Decoration Sentence Examples
The new decoration of the Premises contributed much to the magnificence of the spectacle.
It is therefore probable that most if not all of the sculptural decoration of the Parthenon was the work of pupils of Pheidias, such as Alcamenes and Agoracritus, rather than his own.
By this earl it was in great part rebuilt and fitted up in regard to decoration much as it now exists.
No traces of the decoration of the pediments and metopes have been preserved.
If you can survive the over decoration, the food is not to be missed.
In the Paris Exhibition of 1900 surface decoration was the prominent feature of all the exhibits of table-glass.
For the women it is simply a decoration.
A sculptured portico has come to light in the smallest of the five mounds, and much pottery, with incised and painted decoration, has been recovered.
All kinds of vessels were blown, both with and without moulds, and both moulding and cutting were used as methods of decoration.
The Roman glass-blowers were masters of all the ordinary methods of manipulation and decoration.
AdvertisementThe vessels produced by the 16th-century glass-workers in Germany, Holland and the Low Countries are closely allied in form and decoration.
In the following year the first artists of Italy were engaged in its decoration, and the celebrated frescoes attributed to Orcagna were painted on its walls.
The Comtist system is utilitarianism crowned by a fantastic decoration.
The gorgeous decoration of the mausoleum of Iyeyasu at NikkO, and of the gateway of the Nishi Hongwan temple at KiOto, are the most striking instances of his handiwork or direction.
Namako for (fish-roe) grounds were essential for the mountings Scuiptiwed - Decoration.
AdvertisementThe same fundamental rule applied, too, whether the field of the decoration was silk, paper or metal.
The difference between this process and ordinary inlaying is that for sumi-zogan the design to be inlaid is fully chiselled out of an independent block of metal with sides sloping so as to be broader at the base than at the top. The object which is to receive the decoration is then channelled in dimensions corresponding to those of the design block, and the latter having been fixed in the channels, the surface is ground and polished until an intimate union is obtained between the inlaid design and the metal forming its field.
Shibuichi inlaid with shakudo used to be the commonest combination of metals in this class of decoration, and the objects usually depicted were bamboos, crows, wild-fowl under the moon, peony sprays and so forth.
Even in the field of architectural decoration for interiors, tradition tells us scarcely anything about the masters who carved such magnificent works as those seen in the KiOto temples, the Tokugawa mausolea, and some of the old castles.
In 1520 a potter named Gorodayu Goshonzui (known to posterity as Shonzui) made his way to Fuchow and thence to King-te-chen, where, after five years study, he acquired the art of manufacturing porcelain, as distinguished from pottery, together with the art of applying decoration in blue under the glaze.
AdvertisementIn decoration, the acanthus was first reproduced in metal, and subsequently carved in stone by the Greeks.
The decoration was confined to blue under the glaze, and as an object of art the ware possessed no special merit.
Not until the year 1620 do we find any evidence of the style for which Arita porcelain afterwards became famous, namely, decoration with vitrifiable enamels.
Specimens of the latter are still preserved in European collections, where they are classed as genuine examples of Japanese ceramic art, though beyond question their style of decoration was greatly influenced by Dutch interference.
There is evidence to show that the art of decoration with enamels over the glaze reached Kieto from Hizen in Awata.
AdvertisementSetting aside, however, the strong improbability that a style of decoration so widely practised and so highly esteemed could have remained unknown during a century and a half to experts working for one of the most puissant chieftains in Japan, we have the evidence of trustworthy traditions and written records that enamelled faience was made by the potters at Tatsumonjithe principal factory of Satsuma-ware in early daysas far back as the year 1676.
Not until the close of the 18th century or the beginning of the 19th did the more profuse fashion of enamelled decoration come to be largely employed.
About the time (1843) of the ao-Kutani revival, a potter called lida Hachiroemon introduced a style of decoration which subsequently came to be regarded as typical of all Kaga procelains.
The richness, profusion and microscopic accuracy of their decoration could scarcely have been surpassed; but, with very rare exceptions, their lack of delicacy of technique disqualifies them to rank as fine porcelains.
For many years after Tamikichis processes had begun to be practised, the only decoration employed was blue under the glaze.
Decoration with vitrifiable enamels over the glaze, though it began to be practised at Owari about the year 1840, never became a speciality of tile place.
But they receive their decoration, almost without exception, in Tokyo or Yokohama, where a large number of artists, called e-isuke-shi, devote themselves eiitirely to porcelain-painting.
The type generally known to them is exceedingly light ware, for the most part made of light grey, unglazed clay, and having hand-modelled decoration in relief.
The chief of the former is faience, having light grey, close Izumc pate and yellow or straw-colored glaze, with or without erwle to which is applied decoration in gold and green enamel.
Its diaphanous, pearl-grey glaze, uniform, lustrous and finely crackled, overlying encaustic decoration in white slip, the fineness of its warm reddish pate, and the general excellence of its technique, have always commanded admiration.
There remains, too, a wide domain in which the Chinese developed high skill, whereas the Japanese can scarcely be said to have entered it at all; namely, the domain of monochromes and polychromes, striking every note of color from the richest to the most delicate; the domain of truit and fiamb glazes, of yO-pien-yao (transmutation ware), and of egg-shell with incised or translucid decoration.
The faience of the Kioto artists never reached quite to the level of the Satsuma in quality of pdte and glowing mellowness of decoration; their materials were slightly inferior.
No new skill was developed, and what remained of the old was expended chiefly upon the manufacture of meretricious objects, disfigured by excess of decoration and not relieved by any excellence of technique.
Ninsei, in the middle of the 17th century, inaugurated a long era of beautiful productions with his cream-like fish-roe eraquel glazes, carrying jrich decoration of clear and brilliant vitrifiable enamels.
