Define Sentence Examples
The child's eagerness and interest carry her over many obstacles that would be our undoing if we stopped to define and explain everything.
It will not be welfare (or, at least depending on how you define the term, it will not be perceived as welfare).
To discover and define those laws is the problem of history.
Ask Martha to define cheating.
Even so, shared interest didn't define their relationship.
It is then possible to define by a parallel elaboration what is meant by classes of classes, classes of relations, relations between classes, and so on.
The Spanish and Portuguese crowns attempted to define the limits between their American colonies in 1750 and 1777, and the lines adopted still serve in great part to separate Brazil from its neighbours.
It is convenient here to define the two chief types of cell-form which characterize tissues of the higher plants.
The remaining groups are harder to define, with the exception of the (3) Capitelliformia, which are mud-living worms of an "oligochaetous" appearance, and with some affinities to that order.
The answers to those questions are what define the Internet.
AdvertisementWithout having recourse to any elaborate process of economic reasoning, by confining out attention to one simple question, namely, what happened, we can establish conclusions of the greatest interest to economic historians and, further, define the problem we have to investigate.
The exact limits of Rabbula's work are difficult to define.
They endeavoured to define aspects of vegetation in which the forms exhibited an obvious adaptation to their climatic surroundings.
So long as the intervening territory was a wilderness no effort was made to define the boundary line.
I cannot fathom or define their meaning any more than I can fathom or define love or religion or goodness.
AdvertisementDisease we may define, accordingly, as any departure from the normal standard of structure or function of a tissue or organ.
I define war as armed conflict occurring between nation-states or, in the case of civil wars, between factions within nation-states.
Two elements define the position of the plane passing through the attracting centre in which the orbit lies.
But besides the vocation he had freely selected and assiduously laboured to fulfil, two more external influences helped to shape Martineau's mind and define his problem and his work; the awakening of English thought to the problems which underlie both philosophy and religion, and the new and higher opportunities offered for their discussion in the periodical press.
The sciences, for example, all seek to define their own species; dialectic, on the other hand, sets forth the conditions which all definitions must satisfy whatever their subject matter.
AdvertisementHis character, like his namesake the decemvir's is not easy to define.
While all emo hair styles are unique, there are certain characteristics they share that define them as emo looks.
We may otherwise define it by saying that a line of electric force is a line so drawn in a field of electric force that its direction coincides at every point with the resultant electric force at that point.
In 1530 it became necessary to define his position against both Romanists and Zwinglians.
The conception of a race of animals or of plants as a group of individuals capable of being arranged in an orderly series with respect to the condition of a particular character enables us to define the "type" of that character proper to the race.
AdvertisementWithout resorting to this exaggeration, Mommsen can speak with perfect truth of the " enormous space occupied by the burial vaults of Christian Rome, not surpassed even by the cloacae or sewers of Republican Rome," but the data are too vague to warrant any attempt to define their dimensions.
If you ask me to define the amount more accurately, I say that it cannot be done.
At the same time it soon appeared that they could not agree among themselves when they came to ask what it is, but in attempting to define it seem to have gone through the whole gamut of mind.
The canonists define the degrees of suspicion as "light" calling for vigilance, "vehement" demanding denunciation, and "violent" requiring punishment.
In the ensuing account a constant repetition of the names of the main archipelagoes will be found; it may of course be assumed that each successive voyager added something to the knowledge of them, but on the other hand, as has been said, islands were often rediscovered and renamed in cases where later voyagers took no account of the work of their predecessors, or where the earlier voyagers were unable clearly to define the positions of their discoveries.
We must now proceed to define more exactly the peculiar and distinctive character of the Gnostic system.
The organization of a municipal system, which should regulate the governments of all these towns on a uniform basis, and define their relation to the Roman government, was probably the work of Sulla, who certainly gave great impetus to the foundation in the provinces of citizen colonies, which were the earliest municipia outside Italy, and enjoyed the same status as the Italian towns.
We might define temperature in the case of a flame or vacuum tube by the temperature which a small totally reflecting body would tend to take up if placed at the spot, but this definition would fail in the case of a spark discharge.
We may therefore still take 2Nu/V to be the width of the band if we define its edge to be the frequency at which its intensity has fallen to 22% of the central intensity.
It is now possible to define the suborder Hyracoidea as including ungulates with a centrale in the carpus, plantigrade feet, in which the first and fifth toes are reduced in greater or less degree, and clavicles and a foramen in the lower end of the humerus are absent.
An early step accomplished by Ostwald in this direction is to define ozone in its relation to oxygen, considering the former as differing from the latter by an excess of energy, measurable as heat of transformation, instead of defining the difference as diatomic molecules in oxygen, and triatomic in ozone.
Our main task, then, is to define the nature, origin and date of the parent document, and if possible its own literary antecedents.
