Deeds Sentence Examples
A man takes ownership of his deeds and acts responsibly.
Wolsey must be judged by his deeds and not by doubtful intentions.
Howie continued to tell all of us exactly what we did, relating our deeds and writings with absolute perfection.
A little later, when the rush and heat of achievement relax, we can begin to expect the appearance of grand men to celebrate in glorious poetry and prose the deeds and triumphs of the last few centuries.
Nor did he shrink from deeds of bloodshed and revenge; the assassination of his father-in-law, Niccolo Borghesi (1500), is an indelible blot upon his name.
His own children, who sign deeds along with him, use every mode except Napier, the form now adopted by the family, and which is comparatively modern.
From it have been transferred to the fireproof building of the Registry of Deeds many interesting historical documents, among them the records of the Plymouth colony, the will of Myles Standish, and the original patent.
It may be noted that it is still common to insert in mortgage deeds what is called an " attornment clause," by which the mortgagor "attorns" tenant to the mortgagee, and the latter thereupon acquires a power of distress as an additional security.
Expiating his sins was not so much his aim as to accomplish great deeds for God.
The good deeds of a just man were a natural consequence of his justice; whereas a bad man was no whit the better, because he now and then deviated into doing right.
AdvertisementBy all real estate deeds the sale of intoxicating liquors is for ever prohibited in the city; and an act of the state legislature in 1909 prohibited the sale of intoxicating liquor within r z m.
In some of the following psalms there are still references to deeds of oppression and violence, but more generally Israel appears as happy under the law.
In some deeds relating to the parish of Chiddingfold, in Surrey, of a date not later than 1230, a grant is recorded of twenty acres of land to Lawrence " vitrearius," and in another deed, of about 1280, the " ovenhusveld " is mentioned as a boundary.
In many passages his work gives the impression of being not so much an imitation of the ancient Germanic epic, as a genuine example of it, though concerned with the deeds of other heroes than those of Germanic tradition.
I could touch it, and perhaps that made the coming of the Pilgrims and their toils and great deeds seem more real to me.
AdvertisementAnd the exile, separated from the beloved France so dear to his heart, died a lingering death on that rock and bequeathed his great deeds to posterity.
The unspeakable deeds of this animal who held us were well known to me, vicariously, through the notes of Howie's visits to his past.
His usual signature was "Jhone Neper," but in a letter written in 1608, and in all deeds signed after that date, he wrote "Jhone Nepair."
The county officials are the sheriff, a coroner, a treasurer, a register of deeds, a surveyor and five commissioners, elected for two years.
As regards the first point, it is now generally held that miracles are exceptions to the order of nature as known in our common experience; and as regards the second, that miracles are constituent elements in the divine revelation, deeds which display, the divine character and purpose; but they are signs and not merely seals of truth.
AdvertisementThe deeds tell you who owned the place, but not what use they made of the property.
All her information is on that woman, all the good deeds she did, with nothing about the real Annie.
Perhaps, he thought, we are all owed contemplation of our actions, as a parting gift to those who succeed us so they might somehow learn from our deeds and mistakes.
He is said to have baptized the emperor Philip and his son, to have done some building in the catacombs, to have improved the organization of the church in Rome, to have appointed officials to register the deeds of the martyrs, and to have founded several churches in France.
The so-called " contracts," including a great variety of deeds, conveyances, bonds, receipts, accounts and, most important of all, the actual legal decisions given by the judges in the law courts, exist in thousands.
AdvertisementBy their sufferings no less than by their deeds of daring, her citizens showed themselves to be sublime, devoted and disinterested, winning the purest laurels which give lustre to Italian story.
He is the leader of a host of monkeys who aid in these supernatural deeds.
Russia had given him deeds, not words; and to Russia he committed himself.
Nezigin (" damages "), also known as Yeshu'ath (" deeds of help ").
They say we can only do many good deeds to make up for our bad deeds.
They wanted to keep it secret, they wanted to hide their evil deeds from the populace at large.
Click HERE to return to the main page, where details of many dirty deeds can be found.
Do people use to for wicked deeds, or for happy times?
The title deeds also describe the precise extent of the property.
Most mortgage deeds prevent you from letting without your lender's consent.
Revenue for state, county and municipal purposes is derived principally from taxes on real estate, tangible personal property, incomes in excess of $1000, wills and administrations, deeds, seals, lawsuits, banks, trust and security companies, insurance companies, express companies, railway and canal corporations, sleeping-car, parlour-car and dining-car companies, telegraph and telephone companies, franchise taxes, poll taxes, an inheritance tax and taxes on various business and professional licences.
He sang of war, and of bold rough deeds, and of love and sorrow.
Rejoice, for thou didst suffer many sorrows for these deeds !
Was he truly the only person capable of doing those wondrous deeds?
Was that it – pretty words and gentlemanly deeds?
Tunstal was as good a Catholic as Bonner; he left a different repute behind him, a clear enough indication of a difference in their deeds.
Romagna had continued a prey to anarchy ever since 1831; the government organized armed bands called the Centurioni (descended from the earlier Sanfedisti), to terrorize the Liberals, while the secret societies continued their propaganda by deeds.
Sometimes he would pass hours thinking of a certain illustrious lady, devising means of seeing her and of doing deeds that would win her favour; at other times the thoughts suggested by the books got the upper hand.
