Deciding Sentence Examples
She ran a comb through her hair, deciding not to re-braid the top part.
Deciding to use the sun to orient herself, she detoured around several dense patches of blackberry bushes.
There is no means of deciding the question.
Why had he tortured himself by deciding to be a cop?
Right now I'm having difficulty deciding where you'd draw the line.
Saints Ambrose and Augustine both spent days in deciding temporal causes.
His rare diplomatic skill and supreme intellectual endowments were to enable him to play a deciding part in the coming congress.
The Sultan placed his troops under the veteran Mustapha, and his galleys under his youthful relative Piali, he hesitated to make either supreme and ordered them to await the arrival of Dragut with his Algerian allies, before deciding on their final plans.
Temple Franklin, deciding to print, got from le Veillard the copy sent to him in 1788 (sending in return the original with autograph alterations and the final addition), and from the copy published (London, 1817) an edition supposed to be authentic and complete.
If this date is left blank, practice has limited the arbiter's power of deciding to a year and a day, unless, having express or clearly implied power in the submission, he exercises this power, or the parties expressly or tacitly agree to its prorogation.
AdvertisementBut neither his courage nor his industry forsook him; and he found, in opposing the new views of his old colleague, ample scope for both voice and pen; and as a member of the House of Lords he continued almost to the last to take part in hearing and deciding appeals, and sometimes in the ordinary business of the House.
The Old Testament revisers were therefore spared much of the labour of deciding between different readings, which formed one of the most important duties of the New Testament company.
The subject wants further investigation, especially with a view to deciding the connexion between the molecular rush and the discharge.
In the first place, he resolved the doubt of Leibnitz about bodies by deciding entirely against his realistic alternative that an organic body is a substantia realizans phaenomena, and for his idealistic alternative that every body is a phenomenon and not a substance at all.
It has also the duty of deciding disputes as to the competency of the other Congregations.
AdvertisementWhen the earl marshal alone presided, it was a court of honour deciding as to precedence, coats of arms, &c. This court sat for the last time in 1737.
No second opportunity for deciding the issue of life or death is recognized by Jesus.
The occurrence of hybrids in nature explains the difficulty experienced by botanists in deciding on what is a species, and the widely different limitations of the term adopted by different observers in the case of willows, roses, brambles, &c. The artificial process is practically the same in hybridization as in cross-fertilization, but usually requires more care.
The vexed and difficult question of the ownership of the ecclesiastical lands was settled by fixing November 1627 as the deciding date; those who were in possession then were to retain them for forty years, during which time it was hoped a satisfactory arrangement would be reached.
This line is so characteristic that its presence or absence is the usual criterion for deciding whether an atmospheric light is aurora.
AdvertisementWar, this war was fought almost exclusively in the Aegean Sea, the enemy was primarily Sparta, and the deciding factor was Persian gold.
For deciding how large a share was due to trade, there is almost no evidence.
As yet none have been found in such association with animal remains as would help in deciding their age, nor have any implements been discovered in rock-shelters or in caves.
The excluded genera are distributed among the liverworts, lichens and fungi; but notwithstanding the great advance in knowledge since the time of Linnaeus, the difficulty of deciding what limits to assign to the group to be designated Algae still remains.
If the latter are considered to be in an early state this presents no difficulty; but if both Antarian and carbon stars are held to be evolved from solar stars, we may consider them to be, not successive, but parallel stages of development, the chemical constitution of the star deciding whether it shall pass into the third or fourth type.
AdvertisementFor, just as the Roman Church as a whole preserves in the spiritual sphere the spirit and much of the organization of the Roman Empire, so the administration of the Curia carries on the tradition of Roman government, with its reverence for precedent and its practice of deciding questions, not on their supposed abstract merits, but in accordance with the rules of law as defined in the codes or by previous decisions.
The immersion itself is a simple matter; the difficulty lies in deciding when the process is complete.
Before deciding on the career of theological professor, he had in view that of a missionary in the East.
The council has the duty of deciding the purpose for which the property is to be used "in connexion with and for the benefit of the Church of England."
The convention adjourned without adopting any " platform " of principles, the party shrewdly deciding to make its campaign merely on the issue of whether the Van Buren administration should be continued in power and thus to take full advantage of the popular discontent with the administration, to which was attributed the responsibility for the panic of 1837 and the subsequent business depression.