Each form has special uses, generally difficult to define.
Veronius is willing to waive the difficult point of church infallibility as the Council of Trent did not define it.
Before doing this, however, it was necessary to define the limits of tribal properties already existing - a work of great difficulty - with a view to their ultimate division, and at the same time to guard against any premature traffic in the rights of Arabs in the lands about to be divided.
The Saxon Confession of Wittenberg, June 1551, while protesting against the same errors, equally abstains from trying to define narrowly how Christ is present in the sacrament.
This qualification, though generally understood, is difficult to define.
The struggle against Gnosticism, which had been going on during the middle part of the century, had compelled the Church both to define her creed and to draw a sharper line of demarcation than heretofore between those writings whose authority she regarded as absolute and all others.
Lying south and east of the main stream is a vast, densely forested region called Venezuelan Guiana, diversified by ranges of low mountains, irregular broken ridges and granitic masses, which define the courses of many unexplored tributaries of the Orinoco.
When the properties of the resultant substance are different from those of the components and it is not a chemical compound we define it as a solution.
His most important achievement was to define "salts" - a term formerly used in the most loose and indeterminate way - as the compounds formed by the union of acids and bases, and further to distinguish between neutral, basic and acid salts.
The aim of Laokoon, which ranks as a classic, not only in German but in European literature, is to define by analysis the limitations of poetry and the plastic arts.
In shape it is an irregular oblong, and it is very difficult to define its boundaries, as at one extremity it wanders into Oudh, while on the south the villages of the state of Rewa and those of this district are hopelessly intermingled.
From remains of the age of the IVth Dynasty he is able to define to some extent the type of the population of Lower Egypt as having a better cranial and muscular development than that of Upper Egypt, probably through immigration from Syria.
The captions and headings in this Agreement are inserted only as a matter of convenience, and in no way define, limit or in any other way described the scope of this Agreement or the intent of any provision hereof.
Unfortunately Buckle either could not define, or cared not to define, the general conceptions with which he worked, such as those denoted by the terms "civilization," "history," "science," "law," "scepticism," and "protective spirit"; the consequence is that his arguments are often fallacies.
Opposition and criticism only served to define more precisely the adherents of the new doctrine.
Believing,"he wrote," that (excepting the ardent monarchists) all our citizens agreed in ancient whig principles "- or, as he elsewhere expressed it, in" republican forms "-" I thought it advisable to define and declare them, and let them see the ground on which we can rally."This he did in his inaugural, which, though somewhat rhetorical, is a splendid and famous statement of democracy.'
Since the transit circle is preferable to the equatorial for such observations wherein great accuracy is required, the declination and hour circles of an equatorial are employed, not for the determination of the right ascensions and declinations of celestial objects, but for directing the telescope with ease and certainty to any object situated in an approximately known position, and which may or may not be visible to the naked eye, or to define approximately the position of an unknown object.
Mr Gore, starting from the same basis of faith and authority, soon found from his practical experience in dealing with the "doubts and difficulties" of the younger generation that this uncompromising attitude was untenable, and set himself the task of reconciling the principle of authority in religion with that of scientific authority by attempting to define the boundaries of their respective spheres of influence.
In view of the.great difference in the legal position of the free man and of the villein in feudal common law, it became very important to define the exact nature of the conditions on which the status of a villein depended.
We define essences of course in a sense, but the essences of which men talk are abstractions, " creatures of the understanding."
Hence in the case of dead languages or past forms of living languages, it is often very difficult to define with precision what the sounds of the past epoch were.
The sounds which are most difficult to define exactly are the vowels; a great variety may be indicated by the same symbol.
In point of doctrine, they differ in their view of the relation between God Vishnu and the human soul; whilst the former sect define it by the ape theory, which makes the soul cling to God as the young ape does to its mother, the latter explain it by the cat theory, by which Vishnu himself seizes and rescues the souls as the mother cat does her young ones.
We may define, then, the religious object as the sacred, and the corresponding religious attitude as consisting in such manifestation of feeling, thought and action in regard to the sacred as is held to conduce to the welfare of the community or to that of individuals considered as members of the community.
The labors of this commission resulted in the Erzerum treaty of 1847, by which both powers abandoned some lands and agreed to appoint commissioners to define the frontier.
The great dogmatic work of the Eastern Church was the definition of that portion of the creed of Christendom which concerns theology proper - the doctrines of the essential nature of the Godhead, and the doctrine of the God head in relation with manhood in the incarnation, while it fell to the Western Church to define anthropology, or the doctrine of man's nature and needs.
The most prominent question which emerged in attempting to define further the person of Christ was whether the will belonged to the nature or the person, or, as it came to be stated, whether Christ had two wills or only one.
