirely of a rich alluvial deposit, and the whole area, which between Cape Negrais and Elephant Point is 137 m.
South of Thayetmyo, where arms of the Arakan Yomas approach the river and almost meet that spur of the Pegu Yomas which formed till 1886 the northern boundary of British Burma, the valley of the Irrawaddy opens out again, and at Yegin Mingyi near Myanaung the influence of the tide is first felt, and the delta may be said to begin.
The so-called rivers of the delta, the Ngawun, Pyamalaw, Panmawaddy, Pyinzalu and Pantanaw, are simply the larger mouths of the Irrawaddy, and the whole country towards the sea is a close network of creeks where there are few or no roads and boats take the place of carts for every purpose.
East of the Rangoon river and still within the deltaic area, though cut off from the main delta by the southern end of the Pegu Yomas, lies the mouth of the Sittang.
In the heart of the delta numerous large lakes or marshes abounding in fish are formed by the overflow of the Irrawaddy river during the rainy season, but these either assume very diminutive proportions or disappear altogether in the dry season.
The climate of the delta is cooler and more temperate than in Upper Burma, and this is shown in the fairer complexion and stouter physique of the people of the lower province as compared with the inhabitants of the drier and hotter upper districts as far as Bhamo, where there is a great infusion of other types of the TibetoBurman family.
North of the apex of the delta and the boundary between the deltaic and inland tracts, the rainfall gradually lessens as far as Minbu, where what was formerly called the rainless zone commences and extends as far as Katha.
The density of population per square mile is 44 as compared with 167 for the whole of India and S52 for the Bengal Delta.
Finally, after a comparatively short run towards the N.N.E., it branches out into a large delta on the west side of the Caspian Sea.
Zeeland consists of the delta islands formed about the estuaries of the Maas and Scheldt with its two arms, the Honte or Western Scheldt, and the Ooster Scheldt, together with a strip of mainland called ZeelandFlanders.
The principal river of the district is the Irrawaddy, which debouches on the sea at its eastern extremity through a delta intersected with salt water creeks, among which the Pyamalaw, Pyinzalu, Kyunton, and Ngawun Shagegyi or Bassein river rank as important arms of the sea.
The Nile deposits its mud over the valley before reaching the sea, and consequently the Delta receives little additional material.
The desert hare is abundant in parts of the Fayum, and a wild cat, or lynx, frequents the marshy regions of the Delta.
There are various kinds of ploversthe blackheaded species (Pluvianus Aegyplius) is most numerous in Upper Egypt; the golden plover and the white-tailed species are found Chiefly in the Delta.
Next in importance of the cities of Egypt and the chief seaport is Alexandria (q.v.), pop. (with Ramleh) 370,009, on the shore of the Mediterranean at the western end of the Delta.
Port Said (q.v.), pop. 49,884, at the eastern end of the Delta, and at the north entrance to the Suez Canal, is the second seaport.
In the interior of the Delta are many flourishing towns, the largest being Tanta, pop. 54,437, which occupies a central position.
There are many other towns in the Delta with populations between io,ooo and 20,000.
Of the ancient cities in the Delta there are remains, among others, of Sais, Iseum, Tanis, Bubastis, Onion, Sebennytus, Pithom, Pelusium, and of the Greek cities Naucratis and Daphnae.
The chief means of internal communication are, in the Delta the railways, in Upper Egypt the railway and the river.
Trunk lines from Alexandria (via Damanhur and Tanta) and from Port Said (via Ismailia) traverse the Delta and join at Cairo.
Branch lines connect Cairo and Alexandria with Suez and with almost every town in the Delta.
In the Delta the light railways supplement the ordinary lines and connect the villages with the towns and seaports.
This condition exists throughout the Delta and Middle Egypt, but only in parts of Upper Egypt.
While cotton is grown chiefly in the Delta, the sugar plantations, which cover about 10o,000 acres, are mainly in Upper Egypt.
Rice is largely grown in the northern part of the Delta, where the soil is very wet.
Fishing.The chief fishing-ground is Lake Menzala, where some 4000 persons are engaged in the industry, but fish abound in the Nile also, and are caught in large quantities along the coast of the Delta.
The Delta is intersected by numerous canals which derive their supply from four main channels.
The Rayya Menufia, or Menuf canal, connects the two branches of the Nile and supplies water to the large number of canals in the central part of the Delta.
The superfluous water from all the Delta canals is drained off, by bahrs (rivers) into the coast lakes.
Although designed for irrigation purposes, the Delta canals are also used for the transport of passengers and goods.
In Upper Egypt there are a number of factories for sugar-crushing andrefining, and one or two towns of the Delta possess rice mills.
In parts of Menufia, a Delta province, the density rises to 1352 per sq.
Al-Bailawi, who lived in the 13th century A.D., is buried at the town of Tanta, in the Delta, and his tomb attracts many thousands of visitors at each of the three festivals held yearly in his honor; Ed-Deski is also much revered, and his festivals draw together, in like manner, great crowds to his birthplace, the town of Desk.
In the north of the Delta wherever salt marshes have prevented cultivation in modern times, the mounds, such as those of Pelusium, still stand to their full height, and the more important are covered with ruins of brick structures of Byzantine and Arab date.
In the north of the Delta, however, there was a sinking of the land, in consequence of which the accumulations on some of the ancient sites there extend below the present sea-level.
The chief of these was limestone of varying degrees of fineness, composing the cliffs which lined the valley from the apex of the Delta to the neighborhood of El Kab; the best quality was obtained on the east side opposite Memphis from the quarries of Turra and Masgra.
A hard and fine-grained quartzite sandstone was quarried at Jebel Ahmar behind Heliopolis, and basalt was found thence along the eastern edge of the Delta to near the Wadi Tumilat.
The roads to Syria skirted the east border of the Delta and then followed the coast from near Pelusium through El Arish and Gaza.
In Roman times a different system marked off a third region, namely Middle Egypt, from the point of the Delta southward.
A supply of sea fish would be obtained off the coast of the Delta and at the mouth of the Lake Serbonis.
For this reason it is often hard to tell where the primitive cult-centre of a particular deity is to be sought; thus Horus seems equally at home both at Buto in the Delta and at Hieraconpolis in Upper Egypt,, and the earliest worship of Seth appears to have been claimed no less by Tanis in the north than by Ombos in the south.
