Deals Sentence Examples
Though I could always wait until tomorrow, after Darkyn deals with you.
Xander started forward once more, determined to interfere, deals and choices be damned.
When it deals with matters involving larger sums an appeal lies to the courts of appeal.
You should not make deals, until you learn how, Zamon said sternly.
As I learned, my deals hold the same power of enforcement as his.
I won't make any deals this trip if you teach me how when I return.
You will soon learn that those who lose deals with me are a desperate lot.
Deals made while the negotiator is distracted or emotional are easier to win, he said.
I take it the distraction won't work on you in our private deals.
I don't expect them or anyone else to make deals with you for me, she said, hurt as much by his words as the thought that there was no one outside of Hell who wished her well.
AdvertisementWas this how Darkyn knew how to make deals?
I can't make deals.
I am forbidden from creating deals with material outcomes.
You make no deals with anyone aside from our private deals.
I don't lose deals, Wynn.
AdvertisementHell ran off deals, but Wynn's life was already in enough trouble without incurring another debt on behalf of a woman who had no hope of ever escaping Hell.
They were more alike than Deidre realized; they both sought out Darkyn for quiet deals they hoped would result in ending up with Gabriel.
Her way involved deals with Darkyn and lying to Gabriel.
Show me the deals past-Death and my mate made with the Dark One within the past year.
Darkyn doesn't lose deals.
AdvertisementHe liked trying to get a rise out of her, and he really did want to know where they stood in her mind and whether or not he had to worry about her running off to make more deals with Darkyn.
Even his lingering doubt about the real cost of her deals with Darkyn didn't extend to the question of whether or not he was meant to be with the woman in his arms.
I know you have a secret and made deals with the Dark One.
I can't read her mind or find all the deals in the Oracle.
There was more to the story of their deals.
AdvertisementInstead, he reviewed what little he'd learned from Darkyn about the deals Deidre made and the issue of his death-dealers.
What other deals were in place that Gabriel didn't fully know about?
In desperation, the goddess made a series of deals with the former Dark One, Fate, Darkyn and others to alter the series of events that might see her with anyone but Gabriel.
Never mind both women had not only betrayed his trust to make deals with Darkyn, but would soon both have their souls owned by the Dark One.
She suspected both meeting the clan heads and the announcement to be big deals for a people with such rigid traditions, but A'Ran looked as if he were discussing the whereabouts of her translator.
Arthur never deals with the peons.
The word is, they've been on the fringes of some deals.
This treatise is in two books, dedicated to Dositheus, and deals with the dimensions of spheres, cones, "solid rhombi" and cylinders, all demonstrated in a strictly geometrical method.
Palgrave's most important work is his History of Normandy and England, which appeared in four volumes (London 1851-1864), and deals with the history of the two countries down to 1101.
In his lecture on Human Immortality (3rd ed., 1906), Professor William James deals with " two supposed objections to the doctrine."
The award of the court is thus the equivalent of the determination of a special board in Victoria, and deals with the same questions, the most important of which are the minimum rates of wages and the number of working hours per week.
The `EAXnvucwv OEpairEvruo lraen,uhTwv (De Curandis Graecorum Affectionibus) - written before 438 - is of an historical and apologetic character, very largely indebted to Clement of Alexandria and Eusebius; it aims at showing the advantages of Christianity as compared with " the moribund but still militant " Hellenism of the day, and deals with the assaults of pagan adversaries.
This history begins at the time of the council of Clermont, deals with the fortunes of the first crusade and the earlier history of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem, and ends somewhat abruptly in 11 21.
The Code deals with a class of persons devoted to the service .of a god, as vestals or hierodules.
The earliest commentator of note was Sir Edward Coke, who published his Second Institute, which deals with Magna Carta, by order of the Long Parliament in 1642.
It deals with-the secular crimes of spiritual persons, if of importance and if not capital (these last being reserved for the secular forum), and with heresy and schism.
In his later writings he deals with modern society, its vices, ideals and perils; yet in many essentials he is a manifest disciple of Calderon.
Geomorphology is the part of geography which deals with terrestrial relief, including the submarine as well as the subaerial portions of the crust.
Their literature, with which alone we are here concerned, is largely polemical and to a great extent deals with grammar and exegesis.
In 1866 he published Une troupe de comediens, and afterwards Essai sur la restauration de nos monuments historiques devant fart et devant le budget, which deals particularly with the restoration of the cathedral of Evreux.
The first, De Sancta Trinitate, is addressed to Symmachus (Domino Patri Symmacho), and the result of the short discussion, which is of an abstract nature, and deals partly with the ten categories, is that unity is predicated absolutely, or, in regard to the substance of the Deity, trinity is predicated relatively.
The history of the two kingdoms is contained in Kings and the later and relatively less trustworthy Chronicles, which deals with Judah alone.
The article Fisheries deals with the subject from the economic and commercial point of view, and Angling with the catching of fish as a sport.
Weeks deals with the religious history in his Religious Development in the Province of North Carolina (Baltimore, 1892), Church and State in North Carolina (Baltimore, 1893) and Southern Quakers and Slavery (Baltimore, 1896); he is anti-Anglican, but judicial.
It deals with "the means and instruments of obtaining every virtue, and the remedies against every vice, and considerations serving to the resisting all temptations, together with prayers containing the whole Duty of a Christian."
With the principles of private morals he really deals only so far as is necessary to enable the reader to appreciate the impulses which have to be controlled by law.
Here, too, he composed his first work, which deals with the period to which most of his life was to be devoted, Geschichte der romanischen and germanischen Volker 1494-1514 (Berlin, 1824).
He belonged to the school of Thucydides and Gibbon, not to that of Macaulay and Taine; he deals by preference with the rulers and leaders of the world, and he strictly limits his field to the history of the state, or, as we should say, political history; and in this he is followed by Seeley, one of the greatest of his adherents.
The great work by which he is known is a "Universal History," but it deals more particularly with the history of the Arabs of Spain and Africa.
This is in three books and deals with Frankish history from the fabulous reign of Pharamond, king of the Franks, to A.D.
