Decreased Sentence Examples
The numbers of growers decreased from 139,000 in 1891 to 124,000 in 1905.
There is some iron ore in the eastern and south-eastern parts of the state, and the mining of it was begun early in the 19th century; but the output decreased from 254,294 long tons in 1889 to only 26,585 long tons (all carbonate) in 1908.
The average size of the farms decreased from 125.2 acres in 1850 to 99.2 acres in 1880 and 88.5 acres in 1900.
Amid many difficulties, and thwarted even by Jefferson himself in the matter of the navy, Gallatin pushed on; and after six years the public debt was decreased (in spite of the Louisiana purchase) by $14,260,000, a large surplus was on hand, a comprehensive and beneficent scheme of internal improvements was ready for execution, and the promised land seemed in sight.
The value of the wholesale slaughtering and meat-packing product decreased from $18,551,783 in 1880 and $11,356,511 in 1890 to $6,243,217 in 190o - of this 85,708,763 represented wholesale slaughtering alone; in 1905 the wholesale slaughtering product was valued at $7,568,739.
During the war the number decreased, but on its termination the trade immediately revived.
The slaves were overworked now that fresh supplies were stopped, and their numbers rapidly decreased.
The size of the average farm decreased in the two preceding decades from 171.3 to 95.4 acres.
Oranges are little cultivated, although they offer apparently almost unlimited possibilities; their culture decreased steadily after 1880, but after about 1900 was again greatly extended.
All fundamental repairs thus fell to the charge of the state, which could not afford to effect them, and the vakuf revenues decreased so rapidly that already in the reign of Selim I.
AdvertisementDiamonds were discovered in Minas Geraes, near the town now called Diamantina, during the first half of the 18th century, the dates given ranging from 1725 to 1746, but the productiveness of the district has greatly decreased.
Subsequently, as the number of " taxicabs " increased, that of horse-cabs decreased.
Residents of Irish birth have decreased since 1851; those of Scottish birth have increased steadily, and roughly as the population.
The proportion of sick had been high during the summer-time, but it decreased somewhat after Sept.
Florence (1865-1872), but decreased or increased very slightly after the removal of the capital to Rome, and increased at a greater rate from 1881 onwards.
AdvertisementThe population has lately decreased and now numbers about 4000.
The total acreage of cereals (barley, buckwheat, Indian corn, oats, rye and wheat) decreased from acres in 1879 to 10,552 acres in 1899, and the total product of these crops decreased from 801,111 bu.
The total number of neat cattle on farms decreased from 36,262 in 1850 to 30,696 in 1900, but the number of dairy cows increased from 18,698 to 23,660.
The acreage of improved farm land in Rhode Island decreased from 356,487 in 1850 to in 1900, but the value of farm property (including land with improvements, implements, machinery and live stock) increased in the same period from $19,100,640 to $26,989,189.
The number of farms remained about the same-5385 in 1850 and 5498 in 1900; but the average area decreased from 102.9 acres to 82.9 acres.
AdvertisementThe value of the clay products, lime and talc, decreased from $245,378 in 1907 to $112,815 in 1908.
Depending on the fact that the electrical conductivity of a metallic conductor is decreased by heat, it consists of two strips of platinum, arranged to form the two arms of a Wheatstone bridge; one strip being exposed to a source of radiation from which the other is shielded, the heat causes a change in the resistance of one arm, the balance of the bridge is destroyed, and a deflection is marked on the galvanometer.
The jinrikisha, drawn by one man or sometimes two men, which were formerly the chief means of passenger conveyance, have notably decreased in number since the introduction of the trams. Tokyo has often experienced earthquakes, and more than once has suffered from severe shocks, which have hitherto prevented the erection of very large buildings.
At the restoration in 1868 the shogunate was abolished, and the population of Yedo speedily decreased.
The electrical conductivity of a metal is often very much decreased by alloying with it even small quantities of another metal.
AdvertisementNo tribute was paid by members of a cleruchy, as we find from the fact that the tribute of a city always decreased when a cleruchy was planted in it.
According to the census of 1891 not less than 55 out of the 87 departments had decreased in population; and out of the 32 that had increased, 7 showed a decrease in their rural parts when the large towns were deducted.
Until the 19th century deaths generally exceeded births in cities, so that if it had not been for constant immigration the cities would not only not have grown, but would have decreased in population.
Berkeley was formerly noted for the manufacture of clothing, but the trade had decreased by the 16th century, for Leland, writing about 1520, says "the town of Berkeley is no great thing..
The French Huguenots found their privileges decreased, and then, in 1685, the edict was altogether withdrawn.
This fact naturally decreased her popularity, and as early as September 1 774, was made the subject of offensive pamphlets and the like, as in the case of the affdire Beaumarchais.
Fisheries.-The value of the fisheries product of Texas increased from $286,610 (7,174,550 lb) in 18 97 to $353, 81 4 (8, 0 44,4 0 4 lb) in 1902; and the amount of capital invested in the industry from $ 2 37,49 6 in 18 97 to $373,7 2 4 in 1902, but the number of wageearners employed decreased slightly-from 1199 in 1897 to 1144 in 1902.
As the result of these developments, the value of the oil product increased from $ 2 77, 1 35 (54 6, 0 7 0 bbls.) in 1898, to $871,996 (836,039 bbls.) in 1900; to $4,174,731 (18,083,658 bbls.) in 1902; and to $10,410,865 (12,322,696 bbls.) in 1907; it decreased to $6,700,708 (11,206,464 bbls.) in 1908.
After 1880 the percentage of farms operated by share tenants slowly but steadily decreased, falling from 19.4% in 1880 to 15.4% in 1900.
The amount of improved farmland decreased in the same period 39.4%, decreasing even more since 1880 than earlier, and amounting in 1900 to no more than 25.1% of the area of the state; but this decrease has been compensated by increased value of products, especially since the beginning of intensive agriculture.
Since then the lake, has decreased greatly in extent, its area being reduced to 112 sq.
The number of farms gradually increased from 170,621 in 1850 to 226,720 in 1900, and the average size decreased from 112.1 .acres in 1850 to 97.1 acres in 1890, but increased to 99.9 acres in 1900.
The total output of the state increased from 651,228 long tons in 1884 to 1,253,393 long tons in 1890, decreased to 179,951 long tons in 1898, again increased to 1,375,020 long tons in 1907, when only three states produced more, and was only 697,473 long tons in 1908 when the state held the same rank as in 1907.
He found that in all cases the velocity decreased with a diameter.
The sound travelled to and fro in the pipes several times before the signals died away, and he found that the velocity decreased with the intensity, tending to a limit for very feeble sounds, the limit being the same whatever the source.
If the two interfering waves, being still of same length X, be in opposite phases, or sõ that one is in advance of the other by 2X, and consequently one produces in the air the opposite state of motion to the other, then the resultant wave is one of the same length X, but the excursions of the particles are decreased, being the difference between those due to the component waves as in fig.
In 1865 the product reached its maximum, as the value of gold and silver combined (the value of the silver being relatively small) was $18,000,000; the production then decreased and in 1903 the value of the gold was only $1,800,000.
In proportion to the raised standard of popular education, further aided by the number of popular educational establishments which were springing up, and the university extension movement formed on the English plan, the proportion of illiteracy rapidly decreased.
To prevent temperature from affecting the shunt ratio, Edison joined in series with the electrolytic cell a copper coil the resistance of which increased with a rise of temperature by the same amount that the electrolyte decreased.
Until after the middle of the 18th century tobacco was the staple crop of Maryland, and the total yield did not reach its maximum until 1860 when the crop amounted to 51,000 hhds.; from this it decreased to 14,000 hhds., or 12,356,838 lb in 1889; in 1899 it rose again to 24,589,480 lb, in 1907 the crop was only 56,962,000 lb, less than that of nine other states.
The terrapin catch decreased in value from $22,333 in 1891 to $1,139 in 1901.
Baltimore is still the great manufacturing centre, but of the state's total product the percentage in value of that manufactured there decreased from 82.5 in 1890 to 66.5 in 1900, and to 62.3 (of the factory product) in 1905.