Their work was mainly of limestone and built in the Delta, and hence it has been entirely swept away.
The cemeteries are found throughout Upper and Middle Egypt, but as yet have not been met with in the Delta or on its borders.
Its first task was to crush the Hyksos power in the north-east of the Delta; this was fully accomplished by its founder Ahmosi (dialectically Ahmasi, AmOsis or Amasis I.) capturing their great stronghold of Avgris.
Sheshonk (Shishak) I., the founder of the dynasty, c. 950 B.C., seems to have fixed his residence at Bubastis in the Delta, and his son married the daughter of the last king of the Tanite dynasty.
The energetic prince of Sais, Tefnakht, followed by most of the princes of the Delta, subdued most of Middle Egypt, and by uniting these forces threatened the Ethiopian border.
The Theban supremacy was gone and the Delta was now the wealthy and progressive part of Egypt; piety increased amongst the masses, unenterprising and unwarlike, but proud of their illustrious antiquity.
Under Vespasian the Jewish temple at Leontopolis in the Delta, which Onias had founded in the reign of Ptolemy Philometor, was closed; worse still, a great Jewish revolt and massacre of the Greeks in the reign of Trajan resulted, after a stubborn conflict of many months with the Roman army under Marcius Livianus Turbo, in the virtual extermination of the Jews in Alexandria and the loss of all their privileges.
Another notable fact in the economic progress of the country was the development of the cultivation of cotton in the Delta in 1822 and onwards.
In 1847 Mehemet Ali laid the foundation stone of the great barrage across the Nile at the beginning of the Delta.
The southern coast is occupied by the delta of the Oxus (Phan, Amu-darya), one of the arms of which, the Laudan, forms a swamp, 80 m.
These are noises, like the report of cannon, frequently heard in the channels of the delta of the Brahmaputra, at the rising of the tide.
In the angle between the two rivers is the delta island of Antonio Vaz.
The eastern portion of the district is the ordinary alluvial plain of the Gangetic delta; the western part consists of undulating beds of laterite resting on a rock basis, and covered with small scrub jungle.
In 172 he was sent to Egypt, where he put down a dangerous rising of the Bucolici, the robber herdsmen of the delta of the Nile, after which he returned to Syria.
The malarious tarsi fringing the Himalayas, the uninhabitable swamps of the Gangetic delta, and the wide jungles of the central plateau are at present the chief home of the tiger.
He had transferred much territory to chiefs and confederacies devoted to his cause; every petty court had its Greek faction; and the detachments which he left behind at various positions, from the Afghan frontier to the Beas, and from near the base of the Himalaya to the Sind delta, were visible pledges of his return.
His successors completed the conquest of north-western India from the delta of the Indus eastwards probably as far as Benares.
In 1657 Hugli became the head agency in Bengal, with Balasore and Cossimbazar in the Gangetic delta and Patna in Behar under its control.
It reaches the sea through several channels in a wide marshy delta.
On the east coast the principal rivers are the Sugut, which rises in the hills to the east of Kinabalu and forms 'its delta near Torongohok or Pura-Pura Island; the Labuk, which has its sources 70 m.
Its length, from Cape Gracias a Dios to the San Juan delta, is nearly 300 m.
Stefansson, who was nominally a member of the expedition, spent his time with the Eskimo in the Mackenzie delta, learning their habits and language in order to equip himself for future explorations.
Aigues-Mortes occupies an isolated position in the marshy plain at the western extremity of the Rhone delta, 2; m.
The delta proper begins 40 m.
The network of shallow and still limans or "cut-offs" in the delta of the Volga and the shallow waters of the northern Caspian, freshened as these are by the water of the Volga, the Ural, the Kura and the Terek, is exceedingly favourable to the breeding of fish, and as a whole constitutes one of the most productive fishing grounds in the world.
As soon as the ice breaks up in the delta innumerable shoals of roach (Leuciscus rutilus) and trout (Luciotrutta leucichthys) rush up the river.
Imported vases from the Aegean, of the " Dipylon," " proto-Corinthian " and " Rhodian " fabrics, occur rarely, " and were imitated by the native potters; and early in the 6th century appears the specific influence of Ionia, and still more of Naucratis in the Egyptian delta.
It is connected by navigable channels with the canal system of the Godavari delta, and by a branch line with Samalkot on the East Coast railway.
The tigers of the Sundarbans (Ganges delta) continually swim from one island to the other to change their hunting-grounds for deer.
After a rapid course westwards down the whole length of the Assam valley, the Brahmaputra turns sharply to the south, spreading itself over the alluvial districts of the Bengal delta, and, after several changes of name, ends its course of 1800 m.
In medieval history, the Assamese were known to the Mussulman population as a warlike, predatory race,- who sailed down the Brahmaputra in fleets of innumerable canoes, plundered the rich districts of the delta, and retired in safety to their forests and swamps.
The following details will suffice for the history of a struggle in which no great political object was attained, and which left the Assamese still the same wild and piratical people as when their fleets of canoes first sallied forth against the Bengal delta.
In 1881 he began a long series of important surveys and excavations in Egypt, beginning with the pyramids at Giza, and following up his work there by excavations at the great temple at Tanis (1884), and discovering and exploring the long-lost Greek city of Naucratis in the Delta (1885), and the towns of Am and Daphnae (1886), where he found important remains of the time when they were inhabited by the Pharaohs.
The fertile and easily defensible delta of the Vistula was now occupied and Gustavus treated it as a permanent conquest, making his great minister Axel Oxenstjerna its first governor-general.
By this truce Sweden was, for six years, to retain possession of her Livonian conquests, besides holding Elbing, the Vistula delta, Braunsberg in West, and Pillau and Memel in East Prussia, with the right to levy tolls at Pillau, Memel, Danzig, Labiau and Windau.
Sweeping past the historic rock of Trichinopoly, it breaks at the island of Seringam into two channels, which enclose between them the delta of Tanjore, the garden of southern India.
On the seaward face of its delta are the open roadsteads of Negapatam and French Karikal.
It is in the delta that the real value of the river for irrigation becomes conspicuous.
This is the largest delta system, and the most profitable of all the works in India.