The two earlier books are scarcely more than a copy of the Gesta regum Francorum, but the third book, which deals with the period from 814 to 1028, is of considerable historical importance.
Gregorovius's Lucrezia Borgia (Stuttgart, 1874) contains a great deal of information on the Borgia family; P. Villari's Machiavelli (English translation, new ed., 1892) deals with the subject at some length.
Eratosthenes is the author of a treatise which deals systematically with the geographical knowledge of his time, but of which only fragments have been preserved by Strabo and others.
He was he deals with the principles of mathematical geography, map projections, and sources of information with special reference FIG.
Among these may be mentioned Konrad Miller's Die ¢ltesten Weltkarten (Stuttgart, 1895-1897), which only deals with maps not influenced by the ideas of Ptolemy.
A short account of the history of each branch will be found in connexion with the article which deals with it.
In it he deals with ecclesiastical jurisdiction, penances, indulgences, crusades and pilgrimages, vows, excommunication, the pope and the council, marriage and divorce.
The first part of this memoir, which was probably compiled about 670, deals with the saint's work in Meath, the second with his activity in Connaught.
The first portion deals with Patrick's career down to his arrival in Ireland and contains an unvarnished statement of fact.
The freezing point curve usually lies below the electrical one, but approaches it as dilution is increased.2 Returning once more to the consideration of the first relation, which deals with the comparison between the number of ions and the number of pressure-producing particles in dilute solution, one caution is necessary.
Twentieth-Century Impressions of Natal (London, 1906) deals with the peoples, commerce, industries and resources of the colony; the Census of the Colony of Natal, April 1904 (Maritzburg, 1905) contains a large amount of authoritative information; The Natal Almanac is a directory and yearly register published at Maritzburg.
The algebras discussed up to this point may be considered as independent in the sense that each of them deals with a class of symbols of quantity more or less homogeneous, and a set of operations applying to them all.
The rest deals with the events of the war (67-73) which fell more or less within his own knowledge.
The first series of forty homilies is devoted to plain and direct exposition of the chief events of the Christian year; the second deals more fully with church doctrine and history.
This History of the Puritans deals with the time between the Reformation and 1689; the first volume appearing in 1732, and the fourth and last in 1738.
The County Council deals directly with matters where uniformity of administration is essential, e.g.
It deals with Abraham's reluctance to die and the means by which his death was brought about.
James assigns to the 10th or rlth century, deals with the subject of intercession for sinners and Sedrach's unwillingness to die.
Charavay, L'Assemblee electorale de Paris en 1790 et 1791 (Paris, 1890); and Agenor Bardoux, La Duchesse de Duras (Paris, 1898), the beginning of which deals with Kersaint, whose daughter married Amedee de Duras.
He wrote also an introduction to Miss Ffoulkes's translation of Morelli's Italian Painters (1892-1893), and edited that part of Murray's Handbook of Rome (1894) which deals with pictures.
It deals in 32 chapters with ecclesiastical usages, churches, altars, prayers, bells, pictures, baptism and the Holy Communion.
The whole book, in fact, deals with such things as were with God "in the beginning."
His history (1st ed., Capolago, 1834), which deals with the reigns of Charles III.
The present article chiefly deals with publications devoted to general literature, literary and critical reviews and magazines for the supply of miscellaneous reading.
The first deals with mere party questions without sincerity and without depth; and the second, composed as an amusement in retirement without any serious preparation, in their attacks on metaphysics and theology and in their feeble deism present no originality and carry no conviction.
The name thermodynamics is given to that branch of the general science of Energetics which deals with the relations between thermal and mechanical energy, and the transformations of heat into work, and vice versa.
Professor Flinders Petrie, in his Huxley Lecture for 1906 on Migrations (reprinted by the Anthropological Institute), deals with the mutations and movements of races from an anthropological standpoint with profound knowledge and originality.
He published also an autobiography entitled Von Magdeburg nach Konigsberg (1873), which deals with his life up to the time of his settlement at Konigsberg.
It deals with the Bible as the final appeal in controversy, the doctrines of God, man, sin, the Incarnation, the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, " both the Son of man and the Son of God," the work of the Holy Spirit, justification by faith, the perpetual obligation of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, final judgment, the law of Christian fellowship. The same principles have been lucidly stated in the Evangelical Free Church catechism.
One of these problems, illustrated by experiment, deals with an ingenious mode of propelling vessels by the reaction of water ejected from the stern.
But the last of these was part of a much wider struggle by land, known to Continental historians as the Dutch War of 1672-78, and the second part of this article deals with their struggle on the various frontiers of France, which was illustrated by the genius of Turenne and Conde.
Oceanography is the science which deals with the ocean, and since the ocean forms a large part of the earth's surface oceanography is a large department of geography.
Like geography, oceanography may be viewed in two different ways, and is conveniently divided into general oceanography, which deals with phenomena common to the whole ocean, and special oceanography, which has to do with the individual characteristics of the various divisions of the ocean.
Eadmer left a large number of writings, the most important of which is his Historiae novorum, a work which deals mainly with the history of England between 1066 and 1122.
The second part deals with chronological and mathematical questions, and has been of great service in determining the principal epochs of ancient history.
The Aristotelian dialectic, however, deals with the universal laws (Kocval apxai) of reasoning, which can be applied to the particular arguments of all the sciences.
He deals, on the contrary, almost exclusively with the social, financial, educational, industrial and general moral problems of the day.
The Boston stock exchange is the second of the country in the extent of the securities in which it deals.
It has to be established on the Roman Catholic side that faith (or dogma; the two are inseparable) deals with divine truths historically revealed long ago but now administered with authority, according to God's will, by the church.
It might, therefore, be described as that branch of mathematics which deals with formulae for calculating the numerical measurements of curved lengths, areas and volumes, in terms of numerical data which determine these measurements.
Similarly, analytical plane geometry deals with the curve described by a point moving in a particular way, while analytical plane mensuration deals with the figure generated by an ordinate moving so that its length varies in a particular manner depending on its position.
The money is lent by an official board, which deals with applications and manages the finance of the system.
The prologue may not be historical; but it is to be presumed that it deals with historical possibilities, and is good evidence thus far.