Coptic papyri mainly contain Biblical or religious texts or monastic deeds.
There is evidence to show that in the Toth century papyrus was used, to the exclusion of other materials, in papal deeds.
He calls himself most frequently manthran (" prophet"), ratu (" spiritual authority"), and saoshyant ("` the coming helper" - that is to say, when men come to be judged according to their deeds).
According to Jordanes (the epitomator of Cassiodorus's History of the Goths) at the funeral of Attila his vassals, as they rode round the corpse, sang of his glorious deeds.
His well-beloved Florentines were true sons of the church, but must crown their good deeds by despatching the criminals to Rome.
As it belongs, however, to a man's thoughts and not his deeds, it often can be proved only from suspicions.
The two deeds are similar, and the impression left by them is expressed in David's last charges to Solomon (i Kings ii.).
Monarchs whose very names had been forgotten are restored to history, and the records of their deeds inscribed under their very eyes are before us, - contemporary documents such as neither Greece nor Rome could boast, nor any other nation, with the single exception of Egypt, until strictly modern times.
If, then, an Egyptian inscription of the XIXth dynasty had come to hand in which the names of Joseph and Moses, and the deeds of the Israelites as a subject people who finally escaped from bondage by crossing the Red Sea, were recorded in hieroglyphic characters, such a monument would have been hailed with enthusiastic delight by every champion of the Pentateuch, and a wave of supreme satisfaction would have passed over all Christendom.
The world had never quite forgotten the history of the primitive Greeks as it had forgotten the Mesopotamians, the Himyaritic nations and the Hittites; but it remembered their deeds only in the form of poetical myths and traditions.
These songs, which fired the poet's comrades to deeds of heroism in 1813, bear eloquent testimony to the intensity of the national feeling against Napoleon, but judged as literature they contain more bombast than poetry.
The position of queen consort to a Scottish king was a difficult and perilous one, and Anne was attacked in connexion with various scandals and deeds of violence, her share in which, however, is supported by no evidence.
The wars of Charlemagne with his vassals are described in Girart de Roussillon, Renaus de Montauban, recounting the deeds of the four sons of Aymon, Huon de Bordeaux, and in the latter part of the Chevalerie Ogier, which belong properly to the cycle connected with Doon of Mayence.
In each district there is a registry of deeds and a court of law, and in New Guinea a court of appeal, of which the governor is president.
They are mainly elegiac and in the Ionic dialect, written partly in praise of the Spartan constitution an King Theopompus (Ebvoµia), partly to stimulate the Spartan soldiers to deeds of heroism in the field (`T7roOi icacthe title is, however, later than Tyrtaeus).
A householder with a family may, by recording the proper declaration in a registry of deeds, hold exempt from attachment, levy on execution, and sale for the payment of debts thereafter contracted an estate of homestead, not exceeding $800 in value, in a farm or lot with buildings thereon which he lawfully possesses by lease or otherwise and occupies as his residence.
The towns elected (until 1856) the deputies to the general court, and were the administrative units for the assessment and collection of taxes, maintaining churches and schools, organizing and training the militia, preserving the peace, caring for the poor, building and repairing roads and bridges, and recording deeds, births, deaths and marriages; and to discuss questions relating to these matters as well as other matters of peculiarly local concern, to determine the amount of taxes for town purposes, and to elect officers.
For each county there are a judge, clerk of the court, sheriff, auditor, registrar of deeds, treasurer, state's attorney, surveyor, coroner and superintendent of schools, all elected biennially.
The publication of a spiteful letter (really by Horace Walpole, one of whose worst deeds it was) in the name of the king of Prussia made Rousseau believe that plots of the most terrible kind were on foot against him.
For each county there are a judge, clerk, register of deeds, auditor, treasurer, sheriff and state's attorney.
In it were found the winged lions, now in the British Museum, the fine series of sculptured bas-reliefs glorifying the deeds of Assur-nasir-pal in war and peace, and the large collection of bronze vessels and implements, numbering over 200 pieces; (b) the Central palace, in the interior of the mound, toward its southern end, erected by Shalmaneser II.
A poet of great vigour was Stephen Garczynski (1806-1833), the friend of Mickiewicz, celebrated for his War Sonnets and his poem entitled The Deeds of Waclaw.
In the study of ancient history, " deeds and not words " are the prime interest.
A senatus-consulte of 1863 laid the basis for the change in the land system by providing (I) for the delimitation of the territory of each tribe, (2) for the repartition of the territory thus delimited among newly formed tribal divisions (douars or communes), and (3) for the recognition of private ownership by the issue of title deeds for such individual or family property (melk) as already existed.
In addition to this simple meaning it has also, both in the philosophical and the colloquial speech of India a technical meaning, denoting "a person's deeds as determining his future lot."
For the discharge of other county functions the qualified electors of each county elect every two years three commissioners, a sheriff, a solicitor, a treasurer, a register of deeds and a register of probate; two auditors also are appointed annually by the supreme court.
Few traces of private houses have been found within the walls, but as deeds of sale speak of houses in Nineveh, which were bounded on three sides by other houses, there must have been continuous streets within the area denoted by that name.
In deeds of sale " the road to Calah " is as often named as the " king's highway " to Arbela or Assur.
The many topographical details furnished by exploration when compared with the building inscriptions and the indications given by deeds of sale will doubtless enable us ultimately to map out the principal features of the ancient city, but much more systematic exploration is needed, as well as further publication of existing documents.
