Defends Sentence Examples
He takes the line of separating the things of God from those of Caesar, and defends the traditional Protestant theology with obvious sincerity.
On this subject Henry is far from clear; but he defends Plato against the current Aristotelian criticism, and endeavours to show that the two views are in harmony.
In the first part Justin defends his fellow-believers against the charge of atheism and hostility t4 the state.
But with the return of the warmer season each male selects a territory, which he fiercely defends against all comers, especially against intruders of his own species and sex, and to which he invites all females, until the nest is filled with ova.
His arguments and exhortations may be gathered from many of his epistles and from his tract Adversus Helvidium, in which he defends the perpetual virginity of Mary against Helvidius, who maintained that she bore children to Joseph.
He reproduces and further develops and defends his own views in his Mathematical Memoirs, and in his paper in the Philosophical Transactions for 1785.
He defends a restrictive policy and insists on the necessity of the action of the state as a regulating power in the industrial world.
Among his own productions are a treatise, De la morale des peres, a history of ancient treaties contained in the Supplement au grand corps diplomatique, and the curious Traite du jeu (1709), in which he defends the morality of games of chance.
Ramsay (Was Christ Born at Bethlehem?, 1898, pp. 1 49 ff.) defends the exact accuracy of St Luke's " first census " as witnessing to the (otherwise of course unknown) introduction into Syria of the periodic fourteen years' census which the evidence of papyri has lately established for Egypt, at least from A.D.
In 1415 Baden (with the Aargau) was conquered by the Eight Swiss Confederates, whose bailiff inhabited the other castle, on the right bank of the Limmat, which defends the ancient bridge across that river.
AdvertisementIt was during this struggle that Mariana, the historian and the author of the famous De rege in which he defends tyrannicide, wrote his treatise On the Defects in the Government of the Society.
He had, ten years before this, only escaped promotion to the episcopate by a very questionable stratagem - which, however, he defends in his instructive and eloquent treatise De Sacerdotio.
Zeus awakened - Restores the advantage to the Trojans - Ajax alone defends the ships.
In its first meaning it protects and defends society from the dissidents, those who decline to be bound by the general standard of conduct accepted by the larger number of the law-abiding, and in this sense it is chiefly concerned with the prevention and pursuit of crime.
Reinach (reviewing P. Mazan's L'Orestie d'Eschyle, 1902) defends the theory of Bachofen, who finds in the legend of Orestes an indication of the decay of matriarchal ideas.
AdvertisementIn the same pamphlet he defends an appeal to the emotions, and advocates preaching terror when necessary, even to children, who in God's sight " are young vipers.
Pufendorf powerfully defends the idea that international law is not restricted to Christendom, but constitutes a common bond between all nations because all nations form part of humanity.
A circle of forts and batteries defends the town and coast, and there is a permanent garrison of 7000 to 9000 men, while 30,000 men can be accommodated within the lines, and the province flooded from this point.
Calvin replied to him in a work published in 1543, in which he defends his own opinions at length, both by general reasonings and by an appeal to both Scripture and the Fathers, especially Augustine.
He states the various proofs for the existence of an immaterial, infinite, supreme Being, asserts that this Being is the author of the visible universe, and strongly defends the doctrine of the foreknowledge and particular providence of God.
AdvertisementIn this Benedetti successfully defends himself, and shows that he had kept his government well informed; he had even warned them a year before as to the proposed Hohenzollern candidature.
He defends them against Zeus, who, in accordance with a widely diffused mythical theory, desires to destroy the human race and supplant them by a new and better species, or who simply revenges a trick in which men get the better of him.
During the rebellion of the brothers Asen and Petar in 1185 it bravely defends the attacks toward the Bulgarian capital Tarnovo.
Lee defends a ' strong ' conception of class and calls for greater attention on the integrative role of money in late industrialism.
Theodorus defends Protagoras's doctrine that Man is the Measure of All Things, which Socrates takes to imply relativism.
AdvertisementIn common with the Catholic Church SPUC defends and upholds the sanctity of human life from conception until natural death.
We have had the sophist who defends idleness, and calls it art.
Even such thoroughly immoral cultures as that of white slaveholders would seem sufficient to ground the sorts of national partiality she defends.
Cuba defends principles and not vested interests; therefore, although its supporters may feel upset, it emphatically opposes this war.
The six books pass in review (1) the doctrine of the soul, in which Gersonides defends the theory of impersonal reason as mediating between God and man, and explains the formation of the higher reason (or acquired intellect, as it was called) in humanity, - his view being thoroughly realist and resembling that of Avicebron; (2) prophecy; (3) and (4) God's knowledge of facts and providence, in which is advanced the curious theory that God does not know individual facts, and that, while there is general providence for all, special providence only extends to those whose reason has been enlightened; (5) celestial substances, treating of the strange spiritual hierarchy which the Jewish philosophers of the middle ages accepted from the Neoplatonists and the pseudo-Dionysius, and also giving, along with astronomical details, much of astrological theory; (6) creation and miracles, in respect to which Gerson deviates widely from the position of Maimonides.
Each individual is entirely devoted to his master, adopts his manners, distinguishes and defends his property, and remains attached to him even unto death; and all this springs not from mere necessity nor from constraint, but simply from gratitude and true friendship.
St Cyril of Alexandria defends the worship of the martyrs against Julian; St Asterius and Theodoret against the pagans in general, and they all lay emphasis on the fact that the saints are not looked upon as gods by the Christians, and that the honours paid to them are of quite a different kind from the adoration reserved to God alone.
AirMagnet Enterprise detects more than 135 wireless problems and automatically defends the network in real-time as threats arise.
Theodorus defends Protagoras 's doctrine that Man is the Measure of All Things, which Socrates takes to imply relativism.
In her blog, Kim Kardashian not only defends herself, but also provides further untouched photos from the same shoot.
Brooke, being the ultimate daddy's girl, defends the comments claiming they were "…taken out of context."
Leukocyte-A white blood cell that defends the body against invading viruses, bacteria, and cancer cells.
Most famously, the leprechaun defends his pot of gold from any who dare to try to take it from him.
The hope is that she will see her relationship with her ex as abusive and make an informed decision to get out, but you also run the risk that she defends her ex and sides with him.
But the definition of a soap hunk is not found in just his shirtless scenes, but also in the way he talks to the woman he loves, how he defends what he cares about, and the level of passion he holds for life.
Her attorney Owen defends her in court while romancing her and eventually marrying her.
The F Word - Deb gets a taste of Jane's life as a size 16 woman and how the world treats those that don't fit their body image when she defends a waitress fired for gaining 50 pounds.
In Jan '05, online science fiction magazine SciFiDimensions defends its own name in Letters.
Epistemologically von Hartmann is a transcendental realist, who ably defends his views and acutely criticizes those of his opponents.
It now bears the ruins of a mighty fortress, finer than that which defends the entrance to the acropolis of Selinus - the most imposing, indeed, that has come down to us from the Greek period - which there is no doubt is the work of Dionysius.
His favourite authors were Euripides, Virgil and Racine, whom he defends against the stock criticisms of the admirers of Corneille with equal zeal and insight.
Our author next defends Judaism by his glorification of Israel.