Defining Sentence Examples
July passed into August without any defining moments.
We should in fact have reached those two fundamentals of which man's whole outlook on the universe is constructed--the incomprehensible essence of life, and the laws defining that essence.
Antoneili profited by the situation to obtain Mneleks signature to a treaty fixing the frontiers of the Italian colony and defining Italo-Abyssinian relations.
Men are defining and protecting the positions they have inherited; they do not think of progress.
Experience forbids our excluding organic activity from natural causes, also our excluding intelligence from purposeful (zwecktdtigen) causes; hence experience forbids our defining the fundamental force or first cause out of which living creatures arose.'
The period from about 1880 has been an era of boundary-making in Asia, of defining the politicogeographical limits of empire, and of determining the responsibilities of government.
From that point southwards the river becomes the boundary between the Shan States and Tongking for some 200 m., the channel of the river defining the limits of occupation (though not entirely of interest) between French and British subjects.
The definition of the Council of Trent was intended both to enforce the accepted Catholic position and to exclude the teaching of Luther, who, whilst not professing to be certain whether the "substance" of the Bread and Wine could or could not be said to remain, exclaimed against the intolerance of the Roman Catholic Church in defining the question.6 For a full and recent exposition of the Catholic teaching on Transubstantiation the reader may consult De ecclesiae sacra mentis, auctore Ludovico Billot, S.J.
At the same time he clarified the conception of elements and compounds, rejecting the older notions, the four elements of the " vulgar Peripateticks " and the three principles of the " vulgar Stagyrists," and defining an element as a substance incapable of decomposition, and a compound as composed of two or more elements.
As a consequence of its having accepted Roman citizenship, it became a municipium; part of a copy of the Lex Iulia Municipalis of 46 B.C. (engraved on the back of two bronze tablets, on the front of which is a Greek inscription of the 3rd century B.C. defining the boundaries of lands belonging to various temples), which was found between Heraclea and Metapontum, is of the highest importance for our knowledge of that law.
AdvertisementAfter the treaty of Adis Adowa, recognizing the independence of Abyssinia, had been concluded in 1896, negotiations were opened for defining the Italian-Abyssinian frontier in the Somali regions.
The greatest difficulty in his way is not temperature, but the presence of parasitic diseases to resist which his body has not been prepared, and modern knowledge is rapidly defining these dangers and the modes of avoiding them.
But before it had penetrated far inland the political reasons for sending the expedition vanished with the signature, on the 1st of July 1890, of the Anglo-German agreement defining the spheres of influence of the two nations, an agreement which excluded the Albert Nyanza region from the German sphere.
Steps were taken to prevent the occurrence of any further conflicts, and an agreement defining the frontier was signed in January .1895.
In the Sovereignty difficulties arose in defining the reserves of the native chiefs, and with the Basutos there were armed conflicts.
AdvertisementAt the same time he was more clearly defining and safeguarding his predecessors' position.
If the sinuosity is slight we have the Vibrio form; if pronounced, and the spiral winding well marked, the forms are known as Spirillum, Spirochaete, &c. These and similar terms have been applied partly to individual cells, but more often to filaments consisting of several cells; and much confusion has arisen form the difficulty of defining the terms themselves.
This gave rise to misunderstandings, and at last led to two widely separate ways of regarding and defining one important doctrine - the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father or from the Father and the Son.
The Eastern creeds may thus be roughly placed in two classes - the oecumenical creeds of the early undivided church, and later testimonies defining the position of the Orthodox Church of the East with regard to the belief of the Roman Catholic and of Protestant Churches.
The boundary dispute involved the interpretation of the words, quoted above, in the treaties of 1825 and 1867 defining the boundary of the Russian (later American) possessions, and also the determining of the location of Portland Canal, and the question whether the coastal girdle should cross or pass around the heads of the fjords of the coast.
AdvertisementIt was followed in 1908 by an agreement defining the frontiers concerned.
The varieties of income charged being very great, and special claims for consideration having been set up at different times, the result has been the formation of an income tax code, defining the methods and rules for assessing the different classes of profits and income, and prescribing the way in which abatements and exemptions are to be obtained.
