Decades Sentence Examples
When the visions are decades ago, that's one thing.
He wrote Seven Decades of the Union 1790-1860 (1872).
For decades, teams of three hardy fools had tried to knock each other senseless with high pressure fire hoses, while the spectators tried to escape the cross fire.
Iliana was a relatively young Immortal who had been at his side for only a few decades, having caught his attention with her fighting skill and fierce loyalty.
In the progress of the last three decades, since the publication of De Barys great work, five or six main lines of advance can be distinguished.
Metallurgy.The average production and value of iron and steel manufactured in France in the last four decades of the I 9th century is shown below Cast Iron.
The state's manufacturing interests have during the last few decades grown greatly in importance.
But no one's worked the Lucky Pup in decades.
Down to the closing decades of the 19th century hydraulic power was practically the only system available for working cranes from a power station.
Dale of Birmingham, the most influential Congregationalist in the closing decades of the 19th century, in whom lived afresh the high Congregationalism of the early Separatists.
AdvertisementIt is urged that Livy, who in the fourth and fifth decades shows himself so sensible of the great merits of Polybius, is not likely to have ignored him in the third, and that his more limited use of him in the latter case is fully accounted for by the closer connexion of the history with Rome and Roman affairs, and the comparative excellence of the available Roman authorities, and, lastly, that the points of agreement with Polybius, not only in matter but in expression, can only be explained on the theory that Livy is directly following the great Greek historian.
It has been a contentious issue for decades.
Fast-forward a couple of decades, and the Internet has done vastly more than O'Neill could have imagined to promote open information about government.
He agreed, since she was pretty enough, and he hadn't turned anyone for decades.
His high-water trousers exposed black silk socks with little ladders up the sides, held in place with garters, something Dean hadn't seen in decades.
AdvertisementAll these institutions are performing a great regenerative work, and the tribulations and disappointments of the last decades of the 19th century were not all loss.
His most important anthropological work was his description of sixty human crania published originally in fasciculi under the title Collectionis suae craniorum diversarum gentium illustratae decades (Gottingen, 1790-1828).
In the last two decades of the 19th century the question of giving to this greater city some general government, fully consolidated or of limited powers, was a standing question of expediency.
Tobacco culture, which declined after 1860 on account of the competition of Cuba and Sumatra, has revived since 1885 through the introduction of Cuban and Sumatran seed; the product of 1907 (6,937,500 lb) was more than six times that of 1899, the product in 1899 (1,125,600 lb) being more than twice that of 1889 (470,443 lb), which in turn was more than twenty times that for 1880 (21,182 lb)-the smallest production recorded for many decades.
For some decades the inevitable extermination was postponed by the fact that the Spaniards were not numerous enough to occupy the southern and eastern portions of the island.
AdvertisementIt is remarkable that systematic instruction in the theory and practice of chemistry only received earnest attention in our academic institutions during the opening decades of the 19th century.
The few laboratories existing in the opening decades were ill-fitted, and the exorbitant fees constituted a serious bar to general instruction, for these institutions received little government support.
The exact delimitation of inorganic and organic chemistry engrossed many minds for many years; and on this point there existed considerable divergence of opinion for several decades.
Only we must not form our ideas of the great apocalyptic and chiliastic movement of the first decades of the 16th century from the rabble in Munster.
The population of the state increased in the ten decades from 1810 to 1910 successively by 100 4, 40 6, 6 3.4, 4 6.9, 3 6 '7, 2 ' 7, 2 9.3, 19.
AdvertisementWhatever the theoretical value of this injunction may have been, however, in practice the use of the pastoral staff was discontinued until its gradual revival in the last decades of the 19th century.
Foremost amongst the Italians was Antonio Bonfini, whose work, Rerum Hungaricarum Decades IV., comprising Hungarian history from the earliest times to the death of King Matthias, was published with a continuation by Sambucus (Basel, 1568).
The last, considered the best, was corrected and re-edited by Albert Molnar at Hanau in 1608.7 Heltai published also (1571) a translation, improved from that by Blasius Veres (1565), of the Tripartitum of VerbOczy, and Chronika (1575) adapted from the Decades of Bonfini.
In the opening decades of the 19th century supplies began to be drawn from Banka; in 1820 this island contributed 1200 tons; the production was increased to 12,000 tons in 1900, when a diminution set in, 9960 tons being the output during 1905.
For two decades after the close of these revolutionary troubles in 1870 the supreme power in Venezuela was, for all practical purposes, in the hands of Guzman Blanco.