In the Russo-Japanese War in 1904-5 the greatest incentive to deeds of patriotic valour was for Japanese soldiers the belief that the spirits of their ancestors were watching them; and in China it is not the man himself that is ennobled for his philanthropic virtues or learning, but his ancestor.
Gallipolis was settled in 1790 by colonists from France, who had received worthless deeds to lands in Ohio from the Scioto Land Company, founded by Col.
More astonishing still have been the deeds of the 7r-computers of the 19th century.
This Fact Is Of Importance With Reference To The Date Of Legal Deeds Executed In Scotland Between That Period And 1751, When The Change Was Effected In England.
In Athens such speeches were delivered at national festivals or games, with the object of rousing the citizens to emulate the glorious deeds of their ancestors.
There are deeds of his which make humanity shudder, and no man equally great has ever descended to such depths of cruelty and treachery.
Name-songs, written at the birth of a chief, gave his genealogy and the deeds of his ancestors; dirges and love-songs were common.
If Christians wish to offer any special sacrifice to God, let it be that of grateful praise or deeds of beneficence (r5 f.).
Evil deeds long hidden, evil-doers who had long prospered, were suddenly dragged into light and disgrace.
The only biographical evidence of his closing years is his signature as a witness to sundry deeds in the "Register of Aberdeen" as late as 1392.
The county officers are sheriffs, coroners, prothonotaries, registers of wills, recorders of deeds, commissioners, treasurers, surveyors, auditors or comptrollers, clerks of the courts, and district attorneys, elected for three years.
From this barbarous act, the expression Lemnian deeds, Artµvta 'pya, became proverbial.
The sovereign undertook to consult the knights before embarking on a war, all disputes between the knights were to be settled by the order, at each chapter the deeds of each knight were held in review, and punishments and admonitions were dealt out to offenders; to this the sovereign was expressly subject.
Driven by persecution from Moravia, hunted into mountain-caves and forests, they had scarcely secured a place of refuge in Saxony before, " though a mere handful in numbers, yet with the spirit of men banded for daring and righteous deeds, they formed the heroic design, and vowed the execution of it before God, of bearing the gospel to the savage and perishing tribes of Greenland and the West Indies, of whose condition report had brought a mournful rumour to their ears.
Land deeds for city property have always excluded saloons.
And here it is important to remember that before the age of writing in Iceland there was a saga-telling age, a most remarkable period of intellectual activity, by the aid of which the deeds and events of the seething life of the heroic age was carried over into the age of writing.
Even before the Seven Years War there were signs that the German people were beginning to tire of incessant imitation of France, for in literature they welcomed the early efforts of Klopstock, Wieland and Lessing; but the movement received a powerful impulse from the great deeds of Frederick.
While the chroniclers were recording the deeds of Frederick I.
The kings understood Greek and Arabic, and their deeds and works were commemorated in both tongues.
There was at last a Sicilian nation, a nation for a while capable of great deeds.
It celebrates the deeds and adventures of the emperor Maxi milian I.
Frederick himself acquired both in Germany and Europe the indefinable influence which springs from the recognition of great gifts that have been proved by great deeds.
In this poem, which was written 593 A.H., at the request of Nur-uddin Arslan of Mosul, the son and successor of the abovementioned `Izz-uddin, Nizami returned once more from his excursion into the field of heroic deeds to his old favourite domain of romantic fiction, and added a fresh leaf to the laurel crown of immortal fame with which the unanimous consent of Eastern and Western critics has adorned his venerable head.
It is probably to this ballad that Melchior Russ of Lucerne (who began his Chronicle in 1482) refers when, in his account (from Justinger) of the evil deeds of the bailiffs in the Forest districts, he excuses himself from giving the story.
He is a great figure in Servian poetry, and his deeds are also told in the epic poems of the Rumanians and the Bulgarians.
Jesus in the painted window of Mansfeld church, stern of face, sword in hand, sitting on a rainbow, coming to judge; an altarpiece at Magdeburg, in which a ship with its crew was sailing on to heaven, carrying no layman on board; the deeds of St Elizabeth emblazoned on the window of St George's parish church at Eisenach; the living pictures of a young nobleman who had turned monk to save his soul, of a monk, the holiest man Luther had ever known, who was aged far beyond his years by his maceration; and many others of the same kind.
It was held that the good deeds over and above what were needed for their own salvation by the living or by the saints in heaven, together with the inexhaustible merits of Christ, were all deposited in a treasury out of which they could be taken by the pope and given by him to the faithful.
On the 16th and 17th the deeds of reconciliation were signed and Luther's work was done.
In the recording acts relating to real property, fractions of a day are of the utmost importance, and all deeds, mortgages and other instruments affecting the property, take precedence in the order in which they were filed for record.
After the fall of the central power, the scattered Hunnish settlers, like so many before them, became rapidly Hinduized, and are probably the ancestors of some of the most famous Rajput clans.4 The last native monarch, prior to the Mahommedan conquest,' to establish and maintain paramount power in the north was Harsha, or Harshavardhana (also known as Siladitya), for whose reign (606-648) full and trustworthy materials exist in the book of travels written by the Chinese pilgrim Hstian Tsang and the Harsha-charita (Deeds of Harsha) composed by Bana, a Brahman who lived at the royal court.