The principal article of export is silk, which is produced in the district forming the river delta, extending from Canton to Macao and having its apex at San-shui Hien.
The coast line, from the mouth of the Kunene on the west to the delta of the Zambezi on the east, is little indented and contains only two sheltered natural harbours of any size - Saldanha Bay on the west and Delagoa Bay on the east.
In the Kalahari and in the eastern lowlands (from Zululand to the Zambezi delta) most of these animals are still found, as well as the eland, wildebeest and gemsbok.
Secondly, to the west of this mountain wilderness, stretching upwards from the sea in a wedge form between the Brahui highlands and the group of towering peaks which enclose the Hingol river and abut on the sea at Malan, are the alluvial flats and delta of the Purali, forming the little province of Las Bela, the home of the Las Rajput.
Lower Sind also contains a great wealth of architectural remains, which may be found to the west of the Indus as well as in the delta.
The river Jumna, which washes the walls of its fort, was the natural highway for the traffic of the rich delta of Bengal to the heart of India, and it formed, moreover, from very ancient times, the frontier defence of the Aryan stock settled in the plain between the Ganges and the Jumna against their western neighbours, hereditary freebooters who occupied the highlands of Central India.
Moreover the Gepidae, another Teutonic people, who are said to have formerly inhabited the delta of the Vistula, also appear to have been closely connected with the Goths.
It continued to be a place of commercial importance for a considerable period, until in fact Port Said gave the eastern part of the Delta a better port.
It does not, however, form a delta proportionate to the volume of its water, owing to a strong sea current flowing northwards close to the shore, to the sudden sinking of the sea to a great depth immediately off the mouth of the river, and possibly also to the permanent subsidence of the Italian coast from the Tiber .mouth southwards to Terracina.
In the latter year it was definitely annexed to Russia, and in 1829 its frontier was pushed southwards so as to include the delta of the Danube.
The existing lakes include Windermere and Coniston, draining south; Wastwater, draining south-west, Ennerdale water, Buttermere and Crummock water (the two latter, originally one lake, are now divided by a lateral delta), draining north-west; Derwent water and Bassenthwaite water (which were probably originally one lake), and Thirlmere, draining north; Ullswater and Haweswater, draining north-east.
A result of confining the stream between its containing banks is the rapid growth of the delta.
Lombardini calculated that the annual increase in the area of the Po delta during the period 1300 to 1600 amounted to 127 acres; but during the period 1600 to 1830 it rose to 324 acres.
All along its course from Chivasso (below Turin) down to the delta the river is connected with several of its tributaries by canals, and at the same time other canals connect the tributaries and carry off their waters and the waters of the Po purely for purposes of irrigation.
The ancient Banga formed one of the five outlying kingdoms of Aryan India, and was practically conterminous with the delta of Bengal.
The word Bangala was first used by the Mussulmans; and under their rule, like the Banga of old Sanskrit times, it applied specifically to the Gangetic delta, although the later conquests to the east of the Brahmaputra were eventually included within it.
Its southern portion is formed by the delta of the Ganges; its northern consists of the Ganges valley.
The districts near the sea consist entirely of alluvial formations; and, indeed, it is stated that no substance so coarse as gravel occurs throughout the delta, or in the heart of the provinces within 400 m.
The climate varies from the snowy regions of the Himalayas to the tropical vapour-bath of the delta and the burning winds of Behar.
The country which they thus enclose and intersect forms the delta of Bengal.
In this way the rivers in the delta slowly build themselves up into canals, which every autumn break through or overflow their margins, and leave their silt upon the adjacent flats.
As the rivers creep farther down the delta, they become more and more sluggish, and their bifurcations and interlacings more complicated.
Rivers and other waterways still carry a large part of the traffic of Bengal, especially in the delta.
The Delta or southern part of Bengal lay beyond the ancient Sanskrit polity, and was governed by a number of local kings belonging to a pre-Aryan stock.
It forms part of the joint delta of the Ganges and the Brahmaputra, and its area is 4542 sq.
The level of the country is low, forming as it does a part of the great Gangetic delta; and the rivers, streams and water-courses are so numerous that it is very difficult to travel except by boat at any season of the year.
Beyond Galatz, the river again turns eastward, branching out, near Tulcea, into three great waterways, which wind through a low-lying alluvial delta to the sea.
Its high crystalline rocks, covered with sedimentary formations, descend abruptly towards the delta, but more gradually towards the south, where the Bulgarian steppes encroach upon Rumanian soil.
The few small rivers which drain the hills generally flow seaward, but those of the delta and steppes belong to the Danubian system.
Flounders and mullet are caught in the Black Sea, and there are oyster-beds in the delta and on the Dobrudja littoral.
Rumania was to be indemnified at the expense of Turkey by the delta of the Danube and the Dobrudja as far as Constantza.
It has a large delta in proportion to the length of the river, which is visible evidence of the very large quantity of material brought down from the neighbouring mountain slopes.
The San Juan has built a large delta at its mouth, and is navigable for a distance of 140 m.
Going north, the hills give way to papyrus and ambach swamps, which mark the delta of the Kagera.
Under such conditions of warfare between the ocean and the river, it is not surprising that the former is rapidly eating away the coast and that the vast volume of silt carried by the Amazon finds it impossible to build up a delta.
At Aksai, in the delta, it remains open on the average for 250 days in the year, at the mouth of the Medvyeditsa for 239, and at Novo-Cherkask, on another arm of the delta, for 246.
For example, where the high plateau of the Libyan desert descends into a longitudinal valley between Syrtis and the Nile delta there are a few spots where the water comes to the surface or is found in shallow wells.
The Rewa, debouching through a wide delta at the south-east of Viti Levu, is navigable for small vessels for 40 m.
On the eastern side of the Kilia delta the coast-line is constantly advancing and the sea becoming shallower, owing to the enormous amount of solid deposits brought down by the river.
After receiving the Bahr-el-Ghazal from the west and the Sobat, Blue Nile and Atbara from the Abyssinian highlands (the chief gathering ground of the flood-water), it crosses the great desert and enters the Mediterranean by a vast delta.
Here, amidst great linguistic confusion, may be distinguished the tribes of Yoruba speech in the Niger delta and the east portion of the Slave Coast; those of Ewe speech, in the western portion of the latter; and those of Ga and Tshi speech, on the Gold Coast.