A charter of Offa, king of Mercia (785), deals with the conveyance of certain land to the monastery of St Peter; and King Edgar restored the church, clearly defining by a charter dated 951 (not certainly genuine) the boundary of Westminster, which may be indicated in modern terms as extending from the Marble Arch south to the Thames and east to the City boundary, the former river Fleet.
But the Cornwallis code, while defining the rights of the proprietors, failed to give adequate recognition to the rights of the undertenants and the cultivators.
The song was Biggie’s best selling single and not only became a landmark rap song but also a defining single of the 1990s.
AdvertisementIn the war the advantage rested with the Basutos; thereupon the Free State appealed to Sir George Grey, who induced Moshesh to come to terms. On the 15th of October 1858 a treaty was signed defining anew the boundary.
The decree of 1896, which was of a provisional character, was replaced by another, dated the 23rd of August 1898, defining the powers of the governor-general under the new scheme.
To these letters he attaches numbers arranged on a principle showing the century to which the MS. belongs and defining its contents more precisely.
Andrews's conception of the critical temperature of gases by defining the absolute boiling-point of a substance as the temperature at which cohesion and heat of vaporization become equal to zero and the liquid changes to vapour, irrespective of the pressure and volume.
The explanation of the apparent conformity of the strata from the Cambrian to the Pennsylvanian in some parts of the west, with no fossils defining with certainty any horizon between the Ordovician and the Mississippian, is one of the open problems in the geology of the United States.
A bill of rights, defining the so-called primordial rights of the citizens to sectirity of life, liberty and property; A declaration and enactment of the frame of state government, i.e.
This bill was passed by both houses of Congress, just before their adjournment, but President Lincoln withheld his signature, and on the 8th of July issued a proclamation explaining his course and defining his position.
Quetelet's plan of defining such types will probably meet with general acceptance as the scientific method proper to this branch of anthropology.
In 1861-1863 he was the editor-in-chief of the Independent, then a Congregational journal; and in his editorials, copied far and wide, produced a profound impression on the public mind by clarifying and defining the issue.
The weight of the goods is recorded by means of an index pointer fixed to the casing on one side of the vertical slot, and the money values are opposite the figures defining the rates per lb, which are marked on the edge of the casing below the hori zontal slot.
In theory, this law has as its author the local ecclesiastical authorities, councils or bishops; but this is true only for laws and regulations which are in harmony with the common law, merely completing or defining it.
The first method consists in defining the first few numbers, and forming larger numbers by groups or aggregates, formed partly by multiplication and partly by addition.
Harrison made many treaties with the Indians, the most important being that signed at Fort Wayne on the 7th of June 1803, defining the Vincennes tract transferred to the United States by the Treaty of Greenville; those signed at Vincennes on the 18th and the 27th of August 1804, transferring to the United States a strip north of the Ohio river and south of the Vincennes tract; that concluded at Grouseland on the 21st of August 1805, procuring from the Delawares and others a tract along the Ohio river between the parcels of 1795 and 1804; and the treaties of Fort Wayne, signed on the 30th of September 1809, and securing one tract immediately west of that of 1795 and another north of the Vincennes tract defined in 1803.
They wished to reconstruct the system which had been violently interrupted by the events of the autumn of 1641, and to found government on the cooperation between king and parliament, without defining to themselves what was to be done if the kings conduct became insufferable.
Benn (History of English Rationalism in the zgth Cent.) goes beyond ordinary usage in defining rationalism as a militant theory opposed to all belief in God.
Passing on to Anselrn (1033-1109), we observe that the Augustinian doctrine of original sin and man's absolute need of unmerited grace is retained in his theory of salvation; he also follows Augustine in defining freedom as the " power not to sin "; though in saying that Adam fell " spontaneously " and " by his free choice," though not " through its freedom," he has implicitly made the distinction that Peter the Lombard afterwards expressly draws between the freedom that is opposed to necessity and freedom from the slavery to sin.
