Defensible Sentence Examples
They were applied to other P Y PP uses less justifiable or defensible; they served to execute the will of the despotic master upon all who set themselves in opposition to his authority, or were decreed, more or less wisely but still arbitrarily, by a government in the best interests of society, organized for the general good.
This, it seems to me, is entirely defensible.
With this use of the word, philologically inexact, but historically quite defensible, may be compared the use of the word English, which is not exactly the language of the Angles, or of the word French, which is not exactly the language of the Franks.
Our space suddenly became defensible, criminals flourished as opportunities became more lucrative and the laws changed in favor of civil liberties.
A legally defensible system therefore needs to be created which delivers high quality people from all of the diverse communities within the UK.
The road forms a distinct and easily defensible edge to the village.
Not defensible under community law The commission averred the French position was not defensible under community law The commission averred the French position was not defensible under community law.
There seems no defensible reason for us not to try to help primary teachers as a logical extension of our existing remit.
Accordingly, strong representationalism will be all the less defensible for them.
John Morley (Oliver Cromwell, p. 2 9 7) has truly observed of the execution of Charles I., that it was "an act of war, and was just as defensible or just as assailable, and on the same grounds, as the war itself."
AdvertisementIt had probably not been completed, though it was already defensible, when Prince Llewelyn ab Griffith, incensed by its construction and claiming its site as his own, laid siege to it in 1271 and refused to retire except on conditions.
Within these strict confines, the supremacy of European law was arguably defensible.
No one who reads his private correspondence will admit that even his least defensible acts were dictated by dishonourable motives.
Almost immediately afterwards an agitation of a still less defensible character broke out in various towns under the guise of anti-clericalism.
The Church of Rome has discouraged these daring tactics in favour of the more cautious and probably more defensible positions of Aquinas.
AdvertisementAs to the marquess, his use of lettres de cachet is perfectly defensible on the theory of lettres de cachet, and Mirabeau, if any son, surely deserved such correction.
On the other hand, his desertion of the army on the 5th of December, not long after the crossing of the river Beresina, is a thoroughly defensible act.
At any rate he wavered in his estimate of their taxonomic value, for he gave an alternative proposal, arranging all the genera in a single series, a proceeding in those days thought not only defensible and possible, but desirable or even requisite, though now utterly abandoned.
Dr Wallich's attribution of this and other specimens subsequently sent in to the genus Camellia, although scientifically defensible, unfortunately diverted attention from the significance of the discovery.
The lake-village discovered in 1892 proves that there was a Celtic settlement about 300-200 B.C. on an island in the midst of swamps, and therefore easily defensible.
AdvertisementFor example what is the ethically defensible social role of the University in such a scenario?
The requirement of a specific " shocking " event results in the drawing of fine distinctions which are simply not defensible.
The provinces were unsettled, the barbarians on the borders restless and menacing, and Hadrian wisely judged that the old limits of Augustus afforded the most defensible frontier.
The assertion of Mommsen that the Tigris was a more defensible frontier than the desert line which separated the Parthian from the Roman Empire can hardly be accepted.
The Ptolemaic system was, in a geometrical sense, defensible; it harmonized fairly well with appearances, and physical reasonings had not then been extended to the heavens.
AdvertisementThe surrender of Elbing and Marienburg placed Gustavus in possession of the fertile and easily defensible delta of the Vistula, which he treated as a permanent conquest, making Axel Oxenstjerna its first governorgeneral.
Henry's demands were more defensible in substance than might be supposed from the manner in which he pressed them on the bishops.
He opposed woman suffrage on the ground that the majority of women did not want it and never would, and declared that until woman should "emancipate herself from the thraldom to etiquette," he "could not see how the ` woman's rights theory ' is ever to be anything more than a logically defensible abstraction."
The native name "Bauchi," which is of great antiquity, signifies the "Land of Slaves," and from the earliest times the uplands which now form the principal portion of the province have been the hunting ground of the slave-raider, while the hill fastnesses have offered defensible refuge to the population.
To occupy the one defensible position in the station, the magazine by the river with its vast military stores and its substantial masonry walls, would have involved steps which Wheeler regarded as certain to precipitate an outbreak.
Langport (Llongbooth, Langeberga, Langeport) owed its origin to its defensible position on a hill, and its growth to its facilities for trade on the chief river of Somerset.
The fertile and easily defensible delta of the Vistula was now occupied and Gustavus treated it as a permanent conquest, making his great minister Axel Oxenstjerna its first governor-general.
Oliver's severe conduct at Drogheda and elsewhere is not morally defensible, but such methods were common in the wars of the period, and much may be urged in his favour.
Conduct is considered lawful if any good Church authority holds it to be defensible; and " probability " warrants the confessor in taking a lenient view of sins which he himself, and authorities of weight in the Church, may regard as black in the extreme.
It is the capital of a sanjak bearing the same name, and was formerly important as the headquarters of the local Moslem aristocracy, partly owing to the mountainous and easily defensible nature of the district.