Between Iddah and Onitsha, 80 m., the banks are lower and the country flatter, and to the south of Onitsha the whole land is laid under water during the annual Delta.
Here may be said to begin the great delta of the Niger, which, extending along the coast for about 120 m., and 140 or 150 m.
The river breaks up into an intricate network of channels, dividing and subdividing, and intercrossing not only with each other but with the branches of other streams, so that it is exceedingly difficult to say where the Niger delta ends and another river system begins.
You may pay by Visa, Mastercard, Maestro or Delta, or by sending a separate check for each event.
The Delta Queen Steamboat Company is America 's oldest cruise line with its history dating back to 1890.
Most of the country consists of the swampy plains of the great delta of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers.
A marked increase in the disturbance of alpha, delta and theta wave patterns in the brain.
He went back to America some years later, this time to Mississippi where he trod in the footsteps of his Delta blues heroes.
The Delta Edmonton South Hotel is the area 's largest upscale full-service airport hotel.
Similarly hitting a heavy fixed object at 40 mph and ending up at 0 mph would have a delta v of 40 mph.
In wipe clean vinyl, the Delta has a la....
Water management for different activities such as rice culture and waterfowl hunting threatens biodiversity in the delta.
The company offers three cards that are tied to the Delta Sky Miles program.
They are the Delta Reserve from American Express, Platinum Delta Sky Miles, and Gold Delta Sky Miles.
If you tend to fly frequently, and you travel on Delta more so than any other airline, one of the accounts specific to the Delta Sky Miles program could be the best choice for you.
You can check your bags for free if you purchase your flight on Delta using the card.
Partner cards allow businesses to earn benefits from a specific company, such as Costco, Delta Airlines, Jet Blue, Starwood Hotels or Lowe's.
Rockin' the Mississippi Delta--Learn why the area is known as the home of Zydeco, Rhythm and Blues, Ragtime, and Gospel while listening to local musicians perform fan favorites.
Majestic America Line, which operated the Mississippi Queen, the Delta Queen and the American Queen, fell upon hard times and stopped operating at the end of 2008, ultimately filing for bankruptcy.
Almost everyone is familiar with Delta faucets.
The company has been around since 1954 and has become a recognized leader in faucets and related products, and today the Delta brand is sold in more than 53 countries around the world.
Delta Faucet Company has committed to manufacture products with as little impact to the environment as possible.
When no plumbing companies were interested in his invention, Manoogian decided to market Delta faucets himself.
They started to advertise their products to consumers as well as plumbers and used both television and print to make the Delta Faucet a household name.
Delta has come up with a number of innovative ideas and solutions to common kitchen problems.
Delta Faucets also brings cutting edge technology to the bathroom.
Delta Monitor puts an end to an icy blast of cold water when a washing machine is turned on or being scalded whenever a toilet is flushed.
Whether you are looking for ultra contemporary design like Arzo, or the old fashioned charm found in the Victorian collection, Delta is constantly coming up with new designs and technologies.
You can find Delta faucets on the Internet as well as locally.
Delta has committed to be environmentally and socially ethical.
Buying a Delta product is a purchase that you can feel good about.
Delta and Moen both have comprehensive sites and are known in the industry for having repair friendly faucets.
Brands include Miraclesuit, Beach Belle, Cacique, Delta Burke and Longitude.
Delta Burke swimwear does more for full-figured ladies than most bathing suits -- they not only help masquerade a body's imperfections, but also enhance its positive features.
This swimwear, created by Delta Burke Design, helps plus size women feel better about wearing bathing suits.
Swimwear is just one of a number of fashions created by actress Delta Burke, a plus-sized actress and producer known for her role as Suzanne Sugarbaker on the 1980s-1990s sitcom, Designing Women.
While there is no official Delta Burke Design Web site, her fashions can be found at any number of locations, mainly online, but also locally at JCPenney.
Always for Me sells several types of Delta Burke swimdresses.
Woman Within sells the Delta Burke skirtini and swimdress.
Delta Burke swimsuits at extremely reasonable prices.
Plus size women want and deserve to feel sexy in their undergarments, and the many styles of Delta Burke lingerie will help them do just that.
This line of lingerie is part of a collection of clothing items designed by plus size actress Delta Burke.
Her Delta Burke Design company was formed in 1994 as a means of giving full-figured gals what they want in clothing.
The Delta Burke lingerie line includes all over lace tanga panties for the plus size woman.
A set like the Delta Burke leopard print cami and boy short will make it easy for you to put together an entire animal print ensemble.
A suit like Delta Burke's Accelerate features patterning on the top of this one-piece and a dark bottom, along with tummy control for an attractive fit.
The Delta Burke swimsuit collection includes a gorgeous sarong swimsuit that features a scoop neckline in front and back as well as an ultra-feminine lettuce edge.
Their items range from super sexy to cozy comfort in brands that include Delta Burke, Bali and Vedette.
Delta Burke proves polka dots can be a little sexy, too!
The Knot-Front Options by Delta Burke swim dress works to flatten the stomach while also giving you a more trim, hourglass figure.
Plus sized women like Delta Burke do some designing, so you can now have something that really was made with your body in mind.
It measures the four types of brain wave activity including alpha, beta, delta and theta waves.
If you like listening to soothing and relaxing sounds to help you fall asleep, the Delta Sleep System is a program that using various musical tones to promote relaxation and sleep.
Nepal by entering in Phi, Sigma, Psi, Omega for Easy; Delta, Psi, Delta, Sigma for Normal; and Phi, Omega, Omega, Sigma for Hard.
Cairo by entering in Omega, Delta, Sigma, Phi for Easy; Sigma, Delta, Sigma, Psi for Normal; and Phi, Phi, Omega, Psi for hard.
Island by entering in Psi, Sigma, Sigma, Phi for Easy; Delta, Omega, Psi, Psi for Normal; and Omega, Delta, Omega, Psi for Hard.
Shanghai by entering in Delta, Phi, Delta, Omega for Easy; Sigma, Psi, Psi, Phi for Normal; and Omega, Delta, Phi, Psi for Hard.
Alexandretta by entering in Phi, Psi, Delta, Phi for Easy; Phi, Psi, Phi, Sigma for Normal; and Psi, Psi, Phi, Omega for Hard.