This Paley and Bentham (after Locke) interpreted as merely the effect on the will of the pleasures or pains attached to the observance or violation of moral rules, combining with this the doctrine of Hutcheson that " general good " or " happiness " is the final end and standard of these rules; while they eliminated all vagueness from the notion of general happiness by defining it to consist in " excess of pleasure over pain " - pleasures and pains being regarded as " differing in nothing but continuance or intensity."
It is our system of defining the position of a point on the earth's surface by its latitude and longitude.
The need is urgent of fixing a scale, and defining standards of actinic brightness; but it has not yet been successfully met.
The councils of Nicaea and Constantinople had asserted the full divinity and real humanity of Christ, without, however, defining the manner of their union.
A chartered company is a trading corporation enjoying certain rights and privileges, and bound by certain obligations under a special charter granted to it by the sovereign authority of the state, such charter defining and limiting those rights, privileges and obligations, and the localities in which they are to be exercised.
Setting guidelines can help in defining the context of your search.
Defining architecture, ascribing meanings, is a joint task between designer and user.
What is the reason for defining adjacency in Euclidean terms?
The behavior of radiobuttons can be changed by defining new bindings for individual widgets or by redefining the class bindings.
The behavior of radiobuttons can be changed by defining new bindings for individual widgets or by redefining the class bindings for individual widgets or by redefining the class bindings.
Perhaps it is the defining characteristic of people in the early 21 st Century.
Clave A s yet the most robust criterion for defining a piece of music as salsa music is that it should obey the clave A s yet the most robust criterion for defining a piece of music as salsa music is that it should obey the clave.
Defining what choice means in the public sector There is considerable confusion over what enhanced choice actually means.
Quarks Most uses of the resource manager involve defining names, classes, and representation types as string constants.
The transition in interaural phase defining the Huggins pitch creates the discontinuity in the tracks around 600 Hz.
Midnight oil was spent on matters such as defining a fundamental disequilibrium in a country's balance of payments.
But taking the equivalent step of using just the common defining features to represent a disjunction is not valid.
Basic laboratory studies have already proved very encouraging, defining some of the basic scientific features of oral tolerance.
The generators exponent list is considered relative to the defining generators of the pc-presentation.
You can explicitly state that an identifier has external linkage by defining it with the extern keyword.
Defining the properties of various biofuels will help in the design of equipment and procedures to accommodate different feedstocks.
His defining moment was when he showed his teacher how to multiply mixed fractions.
The process of defining rights through international conventions and laws has been long and politically fraught.
The generators exponent list is considered relative to the defining generators exponent list is considered relative to the defining generators of the pc-presentation.
Failed harvests In 1845, Peel faced the defining challenge of his career.
A defining feature of pantheism is allegedly that God is wholly immanent.
Why does defining a set make the actual infinite a reality?
The purpose of this paper is to explore this juncture by defining the issues surrounding the shift and weighing the possibilities for the future.
In many ways this is a defining juncture for the future of European identity.
A ' defining event ' for the industry, or ' sheer lunacy '?
The syntax for defining the macro is similar to that of a function.
The barrels are not re-made as is common practice. tastings 18 yr old, 86 proof Perhaps the defining highland malt.
This lecture focuses on defining the terms meteorology, climate and weather, and the gases in the atmosphere.
The 1997 General Election's defining TV moment was Michael Portillo's defeat in Enfield Southgate by Stephen Twigg.
It also uses monads for the user interface, although not in the underlying mechanism for defining circuits.
The award-winning new museum at Rørvik celebrates the important part the sea has played in defining today's Norway.
These are defining images of the Iraq war, as the little girl burnt by napalm was the defining image of the Vietnam war.
While indoor air quality may seem nebulous, measuring and defining objectives is achievable.
Here is the real political answer to comrade Delargy's morbid obsession with defining the federal republic " in class terms " .
By defining the skill involved we can assess the necessary skills and potentially identify the training needs of junior obstetricians.
Some sensitivity coefficients can be calculated by taking partial derivatives of the equation defining the hardness value.
