Deforestation Sentence Examples
The process of reckless deforestation is perceptible in certain districts.
The destruction of trees by charcoal-burners has resulted in the almost complete deforestation of the island.
Deforestation has environmentalists worried for numerous reasons.
Deforestation occurs when a forested area is transformed into a non-forested area.
Under de Quincey's administration the islands prospered; the cultivation of cotton and coffee was then begun, much of the land being deforested for this purpose - a deforestation practically completed when vanilla was introduced.
Producing paper encourages deforestation and other negative environmental impacts.
Like all animals living in the Amazon rainforest, the silvery marmosets are threatened by deforestation caused by logging and farming.
Deforestation leads to more landslides during heavy rains - which in the case of Caribbean hurricanes kill more people than the wind itself.
Another big problem with conventional coffee farming is that it encourages deforestation.
Pygmy hippos are extremely rare in the wild, mainly due to deforestation for the timber trade.
AdvertisementPlant a tree to reduce carbon dioxide in the environment and replace trees lost to deforestation.
Deforestation, particularly clear cutting forests by the lumber industry, accounts for nearly 25 percent of the carbon dioxide emitted every year around the globe.
Cattle ranchers are for deforestation because then, they will have more land to ranch on.
Much of the deforestation currently taking place in countries such as Costa Rica and Brazil is for increasing grazing space for cattle.
The National Geographic website contains an abundance of information on many global warming topics, including deforestation, biofuels, toxic waste, and air pollution.
AdvertisementWe cut down trees to build homes and make paper and other products, but the practice of cutting down vast swaths of forest, known as deforestation, is detrimental to the environment.
Environmental problems on land encompass GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) crops and animals, deforestation and desertification, to name a few.
National Geographic refers to deforestation is a modern-day plague and warns, "The world's rain forests could completely vanish in a hundred years at the current rate of deforestation."
And subsequently, rich nations have cynically reneged on their Rio promises to tackle climate change and deforestation.
Notwithstanding the efforts of the government to unify and co-ordinate the forest laws previously existing in the various states, deforestation has continued in many regions.
AdvertisementThe process of reckless deforestation is perceptible in certain districts, the natives often destroying a whole tree for a plank or rafter.
Since its international humiliation over Amazon deforestation in the 1980s, the Brazilian government has learned to adopt western diktat on environmental matters.
Yet all this is threatened by deforestation to make room to grow soya beans.
The manufacture of a paper bag causes a staggering amount of pollution and encourages deforestation.
It is a renewable resource if properly managed, unfortunately heavy deforestation in many areas presents its own challenge maintaining timber as a renewable resource.
AdvertisementThis is to help protect the remaining areas of forest from the ravages of industry and deforestation.
With the current rate of burning down trees in the rain forests as well as other instances of deforestation worldwide, we're seeing an overall increase in airborne carbon dioxide.
The use of some fossil fuels is a large source of human caused global warming, as is deforestation.
Before the introduction of coal and coke as fuel in the forges and furnaces the cutting of young trees for the manufacture of charcoal was a profitable industry, and the process of deforestation reached its maximum.
For example, deforestation can mean smaller evapotranspiration which leads to reduced rainfall.
In the sphere of living environment, the varied evolution of plant life, the periods of forestation and deforestation, the introduction of deleterious plants simultaneously with harsh conditions of life and enforced migration, as well as of mechanically dangerous plants, are among the well-ascertained causes of diminution and extinction.
Owing to the absence of rivers, the paucity of springs, and the almost complete deforestation, Antigua is subject to frequent droughts, and although the average rainfall is 45.6 in., the variations from year to year are great.