Deleted Sentence Examples
With a resigned sigh, she opened the 'Alex' icon and deleted yesterday's message before starting another.
As she watched, he deleted whatever it was then moved onto his evening schedule and deleted everything there, too.
I have never deleted an email, sent or received, so that my in and out boxes are now hopelessly clogged.
Other provisions, the object of which had been to restrain John from demanding more money from various classes of his subjects, were also deleted, and the same fate befell such chapters as dealt with mere temporary matters.
Similarly, by putting one or more of the deleted rows or columns equal to rows or columns which are not deleted, we obtain, with Laplace, a number of identities between products of determinants of complementary orders.
Most email accounts track these emails and put them in a separate inbox which is alter deleted but always beware.
I have accidentally deleted a file from my home directory.
This does not protect from files being accidently deleted or corrupted.
An elderly worker from Wolverton explained they became gray due to the " (expletive deleted) from the [engine's] chimney.
I finally manually deleted all of the advertising spam.
AdvertisementE-mail messages can be automatically deleted from the voicemail, or a copy retained on the voice processing system.
Jokes do not replicate, can be safely deleted and are harmless to a computer.
This command allows subgroup generators to be deleted from the presentation.
Deleting files Files can be deleted using the rm command.
When the user has finished reading the e-book it can be deleted from the handheld device in order to make space for another text.
AdvertisementThe best thing of all however is that junk faxes can be deleted without wasting paper and ink!
Please note that any messages in a deleted folder will also be deleted.
Email addresses which cause newsletter mailings to ' bounce ' may be deleted without further notice or refund.
These fields may not be deleted from the database, the class type changed, or made optional.
Gervais also mockingly introduces some outtakes and a series of deleted scenes, notably of Gareth arriving in his horrendous cycle shorts.
AdvertisementA cell best deleted; snipped into sections with safety scissors, then cast upon the four winds.
There are six deleted scenes, and in a break from tradition they are all rather substantial and entertaining, if not absolutely essential.
Don't ever send me attachments - your email will simply be deleted unread.
Len no longer describes Cecil as ' a complete duck ' and her later comment ' while she's still wee ' is deleted.
Next there are six deleted scenes which are presented in non-anamorphic widescreen, together with an optional director's introduction.
AdvertisementTemporary files are now deleted by finalizers (may lead to better reclamation of temporary file space during operation).
Requirement for payment of 90% of total price deleted and term redrafted in plain language.
Deleted existing pages / need to revert back to a previous state?
Stating it in another way, all the schwas in a word are equally likely to be deleted.
The deleted portions are indicated by the number of the chapter, section, or subsection of the previous version.
The Good Cider Guide by David Kitton, 1st edition, October 1987, Alma Books, deleted superseded by the second edition above.
Do n't ever send me attachments - your email will simply be deleted unread.
Concurrent validity was established by calculating correlation coefficients between Deleted Essential Test scores and scores on other integrative and holistic tests.
Len no longer describes Cecil as ' a complete duck ' and her later comment ' while she 's still wee ' is deleted.
Next there are six deleted scenes which are presented in non-anamorphic widescreen, together with an optional director 's introduction.
He had to click the "redo" button to bring back the words he had deleted in error.
Keep in mind that these freebies may change or be deleted at any time, so check back periodically for new offers.
There are, however, a few products available for purchase that can recover deleted text messages from a phone as well as track called numbers and calls received.
The information is stored in the phone even after it is deleted from the SIM card.
Once you log out or close your browser window, your temporary Phixr account and the photos you uploaded will be deleted from the Phixr servers.
Many online registries allow you to manage and make changes, so for example if a couple receives a surprise gift that was similar to an item on the registry, the item can simply be deleted from the registry.
Facebook staff quickly deleted that account.
Depending on particular lines' schedules and itineraries, different embarkation ports may be added to or deleted from their rosters.
Embarkation ports may be added to or deleted from cruise ship itineraries at any time.
Otherwise, any game you emulate must be deleted within 24 hours.
The sounds, likewise, are pretty basic, with a fun noise being played when cubes are deleted or fall.
It should be noted that only third-party applications can be deleted from the iPhone.
Any of the pre-installed first party apps, like Mail and Messages, cannot be deleted.
An RB1 gene is non-functional when it is changed or missing (deleted) and no longer produces normal tumor suppressor protein.
Approximately 40 percent of people with retinoblastoma have inherited a non-functional or deleted RB1 gene from either their mother or father.
