Declarative Sentence Examples
The authoring paradigm has become declarative in nature, describing the data rather than the processes involved in document links.
The language is strictly declarative, which is achieved by adopting a functional subset of Scheme.
Thus the authoring paradigm has become declarative in nature, describing the data rather than the processes involved in document links.
Whereas some may herald evolutions theories, for example, some teens may respond with a t shirt that is declarative of creation theory as outlined in the Bible.
One problem is to work out how to make best use of the purely declarative nature of functional languages.
Performing a skill is governed by procedural and not declarative knowledge.
Overall, this study provides an interesting overview of asymmetry in negative declarative main clauses.
Other writers hold that (successful) declarative sentences express propositions; and formulas of formal languages somehow display the forms of these propositions.
In declarative sentences, verb reduplication is associated with aspect which is assumed to have a strong feature.
Use declarative sentences as you educate the reader on what's wrong with the world now and how your product will change it for the better.