Vega helps her escape, and Cammy, suffering from amnesia, is deposited at the British Delta Red paramilitary organization.
The easiest way to order a Bunkhouse camper is directly through the manufacturer, either by calling the phone number above or by visiting the company's showroom at 2481 Delta Lane in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.
Hemoglobin-An iron-containing pigment of red blood cells composed of four amino acid chains (alpha, beta, gamma, delta) that delivers oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body and carries carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs.
Also called delta or slow wave sleep, these are the deepest levels of human sleep and represent 10 to 20 percent of sleep time.
The Delta County Genealogical Society has genealogy indexes from 1873 to 1975.
During the show's 25th anniversary in 2007, singer Delta Goodrem was introduced as the face of the program and performed live at the show.
The most basic sewing machine cabinet that I could find was this one from Delta.
Swimsuits Just for Us carries major brands like Delta Burke, Longitude, Christina and more.
The Asa Delta is even more revealing and slightly wider than its close Northern cousin, the thong.
Delta Burke swimwear is designed especially for the full figured woman.
What makes Delta's swimsuits so special?
If you're wondering what really sets Delta Burke's swimwear apart from other plus sized swimsuit lines, you only need to look at her life for the answer.
Delta has always been a beautiful woman, but she has waged a life long struggle with health and weight issues.
From being selected Miss Florida in 1974 to what is perhaps this actress' most famous role as Suzanne Sugarbaker on television's Designing Women, Delta has had to deal with her weight issues under relentless media scrutiny.
After years of struggle, Delta finally managed to find a balance between personal health and her body's natural propensity for curves.
The thing is, no matter what her weight was, Delta always understood how to dress to her best advantage.
So, why should you consider Delta Burke swimwear?
Delta's line offers a number of swimsuit styles, but her specialty is this season's newest must have suit, the swim dress.
It comes with the standard figure sculpting features that Delta swimwear is famous for.
Have the best of both worlds with a Delta tankini.
The Asa Delta provides about one third less cheek coverage than the tanga, with the same low rise front.
Delta - With the SkyWish program, you can give your miles to over 15 charities, including the American Cancer Society, Children's Miracle Network, Habitat for Humanity and the Nature Conservancy.
All Children's Furniture carries a nice combination of classic and trendy kid's furniture from top brand like Delta Children's Products, KidzWorld, and Little Tikes.
In the fraternity and sorority Greek system, the crests of several groups include a star and moon combination such as Delta Delta Delta and Lambda Chi Alpha.
The focus is on helping individuals on the autism spectrum to increase beta and SMR frequencies while reducing alpha, theta and delta brainwaves.
Becoming a member of the Delta Sigma Theta sorority means entering into a sisterhood that celebrates its history and tradition through service, social awareness, and of course a litany of Delta chants.
Sorority chants are used for a variety of reasons, and Delta chants are no exception.
If a pledge accepts a bid from Delta Sigma Theta, then she will begin to learn about the rich history and traditions of this organization.
Delta chants are often used at meetings, pep rallys, mixers, social events, and particularly at "step shows."
You can find a variety of Delta chants on the Internet.
For example, the following site, Delta Chants, lists a number of chants.
While you cannot make up your own Delta chants (as that would be seen as trodding on tradition), you can learn, admire, and aspire to the ideals in these chants for the Delta sorority.
Welcome your friends to your home with this painted leprechaun sign using Delta Ceramcoat paints.
Delta Dental Insurance offers coverage plans to individuals and families.
Delta customers can choose their dentist from a network of providers to get the best rates for the care they need.
Delta Dental Insurance began more than 50 years ago when dentists realized the need for more accessible oral and dental healthcare.
In 1966, Delta Dental Plans Association was formed to provide coverage and coordinate benefits to a wide range of customers in multiple states.
Delta Dental Insurance offers several packages with features geared toward specific groups.
The network is a large one; according to the company, four out of five dentists are members of the Delta Dental plan.
The Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan available from Delta Insurance offers enrollees the option of getting the best rates for services by visiting a dentist who has chosen to enroll in the provider network.
They can also visit Delta Dental Premier dentists, who are members of the largest provider network in the country.
Delta Dental Insurance is a company that cares about the customers within its member network beyond the simple claim filing and form-filling.
A "subscriber connection" section on the website provides access to benefits, eligibility, and claims for those covered by Delta Dental Insurance.
The AARP plan for dental insurance is a PPO - or Preferred Provider Organization- plan through Delta Dental.
This means that you can visit any licensed dentist that you would like to see for your care, but the plan will pay out at a higher rate if you choose to see one of Delta Dental's network of providers.
More than 67,000 dentists have signed on to be part of Delta Dental's network.
In this situation, it is to your financial advantage to see a specialist who is a member of the Delta Dental network of providers.
Seeing a specialist outside of the network means that you will need to pay for your procedures yourself and submit a claim to Delta Dental asking to be reimbursed.
Delta Dental offers an online directory.
One widely-used company, Delta Dental, offers plans for individuals.
Delta Dental is also the largest dental insurer in the country.
In California, the Costco plan is run by Delta Dental and is very affordable.
Delta Dental provides insurance plans to individuals, as does MetLife, one of the nation's most popular insurance companies.
The two CD set included a bonus disc featuring performances from productions of the show from all over the world, plus a dance remix of the song Defying Gravity by LeeAnn Rimes and Delta Goodrem.
Toga parties have become a part of college history, like the one thrown by the Delta Tau Chi fraternity in the 1978 film Animal House.
They find themselves in the Delta Quadrant on the far side of the galaxy, seventy-five years' travel from home.
But the Voyager crew doesn't just make new friends in the Delta Quadrant, they also make new enemies.
The remaining survivors fled and scattered themselves across the delta quadrant and beyond.
His most dangerous 'trick' is when he tosses the Enterprise into the Delta Quadrant, where they meet the implacable Borg for the first time.
She even makes the rebel captain Chakotay (Robert Beltran) her second in command, gives the convict Tom Paris a temporary Starfleet commission, and adds two Delta Quadrant natives to her crew as native guides.
Captain Janeway came in for her share of criticism for various decisions she made during Voyager's sojourn in the Delta Quadrant; if you want to start a heated argument at a Star Trek convention, just say the work "Tuvix".
