Deformed Sentence Examples
One of his arms is deformed — short.
The child was small and somewhat deformed, but of great courage and intelligence.
Mileena is a hideously deformed clone of Kitana.
Medical personnel are trained not to allow a painful, deformed limb to distract them from potentially life-threatening injury elsewhere or shock.
The deformed shape makes it hard for sickle cells to pass through narrow blood vessels.
Are hooks, rings, or links misshapen or deformed?
We are here, because I am deformed.
In this case, the birth defect usually presented itself as very small, deformed versions of normal limbs.
In untreated PKU patients, abnormally high phenylalanine levels in the blood and brain can produce nerve cells with deformed axons and dendrites and cause imperfections in the myelin sheath referred to as hypomyelination and demylenation.
Eventually, the bones may become deformed because of bone and cartilage destruction.
AdvertisementProfessional counseling can help children and their families cope with the emotional aspects of deformed features.
A wrist tattoo should never be placed on the inside of your wrist below the crease since the tattoo can be deformed over time due to excessive movement.
Mats are bound so snugly in their packaging that they can become deformed.
Around the farm and at school, he rolled his left sleeve up to make all available use of the deformed appendage, but when he dressed for church he always wanted it covered.
What a shame his father saw only a deformed arm and a financial burden.
AdvertisementAfter inquiry as to the relationship of the parties and their status (for if either be a minor or deformed, halisah cannot take place), the shoe is produced.
Frederick, who was deformed through an injury to his spine, died on the 25th of February 1713.
Many trees are found to have their smaller roots invaded by fungi and deformed by their action, but so far from these being injurious, experiments go to show that this mycorhiza (fungus-root) is necessary for the well-being of the tree.
Chrome steel, which usually contains about 2% of chromium and o 80 to 2% of carbon, owes its value to combining, when in the " hardened " or suddenly cooled state, intense hardness with a high elastic limit, so that it is neither deformed permanently nor cracked by extremely violent shocks.
Scarron took a fancy to the friendless girl, and offered either to pay for her admission to a convent, or, though he was deformed and an invalid, to marry her himself.
AdvertisementNo person not of full age, imperfectly educated, stupid, blind, deaf, deformed or otherwise defective in mind or body, or for any reason whatsoever unfit to discharge the duties or unworthy to represent the manhood of the nation, could be king, even though he were the eldest son of the preceding king.
Among the hospitals and charitable institutions are the Minneapolis city hospital, the state hospital for crippled and deformed children, and Asbury Methodist, the Northwestern, the Deaconess', the Swedish, the St Mary's, the Maternity and the St Barnabas hospitals, Bethany Home, the Catholic orphan asylum, the Washburn orphans' home, the Pillsbury House (1906) where settlement work is carried on by the Plymouth Congregational Church, and several free dispensaries.
One of his arms is deformed — short.
Electron transparent cross-sections through the deformed region were prepared using a focused ion beam.
Note how the angle of the fracture surfaces mimics the angle of the slip planes in the deformed crystal.
AdvertisementAt the end of each day, the Chief winds them down with the saga of a hideously deformed, gentle, world-class criminal.
The extension to a nucleus with an axially deformed ground state is straightforward.
Growing fish can become severely and permanently deformed due to vitamin deficiencies.
The defective gene tells the body to make the abnormal hemoglobin HbS instead of the normal HbA, and this results in deformed red blood cells.
In pectus excavatum, the deformed breastbone and ribs are raised and straightened by a metal bar.
Ureters can be duplicated completely or partially, they can be in the wrong place, they can be deformed, and they can end in the wrong place.
Paget's disease-A chronic disorder of unknown cause usually affecting middle aged and elderly people and characterized by enlarged and deformed bones.
Epoxy frames are resilient and return to their original shape after being deformed, so they do not need to be adjusted as frequently as other types.
Bones are deformed and deformity is often severe.
As we become progressively deformed - even in only tiny ways - different muscles learn to compensate.
Complex tectonic and volcanic forces involving icy viscous fluids combined to develop the deformed pattern of this landscape.
