Deliver Sentence Examples
Not 'til we deliver the Spring waters.
He then instructed his manservant to deliver them.
Fred asked at one point, on his way to deliver cookies and hot chocolate to the parlor.
Alexander now feared that the king might depose him for simony and summon a council, but he won over the bishop of St Malo, who had much influence over the king, with a cardinal's hat, and agreed to send Cesare, as legate, to Naples with the French army, to deliver Jem to Charles and to give him Civitavecchia (January 16, 1495).
I sure hope you're going to deliver what you've been promising all evening.
The other, a law of peace, work and health, whose only aim is to deliver man from the calamities which beset him.
Dean agreed and promised to call when he returned and arrange to deliver the articles to her.
Lundy is said to have been the first to deliver anti-slavery lectures in the United States.
She sat down to plot, not wanting to think what would happen if she failed to deliver the Horsemen somewhere safe or how much her Guardian would despise her once she acted.
When Theseus set out for Crete to deliver Athens from the tribute to the Minotaur he promised Aegeus that, if he were successful, he would change the black sail carried by his ship for a white one.
AdvertisementHe should be able to deliver.
Early in the year the crown prince Humbert with the Princess Margherita took up their residence in the Quirinal Palace, which, in view of the Vatican refusal to deliver up the keys, had to be opened by force.
Jackson offered, "We'll have a truck deliver them… and I'll help with the carving."
As usual, you deliver.
The Board of Agriculture in 1803 had commissioned Sir Humphry Davy to deliver a course of lectures on the connexion of chemistry with vegetable physiology.
AdvertisementYet again, Saul had been chosen by Yahweh to free his people from the Philistines; he had been rejected for his sins, and had suffered continuously from this enemy; Israel at his death was left in the unhappy state in which he had found it; it was the Judaean David, the faithful servant of Yahweh, who was now chosen to deliver Israel, and to the last the people gratefully remembered their debt.
The reasons on which the Duc de Bassano based his refusal to deliver them to him would never have led me to suppose that that could serve as a pretext for aggression.
Maybe I know he's promising more than he can deliver.
We went down to Mr. Getson's place to deliver a calf.
Nicanor threatened to destroy the Temple if the priests would not deliver Judas into his hands.
AdvertisementThe messenger rushed across the street to deliver his package to the man on the corner.
Whoever is behind sending you here is probably threatening you, if you don't deliver.
All the proceedings were conducted in writing, and the judges were not confronted with either the parties or the witnesses until they emerged to deliver judgment.
In Roman imperial times the ephebi had to deliver a speech at the Haloa.
If there be none the tenant is bound and entitled to deliver fair marketable grain of the same kind."
AdvertisementEven then the day might have been saved had Blucher been able to find even twenty squadrons accustomed to gallop together, but the Prussian cavalry had been dispersed amongst the infantry commands, and at the critical moment it proved impossible for them to deliver a united and decisive attack.
In view of the fact that the First and Third British Armies were faced with strong positions in the Canal du Nord and the Scheldt canal, which it was advisable to carry prior to the general attack on the Hindenburg line behind the latter obstacle, it was decided that these two armies should open their operations a day earlier than the Fourth Army, so as to draw off the German reserves from the front of that army, which had to deliver the main attack and was faced with the most formidable defences.
Practically all the United States traffic is confined to vessels passing through the main lake between Lakes Superior and Michigan and Lake Erie, but on the Canadian side are several railway termini which receive grain mostly from Lake Superior, and deliver mixed freight to ports on that lake.
Airwave also makes it possible to deliver a wide range of highly resilient and secure data services to front-line ambulances.
I want devolution to work, to deliver for the people of Scotland.
Deliver Us From Evil is a good read, clever, brutal, with sly touches of dark humor.
You can usually count on to deliver great deals.
If you are feeling tuckered out after an especially taxing day, the hotel will gladly deliver room service.
On the following day he was admitted to the royal presence, and presenting his letters he told the king that he had an important and confidential message to deliver.
When, therefore, in 1850, Mr Stowe was elected to a professorship in Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, and removed his family thither, Mrs Stowe was prepared for the great work which came to her, bit by bit, as a religious message which she must deliver.
Hermas begins to deliver the message of Vis.
Korea, however, had neither a literary nor an ethical message to deliver, and thus her script failed to attract much attention.
This syndicate did not undertake to deliver a letter direct to an addressee.
Whichever element is emphasized in preaching, the preacher is one who believes himself to be the ambassador of God, charged with a message which it is his duty to deliver.
He fell in battle against the Minyans, against whom he had undertaken an expedition, accompanied by the youthful Heracles, to deliver Thebes from a disgraceful tribute.
On the 1st of September in the year zoo, when Trajan was consul for the third time, Pliny, who had been designated consul for a part of the year, was appointed to deliver the "Panegyric" which has come down to us, and forms a most important source of our knowledge concerning this emperor.
In his hands the history of Florence became a text on which at fitting seasons to deliver lessons in the science he initiated.
The emperor Frederick II.'s edicts and the so-called etablissements of St Louis provide that the civil officers should search out suspected heretics and deliver them to the ecclesiastical judges.
The Prussians had seized the opportunity offered by the slackening of the French attacks to rally and deliver a counterstroke, which was parried, after achieving a small measure of success, by the bayonets of the Young Guard.
In the same year he had been an unsuccessful candidate for the professorship of the practice of physic, but subsequently an arrangement was made between him and John Gregory, who had gained the appointment, by which they agreed to deliver alternate courses on the theory and practice of physic. This arrangement proved eminently satisfactory, but it was brought to a close by the sudden death of Gregory in 1773.
The machine can be set to deliver a certain number of coins, after which the counting wheel stops automatically.
When Major Richard Ingoldsby arrived with two companies of the king's soldiers and demanded possession of the fort, Leisler refused although he still professed his willingness to deliver it to Sloughter.
He lost no time in entering into fresh negotiations with the French government, and a draft treaty was already early in October drawn up in Paris and the Count d'Estrades was commissioned to deliver it in person to the prince of Orange.
In 1886 he was selected by the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland to deliver the Rhind lectures on archaeology, out of which grew his Handbook of Greek Archaeology (1892).
He was frequently invited to deliver an "oration" on some topic of historical or other interest.
Now, in so far as both Neoplatonism and the church dogmatic set out from the felt need of redemption, in so far as both sought to deliver the soul from sensuality and recognized man's inability without divine aid - without a revelation - to attain salvation and a sure knowledge of the truth, they are at once most intimately related and at the same time mutually independent.