Every year large quantities of porcelain and faience are sent from the provinces to the capital to receive surface decoration, and in wealth of design as well as carefulness of execution the results are praiseworthy.
Sometimes he fixes the decoration himself, employing for that purpose a small kiln which stands in his back garden; sometimes he entrusts this part of the work to a factory.
In other respects the Hirado factories do not produce wares nearly so beautiful as those manufactured there between 1759 and 1840, when the Hirado-yakz stood at the head of all Japanese porcelain on account of its pure, close-grained pate, its lustrous milk-white glaze, and the soft clear blue of its carefully executed decoration.
The finest specimens of this porcelain had incised decoration, sparingly employed but adding much to the beauty of the piece.
In purity of tone and velvetlike gloss of surface there is distinct inferiority on the side of the Japanese ware, but in thinness of pale it supports comparison, and in profusion and beauty of incised decoration it excels its Chinese original.
All this work was in the style known as hira-makie (flat decoration); that is to say, having the decorative design in the same plane as the ground.
In the days of the great dilettante Yoshimasa (1449-1490), lacquer experts devised a new style, laka-makie, or decoration in relief, which immensely augmented the beauty of the ware, and constituted a feature altogether special to Japan.
Thus when, at the close of the 16th century, the Taiko inaugurated the fashion of lavishing all the resources of applied art on the interior decoration of castles and temples, the services of the lacquerer were employed to an extent hitherto unknown, and there resulted some magnificent work on friezes, coffered ceilings, door panels, altar-pieces and cenotaphs.
This new departure reached its climax in the Tokugawa mausolea of Yedo and NikkO, which are enriched by the possession of the most splendid applications of lacquer decoration the world has ever seen, nor is it likely that anything of comparable beauty and grandeur will be again produced in the same line.
Kawanabe ItchO is celebrated for his representations of flowers and foliage, and Morishita Morihachi and Asano Saburo (of Kaga) are admirable in all styles, but especially, perhaps, in the charming variety called togi-dashi (ground down), which is pre-eminent for its satin-like texture and for the atmosphere of dreamy softness that pervades the decoration.
Cabinets, fire-screens, plaques and boxes resplendent with gold lacquer grounds carrying elaborate and profuse decoration of ivory and mother-of-pearl are not objects that appeal to Japanese taste.
The first is the extraction and preparation of the lac; the second, its application; and the third, the decoration of the lacquered surface.
The process was known at an early period, and was employed for the purpose of subsidiary decoration from the close of the 16th century, but not until the 19th century did Japanese experts begin to manufacture the objects known in Europe as enamels; that is to say, vases, plaques, censers, bowls, and so forth, having their surface covered with vitrified pastes applied either in the chain plev or the cloisonn style.
One, headed by Namikawa Yasuyuki of KiOto, took for its objects N the utmost delicacy and perfection of technique, rich ness of decoration, purity of design and harmony of color.
The thin clumsily-shaped vases of the Kaji school, with their uniformly distributed decoration of diapers, scrolls and arabesques in comparatively dull colors, ceased altogether to be produced, their place being taken by graceful specimens, technically flawless, and carrying designs not only free from stiffness, but also executed in colors at once rich and soft.
In the products of the KiOto branch the decoration generally covered the whole surface of the piece; in the products of the other branch the artist aimed rather at pictorial effect, placing the design in a monochromatic field of low tone.
For the decoration of the palace and other monuments built by them, eminent artists were gathered from northern France and Flanders, and during this period the town became one of the great intellectual centres of France.
During his whole reign (1751-1771) Adolphus Frederick was little more than a state decoration, the real power being lodged in the hands of an omnipotent riksdag, distracted by fierce party strife.
Others were "Elijah in the Wilderness" (1879), "Elisha raising the Son of the Shunammite" (1881) and a design intended for the decoration of the dome of St Paul's Cathedral, "And the Sea gave up the Dead which were in it" (1892), now in the Tate Gallery, and the terrible "Rizpah" of 1893.
For seven years (1876-1883) he commanded the 10th Middlesex (Artists) Rifle Volunteers, retiring with the rank of honorary colonel, and subsequently receiving the Volunteer Decoration.
In architecture especially she was well versed, and Philibert de l'Orme relates that she discussed with him the plan and decoration of her palace of the Tuileries.
Inside and out, the whole of the temple is covered with scenes and inscriptions in crowded characters, of ceremonial and religious import; the decoration is even carried into a remarkable series of hidden passages and chambers or crypts made in the solid walls for the reception of its most valuable treasures.
It was afterwards, with various changes, adopted in all succeeding styles of architecture as a basis of ornamental decoration.
The chief buildings are the church of St Pierre (15th and 16th centuries), which has an imposing tower and rich interior decoration; a hotel de ville of the 18th century; and the Bailliage (16th century), a small building in the Renaissance style.
For the rest, he purified the stage of much of its grossness, and introduced a relative correctness of costume and decoration unknown before.
The mural crown (corona muralis) was the decoration of the soldier who was the first to scale the walls of a besieged city, and was usually a circlet of gold adorned with a series of turrets.
He said that he did not feel that he belonged to the "Club" of European sovereigns until he received this decoration.
The earlier wares were yellow, brown and red; then came deep greens and blues, followed by mat glazes and by "vellum" ware (first exhibited in 1904), a lustreless pottery, resembling old parchment, with its decoration painted or modelled or both.
Although the legislature had made no provision for furniture and decoration, the state Board of Public Grounds and Buildings (governor, auditor-general and treasurer) undertook to complete the furnishing and decoration of the building within the stipulated time, and paid out for that purpose more than $8,600,000.
