Declining Sentence Examples
Nothing was to be expected from the declining Empire.
There had, indeed, been five periods of declining population in that interval of 124 years, namely, the periods 1738 1744, 1759-1762, 1773-1774, 1791-1792, and I 8441846.
He shook his head, declining to answer until he had swallowed the food in his mouth.
The Bharatpur chiefs took an active part in the disturbances consequent on the declining power of the Mogul emperors, sometimes on the imperial side, and at others with the Mahrattas.
For some years previously the pastoral industry had been declining Drought.
Boetius ends by declining to adjudicate between Plato and Aristotle, remarking in a semi-apologetic style that, if he has expounded Aristotle's opinion by preference, his course is justified by the fact that he is commenting upon an introduction to Aristotle.
From 1502 to 1504 he was at Louvain, still declining to teach publicly; among his friends being the future Pope Adrian VI.
His health had been for some years gradually declining, and disease in the shape of gout gaining upon him.
On the Holy See declining to meet these demands the " Czechoslovak Church " was founded in Jan.
His declining years were darkened by ill-health and by the death, in 1876, of his wife (Christina Groh), an Englishwoman whom he had married in 1865.
AdvertisementIn 1905 Mr David Davies of Llandinam - one of the leading laymen in the Connexion - offered a large building at Aberystwyth as a gift to the denomination for the purpose of uniting North and South in one theological college; but in the event of either association declining the proposal, the other was permitted to take possession, giving the association that should decline the option of joining at a later time.
While Latin was declining in Gaul, even Greek was not unknown in Ireland, and the Irish passion for travel led to the spread of Greek learning in the west of Europe.
The death of the bach-agha at the battle of Suflat, the submission of the Sheikh El Haddad, and finally the arrest of Bu-Meyrag, brother of Mokrani, mark the declining stages of the insurrection, which was completely suppressed by August 1871.
The excess above this will depend on the circumstances of the country, and the consequent demand for labour - wages being high when national wealth is increasing, low when it is declining.
Moreover, the last stages of individual life are prophetic not only of future rising and progressing derivatives, but in the case of senile individuals of future declining and degradational series.
AdvertisementSmith Woodward has observed that the decline of many groups of fishes is heralded by the tendency to assume elongate and finally eel-shaped forms, as seen independently, for example, among the declining Acanthodians or palaeozoic sharks, among the modern crossopterygian Polypterus and Calamoichthys of the Nile, in the modern dipneustan Lepidosiren and Protopterus, in the Triassic chondrostean Belonorhynchus, as well as in the bow-fin (A7nia) and the garpike (Lepidosteus).
The loss of the power to coil, observed in the terminals of many declining series of gastropods from the Cambrian to the present time, and the similar loss of power among Natiloidea and Ammonoidea of many genetic series, as well as the ostraean form assumed by various declining series of pelecypods and by some brachiopods, may be cited as examples.
The rainy season is the summer months, November to April, but the rains are irregular, and, from the causes already indicated, the rainfall is steadily declining.
The lead production of the Missouri mines had for some years been nearly stationary, or had declined slightly from its former importance; while that of the upper Mississippi region, which in the years just previous to 1850 had risen to from 20,000 to 25,000 tons a year, was declining, having in 1850 sunk to less than 18,000 tons.
More than $250,000,000 has been spent by the national government for the improvement of waterways, yet no general system exists, and a large part of this enormous sum has been wasted on unimportant or impossible projects, especially in recent decades, since the river navigation has been a declining interest.
AdvertisementNevertheless the state is (as will be explained later) a slightly declining factor in the public life of the nation, because public interest tends more and more to centre in the Federal or national government.
In 1808 he accompanied the community of Crook Hall to the new college at Ushaw, Durham, but in 1811, after declining the presidency of the college at Maynooth, he withdrew to the secluded mission at Hornby in Lancashire, where for the rest of his life he devoted himself to literary pursuits.