The deformed mutants and odd-ball psychotics will have their place in my Legions of Terror.
Rather than a hideously deformed creature hiding under the traffic cone, we saw an almost handsome skinhead.
In fact, a pea is quite a good image for a deformed sphere.
The parent cannot bear the thought of a " deformed " child, nor can the engineer tolerate standing by helplessly.
I get pain in the ball of my foot - caused by deformed toes?
The state institutions consist of state hospitals for the insane at St Peter (1866), at Rochester (1877), established originally as a state inebriate asylum under a law taxing liquor dealers for that purpose, which was subsequently held to be unconstitutional, at Fergus Falls (1887), at Anoka (1900) and at Hastings (1900); the state institute for defectives at Faribault, consisting of the schools for the deaf (1863), blind (1874) and feeble-minded (1879); the state public school for dependent and neglected children at Owatonna (1886); a sanatorium for consumptives at Walker; a hospital for indigent, crippled or deformed children (1907) at St Paul; the state training school for boys near Red Wing; a similar industrial school for girls (established separately in 1907) at Sauk Center; the state reformatory at St Cloud (1887), intermediate between the training school and the state prison, for first offenders between the ages of sixteen and thirty years, in which indeterminate sentences and a parole system are in operation; the state prison at Stillwater (1851), in which there is a parole system and a graded system of diminution of sentence for good conduct, and in which, up to 1895, prisoners were leased under contract (especially to the Minnesota Thresher Company), and since 1895 have been employed in the manufacture of shoes and of binding twine, and in providing for the needs of the prison population; and the state soldiers home occupying fifty-one acres adjoining Minnehaha Park in Minneapolis.
Richard Head in his Life and Death of Mother Shipton (1684) says, "the body was of indifferent height, her head was long, with sharp fiery eyes, her nose of an incredible and unproportionate length, having many crooks and turnings, adorned with many strange pimples of divers colours, as red, blue and dirt, which like vapours of brimstone gave such a lustre to her affrighted spectators in the dead time of the night, that one of them confessed several times in my hearing that her nurse needed no other light to assist her in her duties" Allowing for the absurdity of this account, it certainly seems (if any reliance is to be placed on the so-called authorities) that the child was phenomenally plain and deformed.
In the work of the former, as Sir William Jones remarks, "the Tartarian conqueror is represented as a liberal, benevolent and illustrious prince"; in that of the latter he is "deformed and impious, of a low birth and detestable principles."
State penal and charitable institutions include soldiers' and sailors' homes at Grand Island and Milford, an Institute for the Blind at Nebraska City (1875), an Institute for the Deaf and Dumb at Omaha (1867), an Institute for Feeble Minded Youth at Beatrice (1885), an Industrial School for Juvenile Delinquents (boys) at Kearney (1879), a Girls' Industrial School at Geneva (1881), an Industrial Home at Milford (1887) for unfortunate and homeless girls guilty of a first offence, asylums or hospitals for the insane at Lincoln (1869), Norfolk (1886) and Hastings (1887), an Orthopedic Hospital (1905) for crippled, ruptured and deformed children and a state penitentiary (1867), both at Lincoln.
They may not be deaf, blind, mentally disabled, have deformed or dysfunctional limbs, face, or trunk, or have AIDS or other infectious diseases.
The burl is actually a growth on the tree that has caused the wood grain to grow in a deformed manner.
The plastic surgeon botched both her breast augmentation and liposuction, leaving her with deformed breasts and a rippled and uneven stomach.
Hume's hybrids are deformed Daffodils, the best being Giant and concolor.
If the disease cycle repeats year after year, the tree may become stunted or deformed because it cannot keep its leaves long enough to grow.
Jonathan was poised to enter his teens in style and a deformed left arm wasn't going to hold him back.
The yellow maggots devour the seeds and thus ruin the crop. When deformed fruits are noticed they should be picked off and burned immediately.
