Deactivated Sentence Examples
With trembling hands, she deactivated the latches with a touch, and the top of the box slid open.
At this point your account will immediately be deactivated.
When you call The Royal Bank of Scotland customer service center to have your card deactivated, it will automatically reactivate after 15 minutes.
The problem turned out to be a recently (Friday afternoon) deactivated voice mail box.
The alarm sound is only deactivated when the helicopter is retrieved and placed back in its base.
In addition to providing care for members on active duty, there are programs available for members of the National Guard and Reserves, both active and deactivated.
Before you can have your account deleted, it will first be deactivated.
Deactivated accounts lay dormant until the account owner logs in again, at which time it returns as if nothing had happened.
Any individual found to possess more than one active account will have all accounts deactivated except the last registered account.
If you lose things easily - sometimes a lost card can be deactivated by calling the company you purchased the card from but sometimes not.
AdvertisementSome companies allow cardholders to replenish their balances, while other prepaid debit cards are only good for as long as the balance lasts, and then they are deactivated.
The chemical responsible for the health benefits of garlic, allicin, is deactivated during cooking so garlic should be eaten raw when taken for medicinal purposes.
The warbly, slow-mo experience when explosions happened near you were sensible, which deactivated any real-time movement.
On 11th December 2003, Lycos announced that accounts that have been inactive for three months or more will be automatically deactivated.
If you would rather be safe than sorry then you can request that your site be temporarily deactivated.