But the regius professorship of divinity at Cambridge fell vacant, and Lightfoot, who was then Hulsean professor, declining to become a candidate himself, insisted upon Westcott's standing for the post.
He returned to Paris in declining health, and did not long survive the unhealthy sojourn on the Bidassoa; after some political instruction to his young master he passed away at Vincennes on the 9th of March 1661, leaving a fortune estimated at from 18 to 40 million livres behind him, and his nieces married into the greatest families of France and Italy.
In the United Kingdom all the silk industries (those depending on spun silk alone excepted) have been declining since the French Treaty of 1860 came into operation.
AdvertisementDole sent a reply to Willis, declining to surrender the authority of the provisional government to the deposed queen.
When at length he found his memory failing and his mental powers declining, he gave up, without ostentation or complaint, whatever parts of his work he could no longer carry on according to his own standard of efficiency.
The cotton industry is declining, but manufacture of silk is increasing.
He declined offers which would have led him into the Anglican ministry or The Bar, and in 1719 entered the very liberal academy for dissenters at Kibworth in Leicestershire, taught at that time by the Rev. John Jennings, whom Doddridge succeeded in the ministry at that place in 1723, declining overtures from Coventry, Pershore and London (Haberdashers' Hall).
This connexion with the declining fortunes of Spain was disastrous to the well-being of the Belgian people, for during many years a close alliance bound together France and the United Provinces, and the Southern Netherlands were exposed to attack from both sides, and constantly suffered from the ravages of hostile armies.
The industry is a declining one, because of change in the American taste, and the area under cultivation has diminished by nearly 20 per cent.
The number of horses and sheep is stationary or declining, but the raising of hogs, formerly abandoned in great part to the western states, is becoming an increasing industry.
In his books on geological subjects he maintained a distinctly theological attitude, declining to admit the descent or evolution of man from brute ancestors, and holding that the human species only made its appearance on this earth within quite recent times.
But it was clearly a declining element.
In 1729 declining health obliged him to resign the chairs of chemistry and botany; and he died, after a lingering and painful illness, on the 23rd of September 1738 at Leiden.
France about 10%, and Austria 6.72%, came next, but their import trade was declining, while that of Germany had risen from less than I to over 3%, and Belgium imports from 1.74 to 4.27%
In deep sleep the threshold-value of the stimuli for the various senses is very greatly raised, rising rapidly during the first hour and a half of sleep, and then declining with gradually decreasing decrements.
During the investitures dispute Giffard was on friendly terms with Anselm, and drew upon himself a sentence of banishment through declining to accept consecration from the archbishop of York (1103).
Placed on the high road between Simferopol and Kerch, and in the midst of a country rich in corn land, vineyards and gardens, Karasu-Bazar used to be a chief seat of commercial activity in the Crimea; but it is gradually declining in importance, though still a considerable centre for the export of fruit.
It is true that the tonnage of the 918 sailing vessels of 1905 was considerably in excess of that of the 3432 sailing vessels of 1850, but even so it was a declining figure from a higher tonnage of the middle of the period.
His vigour had been slowly declining for some time, and he sank gradually during the autumn, dying on the 3rd of October 1896.
From 1850 until 1879 Illinois also led in the production of wheat; the competition of the more western states, however, caused a great decline in both acreage and production of that cereal, the state's rank in the number of bushels produced declining to third in 1889 and to fourteenth in 1899, but the crop and yield per acre in 1902 was larger than any since 1894; in 1905 the state ranked ninth, in 1906 eighth and in 1907 fifth (the crop being 40,104,000 bushels) among the wheat-growing states of the country.
Finding his health declining, he repaired in 1757 to the south of France, but went in 1758 to Basel, where he died on the 27th of July 1759.
But both the indigo and opium trades are declining industries, which mean a serious loss to the Indian exchequer.