In the Church of Rome the Dominicans favoured Augustinianism, the Jesuits Semi-Pelagianism; the work of Molina on the agreement of free-will with the gifts of grace provoked a controversy, which the pope silenced without deciding; but which broke out again a generation later when Jansen tried to revive the decaying Augustinianism.
Which of them - if it is lawful at all to argue from Alexandria to Samaria - is to be identified with the one called " great " we have no means of deciding.
On the 29th of April 1796, as chairman of the committee of the whole, he cast the deciding vote for the laws necessary to carry out Jay's treaty.
Deacons are also admitted to a deciding voice in every diocese but New Jersey, where they may speak but not vote.
In the same century at Rome and at Constantinople we hear of "penitentiaries," that is priests appointed to act for the bishop in hearing the confession of sins, and deciding whether public discipline was necessary and, if it was, on its duration; in other words they prepared the penitents for solemn reconciliation by the bishop. A scandal at Constantinople in 391 led to the suppression in that city not only of the office of penitentiary, but practically of public exomologesis also, and that seemingly in Eastern Christendom generally, so that the individual was left to assess his own penance, and to present himself for communion at his own discretion.
But many of the barons stood neutral, not seeing how they could refuse to accept the arbitration they had courted, while a number not inconsiderable joined the king, deciding that Leicester had passed the limits of reasonable loyalty, and that their first duty was to the crown.
The Scottish army had been paid off some months before, and civil war was the only means of deciding the quarrel.
In deciding on war the British government relied on the capacity of its fleet, which was entrusted to the command of Sir Charles Napier, to strike a great blow in the Baltic. The fleet was despatched with extraordinary rejoicings, and amidst loud and confident expressions of its certain triumph.
The speaker, instead of deciding the question, submitted it to the judgment of the House, and it was ultimately referred to a select committee, which reported against Bradlaughs claim.
He was the first of the crusading princes to arrive, and on him fell the duty of deciding what the relations of the princes to the eastern emperor Alexius were to be.
The arbiter of all fates, Marduk, was pictured as holding an assembly of the gods during the New Year's festival for the purpose of deciding the lot of each individual for the year to come.
Hence, his method in deciding moral questions is chiefly that of estimating the tendency of actions to promote or diminish the general happiness.
The fact is that there are several different ways in which a utilitarian system of morality may be used, without deciding whether the sanctions attached to it are always Varieties adequate.
The divergence of these views has led to a large number of experimental investigations, instituted with the idea of deciding between them.
Pete was going to be the deciding factor and all eyes turned to him.
Nevertheless, he plunged ahead, deciding to offer a sanitized version of his suspicions.
Katie smiled, deciding she liked Kiki's no-nonsense attitude.
For the balance of the afternoon, Dean felt pangs of guilt for summarily deciding not to even consider seeking the position of sheriff without so much as discussing it with his wife.
Shipton continued to chop, as if deciding this and not a direct blow from the ice ax was a far better way to remove this annoying impediment to his foolproof plan.
She was particularly adept at suing anyone in the same county as an injured victim, but only after carefully deciding they either had a bankroll or sufficient insurance limits to justify her attention.
They ended up deciding to procrastinate a bit more by looking at past exam questions.
For example, you may be trying to find a practicing arbitrator suitable for deciding a particular dispute.
Many people train to be hypnotherapists and then bumble their way through a couple of years before deciding to give up.
Interactions with other medication together with the individuals ' medical history should be taken into account when deciding on appropriate malaria chemoprophylaxis.
Where higher factors might appear desirable, a more thorough analysis of the problem should be undertaken before deciding on their use.
The employer must act reasonably in deciding that the reason is sufficient to justify dismissal.
The World Trade Organization has ushered in a rules based system for deciding trade disputes.
Currently the coalition command is deciding how better use the 4th Infantry division.
The prescribing doctor will consider all these factors before deciding exactly what to do.
The economy has defied doomsayers, deciding not to slide into recession.
It had no difficulty in deciding that it was absolutely appropriate, fair and proper in all the circumstances to proceed ex parte.
Yes, deciding not to don ones winter gear and head out into the blizzard is laziness.
We had to take the time to cultivate the habits of dialog and consultation, the art of deciding by consensus.
The corresponding decision problem consists of deciding whether or not any such homomorphisms exist.
In 1950 he described a Test for deciding if a machine could be considered intelligent.
The MBTI® is a self-report inventory with four psychological dimensions, energizing, attending, deciding and living.
I spent ages then deciding which little glass nick knack to purchase with the their lines of colored sand.
