Delimiter Sentence Examples
This syntax often can be avoided by using a different delimiter; e.g., " Don't " instead of ' Don''t ' .
The function takes an array as the argument and you can specify the item delimiter.
A field is a (possibly empty) maximal substring of s not containing any delimiter.
Conditions under which control characters match a space delimiter are none.
In practice, a branch is usually a single delimiter.
In a start-tag, the element name must immediately follow the tag open delimiter ` ' .
All options are specified after the last pattern delimiter.
If, on the other hand, the newline branch is taken, the next delimiter is taken as the one following the ALL.
This message means that the closing delimiter was omitted.
If there are any trailing directory delimiter characters, they are removed.
AdvertisementThe list must be preceded by the comment delimiter " .. ", appearing on a separate line.
You can create them in any editor and use any field delimiter you like.
Base template oopsbase.tmpl The first line declares a delimiter variable called " sep ", used to separate multiple link items.
A group expression is a character string containing a list of one or more sub-strings separated by some specified delimiter.
The file must contain columns of values, using a consistent delimiter.
AdvertisementSearch pattern not terminated (F) The lexer couldn't find the final delimiter of a / / or m{ } construct.
Note that the name must include the trailing delimiter (' / ' on Unix systems ).