Attempts have been made to define the reciprocal rights and duties of protecting and protected states.
In this resolution the chamber took note of" the replies of the government, according to which the declarations contained in the letter of the 3rd of June do not constitute conditions but ` solemn recommendations,' while ` the convention of cession will have no other object than to effect the transference and define the measures for its accomplishment, and the Belgian legislature will regulate the regime of its colonial possessions in unrestricted liberty.'
The anniversary of his death has since been honoured in an unprecedented manner, the 19th of April being celebrated as "Primrose Day" - the primrose, for reasons impossible accurately to define, being popularly supposed to have been Disraeli's favourite flower.
To ensure realism, the decoys utilize appropriate paintwork to define important features thereby improving the overall fidelity.
Apart from these two concepts which in their union mutually define one another as form and content, no conception of life is possible.
So how would I define my ideal tench water?
Contrasting colors, bright graphics, and a unique juxtaposition of fierce and feminine define many of their looks.
He's not taking things slowly to define the romance and enhance the passion.
Elements and qualities help define the zodiac signs.
If your birth-given sign doesn't ring true with your personality, look deeper into your chart to find which elements most define you, and find your true astrological sign.
The governing planet of a Capricorn is slow-moving Saturn, and some astrologers suggest that Capricorns define their approach to life in a similar fashion as Saturn; they are slow, considerate and not quick to jump into things.
Kids' dictionaries are a great resource when a child is required to define vocabulary words, but children should not be sent to the dictionary when reading for meaning or writing if at all possible.
Talk as a family about the rules, and define specific consequences for a broken rule.
It's a good idea to define your search for preschool worksheets in terms of the curriculum recommendations of accredited preschools.
Additionally, if all of the students are wearing the same uniform, then the ability to define which students are in a gang or clique by the clothes that they wear is reduced.
By learning the various types of parenting that psychologists define, you can consciously choose how you wish to interact with your children.
Karma forms a set of spiritual rules that define what happens whenever someone attempts suicide.
It's important to define the difference between normal and paranormal activity.
As you grow and increase your psychic abilities, you could see a trend emerge that helps you define your psychic talents and put them to better use.
Buying a sweater in a color you know your sister hates just because it seemed like too great of a deal to pass up is a good way to define cheapskate behavior.
In today's consumer culture, there is a tremendous pressure to buy merchandise you can't afford and to define your sense of self-worth by superficial factors.
A shoe is only a shoe until someone puts it on, and that person can define its meaning to a group of people.
The word "Viking" may not exactly define chic for most women who consider themselves the arbiters of all things fashionable, but the new breed of styles inspired by this rugged footwear may just change a few minds.
It is only when Rory begins to define herself independently that she and her mother clash, but their love and support of each other is felt in every comical, tragic and familial moment on the show.
He would eventually recover and go on to find love with Jennifer Horton, but his tempestuous relationship with the Johnsons and Senator Deveraux would define Jack's actions for the next two decades.
Fifth season episodes followed Izzie's illness and George's struggle to define himself.
Before we get into distinct styles of crosses, we need to define the two major types.
People have always used tattoo designs to help define themselves in some way, and a well thought out tattoo should express something about you.
Check out the list below for other ways to define your individuality by scarring the skin.
There are many ways to define an unusual piercing.
Sometimes it's hard to narrow down the reasons why people choose one design over another, but this small winged creature's allure is actually easy to define.
Simply marvelous is how you define this Cartier Pasha watch.
These two words together define cuff bangle watch bands perfectly.
The different designs help define the style and image of a watch and the extensive choice available means that a watch and watchband combination can be found for all tastes and occasions.
While choosing a good yoga studio is important, it's the instructor who will define your class experience.
You may be familiar with the Taoist terms yin and yang, which define the cycle of opposites in the universe.
So we had to really focus on how people are using the music, what mood they're trying to define.
The terminology can be confusing with regards to the autism spectrum of disorders, especially when trying to define autism.
Define your business as a Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, C Corporation, S Corporation or Limited Liability Corporation.
In point of detail, it is now impossible to draw a sharp distinction between that which they found surviving ready to their hand and that which they themselves added, or to define how far they reproduced the traditional fragments with verbal fidelity or indulged in revision and remoulding.
His Regulations formally reserved the latter class of rights, but did not legally define them, or enable the husbandmen to enforce them in the courts.
Whether in the case of national or provincial councils, or of diocesan synods, the chief object of the decrees is to reinforce, define or apply the law; the measures which constitute a derogation have only a small place in them.
We can define two as one and one, and three as one and one and one; but we obviously cannot continue this method for ever.
A fraction written in this way is called a decimal fraction; or we might define a decimal fraction as a fraction having a power of To for its denominator, there being a special notation for writing such fractions.