So deciding whether a complex causal chain is consistent with background knowledge would require a process akin to parsing.
Deans will, however, have considerable leeway in deciding which codes are to be debited.
The referee did himself no favors deciding not to have a linesman and was poor throughout as a result.
After 2002's PANIC ROOM, Jodie Foster took a three year break before deciding to take another leading role in a major motion picture.
Before searching, spend some time off-line deciding what results you want and plan your search strategy accordingly.
Patients can play an important part in deciding how they are treated.
The afternoon flights were now make or break with teams deciding on the maximum payload they would carry.
How would you set about deciding whether they defined a convex polygon?
The main problem with frequency polygons is deciding what to do with the endpoints.
What are chancellors, let alone prospective prime ministers, doing deciding the level of tolls on bridges?
Do use any information about the job or the person specification in deciding what to put on your form.
Perhaps the deciding factor in this debate should be the insistence on following the Sunna and the safe, healthy option.
When traveling transatlantic, weight generally isn't the deciding factor.
Deciding they need to move the card games upmarket, some time is spent remembering how to play shithead.
Deciding on varicose vein surgery Removing varicose vein surgery Removing varicose veins is generally a safe surgical procedure.
In many passages of his works on pathology, physiology, and psychology Lotze had distinctly stated that the method of research which he advocated there did not give an explanation of the phenomena of life and mind, but only the means of observing and connecting them together; that the meaning of all phenomena, and the reason of their peculiar connexions, was a philosophical problem which required to be attacked from a different point of view; and that the significance especially which lay in the phenomena of life and mind would only unfold itself if by an exhaustive survey of the entire life of man, individually, socially, and historically, we gain the necessary data for deciding what meaning attaches to the existence of this microcosm, or small world of human life, in the macrocosm of the universe.
Further, the preliminary survey over the proposed route, necessary for deciding the length and types of cable required, can afford merely an approximation to the depth in which the cable actually lies, since accidents of wind and weather, or lack of observations for determining the position, cause deviations, often of considerable importance, from the proposed route.
As the Church in the earliest ages had executive and legislative power in its own spiritual sphere, so also it had " judicial officers," " taking cognizance of and deciding causes."
The Roman legates, who were absent (designedly ?) when this famous twenty-eighth canon was adopted, protested against it, but in vain, the imperial commissioners deciding in favour of its regularity and validity.
In the event of the company failing to comply with the demands of the department, the latter is empowered to refer the case to the Railway and Canal Commissioners, who form a special Court constituted by the Railway and Canal Traffic Act of 2888, for deciding, among other things, questions relating to rates and charges, for protecting traders from undue charges and undue preference, for regulating questions of traffic, and for deciding certain disputes between railway companies and the public. The Commissioners are then empowered to deal with the matter, and if " a railway company fail to comply with any order made by the Railway and Canal Commissioners, or to enforce the provisions of any schedule " approved by them, it is liable to a fine of a hundred pounds for every day during which the default continues.
In action it was an assembly court, deciding all questions by discussion and the weight of opinion, though its decisions obtained their legal validity by the formal pronunciation of the presiding member, i.e.
It was proved in the course of the long argument in this case that the archbishop of Canterbury had undoubtedly exercised such independent power of visitation both before and after the Reformation; and it was on this precedent that in 1888 the judicial committee of the privy council mainly relied in deciding that the archbishop had the right to cite before him the bishop of Lincoln (Dr Edward King), who was accused of certain irregular ritual practices.
It seemed to them impossible that vital religion could be inculcated, unless there were other guarantee for ministerial fitness than episcopal licensing, unless in fact the godly in each parish had a voice in deciding whether a man was called of God to minister the Word of God (see C. Burrage, The True Story of Robert Browne, pp. 7, i i f.).
At the end of his studies he hesitated for some time before deciding what career he would follow, until Michelet put an end to his indecision by inspiring him with a taste for history.
We could decide today to end it—by, well, simply deciding to.
We civilians, as you know, have a very bad way of deciding whether a battle was won or lost.
She could not sleep and several times went to the door and listened, wishing to enter but not deciding to do so.
She was planning something and either deciding or had already decided something in her mind.
Deciding which device you are viewing or recording is determined by push buttons on the front of the SCART switch.
Deciding the future of the UK 's radioactive waste Left hand column editable content area !
The leaflet, Avoiding Multiple Births - deciding how many embryos to transfer, informs patients about the risks associated with multiple births.