His efforts are chiefly devoted to proving that the condemnation of the elder Oppianicus was just and in no way the result of the jury having been bribed by Cluentius; only a small portion of the end of the speech deals with the specific charge.
The former of these sections deals with the power of the court, the latter with the power of the parties to a reference, to appoint an arbitrator in certain circumstances.
It also deals with the accounts of harbours, lighthouses and mercantile marine offices, and of the merchant seamen's fund, and with the consuls' accounts for disabled seamen abroad.
This council deals with the property, patronage and all other ecclesiastical matters.
But each parish elects its own council for parochial affairs, which has a legal status and deals with such matters as the ecclesiastical assessments.
Of the books relating to the Polish Vasas the most notable is Szajnocha's Two Years of our History, 1646-1648 (Lemberg, 1865), which deals exhaustively with the little-known but remarkable attempt (the last practical attempt of its kind) of Ladislaus IV.
This Epitoma vitae Roberti regis, which is probably part of a history of the abbey of Fleury, deals rather with the private than with the public life of the king, and its value is not great either from the literary or from the historical point of view.
This result having been attained, he passed the rest of his days in retirement, emerging sometimes from his retreat to give addresses on theological questions, and also writing, in conjunction with his friend Reusch, his last book, Geschichte der Moralstreitigkeiten in der romisch-katholischen Kirche seit dem sechzehnten Jahrhundert mit Beitragen zur Geschichte and Charakteristik des Jesuitenordens (Nordlingen, 188 9), in which he deals with the moral theology of St Alfonso de' Liguori.
The book of Job deals with a problem of human life; in modern phraseology it is a work of religious philosophy.
Evelyn's Diary covers more than half a century (1640-1706) crowded with remarkable events, while Pepys only deals with a few years of Charles II.'s reign.
The first or theoretical part deals with the high origin of the human soul, and shows how it has departed from its first estate.
The former is based on the Epistle to the Romans, and deals with the religious life as (I) Repentance, (2) Faith, (3) Love.
The last book of the Laws of Manu deals with karmaplialam, " the fruit of karma," and gives many curious details of the way in which sin is punished and merit rewarded.
This last conception lay beyond the horizon of Caesar, as of all ancient statesmen, but his first act on gaining control of Italy was to enfranchise the Transpadanes, whose claims he had consistently advocated, and in 45 B.C. he passed the Lex Julia Municipalis, an act of which considerable fragments are inscribed on two bronze tables found at Heraclea near Tarentum.3 This law deals inter alia with the police and the sanitary arrangements of the city of Rome, and hence it has been argued by Mommsen that it was Caesar's intention to reduce Rome to the level of a municipal town.
The lord mayor is clerk of the markets and supervises weights and measures and deals with cases of adulteration.
There is also a special tribunal called the court of claims, which deals with the claims of private persons against the Federal government.
The fourth book deals with the circle in its relations to inscribed and circumscribed triangles, quadrilaterals and regular polygons.
Formerly, the logs were shipped as square timber, but now almost always in the form of deals, planks or laths; such square timber as is still shipped goes almost entirely to Great Britain.
The second poem is the sequel to Ipomedon, and deals with the wars and subsequent reconciliation between Ipomedon's sons, Daunus, the elder, lord of Apulia, and Protesilaus, the younger, lord of Calabria.
In the part which deals with the period before 1186, it is true, there are various mistakes, due to the author's ignorance of contemporary history, but these slight blemishes are amply atoned for by the literary value of the work.
Its mode of operation is to work out the matters it deals with during the intervals between the sessions, in permanent commissions, among which the whole domain of international law is divided up. The commissions, under the direction of their rapporteurs or conveners, prepare reports and proposals, which are printed and distributed among the members some time before the plenary sittings at which they are to be discussed.
It is therefore nothing more than a literary accident that the term has been applied to that department or discipline of philosophy which deals with first principles.
The extent to which these two attitudes have been combined or separated is discussed in the ensuing article which deals with the various schools of modern metaphysics in relation to the principles of the Aristotelian " first philosophy."
The first part of the epistle deals generally with magnetic attractions and repulsions, with the polarity of the stone, and with the supposed influence of the poles of the heavens upon the poles of the stone.
This incomplete history in six books was written after 787 and deals with the story of the Lombards from 568 to the death of King Liutprand in 747.
The cardinal prefect, aided by the secretariate, deals with the ordinary business, only important matters being submitted for the consideration of the general meeting.
It deals with all questions of doctrine and with the repression of heresy, together with those crimes which are more or less of the character of heresy.
It deals with dispensations for marriages, ordinations, &c., concessions with regard to the mass, the communion, &c.
Under the same cardinal prefect is found that section of the Propaganda which deals with matters concerning oriental rites (Congregatio specialis pro negotiis ritus Orientalis), the object of which is indicated by its name.
Professor Kirsopp Lake has (1903) written four valuable articles (Journal of Theological Studies, iv., v.) on "The Greek monasteries of South Italy"; he deals in detail with their scriptoria and the dispersal of their libraries, a matter of much interest, in that some of the chief collections of Greek MSS.
Each bishop now deals with the Ethiopians in his own diocese.
It deals chiefly with the struggles of the Byzantine army, under the command of the eunuch Narses, against the Goths, Vandals, Franks and Persians.
The second part deals with those judgments which rest upon the formal elements of experience, space and time.
The second period includes the Genoese crusading exploits in the East, and extends to their victory over the Pisans (c. 1130), while the third reaches down to the days of the author's archbishopric. The sixth part deals with the constitution of the city, the seventh and eighth with the duties of rulers and citizens, the ninth with those of domestic life.
The eleventh contains the lives of all the bishops in order, and includes the chief events during their pontificates; the twelfth deals in the same way with the archbishops, not forgetting the writer himself.
His version of the old Greek stories entitled The Heroes, and Water-babies and Madam How and Lady Why, in which he deals with popular natural history, take high rank among books for children.
This office, not to be confused with the Reiclzsgericht (supreme legal tribunal of the empire) in Leipzig, deals principally with the drafting of legal measures to be submitted to the Reichstag.