Although both mind and the sensory faculty receive their correlative forms when perceiving or thinking, neither is wholly passive in its defining activity.
Present and future possibilities for defining a phenotype for specific language impairment.
On beamline 5D circularly polarized photons are selected by means of a defining aperture, or chopper.
Invasion is a defining characteristic of malignancy, as is nuclear pleomorphism and high mitotic activity.
The defining polynomial is the minimal polynomial of the primitive element.
On a syntactical approach for defining weakest preconditions (extended abstract ).
The United Reformed Church and the Methodist Church are partners in the Committee that is defining the regions.
Defining, sourcing and creating products, our buyers draw on their commercial savvy to ensure our collections do exactly that.
The left regards Marxism as adequate for a defining credo of some confessional sect.
However, the criteria defining an ethical robot includes stipulation that a robot should support REP.
But they are poor at defining stratigraphy and hence at finding fields resident in stratigraphic traps.
This sections starts by defining modulus, tensile strength, elongation at break and yield strength on a typical stress-strain graph.
But there is also a theology which constitutes the defining telos of philosophical inquiry.
A simple hardwood timber walkway spans the water, connecting the entrance with an oval of site salvaged slate defining the public/private transition point.
You are responsible for defining v before calling this function.
We proceed as is usual for modeling a problem, by defining variables.
Defining vegan (Vegan Outreach) - What the word vegan means to various people.
We still seem wary of defining Europe's identity.
The subject is still so new, and its technical methods (see Variation And Selection) have as yet spread so little beyond the group which is formulating and defining them, that it is difficult to do more than guess at the importance of the results likely to be gained.
This obvious contradiction in terms well illustrates the difficulty of defining in a single formula the system, essentially transitional and meanwhile sui generis, established in the Russian empire since October 1905.
The first book, after defining philosophy, &c., gives a long Latin vocabulary of some 6000 or 7000 words.
This treaty was ratified, and followed by other treaties and agreements defining the Eritrean-Abyssinian and the AbyssinianItalian Somaliland frontiers (see Italy, History, and Somaliland, Italian).
They see themselves as defining law, not breaking it.
But I am making a case I believe I can defend and will begin by defining my terms.
We live at a defining moment for humanity, as the compounding effects of technology and civilization reach an inflection point.
It seeks to make the offense of involuntary manslaughter clearer by defining two new offenses of reckless killing and killing by gross carelessness.
This is one of the defining aspects of the sacrament I 'm referring to the sacrifice of the Mass.
The relentless pursuit of GDP growth has been the defining characteristic of Western politics over the last 50 years.
Cayley gave a matrix algebra defining addition, multiplication, scalar multiplication and inverses.
It may well be that defining thinking skills in a narrow way often reflects the experience and self-interest of a particular social group.
Are they poisoned by substances around them, perhaps in senile plaques, the defining lesions of Alzheimer 's?
Bitmaps are used in X for defining clipping regions, cursor shapes, icon shapes, and tile and stipple patterns.
The standard method for defining subdivision algorithms uses a matrix notation.
Document Type Definition; defining the syntax of HTML as an SGML application.
This is the negative defining tenet of critical realism.
Nursing terminology is the key to defining the future of nursing practice and NANDA International is in the forefront.
Defining leisure Leisure is the free, undirected time in which a person is not working.
Defining Vegan (Vegan Outreach) - What the word vegan means to various people.
We still seem wary of defining Europe 's identity.
Usually the x-axis points are equispaced, defining the domain of the function to be displayed.
The image a name represents is a defining point of a child's existence, how do you choose?
In addition, many people like to match their window coverings or other fabrics in the room (such as lamp shades) to the bed linens, so the bedding can be a defining theme for a teen's whole room.
Heroism, perseverance and American masculinity are defining traits of these movies.
They became the defining beverage for the Kentucky Derby in 1938.
Straight lines, bold colors and innovative materials are the defining points of a contemporary kitchen.
This is a good technique for defining spaces without the added expensive of purchasing a new rug.
However, you may also choose a defining architectural element, such as an arched window or built-in bookshelves.
