Delayed Sentence Examples
The final secularization was delayed till 1819.
A blowing snow storm delayed our flight north.
The delayed conversation indicated he was talking on the telephone.
We delayed a decision until we'd discussed our shutting down with the others.
She accordingly delayed a year.
He smiled up at her and delayed telling her about the call.
There was a fender bender in the town square that delayed me but I wasted little time racing up the Surry road.
His flight was delayed and the power went off at the house.
But the music was delayed until the strange incident of a message from the emperor of Brazil encouraged Wagner to complete it in 18J9.
In this minute the farmers ascribed all their troubles to one cause, namely, the absence of a representative government, which had been repeatedly asked for by them while still living in Cape Colony and as often denied or delayed, and concluded by a protest against the occupation of any part of their territory by British troops.
AdvertisementBecome belligerent on the phone and you may find that your delivery may arrive faster this time, but the next could be "unavoidably" delayed, or the vendor has found a more suitable customer to replace you, leaving you hanging out to dry.
Charles's departure from Saxony was delayed for twelve months by a quarrel with the emperor.
The unrest in Zululand delayed action being taken on the commission's report.
On his release he had promised he would maintain the treaty of Arras and withdraw from the Netherlands; but he delayed his departure for nearly a year and took part in a punitive campaign against his captors and their allies.
The attack on Persia was delayed by the assassination of Philip in 336, and it needed some fighting before the young Alexander had made his position secure in Macedonia and Greece.
AdvertisementThe conflict about St Pierre (Lostenia) was one of the most bloody of the war; but for hours Hill maintained his ground, and finally repulsed the French before Wellington, delayed by his pontoon bridge over the Nive having been swept away, arrived to his aid.
The Confederates concentrated above 40,000 men at Corinth and advanced on Pittsburg Landing with a view to beating Grant before Buell's arrival, but their concentration had left them only a narrow margin of time, and the advance was further delayed by the wretched condition of the roads.
One cannot avoid the suspicion that in this instance the Hebrew chronicler purposely phrased his account to convey the impression that Sennacherib's tragic end was but the slightly delayed culmination of the punishment inflicted for his attack upon the "chosen people."
Elizabeth delayed the breach as long as she could, probably because she knew that war meant taxation, and that taxation was the most prolific parent of revolt.
Want of transport resources, however, delayed the preparations till the third week in March 1913, when - parts of the 3rd, 9th and 4th Divs.
AdvertisementI considered hanging up but for some reason delayed.
School was never so much as delayed.
I know you want to discuss your trip to Norfolk and I hated to see the poor young man delayed.
It wasn't the time or place, but the subject was opened and the confrontation could no longer be delayed.
Russia now remained the only unconquered power on the continent, and it was evident that the final struggle with her could not be long delayed.
AdvertisementThis rejuvenation of the notion of radicals rapidly gained favour; and the complete fusion of the radical theory with the theory of types was not long delayed.
The heavy rain, which had delayed the commencement of the action, had swollen the Bistritz so as to check their advance and thus postpone the decision, whilst the mist and driving rain hid the approaching troops from the Austrian gunners, whose shells burst almost harmlessly on the sodden ground.
In pathological cell-division it happens occasionally that the segmentation of the cytoplasm is delayed beyond that of the mitotic network.
It is in this department, from its abstruseness and complexity, that we should expect the advance of anatomy and physiology - normal and morbid - to be most delayed.
It was probably abhorrence of such measures that converted Thomas Reynolds from a conspirator to an informer; at all events, by him and several others the authorities were kept posted in what was going on, though lack of evidence producible in court delayed the arrest of the ringleaders.
For while the expected " end of the age " delayed, persecutions abounded.
In the centre, the defective arrangements of the allied staff had delayed the 4th column (Kolowrat), the line of march of which was crossed by Liechtenstein's cavalry moving in the opposite direction.
An open breach was only delayed by the desire of both kings to fulfil the crusading vows which they had recently taken.
His voyage was delayed by storms, and he appears to have been perplexed as to the safest route.
The French cuirassiers made repeated charges on the flank of Rosenberg's force, and for long delayed the assault, and in the villages Lannes with a single division made a heroic and successful resistance, till night ended the battle.
Railways.It is easy to understand that an enterprise like railway construction, requiring a great outlay of capital with returns long delayed, did not at first commend itself to the Japanese, who were almost entirely ignorant of co-operation as a factor of business organization.
The high bailiff refused to make a return, and the confirmation of Fox's election was delayed by the somewhat mean action of the ministry.
Villehardouin had hardly returned when Thibault fell sick and died; but this did not prevent, though it somewhat delayed, the enterprise of the crusaders.
The French ambassador, de la Haye, had delayed bringing him the customary gifts, with the idea that he would, like his predecessors, speedily give place to a new grand vizier; Kuprili was bitterly offended, and, on pretext of an abuse of the immunities of diplomatic correspondence, bastinadoed the ambassador's son and cast him and the ambassador himself into prison.
The provision of a new graving dock adjoining the Alexandra was delayed in October 1905 by a subsidence of the ground during its construction.
Meanwhile a third panic broke out which delayed the preliminary movements and it was now growing dark in the ravine.