He came to the throne at a time when the attacks of the Greeks in Cilicia, and of Zengi on Edessa, were fatally weakening the position of the Franks in northern Syria; and from the beginning of his reign the power of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem may be said to be slowly declining, though as yet there is little outward trace of its decay to be seen.
These, with the English, show a much smaller excess of boy-births than the average of western Europe, and the proportion, moreover, seems to be somewhat declining in both these countries and in Belgium, from causes which have not yet been ascertained.
In the first place, sex must be distinguished, because, from infancy upwards, except between the ages of ro and 20, the mortality amongst females is considerably less than amongst the other sex, and appears, too, to be declining more rapidly.
In New Zealand the consequences of the cessation of special encouragement to emigration were still more marked, the foreign-born declining in proportion from 63 to 33%.
In 1848 he was admitted a councillor of the supreme court, and in 1852 he was elected a senator for Louisiana, and thereafter he took an active part in politics, declining to accept a judgeship of the supreme court.
Declining to be classed either as Christians or Jews, they were excluded from the edict of toleration promulgated by the emperor Joseph II.
Pontano had already lost his only son by the first marriage; therefore his declining years were solitary.
Although at various times he had helped to strengthen the law for the recovery of fugitive slaves, declining as secretary of state to aid Great Britain in the further suppression of the slave trade, and demanding the return of fugitives from Canada, yet he heartily supported the colonizing of the slaves in Africa, because slavery was the "deepest stain upon the character of the country," opposition to which could not be repressed except by "blowing out the moral lights around," and "eradicating from the human soul the light of reason and the law of liberty."
With the growing needs of the state this taxation became more rigorous and was one of the great grievances of the population, especially of the sections that were declining in status and passing into the condition of villenage.
The assembly addressed a pastoral letter to the people of the country, in which, while declining to " admit that the course taken by the seceders was justified by irresistible necessity," they counselled peace and goodwill towards them, and called for the loyal support of the remaining members of the church.
Formerly the greater bulk of composition was done on the piece-work system, but as machine composition has largely superseded hand labour for the more ordinary class of work, piece-work is declining, and there is a greater tendency to have the work done on " establishment " (" 'stab "), i.e.
Finally, it should never be forgotten that the worst enemies of declining forms have been collectors who have not given these species the chance of recovering themselves.
Business, rapidly declining, is still carried on in wheat, maize, oil, sesame, &c., in the town market.
Having studied theology at Lingen and Halle, he became successively rector of the grammar school at Mors (1793), professor of theology at Duisburg (1800), preacher at Crefeld, and afterwards at Kettwig, Consistorialrath and superintendent in Bernburg, and, after declining an invitation to the university of Bonn, pastor of the Ansgariuskirche in Bremen (1824).
Up to this point the reign had been prosperous; but from this time on it is a record of declining national strength, which was not compensated by some days of military glory.
Hormizd had not the ability to retain the authority of his father, and he further affronted the Magian priesthood by declining to proceed against the Christians and by requiring that, in his empire, both religions should dwell together in peace.
Internally, however, it was rapidly declining, the once chaste and hardy Vandals being demoralized by the fervid climate of Africa and the sinful delights of their new capital, and falling ever lower into sloth, effeminacy and vice.
Nos fils (1869), the last of the string of smaller books published during the author's life, is a tractate on education, written with ample knowledge of the facts and with all Michelet's usual sweep and range of view, if with visibly declining powers of expression.
It is known that he had the opportunity of joining the marquis of Rockingham's short-lived administration at any time on his own terms, and his conduct in declining an arrangement with that minister has been more generally condemned than any other step in his public life.
He writes of it with despondency as a degenerate and declining age; and, instead of triumphant prophecies of world-wide rule, such as we find in Horace, Livy contents himself with pointing out the dangers which already threatened Rome, and exhorting his contemporaries to learn, in good time, the lessons which the past history of the state had to teach.