The assertion of Hanseatic influence in the two decades, 1356 to 1377, marks the zenith of the League's power and the completion of the long process of unification.
The history of Rome, which consisted of eighty books, - and, after the example of Livy, was divided into decades, - began with the landing of Aeneas in Italy, and was continued as far as the reign of Alexander Severus (222-23s).
His voice is musical, metallic, fit for loud laughter and piercing wail, and all that may lie between; speech and speculation free and plenteous; I do not meet in these late decades such company over a pipe."
During the next three decades (1861-1891) the law was extended, and methylated spirit was duty-free for all purposes except for use as beverages and internal medicinal applications.
For the most important historical records that have come to us in recent decades we have to thank the Orientalist, though the classical explorer has been by no means idle.
These traditions, finding their clearest delineation in the lines of Homer, had been subjected to the analysis of the critical historians of the early decades of the 19th century, and their authenticity had come to be more than doubted.
Some decades ago these difficulties were not insurmountable, when critics assigned a Neronic date to the Apocalypse and a Domitianic or later date to the Gospel.
In spite of the increase of deep-sea soundings in the last few decades, they are still very irregularly distributed in the open ocean, and the attempt to draw isobaths (lines of equal depth) on a chart of the world is burdened with many difficulties which can only be evaded by the widest generalizations.
I The growing discontent of the poor people, whether in country town, is clearly traceable in Germany during the 15th century, ostility and revolutionary agitation was chronic in southern Germany at least during the first two decades of the 1 6th.
There was some heresy in England during the opening decades of the 6th century, survivals of the Lollardy which now and then brought a victim to the stake.
Population.-The population of the state in 1910 was 3,366,416, the increases in successive decades after 1790 being respectively 11 6, 11 6, 10.9, 16.6, 20.9, 34.8, 23.8, 18.4, 22.4, 2 5.6, 25.3 and 20%.
But as early as 1865, Arminians were welcomed to Congregational fellowship. In the last few decades, with the spread in the community of innovations in doctrinal and critical opinions, a wider diversity of belief has come to prevail, so that " Evangelical," in the popular sense of the term, rather than " Calvinistic," is the epithet more suit able to American Congregational preachers and churches.
Sheep farming, however, has considerably declined within the last few decades.
By the last decades of that century a preliminary list of these new Sacred Books had been formed and placed by the side of the Old with substantially the same attributes.
The critical situation thus arising spread in the course of a few decades over most of the provincial churches.
This first came into prominence in the opening decades of the 2nd century A.D., but is certainly older; it reached its height in the second third of the same century, and began to wane about the 3rd century, and from the second half of the 3rd century onwards was replaced by the closely-related and more powerful Manichaean movement.
During the last two decades of the 19th century the number of inhabitants engaged in agricultural pursuits decreased from 45,122 to 38,782; and the number engaged in manufacturing and mechanical pursuits increased from 57,283 to 75,945.
A study of the family names appearing on the census rolls of two prosperous and typical American counties, one distinctively urban and the other rural, in 1790 and I900, has confirmed the popular impression that the British element is growing little, and that the fastest reproducers to-day are the foreign elements that have become large in the immigration current in very recent decades.
The decline in the proportion of children since 1860 has been decidedly less in the South (Southern Atlantic and South Central states as defined below) than in the North and West, but in the most recent decades the last section has apparently fast followed New England in having a progressively lesser proportion of children.
So also the three decades immediately succeeding the above showed minimum decreases; and this has been attributed to a supposed greater birth-rate among the immiggants.
In the first decades after the establishment of independence the resources and energies of the nation were absorbed in the task of occupying the vacant spaces of a continent, and sub-, duing it to agriculture; and so long as land was so abundant that the spreading population easily sustained itself upon the fruits of the soil, and satisfied the tastes of a simple society with the products of neighborhood handicrafts, there was no incentive to any real development of a factory economy.
The deposits in the Joplin-Galena district were discovered in 1848, but attracted little attention for three decades.
The American clipper ships that were constructed at Baltimore and elsewhere during the last three decades before the Civil War were doubtless the swiftest sailers that have ever been built.
Rivers and canals are relatively much less important to-day than in the middle decades of the I 9th century, before the growth of the railway traffic made small by comparison the movement on the interior watercourses.
More than $250,000,000 has been spent by the national government for the improvement of waterways, yet no general system exists, and a large part of this enormous sum has been wasted on unimportant or impossible projects, especially in recent decades, since the river navigation has been a declining interest.