To meet the interest, such heavy taxes were levied that anti-tax associations were formed to resist the collection, and in 1842 the state failed to pay what was due; but the accumulated interest had been funded by 1848 and was paid soon afterwards, the expenses of the government were curtailed by the constitution of 1851, and after the Civil War the amount of indebtedness steadily decreased until in 1902 the funded debt was $6,909,326 and the net debt only $2,797,269.13, while on the 1st of October 1908 the net debt was $366,643.91.
Since that time the customs of Azerbaijan have been taken over by the central customs department under Belgian officials, and it is stated that the trade has not decreased.
They subsequently decreased still further.
The total number of farms increased from 29,151 in 1890 to 29,324 in 1900, and the average size increased from 119 acres to 123.1 acres, but as a result of the more intensive form of agriculture, farms containing less than 50 acres increased from 8188 in 1890 to 8764 in 1900, and those containing 50 acres or more decreased during this decade from 20,963 to 20,560.
The total acreage of cereals decreased from 88,559 acres in 1879 to 61,498 acres in 1889, and to 4 2, 335 acres in 1899; during the latter decade that of Indian corn increased from 23,746 acres.
Most of the virgin forests of the northern section were cut in the latter half of the 19th century, while abandoned farms in the south were becoming reforested, and the value of the state's lumber and timber products increased from $1,099,492 in 1850 to $4,286,142 in 1870, and to $9,218,310 in 1900 and then decreased to $7,519,431 in 1905; since 1890 large quantities of wood, chiefly spruce, have also been used in the manufacture of paper and wood pulp. In 1909 a forestry commission was established.
During the last two decades of the 19th century the number of inhabitants engaged in agricultural pursuits decreased from 45,122 to 38,782; and the number engaged in manufacturing and mechanical pursuits increased from 57,283 to 75,945.
Woollen goods, third in rank, decreased in value from $10,963,250 in 1890 to $10,381,056 in 1900, but the factory product increased in value from $7,624,062 in 1900 to $11,013,982, in 1905, or 44.5%.
The manufacture of lumber and timber products, one of the oldest industries of the state, ranked fifth in 1905; these products had increased in value from $5,641,445 in 1890 to $9,218,310 in 1900, or 63.4%, but decreased to $7,519,431 in 1905, the decrease being in large measure due to the great demand for spruce at the paper and pulp mills.
Towards the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th century the woollen trade decreased and worsted manufacture began to take its place.
Fellow-commoners, who have decreased in numbers in modern times, pay higher fees than the ordinary undergraduates or pensioners, and have certain advantages of precedence, including the right of dining at the fellows' table.
Throughout the 19th century the rates of growth of the North Central division and that of the eastern half of the South Central division steadily decreased.
The excess of female illiteracy in the total population also decreased within the same period, from 20.3 to 108 illiterates in a thousand.
The grade of precious ores hafidled has generally and greatly decreased in recent yearsaccording to the census data of 1880 and 1902, disregarding all base metallic contentsfrom an average commerical value of $29.07 to one of $8.29; nevertheless the product of gold and silver has greatly increased.
Between 1891 and 1901 the number of farmers in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime provinces decreased, and there seemed a prospect of the country being divided into a manufacturing east and an agricultural west, but latterly large tracts in northern Ontario and Quebec have proved suitable for cultivation and are being opened up.
Comparing these figures with a similar statement for the year 1872, the most remote year for which similar facts are available, it will be found that the actual total cost per quarter for ocean carriage has not much decreased.
All of these missions decreased in importance with the disappearance of the Indians and by the close of the period of Spanish rule (1821) had been abandoned.
In 1867 de Quatrefages estimated the loss suffered by France in the 13 years following 1853, from decreased production of silk and price paid to foreign cultivators for graine, to be not less than one milliard of francs.
This excessive adulteration quickly worked its own cure by a decreased consumption, and the weighting in practice in 1910 is confined to moderate and safer limits.
In like manner the manufacture of silk fabrics in the districts of Manchester, Middleton, Macclesfield, London (Spitalfields) and Nottingham (for silk lace) has decreased proportionately.
But it is highly significant that while the exports of British silk manufactures have not decreased, the imports in the meantime have shown a marked expansion.
The spinning industry has not decreased in England.
The number of mills has decreased, but machinery now runs so much more quickly than formerly that more yarn is being spun on fewer spindles.
In the Western states especially state officers are chosen for longer terms - in the case of the governor often for four years - and the number of elections has correspondingly decreased.
Bribery has decreased in such states since the change of election day to that of the rest of the country.
The acceleration of the departure of the Japanese is shown by the fact that in the eighteen months (July 1904 to January 1906) occurred 19,114 of the 42,313 departures in the sixty-six months from July 1900 to January 1906.1 After 1906, owing to restrictions by the Japanese government, immigration to Hawaii greatly decreased.
By 1086 the number of houses had decreased to too, and of these 20 were in such a wretched condition that they could not pay geld.
The western division of the system was abandoned by the new owners in 1865 and the worked portion of the east division gradually decreased until it, too, was wholly abandoned in 1904, with the exception of the Delaware Division Canal, which since 1866 has been worked by the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Company in connexion with the Lehigh Canal.
It is certain then that when dissolution occurs the available energy of the whole system is decreased by the process, while when equilibrium is reached and the solution is saturated the available energy is a minimum.
The burden of taxation became more and more intolerable as the power of Rome decreased, and the loyalty of her remaining provinces was seriously impaired in consequence.
In Ireland it seems now to be indigenous to the southern half of the island only; in England generally, it is far less numerous than formerly; and in Scotland its numbers have decreased with still greater rapidity.
Here he continued his multifarious labours; but the church seems to have decreased, and his many engagements and bulky correspondence interfered seriously with his pulpit work, and with the discipline of his academy, where he had some 200 students to whom he lectured on philosophy and theology in the mathematical or Spinozistic style.
But the element of work has decreased, and Greek and Slavonic monks give themselves up for the most part to devotional contemplation.
The principal uses of rape oil are for lubrication and lighting; but since the introduction of mineral oils for both these purposes the importance of rape has considerably decreased.
In 1865-1866 the city contained 8000 houses, with a population of 34,137, which had decreased to 33,343 in 1901.
The average deaths for the years 1901-1905 amounted to 1,227,903 the rate was thus 202 per thousand inhabitants, but the death-rate has materially decreased, the total number of deaths in 1907 standing at 1,178,349; the births for the same year were 2,060,974.
In subsequent years the emigration of native Germans greatly decreased and, in 1905, amounted only to 28,075.
At the same time the price, making allowance for -the fluctuations owing to bad harvests, steadily decreased, notwithstanding the duty on corn.
Though the percentage decreased, the value of imports from Great Britain increased in the same period from 2,500,000 to 4,500,000.
In the same period (1887-1902) Egyptian exports to Great Britain decreased from 6325 to 52.30%, Germany and the United States showing each an increase of over 6o %.
If natural sleep is the expression of a phase of decreased excitability due to the setting in of a tide of anabolism in the cells of the nervous system, what is the action of narcotics ?
The cultivation of buckwheat on these grounds has decreased, and large areas which were formerly thus treated now lie waste.
Between the middle and the end of the 19th century the rate of mortality decreased most markedly for all ages.
It will thus be seen that the far north and far south alike decreased in population, the decline being largely due to physical conditions, though it need not be supposed that the limit of population was reached in either area.
The manor of Boroughbridge, then called Burc, was held by Edward the Confessor and passed to William the Conqueror, but suffered so much from the ravages of his soldiers that by 1086 it had decreased in value fro to 55s.
At each session, also, the majority against him decreased until in 1844 his motion to repeal the Twenty-first Rule was carried by a vote of 108 to 80 and his.
But the enhanced price of fish and the decreased supply throughout the country are matters of grave concern both to the government and the people.
In 5900 this district suffered severely from famine owing to the complete failure of the monsoon, and the cultivated area decreased by 50 or 60 70; but, on the whole, trade has improved of late years owing to the new railways, which have stimulated commerce and created fresh centres of industry.
From that year the increase in the Indian population has been more gradual but steady, while the non-Indian population has decreased.
Between 1881 and 1901 the number of sugar estates decreased from 171 to 115, those sold being held in small parcels by Indians.
As a result the population of the city decreased from about 70,000 in 1891 to 53,000 in 1901.