But although we thus arrive by projection at the notion of a circuit, it is not necessary to go out of the plane, and we may (with Zeuthen, using the shorter term circuit for his complete branch) define a circuit as any portion (of a curve) capable of description by the continuous motion of a point, it being understood that a passage through infinity is permitted.
Other notable dates in history are 1637 and 1647, when general synods of New England churches met at Cambridge to settle disputed doctrine and define orthodoxy; the departure for Connecticut of Thomas Hooker's congregation in 1636; the meeting of the convention that framed the present constitution of the commonwealth, 1779-1780; the separation of the Congregationalists and Unitarians of the first parish church, in 1829; and the grant of a city charter in 1846.
He found it necessary to think clearly and define sharply; but Athanasius found it necessary to believe in a divine redemption.
The first stage at which we can distinguish Plato's ethical view from that of Socrates is presented in the Protagoras, where he makes a serious, though clearly tentative effort to define the object of that knowledge which he with his master regards as the essence of all virtue.
It is, however, important to notice that in his " good " is included not merely happiness but " perfection "; and he does not even define perfection so as to exclude from it the notion of absolute moral perfection and save his theory from an obvious logical circle.
And if the controversy which this school has conducted with utilitarianism had turned principally on the determination of the matter of duty, there can be little doubt that it would have been forced into more serious and systematic effort to define precisely and completely the principles and method on which we are to reason deductively to particular rules of conduct.'
The reader who will trace out these successive concepts and study the results of his changing positions will readily acquire the notions which it is our subject to define.
In the case of three bodies these do not suffice completely to define the motion.
The other two coordinates, which define the direction of a body, admit of direct measurement on principles applied in the construction and use of astronomical instruments.
As the extant sources do not define the term, and as they apply it to but five or six associations, the majority of which are little known, modern scholars are in doubt as to the essential character of the institution, and hesitate therefore to extend the name beyond this limited list.
His method is to distinctly define the opposing elements and then to seek their harmonious combination by the aid of a deeper conception.
The central plain and its offshoots are drained by rivers to all the coasts, but chiefly eastward and westward, and the waterpartings in its midst are sometimes impossible to define.
The relationship of Munster and Leinster to the Tara dynasty is not so easy to define.
The first attempt to define the boundary was made in 1732, but the work was not completed until 1815.
If anyone told me they could unequivocally define the exact point at which right and wrong diverge, I'd think they were either a liar or could walk on water.
Having his family together in their modest home during the holiday season had come to define Christmas for him.
If it works, you define our relationship.
We know what we mean by a psychic phenomenon, even if we can't define it.
It was not possible to define a clear response curve of PD excretion to purine absorption from that data set.
The rules that should govern an ethically acceptable policy on abortion are not difficult to define.
They're not much different than his names and titles, but they're more descriptive adjectives or nouns that define him to us.
You can also define your own indexes using B-tree and hashing algorithms.
You can define an alias for your SPIDER location.
Our work will contribute to the modeling work of the MESH project by helping to define the physical environmental conditions that support benthic biotopes.
Use three curly braces wrapped around the text to define a block quote.
At last we can closely define the site of the entrance causeway across the ditch.
Priority values define a numerical rank or ordering of the threads that a thread scheduler can use to resolve simultaneous contention for processing resources.
I would rather feel contrition than know how to define it.
Definition computer criminality is a large field whose borders are not always easy to define.
It is exploring with its legal advisers possibilities that would avoid the need to define curtilage in law, which is the principal problem.
Results will define the age of the Scottish drainage divide and test models which predict divide migration in response to crustal deformation.
Like most terms applied to jazz music, hard bop does not define a precisely delineated genre.
The marginal subject is inclined to define itself via a process of negative dialectic.
For example, DPRO might define the effective dielectric constant in the center of a globular protein.
Eastings and Northings - This searches the Image Library by spatial location, using eastings and Northings - This searches the Image Library by spatial location, using easting and northing co-ordinates to define an area for searching.
If output is not given, it defaults to input. errors may be given to define the error handling.
They is a distinct gray area in such a definition - how do you define, precisely, non-voluntary euthanasia?
Simple methods define an arbitrary law, such as an inverse square relationship, or a linear falloff.
Ability to define event handlers to be run during service or host events for proactive problem resolution.
It is a challenging attempt to define what is often indefinable.
Unfortunately the two species also interbreed to give hybrids, which makes it extremely difficult to define the genetic purity of a wildcat.
Define omega matter and omega lambda, to be the density and lambda, divided by the critical value.
Back up ^^ 2 We define real estate as property, including leasehold and freehold interest, and its improvements.
Whether or not a particular scheme constitutes an unlawful lottery is a matter which only a court can define authoritatively.
And as if that was not enough, Nedit allows you to write custom macros so that you can define even more weirder functions.
You can define the default mailbox using the Set Default button.