As for his theology, its leading factors were - (i.) the teachings of the apologists; (ii.) the philosophy of the Stoics; (iii.) the rule of faith, interpreted in an anti-Gnostic sense, as he had received it from the Church of Rome; (iv.) the Soteriological theology of Melito and Irenaeus; (v.) the substance of the utterances of the Montanist prophets (in the closing decades of his life).
The Greeks divided the month into three decades, or periods of ten days, - a practice which was imitated by the French in.
Within two decades (1880-1900) the capital almost at a single bound advanced into the front rank of German commercial and industrial towns; but while gaining in prosperity it has lost much of its medieval aspect.
There is evidence of this kind, more or less clear in the several cases, that all the four Gospels were known in the first two or three decades of the 2nd century.
To put this project into execution, the Church opened her " treasuries of grace," connected with the jubilee dispensation, for the peculiar benefit of those nations that had suffered most from the turmoils of the last few decades, or were prevented from visiting the Eternal City.
On the other hand the incorporation of the country for two decades in the French republic and empire had left deep traces on a considerable section of the population, the French language was commonly spoken and was exclusively used in the law courts and in all public proceedings, and French political theories had made many converts.
During the last two decades of the 19th century the decrease has been from 30,000 to 17,500 in Tonga; from 11,500 to 8400 in the Cook group; from 8000 to 3600 in Wallis;.
From one point of view this insurrection was simply the last, the most widespreading and the most disastrous of these revolts, which had been almost chronic in Germany during the later decades of the 15th and earlier years of the 16th century and which had been almost continuous between 1503 and 1517.
From the description of Sennacherib's invasion it is clear that social and economic conditions must have been seriously, perhaps radically disturbed,' and the quiescence of Judah during the next few decades implies an internal weakness and a submission to Assyrian supremacy.
Dairy products, for example, for whose production good facilities always existed, were long greatly neglected, and not for two decades at least after 1848 was the state independent in this respect.
The population of San Francisco increased in successive decades after 1850 by 67-6, 16.3, 6.5, 27.8, 14.6 and 21.6%.
In the fourth and fifth decades the question of Livy's authorities presents no great difficulties, and the conclusions arrived at by Nissen in his masterly Untersuchungen have met with general acceptance.
It is interesting to note, in this connexion, that the increase of population diminished steadily, in the three decades under notice, within the area covered by the administrative county of London, which is only the central part of urban London (compare the population table of the great urban districts, below).
St Patrick himself in his Confession makes mention of monks in Ireland in connexion with his mission, but the few glimpses we get of the monastic life of the decades immediately following his death prove that the earliest type of coenobium differed considerably from that known at a later period.
Its growth for the three decades after the Civil War was very rapid.
Indeed the additions to the knowledge of the Niger during the last two decades of the 19th century were largely the work of French officers engaged in the extension of French influence throughout the western Sudan.
The increases of population by decades following 1860 were 326.5, 267.8, 134.1, 0.3, and 1 1 8%.
In the two decades 1880-1900 more patents were secured in Connecticut in proportion to its population than in any other state.
The most probable of the above dates appears to be that maintained by Fritzsche, that is, if we understand by the Maccabean times the early decades of the 2nd cent.
With an approximate date—or at least a year—and a first name, the chore would be infinitely easier than scouring decades for a nameless individual.
It's pretty easy to navigate after a few decades of trying.
He watched her stride to the door without following, heart heavy at what Kris.s lieutenant and his colleague of a few decades would soon discover.
Thankfully, treasured friendships forged over decades are not easily shaken by nasty innuendo.
It then considers implications for legal academia over the next two decades, based partly on various experiments in recent years.
The fall-out from a no-holds barred " kill your opponent " verbal altercation can last for decades.
Following many decades of uninterrupted tradition, many were asking that old question - what do anthropologists do?
Significantly, we have witnessed in the past decades a clear re-awakening of the feminine archetype.
This would have the effect of making the new hub economically attractive, at least in early decades.
These were people who had for decades formed the backbone of the SPD in the trade union movement.
Over the past two decades there has been a quiet revolution brewing.
This gradual buildup may explain why the disease takes decades to arise.
But the industry has the potential for accidental radiation releases and produces radioactive byproducts that require safe storage for decades.
I pointed out Pellicci's - our local 1920s caff which has been run by the Pellicci family for decades.
Methods The process of creating an equal area cartogram is not a trivial one, and has occupied researchers for decades.
For many decades it rests quietly in the damp cellars below sea level.
For decades, the USSR had dominated world chess.
The unfortunate fact is that working class consciousness in Britain is at a lower level than for decades.
They can be overly complicated, and people consider the prospect of their money being tied up for decades unattractive and inflexible.