In the next two days it reached zero magnitude, thus becoming the brightest star in the northern heavens, but after that it rapidly decreased.
If the stars were all of the same intrinsic brightness it is evident that the comparison of the number of stars of successive magnitudes would show directly where the decreased density of distribution began.
As the provincial revenues annually decreased, it became impossible to pay this sum, and Salih the son of Wasif, in spite of the remonstrances of the caliph, confiscated the property of state officials.
The great increase in the acreage of barley, which was 22-5% of the country's barley acreage in 1906, and 24.2% in 1 9 05, is one reason for the decreased production of wheat.
From the end of the 15th century population in many towns, decreased, and not only most of the smaller ones, but even some once important centres of trade, sank to the level almost of villages.
In the period1900-1905the value of factory products increased from $3,268,555 to $3,523,260; the amount of capital invested, from $2,047,883 to $2,695,889, and the number of establishments from 139 to 169; the average number of employees decreased from 2060 to 1834.
In the same period (1900-1905), the value of the products of urban 1 establishments decreased from $1,332,288 to $1,244,223, and the amount of capital invested increased from $871,531 to $988,615; but the value of the products of rural establishments increased from $1,936,267 to $2,279,037, and the capital invested from $1,176,352 to $1,707,274.
Dye-woods and indigo are exported, but the demand for vegetable dyes has decreased.
On insulating the lower plate and raising the upper plate by the glass handle, the capacity of the condenser formed by the plates is vastly decreased, but since the charge on the lower plate including the gold leaves attached to it remains the same, as the capacity of the system is reduced the potential is raised and therefore the gold leaves diverge widely.
Barytes is mined near Lynchburg; the value of the output in 1907 was $32,833, since which date the output has decreased.
During her reign they greatly decreased, and the decrease continued during the 17th century.
He found that the electricity of the tourmaline decreased rapidly from the summits or poles towards the middle of the crystal, where it was imperceptible; and he discovered that if a tourmaline is broken into any number of fragments, each fragment, when excited, has two opposite poles.
The falling off of exports is due to the decreased demand for China tea, for which Amoy was one of the chief centres.
The annual output of iron ore in the United Kingdom has on the whole decreased since 1882.
The quantity of lead ore produced within the United Kingdom has decreased.
It is now less than one-half of the output of about 1877, and the value has decreased more than proportionately.
During the 19th century the percentage under wheat showed a general tendency to increase; that under oats increased much in the later decades as livestock farming became common, rye maintained a steady proportion, but barley, formerly the principal grain-crop, decreased greatly.
Cattle, especially cows, and pigs form the bulk of the livestock, but sheep and goats have greatly decreased in numbers.
The production, however, has greatly decreased.
A little gold and silver are extracted at Falun, and the silver mines at Sala in Vestmanlands Lan have been worked at least since the 16th century, but here again the output has decreased.
The Church of Utrecht was now without a bishop, and it was believed at Rome that the movement of revolt would soon perish for want of priests, especially as, with the constant influx of regulars, the number of Codde's adherents had steadily decreased.
The value of the silk produced in Persia in the sixties was f,000,ooo per annum, and decreased in consequence of silk-worm disease to 30,000, in 1890.
Seats were to be allotted on a voters' (not population) basis, and there was to be an automatic redistribution of seats as voters increased or decreased " in given localities.
The second minus the first, or the increase in the sum of tensions, is thus 2 (U n - o' n+l) (o n+ 1 - Q n +2) Hence, if an+1 be intermediate in magnitude between a,, and a71+2, the sum of tensions is increased by the abolition of the stratum; but, if a-n+1 be not intermediate, the sum is decreased.
If these results are confirmed and the treatment can be worked commercially, the importance to agriculture of the discovery cannot be overestimated; each plant will provide, like the bean and vetch, its own nitrogenous manure, and larger crops will be produced at a decreased cost.
Through many generations the inhabitants have gained their living chiefly from the sea; the township's fisheries, however, have greatly decreased in importance (the invested capital diminishing 67.1% in 1885-1895).
The pasture lands of the state have been greatly decreased by the increase of forest reserves, especially by the large reservations made in 1906-1907.
Although the production has decreased relatively, yet it has increased enormously absolutely; in 1900, it was 55,804,420 oz., being second to the United States; in 1905 it was 73,838,066 oz., establishing a record for any single country.
The quantity of mussels landed on Scottish coasts has decreased in recent years owing to the decline in the line fisheries.
The number of farms, however, increased from 2 3,9 0 5 to 34, 2 94, and the average size of the farms decreased from 115.2 acres to 82 acres, an indication that agriculture gradually became more intensive.
Between 1880 and 1900 the percentage of farms operated by owners decreased from 75.4 to 70.1; the per The amount of timber cut within the state is very small.
This average has decreased with some regularity from a maximum of 5.75 in 1821, but there is no certain evidence on which to affirm or deny that the average cubic capacity of dwelling-houses has been maintained.
The number of ironstone and other mines decreased in the period noticed from 55,907 to 31,606.
The number of other neat cattle (180,878 in 1900; 151,000 in 1908) decreased during every decade from 1860 to 1900; the number of sheep in 1900 was 427,209 (31.9% less than in 1890), and in 1908 it was 267,000; but the number of horses in 1890 and 1900 was about the same (140,310 in 1900, but only 116,000 in 1908).
The acreage of cereals decreased from 187,013 in 1880, when agriculture in Aroostook county was little developed, to 166,896 in 1899, when the cereal acreage in Aroostook county alone was 82,069.
The foreign trade, especially that with the West Indies and with Great Britain, decreased after 1875, and yet much trade from the West that goes to Montreal during the warmer months passes through Portland during the winter season.
The proportion of farms operated by owners decreased from 95.4% (9019 farms) in 1880 to 91.2% (17,674 farms) in 190o; those operated by cash tenants increased from o.6% (60 farms) in 1880 to 2.6% (506 farms) in 1900, and those operated by share tenants from 4% (373 farms) in 1880 to 6.2% (1207 farms) in 1900.
The total area of farms increased from 655,524 acres in 1880 to 4,116,951 acres in 1900, but the proportion of improved land decreased from 63.5% (416,105 acres) in 1880 to 25.1% (1,032,117 acres) in 1900, indicating the great increase in land used for grazing.
At each stage of the division the number of digits in the reduced dividend is decreased by one.
The average size of farms, which in 1850 was 136.2 acres, had decreased to 105.3 acres in 1880 and to 97.4 acres in 1900.
Sheep-raising, however, which is confined largely to the north and east portions of the state, decreased slightly in importance between 1890 and 1900.
The gas, which is found in the Trenton limestone, had an initial pressure at the point of discovery of 325 lb; this pressure had decreased in the field centre by January 1896 to 230 lb, and by January 1901 to 115 lb, the general average of pressure at the latter date being 80 lb.
In four years, from 1845 to 1849, its population decreased from 8,295,000 to 7,256,000, or by more than a million persons; and the decline which took place at that time went on to the end of the century.
The population of Ireland in 1901 had decreased to 4,457,000 souls.
Any deviation in pressure will cause the floating bell to be lifted or lowered, and the size of the inlet will be decreased or increased, thus regulating the flow.
During the Scottish wars of the reign of Henry V., Bamburgh again suffered severely, so much so that in 1439 the burgesses had decreased in number from 120 to 13.
The acreage of wheat decreased during this period from 1,704,909 acres to 1,225,000 acres, and the yield from 20,328,300 bushels to 15,680,000 bushels.
The hay crop of 1899 was grown on 1,095,706 acres and amounted to 1,617,905 tons, but nearly one-half of this was made from wild grasses; since then the amounts of fodder obtained from alfalfa, Kafir corn, sorghum cane and timothy have much increased, and that obtained from wild grasses has decreased; in 1909 the acreage was 900,000 and the crop 810,000 tons.
The total number of cattle decreased from 3,236,008 in 1900 to 1,992,000 in 1910, but at the same time the number of dairy cows increased from 2 7 6, 539 to 355,000.
Fowling has somewhat decreased in modern times, as the fisheries have risen in importance.
The inhabitants of the rural districts (3,073,846) decreased during the decade by over 380,000; that of the urban districts, i.e.