Once the two crews are combined, a replacement is needed for Voyager's chief engineer, killed in the initial damage when Voyager was thrown to the Delta Quadrant.
Janeway's task to hold her crew together and to integrate the Maquis and battling the Borg as they tried to return from the Delta Quadrant, gave her a unique perspective.
Star Trek Voyager provided more than one first in the Star Trek universe as the little ship entered a wormhole and found itself lost in the delta quadrant.
Ducks, cranes and other aquatic birds abound in the delta.
Cotton is grown in every county of the state, but the large yields are in the Delta (Bolivar, Coaohma, Washington, Yazoo and Leflore counties), the greatest cotton-producing region of the world, and in Monroe, Lowndes and Noxubee counties on the Alabama border.
The state contains deposits of iron, gypsum, marl, phosphate, lignite, ochre, glass-sand, tripoli, fuller's earth, limestones and sandstones; and there are small gas flows in the Yazoo Delta.
Arles stands on the left bank of the Rhone, just below the point at which the river divides to form its delta.
The Delta was presumably still independent, and was conquered by Narmerza.
In front of the delta are sandbanks and rocks which prevent the passage of vessels except by a canal, 18 m.
That there might also be a waterway between Alexandria and the Red Sea, they cut a canal between the Delta and the northern Arsinoe.
Between the Hugli on the west and the Meghna on the east lies the delta.
Below Calcutta important boat routes through the delta connect the Hugli with the eastern branches of the river, for both native craft and steamers.
The district, which was only formed in 1903, lies within the delta of the Irrawaddy.
The Cuttack delta is divided into two great valleys, one of them lying between the Baitarani and the Brahmani,'the other between the Brahmani and the Mahanadi.
The hilly frontier separates the delta of British Orissa from the semi-independent tributary states.
The various channels of its delta are also obstructed with sand-banks in the dry season.
Another stimulus came from the biologists, Pacific. On the 1st of November 1876 a cyclone acting in this who began to realize the importance of a more detailed investigaway submerged a great area of the level plain of the Ganges tion of the life conditions of organisms at great depths in the delta to a depth of 46 ft.; here the influence of the difference sea.
Amongst the best known of the furrows of the continental shelf are the Cape Breton Deep, in the Bay of Biscay, the Hudson Furrow, southward of New York, the so-called Congo Canon, the Swatch of No Ground off the Ganges delta, the Bottomless Pit off the Niger delta, and numerous similar furrows on the west coast of North America and outside the fjords of Norway, Iceland and the west of Scotland, as well as in the.
This province forms part of the great delta plain of China proper, 20,000 sq.
In the delta of the Rufiji and in the Kilwa district cotton-growing was begun in 1901.
The most important and best-known rivers are the Amberno, in the north, discharging by a wide delta at Point d'Urville; the Kaiserin Augusta, which, rising in the Charles Louis range, and entering the Pacific near Cape della Torre, is navigable by ocean steamers for 180 m.; the Ottilien, a river of great length, which discharges into the sea a short distance south of the last named; and the Mambare, navigable by steam-launch for 50 m.
But upon the ethnological relations either of the south Palestinian coast or of the Delta it would be unsafe to dogmatize.
It is impossible that Palestine should have remained untouched by the external movements in connexion with the Delta, the Levant and Asia Minor, and it is possible that the course of internal history in the age immediately before and after 1000 B.C. ran upon lines different from the detailed popular religious traditions which the biblical historians have employed.
The Vistula, here of great width, and subject to destructive floods, enters the province near Thorn, and flowing north in a valley which divides the plateau, enters Danzig Bay by a large delta, the Werder.
The valley and delta of the Vistula are very fertile, and produce good crops of wheat and pasturage for horses, cattle and sheep. Besides cereals, the chief crops are potatoes, hay, tobacco, garden produce, fruit and sugar-beet.
It is situated in the centre of the Yazoo Delta, a rich cotton-producing region, and its industries are almost exclusively connected with that staple.
Here are the headquarters of the Kistna canal system, which irrigates more than 500,000 acres, and also provides navigation throughout the delta.
Before long a commencement was made of the missions to the delta of the Niger, and between 1866 and 1884 congregations of Christians were formed at Bonny, Brass and New Calabar, but the progress made was slow and subject to many impediments.
The main series on which we shall rely here are those -- (1) from Assyria (38) about 800 B.C.; (2) from the eastern Delta of Egypt (29) (Defenneh); (3) from western Delta (28) (Naucratis); (4) from Memphis (44) -- all these about the 6th century B.C., and therefore before much interference from the decreasing coin standards; (5) from Cnidus; (6) from Athens; (7) from Corfu; and (8) from Italy (British Museum) (44).
There were several families or varieties within this range, at least in the Delta, probably five or six in all (29).
The kat was regularly divided into 10; but another division, for the sake of interrelation with another system, was in 1/3 and 1/4, scarcely found except in the eastern Delta, where it is common (29); and it is known from a papyrus (38) to be a Syrian weight.
The territory differs much in character; the Po and other smaller rivers which fall into the Adriatic terminate in a huge and continually advancing delta which extends right along the coast, and is liable to inundation.
It forms a delta on the south of the Gulf of Honduras.
The load of silt borne down stream by the river finally, after many halts on the way, reaches the waters of the Gulf, where the decrease of velocity, aided by the salinity of the sea water, causes the formation of a remarkable delta, leaving less aggraded areas as shallow lakes (Lake Pontchartrain on the east, and Grand Lake on the west of the river).
The ordinary triangular form of deltas, due to the smoothing of the delta front by sea action, is here wanting, because of the weakness of sea action in comparison with the strength of the current in each of the four distributaries or passes into which the river divides near its mouth.
From the Colorado to the Rio Grande, the Black Prairie, the timber belt and the Coast Prairie merge in a vast plain, little differentiated, overgrown with chaparral (shrub-like trees, often thorny), widening eastward in the Rio Grande delta, and extending southward into Meico.
Although the Coast Prairie is a sea bottom of very modern uplift, it appears already to have suffered a slight movement of depression, for its small rivers all enter embayments; the larger rivers, however, seem to have counteracted the encroachment of the sea on the land by a sufficiently active delta building, with a resulting forward growth of the land into the sea.