The Gallic chiefs now appealed to Caesar to deliver them from the actual or threatened tyranny of Ariovistus.
The realization of the desire did not come about till 1841, when the appointment of Schelling as Prussian privy councillor and member of the Berlin Academy, gave him the right, a right he was requested to exercise, to deliver lecturesin the university.
On the 19th he opened parliament in a speech which, as he explained, he had to deliver extempore owing to "the treachery" of his secretary.
Remember, Lord, thy church to deliver it from all evil, and to perfect it in thy love, and gather it together from the four winds,' the sanctified, unto thy kingdom, which thou bast prepared for it; for thine is the power and the glory for ever.
On the death of Henri de Villars, archbishop of Vienne, in 1693, he was commissioned to deliver a funeral oration, and this was the beginning of his fame.
Zittwitz assumes that this epistle was in its original form of much larger extent, and that the author of the Acts took out of it the matter for the speeches which he makes Mani deliver during his disputation with Bishop Archelaus.
The Federal courts never deliver an opinion on any constitutional question unless or until that question is brought before them in the form of a lawsuit.
This granted two weekly markets on Tuesday and Friday and a fair on the eve of St Augustine lasting thirty days; it made the town a free borough and provided that the king would send his justices to deliver the prison when necessary.
He was appointed professor of chemistry at Cambridge in 1813, but lived to deliver only one course of lectures, being killed near Boulogne on the 22nd of February 1815 by the fall of a bridge over which he was riding.
Some years previously he had expressed his conviction that "one of the chief needs of the age was to make inroad after the alien, to bring in the votaries of fashion, of literature, of sentiment, of policy and of rank, who are content in their several idolatries to do without piety to God and love to Him whom He hath sent"; and, with an abruptness which must have produced on him at first an effect almost astounding, he now had the satisfaction of beholding these various votaries thronging to hear from his lips the words of wisdom which would deliver them from their several idolatries and remodel their lives according to the fashion of apostolic times.
Invited by Pope Formosus to deliver him from the power of Guido III., duke of Spoleto, who had been crowned emperor, Arnulf went to Italy in 894, but after storming Bergamo and receiving the homage of some of the nobles at Pavia, he was compelled by desertions from his army to return.
He was appointed director of the laboratory in 1825; and in 1833 he was appointed Fullerian professor of chemistry in the institution for life, without the obligation to deliver lectures.
It is assumed (probably rightly) that no enemy could get round to this side in sufficient strength to deliver any attack that the existing forts could not easily repel.
Attendant on them were the heralds, who were the officers of their military court, wherein offences committed in the camp and field were tried and adjudged, and among whose duties it was to carry orders and messages, to deliver challenges and call truces, and to identify and number the wounded and the slain.
The confederate lords on entering Edinburgh were welcomed by the citizens, and after three hours' persuasion Lethington, who had now joined them, prevailed on the captain of the castle to deliver it also into their hands.
The queen of Scots, with dauntless dignity, refused to yield the castles of Edinburgh and Dumbarton into English keeping, or to deliver up her fugitive English partisans then in Scotland; upon other points they came to terms, and the articles were signed the 16th of October.
Wimshurst constructed numerous very powerful machines of this type, some of them with "multiple plates, which operate i - almost any climate, and rarely fail to charge themselves and deliver a torrent of sparks between the disf El charge balls whenever the winch is turned.
On the refusal of the Fanti to deliver up the fugitives, Osai Tutu invaded their country, defeated them and drove them towards the sea.
Prior to this, in 1526-1527, appeared a programme of the lectures he intended to deliver at Basel, but this can hardly be reckoned a specific work.
Baxter was invited to deliver a sermon before the people, and was unanimously elected as the minister of the place.
In 1866 he was chosen by Congress to deliver the special eulogy on Lincoln; and in 1867 he was appointed minister to Berlin, where he remained until his resignation in 1874.
He was summoned to St Andrews and examined before the king, but neither threats nor promises could make him deliver up the roll of signatures to the Remonstrance.
He also found time to preach and lecture elsewhere, and to deliver remarkable speeches at social functions; he worked hard with Archbishop Benson on the Parish Councils Bill (1894); he became the first president of the Church Historical Society (1894), and continued in that office till his death; he took part in the Laud Commemoration (189J); he represented the English Church at the coronation of the tsar (1896).
Relations between Spain and the United States became strained, and war seemed imminent; but on the 8th of December the Spanish government agreed to surrender the "Virginius" on the 16th, to deliver the survivors of the crew and passengers to an American war-ship at Santiago, and to salute the American flag at Santiago on the 25th if it should not be proved before that date that the "Virginius" was not entitled to sail under American colours.
Lysias lifted up his voice to denounce Dionysius as, next to Artaxerxes, the worst enemy of Hellas, and to impress upon the assembled Greeks that one of their foremost duties was to deliver Sicily from a hateful oppression.
Frederick, who had hurried back from Italy, was besieged in August in the Vienna Neustadt, and was forced to deliver Ladislaus to Count Ulrich, whose influence had meanwhile eclipsed that of Eiczing.
Horeb, and his divine commission to deliver Israel from Egypt.
He went to Edinburgh once or twice, to deliver the discourses required from students of divinity.
Carlyle felt by this time conscious of having a message to deliver to mankind, and his comrades, he thought, were making literature a trade instead of a vocation, and prostituting their talents to frivolous journalism.
Though Carlyle, especially in his earlier years, could deliver an invigorating and encouraging, if not a sanguine doctrine, his utterances were more generally couched in the key of denunciation, and betrayed a growing despondency.
But they further speak of Jesus as " raised from the dead," and they refer to the belief which they had led the society to entertain, that He would come again " from heaven to deliver them from the coming wrath."
At length, in fear of religious innovations and pretending that He is a political usurper, the Jews deliver Him up to die on a Roman cross.
They also suggested that Luther should be heard upon the papal claims, and ended by asking the emperor to deliver Germany from the papal tyranny.
The history, therefore, falls into recurring cycles, each of which begins with religious corruption, followed by chastisement, which continues until Yahweh, in answer to the groans of his oppressed people, raises up a "judge" to deliver Israel, and recall them to the true faith.
His trained regiments were defeated in two pitched battles by Major Adams, at Gheria and at Udha-nala, and he himself took refuge with the nawab wazir of Oudh, who refused to deliver him up. This led to a prolongation of the war.
In 1891 Mr Gore was chosen to deliver the Bampton lectures before the university, and chose for his subject the Incarnation.