Want of power, or other obstacles, delayed the final extinction of tolerated Mahommedanism in all parts of Spain, but by 1525 it was everywhere suppressed.
Thus answers to his inquiries were delayed.
A storm which scattered both fleets delayed their meeting till the 25th of July.
The Romans punished massacre by massacre, and the complete suppression of the insurrection was long delayed, but the Jews made no great stand against disciplined troops.
Trajan, who had no children, had continually delayed to settle the succession to the throne, though Pliny in the "Panegyric" had pointedly drawn his attention to the matter, and it must have caused the senate much anxiety.
Meanwhile the civil tribunal at Vienne had ordered (17th June) that he be fined and burned alive; the sentence of the ecclesiastical tribunal at Vienne was delayed till 23rd December.
So long was the publication delayed that it was generally believed that Temple Franklin had sold all the papers to the British government; a French version, Memoires de la vie privie (Paris, 1791), was retranslated into English twice in 1793 (London), and from one of these versions (by Robinson) still another French version was made (Paris, 1798).
Necessaries had been delayed in the attempt to import steamers from the coast before the railway was made.
To its founder is traced by some the origin of the term "blarney," since he delayed by persuasion and promises the surrender of the castle to the lord president.
Gustavus's hopes of an early decision were frustrated by the fog, which delayed the approach and deployment of the Swedes.
These indispensable works delayed the publication of the principal collection, but tended to give it a more solid basis and a strictly scientific stamp. In 1887 appeared vol.
Gerard's advance had been delayed owing to the commander of his leading division deserting with his staff to the Prussians.
This unnecessary delay was aggravated further by a fire that broke out in Wavre and delayed the march.
By the craft of Hera, his foe through life, his birth was delayed, and that of Eurystheus, son of Sthenelus of Argos, hastened, Zeus having in effect sworn that the elder of the two should rule the realm of Perseus.
Oku had to start at the earliest possible moment, even though operations against Port Arthur were thereby delayed for a week or two.
Even the reform of taxation carried out in the autumn of 1915 (modification of the inheritance and donations duty and the taxation on insurance policies and legal charges) cannot be regarded strictly as war taxes, as they had been planned a considerable time before the outbreak of the war and had only been delayed by the inability of Parliament to continue its work.
The political events of 1848-1849, however, delayed his appearance in his new chair.
It was then announced that John of Antioch had been delayed on his journey and could not appear for some days; he, however, is stated to have written politely requesting that the opening of the synod should not be delayed on his account.
He was delayed, and used the interval to spend two or three months at Oxford, where he found John Colet lecturing on the Epistle to the Romans.
Again, however, he made the mistake of attacking a fortress, which delayed his advance for a month, and gave John Casimir time to collect an army for the relief of the besieged.
The visit of the allied sovereigns to England and the pressing engagements of the emperor Alexander and Lord Castlereagh delayed the congress until the autumn, when all Europe sent its representatives to accept the hospitality of the impoverished but magnificent Austrian court.
In a large number of cases this had only been delayed by so constructing the houses that they were used both as dwellings and as chapels at one and the same time.
Here too the expectation of the near return of Christ doubtless delayed for a number of years the desire and need for written compositions.
The final victory was no doubt a little delayed.
Its realization was delayed by the wars that devastated the country down to the overthrow of Maximilian, but the leaven was at work, and with the return of peace a marked increase in the number of primary and secondary schools was noted.
The Old Testament had been " long since " completed, but " for lacke of good meanes " (Preface to the New Testament), its appearance was delayed till 1609-1610, when it was published at Douai.
As no attempt was made to stop him in the Straits of Gibraltar, he passed them on the 16th of May, and though the rawness of his crews and his own error in wasting time in pursuit of prizes delayed his passage, he reached the mouth of the Delaware on the 8th of July unopposed.
But financial difficulties, combined with civil and religious convulsions, long delayed the accomplishment of his desires.
His proclamation at Pamplona, however, did not take place till March of the following year, and his coronation was delayed until May 1273.
He had the support of a Spanish army under General Cuesta; but his movements were delayed by the neglect of the Spanish government, and Soult was able to collect a large force for the purpose of falling upon the English line of communication.
In 1839 a steamship service along the coast was opened, but direct communication with Europe was delayed until 1850, and with the United States until 1865.
The inevitable crisis was delayed until the stormy year 1848, when the king probably saved his crown by hastily giving back the constitution of 1833.
Owing to different circumstances the conference was delayed till the autumn of 1889.
The coveted peerage was not long delayed.
Progress was delayed too by the great revolt of Boadicea and a large part of the nominally conquered Lowlands.
When mixed the concrete is carried at once to the position required, and if the matrix is quick-setting Portland cement this operation must not be delayed.
Fortunately too for him, the Swedish government delayed hostilities in Scania till February 1644, so that the Danes were able to make adequate defensive preparations and save the important fortress of Malmo.
Though rivalry between European Powers led to many public works being delayed, through the action of the public Sanitary Association the streets, which are narrow and crooked, have been re-paved as well as cleaned and partially lighted, and several new roads have been made outside the town.