In May 1906 a new treasurer entered office, who discovered that many items for furniture and decoration were charged twice, once at a normal and again at a remarkably high figure.
This church, by Giuliano da Sangallo (1485-1491), is a Greek cross, with barrel vaults over the arms, and a dome; it is a fine work, and the decoration of the exterior in marble of different colours (unfinished) is of a noble simplicity.
He was appointed teacher of the principles of decoration; his lectures in manuscript are preserved in the art library, South Kensington.
Attempts to trace the architecture of Central America directly from Old-Woad types have not been successful, while on the other hand its decoration shows proof of original invention, especially in the imitations of woodwork which passed into sculptured ornament when the material became stone instead of wood.
Father Braun, however, makes it quite clear that this was not the case, and gives proof that this decoration was not even originally conceived as a cross at all, citing early instances of its having been worn by laymen and even by non-Christians (p. 210).
The fleur-de-lis is a common device in ancient decoration, notably in India and in Egypt,where it was the symbol of life and resurrection, the attribute of the god Horus.
Whatever be the true origin of the fleur-de-lis as a conventional decoration, it is demonstrably far older than the Frankish monarchy, and history does not record the reason of its adoption by the royal house of France, from which it passed into common use as an heraldic charge in most European countries.
The skins and feathers are highly valued for decoration.
The 19th century brought no important modifications until near its close, when French and Italian styles began to appear, both in exterior decoration and in architectural design.
The decoration of the exterior was never completed; but the arcaded courtyard is the finest of the Renaissance, except perhaps that of the Cancelleria at Rome (Burckhardt).
Thus the downfall of the monarchy and of the ancient cults have been nearly fatal to some of the more beautiful birds; feather ornaments, formerly worn only by nobles, came to be a common decoration; and many species (for example the Hawaiian gallinule, Gallinula sandwicensis, which, because of its crimson frontal plate and bill, was said by the natives to have played the part of Prometheus, burning its head with fire stolen from the gods and bestowed on mortals) have been nearly destroyed by the mongoose, or have been driven from their lowland homes to the mountains, such being the fate of the mamo, mentioned above, and of the Sandwich Island goose (Bernicla sandwicensis), which is here a remarkable example of adaptation, as its present habitat is quite arid.
Churches now became, in form and decoration, epitomes of the Christian scheme of salvation as the middle ages understood it.
Under Napoleon, of whom in 1806 he made a nude statue now at Dijon, Houdon received little employment; he was, however, commissioned to execute the colossal reliefs intended for the decoration of the column of the "Grand Army" at Boulogne (which ultimately found a different destination); he also produced a statue of Cicero for the senate, and various busts, amongst which may be cited those of Marshal Ney, of Josephine and of Napoleon himself, by whom Houdon was rewarded with the legion of honour.
This means no doubt that gold and silver were copiously used in its decoration.
This division contains the palace of the ruler of Tiryns, a building which shows careful and skilful construction, elaborate decoration, and a well-arranged plan, suitable to the wants1 of a wealthy autocratic chief, who lived in a manner which partly recalls the luxury of an Oriental king, and also resembled the feudal state of a medieval baron, surrounded by a crowd of vassals.
One example of rich and costly decoration remains - part of a frieze of white alabaster, sculptured in relief with rosettes and interlacing patterns, and studded with jewel-like pieces of blue glass or enamel, the Opcyu xviwow of Od.
At the papal order there arose the Ponte Sisto, the hospital of San Spirito, Santa Maria del popolo, Santa Maria della pace, and finally the Sistine Chapel, for the decoration of which the most famous Tuscan and Umbrian artists were summoned to Rome.
In 1812 he exhibited "Cain after the murder of Abel" (formerly in Luxembourg), and, on the return of the Bourbons, was much employed in works of restoration and decoration at Versailles.
This plan, which was first adopted by St Bruno and his twelve companions at the original institution at Chartreux, near Grenoble, was maintained in all the Carthusian establishments throughout Europe, even after the ascetic severity of the order had been to some extent relaxed, and the primitive simplicity of their buildings had been exchanged for the magnificence of decoration which characterizes such foundations as the Certosas of Pavia and Florence.
The military decoration for war service also bears two green laurel branches.
Originally restricted to 50 knights and granted as a family or court decoration, it was reconstituted as an unlimited order of merit in 1808 by Frederick VI.; alterations have been made in 1811 and 1864.
The decoration of merit for ladies (Verdienst-kreuz), founded in 1870, was raised to an order in 1907.
For the famous military decoration, the Iron Cross, see Medals.
The Order of the Redeemer was founded as such in 1833 by King Otto, being a conversion of a decoration of honour instituted in 1829 by the National Assembly at Argos.
The insignia of the order are unique in shape and decoration.
The last two classes of the Rising Sun wear a decoration formed of the Paulownia flower and leaves.
The class of tender annuals, being chiefly grown for greenhouse decoration, should be treated much the same as soft-wooded plants, being sown in spring, and grown on rapidly in brisk heat, near the glass, and finally hardened off to stand in the greenhouse when in flower.
Begin to force roses, hyacinths and a few other bulbs, for winter and early spring decoration.
By the end of the month all of the plants that are wanted for the summer decoration of the flower border may be planted out, first loosening a little the ball of earth at the roots.
The windows, as already mentioned, were generally small and insignificant, and contributed nothing to the external decoration or effect of the houses, which took both light and air from the inside, not from the outside.
The "quasi-reticulate" period - walling faced with masonry not yet quite so regular as opus reticulatum, and with brick quoins, coinciding with the second period of decoration (the architectural, partly imitating marble like the first style, but without relief, and by colour only, and partly making use of architectural designs).