Two attendants bring it out of the house, holding it low in their hands, and deliver it to four pall-bearers, called nasasalar, clad in well-washed, white clothes.
After his return he spent a month in a visit at his old home in Canton, Ohio, and at the end of this visit, by previous arrangement, he visited the city of Buffalo, New York, in order to attend the Pan-American exposition and deliver a public address.
It is not God as abstract, infinite and eternal, as the far-away creator of the universe, or even as the ruler of the world, which Paul worships, but it is God revealed in Jesus Christ, the Father of Jesus Christ, the grace and mercy in Jesus Christ which deliver from evil.
It was enacted by the act of 1829 that " every Jesuit and every member of any other religious order, community or society of the Church of Rome bound by monastic or religious vows " was, within six months after the commencement of the act, to deliver to the clerk of the peace of the county in which he should reside a notice or statement in the form given to the schedule to the act, and that every Jesuit or member of such religious order coming into the realm after the commencement of the act should be guilty of a misdemeanour and should be banished from the United Kingdom for life (with an exception in favour of natural-born subjects duly registered).
The exhaustion, or alleged exhaustion, by irrigation in Colorado of the waters of the Rio Grande has raised international questions of much interest between Mexico and the United States, which were settled in 1907 by a convention pledging the United States to deliver 60,000 acre-feet of water annually in the bed of the Rio Grande at the Acequia Madre, just above Juarez, in case of drought this supply being diminished proportionately to the diminution in the United States.
The Rio Grande project was planned in 1907 for the storage of the flood waters of the Rio Grande near Engle, New Mexico, in order to reclaim about 155,000 acres of land in New Mexico and Texas, and to deliver to Mexico above the city of Juarez 60,000 acre-feet of water per year, as provided by a treaty (proclaimed on the 16th of January 1907) between that republic and the United States.
He had the good sense to trust his state affairs almost wholly to an able minister; but he was cowardly enough to deliver up that minister into the hands of his enemies.
Somewhat later Ibrahim Khalil of Shusha, repenting of his Russophilism, determined to deliver up the Muscovite garrison at that place, but his plans were betrayed, and he and his relatives put to death.
Complications ther ensued by the determined refusal of the two native officials to meet in conference; and the arbitrator had no course available but to take advantage of the notes already obtained on the spot, and return with them to Teheran, there to deliver his decision.
This reformation was to deliver Christendom from false Jewish doctrines by restoring the Pauline conception of the gospel, - Paul being, according to Marcion, the only apostle who had.
Christ then proceeded to the underworld to deliver the spirits of the departed.
Deliver men from fell ignorance.
With adequate numbers and material resources, the Crown Prince was able to deliver a successful general assault on March 5 1913, and the Turkish garrison, numbering about 30,000, wounded and unwounded, surrendered next day.
This document had remained in the hands of Budova, who refused to deliver it to the king.
Cities and villages are permitted - upon authorization by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the electors voting on the question - to own and operate, even outside their corporate limits, public utilities for supplying water, light, heat, power and transportation, and may sell and deliver, outside their corporate limits, water, heat, power and light to an amount not more than one-fourth that furnished by them in each case within their corporate limits; but no city or village of less than 25,000 inhabitants may own or operate' transportation facilities.
A few months after his marriage he published the first and only volume of his Elements of Chemical Philosophy, with a dedication to his wife, and was also re-elected professor of chemistry at the Royal Institution, though he would not pledge himself to deliver lectures, explaining that he wished to be free from the routine of lecturing in order to have more time for original work.
The engines were then started and the pump set so as to deliver over 5000 lb of water per hour into the boiler.
Thus the modern Hindu, though using civilized means for lighting his household fires, retains the savage " fire-drill " for obtaining fire by friction of wood when what he considers pure or sacred fire has to be produced for sacrificial purposes; while in Europe into modern times the same primitive process has been kept up in producing the sacred and magical " need-fire," which was lighted to deliver cattle from a murrain.
The task to be accomplished was to march over 400 miles of a mountainous and little-known country, inhabited by savage tribes, to the camp or fortress of Theodore, and compel him to deliver up his captives.
Answer was returned, that if he would deliver up all the Europeans in his hands, and submit to the queen of England, he would receive honourable treatment.
A man of refinement and education, a member of an influential family, a popular social leader and an eloquent speaker - at the age of twenty-three he was chosen by the town authorities of Boston to deliver the Independence Day oration - Otis yet lacked conspicuous ability as a statesman.
Philip, having been driven on the English coast when going to take possession of his Spanish kingdom, was entertained at Windsor by Henry VII., to whom he promised to deliver up the fugitive on condition that his life should be spared.
Jethro was the priest of Yahweh, and resided at the sacred mountain where the deity commissioned Moses to deliver the Israelites from Egypt.
Apollo's oracles, which he did not deliver on his own initiative but as the mouthpiece of Zeus, were infallible, but the human mind was not always able to grasp their meaning; hence he is called Loxias (" crooked," "ambiguous").
That his eloquence was highly appreciated is shown by the facts that he pronounced the discourse at the consecration of Gregory of Nazianzus, and that he was chosen to deliver the funeral oration on the death of Meletius the first president of the council.
Grenville fell, and the king was forced to deliver himself into the hands of the orthodox section of the Whigs.
When Washington retired from the presidency, Congress voted him an address and chose Ames to deliver it.
In 183 he undertook an embassy to Prusias, king of Bithynia, to induce him to deliver up Hannibal, who forestalled his fate by taking poison.
Calvin's old friend, Nicolas Cop, had just been elected rector of the university and had to deliver an oration according to custom in the church of the Mathurins, on the feast of All Saints.
The aim of the work was to reform Protestant theology by means of the fundamental ideas of the Reden, to put an end to the unreason and superficiality of both supernaturalism and rationalism, and to deliver religion and theology from a relation of dependence on perpetually changing systems of philosophy.
This victory, won over the combined forces of the Scandinavians of Dublin, Man and the Isles, compelled Amlaib to deliver up all his captives and hostages, - among whom were Domnall Claen, king of Leinster, and several notables - to forgo the tribute which he had imposed upon the southern Hy Neill and to pay a large contribution of cattle and money.
For this Warwick, too, was tried, condemned and executed - no doubt to deliver Henry from repeated conspiracies in his favour.
His first work, published in 1828, as an answer to Hugh James Rose's Cambridge lectures on rationalist tendencies in German theology, showed a good deal of sympathy with the German "pietists," who had striven to deliver Protestantism from its decadence; this sympathy was misunderstood, and Pusey was himself accused of holding rationalist views.