The black grouse has been in serious decline over recent decades and it is now mostly confined to parts of the Scottish Highlands.
Over four decades later, their principles remain the cornerstone of every home we build.
Moreover, for decades, we have been prone to far greater swings in the economic cycle than our continental counterparts.
It demonstrates what drug law reformers have been saying for decades, that the war on drugs has failed and is often actively counterproductive.
A popular choice of designers for decades, granite countertops have now become popular with the public.
The Killing Leon is a small-time crook who's ridden his luck for three decades.
Supplies were kept up only by the introduction in recent decades of commercially cultivated gigas oysters.
They are young girls blazing a trail that will be followed by youth cultures for decades to come.
In a career spanning three decades, Jones has brought a wide range of keenly etched characters to the movie screen.
To spend decades on death row with only one way out execution.
It takes time to reverse decades of neglect and under-investment.
Without real reform the coming decades will see ever more pensioners drawing means tested benefits.
The main road to the far north west has been much improved over recent decades.
You haven't got very long a few decades at most, just a fleeting moment relative to eternity.
Are completely free off for insurers programfor decades the excessive jury awards.
In Scotland and Northern Ireland over the last two decades, unionism has become defeatist, defensive and apprehensive about the future.
Here is an extraordinarily gifted writer working his way inside a language that has dominated public discourse in the Republic for three decades.
The style is highly discursive, leap-frogging forward and backward across the decades, without ever sacrificing thrust or clarity.
Mean steak too since regular for decades francisco's mission Dolores.
The hazel dormouse, which has disappeared from many areas of the country in recent decades, is being restored to its historic habitats.
Each year we introduce dozens of new toys, yet many of our original designs have remained consistently popular for two decades.
In post-war Germany, the harsh realities of pure free-market economics were tempered by political concerns for decades.
It is not only church liberals who have felt embattled over recent decades.
He has employed a food taster for decades as did roman emperors of old.
A couple of decades ago it was radical environmentalists.
The only dreaded disease to have been totally eradicated is smallpox, which was wiped out more than two decades ago.
This is why the world oversupply of worthless corporate execs has caused executive pay to fall over the last few decades.
More about Garry... Garry has been actively involved in space exploration for more than three decades.
In fact there really have been some quite extensive changes over last few decades.
The scent, packaging design, and superb quality has eschewed fashion fads through the decades to arise as a veritable legend among fragrances.
The decades of the 1860s and 1870s were a particularly fecund period in both of these fields.
Global competition will become increasingly ferocious, with China's economy, alone, projected to triple in size over the next two decades.
A few decades ago a new design for tungsten filament lamps appeared on the scene.
Current uranium fission technologies could provide enough energy for a few decades.
Some cracks in old pipe can leak for decades causing large fissures running through the ground.
The first chancellor in more than two decades who speaks fluent English.
Within the wells of Celtic folklore, the mystery of Loch Ness has baffled scientists for decades.
All of these developments foreshadowed the expansion which took place on the estate over the next few decades.
I have come to my present position as a result of decades of debate with fellow freethinkers.
Instruction in this discipline has for decades been based on a few classic textbooks which until now have adequately fulfilled their purpose.
Over the last few decades the Nordic countries have consistently been the most Ge... .
Stories about ghostly goings-on at the Broad Street pub have been circulating for decades.
Assistant vise Florida kid care health insurance president the way to premiums for decades in which both.
Your signature frame will become a cherished family heirloom to be enjoyed for decades to come.
Herbal extracts have only been used in the last few decades, and are not usually recommended by medical herbalists.
Several countries have used military force with varying degrees of success over the last three decades to rescue hostages.
Based on the author's personal diary, the book has a startling immediacy which is complemented by reflections matured over three decades.
Now, after decades of steady increases, the number of bicycles on China's streets has begun to fall.
This is the idea that over the last few decades, less insolation has been reaching the earth's surface.
For example, the SWP became the fattest of the fake ' lefts ' via decades of the most reactionary anti-Soviet opportunism.
The secular term " burn-out " has entered the evangelical lexicon over the past two decades.
Morris Minor The Minor van formed the mainstay of the GPO's small van fleet for almost two decades.
The unique business practices which grew out of this successfully operated within a social market economy for several decades.
The incidence of both clinical and sub-clinical mastitis has fallen over recent decades.
With the passing of seven decades, the roadside memorial made of stone quarried at Verdun, had developed a dangerous list.
They found he had invented and suppressed evidence for decades, deliberately mistranslated some documents and selectively quoted from others.