The cultivation of fruit is receiving increased attention, but the growing of sugar cane and tobacco and the production of wine, until recently so promising, are, if not declining, at least stationary, in spite of the suitability of the soil of many districts for these crops.
All through these declining years his friendship with Boccaccio was maintained and strengthened.
While in classical times Asclepius and Hygieia are simply the god and goddess of health, in the declining years of paganism they are protecting divinities generally, who preserve mankind not only from sickness but from all dangers on land and sea.
Up to the year 1876 government provided an annual grant for ecclesiastical purposes which was divided among the various churches, Congregationalists alone declining to receive state aid.
Silk goods are manufactured in Ahmedabad, Surat, Yeola, Nasik, Thana and Bombay, the material being often decorated with printed or woven designs; but owing to the competition of European goods most branches of the industry are declining.
A hostile critic might say that the conception affirms the absolute worth of sacraments while absolutely declining to say what they accomplish.
To-day the harem is impenetrable, while " any one declining to stand as the grand-vizier passes is almost beaten to death."
But there is a great variety of artisan work, such as copper and brass, paper, knives (at Bokhara), silver filigree, shoes, caps (at Samarkand and Andijan) and carpets; but most of these have been for some time declining and now stand at a rather low level.
Look for declining statesmanship, inferior aptitude, genius dying off.
But Disraeli, having good constitutional reasons for declining office at the moment, could not allow this.
Even in the declining years of paganism, these idols still retained their significance, as is shown by the attacks upon them by ecclesiastical writers.
But matters were still complicated by a considerable, though declining, number of episcopalian incumbents holding the parish churches.
In 1854 he carried, almost without opposition, a most important and complicated act consolidating all existing shipping laws, but in 1855 resigned, with his Peelite colleagues, upon the appointment of Mr Roebuck's Sevastopol inquiry committee, declining the offer of the chancellorship. of the Exchequer pressed upon him by Lord Palmerston.
He was consecrated to the see of Salisbury on the 31st of March 1689 by a commission of bishops to whom Archbishop Sancroft had delegated his authority, declining personally to perform the office.
After steadily declining for a considerable period, this had increased its influence in the second half of the 19th century by widening the inelastic tenets of the Dutch Methodists, which had caused many of the liberal clergy among the Lutherans and Calvinists to go over to the Remonstrants.
In 1885 he became vicar of St Nicolas, Strassburg, and in 1889, declining an offer of preferment which was conditional on his becoming a German subject, he was expelled.
After practising law with some distinction he entered the Episcopalian ministry in 1827 and proved a brilliant and impressive preacher, holding livings in New Haven, Philadelphia, New York and New Orleans, and declining several bishoprics.
He resigned his abbacy in 1695, owing to declining health, and died in 1700.
In 1890 the Rabbinical Diploma was conferred on him by Lector Weiss of Vienna, but again he evidenced his self-denial by declining to stand for the post of associate Chief Rabbi in the same year.
After the death of King Alphonso, Campos steadily supported the regency of Queen Christina, and held high commands, though declining to take office.
Declining seconds, she finished her meal and rose, suddenly wishing she hadn't been seated in the far corner.
Within the five counties, there were exceptions to the pattern of a steadily declining land agitation.
All the six native British amphibians have declining populations but most still occur on our waterways.
We have an aging population and a declining birthrate - the mathematics say the money just won't be there.
A substantial, tho declining, share of this pyramiding R&D expenditure is borne by the U.S. military.
This was effected largely through declining fertility, particularly due to a rising age at marriage and an extraordinary decline in marriage rates.
Business property demand showed further steady rises and surveyors reported declining landlord inducements as available space on the market fell.
Attendance at religious services seems to be declining, and worshippers become more predominantly middle-aged.
Doctors may quit profession - 30 Nov 05 Doctors will leave the profession because of declining medical professionalism, a new survey has predicted.
The Poppy Appeal, feared by some to be declining in support, has in fact broken all records in the locality.