The Mississippi has already been mentioned as rapidly building forward its digitate delta; the Rio Granide, next in size, has built its delta about 50 m.
In front of the Brazos and the Colorado, the largest of the Texan rivers, the coast-line is very gently bowed forward, as if by delta growth, and the sea touches the mainland in a nearly straight shore line.
The barrage at the head of the Nile delta, and the regulating sluices across the Nile at Assiut and Esna in Upper Egypt below Assuan, are examples of draw-door weirs, with their numerous openings closed by sluice-gates sliding on free rollers, which control the discharge of water from the river for irrigation.
All three were situated in the Delta, and would be amongst the first known to the Greeks.
All shrines of Osiris were called P-usiri, but the principal city of the name was in the centre of the Delta, capital of the 9th (Busirite) nome of Lower Egypt; another one near Memphis (now Abusir) may have helped the formation of the legend in that quarter.
In 1902, however, a new industry was added in the export of cotton from the eastern provinces of the Delta, the cotton being brought from Mataria by boat across Lake Menzala.
Many shallow lakes have been completely filled with alluvium and their sites are now occupied by fertile plains; this process may be seen in operation almost anywhere; a good illustration is the delta of the Rhone in Lake Geneva.
The pyramid-fields of Memphis and Sakkara, and the necropolis of Meydum, and those of Abydos and Thebes were examined; the great temples of Dendera and Edfu were disinterred; important excavations were carried out at Karnak, Medinet-Habu and Deir el-Bahri; Tanis (the Zoan of the Bible) was partially explored in the Delta; and even Gebel Barkal in the Sudan.
From that date until 1906 Calabar was the headquarters of the European administration in the Niger delta.
Maintaining its eastern course from the Apure, the main stream finds its way along the southern side of the delta, where it is called the Corosimi river, and enters the sea at the Boca Grande; but in front of the Tortola island, at the beginning of the Corosimi and too m.
En route to the gulf the Vagre sends across the delta, east and north, two canos or canals of considerable volume, called the Macareo and Cuscuino.
The delta is also cut into many irregular divisions by other canals which derive their flow from its great boundary rivers, the Corosimi and Vagre, and its numerous islands and vast swamps are covered with a dense vegetation.
The Italian shore is generally low, merging, in the north-west, into the marshes and lagoons on either hand of the protruding delta of the river Po, the sediment of which has pushed forward the coast-line for several miles within historic times.
Southern or Lower Guinea comprises the coasts of Gabun and Loango (known also as French Congo) and the Portuguese possessions on the south-west coast, and Northern or Upper Guinea stretches from the river Casamance to and inclusive of the Niger delta, Cameroon occupying a middle position.
The task of constructing this great work was committed to Mougel Bey, a French engineer of ability, who designed and constructed the great barrage across the two branches of the Nile at the apex of the delta, about 1 2 m.
The name Camaroes was 0 first given by the Portuguese discoverers of the 15th and 16th centuries to a large bay or estuary, lying south-east of a great mountain close to the sea, met with after passing the Niger delta.
The protectorate belongs to the Postal Union, and is connected by cable with the British telegraph station at Bonny in the Niger delta.
Into the huge delta of the Niger several other rivers (the " Oil Rivers ") empty themselves; the chief being, on the west, the Benin, and on the east the Brass.
East of the Niger delta is that formed by the Imo or Opobo, Bonny and other streams, and still farther east is the Calabar estuary, mainly formed by the Cross river.
West of the Niger delta are several independent streams discharging into lagoons, which here line the coast.
The delta region is swampy, and forms, for a distance of from 40 to 70 m.
Besides the people of Benin, the coast tribes include the Jekri, living on the lower part of the Benin river and akin to the Yoruba, the Ijos, living in the delta east of the main mouth of the Niger, and the Ibos, occupying a wide tract of country just above the delta and extending for loo m.
On the Niger at the head of the delta are Asaba (west bank) and Onitsha (east bank); Iddah (Ida), in the palm-oil zone; Lokoja on the west bank opposite the confluence with the Benue, and the headquarters of the protectorate's military force; Baro, on the east bank, 70 m.
In the delta region every place of importance is easily reached by river steamers, and there is a regular service between Forcados and Lagos by the lagoons.
Export trade in the delta and forest regions is almost entirely confined to " jungle produce," the most important articles being palm oil and palm kernel.
In the greater part of the delta region each town owned a different chief and there was no one dominant tribe.
Piercing the desert, and at its annual overflow depositing rich sediment brought from the Abyssinian highlands, the river has created the Delta and the fertile strip in Upper Egypt.
The Delta is a level plain, richly cultivated, and varied alone by the lofty dark-brown mounds of ancient cities, and the villages set in groves of palm-trees, standing on mounds often, if not always, ancient.
From the gulf to the beginning of the Delta the coast is rock-bound, but slightly indented, and possesses no good harbourage.
The Delta coast-line, composed of sandhills and, occasionally, limestone rocks, is low, with cape-like projections at the Nile mouths formed by the river silt.
The low sandy shore of the Delta, slowly increasing by the annual deposit of silt by the river, is mostly a barren area of sand-hills and salty waste land.
The soil of the Delta is a dark grey fine sandy soil, becoming at times almost a stiff clay by reason of the fineness of its particles, which consist almost wholly of extremely small grains of quartz with a few other minerals, and often numerous flakes of mica.
The surface of the Delta is a wide alluvial plain slopinf gently towards the sea, and having an altitude of 29 ft.
The Lakes.The lagoons or lakes of the Delta, going from wesi to east, are Mareotis (Maritit), Edku, Burlus and Menzala.
East of Menzala is the site of Serbonis, another driedup lake, which had the general characteristics of the Delta lagoons.
It forms the boundary line for some distance between Ecuador and Colombia, but near its mouth where the river turns northward Colombia has taken possession of the left bank and all the territory covered by its large delta.
The delta channels of the Mira are navigable, being tributary to the Colombian port of Tumaco.
The most northern of these bays is the Ancon de Sardinas, lying south of the Mira delta.
The southernmost, Gaza, was joined by a road to the mixed peoples of the Egyptian Delta, and was also the port of the Arabian caravans.
The Metternich stela (XXXth Dynasty), the finest example of a class of prophylactic stelae generally known by the name of "Horus on the crocodiles," is inscribed with a long text relating the adventures of Isis and Horus in the marshes of the Delta.