Generally speaking, however, it will be seen from the figures that since the middle of the 19th century holdings between I and 30 acres have decreased and holdings over 30 acres have increased.
Starting, however, with that year as the most important in Irish economic history in modern times, we find that between 1847 and 1905 the total area under crops - cereals, green crops, flax, meadow and clover - decreased by 582,348 acres.
As the result of emigration, which drains the Roman Catholic portion of the population more than any other, the Roman Catholics show a larger proportional decline in numbers than the Protestants; for example, between 1891 and 1901 the Roman Catholics decreased by over 6%, the Church of Ireland by a little over 3%, the Presbyterians by less than I %, while the Methodists actually increased by some I I %.
Rice, 47,360,128 lb ($1,366,528) in 1899, on 23,726 farms, nearly half of the total number (48,155) of rice farms in the United States, which, however, decreased to 476,000 bush.
During the Thirty Years' War, the Seven Years' War and the troubles consequent upon the French Revolution, the trade of the Leipzig fairs considerably decreased, but it recovered after the accession of Saxony to the German Customs Union (Zollverein) in 1834, and for the next twenty years rapidly and steadily increased.
Hand in hand with this process went a serious diminution in the number of full citizens, who had numbered 8000 at the beginning of the 5th century, but had sunk by Aristotle's day to less than r000, and had further decreased to 700 at the accession of Agis IV.
The silkworm disease appeared in 1864 and the crops decreased in consequence until 1893 when the value of the silk exported was no more than £6500.
Foreign exchanges rose, exports decreased, the railway traffic declined, and the commercial classes and consumers of foreign goods and products were loud in their protests.
Analysing the trade statistics as between 1872 and 1902, he insisted that British progress involved a relative decline compared with that of protectionist foreign countries like Germany and the United States; Great Britain exported less and less of manufactured goods, and imported more and more; the exports to foreign countries had decreased, and it was only the increased exports to the colonies that maintained the British position.
Palms, referred to i i species, are found, though they seem to have decreased in abundance; of them 7 are fan-palms, the others including Phoenicites - a form allied to the date - and a trailing palm, Calamopsis, allied to the canes and rattans.
Latterly the erection of masonry buildings, instead of plank houses, has been insisted on in the central portion of the city, with the result that fires have decreased in number.
She closed her eyes, dizzy, then stared at the computer screen, watching her speed increase as her altitude decreased.
If this cannot be achieved, examine the eye again in case there is another cause for decreased acuity such as early lens opacity.
This is as a result of a decreased blood pressure and heart rate, and improved venous drainage which results in less oozing.
During 2003, purchase of remanufactured toner cartridges at CIS decreased by 12% .
Clean intermittent catheterisation will temporarily relieve the symptoms and signs of obstruction or decreased detrusor contraction (Moore, 1995 ).
This climbing up the PES leads to the decreased slope of the caloric curve at higher energies.
For the average individual, the EPT is decreased by half following a rapid decompression.
From this, the vivisectors made the astounding discovery that the rabbits ' motion decreased the further the limb was stretched.
When shear force is decreased this leads to a decrease in anterior tibial displacement.
Shealy's group suggested that an increase in beta endorphins is associated with a sense of well being and decreased pain.
The symptoms of peripheral fatigue are decreased muscular endurance and muscle fatigability.
Similarly improved drugs for the control of epilepsy has decreased the hazards of status epileptics.
Mortality decreased with increasing duration of use and was lower among current users than among women who used estrogens only in the distant past.
Comment This study makes explicit the decreased life expectancy associated with obesity.
Human genetic studies are impeded by inconsistent loss of genetic material, variable expressivity, and decreased penetrance.
Methotrexate affects spermatogenesis and oogenesis during the period of its administration which may result in decreased fertility.
Other effects related to acid inhibition During treatment with antisecretory drugs, serum gastrin increases in response to the decreased acid secretion.
Effects on sex hormones can cause hirsutism, loss of periods, acne, impotence and decreased libido.
The ocular findings in albinism include nystagmus, decreased visual acuity; hypopigmentation of retinal tissue, and macular hypoplasia.
In the presence of Tregs, there is decreased infiltration of pathogenic T cells into the pancreatic islets.
The most common adverse reaction was decreased libido that appeared to occur in less then 2.0% of men taking this medicine.
The median viral load decreased from 4.12 log to 2.02 log10, after a median of 15 days from initiation of therapy.
The minimum dimension of manufactured devices and ICs has decreased from 20 microns to the sub micron levels of today.
However there is no proof that routine intubation of all very preterm babies leads to decreased morbidity.
This study was designed to assess whether prophylactic surgery decreased the long-term mortality for small aneurysms.
These included increased expression of several oncogenes, as well as decreased expression of several tumor suppressor genes and genes that regulate airway inflammation.
The researchers concluded that saw palmetto significantly decreased BPH symptoms, resulting in increased urinary flow.
However, decreased penetrance of a particular gene defect cannot be excluded.
This reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of hemoglobin and the amount of oxygen reaching the periphery is decreased.
The overall producer price index decreased 1.3 percent last month after a 0.1 percent gain in August, the Labor Department said in Washington.
The current German government based much of its economic policy on tax cuts and decreased tax progressivity.
Maximum peak concentrations are obtained within 1 to 1.5 hours; serum prolactin decreases within 2 hours and is maximally decreased at 8 hours.
We all seem to start out with a mindset which imagines the above scenario whenever we see a percentage increased or decreased risk.
It may well be that a decreased sensitivity will be observed in a less reliable measure.
Phenytoin (300 mg once daily) decreased the C max and AUC tau of voriconazole by 49% and 69 %, respectively.
That it has become one of the healthiest cities in the world from being one of the unhealthiest is attributable in great measure to his insistence on the necessity of sanitary reform, and it was his unceasing efforts that secured for its inhabitants the drainage system, the sewage farms and the good water-supply, the benefits of which are reflected in the decreased death-rate they now enjoy.
In 1890 the crisis came, the mortgage banks failed, credits were contracted, the value of property declined, defaults were common, imports decreased, and the losses to the country were enormous.
Coral fishing, which fell off between 1889 and 1892 on account of the temporary closing of the Sciacca coral reefs has greatly decreased since 1884, when the fisheries produced 643 tons,-whereas in 1902 they only produced 225 tons.
The total number of prisoners, including minors and inhabitants of enforced residences, which from 76,066 (284 per 1000 inhabitants) on the 31st of December 1871 rose to a maximum of 80,792 on the 31st of December 1879 (287 Der boo), decreased to a minimum of 60.621 in 1806 (T.on flPr 1000), and on the 31st of December 1898 rose again to 75,470 (2.38 per 1000), of whom 7038, less than one-tenth, were women.
After the commencement of the 14th century, the civil wars decreased in fury, and at the same time it was perceived that their effect had been to confirm tyrants in their grasp upon free cities.
Between 1850 and 1907 dairy cows increased from 214,231 to 330,000; other neat cattle from 519,739 to 589,000; sheer decreased from 304,929 to 181,000; swine decreased from 1,582,734 to 1,316,000; horses increased from 115,460 to 260,000, and mules from 54,547 to 279,000.
The protection of the shore may therefore have been decreased, with the result of increased land erosion and the formation of extensive shallow submarine plateaux.
Subsequently, as the number of " taxicabs " (see Motor Vehicles) increased, that of horse-cabs decreased.
Whether or no Gawain was a sunhero, and he certainly possessed some of the features - we are constantly told how his strength waxed with the waxing of the sun till noontide, and then gradually decreased; he owned a steed known by a definite name le Gringalet; and a light-giving sword, Escalibur (which, as a rule, is represented as belonging to Gawain, not to Arthur) - all traits of a sun-hero - he certainly has much in common with the primitive Irish hero Cuchullin.
If the two interfering waves, being still of same length X, be in opposite phases, or sõ that one is in advance of the other by 2X, and consequently one produces in the air the opposite state of motion to the other, then the resultant wave is one of the same length X, but the excursions of the particles are decreased, being the difference between those due to the component waves as in fig.