Asian elephant, Sumatran rhinoceros, orangutan, and tiger populations are all declining because palm oil plantations are encroaching on their habitats.
These grasslands also provide feeding or breeding habitat for a number of scarce or declining birds including the skylark.
The chancellor's reforms are part of an adaptation to the declining competence of the welfare state, which other European countries may follow.
The second emerging feature of the electoral landscape on which I want to focus is the declining turnout at elections.
However, mortgage debt write-offs were found to be taking the opposite route, with their figures declining.
He himself set no value on the ingenious mechanical contrivances which made him famous, regarding them as beneath the dignity of pure science and even declining to leave any written record of them except in the case of the Sphairopeoia (Sphere-making), as to which see below.
At Göttingen he remained, declining all further calls elsewhere, as to Erlangen, Kiel, Halle, Tubingen, Jena and Leipzig, until his death, which occurred on the 4th of February 1855.
Fox reappeared in parliament to take part in the vote of censure on ministers for declining Napoleon's overtures for a peace.
During the worst period of her illness she completed her conquest of the good-will of the Russians by declining the religious services of a Protestant pastor, and sending for Simon Todorskiy, the orthodox priest who had been appointed to instruct her in the Greek form of Christianity.
But no religious paintings on the grand scale, corresponding to these drawings of 1521-1524, were ever carried out; perhaps partly because of the declining state of the artist's health, but more because of the degree to which he allowed his time and thoughts to be absorbed in the preparation of his theoretical works on geometry and perspective, proportion and fortification.
Readership of the newspapers has been declining over the last 10 years.
Despite all the efforts to regenerate declining neighborhoods, a larger problem is that the economic geography of the UK has become more polarized.
Greater Rheas are a declining species, but these individuals seemed to be quite happy mingling with the cattle in fairly ordinary looking pasture.
Our increased vote has to be seen in the context of the left vote in general declining.
But confidence has stabilized on the back of declining fears about the UK sliding into recession.
The chancellor 's reforms are part of an adaptation to the declining competence of the welfare state, which other European countries may follow.
Moreover, declining library budgets mean that articles are not always readily available, and course packs can be expensive and time-consuming to produce.
The twin-screw extruders are aimed at the rising profile market, rather than PVC pipe for which the company says the market is declining.
Lori felt hurt and then embarrassed when she heard that the excuse for declining her invite was meant to be tongue in cheek.
Declining stock prices were a source of investor angst, leading the company to call an emergency board meeting.
In sales and marketing for example, you may experience declining returns, meaning that the more you spend, the less effective the marketing dollars are.
Because of declining returns, the cost of acquiring customers rises and we reach a point where we can no longer acquire customers profitably.
Heavy marketing and an atmosphere of declining interest rates have enticed people to borrow for an unsustainable lifestyle, instead of investing in their property and home.
A message is then sent back to the merchant either verifying or declining the request.
Even though rates are declining, marriages are still breaking up at an alarming rate.
These reports demonstrate that the number of marriages is declining more rapidly than divorce filings, and that divorce filings are remaining relatively stable.
Not only will you find your health declining from stress but you may also find you are having behavioral and mental health issues.
According to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, they are responsible for up to 80 percent of the crimes committed in many areas, and their numbers show no signs of declining.
Bass is declining comment which only leads one to speculate.
In 1999, because of declining interest and revenue, Planet Hollywood International, Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization.
Ratings for the once CBS darling have been declining for years and there is speculation that the 20th season will be its last.
While a heart attack may have indeed been the reason he died, numerous reports have pointed to his declining health in the months leading up to his death, brought on by drug use.
One reason for her declining TV spots was that she had found an acting genre that would allow her to break free from her cute image, and that venue was theater.
While the ponies' declining popularity is bad news for Hasbro's sales figures, it could be good news for your pocketbook.
By 2004, declining state appropriations had increased this number to 46.31%.