The older incantations, associated with Ea, were re-edited so as to give to Marduk the supreme power over demons, witches and sorcerers; the hymns and lamentations composed for the cult of Bel, Shamash and of Adad were transformed into paeans and appeals to Marduk, while the ancient myths arising in the various religious and political centres underwent a similar process of adaptation to changed conditions, and as a consequence their original meaning was obscured by the endeavour to assign all mighty deeds and acts, originally symbolical of the change of seasons or of occurrences in nature, to the patron deity of Babylon - the supreme head of the entire Babylonian pantheon.
Deeds of emancipation and payments for personal enfranchisement are often ncticed at, i that very time.
The Parsee scriptures require the last ten days of the year to be spent in doing deeds of charity, and in prayers of thanksgiving to Ahura-Mazda.
But they do support the theory that our author meant to give an unvarnished account of such words and deeds as had come to his knowledge.
The conjecture that most naturally presents itself to those who have made no special study of the question, is that an English epic treating of the deeds of a Scandinavian hero on Scandinavian ground must have been composed in the days of Norse or Danish dominion in England.
That Beowulf is concerned with the deeds of a foreign hero is less surprising than it seems at first sight.
It is probable that down to the end of the 7th century, if not still later, the court poets of Northumbria and Mercia continued to celebrate the deeds of Beowulf and of many another hero of ancient days.
And when we look to practice we find that cruel and even treacherous deeds are spoken of without the least sense that they deserve censure.
Since by the universally accepted doctrine of karman (deed) or karmavipaka (" the maturing of deeds") man himself - either in his present, or some future, existence - enjoys the fruit of, or has to atone for, his former good and bad actions, there could hardly be room in Hindu pantheism for a belief in the remission of sin by divine grace or vicarious substitution.
Ten of them are under direct treaty with the government of India; others are held under sanads and deeds, of fealty and obedience; while a third class, known as the mediatized states, are held under agreements mediated by the British government between them and their superior chiefs.
Let him reflect on the transmigrations of men, caused by their sinful deeds, on their falling into hell, and on their torments in the world of Yama..
Of Griffith's three sons, Owen, Llewelyn and David, the most popular and influential was undoubtedly Llewelyn, whose deeds and qualities were celebrated in extravagant terms by the bards of his own day, and whose evil fate has ever been a favourite theme of Welsh poets.
It contains an account of the life and deeds of the emperor, the special subject of congratulation being the complete defeat of the usurper Maximus.
And as his deeds are, so shall be his fate and his future lot on the Day of Judgment; when he must cross the Bridge Cinvat, which, according to his works, will either guide him to the Paradise of Ahuramazda or precipitate him to the Hell of Ahriman.
It is almost impossible that a much later period could have produced such unpretentious and almost depreciatory representations of the deeds and personality of the prophet.
There is no indigenous literature, but many specimens of poetry exist in which heroes and brave deeds are commemorated, and a good many of these have been collected from time to time.
No work upon earth is wrought apart from thee, lord, nor through the divine ethereal sphere, nor upon the sea; save only whatsoever deeds wicked men do in their own foolishness.
In the four decades of his Asia, Joao de Barros, the Livy Century of his country, tells in simple vigorous language the "deeds achieved by the Portuguese in the dis History.
Neither the deeds attributed to these princes nor the dates of their reigns can be considered as historical.
According to its own account it is divided into three parts - the first dealing generally with the character and conduct of the hero; the second with his acts and deeds in Egypt, Palestine, &c., as Joinville knew them; the third with his subsequent life and death.
The modern science of critical editing, however, which applies to medieval texts the principles long recognized in editing the classics, has discovered in the 16th-century manuscript, and still more in the original miscellaneous works of Joinville, the letters, deeds, &c., already alluded to, the materials for what we have already called a conjectural restoration, which is not without its interest, though perhaps it is possible for that interest to be exaggerated.
Other county officers are a treasurer, clerk, sheriff, register of deeds, attorney, surveyor and two coroners, each elected for a term of two years, a school commissioner elected for a term of four years, and one or more notaries public appointed by the governor.
His spirit was fired by hearing of the deeds of explorers and adventurers, and having formed a plan to conquer the Canary Islands he raised some money by pledging his Norman estates, and sailed from La Rochelle on the 1st of May 1402 with two ships, commanded by himself and Gadifer de la Salle.
The next stage in this (so far as evidence goes, purely imaginary) career is the monastery of Fontenay le Comte, where, as has been seen, he is certainly found in 1519 holding a position sufficiently senior to sign deeds for the community, where he, probably in 1511, took priest's orders, and where he also pursued, again certainly, the study of letters, and especially of Greek, with ardour.
It was well enough for Greeks to busy themselves with the manners, institutions and deeds of the "peoples outside."
The mass of floating tradition, which had come down from early days, with its tales of border raids and forays, of valiant chiefs and deeds of patriotism, is now rudely fitted into a framework of a wholly different kind.
Geberic was succeeded by the most famous of the Gothic kings, Hermanaric (Eormenric, Iormunrekr), whose deeds are recorded in the traditions of all Teutonic nations.
Hence it is that we are in possession of the vast number of impressions still to be found in public museums and archives, and in private muniment rooms and antiquarian collections, either attached to the original charters or other deeds which they authenticated, or as independent specimens.