The total acreage of all land included in farms increased from 3,459,018 acres in 1890 to 3,609,784 acres in 1900, or from 60% to 62.6% of the total land area of the state, but the improved portion of this decreased during the decade from 1,727,387 acres to 1,076,879 acres, or from 49'9% to 29.8%; in no other state east of the Mississippi river was so small a proportion of the farm land improved at the close of the decade, although in Florida it was only a trifle larger.
It is impossible to give more than approximately accurate statistics of the resultant depopulation of Portugal; but it seems probable that the inhabitants of the kingdom decreased from about 1,800,000 or 2,000,000 in 1500 to The Slave thus discredited; the peasants sold their farms and p emigrated or flocked to the towns; and small holdings were merged into vast estates, unscientifically cultivated by slaves and comparable with the latifundia which caused so many agrarian evils during the last two centuries of the Roman republic. The decadence of agriculture partly explains the prevalence of famine at a time when Portuguese maritime commerce was most prosperous.
The generals re-formed them, but their numbers constantly decreased.
Soil respiration sensitivity to temperature (Q 10) decreased in response to drought.
Sexual dysfunction (decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and decreased semen volume) are observed in about 3.8% of cases.
Liver and spleen volume decreased and bone structure improved.
Thus in patients with severe liver disease, theophylline clearance may be decreased.
Theta power decreased sharply 240 ms before movement ended at the rewarded end, but not at the unrewarded end of the track.
The man's strength and vigor decreased as he aged.
Modern technology has also increased the range of baby monitors and decreased the effects of interference from other systems, such as cordless telephones that are in the vicinity of the baby monitor.
Demand hasn't decreased so the "price gouging" will be rampant.
He then decreased it to once a week, and advised that kitty stay on this drug indefinately for preventative measures.
You may also be able to reach an agreement about debt settlement and have your debt decreased.
The size of this type of table can be increased or decreased based on the number of people who will be sitting around it at mealtime.
The recent findings of the UN Panel on the environment say it is urgent that emissions be decreased worldwide within the next several years if we're to avoid disastrous climate change.
Some homeowners, however, are willing to accept decreased productivity if the area in which they live has a high cost of energy.
Decreased Dependence on Foreign Products - Almost every country is capable of producing biofuels, albeit some with help from more developed countries.
Data collected did suggest the body composition changed and the percent of fat decreased.
Compared to previous Rebel lenses, the T2i lens has increased sharpness and decreased chromatic aberration.
By far the greatest benefit of phytochemicals is the decreased risk of serious diseases.
This causes them to have a decreased interest in participating in activities they once enjoyed.
Comparing 1999 with 1996 data, crashes involving 16-year-old drivers decreased by 25 percent in Michigan and 27 percent in North Carolina."
This can also result in a general sense of boredom and decreased energy.
According the Center of Disease Control's (CDC) website, the use of illicit drugs has decreased among teenagers since 1999.
Unfortunately, while the use of illicit drugs may have decreased since 1999, the abuse of prescription drugs and over-the-counter (OTC) has increased.
The amount of teenage dropouts in high schools has decreased in recent years, though some teens still decide to not further their high school education.
Aggression, impulsivity and depression decreased, and school performance improved.
This can lead to confusion among guests as to whether they are living or decreased.
Weight gain and a decreased sex drive are two of the most common side effects of depression medication.
Although use of heroin by injection has decreased due to the fear of transmitted diseases like AIDS and hepatitis, the drug is still a major money-maker on the street.
For example, an addiction to depressants or stimulants may increase feelings of depression, while an addiction to marijuana may cause decreased coordination or difficulty concentrating.
The resulting effect is decreased anxiety and a reduced chance for seizures.
Dress coats for little girls are often still made in the traditional girls' colors; however, the amount of lace and bows has, generally speaking, decreased in recent years.
In many cases, schools simply must increase tuition to compensate for their decreased state funding.
Disturbingly, the high cost of tuition may be causing decreased college enrollment.
His activity level has decreased and he just lies there and coughs.
Canidae Platinum is formulated for overweight and senior dogs that may need decreased calories with high nutrition.
This lack of additional heat results in a decreased cost for cooling the building owner, and it means energy savings for the environment.
Glass tiles were one of the more expensive types of countertop tiles at one time, but in recent years, the cost of these tiles has decreased significantly.
By using as many organic items as possible, chances are decreased that a child's health will be affected.
Phosphorus can leach out of soil and contaminate water, leading to decreased water quality and harming the creatures that live in the water.
In addition to these chronic conditions, older adults can also suffer from decreased mobility.
These activities can decrease high blood pressure levels and many people have decreased their medication dosage because of these increased activities.
These symptoms are a response to decreased brain function.
Hot flashes associated with menopause result from decreased levels of the hormone estrogen.
Irritability is partially caused by the decreased ability to sort through information and treat it logically with not enough sleep.
It's possible that individuals who have a decreased amount of serotonin and suffer from depression will also suffer from excessive sleep.
Absorption of the rays by the central retina (called the macula) in the back of the eye causes degeneration of this tissue, which results in decreased central vision or fine pinpoint vision.
These benefits are due to the increased depth perception and decreased glare they can provide.
Profits quickly decreased for the console systems and this forced more of the dedicated system manufactures, RCA, and Fairchild to desert the market.
His overall rating drops from 84 to 82, his "throw on run" rating goes from 80 to 72, his injury resistance falls from 99 to 90, and his throw accuracy is decreased by 5 points.
The decreased market share continued through the next console's release, the GameCube, a few years later.
Once, when a Tsunami of blood shot from one victim, the frame-rate decreased dramatically and the controls would not respond correctly.
This stipend has decreased as more members have signed up.
As game play increased, beta waves decreased.
Alpha wave activity also decreased during game play.
The decreased alpha wave activity indicates that the brain seemed to believe that it was going through a real experience as the player became deeply involved in the plot or storyline of the game.
If medical treatment begins within hours after symptoms are recognized, brain damage can be limited and the risk of permanent medical effects can be decreased.
Compared to the stroke risk of white children, African-American children have an increased relative risk of 2.12, Hispanics a decreased relative risk of 0.76 and Asians have a similar risk.
In fact, it prevents diseases and has protective factors resulting in healthier babies and decreased healthcare costs.
Lactose intolerance can be caused by some diseases of the digestive system (for example, celiac sprue and gastroenteritis) and by injuries to the small intestine that result in a decreased production of lactase.
Breastfeeding is an important risk factor for hyperbilirubinemia in healthy infants and is related to inadequate maternal milk supply in the first few days, decreased caloric intake and delayed passage of meconium.
Discontinuation of home phototherapy is safe once the total serum bilirubin level has decreased to less than 15 mg/dL in healthy full-term infants older than four days.
The result is decreased energy production and associated symptoms.
It is caused by a decreased CSF pressure related to a small leak of CSF through the puncture site.
Due to decreased muscle tone, affected infants may experience a delay in reaching motor milestones.
The doctor may note chest retractions with breathing and may hear wheezing and decreased breath sounds when listening to the chest with a stethoscope.
Marfan syndrome causes an increase in the length of the child's bones, with decreased support from the ligaments that hold the bones together.
An abnormally low platelet level (thrombocytopenia) is a condition that may result from increased destruction of platelets, decreased production, or increased usage of platelets.
Leukemia and aplastic anemia can result in a low platelet count because of decreased production of platelets in the bone marrow.
Most studies suggest that Tourette syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder with decreased penetrance.
Decreased penetrance means that not all people who inherit the abnormal gene develop symptoms.
Adolescents with Tourette syndrome often experience unpredictable and more severe than usual symptoms, which may be related to fluctuating hormone levels and decreased compliance in taking medications.
Decreased penetrance-Individuals who inherit a changed disease gene but do not develop symptoms.
The benefits of baclofen include decreased stretch reflexes, improved passive range of motion, and reduced muscle spasms, pain, and tightness.
Side effects include drowsiness and sedation, as well as weakness, decreased muscle tone, confusion, fatigue, nausea, and dizziness.
Benefits may include improved passive movement, decreased muscle tone, and reduced muscle spasms, tightness, and pain.
By cutting the sensory nerve rootlets that cause the spasticity, muscle stiffness is decreased while other functions are maintained.
One study indicated that ambulatory and non-ambulatory adolescents with cerebral palsy had decreased energy needs compared with a control group of normal adolescents.