A lodge was called a vendita (sale), members saluted each other as buoni cugini (good cousins), God was the "Grand Master of the Universe," Christ the "Honorary Grand Master," also known as "the Lamb," and every Carbonaro was pledged to deliver the Lamb from the Wolf, i.e.
In Hindu mythology the Maruts, Indra, Agni and Vishnu wage war with the serpent Ahi to deliver the celestial cows or spouses, the waters held captive in the caverns of the clouds.
His first act as governor was to proceed against the German king Frederick III., who refused to deliver up the young king.
Their freight wagons used this route to deliver supplies to the tiny town of Ashley, but few people traveled the desert.
He didn't have time to figure out what, not with the Black God waiting for him to deliver Jenn.
I'll deliver your message.
I'm going to deliver the order to rendezvous here at 0800 in the morning for evacuations.
Gabriel summoned Landon and gave a quick order for the dealer to deliver Erik to Rhyn's fortress.
True, they'd had more of an understanding than an official agreement, but he never failed to deliver, even if he had a reputation for interpreting the terms differently than those who made him the deal.
Rhyn.s power rippled through him, the shockwave knocking down Gabriel before he could deliver the death blow.
Jackson offered, "We'll have a truck deliver them… and I'll help with the carving."
Since you choose to deliver the magic waters yourself, we can't risk losing Oceanan's support as you did Nilian last night.
His goal was to acquire weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them.
There was an emphasis on teamwork that crosses old professional boundaries to deliver seamless care.
This is a real shame as the role does have potential to really deliver a great performance, despite the rather hackneyed script.
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You need to develop a rapport with the interviewers & deliver your answers in a natural manner.
We will strive toward excellence by building our working principles into everything we deliver, and into how we work as an organization.
It has been designed to assist academics to design and deliver coursework to allow for the divergent needs of student populations.
In order to continue this tradition and to deliver this aim we are dedicated to working with leading academics.
In 1999 Rolls-Royce were ready to deliver the first engines, but BAe had no airframes ready to accept them.
The plan is to use the airship to deliver the orders to the man's foreign contacts.
Deliver me from the temptations which continually assail me.
This Association totally refutes the assertion of HAS that teachers are failing to deliver their part of the McCrone Agreement.
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Modified bacterial viruses, called bacteriophages, are used to deliver the gene encoding this protein to specific harmful bacteria.
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Intel inside CeBit clashes with Intel's Developer Forum in California, so the chipmaker might not deliver too many bombshells in Hanover.
Innate Management Systems stand 61 bridging the credibility Gap - Organizations are looking at IT departments to deliver business value.
Cornwell is superb at procedure, but far too brisk a writer to deliver sexual tension.
Now the dowriest homie cackled and cackled unto Daniel, Thy Gloria whom thou servest continually, she will deliver thee.
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Find the right way to deliver a checkmate in one, two or more moves from hundreds of chess positions provided by the author.
Chief Executives of regulated bodies are the people who must deliver the Government's commitment to fair trading in information.
Chief Executive of English Partnerships has pledged to deliver " consistency and coherence " in design.
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It might be that smaller authorities can pool sovereignty effectively to deliver services, while also giving rise to an engaged citizenry.
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Under such a shipment the shipper retains the right to direct the carrier to deliver the goods to someone other than the named consignee.
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I bought a new CPU for my pc online at ebuyer and they tried to deliver wehn I was at work on Tuesday.
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It has been designed to assist academics to designed to assist academics to design and deliver coursework to allow for the divergent needs of student populations.
They would deliver a diatribe, a dialectical discourse, a slogan or sermon, at the drop of a hat.
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Do the reforms deliver pensioner dignity, rolling back means-testing?
He was around later when God's people were being so disobedient, that he had to deliver promises of judgment.
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You slip on the tux, deliver a double-entendre or two and stand on the sidelines while the stunt crew does the action scenes.
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This Saturday, I have been asked to deliver the eulogy at his memorial service at St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh.
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The last part of his talk mentioned that while working on a particular female figurehead he unusually took deliver of another.
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With the ability to work well under pressure, you must consistently deliver first-rate, cost-effective solutions and meet challenging deadlines.
Member for Witney has so far failed to deliver on his promise; and welcomes the Conservative leader's first major international flip-flop.
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Like how do you deliver a digital fryer to its target without frying the digital systems of the delivery equipment?
The three black inks also deliver more neutral gradations in color and black-and-white prints it is claimed, producing more natural-looking skin tones.
Its aim is to deliver high quality, sustainable growth in England.
I then hastened to Mr. Vernon, to deliver my letters.
But power is configured to deliver greatest heft in the mid-range.
The Council has helped to deliver more than 120 new affordable homes in Restormel over the last year.
Hitler decided to deliver a fresh homily to Gring the next day.
From quick tips, themes to further learning we have ideas to help you deliver maximum impact events with minimum input.
It is considered extremely ill-advised to fail to deliver the goods.
Increasingly, sport is being used to help deliver social policy objectives, such as tackling illiteracy, drug taking and social exclusion.
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A number of trainers were identified who could deliver inset for teachers around how to integrate the project themes into the curriculum.
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I'm just not sure it's the job of truly interactive material to deliver them.
We all know that a person who accepts intercession in worldly life can never expected to deliver justice.
Not so long ago Pastor Joe had been invited to " deliver the invocation " at the Kansas State Legislature.
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Unaddressed junk mail The Post Office now deliver a lot of this with the post.
The Vice-Chancellor of Kingston University, Professor Peter Scott, will deliver the final keynote of the conference.
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We will deliver to schools on account only upon receipt of an order on an official school letterhead.
There will be no conquering hero to deliver us from the corporate leviathan.
Current new product development will ultimately deliver their future lifeblood.
In order to deliver the radiation to the patient we use devices called medical linear accelerators, or " linacs " .
The mechanism by which cationic liposomes deliver DNA into the cell is poorly understood.
David is well known for his expertise in using gene targeted macrophages to deliver cytokines to inflamed sites to provide in vivo biosensors.
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I was remaining open-minded about whether or not to deliver in the water.
The man of the calf will deliver an oration, not coming to wipe out the French way of life.
We know that you want products that deliver truly outstanding ' value ' .
Warrant to deliver certain parcels of stuff to Tho.
To deliver the equivalent payload, 5,000 bombers would have been needed.
The Local Authority side of the bargain is to deliver enhanced performance in the form of " Key Outcomes " .
Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
He has just a week to deliver a huge pile of food to Vincent the bear's cave otherwise Vincent will eat RJ alive.
For starters, our milkmen can deliver lots of household goods and general groceries - not just the traditional pinta!
Based near Radlett in Hertfordshire, Fleet Support looks after the 1200 mopeds and 65 Smart cars that deliver takeaway pizzas to our customers.
I opted to deliver the placenta normally, which came out about an hour later.
International agreements will fail to deliver unless they embrace pluralism.
It was the first time that John Paul II had failed to deliver the Angelus blessing in his 26-year pontificate.
Only then can we deliver a focused strategy to tackle fuel poverty.
Closer matching of consumer preferences to production will give a decisive advantage to countries able to deliver.
If you are awarded the research prize you will be expected to deliver a verbal presentation at the Winter meeting of the Society.
For every Delvin Kehoe, there are several others whose visual prosthetics deliver little more than dots and fuzzy patches.
The sole purpose of the Company is to deliver a level of service which is beyond reproach.
As the technique becomes increasingly quantitative it promises to deliver real insight into the nature of chemical change.
His inability to deliver a really good quip also makes a mockery of some of the humor.
You know search engine rankings can deliver your business valuable traffic!
The present Earl Spencer was to deliver an astonishing rebuke to the royal family at Diana's funeral.
We have driven forward structural reforms to improve our capacity to deliver.
The second court to deliver judgment could well find the case before it radically reshaped when the first judgment was delivered.
Colin Molton assured the Board that URCs aimed to deliver sustainable urban communities offering residential, commercial and leisure developments in town centers.
Overall, both soundtracks deliver music very well, but sound slightly restrained at other times.
The British could always deliver election results to please their friends, even when one British official broke ranks.
This presents a significant opportunity to more effectively deliver direct near field sound, at the same time reducing destructive room reverberation effects.
Equally schools must be equipped to deliver students who can benefit from an academically rigorous HE system.
The day following laparotomy patient required a cesarean section to deliver a dead baby.
Robert Bindloss and Uter Gilpin, clerk, are appointed attorneys to deliver seisin.
Currently, for GSK, ENSEMBL is our key interface to deliver genome sequence information.
The FACILITIES GROUP ensures that the civic offices are able to provide a suitable environment for staff to deliver quality services.
The NV7 has built-in OPS, an optical anti-shake technology, to minimize camera shake technology, to minimize camera shake and to deliver clearer resolution.
After the contract was signed and it was time for Just Sunshine to deliver, there was an embarrassed silence.
Frankly, I was somewhat skeptical that this book could deliver on the promises made in its subtitle.
We have the team to deliver a solution that is suitably different rather than simply different.
The priority-setting exercises that don't deliver what residents want and the partners who don't budge unless there's something in it for them.
This allows our speakers to deliver the most open, transparent soundstage possible.
The invited speakers will deliver a series of four lectures each.
We will always deliver your chosen solution, to your exact specification within the agreed timeframe.
Good news could come between 9th and 12th tho when what has been viewed as entirely speculative starts to ' deliver the goods ' .
He had to deliver a speech at the Japanese embassy - in Japanese!
Our clients have also benefited from our PureFluid technology by bonding multiple ADSL Leased Lines together to deliver significantly increased upload speeds.
Cardiff City have asked for even more time to deliver its 30,000 seater stadium project.
The 10 " powered subwoofer uses a very efficient 200-watt amplifier to deliver more power with less distortion.
Many discount supermarkets sell value envelopes or you may find that you can get away without for cards that you hand deliver.
Theotokion Lady, do thou receive the supplications of thy slaves, and deliver us from every affliction and necessity.
O holy hierarch of the Lord, by thy constant supplications to God deliver from all need those who with faith celebrate thy memory.
Considering the big swoops and bends that the tremolo arm can deliver, the tuning stays remarkably accurate.
Each week Food Chain volunteers gather at six kitchens to cook and deliver tasty, healthy meals to housebound Londoners affected by HIV.
Deliver us from Satan's temptation to think You have forgotten us.
It will deliver three teraflops of peak computing power - three million million calculations per second.
Their main priority has been to ensure a uniform process for registering cancers region-wide, which will deliver timely, comparable, high-quality data.
Windows trainer Microsoft certified trainer required on contract basis to deliver MCSE training to internal support staff.
Existing learning providers will be used to deliver the training.
The project was organized to deliver the first tranche of object records by April 2003.
We are taking action on a number of fronts to accelerate the transformation of the business and deliver improved performance.
Prince Charles will deliver a birthday tribute to his mother later, which will be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 at 1700 BST.
I hope I was able to deliver a delightful and ever so typical sixteen year old's response.
Coupled with a tight deadline for an internal launch the pressure was on to deliver a truly unbeatable design within a very tight timeframe.
Our goal is to develop a thorough understanding of the technology that underpins the message you want us to deliver.
A similarly upbeat article, Sainsbury's strategy begins to deliver appeared in The Guardian on March 10 2005.
Welcome to Sweet Art Cakes Sweet Art Cakes deliver the utmost in style and creativity.
They deliver organic, seasonal veg to your door.
More than 80 volunteering organizations from across the UK have signed a pledge to deliver the 70,000 volunteers required for the Games.
The original 60's design wah-wah pedal, with modified circuitry to deliver fatter, more open sound by lowering the effect's frequency range.
We believe it could deliver CBW by a variety of means, including in ballistic missile warheads.
Will the computer deliver us from the television wasteland?
Some newer devices deliver lower energy shocks using biphasic waveforms.
A variety of states and groups continue to seek to acquire weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them.
The review's aim is to develop a workforce that can deliver personalized, user-led services and safeguard the well-being of vulnerable people.
They would have allowed small boats to deliver goods directly to market without having to offload their cargoes at riverside wharves.
Certainly, Wrather is brash and can deliver the wisecracks but Roslin perhaps needs to be even more annoyingly fussy and snooty.
The 17cm KEVLAR composite cone woofer and 25mm soft dome tweeter deliver a better and more impressive sound offering throughout the full range.
The aim is to deliver twelve blocks of three x three hour workshop sessions i.e. 36 workshop sessions i.e. 36 workshops in total by September 2005.
Yahoo listings do not deliver nearly as significant a contribution in this area as you might think.
This combination will provide better flexibility for early harvest, control any emerging disease threat and also deliver a greening effect to maximize yield.
