Daylight Sentence Examples
It was bright daylight when she woke.
It was daylight, and there were a ton of people around.
In daylight, he was almost approachable.
The next morning it was daylight before she woke, and he was gone.
Martha finally brought to daylight what was on all our minds.
When Saturday's daylight arrived to David Dean's exhausted eyes, the time had slipped past his usual rising hour and voices and footsteps rattled the old timbers of Bird Song.
Daylight was making a feeble attempt to break through the heavy cloud cover.
She opened her eyes to find it was daylight.
They're not intolerant to daylight like you are.
I opened my eyes to full daylight.
AdvertisementThe walls were bare, the curtains drawn even during daylight, and the heavy wooden furniture solid and worn.
For a moment she lay still, afraid any movement would frighten him away like a wild cat in the daylight.
As May gave way to June, the lengthening daylight hours gave her more time to be with Jonathan and Destiny and still complete taking care of the animals before darkness.
It was daylight here, and he instinctively assessed it was still Sunday on this side of the world.
The man she'd seen in daylight and the one who'd kissed her so passionately in moonlight became two separate people.
AdvertisementDaylight brought the sounds of gunfire and rockets on top of the mountain that didn't cease even when night fell again.
He spoke to Harrigan, who was filling out a report on a daylight burglary.
The sound of running water in the next room told Dean that daylight had finally arrived and Cynthia Byrne was up and around.
In spite of the cloudy weather and the threat of rain, Dean ended the daylight hours listening to the hum of his bike tires on the country roads west of Parkside.
Another remarkable characteristic is found in the deep narrow ravines (caaple yta), bordered by precipitous cliffs, which traverse the mountainous districts; into some of these the daylight scarcely penetrates.
AdvertisementIn his last work Fechner, aged but full of hope, contrasts this joyous "daylight view" of the world with the dead, dreary "night view" of materialism.
Smaller artists can make history; the greatest absorb it into that daylight which is its final cause.
They are devoted sun-worshippers and in the early morning, before it is daylight, they emerge from their burrows and wait in rows till their divinity appears; when they bask joyfully in his beams."
Lles Area topmost ridges, which, it was hoped, would be reached by daylight - a somewhat sanguine anticipation, as it turned out.
How could such a thing happen in broad daylight during a procession, when troops and a military escort were actually present ?"
AdvertisementBut his intercourse with spirits was often perfectly calm, in broad daylight, and with all his faculties awake.
At daylight the larger ships joined in again, and before long the whole Russian fleet, with few exceptions, had been captured or sunk.
This meant that the expedition must start in daylight to be off the port by midnight.
The influence of daylight is presumably the principal cause of the difference between the phenomena during November, December and January at Cape Thorsden and Jan Mayen, for in the equinoctial months the results from these two stations are closely similar.
Before daylight on the 19th of August 1779 was approaching, Major Henry Lee with a force of about 400 men surprised the British garrison at Paulus Hook, where Jersey City now stands, and, although sustaining a loss of 20 men, killed 50 of the garrison and took about 160 prisoners.
Stay safe at cash dispensers Always try to go in daylight hours.
Now he suddenly saw those badly daubed pictures in clear daylight and without a glass.
It was after six am, but still not full daylight.
But the urgent need of pressing forward at once was not realized by the attacking side, and the opposition offered by the parties of Osmanlis close to the bay was taken too seriously after daylight.
With the gas in excess a heavy lurid flame emitting dense volumes of smoke results, whilst if it be driven out in a sufficiently thin sheet, it burns with a flame of intense brilliancy and almost perfect whiteness, by the light of which colours can be judged as well as they can by daylight.
In five days its light had reached the first magnitude, and a little later it even equalled Venus in brilliancy and was observed in full daylight.
It is the Christians who say what is said about him, and it has become plain as daylight (7) Evapyeca 4caprupnvev) that Simon was nothing divine " (Origen, Cont.
When tired of the broad daylight of American activity, he sought refuge and rest in the dim twilight of medieval legend and German sentiment.
The climate is thoroughly Arctic. In the northern parts unbroken daylight in summer and darkness in winter last from two to three months each; and through the greater part of the country the sun does not rise at mid-winter or set at midsummer.
In December and January in the far north there is little more daylight than a cold glimmer of dawn; by February, however, there are some hours of daylight; in March the heat of the sun is beginning to modify the cold, and now and in April the birds of passage begin to appear.
It further suggested, to Lockyer and P. Janssen separately, the spectroscopic method of observing these objects in daylight.
That same evening Lord Frederick and the permanent undersecretary Thomas Henry Burke were murdered in the Phoenix Park in broad daylight.
If microscopic preparations are observed by diffused daylight or by the more or less white light of the usual artificial sources, then an objective of fixed numerical aperture will only represent details of a definite fineness.
Still smaller particles cannot be portrayed by using ordinary daylight.
Diffused daylight is very suitable.
This is also the most suitable distance when diffused daylight is used, but it is too short with artificial light; the FIG.
With low magnifying systems and a large free object distance, ordinary good daylight is sufficient.
The rest of the walls were bare, the curtains drawn even during daylight, and the heavy wooden furniture solid and worn.
The next, I can't stand daylight and Damian is beating down my door.
Later, much later, Dean had spelled her, sitting up with Martha, who was far more upset with the prospect of flying Bird Song's nest than she let on during the daylight hours.