If you want to define manhood, read this chapter.
These little self-adhesive strips help to define the area of the nail tip for an immaculate French manicure.
However, women who define their self-esteem through their body image may have a difficult time following through when treatment includes mastectomy.
When applied correctly mastic is a useful and attractive way to finish and define corners and edges, especially in tiled areas.
The survival and segmentation models may be used to define metrics for data access.
If this command is followed by one or more digits, optionally with a leading minus sign, those digits define the argument.
On the other hand, these norms in turn define the modality of social co-operation.
This analog contains the phenol moiety of tyrosine and thus the contacts that drive the chemistry and define the TPL specificity can be identified.
On the set of all n × n matrices over a field F it is possible to define a multiplication in many ways.
One of his ideas was to define logical systems modeled on interconnected neurons.
Eastings and northings - This searches the Image Library by spatial location, using easting and northing co-ordinates to define an area for searching.
To simplify notation we define,, ,, ,, ,, , and the total hemoglobin in all forms.
Define omega matter and omega matter and omega lambda, to be the density and lambda, divided by the critical value.
Dialog and debate between competing perspectives should be encouraged and attempts to define a disciplinary orthodoxy avoided.
Express concepts in the simplest terms and define technical terms and jargon, but do not oversimplify.
It is virtually impossible to define fixed parameters to judge the level of service provided, but a consensus should be reached nevertheless.
Deines draws on the designations within the pages of the New Testament to define Pharisaism as allegiance to Judaism in its 'best form ' .
Normally by the end of the calculation less than one half of the entries in BOX actually are used to define the limiting polyhedron.
Finally, you just may have really forgotten to define some predicate.
Azores The Island of St Mary in the Azores was used to define the prime meridian by Christopher Saxton, 1584.
I have serious qualms about some practitioners who charge large amounts of money to patients in order to define a supposed individual nutritional approach.
Red sandstone quoins define the original chancel, at its juncture with the present nave.
For Sassoon the " brown rats, the nimble scavengers " are simply another dab of paint to define the scene.
This approach is used to guide a simple heuristic constraint satisfaction algorithm eliminating the need to explicitly define a search objective.
In 1877 he was the first to define a then mysterious childhood disease, which he named ' infantile scurvy ' .
The Pipe browsing semantics is used to define a tool that can handle a hypermedia application by using Pipe structures.
To develop a methodology to define in what circumstances first time sewerage is viable.
To grossly simplify matters, one could even define online theater as hypertext plus live interaction.
She reveals how the clothes can define a character, giving the example of Algren's rise from drunken slob to hardened warrior.
You can define a subclass of an enumeration class that extends it with additional enumeration values.
Once you have included all the atoms you want in the subset, hit Save to define the subset.
Detailed topography is largely controlled by a succession of Tertiary basalt lava flows that define successive, large-scale steps within the landscape.
You can even define your own stringed instrument and calculate tablatures for it!
It is a model that, in business terms, helps define a taxonomy of learning to develop managers.
But only theological effort could define and then justify the dogma.
To fully define theosophy, we must consider it under all its aspects.
It promotes thrift in spending and order to ones life, helping on to define goals.
As an example let's define a torus the hard way.
Can either use a large gradient or a critical value of PV to define the tropopause; it depends what you are looking at!
Our research also uses the techniques of linguistic typology to define the place of English within the diversity of human language.
We have an in-depth understanding of the design, technological and marketing processes required to help companies in Guildford define their web strategy.
On this basis Turkey no longer needs to define itself in terms of European universalism.
While similar analyzes are used to define markets or determine anti-trust violations.
The strategic planting of shrubs and trees also define spaces and retain end-to-end visibility for pedestrians.
Graph New... Create a new graph (give it a name, and define the x-axis and data series ).
We may define these courses by the terms esoteric and exoteric - the former the philosophy of the school, cultivated principally at the universities, trying to systematize everything and reduce all our knowledge to an intelligible principle, losing in this attempt the deeper meaning of Leibnitz's philosophy; the latter the unsystematized philosophy of general culture which we find in the work of the great writers of the classical period, Lessing, Winkelmann, Goethe, Schiller and Herder, all of whom expressed in some degree their indebtedness to Leibnitz.
Also the times of beginning and ending are difficult to define exactly, so that several elements of uncertainty exist in data as to the seasonal or diurnal variation.
Others define those affairs of major importance which may be or must be referred to the Holy See by appeal, or the decision of which is reserved to the Holy See.
The first to attempt to define pitch would seem to have been Arnold Schlick (Musica ausgeteutscht and ausgezogen, Heidelberg, 1 511), who gives a measure, a line of 4s Rhenish inches, which, he says, multiplied sixteen times, should be the lowest F of a small organ.