This will mean deciding how we shall manage with fewer stipendiary clergy.
Perhaps the deciding factor in this debate should be the insistence on following the sunna and the safe, healthy option.
Our synodical procedures are appropriate for deciding financial and administrative matters, but not matters of faith.
When traveling transatlantic, weight generally is n't the deciding factor.
There was no unreasonable delay on the insurer 's part in deciding whether to accept the claim.
Deciding on varicose vein surgery Removing varicose veins is generally a safe surgical procedure.
Kennedy emphasized the need for courts to exercise judicial restraint when deciding civil issues.
Deciding to throw out or delay features is fine, even advisable, if these actions will help you hit the target release date.
When deciding where to take your baby for his or her first professional photos, consider your budget and the convenience and style of the studio.
With so many nanny agencies available online, it may be difficult deciding on the right agency for your family.
When deciding who to invite, ask the mother-to-be to look over the guest list to make sure you don't inadvertently leave someone out.
When shopping for high chairs, take some time to look at the Graco Harmony Georgie high chair before deciding on which chair is the best value.
There are many different traditions that are followed in deciding on which middle name to give your child.
Your baby's brain needs stimulation, but deciding on the type of stimulation he or she needs can be tricky.
No doubt new parents will have taken lengthy consideration in deciding which mode of feeding their new infant will have.
When deciding how to make baby toys, consider what babies love.
In deciding how to make a baby shower corsage, organization is the key to successfully designing a corsage that will look great on the mom-to-be.
The last option to consider when learning how to buy a table lamp is deciding upon the kind of on and off switch you prefer.
Take the time to compare the available models before deciding what type of unit is right for you.
If you've hired a financial adviser to assist you in deciding on a mutual fund, he can make the transaction for you as well.
Deciding on which of these materials best suits your space is all a matter of personal taste.
Think about how much money you can spend, as well as how much free time you have, before deciding on a membership plan.
The next big step to take is deciding on a broker.
Buy-back policies vary widely among local used book stores, so keep this in mind before deciding where to purchase your textbooks.
Price will be an important factor in deciding which encyclopedia to buy.
That should be the deciding factor for you.
You can narrow down your choice considerably by deciding if you want sexy swimwear or something more modest or functional.
Another deciding factor you need to keep in mind is the resolution.
If you're deciding whether buying or renting property in Mexico is for you, think about the amount of time you will stay in the country.
It is always better to be prepared before deciding to navigate your way through oceanic or fresh waters.
Be sure to check the care instructions on the label on the tablecloth before deciding on how to clean it.
You must plan in advance by deciding between a new and used motor home, looking into financing options and checking out reviews and comparisons.
You may know the perfect gifts to get, but deciding when to do your holiday gift buying can be a challenge.
People deciding where to buy Nintendo Wii should look no further than the Internet.
The first step to choosing a GPS is deciding how you want to use it.
When deciding how the bike is going to be used, try to anticipate how your needs might change over the coming months or years.
Deciding what you really want can help you save money before you hit the stores.
Choosing broadheads that work with your arrows is the most important choice you will make when deciding on hunting equipment.
One-and-two-piece toilets, various bowls and seats are deciding factors, as well as different types of tanks and flushing systems.
There are many things to consider when deciding how to buy a computer printer.
As such, think carefully about how much of your printing will be photo printing before deciding to buy a more specialized printer.
After deciding on a printer type, think about the type of computer and operating system you have.
Many individual factors can come into play when deciding on which Halloween decorations will suit you best.
There are a number of factors that have to taken into account when deciding upon a pet bird. and there are a vast number of birds that can be obtained as pets.
An additional factor to consider when deciding upon a pet bird is the way in which the bird interacts with people.
When deciding about the size of a chain saw you need, you should also think about the type of wood you will be cutting.
The first thing you should do when deciding what portable media player to buy is to clarify the difference between MP3 players and portable media players.
It is best to have a deciding factor while the cat is still healthy.
There are hundreds of different items and name brands to choose from, but deciding which supplies benefit your cat and which ones are just hype can be tricky.
How a cat looks or acts is often the deciding factor on choosing a funny name for your cat.
Deciding which of the hundreds of plans that you want to build for your cat is the difficult part.
This is only a brief list of some of the most popular cards, so be sure to explore other options before deciding upon a particular card.
Involve all family members when setting goals and when deciding the amount of income to set aside for each goal.