A person with an inherited missing or non-functional RB1 gene will develop a retinal tumor if the remaining RB1 gene becomes changed or deleted in a retinal cell.
Retinoblastoma can also result when both RB1 genes become spontaneously changed or deleted in a retinal cell but the RB1 genes are normal in all the other cells of the body.
The only way to establish whether someone has an inherited form of retinoblastoma is to see if the retinoblastoma gene is changed or deleted in the blood cells obtained from a blood sample.
If an RB1 gene is deleted or changed in all of the blood cells tested, the patient can be assumed to have been born with a changed/deleted RB1 gene in all of his or her cells.
Cri du chat (a French phrase that means "cry of the cat") syndrome is a group of symptoms that result when a piece of chromosomal material is missing (deleted) from a particular region on chromosome 5.
This deleted genetic material is vital for normal development.
Cri du chat is the result of a chromosome abnormality-a deleted piece of chromosomal material on chromosome 5.
The loss of the genes in the deleted material means that the baby's third and fourth pharyngeal pouches fail to develop normally during the twelfth week of pregnancy.
Initially, scientists found that individuals with PWS have a portion of genetic material deleted (erased) from chromosome 15.
In order to have PWS, the genetic material must be deleted from the chromosome 15 received from one's father.
Over time, scientists realized that some individuals with PWS do not have genetic material deleted from chromosome 15.
If these genes are deleted, not inherited, or incorrectly imprinted, PWS develops.
Seventy percent of the cases of PWS are caused when a piece of material is deleted, or erased, from the paternal chromosome 15.
The piece of chromosomal material that is deleted contains genes that must be present for normal development.
The board is monitored for SPAM and inappropriate announcements are deleted regularly.
If you don't find anything in those two areas, then check the deleted mail section.
Over-active spam filters, emails going missing, messages being deleted and more can stop an announcement from being read.
Technology has made it possible to access previous versions of nearly every website--even if the content has been deleted.
Deleting that shortcut doesn't mean you've necessarily deleted the game, however.
Will the hologram herself end up not getting deleted?
Nothing gets deleted faster than a voice mail that doesn't come to the point.
Pages can be rearranged, renamed, added or deleted as the user sees fit.
A formal memo offers this option and ensures recipients cannot claim they accidentally deleted the message or it ended up in the spam filter.
These are oftentimes hunted down by networks and quickly deleted, however plenty of episodes have been viewed by thousands of web visitors before the situation can be stopped.
Video content includes full episodes from the show, as well as web-only exclusives that include deleted scenes.
There are extended scenes of some of the more popular episodes as well as deleted scenes, especially of the infamous Vanessa and Brandi shower scene.
The photos are an important part of the application, and your e-mail will be deleted if they aren't included.
You'll also be able to see deleted scenes, full episodes, and synopses of all the episodes so far, or join the forum to discuss the show.
That means the background you're using can be moved or deleted at any time.
Post comments in forums that serve the same niche, and include a link to your blog if the link is relevant to the conversation (otherwise it will get deleted).
Fortunately, comments can be deleted, but you will need to monitor them on a regular basis.
Although Facebook's code does not allow users to add personal code to pages, Facebook still warns that users who manage to implement tracking code on their pages may have their accounts deleted.
The process to completely remove your account can get a bit tricky, but it is possible to have your information permanently deleted from the site.
No matter what your reasons are for leaving Facebook, there are some steps you must take to have your account deleted.
Before you can have your account deleted, it will first be deactivated.
A deleted account is completely removed from Facebook, and if you wish to return you'll have to register all over again.
If a loved one has passed away, you may want to have his or her Facebook account deleted.
The other option is to have the account deleted.
There is now a form on Facebook, called Report a Deceased Person's Profile, which can be used by immediate family to have the account either memorialized or deleted.
Since a deleted account can never be restored, all of the information and photos you have on your profile will be gone for good.
Building a full offline test website also serves as a back up copy should your live website ever get deleted or otherwise damaged.
The deleted sentences usually relate to eminent persons; they sometimes repeat scandal, sometimes give the author's own opinion.
This command allows group relators to be deleted from the presentation.
Fans of the film will be hugely disappointed as deleted scenes are nowhere to be seen.
Therefore, the difference in the mean schwa duration implies the difference in the number of schwas deleted in the whole system.
We also observe that word-final schwas are deleted first.
Therefore, the difference in the mean schwa duration implies the difference in the number of schwa duration implies the difference in the number of schwas deleted in the whole system.
Another imaginary origin has been suggested in a corruption of "the 0 deleted," i.e.