With flat and shelving shores, the shoal-banks off the main mouths of the delta form the chief danger to shipping, and this is guarded against by a good service of lighthouses and lightships.
Here is concentrated the whole of the rich trade of the delta of the Irrawaddy.
The surrender of Elbing and Marienburg placed Gustavus in possession of the fertile and easily defensible delta of the Vistula, which he treated as a permanent conquest, making Axel Oxenstjerna its first governorgeneral.
He didn't appear out of thin air to stop her, and she made it from the mansion to the Tucson airport's arrivals drop-off area, where she stopped in front of the Delta curbside check-in sign and handed Jake the keys.
Dean suggested Cynthia try to catch some sleep as it was nearly dark as they passed through Delta, Colorado and the open stretches of desert-like country beyond.
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It flows into the Arabian Sea, forming a delta, which covers 3000 square miles.
Deposition occurs where the two opposing forces are evenly balanced forming the ebb tidal delta.
A general accounting the quot chilling purchase eligible delta the study states.
Chevron and Shell were forced to evacuate the area and oil operations in the western delta were reduced by 40% .
The larger delta seems to have a better movable work table than the $ 99 sanders.
Botswana's best area for viewing wildlife is the Okavango delta game reserve - the largest inland delta in the world.
We are now heading down to the Ebro delta.
For more than 70 years she has lived on the Ganges delta in India, scraping a living off the land.
It was laid down in a vast river delta some 320 million years ago.
Lost in the Delta Quadrant, the crew of the USS Voyager face the perils of the long journey back to Earth.
This means that the action will be linear in beta, delta phi, and alpha.
However, unlike all other viroids, HDV encodes a protein, the delta antigen, which is a nuclear phosphoprotein.
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Northern blot analysis was consistent with accurate cleavage of the minigenome transcript by the hepatitis { delta } virus ribozyme.
In the Mekong Delta, small sampans will carry us through the intricate canals of this amazing waterway.
A Delta cell is a cell that secretes somatostatin.
Is home to the knot from delta queen steamboat.
So, all we need to do is construct the tangent and measure its gradient, δ y / δ x.
The thick delta wing was chosen to give good high-Alpha characteristics and its large volume allowed fuel tankage to give long range.
Trees are generally absent, except for thickets of poplars, dwarf oaks and tamarisks along the course of the Kura, the delta of which is smothered under a jungle of reeds and rushes.
The division of Dacca occupies the delta of the Brahmaputra, where it joins the main stream of the Ganges.
Delta has shared the same feelings many of us have about the dreaded swimsuit shopping experience.
A number of petty peoples, of whom little definite is known, fringed Palestine from the south of Judah and the Delta to the Syrian desert.
The cyclones of the Bay of Bengal appear to originate over the Andaman and Nicobar islands, and are commonly propagated in a north-westward direction, striking the east coast of the Indian peninsula at various points, and then often advancing with an easterly tendency over the land, and passing with extreme violence across the delta of the Ganges.
Along the eastern border of this delta, and southward of it, along the Mississippi itself, extends a belt of hills or bluffs (sometimes called "cane-hills"), which is cut by deep ravines and, though very narrow in the north, has in the south an average width of about to m.
Deposits of the Tertiary period form the basis of more than half the state, extending from the border of the Cretaceous westward nearly to the Yazoo Delta and the Mississippi Bottom, and southward to within a few miles of the Gulf coast.
The delta of the Cauvery occupies the flat northern part, which is highly cultivated, dotted over with groves of coconut trees, and is one of the most densely populated tracts in India.
Besides the delta of the Po and the large marshy tracts which it forms, there exist on both sides of it extensive lagoons of salt water, generally separated from the Adriatic by narrow strips of sand or embankments, partly natural and partly artificial, but havin openings which admit the influx and efflux of the sea-water, and serve as ports for communication with the mainland.
The slope of the river bed diminishes until the plain compels the river to move slowly, swinging in meanders proportioned to its size, and gradually, controlled by the flattening land, ceasing to transport material, but raising its banks and silting up its bed by the dropped sediment, until, split up and shoaled, its distributaries struggle across its delta to the sea.
With the exception of the delta of the Selenga, Lake Baikal is surrounded by lofty mountains.
The middle and eastern divisions of the district, forming the south-western part of the Mahanadi delta, consist entirely of alluvial plains, watered by a network of channels through which the most southerly branch of that river, the Koyakhai, finds its way into the sea.
The monuments discovered there, although only those in hard stone have survived, are more important than at any other site in the Delta except Tanis and cover a wider range, commencing with Khufu (Cheops) and continuing to the thirtieth dynasty.
This age, with its regular maritime intercourse between the Aegean settlements, Phoenicia and the Delta, and with lines of caravans connecting Babylonia, North Syria, Arabia and Egypt, presents a remarkable picture of life and activity, in the centre of which lies Palestine, with here and there Egyptian colonies and some traces of Egyptian cults.
It may be that these belong in reality to the old Nilotic inhabitants, who were probably related to the true Semites of Arabia; but the hieroglyphic system seems to have developed in the Delta, and is very probably to be ascribed to the " Armenoids.
The Po itself, which is here a very large stream, with an average width of 400 to 600 yds., continues to flow with an undivided mass of waters as far as Sta Maria di Ariano, where it parts into two arms, known as the Po di Maestra and Po di Goro, and these again are subdivided into several other branches, forming a delta above 20 m.
Towards the foothills of the Caucasus they are clothed with thick forests, while in the west they merge into the steppes of south Russia or end in marshy ground, choked with reeds and rushes, in the delta of the Kuban.
Before the 14th century B.C. the warrior kings of Egypt had carried the power of their arms southward from the delta of the Nile wellnigh to its source, and eastward to the confines of Assyria.
The southern basin of Chad is described under the Shari, which empties its waters into the lake about the middle of the southern shore, forming a delta of considerable extent.
Near the tolbooth stands the market cross, a stone column with a unicorn on the top supporting the burgh arms. At the west end of High Street is a statue of David Macbeth Moir ("Delta," 1798-1851), Musselburgh's most famous son.
The rajah of Patala at the apex of the Indus delta abandoned his country and fled.