What was for decades an unspeakable truth, has become the small change of Internet newsgroup banter.
New Styles developed by Picasso and others in the decades running up to World War II.
A mass of ex-slaves wandering around aimlessly for a few decades do not just become nomads!
Dundee United have come a very long way in four decades, progressing from comparative obscurity to become one of Scotland's foremost clubs.
That would keep the other orcs safe for decades to come.
First airing in 1967, Speed Racer has remained popular for decades, from its original.. .
Comparing early games with today's programs also shows the technological progress achieved during the last 4 decades.
Prostate cancer prostate cancer Prostate cancer tends to grow slowly and does not spread for many years or even decades.
Let's just hope all the main protagonists turn up to what could be the best race for decades!
It was decades before any concerted push for testimony was made and by then time had eroded its value.
It was the most powerful quake to hit the region in five decades.
State radio described it as the strongest quake to hit Taiwan in decades.
The action covers two days, but in memory many decades, for the members of this enormous family are wonderful raconteurs.
The CD sounds like a tape recording made many decades ago.
This has, in recent decades, become comparative religion.
Did it not also take decades for its academic respectability to be recognized?
It is this intention that links their works across the decades and which in turn transforms this exhibition into a museum quality retrospective.
Everything you always DIDN'T want to know about fluoride For decades the message that fluoride safely prevents tooth decay has been considered sacrosanct.
The Sahel has been affected by food security problems for several decades.
Much like the gradual seepage of power from Westminster to Brussels, Britain has been slipping beneath the waves for decades.
Even Helen Sharman, the British cosmonaut, believes that commercial spaceflight and space tourism will not be achieved for a number of decades.
The Jap engine in a variety of frames reigned the world for decades, modern speedway was born.
Many of the reorganizations and changes in the health service in the past three decades have been about structural realignments.
In military terms, America will remain the sole superpower for at least two decades.
The quintessential ladies man, welsh superstar Tom Jones has enjoyed a successful music career spanning five decades.
The band plays a wide repertoire of music featuring classic songs from past decades as well as the best of today's chart toppers.
Large bass may take several decades to grow and so once caught by trawlers they will not be replaced.
Yet many people are completely unaware of what lies ahead in the next few decades.
The revolutions of the decades around 1800 unleashed a new universalism which found its counterpart in the international movement to abolish slavery.
Who can predict what perils we may unwittingly unleash upon ourselves, without even realizing our mistake for years or decades?
Yet, despite growing interest over the decades, some aspects of the period remain largely unstudied.
The interrogation would have been a moment of truth in the case, a symbolic breakthrough after decades in which Pinochet was considered untouchable.
From this point of view, the nationalized planned economy in the USSR furnished proof of the most extraordinary vitality for decades.
In recent decades British governments have introduced some of the most stringent controls in the world to safeguard laboratory animal welfare.
For the past two decades, Addenbrooke's has managed an ever-increasing workload without major new building.
God knows how he does it, but the guy looks eternally youthful and has the energy of someone decades younger.
Abstract Millions of years of nature and four decades of synthetic effort have resulted in more than sixty known thermally stable aluminosilicate zeolites.
During the first three decades of the 1 9 th century it was overrun and depopulated by Kohan Beg and his son Murad Beg, chiefs of the Kataghan Usbegs of Kunduz.
The interdependence of the south Palestinian peoples follows from geographical conditions which are unchangeable, and the fuller light thrown upon the last decades of the 8th century B.C. illuminates the more fragmentary evidence elsewhere.
But in the South Atlantic and the South Central stateswhere agrictilture, mining and manufacturing have in recent decades become importantalthough the increase was very slight, the proportions were far above those of the other sections, both in 1880 and in 1900.
The decades, which were continued by Diogo do Couto, a more critical writer and a clear and correct stylist, must be considered the noblest historical monument of the century (see Barros).
Two world wars and decades of conflict had ravaged the continent.
Over the last few decades, the pioneering work of the community media activists has been largely recuperated by the hi-tech and media industries.
The reel-to-reel recordings were compiled over decades for studios such as Shepperton, Elstree and Pinewood.
Many same-sex couples will have been living together for several years or even decades.
The ' dying and arising savior gods ' of surrounding nations would have NO BEARING on the issue for the first couple of decades.
This section will consider sculpture commissioned and/or sited in the housing environment in the early post-war decades.
For decades the area has been blighted by sewer flooding during heavy rains, causing significant damage to local homes.
Two decades softball tournament organizer gary alan fine cyberspace is with.
A blues survivor, whose career spans over seven decades.
For your campers includes unlimited trips a squarish toe spent decades nurturing.