Declining bookings during 2009 have made it possible for seniors to seize discounts up to as much as 50 percent off in certain locations.
The disease destroys brain cells, which leads to memory loss and declining ability to work, enjoy hobbies and eventually care for oneself.
This was the case with Miracle Strip Amusement Park in Panama City, Florida, which closed in 2004 due to declining attendance, and the MGM Amusement Park in Las Vegas, which gradually shrank and closed as attendance dwindled.
You'll receive a declining balance receipt each time you charge a meal to your plan, so it'll be easy for you to keep up with the balance remaining on your plan.
By 1960, because of declining attendance and the inability to modernize the park, LeSourdsville Lake was sold to former Cedar Point concessionaires Frank Murru and Howard Berni.
J., et al. "Declining stroke rates in Californian children with sickle cell disease."
Outside the United States, fetal infection rates tend to be higher, although the number of babies born with congenital toxoplasmosis was as of 2004 declining worldwide.
As in other years, illicit drug use in 2003 tended to increase with age among young persons, peaking among 18 to 20-year-olds (23.3%) and declining steadily after that point with increasing age.
Family economic stress may cause parental substance abuse, which can lead to school distraction and declining academic performance in young people.
Unfortunately, the number of foster caregivers has been declining since the mid-1980s as the demand for placements has increased.
However, the incidence of the disease is declining in developed countries.
The equity in your home is constantly changing based on your declining mortgage balance as you make mortgage payments as well as the fluctuations in your local housing market.
Are we concerned about declining fertility?
While the teen pregnancy rate has been declining, our country still has a higher percentage of teen moms than most other developed nations.
While teen pregnancy rates are dropping to date and have been declining steadily (the percentage of teens having sex decreased sixteen percent between 1991 and 2007), some teens are more susceptible to teenage pregnancy.
Fertility starts declining during the 20s, and sharply drops after age 35.
Folks with poor nutrition or declining health may make even less arginine than the average person, and therefore may need to either eat more arginine-rich foods or take a nutritional supplement.
While not everyone has a used car to donate, the declining economy can make this a fiscally responsible way to be charitable, save money and earn some tax benefits, but only if you have done your homework.
If you don't find yourself with the urge to share the special moments of your life, or your innermost feelings, that can be a sign of declining intimacy.
The percentage of single parents living in poverty is declining.
Currently, Days has been renewed through 2013 with an option to be picked up through 2014, but declining ratings and a changing audience have left its future up in the air after that.
Due to declining ratings for awards shows across the board, the airtime was reduced from three hours to two.
Tight economic times and declining viewership seriously impacted soap operas in 2009 with the cancellation of Y&R's sister CBS soap opera Guiding Light, pay cuts, reduced airtime and veteran soap actors leaving long-term roles.
Despite declining ratings in the 1990s, soap opera viewers continue to be loyal to both daytime and prime shows that feature their "stories."
In 2009, such a situation occurred when the declining U.S. dollar created a significant difference between the price of a car in the United States and the price of a Canadian vehicle.
Portion control is most likely one of the main culprits for the expanding waistlines and declining health of our population.
Not everyone is eligible for rate reductions and enrollment into coverage after initially declining under the Stimulus COBRA.
The album didn't get far in the charts but the tour reflected much support, especially in view of Graeme's declining state of health.
Declining ratings and a lack of interest by NBC officials forced Donald Trump to change his show's format.
The show, which was NBC's answer to Survivor, was canceled in 2006 after declining ratings.
After the fourth season, in the face of declining ratings, Fear Factor changed things for competitors.
She had always been a recluse at heart, often declining a social outing with her friends so that she could be alone with a book or her writing.
Accepting his proposal of marriage might be setting her up for a fall, but declining was surely something she would live to regret.
The situation in Europe plagued him, as did the declining number of Guardians.
Though he harbored no regrets in declining her invitation to sex, he knew he could and should have handled so obviously unstable a person in such a mental state far better than he did.