If you have hardwood floors, use rugs to add softness and help divide the room by defining seating or dressing space, or simply to pad your step out of bed in the morning.
Defining mascara is the best choice as it separates the lashes and creates the most natural look.
Therefore, defining and understand perfume fragrances is a convoluted task.
According to Wikipedia, there is some difficulty in defining the eye color "hazel" as it is sometimes considered to be synonymous with light-brown and other times with dark green.
Defining an elegant dress might include details such as beading, lace, long flowing layers and even a gathered waist, but what exactly helps a girl achieve elegant prom makeup?
Defining your brows with the right shape can help frame your face and draw attention to the eye area.
A classic bridal look usually involves bringing out and defining the eyes or lips, without going overboard with too much color.
For example, try pairing gold and plum by applying a shimmering gold from lash line up toward brow bone, then defining the crease with a rich plum shade.
Defining who is the best player is actually a lot harder than it sounds.
Depriving your body of food it craves, ignoring physical signals of hunger, and defining yourself as good or bad depending on whether you've stayed on your diet or broken your diet are all unhealthy behaviors."
Defining casual is often a personal call.
Most successful male actors have careers that span many decades, but more often than not there is one decade considered to be the defining one of their career.
Tom Cruise starred in all of them along with many others, making the 80's the defining decade of his career.
Each dog breed has a set of unique and defining characteristics and features.
Defining nudity can also be an ideological or political matter.
A hard-wearing, sustainable, comfortable and smart jacket, it is now one of the defining features of the "English country gentleman."
The specific definition of GMO varies depending on what defining authority you rely upon.
The National Standards on Organic Agricultural Production and Handling (NOP rule) of 2001 provides the basis for defining organic foods.
There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to defining peasant tops, but they generally have a scooped, elasticized, or gathered neckline, and many are designed to be worn off the shoulders.
Defining retirement individually and in a proactive way through elements such as standards of living, senior housing, and work.
Each state is also responsible for making the laws that govern these facilities and defining the term assisted living itself.
Although many people tend to lump these people all into one classification, their defining decade was very different.
For those people born in the earlier years of the Boom, from 1946-1951, the 1960s are their defining decade.
Although the generation of people born between and including 1946-1964 have much in common, there are Baby Boomer characteristics that are distinctly different depending on their defining decade.
The defining decade is the decade when Boomers were teenagers and young adults.
The defining decade of this segment of Baby Boomers is the 1960s, a time of great changes in the country.
Many Baby Boomers consider their work and professional accomplishments the defining factor of their lives.
The National Institutes of Health published a study that explores different published standards for defining hypopnea.
Blood Vision also helps you with head shots by defining the head a little bit more.
Up until then, it seemed that the defining factor for many video game systems was the bit-count.
One of the defining characteristics of the survival horror genre, and what sets it apart from other games is that typical video game elements such as gameplay take a backseat to the overall theme of the game.
Contra - One of the defining side-scrolling shooter series in early video game history, Contra featured fast action and a plethora of weapons to dispose of invading aliens.
The Sims series of games is well-known for a few defining points.
Often referred to as "god-games", players are put in control of characters called Sims, defining every aspect of their life and watching the outcomes blossom from their choices.
Famed winemaker André Tchelistcheff, credited with defining the wine styles of California once said "God made Cabernet whereas the Devil made Pinot Noir."
When looking for Art Deco items, keep in mind the defining characteristics of Deco design.
Take a moment to consider what features are most important to you, whether size is a defining factor, and what price range you'd like to stay in, and you will surely find the best smartphone or PDA phone for you'.
Some of the most defining characteristics are described below.
Its presence is one of the defining parameters (along with retinal hemorrhage) of shaken baby syndrome.
The determination of fetal hemoglobin in the blood of infants and children identifies normal and abnormal levels, defining what percentage of total hemoglobin is made up of fetal hemoglobin.
There are many different ways of defining PCS, but it is usually considered present if three or more symptoms (such as insomnia, headache, and dizziness) are present for at least three months.