Besides travelling through many states of the United States to deliver anti-slavery lectures, Lundy visited Haiti twice - in 1825 and 1829, the Wilberforce colony of freedmen and refugee slaves in Canada in 1830-1831, and in 1832 and again in 1833 Texas, all these visits being made, in part, to find a suitable place outside the United States to which emancipated slaves might be sent.
It may be that he has to draw a shot with the utmost nicety to save the end, or even the match, or to lay a cunningly contrived block, or to "fire" - that is, to deliver his bowl almost dead straight at the object, with enough force to kill the bias for the moment.
In 1882 Kuenen went to England to deliver a course of Hibbert lectures, National Religions and Universal Religion; in the following year he presided at the congress of Orientalists held at Leiden.
He was defeated by a combination of the Kossuthists, Andrássy Liberals and Clerical People's party, the 30 Croatian deputies, whose vote might have turned the election, abstaining on Dr Wekerle promising them to deliver Croatia from the oppressive rule of the ban, Baron Rauch.
By rejecting the Capetian sovereign that Rome wished to thrust upon it to deliver it from the dynasty of Aragon, the little island of Sicily arrested the progress of French imperialism, ruined the vast projects of Charles of Anjou, and liberated the papacy in its own despite from a subjection that perverted and shook its power.
The irrigated area is divided into districts, in each of which is an overseer and a staff of watchmen to see to the opening and shutting of the modules (see Hydraulics, §§ 54 to 56) which deliver the water into the minor channels.
Thus Christianity, as religion, is on the one hand the adoration of God, that is, of the highest and noblest, and this highest and noblest as conceived not under forms of power or knowledge but in the form of ethical self-devotion as embodied in Jesus Christ, and on the other hand it meets the requirements of all religion in its dependence, not indeed upon some absolute idea or omnipotent power, but in the belief that that which appeals to the soul as worthy of supreme worship is also that in which the soul may trust, and which shall deliver it from sin and fear and death.
He used prayer and fasting to deliver himself from evil enchantment; and when he saw ecstatic and mystical visions promising him the Lord's help and great usefulness in the Lord's work, he feared that these revelations might be of diabolic origin.
To make amends for this crime, the Demiurge had now to deliver up to the good God the souls of those who were to be redeemed; they are, as it were, purchased from him by the death of Christ.
There is, however, hardly anything dramatic in the poem, but the characters deliver magnificent descriptions of Montenegro and Montenegrins, and the play is full of noble sentiments and great thoughts.
He travelled secretly through Kordofan, where (with ample justification) he denounced to the villagers the extortion of the tax-gatherer and told of the coming of the mandi who should deliver them from the oppressor.
Then he solemnly took the estates to witness, as he stood there "in the sight of the Almighty," that he had begun hostilities "out of no lust for war, as many will certainly devise and imagine," but in self-defence and to deliver his fellow-Christians from oppression.
And I think that is what the Internet will deliver.
Having reached the left flank, instead of going to the front where the firing was, he began to look for the general and his staff where they could not possibly be, and so did not deliver the order.
A solemn meeting of the lodge of the second degree was convened, at which Pierre promised to communicate to the Petersburg Brothers what he had to deliver to them from the highest leaders of their order.
Take me, take me! prayed Natasha, with impatient emotion in her heart, not crossing herself but letting her slender arms hang down as if expecting some invisible power at any moment to take her and deliver her from herself, from her regrets, desires, remorse, hopes, and sins.
And three weeks later we set out how we would deliver the radical overhaul to the regulatory system we promised.
Please deliver us from evil, which is rampant in this world.
You know search engine rankings can deliver your business valuable traffic !
How to create a rapport with the interviewers & deliver your answers in a natural manner.
No one has ever looked at using mobile phones to deliver real-time personalized feedback to patients before.
The College will use all reasonable endeavors to deliver courses in accordance with the descriptions set out in the prospectus.
The present Earl Spencer was to deliver an astonishing rebuke to the royal family at Diana 's funeral.
Falling public confidence in the ability of local democracy to deliver is reflected most starkly in the turnout at local elections.
Andy Osborn remarked it 's very hard to find a service company that will really step in and deliver high value support.
No - we will come and deliver automatically once the Signalman reports that your tank has reached its reorder level.
They want people who can respond positively to pressure and deliver on time.
Can capitalism, as the only real economic game in town, be retooled to deliver a sustainable future?
The review 's aim is to develop a workforce that can deliver personalized, user-led services and safeguard the well-being of vulnerable people.
The NV7 has built-in OPS, an optical anti-shake technology, to minimize camera shake and to deliver clearer resolution.
The second London cast in the show feature on the record, and deliver some of the best Sixties sounds on record.
You must have an understanding and enthusiasm for technology, be smart in appearance and performance with the ability to deliver.
Both are non-government, not-for-profit entities with a global remit to manage public research funding to deliver specific objectives.
Good news could come between 9th and 12th tho when what has been viewed as entirely speculative starts to ' deliver the goods '.
He had to deliver a speech at the Japanese embassy - in Japanese !
Capacity Building OSW plays an important role in strengthening the capacity of its partner agencies to deliver services.
The 10 powered subwoofer uses a very efficient 200-watt amplifier to deliver more power with less distortion.
In addition many low price category sound cards do not deliver superior sound quality.
Let my supplication come before You; deliver me according to Your word.
That is the key to beginning to deliver in practice on the four principles, which I 'm quite sure everybody here supports.
Reform is an independent, non-party think tank whose mission is to set out a better way to deliver public services and economic prosperity.
They can be used to deliver ' taster ' sessions to schools which cannot get their pupils to clubs during the day.
Striker Rich Payne reversed roles with winger Jonny Hughes to deliver a teasing cross that the irrepressible Hughes headed wide.
For our daily cash, we trust the banks or automated teller machines to deliver.
Deliver us from Satan 's temptation to think You have forgotten us.
These speakers are designed for gaming and deliver stunning bright sound and thumping clear bass.
Without a range of further measures, ending tobacco advertising would not deliver a large enough impact on the problem.
Windows Trainer Microsoft certified trainer required on contract basis to deliver MCSE training to internal support staff.
It was reporting on the latest information concerning the travails of the railroad industry, as it tries to deliver on its promised targets.
Furthermore, the Safer Schools Partnerships have the potential to deliver a two-way conduit between the police and young people.
I hope I was able to deliver a delightful and ever so typical sixteen year old 's response.
A key unanswered question is whether Iraq has the means to deliver such weapons.
These will focus on underperforming schools to deliver a step change in standards.