This decreased growth leads to a decreased demand for food, often manifested in a newfound pickiness.
Side effects of sertraline were found to include nausea, diarrhea, and decreased libido.
Increasing the consumption of phytoestrogens is also associated with decreased risks of osteoporosis, cancer, and heart disease.
Hypotonia, or severely decreased muscle tone, is seen primarily in children.
Hypotonia, also called floppy infant syndrome or infantile hypotonia, is a condition of decreased muscle tone.
Other symptoms include a decreased ability to sweat and changes in the cornea or outer layer of the eye.
Therefore, pituitary dwarfism is decreased bodily growth due primarily to hormonal problems.
The end result is a proportionate little person, because the height and the growth of all other structures of the individual are decreased.
When less GH than normal is produced during childhood, an individual's arms, legs, and other structures continue to develop in normal proportions, but at a decreased rate.
Once the strongest dose is reached, the child's sensitivity has decreased, and the injections are given monthly to control allergic symptoms.
Premature and underdeveloped newborns are at a decreased risk for brachial plexopathy.
Pain, irritation, tearing, red eye, twitching of the eye, decreased vision, and sensitivity to bright lights are common complaints that accompany a corneal abrasion.
If there is significant swelling of the cornea, then vision may be decreased.
This risk may be decreased for those wearing the new silicone contact lenses.
The most frequent cause of FUO is still infection, though the percentage has decreased in the early 2000s.
Ataxia in the arms follows, usually within several years, leading to decreased hand-eye coordination.
The decreased coordination of movements (ataxia) associated with A-T first becomes apparent when a child begins to walk, typically between 12 and 18 months of age.
Decreased immunoglobulin levels (Iga, IgG, IgM).
A decreased level may be found in liver dysfunction, overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), malabsorption, malnutrition, or advanced cancer, among other conditions.
Sometimes children will experience a decreased need for insulin once blood sugars are brought under control following diagnosis.
Symptoms of eye injury or orbital fracture can include blurred or double vision, decreased mobility of the eye, and numbness in the area of the eye.
Double vision and decreased mobility of the eye are common complications of facial trauma.
To most individuals, diarrhea means an increased frequency or decreased consistency of bowel movements; however, the medical definition is more exact than this.
Signs of dehydration include decreased urination, lethargy, poor skin tone, and generalized weakness.
Heart disorders that cause a decreased, inadequate amount of oxygen in blood pumped to the body are called cyanotic defects.
A deficiency of folic acid may lead to anemia, in which there is decreased production of red blood cells.
However, large doses may cause nausea, decreased appetite, bloating, gas, decreased ability to concentrate, and insomnia.
A pulse oximeter or arterial blood gas measurement reveals the presence of decreased oxygen in the blood.
Symptoms include changes in personality, decreased intelligence with accompanying school problems, decreased coordination, involuntary jerks and movements of the body.
However, among girls, cigarette use decreased from 13.6 percent in 2002 to 12.5 percent in 2003.
These tests are used to detect an increased blood glucose (hyperglycemia) or a decreased blood glucose (hypoglycemia).
However, research relating the use of violent video games with antisocial behavior is inconsistent and varies in design and quality, with findings of both increased and decreased aggression after exposure to violent video games.
Advances in medicine have decreased the incidence from some causes.
Finally, the risk of CP can be decreased through good maternal nutrition, avoidance of drugs and alcohol during pregnancy, and prevention or prompt treatment of infections.
This decreased volume of water usually prevents the child's bladder from overfilling during the night, unless the child drinks a lot just before going to bed.
Numbness and tingling are decreased or abnormal sensations caused by altered sensory nerve function.
Nasal trauma is defined as any injury to the nose or related structure that may result in bleeding, a physical deformity, a decreased ability to breathe normally because of obstruction, or an impaired sense of smell.
Gastrointestinal problems include increased appetite, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation.
Other long-term benefits include decreased crime and delinquency rates and increased high school graduation.
Several clinical studies have shown that MST has improved family relations, decreased adolescent psychiatric symptoms and substance use, increased school attendance, and decreased re-arrest rates for adolescents in trouble with the law.
The individual may have difficulty walking due to weakness, muscle cramps, and decreased coordination of movements.
Various chemical signals can trigger increased or decreased production.
Its incidence decreased by about 9 percent, which it has been doing since 1988.
Though the incidence of male circumcision has decreased from 90 percent in 1979 to 60 percent in 2002, it is still the most common surgical procedure in the United States.
This lack of use can result in decreased muscle tone and shrinkage of the muscle (atrophy).
There is the possibility of decreased circulation if the cast, splint, or brace fits too tightly.
Research has also shown that these behaviorally inhibited children have a decreased threshold of excitability in the area of the brain called the amygdala.
Decreased arm swinging on one side is indicative of corticospinal tract disease.
Acute onset of renal vein thrombosis at any age causes pain in the lower back and sides of the abdomen, fever, bloody urine, decreased urine output, and sometimes kidney failure.
Other symptoms include fatigue, loss of energy, decreased appetite, and a sore sensation in the mouth that may interfere with feeding.
Peroxisomal disorder patients have decreased muscle tone (hypotonia), which in the most severe cases is generalized, while in less severe cases, is usually restricted to the neck and trunk muscles.
Blood flow is decreased to the legs and feet with peripheral vascular diseases and can cause poor circulation in the legs, claudication, or aneurysm.
Even though divorce rates peaked in 1979-81 and decreased slightly in the years following, half of all first marriages and 60 percent of second marriages end in divorce.
Long-term side effects of radiation treatment can include cataracts, vision problems, bleeding from the retina, and decreased growth of the bones on the side of the head.
Sometimes curable by bone marrow transplant, but potentially fatal, aplastic anemia is characterized by decreased production of red and white blood cells and platelets (disc-shaped cells that are a key component of blood coagulation).
Causes may include sudden or ongoing loss of blood, nutritional deficiencies, decreased red blood cell production, or increased red blood cell destruction.
Decreased amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios) is associated with IUGR as the fetus may have a decreased cardiac output and thus decreased renal flow to produce less urine.
Uteroplacental insufficiency-Designates the lack of blood flow from the uterus to the placenta, resulting in decreased nourishment and oxygen to the fetus.
If left untreated, severe anemia can result in stunted growth and development, as well as other characteristic physical complications that can lead to a dramatically decreased life expectancy.
It represents a defective or decreased production of platelets.
Common underlying disorders include leukemia, drug toxicity, or aplastic anemia, all of which lead to decreased or defective production of platelets in the bone marrow.
Tests for thrombocytopenia include coagulation tests that may reveal a decreased platelet count and prolonged bleeding time.
It is used to relieve cord compression, reduce fetal distress caused by meconium staining, and as a correction of decreased amniotic fluid.
The mother may report that she has experienced decreased fetal movement as the baby has only enough oxygen to keep the heart beating.
Some children with intussusception may appear lethargic or have altered mental status, believed by physicians to be related to ischemia of the bowel and a decreased level of consciousness.
Administering anti-yeast medications has decreased negative behaviors in some children.
Survival among patients with nail-patella syndrome is not decreased unless they exhibit renal complications.
Symptoms of this condition include decreased energy, dry skin, cold-intolerance, and poor growth.
Increases in state taxes on alcohol and tobacco products have not resulted in decreased use.
Decreased response is seen in muscular dystrophy.
Treatment of muscular dystrophy is mainly directed at preventing the complications of weakness, including decreased mobility and dexterity, contractures, scoliosis, heart defects, and respiratory insufficiency.
All classes of immunoglobulin antibodies are decreased in agammaglobulinemia.
During the disease period, children may have decreased levels of IgG and IgA antibodies.
In hemophilia, certain clotting factors are either decreased in quantity, absent altogether, or improperly formed, preventing the formation of a clot and resulting in uncontrolled bleeding.
Hemophilia A is the most common type of coagulation disorder and involves decreased activity of factor VIII.
Damage to nerves can cause numbness and decreased ability to use the injured limb.
Since in the United States adult inclusion conjunctivitis is primarily a sexually transmitted disease, the incidence of inclusion conjunctivitis can be decreased either through abstinence or through the use of condoms.