His successes against the declining revolutionary cause were numerous and rapid.
In the five years 1881-1888 the rate was 8 08 marriages (16.1 persons) per thousand of the population, declining to 6.51 in 1891-1895; in recent years there has been a considerable improvement, and the Australian marriage rate may be quoted as ranging between 6.75 and 7.25.
The death rate of Australia is much below that of European countries and is steadily declining.
Arganthonius, king of Tartessus in Spain, invited them to emigrate in a body to his dominions, and, on their declining, presented them with a large sum of money.
On Joseph declining, Napoleon finally decided to accept the crown which Melzi, Marescalchi, Serbelloni and others begged him to assume.
The conduct of Italy in declining the suggestions received from Count Andrssy and General Ignatiev on the eve of the RussoTurkish Warthat Italy should seek compensation in Tunisia for the extension of Austrian sway in the Balkansand in subsequently rejecting the German suggestion to come to an arrangement with Great Britain for the occupation of Tunisia as compensation for the British occupation of Cyprus, was certainly due to fear lest an attempt on Tunisia should lead to a war with France, for which Italy knew herself to be totally unprepared.
Declining to appear, she was declared contumacious, and on the 23rd of May the archbishop gave judgment declaring the marriage null and void from the first, and so leaving the king free to marry whom he pleased.
With declining prices for farm produce came that year of unhappy memory, 1879, when persistent rains and an almost sunless summer ruined the crops and reduced many farmers to a state of destitution.
The general experience of the decade of the 'eighties was that of disappointing summers, harsh winters, falling prices, declining rents and the shrinkage of land values.
The same story of declining prices applies to oats.
The declining prices that have operated against the growers of wheat should be studied in conjunction with Table III., which shows, at intervals of five years, the imports of TABLE III.
On Louis declining the honour, it devolved on Joseph, king of Naples, who vacated that throne for the benefit of Murat - a source of disappointment and annoyance to both.
But the chief glory of her declining years was undoubtedly her splendid art.
In 1805 Boston began the export of ice to Jamaica, a trade which was gradually extended to Cuba, to ports of the southern states, and finally to Rio de Janeiro and Calcutta (1833), declining only after the Civil War; it enabled Boston to control the American trade of Calcutta against New York throughout the entire period.
Memphis was still important though declining at the time of the Moslem conquest.
His declining days were spent in the discharge of his honourable Florentine office and in the composition of his history.
Declining an appointment as a United States Senator from Virginia, he retired to his home, Gunston Hall (built by him about 1758 and named after the family home in Staffordshire, England).
Fox and his fellow-preachers spoke whenever opportunity offered, - sometimes in churches(declining, for the most part, to occupy the pulpit), sometimes in barns, sometimes at market crosses.
During the whole time between their rise and the passing of the Toleration Act 1689, the Quakers were the object of almost continuous persecution which they endured with extraordinary constancy and patience; they insisted on the duty of meeting openly in time of persecution, declining to hold secret assemblies for worship as other Nonconformists were doing.
On the 28th of February 1546 Wishart was brought to trial in the cathedral before the cardinal and other judges, the regent declining to take any active part, and, being found guilty of heresy, was condemned to death and burnt.
The prosperity of Syra, formerly an important distributing centre for the whole Levant, has been declining for several years.
At Göttingen he remained, declining all further calls elsewhere, as to Erlangen, Kiel, Halle, Tubingen, Jena and Leipzig, until his death, which occurred on the 4th of February 1855.
The same period probably also witnessed the liberation of the Thais or inhabitants of Siam from the yoke of the Khmers, to whom they had for long been subject, and the expulsion of the now declining race from the basin of the Menam.
La Pena, who had in the battle itself failed to give proper support to Graham, would not pursue, and Graham declining to carry on further operations with him, re-entered Cadiz.