When deciding how to use your points, you should watch for the monthly specials that American Express offers.
One major deciding factor is how much financial education the students received from parents while growing up.
Due to the fact that these fees are common amongst just about every prepaid, re-loadable debit cards available, and vary by card issuer, it is a good idea to shop around and compare fees before deciding on a card that suits your needs.
Be sure to check the rewards program terms and conditions when deciding on a gas card for which to apply.
Many businesses make the mistake of deciding that the company with the lowest interest rates must necessarily be the best company.
Before deciding which American Express travel rewards charge card is best for you, it is important to spend some time thinking about your travel habits and reviewing the details of the programs that you are considering.
Commanders will often look at the reason for the unauthorized usage as well as the past performance of the service member before deciding on a punishment.
Look closely at the features offered by each card before deciding which one is right for you.
Before deciding to live without the child support you and your child(ren) deserve, read on to learn about other ways you may not have tried to find a deadbeat dad.
A number of factors are considered by the Court when deciding whether and for how long to award alimony.
Judges are given a lot of discretion when deciding who qualifies for alimony.
Many states do not consider fault when deciding on spousal support; however, some do, especially if it negatively affects the financial outcome of the other spouse.
He or she can also remind parents that when it comes to deciding where children will live, the Court considers what is best for them.
Deciding to divorce for this reason can make people feel empowered and free!
Deciding to divorce may make the couple feel sad because they know that they once were in love.
In some cases, the judge will also consider each person's conduct when deciding whether to award spousal support and what amount should be paid.
Another thing to consider when deciding which divorce kit you find online is right for you is what your plans are.
This includes distributing assets and joint financial property as well as deciding who will assume responsibility for each liability.
When the process of deciding what type of custody parents will be granted after a divorce culminates into a full-blown battle, the potential for emotional turmoil is quite high.
When deciding whether to grant alimony, judges consider the alimony requirements in their area as well as both spouses' present and future earning abilities, length of marriage, health, age and overall conduct.
Each family has different beliefs and important values, and deciding which values are most important in your family structure will help you decide which lessons to share with your children.
Before deciding to use a different type of material, try out different types of foam cushions and see what works for you.
Think about your needs and what your budget can afford before deciding what type to purchase.
Deciding what types of delivery procedures to offer is completely up to you, but you do need to be prepared to let buyers know what options are available to them.
Think about what kind of look you want to create and what your needs are before deciding on the material.
Always make sure you take careful measurements of the space you're going to place your furniture in before deciding which style and size to buy.
With the wide assortment of free and low-priced plans to build picnic tables available online, the hardest part is deciding which one to make.
When deciding how to use bamboo flooring, it is useful to talk to a green home builder who will be able to give help and advice.
Another key factor is deciding what is to be grown in a greenhouse.
As well as deciding what is to be grown, deciding how much growing space is also important.
There are many aspects that parents need to weigh before deciding what is the best type of diaper for their baby.
Recycle or donate - Before deciding to recycle your computer equipment, consider the possibility of donating.
Consultants should also have working relationships with a variety of businesses, which can take some of the guesswork out of deciding on a particular contractor or equipment supplier for the project.
Wait until the glass has cooled down before deciding to pick it up after you have enjoyed the lit candles instead, or choose one location in the room where you will place your candles and leave them there.
Both internal and external factors can contribute to the problem, and determining what is causing your hair loss will be the first step in deciding what sort of apple cider vinegar treatment is best for your situation.
When deciding how to decorate your nursery, you are limited only by your imagination.
The best part is deciding what décor and games to include.
Spend a good amount of time deciding on wall color to be sure that you will be happy with it for years to come.
Deciding in advance which way you want to go, however, will make it easier to narrow down the decorating ideas.
Deciding on a wall color for your kitchen is the first step.
Take every element in the bathroom into consideration before deciding on a palette.
Before deciding the best location for your border, look for any obstacles that will require you to cut the border horizontally.
You may have finished decorating the whole game room and are having trouble deciding on the right art.
Deciding on what to include in a playroom can be more difficult than the decorating.
Deciding on which playroom elements work best for you and your kids doesn't have to be a difficult choice if you plan the room out as much as you can before selecting each component of your new design.
There are two things to consider when deciding which you want to purchase.
Space considerations need to be taken into account when reconfiguring your kitchen or deciding to dedicate a corner to a breakfast nook.