The imperial railway board (Reichseisenbahnamt), the chief official of which has the title of president, deals exclusively with the management of the railways throughout the empire, in so far as they fall under the control of the imperial authorities in respect of laws passed for their harmonious interworking, their tariffs and the safety of passengers conveyed.
In every district of the Oberlandesgerichi, the Rechtsanlvdlte are formed into an Anwaltkammer (chamber of advocates), and the council of each chamber, sitting as a court of honor, deals with and determines matters affecting the honor of the profession.
The present article deals mainly with the third group, to which the title "Clementine literature" is usually confined, owing to the stress laid upon it in the famous Tubingen reconstruction of primitive Christianity, in which it played a leading part; but later criticism has lowered its importance as its true date and historical relations have been progressively ascertained.
Further, it discusses, as Hort observes, certain indestructible problems which much early Christian theology passes by or deals with rather perfunctorily; and it does so with a freshness and reality which, as we compare the original 3rd-century basis with the conventional manner of the Epitome, we see to be not unconnected with origin in an age as yet free from the trammels of formal orthodoxy.
Warden's Account of the Private Life and Public Services of Salmon Portland Chase (Cincinnati, 1874) deals more fully with Chase's private life.
The chief of these, extant in a longer and a shorter version, is called The book of that which is in the Nether World (familiarly known as the Am Dual) and deals with the journey of the sun during the twelve hours of the night.
There are 126 such local judges, each of whom deals with all kinds of cases arising in his district, and is also at the head of the police.
It deals with the history of the Church down to 1400, and considering the time at which it was written it is a remarkable monument to the scholarship of its authors.
The treatise chiefly deals with the capture of the hare; in the author's day the approved method was to find the hare in her form by the use of dogs; when found she was either driven into nets previously set in her runs or else run down in the open.
It places this question of "soul" at the head of all the points it deals with, and devotes to it an amount of space quite overshadowing all the rest s So also in the earliest Buddhist book later than the canon - the very interesting and suggestive series of conversations between the Greek king Menander and the Buddhist teacher Nagasena.
His poetry deals, it is true, with the human passions, but the emotion is always seen as in a picture; he is more concerned with the attitude of the group than with the realization of a character.
Deals are similar pieces 9 in.
Battens are similar to deals, but not more than 7 in.
The unanimous recognition on the part of all biblical scholars that the Old Testament cannot be taken as it stands as a trustworthy account of the history with which it deals, necessitates a hypothesis or, it may be, a series of hypotheses, which shall enable one to approach the more detailed study of its history and religion.
The geology of the Himalayas being described elsewhere (see Himalayas), the following account deals only with the IndoGangetic plain and the Peninsula.
The money-lender deals chiefly in grain and in specie.
Dialectic then, though it may prove to be the ultimate method of establishing principles in philosophy, 5 starts from probable and conceded premises, 6 and deals with them only in The the light of common principles such as ma be reason g p p y ably appealed to or easily established against challenge.
Liard, Les Logiciens Anglais Contemporains (5th ed., 1907), deals only with the 19th-century inductive and formal-symbolic logicians down to Jevons, to whom the book was originally dedicated.
Gardthausen, Augustus and seine Zeit (2 vols., Leipzig, 1891-1904), which deals with all aspects of Augustus's life, vol.
There is, in fact, only one attempt known to the present writer to which the student can be referred as proceeding upon thoroughly scientific lines, that of Professor Alf Torp in Indogermanische Forschungen (1895), v., 195, which deals fully with the two inscriptions just mentioned, and practically sums up all that is either certain or probable in the conjectures of his predecessors.
The mountains of North Borneo are more particularly referred to in the portion of this article which deals with that territory.
Accounts of the Malays, Dyaks and Bugis are given under their several headings, and some information concerning the Dusuns and Muruts will be found in the section below, which deals with British North Borneo.
The proof deals with each symbol separately; as might be expected of its author, it is both scholarly and ingenious, but, it must be admitted, not very convincing.
The part of the Prolegomena which deals with the original form of the Homeric poems occupies pp. xl.
They dealt with them in the way the white race usually deals with the coloured race - they kept them socially apart.
The present article deals solely with wine derived from the grape (see Vine) .
The district is highly fertile, and the town deals largely in fruit, and milletstalks for brooms, as well as in wool, silk, honey and truffles.
Of the sciences, physics, as has been already seen, deals with the efficient and material, i.e.
In The Man of the Mask (1908) Monsignor Barnes, while briefly dismissing Mr Lang's identification with Martin, and apparently not realizing the possibility of reading Louvois's letter of July 19, 166 9, as indicated above 1 deals in detail with the history of James de la Cloche, the natural son of Charles II.
The first deals with the prehistoric period of the world, before the rise of religion; the second was to be an endeavour to deduce a universal law from known historical facts; the third to sketch the ultimate state of perfection to which humanity is moving.
The second book, from 397 to 511, deals with the invasions of the Franks, and is based on the histories of Sulpicius Alexander and Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus, now lost; on the catalogues of the bishops of Clermont and Tours; on some lives of saints, e.g.
The spiritual aspect of things is now the main topic. The poet deals less with incident, and more with the moral significance of the nation's sufferings.
Scripture deals, he maintains, in none but the simplest precepts, nor does it aim at anything beyond the obedient mind; it tells nought of the divine nature but what men may profitably apply to their lives.
Ctesias (q.v.) possesses a more precise acquaintance with Persian views and institutions than Herodotus; and, where he deals with matters that came under his own cognisance, he gives much useful information.
The committee on ways and means deals with taxation, and the committee on appropriations with expenditure.
The present article (1) deals with that part of Africa as a whole, (2) outlines the constitution of the British possessions forming the Union of South Africa, and (3) summarizes the history of the country from the time of its discovery by Europeans.
A South African Customs Statistical Bureau, which deals with the external trade of British South Africa,' was established in July 1905.
Lappenberg's most important work is his Geschichte von England, which deals with the history of England from the earliest times to 1154, and was published in two volumes at Hamburg in 1834-1837.