Any who expect to get early cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce or radishes, while planting or sowing is delayed until the time of sowing tomato and egg plant in May, are sure to be disappointed of a full crop. Frequent rotation of crops should be practised in the vegetable garden, in order to head off insects and diseases; and also to make the best use of the land.
Pelargoniums, pinks, monthly roses and all the half-hardy kinds of flowering plants should be planted early, but coleus, heliotrope and the more tender plants should be delayed until the end of the month.
The patriot party sided with the French, but for various reasons the conquest of the country was delayed until 1795.
The Ashanti delayed war until their preparations were complete, whilst the Gold Coast officials appear to have thought the risk of hostilities remote.
The date of the final settlement was in all probability delayed by the activity of Nelson, and his belief that a British fleet was the best negotiator in Europe.
The passport being delayed, he offered to reveal to Walsingham a dangerous conspiracy, but the latter sent no reply, and meanwhile the ports were closed and none allowed to leave the kingdom for some days.
The supreme issue was, however, delayed for a few weeks by the intervention of Napoleon, who, urged on by the loud alarm of the French people at the prospective aggrandizement of Prussia, attempted to detach Italy.
The fleet was, as it chanced, delayed by a storm in the Bay of Navarino, and rough fortifications were put up by the sailors on the promontory of Pylos.
The commander marched from Syria through El- Arish, easily took Farama or Pelusitim, and thence proceeded to Bilbeis, where he was delayed for a month; having captured this place, he proceeded to a point on the Nile called Umm Dunain, the siege of which also occasioned him some difficulty.
Lord Palmerston was opposed to this project, and the British opposition delayed the ratification of the concession by the Porte for two years.
The railway, delayed by the construction of the big bridge over the Atbara, was opened to the Blue Nile opposite Khartum, 187 m.
Warned by Frederick, Keith escaped; but Katte delayed his flight too long, and a court-martial decided that he should be punished with two years' fortress arrest.
He was interested in many things, and threw himself with ardour into whatever he took up; he contrived schemes quickly, and pushed them on with an energy which usually made them succeed when no long time was needed, for, if a project was delayed, there was a risk of his tiring of it and dropping it.
Civil obstacles have hitherto delayed its adoption by the metropolitan of India.
The district of Southland was surveyed in 1841, but was reported unfavourable, and settlement was delayed till 1857.
At Glasgow on the 5th of December he again outlined a Liberal programme, this and other speeches all leading to the assumption that his return to active co-operation with the Liberal party in the general election - which could not be long delayed - was fairly certain.
After obtaining this Gardiner returned home; but early in the following year, 1529, when proceedings were delayed on information of the brief in Spain, he was sent once more to Rome.
Jesus retires northwards to Caesarea Philippi, and appears henceforth to devote Himself entirely to the instruction of his disciples, who needed to be prepared for the fatal issue which could not long be delayed.
His capture of a convoy of military stores at one of the two places called Ballyneety between Limerick and Tipperary, delayed the siege of the town till the winter rains forced the English to retire.
It is not a little curious that the obvious improvement of trans ferring the declination axis as well as the declination-clamp to the telescope end of the declination axis was so long delayed; we can explain the delay only by the desire to retain the declination circle as a part of the counterpoise.
Gaol deliveries were of rare occurrence, even when tardy trial ended in acquittal release was delayed until illegal charges in the way of fees had been satisfied.
The transoceanic invasion progressed slowly through the 17th and 18th centuries, delayed by the head winds of a rough ocean which was crossed only in slow sailing vessels, and by the rough " backwoods " of the Appalachians, which retarded the penetration of wagon roads and canals into the interior.
The stubborn resistance of the garrison delayed Ibrahim's progress; and, meanwhile, wild rumours went abroad as to Mehemet Ali's intentions.
His coming was delayed, in part by the opposition of demons, in part by the failure of the people to obey the law.
It is believed that such souls continue to be members of the Church of Christ; that they are helped by the suffrages of the living - that is, by prayers, alms and other good works, and more especially by the sacrifice of the Mass; and that, although delayed until "the last farthing is paid," their salvation is assured.
The purpose of the company was to build up a profitable commercial and agricultural community; but the hostility of the natives, unfavourable climatic conditions and the character of the colonists delayed the growth of the new community.
But Danby purposely delayed; an impeachment was hanging over his head, and anything which took men's minds off that was welcome.
The queen delayed the appointment, and Bacon's fortunes, as they then stood, could ill brook delay.
The judges took no notice of the intimation, proceeded at once to give judgment, and sent a letter in their united names to the king announcing what they had done, and declaring that it was contrary to law and to their oath for them to pay any attention to a request that their decision should be delayed.
James then entered at great length into the case, censuring the judges for the offensive form of their letter, and for not having delayed judgment upon his demand, which had been made solely because he was himself a party concerned.
The fine was in effect remitted by the king; imprisonment in the Tower lasted for about days; a general pardon (not of course covering the parliamentary censure) was made out, and though delayed at the seal for a time by Lord Keeper Williams, was passed probably in November 1621.
The Riksdag, however, delayed coming to a decision, and contented itself by earmarking money for an insurance fund.