Air pollutants aggravate chronic pulmonary disease in children and cause decreased pulmonary performance in exercising children and teenagers.
It is a state of lessened consciousness and decreased physical activity during which the organism slows down and repairs itself.
Excess use of caffeine by children leads to decreased nighttime sleep, but increased daytime sleep.
By mid-puberty, testosterone production is decreased to approximately half of normal.
This can lead to decreased facial and pubic hair growth.
The decreased testosterone also causes an increase in two other hormones, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).
Delirium-Sudden confusion with a decreased or fluctuating level of consciousness.
Ileus can also be caused by kidney diseases, especially when potassium levels are decreased (a condition called hypokalemia).
One enduring myth is that female masturbation can lead to decreased sensitivity of the clitoris resulting in a decrease in the frequency and intensity of female orgasm.
Dehydration should be suspected if symptoms of a dry mouth, increased or excessive thirst, or decreased urination are experienced.
Infants born prematurely who become CMV infected during birth have a greater chance of complications, including pneumonia, hepatitis, decreased blood platelets.
Adolescent girls may also notice decreased menstrual flow and irregular menstrual cycles.
However as the incidence of rabies in dogs has decreased dramatically, rabies among wildlife has increased across the continental United States.
Decreased dietary iron intake is a contributing factor in iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia.
The congenital immunodeficiency disorder, Bruton's agammaglobulinemia, also known as X-linked agammaglobulinemia, results in a decrease or absence of B lymphocytes and, therefore, a decreased ability to make antibodies.
In this disorder, the production of one or more of the immunoglobulin types is decreased, and the antibody response to infections is impaired.
This infection causes fever, irritability, pain, decreased appetite, and ulcers in the mouth.
Babies with this type of SMA have decreased muscle and trunk tone, resulting in floppiness of the limbs and weak arm and leg movements.
Slow-wave sleep (SWS)-Stage of deepest sleep characterized by absence of eye movements, decreased body temperature, and involuntary body movements.
Children with congenital nystagmus usually have a point in their eye movement in which the intensity of the nystagmus is decreased.
Those with nystagmus usually have decreased vision and poor depth perception, although those born with nystagmus, may not realize that their vision is poor.
For the patient with oscillopsia, grinding prism into the spectacles may move the visual field to a point of decreased oscillopsia.
Type 1 is the most common and mildest form and results when the body produces slightly decreased amounts of normal vWF.
Some changes cause the vWF gene to produce decreased amounts of normal vWF, while other changes cause the gene to produce abnormal vWF.
They also have a decreased amount of vWF and decreased vWF activity and usually have slightly decreased factor VIII levels and activity.
Children with type 2 VWD have a prolonged bleeding time and decreased activity of vWF; they may also have decreased amounts of vWF and factor VIII and decreased factor VIII activity.
Children with type 1 VWD usually have normal to decreased RIPA concentrations.
Depending on the subtype, patients with type 2 VWD either have increased or decreased RIPA.
As the patient improves, the amount of ECMO support is decreased gradually, until the machine is turned off for a brief trial period.
Over time, the amount of gum the smoker chews is decreased and the amount of time between applying the patches is increased.
Other characteristics of the syndrome include abnormally decreased muscle tone, fair skin and hair, protruding jaw, hyperactivity, episodes of uncontrollable laughter, difficulty sleeping, and severe problems with movement and balance.
Normocytic anemia may be caused by decreased production (e.g. malignancy and other causes of bone marrow failure), increased destruction (hemolytic anemia), or blood loss.
The MCHC is elevated in hereditary spherocytosis, a condition with decreased RBC survival caused by a structural protein defect in the RBC membrane.
Hypochromic-A descriptive term applied to a red blood cell with a decreased concentration of hemoglobin.
Seizures may result from decreased oxygen to the brain.
To reduce exposure to mold, indoor humidity should be decreased to less than 50 percent, leaky faucets and pipes should be repaired, and vaporizers avoided.
Other long-term benefits include higher high school graduation rates and decreased crime and delinquency rates.
Some patients with polyarticular JA will have other symptoms of a systemic illness, including anemia (low red blood cell count), decreased growth rate, low appetite, low-grade fever, and a slight rash.
When female patients were compared to agematched normals, greater than one serving per week of grilled (broiled) or baked fish (other than tuna) was associated with a decreased risk of disease.
The degree of tender joints remained unchanged in controls, but in the diet group their number decreased significantly.
A number of adverse events can damage the gonads and result in decreased hormone levels.
In males the usual complaints are sexual dysfunction, decreased beard and body hair, breast enlargement, and muscle loss.
This decreased level, in turn, decreases the sensitivity of ocular tissue to another compound called retinoic acid, which prevents increases in the length of the eye.
In diabetes type 2, which is characterized by insulin resistance, enhanced glucose production in the liver and decreased insulin secretion can be aggravated by low physical activity and/or a high-calorie, high-fat diet.
Obese children must be encouraged to eat properly and to avoid the fats and sugary sweets that can lead to increased weight, decreased mobility, and hyperglycemia.
Once ultra-absorbent tampons were taken off the market, the number of cases of toxic shock syndrome decreased substantially.
Others point to decreased production of a hormone in the immune system called interferon-gamma that ordinarily helps to regulate the body's response to allergens.
While the amount of viewers has decreased drastically in recent years, many die-hard fans still tune in each season.
During World War I the number of immigrants decreased, leaving facilities available to detain suspected enemy aliens from 1918 to 1919 . Ellis Island resumed processing immigrants in 1920.
Side effects of saw palmetto may include upset stomach and decreased sexual desire.
The physical demands of truck driving have decreased with the introduction of better driver seats, ergonomically-designed cabs and efficient heating and cooling systems.
Economic slow downs often result in decreased job opportunities and occasional layoffs.
An interest rate that is current as of Monday may have increased or decreased by Tuesday.
As you made monthly mortgage payments, your debt decreased and your home equity increased.
The real estate market became flooded with supply, even as demand decreased further due to continued interest rate increases.
One of the primary reasons that people seek to refinance their home loans is to capitalize on decreased interest rates during times of low interest rate trends.
Supplies available to American consumers decreased and the overall economy suffered.
Since 2009, when the federal government increased the maximum home value to its current $625,000 limit, the demand for jumbo reverse mortgage loans has decreased.
In turn, the number of these loans that are actually made and offered also decreased.
The chance of an episiotomy is decreased because the water softens the tissues surrounding the perineum, making them more pliable and able to stretch.
Sperm production can also be decreased by giving an artificial version of a hormone called gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).
For example, there is evidence to suggest that babies who are enrolled in day care have a decreased risk of developing asthma as adults.
Men who smoke, drink, take certain prescription medications, or have chronic illnesses often suffer from decreased fertility.
Scientific research has proven that scrotal hyperthermia can cause clinical subfertility (decreased fertility) in men.
While it's not proven indecisively that laptops can cause decreased fertility, he says it may cause irreversible or only partially reversible changes in the male reproductive cycle.
Some of the benefits to this type of birth control pill include a decreased chance of ovarian and endometrial cancers, decreased likelihood of ectopic pregnancy, regular cycles, reduced acne, decreases blood loss and intensity of cramps.
Users of male condoms report decreased sensation during sex and many men experience difficulty finding condoms that fit comfortably.
While teen pregnancy rates are dropping to date and have been declining steadily (the percentage of teens having sex decreased sixteen percent between 1991 and 2007), some teens are more susceptible to teenage pregnancy.
The combination of increased blood flow to the pelvis, lower blood pressure, and decreased blood sugar make the pregnant woman feel more tired than usual.
In some cases, men who have had vasectomies report impotence, premature ejaculation, or decreased sexual desire.
In animal studies, prenatal exposure to opiates led to decreased exploration and delayed responses to threatening elements.
Some of the most common types of side effects from combination pills are headaches, vomiting, nausea, breast tenderness, dizziness, weight gain, and decreased sex drive.
These suits are designed for fit and decreased water drag.
Additionally, vitamin B12 is needed to control homocysteine levels which leads to a decreased risk of stroke, coronary disease, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's.
A lack of phenylalanine can cause confusion, depression, lack of energy, lack of alertness, decreased appetite and memory issues.