Indeed the more favourable the secular authorities were to the Reformation the less need was there to discriminate between civil and ecclesiastical power, and to define strictly how the latter should be exercised.
In 1729 he published Essai d'optique sur la gradation de la lumiere, the object of which is to define the quantity of light lost by passing through a given extent of the atmosphere.
He aimed at nothing less than the annihilation of the enemy's forces, which Clausewitz was the first to define, a hundred and fifty years later, as the true objective of military operations.
Or a philosopher like Hegel, armed with a metaphysical theory, may descend upon the facts of religion and interpret them in its light, till they almost lose their original significance, which we might provisionally define as consisting in this, that the believer in any religion finds himself helped or (as he claims) saved by it.
Define more carefully than Locke did, with his blunder about "ideas," the process of perception, and you cut up scepticism by the roots !
God can be personal and doubtless is (though he has no Non-ego to define himself against) through contrast of passing conscious states with the abiding Ego.
It is a comparatively simple thing to state the question to which we want an answer, but extremely difficult to define the exact nature of the evidence which will constitute a good answer; easy enough to say we must try hypothesis after hypothesis, and test each one by an appeal to the facts, but a man may easily spend his life in this sort of thing and still leave to his descendants nothing more than a legacy of rejected hypotheses.
Its northern or land boundary is more difficult to define; most authorities, however, agree in taking it from El Arish on the Mediterranean, along the southern border of Palestine, between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Akaba, then bending northwards along the Syrian border nearly to Tadmur, thence eastwards to the edge of the Euphrates valley near Anah, and thence south-east to the mouth of the Shat el Arab at the head of the Persian Gulf, - the boundary so defined includes the northern desert, which belongs geographically to Arabia rather than to Syria; while on the same grounds lower Mesopotamia and Irak, although occupied by an Arab population, are excluded.
If we define the positive direction along a tube of electric force as the direction in which a small body charged with positive electricity would tend to move, we can summarize the above facts in a simple form by saying that, if we have any closed surface described in any manner in an electric field, the excess of the number of unit tubes which leave the surface over those which enter it is equal to 47r-times the algebraic sum of all the electricity included within the surface.
It is hardly fair on the strength of these two pronouncements to attribute the doctrine of seven sacraments to the Eastern churches in general; except under a sporadic Latin influence, they have not troubled themselves so to define their number.
But he brought home to Jews the perils that confronted them; he compelled many a "semi-detached" son of Israel to rejoin the camp; he forced the "assimilationists" to realize their position and to define it; his scheme gave a new impulse to "Jewish culture," including the popularization of Hebrew as a living speech; and he effectively roused Jews all the world over to an earnest and vital interest in their present and their future.
It was about this time that some of the leading theologians of the Roman Catholic Church, conceiving that the best way of meeting present perils was to emphasize, as well as to define more clearly, the authority of the pope, advised him to make his personal infallibility a dogma of the Church, and urged strenuously on him the necessity of calling a council for that purpose.
These definitions being thus various, the Eleate notes that the sophist, in consideration of a fee, disputes, and teaches others to dispute, about things divine, cosmical, metaphysical, legal, political, technical - in fact, about everything - not having knowledge of them, because universal knowledge is unattainable; after which he is in a position to define the sophist (7) as a conscious impostor who, in private, by discontinuous discourse, compels his interlocutor to contradict himself, in opposition to the Sn,uoXoyucos, who, in public, by continuous discourse, imposes upon crowds.
For greater simplicity and generality it is desirable to define the total heat of a substance as the function (E+pv), where E is the intrinsic energy and v the volume of unit mass (see Thermodynamics).
To define the moment of a force about an axis HK, we project the force orthogonally on a plane perpendicular to HK and take the moment of the projection about the intersection of ilK with the plane (see 4).
While some of these can be readily quantified, others such as severance are much more difficult to define and analyze.
Select a type of scatter plot required then click the Define button.
There are links which go on to define what simulator sickness is.
The sera used to define these specificities are listed in Table 2.
The InChI does not define the stereochemistry of the molecule.
In order to make descriptors specific enough, you may need to define subsets of atoms in the protein.
Behind the initial air defense force deployments came a plethora of reconnaissance and surveillance aircraft to monitor Iraqi activities and define orders of battle.
You can even define your own stringed instrument and calculate tablatures for it !
To fully define Theosophy, we must consider it under all its aspects.
Tilings How can we define a tiling of the plane?
As an example let 's define a torus the hard way.
Can either use a large gradient or a critical value of PV to define the tropopause; it depends what you are looking at !
Despite being the most guilty and ungenerous participants involved, they are still allowed to define the rules of the game.
Several anthropologists have attempted to define the conditions in which unilineal descent groups are likely to emerge.
The term bacteriuria is used to define the presence of bacteria in freshly voided urine.