The projected invasion of Ireland was delayed through want of funds till it was too late; Hyde's mission to Spain, in the midst of Cromwell's successes, brought no assistance, and Charles now turned to Scotland for aid.
Those who are able to read the history in the light of what occurred later may perhaps be convinced that no policy whatever initiated after 1766 could have prevented or even materially delayed the declaration of American independence; but to the politicians of that time the coming event had not yet cast so dark a shadow before as to paralyse all action, and if any man could have allayed the growing discontent of the colonists and prevented the ultimate dismemberment of the empire, it would have been Lord Chatham.
The death of Ribas delayed the execution.
He requested aid from his Bohemian subjects, and this was granted by the Rosenberg faction, while Romital and his party purposely delayed sending any forces to Hungary.
He was delayed by a mutiny off the coast of Spain, but reached the island of Lanzarote in July.
Attila, who knew the difficulty that he should have in feeding his immense army if his march was further delayed, turned again to the north-east, was persuaded by the venerable bishop Lupus to spare the city of Troyes, but halted near that place in the Catalaunian plains and offered battle to his pursuers Aetius and Theodoric. The battle which followed - certainly one of the decisive battles of the world - has been.
When at last she was ready to sail she was delayed by contrary winds.
But his voyage being delayed by contrary winds he was finally compelled to return without accomplishing his wish.
Fortunately, however, for him, he broke his leg on the journey, and his arrival was thus delayed till the news of Queen Mary's death freed him from further danger.
An offer of help from Nepal had been accepted in July, and now Jung Bahadur, the prime minister of Nepal, was advancing with io,000 Gurkhas to aid in the operations againt Lucknow; but the lateness of his arrival delayed the opening of the siege until the 2nd of March 1858.
The pope's death and Caesar's own downfall were not destined to be long delayed.
Bolingbroke's daring spirit, however, recoiled from no extreme, and, fortunately for Swift, he added so much of his own to the latter's MS. that the production was first delayed and then, upon the news of Anne's death, immediately suppressed.
After the treachery of the French commander of this expedition a spirit of unity and despairing energy seemed reawakened in them; but this could not avert and scarcely delayed the rapidly approaching extinction of the community.
The sacrifice and visit to Mecca may, however, be delayed till the 11th, 12th or 13th.
The peace between Spain and the United Provinces was signed on the 26th of June 1714, but the conclusion of the one between Spain and Portugal was delayed until the following February.
The beginning of railway building in Oregon was delayed a few years by a contest between parties desiring a line on the east side of the Willamette river and parties desiring one on the west side.
The printing of his observations was delayed by disputes about their ownership; but they were finally issued from the Clarendon Press, Oxford, in two folio volumes (1798, 1805).
Nearly a month later black-face lambs are marked and the eild sheep are shorn - the shearing of mulch ewes being delayed till the second week of July.
But it was often delayed until the deathbed, for the primitive idea that mortal sins committed after baptism were sins against the Holy Spirit and unforgivable, still influenced men, and survived among the Cathars up to the 14th century.
As his embarkation was further delayed for ten weeks he published A Continuation of the Rev. Mr Whitefield's Journal during the Time he was delayed in England by the Embargo.
Matildas adherents were already in the field in Normandy; in England their rising was only delayed for a few months.
Drakes singeing of Philips beard in Cadiz harbour in 1587 delayed the expedition for a year, and a storm again postponed it in the early summer of 1588.
The Turks, entrenched at Plevna, delayed the Russian advance; and it was only towards the close of 1877 that Plevna at last fell and Turkish resistance collapsed.
The Hay-Herran Treaty of January 1903, providing that the United States take over the Panama Canal was not ratified by the Colombian Congress, possibly because it was hoped that settlement might be delayed until the concession to the company expired, and that then the payment from the United States would come directly to the Colombian government; and the Congress, which had been specially called for the purpose - there was no regular legislative government in Bogota in1898-1903- adjourned on the 31st of October.
The appearance of the Atlas coelestis, corresponding to the British Catalogue, was delayed until 1729.
Prussia declared war against France, and the duke of Brunswick was chosen to command the allied forces, but various causes delayed action.
Thomas Henderson (1798-1844) had indeed measured the larger displacements of a Centauri at the Cape in 1832-1833, but delayed until 1839 to publish his result.
Even then he was long delayed by the want of monitors with which to oppose the ironclad vessels of the enemy.
The Bishop of Lincoln" it was decided in 1890 that the singing of the Agnus Dei in English by the choir during the administration of the Holy Communion, provided that the reception of the elements be not delayed till its conclusion, is not illegal in the Church of England.
After similar trouble it was also registered by the provincial parlements, the last to take this step being the parlement of Rouen, which delayed the registration until 1609.
The lad was just over fifteen and the co-habitation of the couple was wisely delayed; but he died on the 2nd of April following.
Philips divorce from Ingeborg of Denmark, who appealed successfully to Pope Innocent III., merely delayed the inevitable conflict.
During 713 and 714 the north was subdued to the foot of the mountains, and when Miis and Tank were recalled to Damascus by the caliph the progress of the Moslems was not delayed.