Want to use a creative approach to raise issues, explore ideas, deliver messages and unlock potential?
A similarly upbeat article, Sainsbury 's strategy begins to deliver appeared in The Guardian on March 10 2005.
For Google to hold its own against upstart search engines, it must deliver on its PageRank promise.
Can overarching dogmas - such as Communism - deliver the kind of utopia claimed for it?
Professor Sir Geoffrey Lloyd will deliver a valedictory lecture, entitled Is there a future for ancient science?
These colleges are licensed to deliver degree level courses and their degrees are overseen and validated by a nearby university.
The original 60's design wah-wah pedal, with modified circuitry to deliver fatter, more open sound by lowering the effect 's frequency range.
Plus One woofer cones - This patent pending technology deliver a cone with more surface area than competing models of the same size.
The aim is to deliver twelve blocks of three x three hour workshop sessions i.e. 36 workshops in total by September 2005.
The yardstick for success in the modern world is whether the services we fund deliver their core purpose.
Expectations are not too high, everyone knows it's a relationship of convenience and both sides recognize that they need to deliver or they'll get dropped like a stone.
Even if you know you are going to deliver your baby by Caesarean section, it is important for you to attend some type of childbirth class.
You will be instructed to push again to deliver the rest of your baby.
Your doctor will make an incision across your lower belly, and he will deliver your baby through this opening.
Therefore it is reasonable to expect to deliver your twins early so take the time to begin planning for that now.
They deliver to hotels, resorts, vacation rentals, and even to Grandma's house.
To avoid excess baggage charges and the cumbersome process of juggling a lot of luggage, companies like Babies Travel Lite offer services that deliver over 1,000 name brand baby products to your travel destination.
Being your child's sole caregiver means that you have to take off work when he is sick; you have to deliver her to play dates and parties; and you have to take him to practices and games.
In most cases, finding out if a specific online florist will deliver in your recipient's area is as easy as entering a zip code before you check out.
It will help the post office deliver the package in the event that the address on the outside becomes unreadable.
By using one or either of these rating systems, you can pick the best towel at the best price instead of relying on a manufacturer or brand name that may or may not deliver the results you want. will deliver Pacific Northwest octopus, oysters and mussels to you overnight.
Ikea will deliver basic desks with and without drawers to your door.
Advocates of these new coffee makers believe they deliver fresh, delicious coffee better than drip designs.
Remember, however, that these systems do not deliver sound as well as more expensive ones.
Club Mac can configure a custom system and deliver it to your door.
Make sure that they deliver, especially if you live on the second floor or above.
The casual photographer who snaps photos of family and friends at gatherings can usually get by with 200 shot storage capacity, which a digital camera with 32 megabytes or less will deliver.
If you plan on putting speakers in a medium-sized or small room, you may want to purchase speakers that deliver great sound while not occupying a lot of space.
Larger rooms may call for subwoofers, which deliver the deeper levels of a sound experience and provide maximum sound coverage.
Once you've developed a list of stores in your area that deliver, you can comparison shop by going up to each store's Web site and view the weekly advertised specials.
Nor will they deliver to post office boxes.
If you need your gift basket to be delivered to your recipient on a certain day, make certain the merchant you choose can deliver on time.
In addition, they don't deliver to as many states as All Spark Fireworks.
This is where you deliver the best hits.
Using the First Hour Rating (FHR), you should base your purchase on your hot water heater's ability to deliver hot water during a busy time.
One of the benefits is that you can deliver flowers to anywhere in the country.
There's no waiting on the mailman to deliver your favorite author's latest tome and you'll no longer have to face the holiday crush at your local bookstore.
If you are not a professional breeder and/or you do not wish to deliver and care for a litter of kittens, spay and neuter your cats.
They'll choose wonderful items for your special cat, wrap them up in an attractive and creative package and deliver them to the lucky feline's door.
Begin the process by speaking softly to the feline when you deliver food and water and scoop the litter box.
The queen will deliver a kitten about every half hour, and the entire process usually takes about six hours.
Now the you know what to expect during the cat gestation period, you'll be better prepared to provide your pet with all she needs to deliver healthy kittens.
Some unethical agencies promise help but do not deliver on the promise.
Merchant protection - The buyer is protected financially against merchants who do not fully deliver the product or service with the price and quality as originally advertised.
Many companies offer debt help but charge high fees or do not deliver on the services they promote.
Personally deliver documents that need to be filed with the court to eliminate costly courier service fees.
If the divorcing couple has children, most mental health professionals deliver frightening words of warning about the possible consequences of entering a new relationship too soon.
To remain competitive in the industry, these companies prepare and personalize the documents for each individual case and deliver them promptly.
They deliver furniture from one of the their several stores.
After choosing furniture in their local store or online, CORT will deliver it to your location.
The company promises that they will deliver the furniture to your location on the date that they promised.
You may opt for cash and carry only, or be willing to deliver within a certain radius for a fee.
The company is usually able to make and deliver custom furniture covers in less than four weeks to U.S. customers.
It costs approximately $400 and can deliver forty-kilowatt hours per month.
Creating your own compost also saves having to buy fertilizer and this helps to reduce the energy used to prepare, pack and deliver compost for you to use in your garden.
It can be rolled across the yard to deliver compost to different garden spots, and its whimsical shape is ideal for getting kids involved in the composting process.
If you don't have this service, you can separate your plastic and deliver it in-person to your local landfill.
The purposes of primrose oil is to deliver anti-inflammatory oils, called GLA, into the body so that they halt the inflammation response.
The teams deliver high-style and innovative ideas while maintaining a modest price tag.
Their goal is to deliver home water features worthy of Asheville's dramatic waterfalls, lakes, and rivers.
The design's form should deliver the least resistance to fluid flow.
Professional programs used by architects or interior designers can deliver incredibly realistic renderings.
In this case, you should have a charger/base plate in place, and then put the pre-plated course on top of that plate, clearing each course before you deliver the next one.
Umbra curtain rods deliver style and durability for an affordable price.
A butcher block table is a striking piece that can be dressed up or down and is also very forgiving to the damage young diners can deliver.
Once you've made the decision to have the work done, it's important to choose a professional with a solid reputation and experience who can deliver the results you expect.
Then you have lipstick products, like Cover Girl IncrediFULL lipstick that advertise "pump up the volume," but… do they really deliver?
Using organic fruit and vegetables, as well as essential oils and safe ingredients, Lush is able to deliver on their promise.
This sound is a good sign - it means that the needle is going deep enough into the dermis to actually deliver the permanent pigment.