Graph New... Create a new graph (give it a name, and define the x-axis and data series).
The more narrow a market you can define as your first target, the more targeted your solution can be.
Define your mutual qualifications possessed by the caregiver to provide you the utmost comfort with placing your baby in her care.
For example, some international markets define stocks worth less than $1 penny stocks.
A wild cat uses vocalizations and behavior as ways to define its territory.
The Federal Trade Commission chooses to define identity theft as "a fraud that is committed or attempted using a person's identifying information without authority."
Knowing how to define identity theft is only the first step.
Consider the following elements that define what makes one card a better choice over another.
Before addressing specific co-parenting issues, many workshops offer introductory courses to help co-parents define their concerns and offer basic solutions and options.
Mixing and matching reversible cushion groupings also helps define separate spaces on a large deck or patio, and works well in establishing a more intimate dynamic without doing the difficult design work yourself.
From a utility shelf to a complex confection of cutouts and curlicues, the opportunities to define a space, collection or function are limitless.
Existing elements, like windows, fireplaces and wall fixtures help define scale in a room and should all integrate with the shelf you build for the space.
Pool table measurements define the area of the table that is used for play, not the dimensions of the overall table.
A foldable sofa bed can help define the space, allowing you to change it to suit your needs.
To define renewable energy source you have to consider which sources of energy are sustainable and have limited to no environmental damage.
Unfortunately, another way to define renewable energy source is by the complications these sources pose.
In order to define renewable energy you have to also define the goals of renewable energy.
Whatever the true origins, the term is meant to define the concept of renewable, sustainable and eco-friendly processes, products and energy.
This large selection of affordable bedding can encompass around forty fashionable patterns to define your bedroom décor.
For distinctive ideas that will help define your French inspired home décor, check out Alicia Stanley and Company or this article on Parisian style from House Beautiful.
Simple, clean lines define the Scandinavian design approach, guided by functionality, natural materials and minimal ornamentation.
It can help to define a space, set the mood, and of course, provide the appropriate illumination for designated spaces.
Try putting some molding around it to define the chalkboard.
That's not to say that beaded curtains are merely decorative; they can help to define spaces, especially in smaller apartments and homes.
Rugs help to define seating areas by visually tying the pieces of furniture together.
An area rug in the kitchen dining area can help define the space and give you the opportunity to add a few design elements.
A sofa table can help define a conversation area and offer the design opportunity to light ambiance with a candlestick lamp, a plant and groups of candles.
Pull the furniture in closer to the room and use an area rug to help define the space used for furniture placement.
Area rugs placed under seating furniture in the living room help define a conversation area.
A sectional sofa can be used to define a conversation area.
Your eye makeup can really define your "look."
This can help define your eyes, while at the same time provide a little camouflage in case your lines aren't perfect.
This still helps to define and deepen your lashes, but it will barely look like you're wearing it.
This interesting shade is used to shape and define the nose and to reduce around-the-eye puffiness.
For a true formal makeup technique, your goal is to enhance and define your current look.
A soft black or brown liquid eyeliner in a thin line will help define your eyes.
With the Get Started Eyes kit, you will learn how to define and line your eyes for accentuated drama.
With rich coloring and deep lashes, pretty brown eyes are easy to define while maintaining their natural beauty.
While you may choose to wear a lip liner to help define your shape, a more natural look is often favored for an early morning look.
Add volume with the Your Highness collection, define curls with the Curlesque products or stay sleek and chic with the appropriately named Sleek Mystique line.
Punk hair styles are hard to define - in fact, what is punk to one person may be mild to another, and ultimately, it is up to each individual to define what is punk to them.
A sparkling tiara can easily define a style by transforming even the simplest look into something much more extravagant.
Emo style is hard to define -- it's truly as distinctive as the individual.
Wavy gals can still wear the look, but will probably need to rely on straightening irons to create the celebrity-inspired sedu straight locks that define the precise edge of this cut.
Face framing layers help define facial features while keeping hairstyles balanced.
Funky hairstyles are a unique way to express your personality and define your fashion mantra.
Layered short styles work with well with an iron because the heated tool presses layers together, creating smooth lines that shape, rather than define a style.
Styling products such as waxes and clays will define this look and add texture.
To define the pieces of your new haircut, opt for varying shades of hair highlights or lowlights added into your current hair color.
Once hair is dry, separate and define the texture with a lightweight molding paste.
Some chunks may be as thick as one or two inches in width as opposed to the smaller strands that define a traditional weave.
If you want that perfect bed head, unkempt look that helps define the emo, punk, and Indie pop cultures, you may consider a layered cut to help accent your style.
If you've ever scoured the hair color aisle in any major supermarket or beauty supply store, you've most likely seen a swatch guide filled with confusing numbers and alluring names to define a color formula.