The state treasurer, comptroller and the commissioners of deeds are appointed by the two houses of the legislature in joint session.
The saga, or epos, was a great advance upon the myth, for in it the deeds of men replace or tend to replace the deeds of the gods.
Family chronicles preserved the memory of heroic ancestors whose deeds in the earliest age would have passed into the keeping of the bards.
Its officers are three commissioners, a treasurer, a register of deeds, a judge and a register of probate, and a sheriff.
Under the laws of Maine a householder owning and occupying a house and lot may hold the same, or such part of it as does not exceed $500 in value, as a homestead exempt from attachment, except for the satisfaction of liens for labour or material, by filing in the registry of deeds a certificate stating his desire for such an exemption, provided he is not the owner of an exempted lot purchased from the state; and the exemption may be continued during the widowhood of his widow or the minority of his children.
In attempting to pass from Wei to another state, Confucius was set upon by a mob, which mistook him for an officer who had made himself hated by his oppressive deeds.
The whole history of the country is in fact one gloomy record of internecine wars, barbaric deeds and unstable governments, of adventurers usurping thrones, only to be themselves unseated, and of raids, rapine and pillage.
The subjects of Longfellow's poetry are, for the most part, aspects of nature as influencing human feeling, either directly or through historical association, the tender or pathetic sides and incidents of life, or heroic deeds preserved in legend or history.
Next in importance to excise and customs we have duties levied by means of stamps upon documents or by charges at the time of registering deeds to which registration is necessary for the purpose of being valid.
Included are various charges on foreign bonds to bearer, to compensate for the advantage they have in escaping the transfer duty on deeds, through their passing on sale or mortgage from hand to hand.
A convenient belief in the doctrine of the transmigration of souls satisfied the unfortunate that their woes were the natural result of their own deeds in a former birth, and, though unavoidable now, might be escaped in a future state of existence by present good conduct.
But the Tell and Winkelried stories stand in a very different position when looked at in the dry light of history, for, while in the former case imaginary and impossible men (bearing now and then a real historical name) do imaginary and impossible deeds at a very uncertain period, in the latter we have some solid ground to rest on, and Winkelried's act might very well have been performed, though, as yet, the amount of genuine and early evidence in support of it is very far from being sufficient.
He has left an odious picture of himself in the historians - a man untouched by benefits or natural affection, delighting in deeds of blood, his body as loathsome in its blown corpulence as his soul.
It is impossible from these sources to form a correct picture of Cambyses' character; but it seems certain that he was a wild despot and that he was led by drunkenness to many atrocious deeds.
The more important affairs of each county are managed by a board of commissioners, who are elected by districts for four years, but each county elects also a clerk, a treasurer, a probate judge, a register of deeds, a sheriff, a coroner, an attorney, a clerk of the district court, and a surveyor, and the district court for the county appoints a county auditor.
Though he neednot be blamed for making a prompt end of the traitor Eadric Streona and of Tjhtred, the turbulent earl of Northumbria, at the commencement of his reign, there are other and less justifiable deeds of blood to be laid to his account.
She had been mighty in words and weak in deeds.
The history of that conquest itself is mainly inferential; there is the flebilis narratio of Gildas, vague and rhetorical, moral rather than historical in motive, and written more than a century after the conquest had begun, and the narrative of the Welsh Nennius, who wrote two and a half centuries after Gildas, and makes no critical distinction between the deeds of dragons and those of Anglo-Saxons.
The second volume contains the record of his deeds and words during the years of his exile; like the first and the third, it is headed by a memorable preface, as well worth the reverent study of those who may dissent from some of the writer's views as of those who may assent to all.
The third and fourth volumes preserve the register of his deeds and words from 1870 to 1885; they contain, among other things memorable, the nobly reticent and pathetic tribute to the memory of the two sons, Charles (1826-1871) and Francois (1828-1873), he had lost since their common return from exile.
The British who fled before the Teutonic and Scandinavian invasions of the 6th and 8th centuries, had carried with them to Armorica, and fondly cherished, the remembrance of Arthur and his deeds, which in time had become interwoven with traditions of purely Breton origin.
Themistocles acted as choragus, and one of the objects of the play was to remind the Athenians of his great deeds.
For, if He merely may redeem but must punish, then His greatest deeds on our behalf wear an aspect of caprice, or suggest unknown if not unknowable motives.
So with regard to the other great Christian dogmas, immortality of soul and future state of rewards and punishments, what possible objection can I - who am compelled perforce to believe in the immortality of what we call Matter and Force, and in a very unmistakable present state of rewards and punishments for our deeds - have to these doctrines?
At Meran his patriotic deeds of heroism are the subject of a festival play celebrated annually in the open air.
The unsophisticated moral consciousness will still consider it unjust to punish a man for deeds of which he could not avoid the performance, and regard the alleged desire to produce in his future life consequences favourable to himself or society as beside the mark and irrelevant to the question at issue.
The data relating to his whole history are scanty and obscure, and his memory has suffered materially from the fact that the chief chroniclers of his deeds and misdeeds were ecclesiastics.
The saga grew up in the quieter days which followed the change of faith (1002), when the deeds of the great families' heroes were still cherished by their descendants, and the exploits of the great kings of Norway and Denmark handed down with reverence.