No homogeneous series of buildings - we find various styles of construction (quasi-reticulate, opus reticulatum of tufa with stone quoins, of the time of Augustus, opus reticulatum with brick quoins or with mingled stone and brick quoins, a little later); and three styles of wall decoration fall within its limits.
In 1887 he received the knighthood of the Annunziata, the highest Italian decoration, and on the 8th of August 1889 died while a guest of King Humbert in the royal palace of Capodimonte near Naples.
The decoration is in the richest Gothic style, and is especially admirable in the case of the windows.
These schools are in close touch with the sovereigns and the governments, and the more promising pupils are thus from the first assured of a career, especially in connection with the decoration of public buildings and monuments.
One or two vases are found in each barrow, ornamented with finger-imprints, string decoration, &c. The later period is characterized by the practice of cremation, though the remains are still placed in harrows.
The vases are highly polished and of elegant form, with zigzag decoration.
A peculiarity of the period is the development of decoration inspiretl by animal forms, but becoming more and more tortuous and fantastic. Only those eastern parts of Germany which were now occupied by Slavonic peoples remaiied uninfluenced by this rich civilization.
The interior is covered with gilding and frescoes of the 17th century, and is somewhat overloaded with rich decoration, while a range of white marble columns supports the nave.
Buildings of the 15th century do not occupy an important place in Genoa, but there are some small private houses and remains of sculptural decoration of the Early Renaissance to be seen in the older portions of the town.
Those of the earliest period, the lower limit of which is put about 150o B.C., are aeneolithic, metal being, however, rare and only found in the form of small ornaments; pottery with linear decoration is abundant.
C. t has for its subject pavements and roads, their construction, mosaic floors; c. 2 is on white stucco for walls (opus albarium); c. 3 on concrete vaults, gypsum mouldings, stucco prepared for painting; c. 4 on building of hollow walls to keep out the damp, wall decoration by various processes; c. 5 on methods and styles of wall painting, the debased taste of his time; c. 6 on fine stucco made of pounded marble - three coats to receive wall paintings; c. 7 on colours used for mural decoration; c. 8 on red lead (minium) and mercury, and how to use the latter to extract the gold from wornout pieces of stuff or embroidery; c. 9 on the preparation of red lead and the method of encaustic painting with hot wax, finished by friction; cc. to-14 on artificial colours - black, blue, purple;, c. to white lead and ostrum, i.e.
The language of the upper classes was Greek; and the material background of building and decoration, of dress and furniture, was of Greek design.
The design of these entrance gateways is extremely simple and massive, depending for their effect on the fine ashlar masonry in which they are built, the decoration being more or less confined to ornamental disks.
They show an elongation of forms and an excess of decoration in which the florid qualities predominate.
The forms are now poor, though not lacking in grandeur, and the details are not as well adjusted as before, with a want of mastery of the most suitable decoration.
Native lotuses, blue and white, were much used for decoration.
The ujterior meaning of the decoration is probably religious and funereal, but the objects which are figured must have been familiar.
A favorite decoration was by lines of white clay slip, in crossing patterns, figures of animals, and, rarely, men.
Setis temple at Abydos and his galleried tomb in the Valley of the Tombs of the Kings stand out as the most splendid examples of their kind in design and in decoration.
It is remarkable that, while the building and decoration of temples continued in the reigns of Ptolemy Auletes and the later Ptolemies and Cleopatra, papyri of those times whether Greek or Egyptian are scarcely to be found.
The chariots of the Egyptians and Assyrians, with whom the bow was the principal arm of attack, were richly mounted with quivers full of arrows, while those of the Greeks, whose characteristic weapon was the spear, were plain except as regards mere decoration.
The decoration consists, as a rule, of stiff, conventional foliage, Arabic inscriptions, and geometrical patterns wrought into arabesques of almost incredible intricacy and ingenuity.
In accordance with this view, crosses, if not placed on the Holy Table, and also crucifixes, if part only of a sculptured design or architectural decoration, have been declared lawful.
Speaking generally, articles of decoration and embellishment not used in the services cannot lawfully be introduced into a church without the consent of the ordinary given by a faculty, the granting of which is subject to the judicial discretion of the chancellor or commissary, sitting as judge of the bishop's court.
By section 8 of the Public Worship Regulation Act 1874, complainants may take proceedings if it is considered that "any alteration in, or addition to, the fabric, ornaments or furniture has been made without legal authority, or that any decoration forbidden by law has been introduced into such church.
Fragments of painted wall and floor decoration have also been recovered on these sites.
These are no longer cast but hammered into shape, and decoration is elaborate curvilixear rather than simple rectilinear, the forms and character of the ornamentation of the northern European weapons resembling in some respects Roman arms, while in others they are peculiar and evidently representative of northern art.
The furnishing of it had suggested a fresh activity; Morris now determined to embark upon decoration as a career.
The prospectus set forth that the firm would undertake church decoration, carving, stained glass, metal-work, paper-hangings, chintzes and carpets.
There is a certain poverty and decadence of art, a certain simplicity of civilization and a decline in the shape and decoration of pottery which seems to exhibit signs of derivation from skin prototypes elsewhere associated with desert peoples.
In the time of Cellini this process was copied in Italy, and largely used, especially for the decoration of weapons and armour.
Stirling Lee, examples of which are the bronze gates of the Adelphi Bank at Liverpool, have all contributed, especially when applied to architectural decoration, to a high standard of excellence.
In the main, its architecture is Gothic, but the choir and the apsidal chapels, with their elaborate interior and exterior decoration, are of Renaissance workmanship. The graceful tower, which rises beside the southern portal to a height of 255 ft., belongs to the early 1 4 th century.
Khmer decoration, profuse but harmonious, consists chiefly in the representation of gods, men and animals, which are displayed on every flat surface.
