Debby Sentence Examples
His " Debby," or his " dear child," as Franklin usually addressed her in his letters, received into the family, soon after her marriage, Franklin's illegitimate son, William Franklin (1729-1813), 2 with whom she afterwards quarrelled, and whose mother, tradition says, was Barbara, a servant in the Franklin household.
Also, info on " Songs of Joy " Christian children 's music - songbooks for children 's choirs and recording by Debby McElroy.
Love To Know College spoke with Upromise spokeswoman Debby Hohler about the Upromise programs, including scholarships and financial opportunities for students in the 2009-2010 academic year and beyond.
Debby Bark Optical provides this excellent website, also for the fashion conscious folding glasses buyer.
Debby Burk Optical has a nice selection of both types of lens.