Vitamin A helps keep hair follicles lubricated, which can lead to decreased breakage and premature hair loss.
His sexual desire for you has decreased.
Worksheets can be highly effective when used appropriately, but overuse will only lead to boredom and decreased motivation.
Just one year after the school uniform policy was implemented all crimes on school property (vandalism, sex offenses, theft, weapons possessions, etc.) decreased significantly.
Mothers may have a decreased chance of pre-menopausal breast cancer if they feed for a minimum of two years.
They argue for a "catharsis theory" put forth by James Ivory in 2001, which suggests that the release of emotions during violent video games actually decreased the child's tendency towards violent behavior.
By the end of the decade, however, that production had significantly decreased to less than 150 movies annually.
Others who have studied the system note that its techniques make use of the known positive benefits of meditation, such as increased focus, decreased anxiety and an overall improved sense of well-being.
More importantly, those practicing this type of yoga report significant benefits ranging from increased strength and flexibility to decreased stress, and an increased ability to focus.
Affected Toyota Tundras had problems with the headlights, which could result in decreased visibility.
Sales decreased slowly in 2005 and 2006, and by 2009, sales had dropped more than 62 percent from the peak popularity.
A decreased appetite, coupled with nursing my daughter all day long, proved to be the diet I had been searching for since I was 18.
The group that lowered their fat consumption had decreased levels of low-density lipoprotein, better known as LDL cholesterol, and reduced blood pressure.
For the colorectal cancer component of the study, lowering fat intake did not demonstrate a decreased risk of developing colorectal cancer.
The amount of sugar listed in a recipe can often be decreased by 1/3 without a noticeable taste or texture difference.
One example for the reason behind this decreased energy need is our bones decreased ability to deposit calcium into our bones at or around 35 years old.
Naturally, BMR will lower its speed as we age due to the decreased need for energy.
For example, it has been shown that a decreased risk of heart disease, certain cancers such as colon and breast, stroke, diverticulitis, cataracts, and macular degeneration are outcomes of eating plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Triglycerides in the blood-a risk factor for heart disease- are decreased.
When sick, humans and animals alike tend to get decreased appetites; this may be a part of the same process.
This is because the decreased presence of female hormones makes their shape become "more male."
As your body heals, you will gradually cut back on how many meals you eat everyday, and once you work your diet back to regular foods, you will have decreased the number of meals you eat to three a day.
Make sure to discuss any diet that requires increased protein and decreased carbohydrates with a doctor.
The caffeine content in green tea may confer another benefit to dieters, because there is some evidence that caffeine can cause decreased appetite in some.
Additionally, some studies have found a connection between antioxidant consumption and a decreased risk of heart disease.
According to, people who exercise regularly also report decreased rates of depression, lowered pain, and less anxiety.
If you also lose weight, the decreased day-to-day load on the joints and ligaments can have a big impact on problematic knees, aching backs and the like.
Weak core muscles can lead to back pain and decreased quality of life.
Properly performed push ups exercise and strengthen your core, which contributes to good posture and decreased incidence of back injuries.
There's a good chance that as you've exercised, you've increased your body's amount of muscle tissue and decreased the amount of fat tissue.
Although the number has decreased slightly, the fact that every year brings another premium increase is alarming to many consumers - especially consumers who are already stretching their dollars to make ends meet.
These factors can translate directly to increased productivity, reduced turnover, and decreased issues with time lost from work.
It could be more challenging to find just what you need since women no longer tend to wear slips on a daily basis and the demand for them in stores has decreased over time.
Income soon decreased as the family had trouble saving and he later began to perform more infrequently.
Over the next ten weeks, he lost 37% of his weight (122 pounds) and decreased his overall body fat by 18%.
Bloating... definitely; fatigue and cravings... well, she had been tired, but her appetite had decreased, not increased.
After 1900 it gradually decreased - although new pools in Wetzel county were found in 1902 - and in 1908 it was 9,523,176 bbls.
With the rest of the north of England, Bridlington suffered from the ravages of the Normans, and decreased in value from £32 in the reign of Edward the Confessor, when it formed part of the possessions of Earl Morcar, to 8s.
During the separation the synod of Philadelphia decreased from twentysix to twenty-two ministers, but the synod of New York grew from twenty to seventy-two ministers, and the New Side reaped all the fruits of the Great Awakening under Whitefield and his successors.
The results of these first experiments were not encouraging, owing mainly to the poor class of animals, but the exporters persevered, and the business steadily grew in value and importance, until in 1898 the number of live cattle shipped was 359,296, which then decreased to 119,189 in 1901, because of the foot-and-mouth disease.
The birth- Basses-Al rate markedly decreased during the 19th century; Basses-Py despite an increase of population between 1801 and Belfort, 1
The capital value of land, which greatly decreased during the last twenty years of the i9th century, is estimated at 3,120,000,000, and that of stock, buildings, implements, &c., at 340,000,000.
Their produce has gradually decreased since the 17th century, and is now unimportant, but sulphate of copper, iron pyrites, and some gold, silver, sulphur and sulphuric acid, and red ochre are also produced.
During the last two years of his life Ruiz Zorilla became less active; failing health and the loss of his wife had decreased his energies, and the Madrid government allowed him to return to Spain some months before he died at Burgos, on the 1 3 th of June 1895, of heart disease.
The, importation has, however, enormously increased since 1882from 164,600 to 1,126,368 tons; while the extent of land devoted to corn cultivation has slightly decreased.
The output in 1881 was worth about 1/22,800,000, but by 1895 had decreased to 1,800,000, chiefly on account of the fall in the price of sulphur.
While importation of raw cotton increases importations of cotton thread and of cotton stuffs have rapidly decreased.
The quantity of beer is about the same, the greater part of the beer drunk being imported from Germany, while the production of artificial mineral waters has somewhat decreased.
They have, however, much decreased in number since 1889.
Between the years i88i and 1905 the number of ships entered and cleared at Italian ports decreased slightly (219,598 in 1881 and 208,737 in 1905), while their aggregate tonnage increased (32,070,704 in 1881 and 80,782,030 in 1905).
The number of persons unable to read and write has gradually decreased, both absolutely and in proportion to the number of inhabitants.
Their number and that of their scholars have, however, decreased since the withdrawal of state subsidies.
On the 31st of December 1903 it had decreased to 65,819, of which 6044 were women.
In consequence of this change the number of local electors increased by more than onethird between 1887-1889; it decreased, however, as a result of an extraordinary revision of the registers in 1894.
Gradually the increase of traffic consequent upon the industrial development of Italy decreased the annual losses of the state, but the position of the government in regard to the railways still remained so unsatisfactory as to render the resumption of the whole system by the state on the expiration of the first period of twenty years in 1905 inevitable.
The value of French exports into Italy decreased immediately by one-half, while Italian exports to France decreased by nearly two-thirds.
Lesagef has shown that the height of certain plants is decreased by cultivation in a saline soil, and that the leaves of iLesage, Recherches exphrimentales sur les modifications de, feuilles chez les plantes maritimes, in Rev. gen.
Biltz (Ber., 1888, 21, p. 2013; 1901, 34, p. 2490) showed that the vapour density decreased with the temperature, and also depended on the pressure.
During the years 1861 to 1892 the land owned by the nobles decreased 30%, or from 210,000,000 to 150,000,000 acres; during the following four years an additional 2,119,500 acres were sold; and since then the sales have gone on at an accelerated rate, until in 1903 alone close upon 2,000,000 acres passed out of their hands.
This was still open in the imperial period, and the town, which was a municipium, possessed its own gild of sailors; but its importance gradually decreased.
After the abolition of slavery, farms greatly decreased in size and increased in number; the number grew from 68,023 in 1870 to 220,803 in 1900; the average size fell from 369.7 acres in 1860 to 82.6 acres in 1900.
Until the Civil War agriculture was about the only important industry in the state, and at the close of the 19th century it was still the leading one; but from 1880 to 11900 the ratio of agriculturists to all inhabitants of the state engaged in some gainful occupation decreased from 75.3 to 64.1%.
In the meantime the crops of cereals increased little, and stock raising generally decreased.
As the number of kings decreased the number of witans decreased, until early in the 9th century there was one king and one witan in all England.