Combats and legendary episodes are often depicted; floral decoration is reserved chiefly for borders, mouldings and capitals.
The use of disks of majolica may be noted in the decoration of the exterior.
The Carthusian monks, to whom the monastery was entrusted by the founder, were bound to employ a certain proportion of their annual revenue in prosecuting the work till its completion, and even after 1542 the monks continued voluntarily to expend large sums on further decoration.
But few of the public buildings are imposing in appearance, though good taste in style and decoration are often shown.
Ste Marie contains glass windows of the 15th and 16th centuries and other rich decoration.
There are numerous sculptural adornments without, and there is elaborate interior decoration with paintings, sculpture, coloured marbles and gilding.'
Murray,' Homeric art does not rise above the stage of decoration, applied to objects in common use; while in point of style it is characterized by a richness and variety of ornament which is in the strongest contrast to the simplicity of the best periods.
Yet independent decoration appears in a primitive form in the papyri and the earliest vellum MSS.
Architecture in Spain, emerging from the Gothic stage, developed an Early Renaissance style of bewildering richness by adopting elements of Arabic and Moorish decoration.
The crowned puppet who possessed a casting vote in the real, of which he was the nominal president, and who was allowed to create peers once in his life (at his coronation), was rather a state decoration than a sovereignty.
He elaborated a theory of Toltec migrations and considered the prehistoric Mexican to be of Asiatic origin, because of observed similarities to Japanese architecture, Chinese decoration, Malaysian language and Cambodian dress, &c.
They differ from liturgical lights in that, whereas these must be tapers of pure beeswax or lamps fed with pure olive oil (except by special dispensation under certain circumstances), those used merely to add splendour to the celebration may be of any material; the only exception being, that in the decoration of the altar gas-lights are forbidden.
In the church of Sao Roque in Lisbon, the decoration of a single chapel measuring 17 ft.
The Round Tower, called the High Tower in Wykeham's day, is the Norman Keep. It was being refitted for apartments for the king and queen a little before Wykeham's time, and his first accounts include the last items for its internal decoration, including 28 stained glass windows.
Its sculptural decoration appears to have been but scanty; the metopes were plain.
On this occasion he refused Napoleon III.'s offer to cede Venetia to Italy, on condition that Italy should abandon the Prussian alliance, and also ref used the Prussian decoration of the Black Eagle because Lamarmora, author of the alliance, was not to receive it.
The Diwan-i-Khas is smaller than the Diwan-i-Am, and consists of a pavilion of white marble, in the interior of which the art of the Moguls reached the perfection of its jewel-like decoration.
Here, indeed, their materials were naturally fuller and more trustworthy, and less room was left for fanciful decoration and capricious alteration of the facts.
Their decoration is confined to a band round the upper part of the pot, or often only a projecting flange lapped round the whole rim.
The work of the 14th century is marked by a great development in decoration.
The Palazzo Rufolo, begun in the 11th century, has two lofty towers and beautiful Saracenic decoration in the courtyard.
In the simple arts of broiling and roasting meat, the use of hides and furs for covering, the plaiting of mats and baskets, the devices of hunting, trapping and fishing, the pleasure taken in personal ornament, the touches of artistic decoration on objects of daily use, the savage differs in degree but not in kind from the civilized man.
Some marble is quarried at Beaver in Beaver county, and Utah onyx has been used for interior decoration, notably in the city and county building of Salt Lake City.
Most of the churches are remarkable rather for richness in internal decoration than for architectural beauty.
Dating from the 14th century, and restored by Fonsega in the 17th, it is a building of extraordinary richness of decoration, with paintings and sculpture by Guido Reni, Lanfranco, Caravaggio, D'Arpino, Solimene, Luca Giordano and notably a " Descent from the Cross " by Ribera, conconsidered the finest work of this master.
But in the great Sala dell' Asse (or della Torre) abundant traces of Leonardo's own hand were found, in the shape of a decoration of intricate geometrical knot or plait work .combined with natural leafage; the abstract puzzle-pattern, of a kind in which Leonardo took peculiar pleasure, intermingling in cunning play and contrast with a pattern of living boughs and leaves exquisitely drawn in free and vital growth.
In the Pavlovskoi kurgan (opened in 1858) was the tomb of a Greek lady, containing among other articles of dress and decoration a pair of fine leather boots (a unique discovery) and a beautiful vase on which is painted the return of Persephone from Hades and the setting out of Triptolemus for Attica.
For his services to Russia in this respect he received in 1814 the decoration of the order of St.
The feeling of religious conservatism which has preserved the structural rudeness of the Ka`ba did not prohibit costly surface decoration.
A Turkish order or decoration of the crescent was instituted by Sultan Selim III.
The auditorium is perfect in the lower part, and the scena still retains some of its decoration - both columns and carved entablature.
He was commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic from 1868 to 1871, and in this position successfully urged the observance of Memorial or Decoration Day, an idea which probably originated with him.
The internal decoration is all produced by slabs of different-coloured marbles.
He declined, however, to take any decoration or reward from the emperor for his services at the capture of Suchow.
The emperor promoted him to the rank of Titu, the highest grade in the Chinese army, and also gave him the Yellow Jacket, the most important decoration in China.
The decoration of some of the rooms is gorgeous, the walls being covered in part with mosaics and in part with carved work, while the ceilings are rich in arabesque ornaments, elaborately gilt.
They are employed principally for interior decoration, and were thus largely used in the capitol at Nashville and in the National Capitol at Washington.
All this decoration is in strange contrast with the grandly austere simplicity of the facade and outer walls of the church.
They thought that elaborate decoration would enhance their standing among the Gods.