Of the three divisions logic is the least important; ethics is the outcome of the whole, and historically the all-important vital element; but the foundations of the whole system are best discerned in the science of nature, which deals pre-eminently with the macrocosm and the microcosm, the universe and man, including natural theology and an anthropology or psychology, the latter forming the direct introduction to ethics.
As might be expected from the nature of the sacrifice with which it deals, iv.
The first part of this article deals with the general scientific aspects of the subject, while a second part is concerned with the medical aspects.
A branch of bacteriology which offers numerous problems of importance is that which deals with the organisms so common in milk, butter and cheese.
The official life of King Charles, mainly his own composition, Aus dem Leben KOnig Karls von Rumdnien (Stuttgart, 1894-1900, 4 vols.), deals mainly with political history.
Charles's commentary, The Book of Jubilees or the Little Genesis (1902), which deals exhaustively with all the questions treated in this article.
Collins indicates the possible extent to which the Jews may have been indebted to Chaldeans and Egyptians for their theological views, especially as great part of the Old Testament would appear to have been remodelled by Ezra; and, after dwelling on the points in which the prophecies attributed to Daniel differ from all other Old Testament predictions, he states the greater number of the arguments still used to show that the book of Daniel deals with events past and contemporaneous, and is from the pen of awriter of theMaccabean period, a view now generally accepted.
This work, which deals with the history of France from 1300 to 1316, contains 7918 verses, and is valuable as that of a writer who had a personal knowledge of many of the events which he relates.
The year of the birth of Bartos is uncertain, but it is known that he died in 1539 The somewhat later work of Sixt of Ottersdorf (1500-1583) deals with a short but very important episode in the history of Bohemia.
A manuscript distich, which was found in the Toulouse library, deals with the death of an infant named Theodule, whose country was Lyons and his father Rabelais, but we know nothing more about the matter.
He is much less of a mere mocker than Lucian, and he is entirely destitute, even when he deals with monks or pedants, of the ferocity of Swift.
The first is the De fautoribus hereticorum, and deals with the pope as arbiter in the matter of heresy.
Every science which deals with human phenomena is in a way an implement in this great factory system, in which the past is welded together again.
Geographical usage confines to the southern part of the island of Great Britain the name commonly given to the great insular power of western Europe.1 In this restricted sense the present article deals with England, the predominant partner in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, both as containing the seat of government and in respect of extent, population and wealth.
The second part of the act deals with unhealthy dwellinghouses, and requires the urban district council to take steps for the closing of any dwelling-houses within their district which are unfit for human habitation.
The third part of the act deals with what is called in the act working-class lodging-houses.
It is distinguished from ethnology, which is devoted to the study of man as a racial unit, and from ethnography, which deals with the distribution of the races formed by the aggregation of such units.
The first of these sense-divisions deals only with narratives regarding the reign of Nebuchadrezzar and his supposed son Belshazzar, while the second section consists exclusively of apocalyptic prophecies.
But the most interesting part of the investigation is concerned with the latter half of the story, which deals with the trial.
It is evident, however, that if logic deals with conceptions which may be considered constitutive of knowledge as such, and if ethics deals with the harmonious realization of human life, which is the highest known form of existence, both sciences must have a great deal of weight in the settling of the general question of metaphysics.
The first of these deals with the notion of duty, and endeavours to define the good or the ultimate end of action; the second lays out the scheme of concrete duties which are deducible from, or which, at least, are covered by, this abstractly stated principle.
The most important part of it is that which deals with metres, based on the work of Caesius Bassus, ' See Ep. ad Fam.
A charter of Offa, king of Mercia (785), deals with the conveyance of certain land to the monastery of St Peter; and King Edgar restored the church, clearly defining by a charter dated 951 (not certainly genuine) the boundary of Westminster, which may be indicated in modern terms as extending from the Marble Arch south to the Thames and east to the City boundary, the former river Fleet.
The pseudo-Solomonic Book of Wisdom (generally supposed to be the work of an Alexandrian flourishing somewhere between Aristobulus and Philo) deals both with the Wisdom and with the Logos.
P. Greswell's Geography of Africa south of the Zambesi (Oxford, 1892) deals specially with Cape Colony; the Illustrated Official Handbook of the Cape and South Africa (Cape Town, 1893) includes chapters on the zoology, flora, productions and resources of the colony.
The present article deals mainly with the principles of the subject, for which a logical arrangement is on the whole the more convenient.
A simple class of cases is that which deals with equivalence of sums of money in different currencies; these cases really come under § 120.
Dewey (1895), contains valuable suggestions (some of which have been utilized in the present article), but it deals only with number as the measure of quantity, and requires to be read critically.
It was never finished and deals only with one-third of the book, but it is recognized as the first really scientific commentary on the Old Testament in the English language.
The latter has for its province the preparation, collection and identification of gases, and the volume relations in which they combine; in general it deals with specific properties.
Lyons, A Report on the Island and Temples of Philae (Cairo, 1896), with numerous plans and photographs; a seco!.d report, A Report on the Temples of Philae (1908), deals with the condition of the ruins as affected by the immersions occasioned by the filling of the Assuan dam; Baedeker's Egypt; and on the effects of the submersion, &c., reports in Annales du service des antiquite's, vols.
One (Yoma, " the day ") deals exclusively with the rites which were to be observed on the great day of expiation or atonement; the other (Taanith, " fast ") is devoted to the other fasts, and See Judith viii.
He deals both with good and bad spirits; he also performs sacrifices and procures oracles.
Like him, armed with bow and arrows, she deals death to mortals, sometimes gently and suddenly, especially to women, but also as a punishment for offences against herself or morality.
We learn little from Locke as to the rationale of the probabilities on which man thus depends when he deals with the past, Te the distant or the future.
The present article deals with the progress of the Revolution itself from the convocation of the states-general to the coup d'etat of the 18th Brumaire which placed Napoleon Bonaparte in power.
The conception of a normal harmony between the higher and lower elements of human life has begun to be disturbed, and the side of Plato's teaching that deals with the inevitable imperfections of the world of concrete experience becomes again prominent.
Consequently the facts of moral development imply with the emergence of human consciousness the appearance of something qualitatively different from the facts with which physiology for instance deals, imply a stratum as it were in development which no examination of animal tissues, no calculation of consequences with regard to the preservation of the species can ever satisfactorily explain.