Reluctant squeaking barn doors moved today, possibly the first time for decades !
Aid does have positive effects on growth, yet aid donors have mysteriously overlooked this positive potential and allowed Africa to stagnate for decades.
However, the graveyard had fallen into a state of serious disrepair over the last few decades and has been closed since 1984.
Smallpox was eradicated worldwide by 1980, and the US stockpiles of vaccine are decades old.
The quintessential ladies man, Welsh superstar Tom Jones has enjoyed a successful music career spanning five decades.
To the right of Avalanche Records is a take-away food shop which, for decades, was a pet shop.
The only inn in the village for decades was a temperance hotel.
Indeed there are only eight lines constituting a thumbnail sketch of the first couple of decades of Mrs Cronin 's life.
Minimum tillage techniques have become popular over the recent decades due to the benefits they can bring to farm rotations.
The band plays a wide repertoire of music featuring classic songs from past decades as well as the best of today 's chart toppers.
Fry raised in the hatchery have been planted into the tributary rivers flowing into Loch Shin for several decades.
More than 500 years ago typographers created new ways to visually present written content in printed books within in a few decades.
But there was, throughout a large portion of those decades, also an undertone of sadness for the atrocities of the Vietnam War.
Decades of abuse in school dinners has lead to a tendency to undervalue what is prized where it is more scarce.
Mori was the most unpopular prime minister for decades.
The first decades of British independence seem to have brought an upturn in the economy.
Making a welcome return to Nottingham Playhouse, Phoenix Dance Theater presents a powerful triple bill spanning three decades of dance.
Economic problems The war in DR. Congo disrupted trade and farming, adding to economic woes caused by decades of dictatorship.
Across Suffolk, Exning workhouse chapel has during the last few decades been converted into an Anglican church.
The hallowed family tradition has been passed down for decades.
The hallowed familytradition has been passed down for decades.
Diaper bags have certainly evolved over the last couple of decades, and moms can now have a bag that is both trendy and practical.
With so many marriages ending in divorce, the amount of single parent homes has risen over the past few decades.
For many parents, a sense of false security has existed for decades.
For the past several decades since Korean War, Americans have adopted thousands of children from other parts of the world.
The incidence of twins has certainly seen an explosion in the last several decades.
Shower games have existed for decades, but putting a new spin on them will ensure that everybody goes home saying how much fun the baby shower was.
Nursing bras have come a long way in the past few decades, however, and you can find bras that are stylish and comfortable.
Because the Playtex brand has been a household favorite for several decades, it continues to be a trusted choice among moms today.
Investing in coins has been a popular hobby and lucrative source of income for decades.
A few decades ago the consumer went to the store and chose between two or three brands of tea bags and that was that.
On the other hand, if you want to buy a sturdy, well-constructed desk that may be with you for decades, consider more expensive models.
Egyptian cotton is especially soft and has been used in high-end sheets for decades.
Almost any toy that has survived two to three decades automatically becomes an antique.
Technics by Panasonic has delivered high-quality turntables for decades.
Making your own planes has remained relatively popular over the decades and with advances in technology for beginners, having a home-brew aircraft is within reach for most people.
It's possible to find crossword dictionaries decades old.
Accompanying Pepsi Throwback in its re-release in 2010 is Mountain Dew Throwback--also made with regular sugar--in a can that looks like it's from decades ago.
Consumer Reports is the gold standard of product reviews for consumers, with a website that is an extension of an offline business that has decades of experience helping shoppers get smarter.
The company has been publishing for over eight decades, using data directly from vehicle dealerships as source material.
Macintosh computers have been around for decades, but really obtained the shortened name in the early 2000's.
Introduced several decades ago, at first they were primarily worn by sportsmen.
In recent decades, the cavalcade of publicity garnered by celebrity pets has led the pet industry to expand, update and personalize merchandise for animals.
During the next few decades the Siamese cat was adored and was a regular favorite at cat shows around the United States.
In recent decades, there has been an outcry within the pet product industry regarding the safety of clay cat litter.
While comic books can be traced back several decades, this particular genre only attracted a select group of readers in the past.
Though it was originally published in 1961, it remains popular to this day and seems to have lost very little value or intrigue in the decades that have passed since its debut.
Like Judy Blume, Beverly Cleary is one of the best-known authors for elementary-school children, and nearly all of her books have endured for decades.
Many cold mixed drinks have been popular for decades, if not centuries.
In the past couple of decades, commercially-produced flavored syrups like Torani became widely available, and many key lime martini recipes nowcall forvanilla syrup rather than simple syrup.