The arcade is much earlier, the latest Transitional style, the attempts at leaf decoration, the hint of a pointed arch.
The top floor retains the majority of its original decoration and chimneypieces, and originally contained the best bedchambers.
The Conservatory looks stunning when illuminated only by candlelight and with simple decoration.
This decoration, like that seemingly carefree throwing of soft clay on her Japanese kick wheel, is taken to its limits.
At first, decoration was commonly executed in underglaze painting using blue cobalt.
On BINDINGS, the tools were used to impress the decoration into the leather covering, which was often dampened.
Decoration common brick dado, distempered walls and whitened ceiling.
A Cotswold Style oak leather topped stool with chip carved decoration, circa 1925.
The urns are often reduced with no visible temper, and often have stamped and incised decoration (lines scratched into the surface ).
The hexagonal pulpit is of the Jacobean period with molded decoration on a decorated carved stone pedestal.
The interior decoration reminds me of a Thai backpacking resort.
If painted decoration was required the article would then move onto the painting shop.
We can also arrange tasteful room decoration with fresh flowers.
Fraserburgh, Beach tunnel murals Brightly colored cartoonish mural decoration in a style that many adults seem to regard as appealing to children.
He decorates his pots using traditional methods of luster decoration.
He is also responsible for the extensive cycles of mosaic and fresco decoration, from which the church is justifiably famous.
These are totally extraneous from that which is the norm in the rest of the decoration.
Over the front door is a semi-circular fanlight surrounded by a projecting hood mold with decoration.
By following feng shui, we could end up doing some of the things we would never have thought to do in our decoration.
New genetic techniques allow the precise decoration of tissues or sub-cellular compartments with intrinsically fluorescent proteins.
You could also hang a garland across the front of the table, to add extra decoration.
The most opulent garnish in the world - gold leaf is the perfect decoration for the Wedding Table.
The carving, gilding and decoration are still in good state of preservation.
The damaged floral decoration was re-touched by hand and the damaged gilding was replaced with 22 carat gold leaf.
Yet they have blind arches as decoration at their heads and these are accompanied by what appear to be original medieval grotesques.
He was awarded the Army's second highest decoration for gallantry, the Distinguished Service Cross, for " extraordinary heroism in action " .
The early series consist of untreated boulders with the decoration incised on the surface.
Louvretwin bell louvers are typically small with minimal decoration in the form cusped heads.
The chandelier shows their trademark minimalism with clear preference for technology as decoration.
Paperweight Cube A small paperweight Cube A small paperweight or decoration measuring 2 " x 2 " x 2 " .
The gateway has ionic pilasters; above is a large arched window with very unusual decoration.
There is often a kilt pin pinned through the front flap for decoration.
Its smooth surface and tapered edges allow for decoration in the same way as standard plasterboard.
The ruling politicians were convinced that thy did not need the intellectuals as anything else but a tame, quiet backround decoration.
Beat in the mascarpone briefly and then gently fold in half the crushed praline and nearly all the raspberries saving a few for decoration.
To some extent it is there, even when standardization in form and decoration generally predominates.
Churches became more profuse in decoration, better lit and more lavish in their proportions.
The notion that the shields were " provided simply for decoration " is too utterly ridiculous to even bother going to the effort to.
They were made by highly-skilled smiths using dies and punches to stamp the decoration on to the metalwork.
The dining area is now light and airy, with a minimal style of decoration and furnishing, and the room oozes sophistication.
They can make you healthy, they can make the place look stylish, they can add to the decoration.
The small tesserae found in the filling would have related to the mosaic decoration of the dome.
As to be expected from a night of psychedelic trance, the decoration was stupendous.
The decoration is entirely in cobalt underglaze blue against white slip (liquid clay ).
Decoration Decoration includes veneering, carving and the use of moldings and inlays.
The growth of the lace industry in the 17th century hastened the process by leading to the substitution of broad bands of lace as decoration; occasionally, as in a magnificent specimen preserved at South Kensington, nearly half the vestment is thus Apparelled Alb in the South Kensington Museum.
Throughout the 19th century so fatal was the hold obtained on the popular mind by the technical expert's view of instrumentation, that it was impossible to hear the works of Handel and Bach without "additional accompaniments" conceived in terms of art as irrelevant to those of 18th-century polyphonys as the terms of Turnerian landscape are irrelevant to the decoration of the outside walls of a cathedral.
A grand " palace style " of vase painting was at the same time evolved, in harmony with the general decoration of the royal halls.
The two most striking buildings in Venice, St Mark's and the Doge's Palace, at once give us an example of the two earlier styles, the Byzantine and the Gothic, at least in their general design, though both are so capricious in development and in decoration that they may more justly be con sidered as unique specimens rather than as typical examples of their respective styles.
The highest perfection with regard both to form and decoration was reached in the 16th century; subsequently the Venetian workmen somewhat abused their skill by giving extravagant forms to vessels, making drinking glasses in the forms of ships, lions, birds, whales and the like.
The western façade of the cathedral is plain, while the utmost richness of decoration is lavished on the south front which faces the piazza.
Destined chiefly for private use or for presents, their decoration was delicate rather than rich, the color chiefly employed being brown, or reddish brown, under the glaze, and the decoration over the glaze being sparse and chaste.
Les Arts (1902); Gazette des beaux-arts (1859), monthly, with Chronique des arts; Revue de fart ancien et moderne (1897) monthly; L'Art decoratif, monthly, Art et decoration, monthly; L'Art pour tous, monthly; La Decoration, monthly; L'Architecture- journal of the Soc. centrale des Architectes francais, weekly; L'Art (1875) is no longer published.
Indeed, so remarkable a bird must have attracted the notice of the earliest European invaders of America, the more so since its gaudy plumage was used by the natives in the decoration of their persons and weapons.