In consequence, the author was violently attacked and his inevitable, preferment was delayed.
Carlo Zeno had long since been ordered to return, but the slowness and difficulty of communication and movement under 14th century conditions delayed his reappearance.
The sultan delayed his answer.
He had delayed mentioning the subject, knowing the old man, who devoured crime in the printed form and imagined it everywhere else, would stomp all over this real dilemma like a peasant in a wine vat.
Dean allowed Gladys to devour a platoon-size breakfast while he delayed bringing up the awkward question of the late-night alarm.
He delayed mentioning Edith's visit to his room as if that encounter deserved its own time and chapter in this bizarre scenario.
The phone calls elicited either no response or a delayed response days later.
She may be delayed in acquiring the vocabulary of her classmates.
I was glad to stumble upon this site as I am new to the delayed food allergy plagued world.
We will take any payment we make for delayed baggage from the amount of any claim if your baggage is permanently lost.
These include celibacy, delayed marriage, contraception and abortion.
Net family income at age 33 was lower for both teenage mothers and fathers than for those who delayed childbearing.
Delayed childbearing - first-time buyers are starting their families later than during the 1980s.
She has asthma and in 1955 had cholera which delayed growth.
The proteins were cleaved by chemical or enzymatic digestion to produce peptide maps, which were analyzed by pulsed delayed extraction MALDI-MS.
The chairman of Lothian NHS Board, Brian Cavanagh said there is no simple solution to reducing the problem of delayed discharges.
The actual removal was delayed over the Christmas period while seating was restricted in the area affected by dry rot.
Radio signals bounce off obstacles like buildings, adding a delayed faint echo to the intended signal.
Men may experience difficulty in getting or keeping an erection, or delayed ejaculation.
Risk Factors All predicative characteristics for acute emesis should be considered a risk factor for delayed.
The teachers approved of this system, and always delayed entry into the classroom to allow the erasure.
Problems during the esophageal phase of swallowing indicated gastric reflux and delayed mobility in the lower esophagus.
This problem has been reported in some areas where more evacuees than expected have arrived or the extra deliveries have been delayed.
We are fully aware of the application by the Russian federation of a revised delayed draft plan for destruction of its chemical weapons.
Boat owners should be aware that pleasure craft may be delayed by up to two hours whilst the temporary pedestrian footbridge is erected.
Gastrointestinal system Vomiting, delayed gastric emptying, reduced bowel motility.
Delayed graft function is associated with reduced length of graft survival.
Delayed gratification is almost a forgotten concept, except where women are concerned.
Alcohol - this may cause you to have a " delayed hypo " the next day.
Conditions included postoperative ileus, delayed onset muscle soreness, migraine, influenza, asthma, rheumatic conditions and osteoarthritis.
The Council cannot be held responsible for entries lost, delayed or rendered illegible.
Our flight was delayed and we reached Porto Sani well past midnight, rather jaded.
Those Clubs responsible for a late kickoff shall be fined £ 5.00 per minute delayed.
Well, because Alan and Steven manage the libertines it kinda delayed things with our contract.
However, a resumption of the protracted litigation which has surrounded Bula delayed the sale process.
With minimally delayed drum loops setting the stage, the duo weaves an organic web of various acoustic instruments on top.
It hadn't been reloaded when the airline staff retrieved the luggage of the delayed passengers from Peking.
The insurance covers you from door to door against loss caused by missed or delayed trains, lost luggage or journey cancelation.
In the process, some of the energy of excitation is re-emitted as delayed luminescence, while the rest is dissipated as heat.
Mab treatment appears to have delayed the onset of clinical disease indefinitely.
The opportunity for Mexican farmers and society to benefit from biotech maize has been unnecessarily delayed.
Temperatures remained relatively mild throughout the month, with only four mornings later in the month where ground frost delayed course openings.
The most noticeable feature of the Strong PB model is the much delayed onset of a, then, much stronger take-up phase.
The mice fed the drug cocktail lived substantially longer, and had a delayed onset of nerve and muscle deterioration.
We investigate an inverted pendulum on a cart subject to a delayed feedback control force which tries to balance the pendulum.
Delayed spontaneous bladder perforation - no particular intestinal segment is more predisposed.
Delayed Travel Holiday Abandonment Up to £ 1,000 (excluding insurance premiums) £ 25 5ii.
If your arrival time is going to be delayed then please let the proprietor know so that the room can be kept for you.
With respect to the study on delayed puberty, members noted with interest the possibility that lead can affect hormonal systems.
The coldest March for a decade has delayed the onset of spring and provided limited scope for further aquifer recharge.
It is highly regrettable that the Council's way forward has been further delayed.
This latest embarrassing setback follows news last month that well testing at another Siberian field would be delayed due to melting permafrost.
As the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept.
Yet such synchronicity between vessels was not always easy to enforce, leading to messages being delayed or else going unheard.
The Scottish army delayed by floods following a sudden thaw.
Greater use of Regulations instead of Directives would increase the transparency of the legislation and avoid difficulties arising from delayed or incorrect transposition.
The spread of a new technology is delayed until the leading adopters have overcome teething troubles.