Before you can get down to deciding what your mud room is actually going to look like, you have to decide on what you will need in your mud room so that is most functional for you.
Balance is the deciding factor of a successful blending of florals, stripes, checks, plaids, and solids.
Consider the type of illumination you want in the room before deciding on what type of bulb you'll use.
If you're really having trouble deciding on a paint color, try to pull one of the colors out of an already existing piece in the room (such as a piece of art, or a patterned fabric).
If you're having a difficult time deciding which pallet to use in your kitchen, take a break and explore paintings of the Italian countryside and seashore.
Always ask for estimates from at least three contractors before deciding on one, and remember that the lowest bid isn't always the best.
Before deciding on a lighting scheme think about your needs.
There are so many decorating items for this princess trio motif that you'll have a difficult time deciding which pieces to choose.
Deciding on which children's playroom ideas work best for you and your kids doesn't have to be a difficult choice if you plan the room out as much as you can before selecting each component of your new design.
When choosing a color to paint a kitchen, take your time deciding.
When deciding where to install the tiles, think about what items will be reflected.
There are a few things to keep in mind when deciding on what color should I paint my bedroom.
Be sure to consider all the options very carefully before deciding on what cabinets you will use.
Before deciding on a color to paint your house, make sure to explore all of your options.
Deciding which type of floor lamp you should use depends on two things.
When deciding the best colors to paint a home to sell it's important to think about the furnishings as well.
Before deciding on a color, go to a store and check out the paint colors in person.
Budget is always a deciding factor when it comes to making choices.
It can also be a factor in deciding whether you want to hire a professional or explore the options for installing your own kitchen cabinets.
Frequently when making design choices for the space, deciding on counter color, wall color and floor options can be stressful.
The first step in creating your bonus room design is deciding what you want to do with the space.
Don't just trust the scent in the bottle, be sure to always try it on your skin and wear it for about an hour before deciding.
Orange is really not my color.I visited several message boards and looked at various web sites before deciding to try out the Jergens self tanning products.
This talented young woman started out by receiving her Bachelor's degree in Psychology before deciding to focus her time and energy 100% to her full passion - beauty and makeup artistry.
This is great because instead of deciding which eyeliner I want to wear, my entire routine is now simplified.
If you are still having trouble deciding on which colors to choose for your hazel eyes, why not enlist an expert and score a free makeover in the process?
When deciding if the airbrush system is for you, weigh the pros of potentially flawless skin against the price of the machine and pods.
When you are deciding which one you want to use, here are a few things you might want to think about.
When you do a search for apartments online, no matter if you are using Apartment Guide or some similar web site, you will be much better off deciding what you are willing to look at in advance; do you want a room mate?
There are a wide variety of online casinos that allow you to explore the experience before deciding which one provides the virtual ambiance you are looking for.
It also gives the user a chance to test a game before deciding on whether or not to purchase it.
From deciding where to go to getting from the hotel to the restaurant, the Internet is a highly valuable tool for travelers.
When deciding which site to choose to read books online, you should also consider the overall design of the website.
The only problem may be deciding which greeting card to send when there is so much to choose from!
Deciding to take the plunge to get a virtual pet is not even close to the decision to get a real animal.
You can go as far as deciding their color and statistics.
Figuring out the budget is often a crucial starting point when deciding what to look for when buying a digital camera.
Now that you've become more familiar with the world of digital imaging, it's time to start looking at features available and deciding what you want for your camera.
When deciding what to make for your Independence Day party, there are many things to consider.
When deciding on recipes for Christmas dinner, there are a few things to consider.
When deciding to eat Thai, having it at a restaurant is the easiest way.
Deciding how to organize scrapbook stickers doesn't have to be a difficult task.
When deciding how to organize scrapbook stickers, you have a number of options.
Time is money, so you don't want to waste an entire day deciding how to get started on a project.
Deciding what photos you want to use is the first step to creating a successful scrapbook.
Deciding between a traditional or digital album depends upon personal preference and factors such as time and Internet access.
This doesn't mean you must eliminate these items entirely, but you should be carefully in deciding how many you will use per page.
The only difficult part is deciding which pictures to add in the available spots.
Some scrapbooking shops offer Cricut cartridge rental which can save money and gives you a chance to try out different cartridges before deciding to purchase them.
Work with one line of coordinating patterned papers and embellishments so you don't need to spend too much time deciding what products coordinate.
Traditional scrapbooking supplies featuring Disney items are more widely available, so keep that in mind when deciding which type of book you want to make.
