Deep-seated Sentence Examples
In both sacraments the death-bed baptism of an earlier age seems to survive, and they both fulfil a deep-seated need of the human spirit.
Hence there is clearly a deep-seated difference between the religious feelings of the two continents.
It was a deep-seated belief that those who took part in religious functions were liable to communicate this " holiness " to others (compare the complex ideas associated with the Polynesian taboo).
As early as 1804, Humboldt expressed the opinion that petroleum was produced by distillation from deep-seated strata, and Karl Reichenbach in 1834, suggested that it was derived from the action of heat on the turpentine of pine-trees, whilst Brunet, in 1838, adumbrated a similar theory of origin on the ground of certain laboratory experiments.
But when a deep-seated antagonism is concealed beneath an unruffled surface, the most trivial incident will bring it to the light of day.
Its bulk alone (equal to that of an orange) causes serious disturbances, and its choice of the liver, kidneys, lungs, cranial cavity and other deep-seated recesses, gives rise to profound alterations.
As to later forms of religion, he appears to have held that they owe their vitality to their embodiment of the deep-seated moral feelings of our common humanity.
Extensive and deep-seated crumpling was necessarily accompanied by vertical uplift throughout the zone affected, but once at least since their birth the mountains have been worn down to a lowland, and the mountains of to-day are the combined product of subsequent uplift of a different sort, and dissection by erosion.
This raises the further question as to whether the transmission of gravitation can be definitely recognized among the properties of an ultimate medium; if so, we know that it must be associated with some feature, perhaps very deep-seated, or on the other hand perhaps depending simply on incompressibility, which is not sensibly implicated in the electric and optical activities.
The graphite veins in the older crystalline rocks are probably akin to metalliferous veins and the material derived from deep-seated sources; the decomposition of metallic carbides by water and the reduction of hydrocarbon vapours have been suggested as possible modes of origin.
AdvertisementHe was possessed of a deep-seated enthusiasm for science and art, of a sincerely pious and idealistic temperament, and of an ardent love for the Church.
He thus finds that this sum should be either as great as 1 66, so that blowholes shall be absent; or as low as o 28, so that they shall be harmlessly deep-seated.
Cohen, who regarded the pipes as of the nature of a mud volcano, and the blue ground as a kimberlite breccia altered by hydrothermal action, thought that the diamond and accompanying minerals had been brought up from deep-seated crystalline schists.
Some regard the eclogite boulders as derived from deep-seated crystalline rocks, others as concretions in the blue ground.
The causes of the change in public opinion, of which this was to be the beginning, are too deep-seated to be discussed here.
AdvertisementThe government used with great address the bitter irritation against Great Britain which had become one of the most deep-seated elements in modern German life.
The deep-seated respect for legitimate descent asserted itself, and a great reaction took place.
And in this case it was natural enough because of their deep-seated affection for the royal house of Alexandria."
On the south are the isolated plains of Pamphylia and Cilicia, the almost land-locked harbours of Marmarice, Makri and Kekova, the broad bay of Adalia, the deep-seated gulf of Alexandretta (Iskanderun), and the islands of Rhodes with dependencies, Castelorizo and Cyprus.
He takes as much pains in laying bare the trifling causes of a petty war with Pisa as in probing the deep-seated ulcer of the papacy.
AdvertisementBlisters also cause local dilatation of vessels, but are usually applied to the skin for inflammation in deep-seated parts, such as the lungs, though they also relieve pain in the joints in acute rheumatism.
The more deep-seated type of these rocks is seen in the olivine-gabbro mass of Carlingford Mountain; but most of the igneous region became covered with sheets of basaltic lava, which filled up the hollows of the downs, baked the gravels into a layer of red flints, and built up, pile upon pile, the great plateaus of the north.
The officers ' uniforms cowed the most offensive of the rowdies, but I don't think the terror was very deep-seated.
The problems facing farmers are in many cases too deep-seated for that.
On the whole it is not deep-seated ideological commitment.
AdvertisementThe idea of a child might awaken many deep-seated anxieties within the mother, especially if she has difficult memories from her own girlhood.
I must address my deep-seated slothfulness and bring my somewhat mercurial temperament under a greater degree of control.
It expresses a deep-seated pessimism about the potential of art to effect radical change.
Moissan has produced the diamond artificially, by allowing dissolved carbon to crystallize out at a high temperature and pressure from molten iron, coupled with the occurrence in meteoric iron, has led Sir William Crookes and others to conclude that the mineral may have been derived from deep-seated iron containing carbon in solution (see the article GEM, Artificial).
Moved by deep-seated distrust of the Jesuits and by their continued practice of "Accommodation," despite express papal prohibition (see Clement Xi.), Innocent forbade the Order to receive new members in China, and was said to have meditated its suppression.
Nor, is it even a deep-seated, visceral personal hatred of individual Jews.
The extent of development of the phelloderm is dependent upon whether the phellogen has a superficial or a deep-seated origin.
In the year following his accession to office the deep-seated discontent of the people broke out in the Indian Mutiny.
They roused a determined spirit of opposition, founded on deep-seated convictions.
This, we submit, was a deep-seated error in his theory of life, an error to which may be ascribed the numerous stumbling-blocks and rocks of offence in his more serious writings.
But, because preventing blowholes increases the volume of the pipe, it is often better to allow them to form, but to control their position, so that they shall be deep-seated.
But the evil was too deep-seated to be remedied by these artificial means; Agis was assassinated, and the reforms of Cleomenes seem to have had no permanent effect.
At the same time a deep-seated periderm arose, by which the primary cortex was soon entirely cut off.
Deep-seated feelings of inferiority drive such a person to fabricate a persona that makes them feel more worthy.
However, many of Tinseltown's elite have the same deep-seated fears as the rest of the population.
The child has two or more deep-seated infections (meningitis, osteomyelitis, sepsis, or cellulitis).
The fact is, while the behavior may seem similar to a simple temper tantrum, the underlying causes of that behavior is deep-seated and very much beyond either the parent or child's control.