The interesting thing about identity theft cases is that while they really started popping up in the news in the 2000s, this crime has actually been going on for decades.
So, even if you received your divorce decades ago, the court will still have your official records.
In response to the risks, professional divorce counselors and child advocates have spent decades establishing proven methods to both circumvent common problems and treat the issues that do arise.
At one time, discussions of individualism and independence were limited to history and social studies classes, but in the past few decades, people started using the term to explain just about any behavior imaginable.
With the right plans and a little more effort, you can build bunk beds that can be useful for decades instead of just a few years.
Maybe you want latex rubber foam, since it can last for decades.
Plastic tables have become common over the past few decades because of their low cost, portability, and easy cleanup.
The lawn furniture of the time was considered utilitarian, and kitschy in the decades following, but recently has found a dedicated base of fans.
The furniture that you think is hip and retro may be the old patio set that's been sitting in the basement for decades.
For decades Amish woodworkers have hand crafted beautiful furniture pieces known for their attention to fine details and high quality workmanship.
Knight Furniture has been in business for more than four decades.
For more than four decades consumers have been choosing Craftmatic beds as their bed of choice.
From politics to home design and car manufacturing, the environment has suffered considerably in recent decades.
Noise and water pollution are still risks to human and animal health despite decades of knowledge about them.
As the successful use of ethanol in Brazil continues, some experts predict that the demand for ethanol in the United States will continue to rise over the next two decades.
American houses have been trending ever larger the last few decades and this is clearly having an environmental impact.
People living in rural areas have been raising backyard chickens for decades without any trouble, but diseases like avian flu have raised a number of concerns, as has the possibility of salmonella.
Scientists have spent several decades studying global warming in an attempt to predict what changes will occur in the future and determine how man can slow or stop these changes from taking place.
But the reality is that if the planet continues to warm at the rate that has been documented in the last few decades, there could be very dire consequences.
Extreme heat waves are occurring twice as often now as they were 100 years ago, and scientists expect this rate to increase to 100 times as often over the next four decades.
The Energy Information Administration expects the use of renewable energy to increase over the next several decades.
Today's systems are far superior to those from decades ago.
This litter poses harmful environmental impacts with the added complication that plastic bags are resistant to decomposition and may persist for decades.
It isn't just the current generation that must deal with this massive crisis; it will be a challenge for future generations even if greater action is not taken over the next few decades.
Air pollution is still a major problem in third world countries while laws have been in place in the United States for several decades that have helped to curb air pollution from industry.
Used for decades on humans and animals alike, it's widely considered a safe topical treatment for minor wounds.
This means that these seasoned tables will have many decades of beautiful patina built upon their original finishes.
A tree lovingly decorated with handmade ornaments by the kids and overflowing with ornaments gathered over decades of shared Christmases is utterly charming and works in any home.
The rooster motif can be used in nearly any area of the house and its' popularity crosses cultures and decades.
Tiffany lamps are timeless decorative table lamps that have been delighting people for decades.
Like most architectural periods, modernism is a term that straddles a large variety of interiors that evolved over several decades.
A home that is several decades old was built in a different era, with different trends.
The movement emerged in the 1920s as a reaction to the Art Deco style and continued for decades.
Sherwin Williams has been a trusted source for home improvement for decades, so advice on Sherwin Williams paint colors given by their color experts is advice you can count on and trust.
The braided rug has come a long way over the decades and can be found made from all types of fabric from cotton to wool.
The result after cleaning half of the rug confirmed Karastan's reputation as a world leader in manufacturing elegant, machine made rugs that could withstand decades of traffic and still be restored to their original beauty.
These rugs are built to last for decades, but if you want your rug to stay looking like it does when it's brand-new, you will need to properly care for it.
Ralph Lauren is a designer who has defined American style of both men and women for over four decades.
Many women, who learned how to apply their makeup in the 1970s or 1980s, have never deviated from what they learned decades ago.
Though the practice of inserting color into the skin dates back to the days of Cleopatra, its acceptance as a beauty tool only came about in recent decades.
Ms. Erica Carr has been a freelance makeup artist for almost two decades, working in makeup artistry for film, television, print, and runway shows.
Caron Paris has been used by makeup artists for decades, meaning it is considered to be the best by many who work in the beauty and film industries.
An enchanting blend of cloves, plum, rose, cedarwood and more, it illustrates that certain scents resonate with women for decades.
During the '60s and '70s, she sported looks that were quintessentially representative of those decades.
The original perfume, Aromatics Elixir, has has celebrated nearly four decades of success.