The defining symptom of a learning disorder is academic performance that is markedly below a child's age and grade capabilities and measured IQ.
Moreover, adolescents should receive anticipatory guidance to assist them in defining appropriate options and alternatives to engaging in high-risk behaviors.
Since dance is incorporated into tribal rituals, it is often a defining moment when it comes to gender roles.
Most importantly to the consumer, the government began defining what an agency must offer in order to use the term "hospice care."
Although each half exists independently of the other, only together do they create the defining the forces of the universe.
Defining the problem is the first step toward correcting it with a new shape.
You may do fairly well at coloring your own hair, but the addition of defining and face framing streaks takes more time and care.
Even if you already have wavy hair, what you want to do to get this look is apply a good defining hair product on dry hair and then rock a ceramic straightening iron back and forth down the head, following the hair's natural pattern.
For styling, use some defining product on damp hair, working the waves with your fingers.
This is quite simply because dresses typically end up defining every other part of the ensemble, including accessories, shoes, and hairstyles.
As you can see, these three looks are completely different, so communication is crucial when defining shaggy hairstyles.
This defining shape demands a strong and prominent color placement.
Never discount the ability of a single or multi-color application in terms of highlighting, defining and changing your look.
However, you will find that spending some time defining some goals will serve you well in not only choosing a curriculum but also in sticking with a plan for the longer term.
The Golden Gate Bridge is arguably the defining image of San Francisco and the Bay Area.
A quick look in retail stores, and on the internet will reveal that there is no shortage of fun and fashionable summer footwear, but there are other alternatives for defining your own style.
Raven seems unconcerned about any negative press about her weight, instead defining herself as "thick and fabulous."
Your suit choice really depends on how far you dare to go, and how much sun exposure you think you can stand, but the defining element of any thong rests with that all important bottom piece.
Vitamin A is based in Laguna Beach California and is quickly defining what is considered the West Coast aesthetic.
You can expect, however, some consistent defining features in any of the toys in their product line.
One of the defining characteristics of Mandalay dresses is their glamour.
This means clearly defining the start and finish of the project.
Part of defining what is the meaning of love is discussing being in love.
The choice of precious metal plays an important part in defining the end cost of an engagement ring.
Most importantly, this briefcase looks educated and aptly-chosen accessories should be able to provide you with a defining sense of self.
The standard Baby Phat satchel is sort of a defining piece for the line.
Once again, Tod's is a name defining casual luxury, so items worthy of a black tie event will not be found in the Tod's repertoire.
The Broadway Drawstring handbag is a defining piece in Liz Claiborne's handbag collection.
Paired best with jeans or casual dress, this bag is a defining mass of Claiborne fun.
Such individuals take great joy in noting the nuances within a birth chart, nuances that may play an important function in defining the Pisces personality.
Creating a regular work schedule, defining your business goals, and formally monitoring your progress will help keep you on the right track.
And, who is to say that self-confidence isn't the defining characteristic of a basketball champion?
There's no single defining characteristic of Monroes as they all seem to be varied in style.
Vera Wang Wang is the defining name in bridal couture, and her shoes reflect this flawless, but occasionally edgy, elegance.
The charitable project and the shoes' easily identifiable style and comfort are defining factors for the company's image.
With Dallas, the defining cliffhanger was "Who Shot J.R.?"
Lorelai is a trail blazer, defining herself in opposition to her family and daughter Rory followed in her footsteps, sharing many of her mother's quirkier traits.
Defining the price range within which you are shopping allows you to narrow down your search and to focus only on affordable watches.
One of their most defining ranges is the Fossil Limited Edition range.
The defining elements of the black Tambour chronographs watches are their primary black color, their white or pink accents, and their sturdy rubber straps.
Classic styling deftly merged with high-precision is the defining characteristic of this women's Gucci watch collection.
The shopping process can be streamlined significantly by defining what features are important and are necessary for a particular sport.
Browse some of the Pasha collections defining features below.
Throughout their journey, the Jorsts remained true to the defining principle that high quality doesn't have to be overpriced.