It is reported that some monozygotic twins have problems in establishing their identity and experience delayed language development and problems forming other relationships.
There is a somewhat unseemly haste in the way he takes up her refrain to excuse his delayed recognition of his errors.
Tires for folders and other small wheelers Here at last is the long delayed report on tires for small wheeled cycles.
In France the adhesion was rapid, and the publication was only delayed b, some bishops in consequence of the disastrous war with 1'russia.
The natural phenomena of Switzerland, and the political complications in the Valtellina, where the Catholic inhabitants had thrown off the yoke of the Grisons and called in the Papal and Spanish troops to their assistance, delayed him some time; but he reached Venice in time to see the ceremony of the doge's wedlock with the Adriatic. After paying his vows at Loretto, he came to Rome, which was then on the eve of a year of jubilee - an occasion which Descartes seized to observe the variety of men and manners which the city then embraced within its walls.
The assassination of Philip delayed the blow, for it immediately made the base, Macedonia, insecure, and in such an enterprise, plunging into the vast territories of the Persian empire, a secure base was everything.
She was still in England at the Revolution, having delayed her return to Portugal to prosecute a lawsuit against the second earl of Clarendon, formerly her chamberlain.
France and Austria opened their first lines in 1828; Belgium, Germany, Russia, Italy and Holland in the succeeding decade; Switzerland and Denmark in 1844, Spain in 1848, Sweden in 1851, Norway in 1853, and Portugal in 1854; while Turkey and Greece delayed till 1860 and 1869.
It was said that the prophet Nathan commanded the execution of this plan to be delayed for a generation; but David received at the same time a prophetic assurance that his house and kingdom should be established for ever before Yahweh.
Why the war with Babylon, which had become inevitable, was delayed until 539, we do not know.
All was turmoil and confusion, the crowd frantic. And, although Rondinelli had not come, the signory sent angry messages to ask why the Dominicans delayed the trial.
On the day following they were graciously received by the queen, who undertook to sign a bond for their security, but delayed the subscription till next morning under plea of sickness.
On the 9th of January 1776 Paine published a pamphlet entitled Common Sense, a telling array of arguments for separation and for the establishment of a republic. His argument was that independence was the only consistent line to pursue, that "it must come to that some time or other"; that it would only be more difficult the more it was delayed, and that independence was the surest road to union.
The country, however, was again ravaged by the retiring troops, quarters of Jassy and Bucharest burnt, and the complete evacuation delayed till 1824, when the British government again remonstrated with the Porte (see Eastern Question; Greece; Ypsilanti; Alexander).
It is highly regrettable that the Council 's way forward has been further delayed.
A recovery from Crowley delayed the end, but Leroux regrouped to take the fourth and put Pontefract into the lead after 82 minutes.
The start was delayed, and Daly had to rejoin at the back of the grid.
If your flight is delayed you can relax in comfort and not be stressed.
As the song progresses the washed out repetitive organ riff is augmented by heavily delayed and sporadically panned lead guitar.
Tomorrow, the delayed team racing is rescheduled to take place.
Tree stump removal on Palewell Park delayed due to access problems.
Many former colonial territories delayed several years after independence before they joined the Fund.
Today, research is underway to determine which children do not outgrow this pattern of delayed speech.
She may be delayed in acquiring the vocabulary, syntax, grammar and pragmatics of her age mates.
Motor skills may develop at a delayed rate, including sitting, rolling over, and walking.
If your child's speech seems to be developmentally delayed, she may need speech therapy for a period of time.
Of course, it simply couldn't occur, and the monkeys were developmentally delayed.
Consider bringing enough powdered formula to cover you in the worst case scenario where your formula is confiscated and/or your flights are severely delayed.
While your child will still go through the same developmental process as that of a full term baby, he or she will probably be delayed somewhat in achieving those milestones.
The amount of time your baby was born prematurely is often an indicator of how delayed his development will be.
Is she developmentally delayed in other areas?
Cerebral palsy in infants generally means that many developmental milestones are delayed.
Intelligence testing-IQ tests may be ordered to determine if a child is developmental delayed mentally.
You should ensure that you are buying a ticket that you will be able to use, if your trip has to be delayed.
Special promotions oftentimes include delayed interest charges for a certain number of months or a percentage off the cost of the purchase when the Best Buy card is used.
If the permanent resident has not been married for a minimum of three years or been a permanent resident for five years, then the citizenship exam must be delayed until after the five-year waiting period has been served.
If not, you will receive delayed Amex quotes.
However, you will find that some items will come up that take precedence while others may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances.
Find out what happens if the honeymoon is canceled or delayed.
This ensures them showing up at each destination in a timely manner and the wedding and reception isn't delayed.
For instance, the person who is lying will have delayed or forced reactions.
It was our goal to roll outtwo conversion kits per season; however, as with many other businesses, our plans have been delayed due to our current economic climate.
There may be limitations on how long plaintiffs have to press charges, and delayed cases are more easily dismissed.
Guests should never be delayed or shuffled off to wait for someone else to resolve a problem.
In addition, any other important items, such as a clean pair of underwear and an extra outfit, should also be packed in your tote in case your luggage is lost or delayed.