Vernon (opened 1909); an institution for crippled and deformed children (authorized in 1907); a soldiers' and sailors' orphans' home at Xenia (organized in 1869 by the Grand Army of the Republic); a home for soldiers, sailors, marines, their wives, mothers and widows, and army nurses at Madison (established by the National Women's Relief Corps; taken over by the state, 1904); and soldiers' and sailors' homes at Sandusky (opened 1888), supported by the state, and at Dayton, supported by the United States.
The first two or three proglottides merely become deformed and produce an appearance known as the pseudo-scolex.
In the nature and position of the upland rocks - mainly crystalline schists and gneisses, excessively complicated and disordered in mass, and also internally deformed - there is found abundant proof that the peneplain is a degraded mountain region.
The comte de Chinon, as the heir to the Richelieu honours was called, was married at fifteen to Rosalie de Rochechouart, a deformed child of twelve, with whom his relations were never more than formal.
Although composed chiefly of crystalline rocks, which are commonly associated with a rugged landscape, and although possessing a greatly deformed structure, which must at some ancient period have been associated with strong relief, the upland as a whole is gently rolling, and the inter-stream surfaces are prevailing plateau-like in their evenness, with altitudes of 1400 to 1600 ft.
The Sierra Nevada may be described, in a very general way, as a great mountain block, largely composed of granite and deformed metamorphosed rocks, reduced to moderate relief in an earlier (Cretaceous and Tertiary?) cycle of erosion, sub-recently elevated with a slant to the west, and in this position sub-maturely dissected.
Triassic SystemThis system has but limited representation in the eastern part of the United States, being known only east of the Appalachian Mountains in an area which was land throughout most of the Palaeozoic era, hut which was deformed when the eastern mountains were developed at the close of the Palaeozoic. In the troughs formed in its surface during this time of deformation, sediments of great thickness accumulated during the Triassic period.
The Quaternary beds of lakes Bonneville and Lahontan have been faulted in a small way since they were deposited, and the old shore lines of these lakes have been deformed to the extent of hundreds of feet.
Deformed and constitutionally feeble, he received his elementary education from a tutor, and left home only when sufficiently advanced to enter upon a course of philosophy at the College de la Marche, and subsequently to study theology at the Sorbonne.
A widespread disease known as pocket-plums or bladderplums is due to an ascomycetous fungus, Exoascus pruni, the mycelium of which lives parasitically in the tissues of the host plant, passes into the ovary of the flower and causes the characteristic malformation of the fruit which becomes a deformed, sometimes curved or flattened, wrinkled dry structure, with a hollow occupying the place of the stone; the bladder plums are yellow at first, subsequently dingy red.
In the last few years of his life his nose was so deformed and misshapen that rumors abounded that it had actually fallen off.
Born to a wealthy merchant family, she'd been disowned when it became known what kind of deformed child she bore.
In a north-eastern section, practically all of New England is occupied by the older crystalline belt; the corresponding northern part of the stratified belt in the St Lawrence and Champlain-Hudson valleys on the inland side of New England is comparatively free from the ridge-making rocks which abound farther south; and here the plateau member is wanting, being replaced, as it were, by the Adirondacks, an outlier of the Laurentian highlands of Canada which immediately succeeds the deformed stratified belt west of Lake Champlain.
I and 2, Tubers deformed by the fungus.
He was little more than five feet high; his breast was almost concave, and, like Schleiermacher, he was deformed in the right shoulder.
The state institutions, each governed by a board of trustees, and all under the supervision of the state board of charity, include a state hospital at Tewksbury, for paupers (1866); a state farm at Bridgewater (1887) for paupers and petty criminals; the Lyman school for boys at Westboro, a reformatory for male criminals under fifteen years of age sentenced to imprisonment for terms less than life in connexion with which a very successful farm is maintained for the younger boys at Berlin; an industrial school for girls at Lancaster, also a reformatory school - a third reformatory school for boys was planned in 1909; a state sanatorium at Rutland for tuberculous patients (the first public hospital for such in the United States) and a hospital school at Canton for the care and instruction of crippled and deformed children.
Deformed examples are not of rare occurrence.