The Diplomatarium Islandicum, edited by Jon Sigurdsson, contains what remains of deeds, inventories, letters, &c., from the old days, completing our scanty material for this dark period of the island's history.
The other county officers are a treasurer, clerk, register of deeds, attorney, surveyor, sheriff, assessor and superintendent of public instruction.
The longest account of the battle that followed occurs in a source very partial to Brian and the deeds of Munstermen, in which Maelsechlainn is accused of treachery, and of holding his troops in reserve.
Similar plans were tried unsuccessfully in Ulster, first by a son of Sir Thomas Smith, afterwards by Walter Devereux, earl of Essex, a knight-errant rather than a statesman, who was guilty of many bloody deeds.
His Prithiraj Rasau, a poem of some aoo,000 stanzas, chronicling his master's deeds and the contemporary history of his part of India, is valuable not only as historical material but as the earliest monument of the Western Hindi language, and the first of the long series of bardic chronicles for which Rajputana is celebrated.
Indeed the country people would look on the destruction of the high places with their Asheras and Mazzebas as sacrilege and would consider Josiah's death in battle as a divine punishment for his sacrilegious deeds.
They insinuated themselves into the counsels of their ignorant masters, and though still sitting humbly at the feet of the barons, these upright and well-educated servitors were already dreaming of the great deeds they would do when.
Tatian does not deny the stories of the Greek mythology - indeed he protests against any attempt to allegorize it - but he insists that these stories are the record of the deeds of demons and have no religious value.
The fourth and fifth books contain long digressions on the deeds of William the Conqueror in Normandy and England.
But enough deeds of immorality, tyranny, ambition and simony were found proved to justify the severest judgment.
Besides the "Lake of Rama's deeds," Tulsi Das was the author of five longer and six shorter works, most of them dealing with the theme of Rama, his doings, and devotion to him.
The addition subtus lineam is found in ancient deeds and is due to the position of the place below the line or boundary of Cheshire, which once formed the frontier between the kingdoms of Northumbria and Mercia.
A sheriff, an attorney and a clerk were elected, and regulations for recording deeds and wills were made.
In either event, I for once, need not worry about snooping eyes watching my glorious deeds.
Was that it – pretty words and gentlemanly deeds?
The theme focuses on whether Eichmann can be induced to express remorse for his deeds.
To do so shows abhorrence of the persons concerned, rather than of their deeds and lifestyle.
In doing so we have been deterred by no superstitious awe before the title deeds of tyrannies or empires.
A warrior might perform valiant deeds, but his fame would soon vanish if he had no bard to record them for posterity.
Only a priest and the headmaster of a local youth hostel can stop the devilish deeds and save the burg from eternal damnation.
Peter is clear that we are this " chosen race, " pursuing the calling to " declare the wonderful deeds of God.
Indeed, it is hardly creditable that these deeds were done in the name of Christ.
He doesn't want to perform great deeds or get rich.
This leads Anakin down a dark path to commit terrible deeds.
This ritual enactment of deification must then, of course, be followed through by deeds in daily life.
However as I have been with him during most of his misguided deeds, I will keep tight-lipped!
Your solicitor will have to obtain the property title deeds for the lender.
We shall send the title deeds of the property to your mortgage lender.
The Heathcote collection includes title deeds as part of the archive of a landowning family.
The house has full title deeds & relevant work permissions.
This type B villa can be switched into two apartments with separate entries and you can get two separate title deeds.
We send the Transfer Deed and the other title deeds of the property to the buyer's solicitors.
And why even now no registered title deeds to the Coruisk side of the Cuillins have been produced?
The apostle speaks of ' ungodly deeds ungodly committed, ' Jude 15.
Having vainly besieged the fortress of Palestrina, he returned to Rome, where he treacherously seized the soldier of fortune, Fra Monreale, who was put to death, and where, by other cruel and arbitrary deeds, he soon lost the favour of the people.
This condition has been predicated of man, both body and soul, in many senses; and the term is used by analogy of those whose deeds or writings have made a lasting impression on the memory of man.
It is true that centuries of law-abiding and litigious habitude had accumulated in the temple archives of each city vast stores of precedent in ancient deeds and the records of judicial decisions, and that intercourse had assimilated city custom.
These notes from deeds, evidently collected by an honest inquirer, make no extravagant claims of ancient ancestry or illustrious origin for the Howards, although the facts contained in them were recklessly manipulated by subservient genealogists.
The exploit was celebrated by Cormacan, the king's bard, in a poem that has been printed by the Irish Archaeological Society; and a number of Murkertagh's other deeds are related in the Book of Leinster.
In the domestic circles of prophetic communities the part played by their great heads in history did not suffer in the telling, and it is probable that some part at least of the extant history of the Israelite kingdom passed through the hands of men whose interest lay in the pre-eminence of their seers and their beneficent deeds on behalf of these small communities.
Abathur sits on the farthest verge of the world of light that lies towards the lower regions, and weighs in his balance the deeds of the departed spirits who ascend to him.
So extravagant are the deeds ascribed to him, and so marvellous the attributes with which he has been clothed by the fond idolatry of his countrymen, that by some he has been classed with the Amadises and the Orlandos whose exploits he emulated.
A new charter adopted in 1914 reduced the elective officers to mayor, comptroller, president and board of aldermen, collector, treasurer, recorder of deeds, sheriff and coroner, with terms of four years.