Pet sitting agencies can provide a back-up caregiver if the original sitter is unavoidably delayed.
Could this be a delayed reaction to all this change, or has this one week with out exercise affected her this much?
If foods are prevented from spoiling for longer periods, or their ripening can be delayed, this means these foods can sit longer on store shelves before having to be discarded.
Before you head out, pack a few essential items to keep you safe in case something unexpected occurs and you are delayed or experience car trouble on the way.
Construction difficulties - including the removal of a planned third inversion - delayed the coaster's initial opening, but today Maverick is thrilling riders daily with its bold red track and wild west excitement.
There are rumors that shipping is going to be delayed (gosh, its only been in development for 3 years!), but you can alwaysyou're your Elder Scrolls fan a gift certificate.
Mario Kart DS has been delayed until November 14th.
The much-awaited Scarface video game has been delayed and is now slated for release in 2006.
However, shortly after the project was cancelled THQ picked up the Juiced, but delayed the schedule for the development team to add new features and improvements.
Sony issued a press release earlier today, confirming that the PS3 is being delayed until November 2006.
The Japanese and U.S. launch were only months apart at the end of 2004, but the European launch was delayed until September 2005 due to product shortages.
This implies that the new Xbox 360 "Slim" could have effectively delayed the launch of a so-called Xbox 360 until 2015.
In most children, the diagnosis of stroke is delayed by more than 24 hours from the onset of symptoms.
The inhibiting influence of progesterone is so strong that lactation is delayed if any of the placenta is retained after birth.
The administration of pain medication or anesthetics should be delayed until the active phase of labor begins, at which point the medication will not act to slow down or stop the labor.
Breastfeeding is an important risk factor for hyperbilirubinemia in healthy infants and is related to inadequate maternal milk supply in the first few days, decreased caloric intake and delayed passage of meconium.
Inhalation tests may cause delayed asthma attacks, even if the antigen administered in the test initially produces no response.
Occasionally, a delayed anaphylactic response can occur that requires immediate care.
At birth, the muscle tone is poor, and motor skill development is subsequently delayed.
Also commonly observed are poor fine motor coordination and delayed development in language (although individuals with WS go on to develop excellent language skills).
Treatment should begin when the diagnosis is suspected and should not be delayed by the doctor's waiting for positive cultures.
In both boys and girls, puberty is often delayed, most likely due to the effects of poor nutrition or chronic lung infection.
If the sibling has no symptoms, determining his carrier status is often delayed until his teen years or later, when he is closer to needing the information to make decisions.
Somatrotropin (hGH) is measured in the clinical laboratory to identify hGH deficiency in adolescents with short stature, delayed sexual maturity, and other growth or development abnormalities.
It is not uncommon for a girl's period to be delayed when she is having problems with school, work, or relationships.
Dwarfism is a condition in which the growth of the individual is very slow or delayed, resulting in less than normal adult stature.
The doctor will do a complete examination to make sure that delayed growth is not caused by other underlying problems, such as tumor.
Serum sickness, an allergic reaction to serum contained in the allergy shot, may occur with the first injection or as a delayed reaction.
Penicillin is the most frequent and important offender, and in these circumstances the symptoms are often delayed until days or even weeks after the penicillin therapy begins.
But if a corneal abrasion is deep and penetrates the next layer of the cornea, then scarring is possible and complete healing of the abrasion may be delayed as long as three months.
They suggest that surgery be delayed until the individual can make informed choices about surgery and intervention.
When FUO is present, parents may be concerned that effective treatment will be delayed by waiting for a diagnosis, which may depend on waiting for the results of diagnostic tests.
Other features of the disease may include mild diabetes, premature graying of the hair, difficulty swallowing, and delayed physical and sexual development.
The diagnosis of FMF is often delayed because the symptoms that define the condition are common to many other disorders.
If the child has a fever, cough, or cold, the parent should inform the medical team to determine whether the procedure should be delayed.
Delayed auditory feedback (DAF), in which stutterers hear an echo of their own speech sounds, has also been effective in treating stuttering.
Unfortunately, many children with macrocephaly experience delayed development, slow growth, seizure disorders, and limited intelligence.
Poor blood circulation in the legs and feet contribute to delayed wound healing.
The inability to sense pain along with the complications of delayed wound healing can result in minor injuries, blisters, or calluses becoming infected and difficult to treat.
If the child has a fever, cough, or cold, the parent should inform the surgical team to determine if the procedure should be delayed.
Parents may be concerned that effective treatment will be delayed because of waiting for the throat culture results, which can take up to 48 hours.
Both entrapment and cord prolapse can be potentially fatal to an infant if delivery is delayed.
Depending on the severity of the hearing loss, the stages of early language development are also quite delayed.
The ramifications of this delayed language are also significant for learning to read, and reading proficiently.
Children with Down syndrome are also particularly delayed in speech development.
Specific language impairment describes a condition of markedly delayed language development in the absence of any apparent handicapping conditions such as deafness, autism, or mental retardation.
Those children who receive early intervention therapies are more likely to have a better outcome than those for whom services are delayed.