His accounts of the genesis of the conceptions of obligation and responsibility as of most of the ultimate conceptions with which moral philosophy deals will be accepted or rejected to the extent to which the main contention concerning the psychological basis of ethics commends itself to the reader.
He begins by finding an ultimate opposition between the instincts of self-assertion and instincts which secure the production and protection of the coming generation even in the infra-ethical world with which biology deals.
It deals especially with law, and contains the pith and the moral of all early Icelandic history.
The saga of Thorgils Skardi (1252-1261) seems to have been the first of his works on Icelandic contemporary history; it deals with the life of his own nephew, especially his career in Iceland from 1252 to 1258.
There is also a state council which deals with various legal and financial matters.
In this work, which furnishes a valuable if prejudiced description of life in 5th-century Gaul, Salvian deals with the same problem that had moved the eloquence of Augustine and Orosius.
The second trope deals with the validity of proof; the proof of one so-called fact depends on another fact which itself needs demonstration, and so on ad infinitum.
It deals with practical details.
The moral process is accomplished by the various sections of humanity in their individual spheres, and the doctrine of virtue deals with the reason as the moral power in each individual by which the totality of moral products is obtained.
The specific feature of Christianity is its mediatorial element, its profound feeling of the striving of the finite individual to reach the unity of the infinite whole, and its conception of the way in which Deity deals with this effort by mediatorial agencies, which are both divine and human.
The chamber deals with religion, education, justice and certain strictly provincial affairs, but even within this limited sphere all its important enactments must be countersigned by the minister for Croatia-Slavonia, a member, without portfolio, of the Hungarian cabinet.
In the early part of his residence at Peking, when enjoying constant intercourse with scholars of high position, Ricci brought out the T'ien-chu shih-i, or "Veritable Doctrine of the Lord of Heaven," which deals with the divine character and attributes under eight heads.
The first of these three points of view deals with the form or idea as self-contained in the principles of its own being, apart from those connexions and distinctions which it receives in real (sensuous) science, and through the act of intellect.
Ethics, which is but one branch of aesthetics, although the chief, deals with such relations among volitions (Willensverheiltnisse) as thus unconditionally please or displease.
The town lies in a fertile plain and deals in rice, trepang and pina.
The first book deals with the generation of the three conics; the second with the asymptotes, axes and diameters; the third with various metrical relations between transversals, chords, tangents, asymptotes, &c.; the fourth with the theory of the pole and polar, including the harmonic division of a straight line, and with systems of two conics, which he shows to intersect in not more than four points; he also investigates conics having single and double contact.
It deals, that is, with events and with their causes, and aims at an accurate record and explanation of ascertained facts.
It is to the value and variety of his matter, to his critical insight, breadth of view and wide research, and not least to the surpassing importance and interest of the period with which he deals, that Polybius owes his place among the writers of history.
Makes people horrible deals that screw them over for eternity?
I keep our histories, record bloodlines, manage the deals that come in.
In a place that operated on rigged deals where demons didn't seem to lose, she was certain anything she asked Darkyn for was going to cost her.
Two, there will be no official deals between you and me.
It'll give you an advantage in deals with him.
I offered Wynn and Past-Death deals for your safety.
I can assess that you would make deals for them.
He was a brutal disciplinarian with no more mercy for his demons than he showed humans who lost deals.
She spoke carefully, aware no one knew about her private agreement with Darkyn that disallowed her ability to make deals.
Seeing Past-Death, it was hard to remember that the human with the mussed hair and tear-reddened eyes had spent thousands of years cultivating deals.
At the Caribbean Sanctuary, Fate watched the Oracle record the latest batch of deals made between deities.
He honored nothing but laws from the time-before-time, deals he made and the occasional Demon Laws, which he authored.
Relief was forefront in Deidre's mind and the acknowledgment she'd gotten damn lucky that the demon lord favored winning deals over killing mates.
She made deals with a few people she shouldn't have to try to outmaneuver a fate that didn't exist, thereby breaking all three – mate-blood-fate – without annihilating the worlds as we know it.
This would effectively preclude any export credits for arms deals with any developing country.
As I said in my first post I'm really just looking for deals on bulk purchase of high mha aa and aaa batteries.
This section deals with the adsorption of gases and vapors through solid adsorbents to form adsorbates.
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I have an employe who has an appointee that deals with all of their affairs.
Planted came denver eCommerce and throughout everyday value deals money asp.
Kevin Carr of protection broker Lifesearch says few assurers currently offer much in the way of attractive deals.
In horary astrology, which provides answers to specific queries, the 2nd House deals with ' lost ' items.
It deals with political avarice in the royal family and the consequences thereof on the personal lives of those involved.
Students ' Union Financial Regulations expressly forbids the acceptance of gifts, money or other blandishments in the making of any deals.
It wants to do deals with sections of the labor bureaucracy instead.
The trade union bureaucracy, including the 'left' bureaucrats supported by the Communist Party, were heavily implicated in productivity deals.
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Planning Inspectorate Deals with the processing of planning and enforcement appeals, holding inquiries into local development plans and other planning related casework.
These foods often produce very viscous intragastric chyme and this program is designed to find out how the stomach deals with such food.
Over 90 per cent of the deals covered collective bargaining on pay, hours and holidays.
The ECHR deals with cases under the European convention on Human Rights, which was signed in 1950.
Pisces on 8th house cusp The eighth house deals with joint resources.
Browse our site to find great deals on wooden daybed frames, daybed frames, daybed mattresses, and daybed furniture.
Verse 16 deals with the righteous dead in general; verses 13 and 14 with the particular individuals whose death they were mourning.
Whether the N&P green mortgage deals really represent much of an incentive is perhaps debatable.
The program deals with the second childhood of a group of aging delinquents.
Writing, deals with alienation provided by language; or what may be called the endless delirium of language.
This research deals with the views of the design sector where 56% of the sector employs fewer than 5 people.
Late autumn will see a flurry of mail from dealers advising of their special out of season service deals.
The first account deals with the rather fruitless last pushing trip of 1980, on which the club tackle ran out.