Maybelline products have been used for decades to help women feel beautiful.
According to the company's website the brushes have been used by professional makeup artists around the world for decades.
McEvoy has been constantly improving her makeup line over the last few decades.
When fantasy football began decades ago, magazines were the only providers of the statistical data, for which team owners hunger.
In fact, fantasy football began decades ago in basements and bars across America, as a game with no fees and lots of fun.
Considering the popularity of Batman, even decades after the very first story came out in comic book format, it's very little surprise that Batman Internet games are as wildly popular as they are today.
People have enjoyed sitting around their living rooms watching this show and trying to solve the puzzles for decades.
The media portrayal of Catholicism is usually based upon the outdated, traditional practices of the Catholic laity throughout the last several decades.
Additionally, it doesn't have the decades of episodes to watch.
The idea to document life under the sea began decades ago by naturalists who wanted to share the joy and beauty of the deep with others.
Throughout the decades, Americans have come to think of spaghetti and meatballs and pizza as common Italian fare, however, the truth is, these dishes have been Americanized.
For decades, the Order of Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) has been involved in the promotion of educational excellence through scholarship programs.
Decades ago, our ancestors farmed their land and produced fresh and healthy crops.
Fortunately, with the boom in scrapbooking in the last two decades, it is no longer a challenge to attend a gathering of scrapbooking fans.
Fischer is a reputable company that has been around for many years and has been producing quality downhill and backcountry skis for decades.
This musical comedy has been entertaining the public for decades.
Popular decades for retro prom themes include the 1950s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.
While in past decades Christian teens were relegated to either a simple piece of cross jewelry or making their own shirts, today there are a tremendous amount of options in Christian t shirts for teens and young adults.
Some protest the loss of decades of school history, but with so many other options available, the trend is definitely toward changing to non-controversial mascots.
Corsages aren't as popular today as they were a few decades ago.
Proms based around decades like the 1950s, 1970s, and the 1980s are always popular.
Soy protein has been used by vegetarians and others for decades.
Sometimes, information as valuable as old marriage records is kept boxed in an attic (or possibly a basement) for decades until someone uncovers it.
The infamous engraved executive pen has been a stable gift for decades.
If the sentimental theme is not something you want to play upon, you could also go in another direction, like a classic rock song or dance hit from decades past.
Don't feel limited to the traditional white, several-tiered cakes that have been around for decades.
Mori Lee wedding dresses have been making brides gorgeous for almost 5 decades with their creative and beautiful wedding dress designs.
A couple who has been married for many decades can dispense words of wisdom regarding making love last a lifetime, ways to strengthen a marriage, or making it through hard times.
There are timeless themes that have been popular for decades while there are other themes that are based on pop culture.
The company has served the industry for decades, and along the way it has built a solid reputation as one of the most reliable in the United States.
The advances in textiles merged with technology over the last few decades have allowed quite a few specialty and novelty laces to be created.
Sculpted floral and other designs on chenille towels were popular in decades past and have a definitive vintage feel.
Although there are many places that sell new towels with a retro vibe, you can also browse auction sites for unused or lightly used towels that are actually from past decades of you want an authentic towel.
Wilton has taken decades of feedback from bakers, employees, and decorators and incorporated it into design and feature elements of the UltraGold pans.
What does it say about a country that has spent decades to fight for equal rights for women, only to require its newscasters to live up to the model-thin images that it expects from its entertainers?
Snoop Dogg is a hip hop legend, with a career that has spanned decades and withstood multiple arrests and personal reinventions.
George Foreman has been a household name for decades.
Over the next several decades, he helped acquire, revitalize or build several projects in New York City and around the country. also presents their review of red carpets from past decades.
Whether they are married or not, there are a few couples in Hollywood that have been together for years, decades even.
It is rumored that Oprah's favorite doctor, Dr. Mehmet Oz, will be getting his own show in the CBS timeslot filled by the Oprah Winfrey Show, for two and a half decades.
Most successful male actors have careers that span many decades, but more often than not there is one decade considered to be the defining one of their career.
Pacino - Another actor whose career spans several decades, but it was his role in 1972's The Godfather that started it all.
Gerald sat down with Oprah for an interview and before it got fully underway, he admitted to being "in denial" for three decades, followed by "I just want to say I'm sorry."
With decades of competition from classic and iconic actors, however, none of these spots are guaranteed.
Some have even managed to quit after smoking multiple packs of cigarettes a day for decades.
While the term "rockabilly" has been around for several decades, girl rockabilly clothes have only recently experienced resurgence in the fashion world.