Functional MRI is being researched to image neurologic disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), delayed cognitive development, and epilepsy.
The outlook for someone with a minor head injury generally is good, although recovery may be delayed, and symptoms such as headache, dizziness, and cognitive problems can persist for up to a year or longer after an accident.
Direct trauma and/or delayed type hypersensitivity reaction to nickel may occur from nasal rings and jewelry, facial adornments which as of 2004 are increasingly popular.
Some wounds are left open and allowed to heal on their own, while others require stitches (stitching may be delayed a few days if infection is a concern).
Infections of the hand have a high rate of permanent scarring, tissue damage, and loss of function when treatment is delayed.
Specific language impairment (SLI) describes a condition of markedly delayed language development in the absence of any apparent handicapping conditions.
Individuals who exhibit latent or delayed speech may be depressed, while those who have rapid or pressured speech may suffer from mania or anxiety.
Otherwise, they should contact their pediatrician if the child is showing any signs of delayed or abnormal growth or unexplained muscle weakness.
Treatment may be delayed to evaluate or treat other life-threatening congenital anomalies.
Hearing loss may be the first symptom experienced, either immediate or delayed, but will usually be restored.
These conditions cause stiffness due to delayed relaxation of the muscle but do not cause the spontaneous contraction usually associated with cramps.
Head control and independent sitting is delayed, with most patients unable to walk independently.
For this reason, the diagnosis of tic disorders is often delayed or sometimes missed altogether in milder cases.
Mental retardation causes global language delay, including delayed auditory comprehension and use of gestures.
The speech of children with receptive aphasia is both delayed and sparse, ungrammatical, and poorly articulated.
Delayed eruption of teeth and enamel hypoplasia and an increased incidence of postnatal infections are frequently seen.
Individuals with fragile X syndrome appear normal at birth, but their development is delayed.
Short attention span, poor eye contact, delayed and disordered speech and language, emotional instability, and unusual hand mannerisms (hand flapping or hand biting) are also seen frequently.
If a child exhibits delayed development and mental impairment and has other symptoms typical of fragile X syndrome, the doctor should be consulted to determine the cause of the problems.
The symptoms of anaphylaxis may occur within seconds of exposure, or be delayed 15 to 30 minutes and sometimes even an hour or more later, if the allergen is aspirin or other similar drugs.
A child with known severe allergic reactions should be carrying an allergy kit with epinephrine; if not, treatment will have to be delayed until emergency personnel can provide the required medication.
However, they may be useful in preventing a recurrent delayed reaction.
Vomiting follows shortly after the pain if the obstruction is in the small intestine, but is delayed if it is in the large intestine.
These disorders are characterized by delayed development in functional, socialization, and communication skills.
In general, myotonic dystrophy causes weakness and delayed muscle relaxation called myotonia.
Congenital myotonic dystrophy is marked by severe weakness, poor sucking and swallowing responses, respiratory difficulty, delayed motor development, and mental retardation.
Otherwise, they should contact their pediatrician if the child shows any signs of delayed or abnormal growth, or unexplained muscle weakness.
If celiac disease is suspected, based on symptoms, physical appearance, or delayed growth, a blood test should be ordered.
Parents should call their healthcare provider if their infant has symptoms of this disorder or if an adolescent girl's sexual development appears to be delayed.
Turner syndrome is either diagnosed at birth because of associated anomalies or at puberty when there is absent or delayed menses and delayed development of normal secondary sexual characteristics.
Other symptoms can include extreme patterns of behavior, delayed speech development, seizures, a characteristic body odor, and light body pigmentation.
X-linked hypogammaglobulinemia can occur in combination with growth hormone (GH) deficiency, producing short stature and delayed puberty, primarily in boys but also occurring in girls.
Because the symptoms of chlamydia wax and wane and because the adolescent or adult may be asymptomatic, proper diagnosis may be delayed.
Mental health treatment must address delayed stress issues from repeated exposure to trauma, violence, and economic hardship.
Some drugs, including penicillins and sulfonamides, can cause delayed dermatologic allergic reactions.
Likewise, delayed puberty is due to insufficient hormone.
Delayed or early puberty requires measurement of the several hormones involved to determine which are lacking or which are in excess.
If delayed, puberty can be stimulated with the correct hormones.
Treatment should not be delayed because necessary bone growth is also affected.
Parents should consult a pediatrician or physician when their child shows signs of either early or delayed puberty.
These disruptions may be responsible for changes in the menstrual cycle and abnormal production of breast milk in women or delayed development of reproductive organs.
Because acromegaly produces slow changes, diagnosis is often significantly delayed.
Even a child who appears to have recovered should be checked by a physician, since some internal reactions to near drowning can be delayed.
Most boys enter puberty normally, though some can be delayed.
In some children, delayed maturation of certain IgG subclasses will make the condition a temporary one that corrects itself as more typical levels of the IgG antibodies develop.
Growth retardation, delayed puberty, or abnormal menstruations has also been reported in children and adolescents with Pattern II EG.
Infants with cri du chat may also have congenital heart defects, language difficulties, delayed motor skill development, scoliosis, and varying degrees of mental retardation.