On the other hand gravel-washing gives a declining yield in West Siberia, for while in 1900 the output from this source was approximately 172,000 oz., in 1904 it was only 81,000 oz.
Long ere this last event, however, Aleppo had been declining from internal causes.
He was invited to Portugal in 1555 and became provincial of his order, declining the offer of the archbishopric of Braga but accepting the position of confessor and counsellor to Catherine, the queen regent.
He founded the university of Pressburg (Academia Istropolitana, 1467), revived the declining university of Pecs, and, at the time of his death, was meditating the establishment of a third university at Buda.
Everywhere the civic communities were declining; even Buda and Pressburg were half in ruins.
Being unsuccessful, Conkling took up the practice of law in New York city, again declining, in 1882, a place on the bench of the Supreme Court, and appeared in a number of important cases.
The forces destined to maintain his authority in Asia had been entrusted by Bayezid to his three sons, Ahmed, Corcud and Selim; and the sultan's declining years were embittered by their revolts and rivalry.
The population is estimated at about 6,124,000 The country consists chiefly of a range of plateaus and wooded mountains, running north and south and declining on the coast to a narrow band of plain varying between 12 and 50 m.
Besides this it was important only to consider whether the disease was acute or chronic, whether it was increasing, declining or stationary.
Under William and Mary he succeeded Tillotson as dean of Canterbury in 1689, and (after declining a choice of sees vacated by nonjurors who were his personal friends) followed Thomas Lamplugh as archbishop of York in 1691.
Silk-weaving, formerly important, is declining.
In his declining years, he retired to his native place, where he devoted himself to literary work.
Now again he maintained with great warmth of conviction that his views were in close accordance with Scripture and the Anglican standards, but the council, without specifying any distinct "heresy" and declining to submit the case to the judgment of competent theologians, ruled otherwise, and he was deprived of his professorships.
But notwithstanding this aggregate increase there are many rural districts which still show a steadily declining population.
The declining state of Shaftesbury's health rendered it necessary for him to seek a warmer climate, and in July 1711 he set out for Italy.
After his'return,though only twenty-four years of age, he was invited to become president of an academy then projected at Genoa; but, declining this honour, he was, in the following year, appointed professor of mathematics at St Petersburg.
It was his habit to make straight for the ultimate issue, disregarding half-truths and declining compromise.
Nevertheless, during the later years of his father's reign the weakness of the king and the declining health of the Black Prince threw the government very much into his hands.
On his declining to make this submission he was removed from the bar.
Albert, who was a Minnesinger, was loyal to the declining fortunes of the Hohenstaufen, and afterwards supported his brother-in-law, Rudolph of Habsburg, in his efforts to obtain the German throne.
Cereals' have been for many years declining, although Indian corn is a valuable subsidiary to the dairy interest, which is the most thriving farm industry.
Long declining, long owing its continuance to the jealousies and conflicting policies of the great European Powers, the Ottoman Empire may be said to have ended, as the result of defeat in war, when its delegates signed the Treaty of Sevres on Aug.
Declining calls to Breslau, Tubingen, and thrice to Bonn, Hug continued at Freiburg for upwards of thirty years, taking an occasional literary tour to Munich, Paris or Italy.
These measures Nerva supplemented by others which aimed at lightening the financial burdens on the declining industry of Italy.
The Appalachian belt includes, with the ranges enumerated above, the plateaus sloping southward to the Atlantic Ocean in New England, and south-eastward to the border of the coastal plain through the central and southern Atlantic states; and on the north-west, the Allegheny and Cumberland plateaus declining toward the Great Lakes and the interior plains.
The question was raised in France in 1843 by the case of the Spanish consul Soller at Aix, and in America in 1854 by the case of Dillon, the French consul at San Francisco, who, on being arrested by Judge Hoffmann for declining to give evidence in a criminal suit, pulled down his consular flag.
I branched off into this discussion of robots and nanites to give an idea of the kinds of massive gains in efficiency with declining costs.