The next page deals with what tools are needed to make the gaff.
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He deals with all my problems Himself and does not spread any gossip.
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Table 2 deals with the treatments for other features of PCOS including hirsutism, irregular or absent periods and obesity.
Section 4 deals with the other issues which are normally implicit in the current pricing but need to be expressed explicitly.
Therefore practical knowledge, because it deals with particulars, admits of only inexact knowledge.
There are many examples of business deals going wrong or relationships turning sour over culturally insensitive actions.
Be aware that the Charity Commission deals with a wide range of society from the good intentioned to the not so good intentioned.
Trading in the two assets classes is often intermingled indeed, the deals may be on separate sides of the same coin.
It deals, firstly, with the widening gap between the mentality and values of Junteros and Africanistas that would ultimately prove irreconcilable.
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And do not make deals with special interest groups, such as the City stock jobbers whom Burke so distrusted.
The Bill deals with a single issue of principle in the field of valuation for rating by way of correcting a lacuna.
Includes Reading Online, a journal which deals with literacy and technology, media, critical and visual literacy.
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NetNotes works in conjunction with a specific Web domain, deals with a limited number of Web components, and requires minor server-side modifications.
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New Deal 32 unions that responded, some 18 (or 56 percent) had secured new recognition deals in the last six months.
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We are fortunate to have a papyrus from the Middle Kingdom that deals with slaves.
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This paper deals with the anatomy and histology of the male reproductive system of the freshwater prawn.
Frequently, such methods are based on Centering Theory, which deals with the resolution of anaphoric pronouns.
The Unit now has a specialist prosecutor who deals with all football-related cases.
While Bright deals only with psalm 137, presumably he would also apply this principle of interpretation to the other imprecatory psalms.
The players had to agree deals with the club that saw our contractual remuneration slashed in half.
The DTI has also rescheduled £ 200 million in debt repayments from the beleaguered Indonesian economy so that arms deals could continue.
July 13, 2006 - Times Online The court ruling over Sony BMG has plunged music deals into confusion.
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The Internet savvy know that the best broadband deals are not necessarily the cheapest at first glance.
He deals with the problems and dangers of discouragement and shows us how to avoid the pitfalls of introspection and too much self-examination.
Broadcasting a drama serial which deals with issues of psychology and paranormal in primetime Saturday night deserves brownie points.
But the Government's proposed new deals over the car purchase, unfortunately welcomed by union leaders like Tony Woodley, are absolutely shameful.
I wanted to have that slapstick which also deals with very dangerous things.
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One way the JDBC API deals with this problem is to allow any query string to be passed through to an underlying DBMS driver.
With the advance of the royalty system such deals have been largely supplanted.
Amnesty International have attacked the UK because of deals the government have made with various countries which allow them to deport terror suspects.
Instead, it will seek deals in secondary and even tertiary cities, where investment markets are fledglings.
What you'll have to do is some extra browsing to find the right deals, as well as a little creative thinking.
This is a delicate project from my standpoint, so I'm a little touchy as to who deals with it.
Total office investment in Glasgow reached £ 154m, an increase of 9% on deals transacted in 2003.
The arbitration tribunal deals with more than 600 cases each year, most involving complaints by tenants about disrepair.
It was a done deal and one that required the undoing of lots of other deals in turn.
R. A. H. Farrar deals with the sources of black burnished ware, and this includes a good section on pottery production methods.
My first thought deals with the legitimacy of amassing wealth.
The Insolvency Service This is the government department that deals with bankruptcies and company windings up.
The investigations will then naturally divide themselves into three parts, the first of which deals with those to our mind inevitable forms in which we are obliged to think about things, if we think at all (metaphysics), the second being devoted to the great region of facts, trying to apply the results of metaphysics to these, specially the two great regions of external and mental phenomena (cosmology and psychology), the third dealing with those standards of value from which we pronounce our aesthetical or ethical approval or disapproval.
When he began his active career it was generally believed that, although some instances of the synthetical production of organic substances had been observed, on the whole organic chemistry must remain an analytical science and could not become a constructive one, because the formation of the substances with which it deals required the intervention of vital activity in some shape.
Passing briefly over the conclusions arrived at in the Meditations, it deals in its second, third and fourth parts with the general c l principles of physical science, especially the laws of motion, with the theory of vortices, and with the phenomena of heat, light, gravity, magnetism, electricity, &c., upon the earth.
In resolutions 44 to 53 the conference deals with the duty of the Church towards modern democratic ideals and social problems; affirms the responsibility of investors for the character and conditions of the concerns in which their money is placed (49); "while frankly acknowledging the moral gains sometimes won by war" strongly supports the extension of international arbitration (52); and emphasizes the duty of a stricter observance of Sunday (53).
Geulincx principally deals with the question, left in an obscure and unsatisfactory state by Descartes, of the relation between soul and body.
Thus the most prominent subdivision of the older school, the Taittiriyas, in their Samhita, have treated the main portion of the ceremonial in this promiscuous fashion, and to add to the confusion they have, by way of supplement, put forth a so-called Taittiriya-brahmana, which, so far from being a real Brahmana, merely deals with some additional rites in the same confused mixture of sacrificial formulae and dogmatic explanations.
It deals, according to Mill, with arbitrary and imaginary constructions.
These countries have created a hierarchy of temporal courts competent to deal with every matter of which law takes cognizance, and a penal code which embraces and deals with all crimes or delicts which the state recognizes as offences.
Geography is a synthetic science, dependent for the data with which it deals on the results of specialized sciences such as astronomy, geology, oceanography, meteorology, biology and anthropology, as well as on topographical description.
Justin Martyr writes a Dialogue with Trypho; Origen deals with many anti-Christian arguments borrowed by Celsus from a certain nameless Jew.
The third tractatus of this volume deals with birds - including among them bats, bees and other flying creatures; but as it is the first printed book in which figures of birds are introduced it merits notice, though most of the illustrations, which are rude woodcuts, fail, even in the coloured copies, to give any precise indication of the species intended to be represented.
It deals both with benevolent beings which have no circle of worshippers or so limited a circle as to be below the rank of gods, and with malevolent beings of all kinds.