In house decoration of all kinds - furniture, wall-papers and hangings (which he preferred to paper), carpet-weaving, and the painting of glass and tiles, needlework, tapestry - he formed a school which was dominated by his protest against commercialism and his assertion of the necessity for natural decoration and pure colour, produced by hand work and inspired by a passion for beauty irrespective of cheapness or quickness of manufacture (see Arts And Crafts).
In all connected with their own homes the French adhere to their traditions far more than other nations, and the attempt at originality in the introduction of metal-work into the scheme of decoration of a room is almost unknown.
The excavations (1847-1864) revealed a form of culture hitherto unknown, and accordingly the name Hallstatt has been applied to objects of like form and decoration since found in Styria, Carniola, Bosnia (at Glasinatz and Jezerin), Epirus, north Italy, France, Spain and Britain (see Celt).
The early practice of writing the initial lines or even the entire text of a volume in gold or coloured inks, and of staining with purple and of gilding the vellum, while it undoubtedly enhanced the decorative aspect, does not properly fall within the scope of this article; it concerns the material rather than the artistic element of the MS. (See Manuscripts, Palaeography.) It will be seen, then, that in the earliest examples of book decorations we find the germs of the two lines on which that decoration was destined to develop in the illuminated MSS.
The characteristic of the style developed by Bullant, De l'Orme and Lescot,, in the royal or princely palaces of Chenonceaux, Chambord, Anet, Ecouen, Fontainebleau, the Louvre and elsewhere, is a blending of capricious fancy and inventive richness of decoration with purity of outline and a large sense of the beauty of extended masses.
The colour is very variable, and often beautiful, but the mineral is too soft for personal decoration, though it forms a handsome material for vases, &c. In some fluor-spar the colour is disposed in bands, regularly following the contour of the crystal.
The elegantly proportioned interior retains its homely atmosphere and is renowned for its very fine plaster and wood rococo decoration.
It seems that the scars on carved figures did not have to be representative of the actual scarification used for body decoration.
Another observation from the research regards the decoration of soapstone vessels.
The award-winning magazine provides an invaluable sourcebook of ideas, from interior design and decoration to fine wine and food.
Roof described above, with the addition of stenciled foliage decoration on some of the plaster between the rafters.
The restored decoration of the High Dining Room was based on the remains of the trompe l'oeil murals on the north wall.
In 1954 the decoration was all painted over with two-tone gray.
The pottery 's products are still hand-made using the timeless decoration skills of Stoke-on-Trent such as underglaze transfer printing.
Underglaze Decoration applied to pots which are subsequently glazed with a transparent glaze.
The decoration is entirely in cobalt underglaze blue against white slip (liquid clay).
Part of the flat surface of this had been widened to take punched decoration in the form of interlocking arcs in La Tene style.
Coin banks are a useful decoration for a baby room.
In addition, you might purchase pillows and bumpers for the baby's crib, as well as a blanket; however, these are for decoration only.
You can achieve this through one or two accent floor lamps that also serve as decoration.
Quilts-Baby quilts can be used to keep baby warm and snuggly, or place on the wall of baby's nursery for a decoration.
Blanket choices" From an experienced parent, we learned that the crib comforter is rarely used as the baby will kick it off - it is sometimes used only for decoration.
Any of these choices will make a quaint and elegant cake decoration.
Many grocery store bakeries offer custom cakes at reasonable prices, and they can also bake and frost a simple sheet cake for decoration.
The flat surface of a frosted sheet cake simply begs for decoration, and it's easy to achieve a finished look at a reasonable price.
Both beautiful and practical, diaper cakes make great conversation starters at a shower, and they can double as a table decoration.
While you can certainly purchase a baby shower corsage, a homemade corsage will be appreciated even more by the mother-to-be when she recognizes the thought and care that went into the lovingly designed decoration.
Fold one or two baby receiving blankets around the outer area of the bottom tier as a decoration.
A little decoration on the walls, a matching crib set, a mobile, and perhaps a matching lamp are all common items to pull together a nursery theme.
The question is whether you have enough room for an ottoman and whether your style of decoration is casual enough to allow people to put their feet up.
When you set out to buy flowers for any type of decoration or occasion, be sure you know what's in season.
Some swords are made for decoration while others are made to practice martial arts.
Having flowers or small foliage for decoration.
Plastic candy corn cannot be eaten, therefore will last much longer as a decoration than the real deal.
Will it be used as an inside decoration or an outside decoration?
The artwork is beautiful enough for framing, and the card can be used again for decoration in years to come.
However, if you're giving the bottle away as a gift, a little decoration adds a nice touch.
This double door cabinet is made from pine and comes in Stonewash worn paint with a blueberry decoration.
These examples would be made from finer materials and possibly have more intricate decoration.
The kids might even get in on the fun and help with the decoration, and this can help them feel included in the project.
If not, consider replacing the counter or painting it to become the jumping off point of the rest of the decoration process.
From construction to decoration, the company can complete the entire project.
Traditionally, outside of the major cities, French furniture was used for a purpose, not merely as decoration.
One of the most often overlooked areas for dorm decoration is the walls.
Keep the decoration simple; lots of bold colors and patterns will overwhelm the room.
Terracotta urns or Tuscan pottery can be displayed as convenient utensil holders or serve as added decoration.
Although you should certainly let your imagination be your guide when you are choosing your holiday table decoration themes, there are a few factors you need to weigh before you can let the decorations begin.
Whether your perfect Christmas décor is modern and edgy, or if an Old World Christmas is more your cup of tea, having a decoration theme in mind will help you select the right Christmas accessories.