Accents that feature famous quotes can help you overcome a case of writer's block if you're having trouble deciding what to say about a particular photo.
The first step in successful scrapbook paper storage involves deciding how you want to file your collection of cardstock and patterned paper.
Deciding between a Wishblade and a Silhouette is one of the decisions buyers have to make when choosing which cutting tool to purchase.
When you use free scrapbooking templates, you don't have to spend huge quantities of time deciding on layout, design and color schemes.
Experiment with a few recipe card sizes before deciding on one that works for you, or consider mixing and matching to give your book an even more unique look.
There are several factors involved in deciding what length is best for you.
Consider what you enjoy doing rather that just what you are good at doing when deciding what types of jobs to apply for in the future.
When deciding where to go, make sure it's somewhere that you know will be an easy and relaxing getaway.
Before deciding how to handle stress at work, you'll need to pinpoint what exactly is causing the stress.
A more severe sign may be deciding not to go out, even though you need to.
Remember, inaction, like that of shifting your mindset, or deciding not to engage in conflict, is every bit as powerful as saying or doing something.
You no longer procrastinate while deciding what you should do next.
Probably the biggest challenge for young adults is deciding what to do with their lives.
When deciding on a location, consider if it has special meaning to the two of you and if it's the most appropriate place to ask such a memorable question.
Oftentimes the most frightening experience for parents of pre teenagers is deciding how and when to let him/her begin dating.
If you're having trouble deciding which shade looks best on you, hit the fabric stores and compare.
Each program's design is different, so you want to look around before deciding on which one will work for you.
If you are the parent of a teenager, looking at the California middle school rankings is a good first step in deciding where to relocate your family.
It comes as no surprise, there is an endless array of different styles to choose from and deciding on two or three styles, ahead of time, will help to sort through that endless array of designs.
If you are having trouble deciding between colors, take a really good friend along (when you shop), and ask him or her for an honest opinion.
When deciding if someone is a good friend, he or she should possess the above characteristics most of the time.
Deciding on a graduation gift for a teen can be difficult.
It's important to research boot camps and wilderness programs when deciding what type of troubled teen camp to enroll your teen in during the summer.
Before deciding on the type of egg substitute to use, it's a good idea to look over your recipe carefully.
Use this approximation when deciding how much TVP to include in your curry recipe.
As you hunt for the perfect professional wedding photographer price is a key element, but it shouldn’t be the deciding factor.
Along with choosing the right wedding favors and gifts for the wedding party, deciding on the right wedding gift for parents can be difficult.
While deciding on an all inclusive honeymoon vacation might not be difficult, deciding where certainly takes some decision making.
When deciding the best honeymoon destination, taking one another's interests into account is important.
For each couple deciding to take the plunge and get married, it can be devastating to have to cancel the event.
Other factors to consider in deciding where to take your honeymoon are cost and time.
Deciding which kind of stretch you want to rent depends on the size of your bridal party.
Deciding against doing it yourself but still want to use silk flowers?
A company such as Invitation Consultants can provide you with a great selection of wedding programs, many so gorgeous you're only dilemma will be deciding upon just one.
Deciding the style will help to determine the best centerpiece choice.
With so many options to consider, deciding which design to choose may be the most time-consuming part of the process.
Planning a beach wedding can be a lot of fun, and choosing beach-themed accessories and floral arrangements is only part of the equation - there's also the matter of deciding what to wear to a beach wedding.
Take your cue from the Disney movie or children's fairytale of your choice and prepare to spend plenty of time deciding on even the minutest details.
Whether you plan to stay local or travel to somewhere warm, there are several options when deciding on an outdoor winter wedding.
When deciding on a style, try to find one that will flatter most body shapes or allow for the possibility of slightly different styles but in the same color.
After deciding on the budget and quantity you want to buy, you will need to determine what type of beer koozies you want.
Texture plays an important part in fall 2010 weddings, so don't forget to take into account the gorgeous laces, velvets, and satins you can choose when you're deciding on the perfect colors.
Of course, those who have been in the Seattle dating scene before deciding to marry in the city they live in already know the wonderful things that Seattle has to offer.
Find out the pros and cons of this method of treatment before deciding if it is the correct drug treatment for you.
Listening to other people tell their stories may help in deciding whether you have a problem.
After speaking with your doctor and deciding what kind of treatment plan is best for your situation it's time to start thinking ahead.