Yet the great bulk of the sayings remain substantially authentic; if the historicity of certain words and acts is here refused with unusual assurance, that of other sayings and deeds is established with stronger proofs; and the redemptive conception of the Passion and the sacramental interpretation of the Last Supper are found to spring up promptly and legitimately from our Lord's work and words, to saturate the Pauline and Johannine writings, and even to constitute an element of all three synoptic Gospels.
But while Nanak had substituted holiness of life for vain ceremonial, Guru Govind Singh demanded in addition brave deeds and zealous devotion to the Sikh cause as proof of faith; and while he retained his predecessors' attitude towards the Hindu gods and worship he preached undying hatred to the persecutors of his religion.
The gods are represented as resolving to banish from the heavens the constellations, which served to remind them of their evil deeds.
Truth is the unity and substance which underlies all things; Prudence or Providence is the regulating power of truth, and comprehends both liberty and necessity; Wisdom is providence itself in its supersensible aspect - in man it is reason which grasps the truth of things; Law results from wisdom, for no good law is irrational, and its sole end and aim is the good of mankind; Universal Judgment is the principle whereby men are judged according to their deeds, and not according to their belief in this or that catechism.
He seems to have been a kindly, homely, somewhat feckless person like many an excellent parish priest, who did not conceal his indignation at some of Northumberland's deeds.
But this method has lost its attraction; the Synoptists, with their rarer and slighter pragmatic rearrangements and their greater closeness to our Lord's actual words, deeds, experiences, environment, now come home to us as indefinitely richer in content and stimulative appeal.
Dr Lindsay goes on to argue that all insistence on the principle of historical continuity, whether urged by members of the An,glican or the Roman Catholic Church, as upholders of episcopacy, is a deliberate return to the principle of Judaism, which declared that no one who was outside the circle of the " circumcised," no matter how strong his faith nor how the fruits of the Spirit were manifest in his life and deeds, could plead " the security of the Divine Covenant."
In this sense passio was used by the early Christian writers, and the term is also applied to the sufferings and deeds of saints and martyrs, synonymously with acta or fiesta, a book containing such being known as a "passional" (liber passionalis) or "passionary" (passionarius).
Perverse discourses and oppressive deeds were waxen rife.
Tulsi's great poem, popularly called Tulsi-krit Ramayan, but named by its author Ram-charit-manas, " the Lake of Rama's deeds," is perhaps better known among Hindus in upper India than the Bible among the rustic population in England.
Surely there are hearts and hands ever ready to make it possible for generous intentions to be wrought into noble deeds.
We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve.
More information can be obtained from the registry of deeds (**) or by contacting the Wakefield Headquarters.
Simply righteous deeds, holy deeds, godly deeds, transformed life.
Showing love in deeds The quality of personal relationships within the school is characterized by a selfless generosity.
I have made my footsteps unbecoming by walking in shameful deeds.
We care only for sincerity of peaceful purpose attested by deeds.
Show that proletarian solidarity exists in deeds and not just in words !
Peasants on squatted land were given title deeds and land belonging to Batista 's cronies was confiscated to create state farms and co-operatives.
However as I have been with him during most of his misguided deeds, I will keep tight-lipped !
No one 's land is to be seized and no title deeds taken away.
We send the Transfer Deed and the other title deeds of the property to the buyer 's solicitors.
By denouncing the evil deeds of John and the innovations practised by him, it shows what these were and how they were hated; how money had been raised, how forest areas had been extended, how minors and widows had been cheated and oppressed.
It is from these works that our knowledge of the gallant deeds of the English and other explorers of the Elizabethan age is mainly derived.
He was distinguished for his beauty, swiftness of foot, and skill as a charioteer; though the youngest among the Greek princes, he commanded the Pylians in the war, and performed many deeds of valour.
But out of the copies of Norfolk deeds and records collected for Thomas, earl of Arundel, in the early part of the 17th century, it seems clear enough that he sprang from a Norfolk family, several of whose members held lands at Wiggenhall near Lynn.
His fame is tarnished, however, by numerous deeds of tyranny and cruelty.
He takes the field himself, and performs many heroic deeds until he is wounded and forced to withdraw to his tent.
It recognizes the will and attaches great importance to written deeds, but on the other hand sanctions the judicial duel and the cojuratores (sworn witnesses).
One night while he lay awake, he tells us, he saw the likeness of the Blessed Virgin with her divine Son; and immediately a loathing seized him for the former deeds of his life, especially for those relating to carnal desires; and he asserts that for the future he never yielded to any such desires.
These shameful deeds made the islanders regard it as a duty to avenge their wrongs on any white men they could entice upon their shores.
But of the extant papal deeds the earliest to which an authentic date can be attached is a bull of Adrian I.
Of the Merovingian period there are still extant several papyrus deeds, the earliest of the year 625, the latest of 692.
All the thoughts, words and deeds of each are entered in the book of life as separate items - all the evil works, &c., as debts.
This union, however, is influenced by the deeds of the man and by the ways in which he walks.
Towards the close of his life, he had to fight against his own son, Thomas de Marie, who in 1115 succeeded him, subsequently becoming notorious for his deeds of violence in the struggles between the communes of Laon and Amiens.
The lyric and epic poems of Stephen GyongyOsi, who sang the deeds of Maria Szechy, the heroine of Murany, Murdnyi Venus (Kassa, 1664), are samples rather of a general improvement in the style than of the purity of the language.