The oldest and for the most part Jewish portion of this literature is preserved to us in Greek, Armenian, Latin and Slavonic. (i.) The Greek Ooryr7vcs r€pi 'ASaµ rcai Eras (published under the misleading title 'AlroicaXvi/ics Mwvo ws in Tischendorf's Apocalypses Apocryphae, 1866) deals with the Fall and the death of Adam and Eve.
The treatise of Porphyry deals with the notions of genus, species, difference, property and accident (see Predicables); and he mentions, but declines to discuss, the various theories that have been held as to the ontological import of genera and species.
But while the author deals with history philosophically, he does not, like Buckle, hurl at the reader's head huge generalizations, or, like Carlyle, preach him into somnolence.
It is thus contrasted with metaphysics, which considers the nature of reality, and with psychology, which deals with the objective part of cognition, and, as Prof. James Ward said, "is essentially genetic in its method" (Mind, April 1883, pp. 166-167).
The Porphyrian, by introducing species, deals with the predication of universals concerning individuals (for species is necessarily predicated of the individual), and thus created difficulties from which the Aristotelian is free (see below).
The law deals with the constitution of the local senates, for whose members qualifications of age (30 years) and military service are laid down, while persons who have suffered conviction for various specified offences, or who are insolvent, or who carry on discreditable or immoral trades are excluded.
The pretentious language often applied to it by economists is objectionable, as being apt to make us forget that the whole subject with which it deals is as yet very imperfectly understood - the causes which modify the force of the sexual instinct, and those which lead to variations in fecundity, still awaiting a complete investigation.
Thus the Protagoras brings the educational theory of Protagoras and the sophists of culture face to face with the educational theory of Socrates, so as to expose the limitations of both; the Gorgias deals with the moral aspect of the teachings of the forensic rhetorician Gorgias and the political rhetorician Isocrates, and the intellectual aspect of their respective theories of education is handled in the Phaedrus; the Meno on the one hand exhibits the strength and the weakness of the teaching of Socrates, and on the other brings into view the makeshift method of those who, despising systematic teaching, regarded the practical politician as the true educator; the Euthydemus has for its subject the eristical method; finally, having in these dialogues characterized the current theories of education, Plato proceeds in the Republic to develop an original scheme.
Finance, regarded as state house-keeping, or " political economy " (see Economics) in the older sense of the term, deals with (I) the expenditure of the state; (2) state revenues; (3) the balance between expenditure and receipts; (4) the organization which collects and applies the public funds.
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This is my shorthand for a range of issues which he deals with in several passages.
We turn next to the chapter that deals with the policy of the soviet power.
My research project deals with the development of a novel flat flame burner to allow the calibration of various laser based thermometry techniques.
This is a delicate project from my standpoint, so I 'm a little touchy as to who deals with it.
It deals inter alia with the transcultural nature of truth and the transformation of the soul.
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Physical geography is a branch of geography that deals with the natural features of Earth's surface, such as land formation, climate, and distribution of flora and fauna.
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While the Internet is known for finding great deals on many types of electronic gadgets, for two-way radios, you might be able to shop at local places.
If you're not picky but interested in experimenting in the realm of fireworks, keep in mind that the best deals usually comes in the form of an assortment pack.
Also, keep in mind that bundles and "Buy This, Get That Free" deals aren't always the great value they seem, so take your calculator and some time to decipher the prices for the individual fireworks.
Be sure to check out the Special Offers tab for the best deals.
You will, of course, be able to get the best deals when you give yourself enough time to shop around, as is true with almost any type of purchase.
Just like the car industry, the carpet business has new models and styles which means clearance, closeouts, and year-end deals.
You can find some great deals at 50 percent to 75 percent off at Georgia Carpet.
Before buying online, research your local carpet companies to see if you can get a deal there or if they can offer you any of the same deals you might get online.
Shop online or on foot and keep your eyes open for deals, but don't forget the places where you can buy used tools when you need something inexpensive now.
Whatever your reason, learning how to buy wholesale can help you find the best deals at the best prices.
At first the prices on the auction site may not seem good deals, but keeping an eye on the bidding is the best way to get the best prices.
To get the best deals on holiday rugs and curtains is to buy them the days right after the holiday is over.
The section where you'll find the best deals is in the Clearance area.
The best deals typically involve mistakes in manufacturing or discontinued items, but if you are just trying to buy for one room or decorate on a budget, those products might be perfect for you.
As mentioned before, online will be the best place to seek out wholesale deals.
Peruse the following sites on a daily basis to find the good deals.
They find deals for new and used iPods, but you'll have to check back every day.
If you time your shopping just right, you can find some great deals on air mattresses.
The selection of riding mowers is usually less than Sears, but you might be able to find good deals since many Ace Hardware stores are privately owned.
A store will do what they can to keep your business so ask for price matching or deals at the end of the season.
Don't be discourage if you have a small budget because you can sometimes find great deals on good clubs.
For probably the best holiday deals, online stores can offer you no tax, free shipping and other special deals to get your business.
Instead of looking to answer the question "where is the cheapest place to buy an iPod," trying to determine what deals you can get in addition to a regularly-priced iPod.
Since there is very little room to put iPods on sale without losing money, some stores have package other accessories with the iPod for great deals.
The early bird specials usually run for five to six hours and include items that are great deals, but not items that people rush into the store to buy.
A website dedicated to listing deals, GottaDeal breaks down the sales by category so you can easily view all the computer ads as well as any toys that are listed.
Pick one store for the doorbusters, another for the early bird specials to get the best deals possible.
Ensure you have more than one tab open to increase your chances of getting all the deals you want.
Since the moment retailers have been operating stores online, people have scoured the Web looking for great deals on merchandise.
Both search pages will pull up a list of stores (online and offline) that sell the item as well as prices, letting you see the best deals.
Not only is online shopping convenient, but it can also be a great option for finding the best deals.
One of the perks of online shopping is finding the best deals for the item you want to purchase.
Comparison shopping can often get you great deals on holiday gifts.
Go online to see what sites are offering one-day deals as well as free shipping for items that are on your list.