Deciding to purchase a discontinued comforter set will allow you to create a new look for your bedroom without having a big expense.
You may have a difficult time deciding on just one of the many queen size comforter sets available.
In these cases, seeing the bedding in person may be helpful in deciding whether or not it is worth the price.
Consider these styling tips when deciding how to best use black sheets to your bedroom.
Rumor has it that the crux of the show will be Zoey (played by Jamie Lynn) deciding whether or not she is going to stay at Pacific Coast Academy or go with her family to London.
Foster and Aiken had worked together on several albums and had been close friends for quite some time before deciding to have a baby together.
Figuring this out and deciding what, if any charges would be brought against the actress led to a nearly two month investigation by the L.A. district attorney's office.
He also dabbled in performance at local comedy clubs, and ended up deciding to pursue a career as a professional actor.
It's tough deciding who should be inducted into a hall of fame dedicated to great legs, as everyone has his own opinion of what constitutes hall-worthy gams.
The trickiest part is deciding which pair is right for the young girl in your life when it comes to expressing her own personal style.
Make the experience enjoyable for your son and let him have a bit of say in deciding what to wear so Easter can be enjoyable for everyone involved.
Deciding what items to buy may be trickier, especially if your child has very particular tastes.
Which you may prefer to do - for items like jeans and shoes, it's best to try something on before deciding to purchase.
The only problem you'll have is deciding on just one.
When deciding how dressy you want your son's Easter outfit to be, keep in mind the expense of the clothes.
Persistence and flexibility are key as you're deciding how to pay for your education.
While reading brochures and visiting websites can give you a feel for a school and help you narrow your college search, it's essential to visit a school before deciding to attend.
Whether you're looking for a part-time job or seeking some assistance deciding what you might want to do after graduation, LoveToKnow Jobs and Careers has helpful tips for finding employment that fits your needs.
Career planning experts recommend you take some time to evaluate your priorities before deciding what type of career you might want to pursue.
Deciding whether or not to attend a private college is a difficult decision.
Before deciding to consolidate school loans, consider that your loans will now be paid back over a longer period of time.
When deciding whether to make use of a site with lists of scholarships, you'll have to consider other areas.
Deciding when and how to come out is completely up to you and your comfort level.
While going back to school or going to college for the first time can mean a real difference in a single mother's life down the road, justifying the cost and the time away from her kids in the short term can be the real deciding factor.
Choosing a major is an important decision, but it's equally important not to put too much pressure on yourself when deciding.
When deciding how best to assist you financially with your college or school tuition the cost of your tuition and other college costs are calculated fully.
Although some people may look at the price as a definitive factor, when deciding upon an online MBA program this is not recommended.
Beyond accreditation, independent review and program rankings, deciding on an MBA program is a big step.
It also lists seminary master's and doctoral degree programs and includes a variety of articles, which include a piece on deciding whether attending a Christian college is right for you.
When deciding on a cruise line for a family vacation, parents should investigate different cabin options as well as onboard activities and children's programs.
However, with so many cabins to choose from, you may need help deciding where to stay.
Deciding to take a kid-less cruise is the first step.
Because these are merely training aids and not automatic devices that can use to train your pet without your participation, it's important to learn all you can about them before deciding whether your situation warrants their use.
If you'd like to try Nutro, but you're having a hard time deciding which variety is the right one for your dog, you can make use of Nutro's Help Me Choose tool.
There are a few things to consider when deciding whether your family is ready to take on a free puppy.
For more pet owners, choosing a dog food often begins with deciding what type of food they want to feed their dogs.
The first thing you will want to do when deciding which type of dog you want is ask yourself a few questions about your lifestyle, family dynamics and living arrangements.
Although size, activity level and known genetic health concerns are important considerations, safety should also be a deciding factor.
Deciding if an anti-bark collar is right for your dog can be a difficult decision.
Veterinarians generally recommend consulting a dog trainer first about a dog's excessive barking before deciding to use an Innotek collar or any other anti-bark device.
For help deciding which mulch you should use, see Types of Mulch in addition to this article on what is mulch.
There are countless varieties of herbs, so deciding which ones to start with can be a bit overwhelming.
If you are having trouble deciding, consider a theme garden for your indoor herbs.
Deciding this will help you figure out what kind of containers to purchase.
Planning a vegetable garden starts with deciding the layout and the types of vegetables you want to grow.
Before deciding on the types of crops to plant, measure the area you have available to work with.