Even after the retaking of Jerusalem by the Moslems (1187) the Pisans and Genoese again met in conflict in the East, and performed many deeds of valour.
This episode, which bears the marks of popular heroic poetry, may well be the substance of a lost Carolingian cantilena.1 The legendary Charlemagne and his warriors were endowed with the great deeds of earlier kings and heroes of the Frankish kingdom, for the romancers were not troubled by considerations of chronology.
The first five books, which cover the same ground as the Aethiopis of Arctinus of Miletus, describe the doughty deeds and deaths of Penthesileia the Amazon, of Memnon, son of the Morning, and of Achilles; the funeral games in honour of Achilles, the contest for the arms of Achilles and the death of Ajax.
These three deeds or enactments constituted the early constitution of the South Netherlands, which, with one important modification in the time of Charles V., remained intact till the Brabant revolution in the reign of Joseph II.
But mention must also be made of his founding of Carnegie Hero Fund commissions, in America (1904) and in the United Kingdom (1908), for the recognition of deeds of heroism; his contribution of £500,000 in 1903 for the erection of a Temple of Peace at The Hague, and of £150,000 for a Pan-American Palace in Washington as a home for the International Bureau of American republics.
Let good men, for good deeds, covet good fame, Since place and riches oft are bribes of shame.
Offered for sale freehold, the deeds had been mislaid.
Great thoughts burn within us like fiery seeds, Swift to flame out a red fruitage of deeds.
Stubbornly embracing the American dream, desperate to be a hero, George dons superhero garb and performs good deeds.
And see his good deeds springing from the wound, to sow the world with life immortal!
It was considered positively indecent to parade ones good deeds.
No number of ' good deeds ' will make a character likeable or enjoyable.
No doubt the light will make manifest his deeds, his doings, his dispositions.
Show that proletarian solidarity exists in deeds and not just in words!
Rejoice, for thou didst suffer many sorrows for these deeds!
The deeds of darkness then perpetrated arose out of that doctrine of the royal supremacy.
Those speeches were intended for quite other conditions, they were for the most part to be spoken at a moment of victory and triumph, generally when he was dying of wounds and the sovereign had thanked him for heroic deeds, and while dying he expressed the love his actions had proved.
Anna Pavlovna's circle on the contrary was enraptured by this enthusiasm and spoke of it as Plutarch speaks of the deeds of the ancients.
He has no more conditions to commit evil deeds leading to an unhappy rebirth.
Even when we perform wholesome deeds we cling to the idea of " our kusala ".
Verse 14, because God is purifying for Himself a people for His own possessions zealous for good deeds.
When the purchase is complete, the title deeds are lodged at the land registry.
Talk with neighbors, check the title, review tax records, locate deeds, or examine historic city maps.
Some of his films include Happy Gilmore, The Wedding Singer, Spanglish, Mr. Deeds, and Just Go with It.
After all, the world is still waiting for her to do all the good deeds she promised after she got out of jail.
Do enough good deeds, and you'll be able to buy your sister a gift.
The Chinese gave them the title so their good deeds were forver remembered.
For his terrible deeds, Gaia asked her son Cronus to castrate Uranus.
You'll also find tons of information on various surnames, an entire page of links to trace real estate from patents and land grants to deeds and obscure sources.
Family Records - These may include wills, deeds, grants, grandparent collections, journals, diaries, bibles and even household records.
Land surveyors are responsible for writing descriptions of land for legal documents, including deeds and leases.
Another part of the job of a land surveyor involves spending time in an office planning surveys, going to court offices to get deeds for properties, and analyzing data.
All of the cardboard real estate deeds, houses and hotels, community chest and chance and player tokens are still present.
Wouldn't it be great if an attractive member of the opposite sex were standing in front of you whenever you preformed good deeds?
You're ambitious and depending on the other aspects of your chart, you could attain celebrity status or notoriety for deeds or acts.
It isn't that this side rarely reveals itself; it's that you're very private about your good deeds and carry them out as though on a royal secret mission.
Even as you deal with the bad deeds, praise her honesty.
Their good deeds were often challenged by the evil Professor Cold Heart, the evil wizard No Heart and the monstrous Dark Heart.
Help foster your romance by doing good deeds within the community.
Relatively affordable and featuring excellent quality, these boots will aid your flight as you run from authorities after another chief performance of evil deeds.
Warranty deeds are important because they protect the buyer from title problems that can occur after the purchase of the property.
Jor-El agreed, reminding Clark that such deeds always carried a price.
Some cittas are the result of wholesome or unwholesome deeds; they are vipakacittas.
Indeed, the Englished Linschoten provides another important illustration of English imperialism, while expropriating the valorous deeds of another nation.
In this case, all you will need to do is provide copies of your marriage license, vehicle titles, property deeds, health insurance papers, bank statements, and other supporting documents.
In the Ripuarian Law a certain importance attaches to written deeds; the clergy are protected by a higher wer gild- 600 solidi for a priest, and 900 for a bishop; on the other hand, more space is given to the cojuratores (sworn witnesses); and we note the appearance of the judicial duel, which is not mentioned in the Salic Law.
He may have been doing his dirty deeds twenty years or more.
Let's hope not because he'll try to take advantage of that and do his deeds where you can't pin-point the abduction exactly.