Obvious first question… did this mascara deliver a worthwhile ability to resist water?
Lastly, many simple brands like Revlon and Cover Girl deliver quality powder foundations that will remain faithful to your skin throughout the day.
Pretty, and polished, at least when it comes to work, are my makeup mantras; let's see if Bobbi can deliver!
Available in 16 colors, each Stickgloss is $20 and promises to deliver endless color, shine and moisture to the lips.
No matter your natural coloring, spray tanning will deliver a bronze glow.
Cosmetics, (Eyes, Lips Face), has a mission to deliver great beauty at an affordable price to help every woman look and feel her best, no matter what her budget.
The key is using a brush that will deliver a thin, defined line of makeup.
The skincare line has products in each of Trish's four categories and are designed to work together to deliver healthy, even looking skin.
To get good feedback, you need to ship items quickly, deliver what the listing has led the buyer to expect and respond quickly to any questions or problems that come up. is here to deliver a virtual bundle of joy.
Retro Nintendo Games uses Java to deliver Nintendo games to your computer.
Additionally, the instructors frequently deliver presentations at the Orange County Underwater Society in California and occasionally in Papua, New Guinea.
If the needle opening of the injector is not large enough to deliver your selected seasonings without clogging, check out your local farm supply store since they often carry larger ones.
The product will be shipped to the consultant who can deliver it to you.
You may find a character from a movie or cartoon to be the one to deliver your message.
Amazon also take a variety of payment methods and deliver world wide.
In most circumstances, the class chooses a member of the student body to deliver the graduation prayer, benediction, or invocation.
After all, there are many photographers out there who charge exorbitant fees, but don’t deliver quality images.
Depending on which social networking giant you use, you could deliver the news in one quick text.
You won't need to do anything - just pay for the flowers and she will deliver them to your reception, where they will be placed upon the tables.
Here are a few tips to help you deliver a great performance.
I'm interested in giving specific advice on what to do that will deliver the results they want!"
When she appeared on Comedy Central's roast for William Shatner, she again stumbled over her prepared jokes, needing to restart several times to deliver her speech.
No matter what his prognosis is, Swayze continues to work and deliver excellent performances, while campaigning to raise funds and awareness for cancer treatment.
Successful celebrities can get past these distractions, however, and deliver memorable love scenes that are talked about for years to come.
Using a variety of online technologies like streaming video, chat, forum services, and ordinary web pages, colleges deliver material to students completely online.
For example, Gatlin Education partners with schools across the U.S. to deliver certificate programs in a number of subjects.
They have to be familiar with the sports they are supporting and they have to deliver original choreography and style that not only whets the crowd's appetite but has them yelling for more.
They deliver with jumps, twirls, flips, pyramids and tosses that bring the crowds to their feet and have them screaming the team's name.
They are just cheerleaders in uniforms, lacking a personal identity beyond what they deliver on the field.
Students who are serious about achieving that goal must be willing to commit the time, manage their time and deliver the work.
Room service is also available twenty-four hours a day, and while the standard menu is quite limited, during dining hours it is possible to arrange for a cabin steward to deliver restaurant items to your cabin.
This helps stewards deliver and pick up luggage smoothly, making certain it is stored in the proper location for easy retrieval.
StarLite hires many types of employees, all of whom are expected to deliver the exceptional service the line is renowned for.
Whether it's an extravagant luxury cruise or an excitement-packed, one-day getaway, you will find a Costa Rican cruise that will deliver what you want.
Sometimes females die trying to deliver that last litter from an overworked uterus.
Again, deliver the command in a firm, low voice that conveys your displeasure to your pet, then remove the object from his mouth.
These collars are worn in place of a regular collar and, on your signal, typically deliver a variable amount of static electricity or other type of electronic stimulation via metal discs located on the inside of the collar to your dog.
Each collar is a different color, and responds to the coordinating color button on the remote, so you can deliver a correction/command only to the dog who needs it.
Static shock style collars deliver a zap that is similar to touching metal after you've walked on carpet--uncomfortable, but not really life threatening.
These training aids are similar to electronic collars in that they also deliver a static shock to discourage your pet from going where he doesn't belong.
Ointments are among the easiest medications to apply, while other forms of medicine can be more difficult to deliver.
The collar is designed to deliver a small electrostatic shock whenever your dog barks.
Timberwolf formulas generally deliver between 22 and 28 percent protein.
Most bitches deliver between 58 and 65 days gestation.
If your dog is truly pregnant, she should deliver any day now so keep a close eye on her.
This will help determine if your bitch will need a C-section to deliver her litter.
You will want to deliver the sample to your vet's office as soon as you can; the fresher the better.
More advanced beds have aelectric wires (well padded and hidden in the design) that deliver low-level heat and have a control much like a human electric blanket.
Every bitch deserves a safe and relatively comfortable place to deliver her pups, so a whelping box is essential.
Whelping boxes are simply flat surfaces with raised sides that are used to deliver and nurse newborn puppies.
The mother dog will find an enclosed, warm space where she can deliver and keep her babies secure during the first critical days of life.
Use the plunger to slowly deliver the medication into the dog's mouth.
Find out why this is so, as well as how long you might expect your own dog might take to deliver her pups.
The average canine pregnancy lasts about 63 days, but dogs can actually deliver across a wider time range from 58 through 67 days gestation.
Once she actively begins pushing, she should deliver the first pup within approximately one hour.
If you have a big section of soil to amend, some bulk carriers deliver truckloads of compost to your doorstep.
The goal is to create your own water systems that deliver nutrients to the plants as often as needed.
This will deliver the oxygen to the plants, needed to keep them flourishing.
Water pump - Used to deliver the liquid nutrient solution to the plant's root system.
Since it is lightweight, it is a mulch that is easy to pick up at garden stores or deliver directly to the house.
If it is not locally available, it is often cheaper to deliver than other forms of mulch.
Thanks to a well-developed U.S. Postal Service that could deliver packages anywhere there was mail service, people throughout the vast nation suddenly had access to myriad goods, including seeds.
Having built their business on word of mouth, they deliver quality their customers can count on.
The tankless water heater would be able to deliver hot water for two of the sources, but by adding a third, the demand is more than what the heater can handle.
Monorail lighting tracks are made of flexible metallic rails that serve to both suspend the light as well as deliver the power necessary for lighting it.
Then I get everything together, wrap it up, and deliver it.
Although they advertise as a national delivery service, they don't deliver in all locations so check before you start shopping.