When we first started the site, before the blog keyword clouds became so prevalent, we wanted to know what keywords were good for defining this music.
Specific and defining behaviors have now been identified, and these typically encompass several areas, including socialization, communication, and behavioral problems.
Doctors, educators, parents, and other concerned adults must be aware of the defining behaviors that could indicate the presence of autism.
Unfortunately along with a wide variety of symptoms (hence the term autism spectrum disorder) there are no defining physical signs of an autistic child.
The first step in understanding these two disorders is to look at their defining characteristics.
In the mainstream medical community, autism culture is a way of defining the common characteristics of autism.
Defining Aspergers disease can be difficult and until specific causes for the disorder are found, questions about what AS is continues.
Defining TEACCH is challenging because it can't be simplified into a specific approach.
If you have an ecommerce business, defining SEO and what it means to your website will improve your chances of success.
To make defining SEO terms a little easier, the following list has been included.
In following and detailing car show events and reporting on the latest industry news, Autoblog is fast defining itself as one of the leading automotive blogs on the net.
Simplicity of design and materials are the defining elements of this pattern.
However, you have much more flexibility in defining the size of the mold and ultimately the size of your finished bars of soap.
A legitimate standard of guidelines defining a balanced diet is depicted in the Food Pyramid.
This aspect of fitness is the factor most commonly omitted when defining physical fitness, and yet, it is an extremely important facet of being fit.
A variety of well-designed six-pack abs workout routines can be a powerful tool for sculpting and defining the abdominal area. illustrates the concept of aerobic activity by defining it as, "Brisk physical activity that requires the heart and lungs to work harder to meet the body's increased oxygen demand."
The Classic Car Club of America applies the term classic to cars which were built between the years of 1925 and 1948, with other defining characteristics involved.
The needs of each individual nurse, according to the specific work they do, should be the defining factor of how much insurance they carry.
Specific perils and endorsements outlining a risk or defining a peril are generally added to the Standard form.
The defining look is that they sit right at the hips and are normally done on a low rise style.
If you love defining your waist, they also have tops with zip fronts and thick belts.
The albums second single, "Closer", was the defining song for NIN's commercial success. within a month of its release it was in billboard top 10 charts, and TDS went platinum almost overnight.
E-Z Tracks - E-Z Tracks takes a broad approach to defining British rap, so some of the songs on their list may leave you scratching your head.
The result was Control - one of the defining albums of the 1980s and one that shot Jackson to superstardom.
The Saturday Night Fever soundtrack was originally released in 1977, and it became one of the defining albums of the decade.
For the 500,000 fans that attended Woodstock, it was the defining moment of the hippie movement - the moment in the sun for the peace and love generation.
It is the first single from his Odelay album, and it, along with Loser, remains one of his defining tracks.
Perhaps what the decade is best known for is the advent of disco music with bands like the Bee Gees, Donna Summer and Devo defining the decade with their music and dance styles.
During the first season of the show, Giudice gained a reputation for lavish spending and over the top fashion, but her real defining moment came during the final episode of the first season.
Whether its an item, a person, a creature, or an entire group, magic tends to be one of the defining traits of fantasy.
Magic is one of the defining features of fantasy.
The defining characteristic of a fairy is the wings, though the designs can vary greatly.
Due to the link to Queen Elizabeth the poem found political favor with her and became a tremendous success and Spenser's defining work.
While people are the most important factor in making a social network successful, the ability to interact with other people is perhaps the most important factor in defining a network.
The third major component of defining a social network is the ability to create a personality.
While the three most important components in defining a social network may be people, interaction and profiles, there are still dozens of little details that can define each individual social networking site.
Clearly defining the purpose of your forum before participation is opened to the public will help it to succeed.
No other tags such as head or style are necessary - just start the page with the first tag to be modified and go about defining the rules and selectors.
Before defining how SEO technology is unique for businesses in Michigan, it's important to understand what business driven technology is, and how SEO tools and techniques come into play.
Instead it is more of a "descriptive" language, laying out first a framework for the web browser to interpret and then defining the elements within that framework as well as their appearance.