Short, shaggy layers define this tapered cut that holds close to the head, and it can be worn with or without fringe bangs.
While wild hairstyles for prom night certainly aren't for everyone, for the wild child, they define her prom look!
A light styling cream or paste will help define layers while keeping them touchable.
These toys almost define a generation of children.
In fact, many maxi dresses define elegant with their vivid patterns, intricate details and vivacious color palettes.
Of course, you won't find the whole story here; you'll have to tune in to your favorite shows to experience firsthand the twists and turns that define the soap opera viewing experience.
If you have a flair for the dramatic and appreciate asymmetrical style, the Noeud can help define your fashion sense.
Adding contouring and shadows to your cheeks and brow will help define these areas.
The plummy hue can be dusted all over the lid or used to define the crease.
While many performers and actors opt for permanent cosmetics, everyday modern men also use this form of cosmetic practice to help define attractive facial features.
To help define your pout, a tattooed liner is yet another popular permanent cosmetic procedure.
Many women rely on waterproof gel eyeliner to define their eyes and to create a variety of high fashion makeup looks.
Captions. The captions and headings in this Agreement are inserted only as a matter of convenience, and in no way define, limit or in any other way described the scope of this Agreement or the intent of any provision hereof.
Once you land a job teaching digital photography, it's vital to define your curriculum.
Go to "Define Pattern" under the "Edit" menu and give your pattern a name that you will be able to remember.
We use it to define everything from nagging worries to major life changing events.
At first glance, stress is a fantastic catchall phrase to help define all of the mental and emotional turmoil in our lives.
Stress is subjective and therefore difficult to define.
Ethnic gangs define themselves by their nationality or race.
Turf gangs define themselves by the territory that they control.
High school students also start to feel the pressure from parents and others to define what they want their life to be like after graduation.
Define peer pressure as any influence (pressure) that you feel from someone around you (peer).
For example, some schools have honored successful clubs, like an award-winning theater group or marching band, that helped to define the class.
Many raw food proponents define raw foods a bit differently, so the first thing Susan did was share her thoughts on what it means to eat a raw food diet.
Dietary guidelines define one serving of grain as one ounce or the equivalent of one ounce.
Finally, as you begin planning your honeymoon, be sure you define your budget.
If you're not sure of what this entails, this article should help to define and offer suggestions for this type of wedding ceremony.
Urns of potted poinsettias or mums can define the outdoor space and even create an aisle for guests to walk along.
When you want to change your behavior, the first step is to clearly define your goal.
The term pure down can be deceiving since there isn't a national standard, and state regulations that define what is considered pure down can vary from one state to another.
Pairing a cloth shower curtain with luxury bath towels and gold or brass towel rings and towel bars helps define a more formal bathroom.
Instead of piping a border around the bottom or top of a cake with buttercream frosting, use cookie wedges, jelly beans, chocolate pieces, or other candies to form a pattern and define the shape of the cake.
Next, define the rabbit's face shape and features.
The girls continue to get attention from the media as they strive to define their adult selves.
A couple of small roles followed, and then in 1982 Yothers took on the role that would define her career.
Structurally, briefs better define the contours of a boy's body than boxers.
They look forward to Santa's visit, but also the treats and togetherness that define the season.
Some websites like Pure Modesty have developed an entire page of guidelines to help define modesty in today's western culture.
Remember a solid color will define your cut, while a broken up color pattern or plenty of highlights will add visual interest and soften the lines of a bob.
If your style borders on edgy, there are plenty of punk haircuts and ideas that can help define your unconventional style.
The following punk haircuts are the most common choices that define this unique style.
Clearly the least committal, asymmetrical cuts can help define a punk style without sacrificing basic length, nor restricting versatility outside of the punk scene.
Formulated in a gel cream consistency, you can add shine, take control and help define curls in just one step.
Unlike traditional hair extensions, feathers add a wispy and eccentric accent to your look and can help define your free-spirited style.
Next, you will have him look up any words he doesn't know and define them.
He should then look those words up in the dictionary and define them in the notebook.
Many people define themselves by what they do for a living, and if they lose their job, they are thrown off balance, to say the least.
State laws define eligibility for unemployment insurance.
State laws define eligibility for unemployment.
The state will define how the appeal works, which usually needs to be done within a set amount of time.
Even if those things are true, and you feel they define you, your boss may just end up hearing "I'll need to leave early all the time to deal with my kids, and you can forget about me working weekends."
It's important to clearly define the goals and objectives that you hope to accomplish as a result of conducting on the job training.
For example, a lender may set forth terms that define the condition the property must be kept in, leasing restrictions, and penalties for an early payoff of the principal balance.
Most programs define a first time homebuyer as someone who has not owned a home for a certain number of years prior to applying for assistance.