Defrosting Sentence Examples
It includes functions for reheating and defrosting.
Other cheeses can be frozen but on defrosting they may become rather crumbly.
Taking a living human being, freezing the body, then defrosting him a few months or years later.
You do not try and trick it into not defrosting by leaving it in the freezer and turning off the freezer.
Avoid the use of frost-free freezers, which vary enormously in temperature during the frequent automatic defrosting cycles.
It also has reheating and defrosting functions, allowing you to cook frozen breads without over toasting them.
In addition, there are controls for reheating and defrosting separate from the cancel/eject control.
From the ease of use to the portability of these devices, microwave ovens have numerous and rather obvious benefits when it comes to cooking, defrosting, and re-heating food.