Flahault and Schroter,2 in defining the term habitat, appear to exclude all geographical factors.
This may best be answered by defining what we understand by health.
Having first fixed the date of the close of Dynasty III., they employed the figures of the Kings' List unemended for defining the earlier periods, and did not attempt to reconcile their results with other conflicting data.
There is nowhere a real defining line between the two (many New Caledonians having black skins and woolly hair with Polynesian superiority of limb), but the Polynesian type is generally found among the chiefs and their kindred.
A wonderfully accurate register, or successive superposition of each block, is got mainly by the skill of the printer, who is assisted only by a mark defining one corner and another mark showing the opposite side limit.
This is mathematically expressed by the statement that dE is an exact differential of a function of the co-ordinates defining the state of the body, which can be integrated between limits without reference to the relation representing the path along which the variations are taken.
But it was chiefly through his strenuous advocacy of the policy of defining papal infallibility at the Vatican council (1869-1870) that Manning's name obtained world-wide renown.
In 1871 the Danish parliament (Riksdag) passed a law defining the political position of Iceland in the Danish monarchy, which, though never recognized as valid by the Icelanders, became de facto the base of the political relations of Iceland and Denmark.
The bill - the first formal expression by Congress with regard to Reconstruction - did not pass both Houses until the closing hours of the session, and failed to receive the approval of the president, who on the 8th of March issued a proclamation defining his position.
But here he becomes hopelessly inconsistent, because he had already said, in defining it, that " evolution is an integration of matter and concomitant dissipation of motion " (First Principles, § 145).
In fact, as mentioned in the article Mouse, there is no possibility of defining the term "rat" when used in a sense other than as relating to the two species above mentioned; while there is also no hard-and-fast limit between the terms "rats" and "mice" when these are likewise employed in their now extended sense, "rats" being merely larger "mice," and vice versa.
The isolation of the Teutonic churches from the vast system with which they had been bound up, the conflicts and troubles among themselves, the necessity of fixing their own principles and defining their own rights, concentrated their attention upon themselves and their own home work, to the neglect of work abroad.8 Still the development of the maritime power of England, which the Portuguese and Spanish monarchies noted with fear and jealousy, was distinguished by a singular anxiety for the spread of the Christian faith.
The latter is one of his best essays on criticism, defining with perfect lucidity what is meant by "action" in works of the imagination, and distinguishing the action of the fable from that of the epic and the drama.
An early step accomplished by Ostwald in this direction is to define ozone in its relation to oxygen, considering the former as differing from the latter by an excess of energy, measurable as heat of transformation, instead of defining the difference as diatomic molecules in oxygen, and triatomic in ozone.
On the north-east face of the hill forty steps, cut out of solid limestone, lead upward to a small, dome-roofed recess, which contains some interesting Persian inscriptions cut in relief on the rock, recording particulars of the history of Kandahar, and defining the vast extent of the kingdom of the emperor Baber.
The practical difficulty of constructing Gregorian telescopes of good defining quality is very considerable, because if spherical mirrors are employed their aberrations tend to increase each other, and it is extremely difficult to give a true elliptic figure to the necessarily deep concavity of the small speculum.
The purpose of this article is to trace the growth of the Scottish " Kirk " as a whole, defining the views on which it was based and the organization in which they took form.
Maxwell never committed himself to a precise definition of the physical nature of electric displacement, but considered it as defining that which Faraday had called the polarization in the insulator, or, what is equivalent, the number of lines of electrostatic force passing normally through a unit of area in the dielectric. A second fundamental conception of Maxwell was that the electric displacement whilst it is changing is in effect an electric current, and creates, therefore, magnetic force.
The Divan seemed intent on restoring the old system of government in its entirety, but in 1783 the Russian representative extracted from the sultan a decree (hattisherif) defining more precisely the liberties of the principalities and fixing the amount of the annual tribute - for Walachia 619 purses exclusive of various "presents" amounting to 130,000 piasters, and for Moldavia 1 3 5 purses and further gifts to the extent of 115,000 piasters.