Deformation Sentence Examples
Conversely, if this condition be satisfied, an infinitesimal deformation is possible.
Once slip has started the stress required for further plastic deformation increases a little, due to work hardening in the material.
Dating deformation using Rb-Sr in white mica; greenschist facies deformation ages from the Entrelor shear zone, Italian Alps.
Research Traditionally my chief area of research has spanned a broad range of tectonic topics concentrating on the deformation of continental lithosphere.
For simple tensile loading, to assess differences in maximum recoverable elastic deformation, the merit index is used.
Solid state transformations in a range of uranium alloys and the deformation metallography of the resulting microstructures have been extensively studied.
The deformation being caused by the use of distorting mirrors.
Often, a considerable amount of plastic deformation - including necking - is observed in the failed component.
As a novel alternative we use probabilistic labeling to drive the deformation process.
Impact.-If a vertical load is imposed suddenly, but without velocity, work is done during deflection, and the deformation and stress are momentarily double those due to the same load at rest on the structure.
AdvertisementHere, after demonstrating that shear deformation alone makes little qualitative difference, the case of initial curvature is examined in some detail.
Well, it literally means that you can twist these reading glasses any way you like, and even in the case of extreme deformation, this frame won't break.
For less severe cases of bunions, Yoga Toes can be a great option for reducing the pain and preventing further deformation of the joints in the foot.
Every part of a machine transmitting force suffers elastic defor mation, and the force may be measured indirectly by measuring the deformation.
It may however happen that owing to some special relation between the lengths of the bars the frame admits of an infinitesimal deformation.
AdvertisementThis corresponds to the deformation of large agglomerates as they pass through the die land.
This broadly distributed deformation shows no asymmetry or evidence of rotation.
These stresses are a consequence of the loadings but as service proceeds and creep deformation occurs the stresses will change with time.
A material that undergoes very little plastic deformation is brittle.
The extreme force needed to produce such a bending deformation would certainly threaten the integrity of the glass itself.
AdvertisementThe pallet must be able to support the load throughout the distribution system and be able to resist deformation under load.
Results will define the age of the Scottish drainage divide and test models which predict divide migration in response to crustal deformation.
We aim to show that this ridge formed after Drake Passage opened, as a result of tectonic deformation.
Material heterogeneity and loading history are fundamental to the initiation and evolution of distributed brittle deformation.
Admittedly Lenin did not develop a theory of bureaucratic deformation.
AdvertisementThe relatively even bedding, moreover, shown in the section drawings from the site indicates a lack of soft-sediment deformation.
The specimen is supported along its entire length to minimize out-of-plane deformation [7] .
Watch the video clips of the bubble raft undergoing compressive, tensile and shear deformation.
Textures and fabrics in the GRIP ice core, in relation to climate history and ice deformation.
The shoes will show deformation by a substantial bunion or dorsal exostosis.
The magnitude of this separation would obviously depend on the magnitude of the substituent group, which may be so large (in this case propyl is sufficient) as to cause unequal horizontal deformation and at the same time a change in the vertical direction.
It may be generally concluded that the substitution of alkyl, nitro, hydroxyl, and haloid groups for hydrogen in a molecule occasions a deformation of crystal structure in one definite direction, hence permitting inferences as to the configuration of the atoms composing the crystal; while the nature and degree of the alteration depends (1) upon the crystal structure of the unsubstituted compound; (2) on the nature of the substituting radicle; (3) on the complexity of the substituted molecule; and (4) on the orientation of the substitution derivative.
In this province, therefore, we find a part of one of those ancient mountain regions, initiated by crustal deformation, but reduced by long continued erosion to a peneplain of modern relief, with occasional surmounting monadnocks of moderate height not completely consumed during the peneplanation of the rest of the surface.
A plane frame of n joints which is just rigid (as regards deformation in its own plane) has 2n3 bars, for if one bar be held fixed the 2(n2) co-ordinates of the remaining fl2 joints must just be determined by the lengths of the remaining bars.
Other possible consequences of frostbite include skin-color changes, nail deformation or loss, joint stiffness and pain, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), and heightened sensitivity to cold.
The chains of each pair were connected by bracing so that they formed a stiff inverted arch resisting deformation in its place.
Evi-Jently, therefore, the Appalachians as we now see them are not the still surviving remnants of the mountains of late Palaeozoic deformation; they owe their present height chiefly to the Tertiary upwaroing and uoliftinr.
The structure of the region previous to faulting was dependent on long antecedent processes of accumulation and deformation and the surface of the region then was dependent on the amount of erosion suffered in the prefaulting cycle.
This epoch of great deformation and warping marks the transition from the Tertiary to the Quaternary.
Imagine the bar CF to be removed, and consider a deformation in which AB is fixed.
Many instances have been recorded where substitution has effected a deformation in one particular direction, the crystals of homologous compounds often exhibiting the same angles between faces situated in certain zones.
The accidental use of a single name, America, for the pair of continents that has a greater extension from north to south than any other continuous land area of the globe, has had some recent justification, since the small body of geological opinion has turned in favour of the theory of the tetrahedral deformation of the earth's crust as affording explanation of the grouping of continents and oceans.
The extent of the submergence and the area over which the Palaeozoic strata were deposited are unknown; for in consequence of renewed elevation without deformation, erosion in later periods has stripped off an undetermined amount of the covering strata.
Triassic SystemThis system has but limited representation in the eastern part of the United States, being known only east of the Appalachian Mountains in an area which was land throughout most of the Palaeozoic era, hut which was deformed when the eastern mountains were developed at the close of the Palaeozoic. In the troughs formed in its surface during this time of deformation, sediments of great thickness accumulated during the Triassic period.
Its deposition seems to have followed a time of deformation which resulted in an increase of altitude in the Appalachian Mountains, and in an accentuation of the contrast between the highlands and the adjacent plains.
Thomson, who, from the results of Bidwell's observations on the magnetic deformation of cobalt, was led to expect that that metal would exhibit a reversal opposite in character to the effect observed in iron.
Many forms of deformation, it may be remarked in passing, emphasize some natural physical characteristic of the people who practise them.
Strains exceeding the "limit of elasticity" result in permanent deformation or (if sufficiently great) in rupture.
It must not only be strong enough to sustain all possible vertical loads, but it must be sufficiently rigid to resist without deformation or weakening all lateral disturbing forces, the principal of which are the pressure of wind, the possible sway of moving crowds or moving machinery, and the vibration of the earth from the passage of loaded vans and trolleys, and slight earthquakes which at times visit almost all localities.
A slight deformation of the earth will thus result; and the axis of figure of the distorted spheroid will no longer be PP, but a line P'P' between PP and RR.
The deformation of the Appalachianswas accomplished in two chief periods of compressive deformation, one in early Palaeozoic, the other about the close of Palaeozoic time, and both undoubtedly of long duration; the second one extended its effects farther northwest than the first.
The essential part of many transmission dynamometers is a spring whose deformation indirectly measures the magnitude of the force transmitted through it.
Whatever the deformation of the originally straight boundary of the axial section may be, it can be resolved by Fourier's theorem into deformations of the harmonic type.
The action of pressure is shown also by the fossils which sometimes occur in slates; they have been drawn out and distorted in such a way as to prove that the rock has undergone deformation and has behaved like a plastic mass.