It might be a big investment, but the ultimate decoration for a peaceful bathroom is a dramatic tub.
Do you have a bathroom decoration success story to share?
Finally, a wood and iron pub mirror can be a simple decoration in a den or a convenient place for hats and coats in an entryway.
It is common to use roosters as decoration for French cottage style.
Here at LoveToKnow, we have lots of bedroom decoration help on hand.
Minimalist houses seek to eliminate clutter and decoration in favor of a functional, elegant space.
Asian style home decoration, often referred to as Oriental decor, is a term that encompasses the interior design of the Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese and other Easter cultures.
Who needs extra decoration, artwork and fluff when there are breathtaking views framed by windows and doors.
A wall stencil can add flair and decoration to any room with a few simple strokes of a paintbrush.
Interior decorator jobs are fun and exciting ways for an individual to become involved in the professional interior decoration and design industries.
Interior decoration is the art of enhancing a room with the right colors, fabrics and types of furniture.
Pie safes and food safes, which were meant to preserve food prior to the invention of refrigeration, were cupboards that often had punched tin inserts in the doors and sides to allow for air circulation, and for a pretty decoration.
The centerpiece you choose is the focal point of your Thanksgiving table decoration.
The dinner plate should always be on the bottom, unless you are using a charger for decoration, in which case that should be under the dinner plate.
Even if you officially decided it is time for a home makeover, virtual decorating programs are fun to play around with and may just inspire you to dip your toes into new home decoration waters.
Since their tastes are always evolving it's an easy way to add decoration and then take it away when your child's changes his or her mind.
Heavier weight fabrics are generally more durable while lighter weight fabric, which is used for decoration.
Fleur de lis images are a subtle and delicate way to bring some detail to a home's decoration.
An ice sculpture centerpiece is the ideal winter decoration for a formal setting.
Sterling silver candelabra and white taper candles make a bold formal and elegant statement for any tabletop decoration or mantle.
These narrow bands of decoration can add a great deal to the appearance and feel of your kitchen, too.
A wall tapestry is a heavily woven cloth used primarily as a wall decoration or wall art.
Seasonal and holiday themed window clings can be found at any craft store or home decoration center.
Use them for both temporary, celebratory purposes, or for longer lasting decoration in any area of the home.
For many people, the interior decoration of the home reflects not only their personal tastes, but also their personality and beliefs.
Henna decoration started in the Middle East and India, and has begun to grow in popularity in the West.
The puzzles have a hi-resolution background that is more for decoration than anything.
Remove as much pastillage from the plastic wrap as you will use for one decoration and add powdered food coloring to achieve the shade you are looking for.
Carved produce is frequently used as table decoration.
If you have more art supplies, you can add more decoration.
You will find that you need less decoration on a page with epoxy stickers because they fill a page nicely.
It has always been the goal of Martha Stewart, as well as her team of crafters, to provide excellent products and choices in order to make the perfect project, gift, or decoration.
It's time for families to be together and that means meal preparation, decoration set up, and all of those other not so fun chores.
It's that time of year again; it is time to discuss prom decoration themes.
Schools have used these decoration ideas for many years and they have always been a hit.
Any garden type decoration can turn your room into a romantic site.
These prom decoration themes are original and make your party a memorable event.
Prom decoration catalogs are books that have a listing of different themes and the decorations that go along with those themes.
You can write down what you would like and how much each decoration costs so you know if you are going over budget.
This can save on money and time rather than purchasing each decoration separately.
Alternatively, write a few words or even just the poem name on a rock that can be used as a paper weight or as decoration.
A matching bedspread and bright, funky accessories like a few of your bolder pieces of clothing hanging as decoration can really make the look standout!
Frame your favorite sports jersey or put some baseball bats over the bed as decoration.
You can tape the balloons to the walls or ceilings as decoration or just leave them around to give the room a fun, party theme.
Keep a record of the guests' contact information, food ideas and decoration inspirations in one spot.
Baskets filled with pinecones or gold and silver or metallic red or green Christmas ornaments will also fit in with your Christmas wedding decoration theme.
If you are getting a unique groom cake that requires labor-intensive decoration or the cake to be shaped, expect to pay significantly more for your cake.
Couples who plan to use reception pictures as inspiration for their own decoration choices need to do more than just glance at photos.
Fresh ti leaves are often used as a decoration for the table where the wedding cake is placed.
If you're in search of memorable wedding reception decoration ideas, you've come to the right place.
If so, pick up elements that remind you of your honeymoon destination to incorporate into your wedding reception decoration ideas.
When you're in the process of brainstorming decoration ideas, it's often helpful to create your own idea book.
North Coast Events has decoration ideas for your ceremony and reception.
You can find wedding reception decoration ideas in many places, and if you carefully keep track of the ideas that appeal to you most, you will be able to plan your own unique reception décor while drawing inspiration from many sources.
The location, budget and vision will dictate your final decoration design.
A number of catalogs offer decoration display ideas and accessory uses that a couple may have overlooked.
Photographs showcasing the items in use can help trigger exciting new reception decoration schemes or even an entire wedding day theme.
While floral centerpiece arrangements are a traditional form of wedding decoration, they are not always practical for a beach wedding.
Buying a manufactured sea glass wedding table decoration with artificial glass pieces gives you a wider variety of color choices, like red, purple, or bright blue, than making your own using real sea glass.
By adding unique, personalized touches to the box, not only will it be a beautiful and practical decoration, but it can also become a treasured keepsake of your special day.
Coming up with decoration ideas for outdoor weddings is important, regardless of how beautiful the location.
Flowers and strings or ropes of lights can also be used on the fencing for decoration.
Decoration ideas for outdoor wedding receptions often compliment the ceremony decorations, whether they were simple or elaborate.