A criminal can use the alleyway at the back of a terrace without having to be seen, even in broad daylight.
The airport based air ambulance is on call during daylight hours 365 days a year to support the regular NHS ambulance service.
Some of the course offered in of many dive anchorages also the daylight.
A central atrium floods daylight through a space deep in the building.
The people could see the bedchamber, its room which knows no daylight.
We had six bullocks and four men with the wagon and our own boy Daudi, who carried the lantern till daylight came.
For example the schistosome cercariae are generally shed during daylight, in the morning, whilst those of other species emerge only at night.
The crystalline roof forms seek to maximize natural daylight and ventilation.
Instead of immediately reaching for the light switch, open a curtain or the blinds and let some daylight in.
Do they fit snugly or can you see daylight through the seals?
The wings are oriented from East to West and are well spaced to allow daylight into the working areas.
Replacement Light as opposed to supplementary lighting where you supplement daylight, replacement light means no natural light is used at all.
No time, to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
The entrance to the hotel has a glass facade allowing lots of natural daylight into the lobby area.
Script took every by diffuse daylight worthy of attention.
We work on an 8 hours on, 16 hours off basis but the perpetual daylight has erased all sense of real time passing.
Antarctica is moving from 24-hour daylight to the 24-hour darkness of winter.
In the city where bright daylight used to shine forth, the day darkened.
With very long summer daylight hours, you have plenty of time to fit in your excursions.
Late supper at 2300, not that it matters because we have 24 hours daylight.
The SunPipe reflects and intensifies sunlight and natural daylight and the ceiling diffuser creates an even spread of light into the room.
In Osaka, a young man drowned a homeless man by throwing him into a river in broad daylight.
Back in daylight once more, several of the more mud plastered members were greeted by a most emphatic ' UGH -- DIRTY!
In fact, on the days of the spring and fall equinox the length of daylight is actually longer than darkness by several minutes.
What little daylight penetrated the front room completely failed to illuminate this inner sanctum.
In reality this was just daylight shining through the dark undergrowth.
They averred that the sum and substance of their "fault" was that they had been accustomed to meet on a fixed day before daylight to sing in turns a hymn to Christ as God, and to bind themselves by a solemn oath (sacramento) to abstain from theft or robbery, and from adultery, perjury and dishonesty; after which they were wont to separate and to meet again for a common meal.
One afternoon I amused myself by watching a barred owl (Strix nebulosa) sitting on one of the lower dead limbs of a white pine, close to the trunk, in broad daylight, I standing within a rod of him.
She opened the door and the bright daylight in that previously darkened room startled her.
This generally occurs when the depth of the room is greater than the limiting depth, i.e. daylight penetration depth.
However, finding a safe roost site for the daylight hours is essential to avoid predation.
The team uses daylight to navigate through the complex summit pyramid above.
The objects called quasars are very strong point like radio sources, which can, like all radio objects, be detected in daylight.
If you can see daylight between the slates then there has been slippage and you need a professional roofer to fix it.
Of course he had too much self-respect to steal openly or in broad daylight.
Back in feudal times serfs on the land worked with the seasons and daylight.
High speed sync is for daylight flash synchronization where you'd be using a fast shutter speed without the flash.
He was murdered in the main thoroughfare of the Bazaar in broad daylight.
White balance can be altered from auto to daylight, cloudy, tungsten, 2 fluorescents, flash and 2 customs.
The best we get from Bettany is one daylight scene where his gaze seems unfocused.
Priestley and Lavoisier, at the close of the 18th century, made possible the scientific study of plant-nutrition, though Jan Ingenhousz in 1779 discovered that plants incessantly give out carbonic acid gas, but that the green leaves and shoots only exhale oxygen in sunlight or clear daylight, thereby indicating the distinction between assimilation of carbonic acid gas (photosynthesis) and respiration.
The animal vigour and carnal enjoyment of Rubens, the refined Italianizing beauty of Vandyck, the mystery of light and gloom on Rembrandt's panels, the love of nature in Ruysdael, Cuyp and Van Hooghe, with their luminously misty skies, silvery daylight and broad expanse of landscape, the interest in common life displayed by Ter Borch, Van Steen, Douw, Ostade and Teniers, the instinct for the beauty of animals in Potter, the vast sea spaces of Vanderveldt, the grasp on reality, the acute intuition into character in portraits, the scientific study of the world and man, the robust sympathy with natural appetites, which distinguish the whole art of the Low Countries, are a direct emanation from the Renaissance.
These vigilantes were the good citizens (the committee of 1851 included some Boo and that of 1856 some6000-8000citizens of all classes), who organized outside of law, " not secretly, but in debate, in daylight, with sobriety and decorum," to defend and establish, through defying, its rule.
I awoke to an answered question, to Nature and daylight.
But, my poor Catiche, it is as clear as daylight!
Why did you push yourself in there by daylight?
Because of large window area and high reflectance of room surfaces, daylight on the ground floor is more uniform and diffuse.
Songs like Daylight, The Whisper and The Scientist splurged out over two weeks, and we recorded them very quickly.
High speed sync is for daylight flash synchronization where you 'd be using a fast shutter speed without the flash.
Daylight synchro prevents strong background light from throwing your subject into shadow.
At the same time, Lex Luthor 's tycoon father is violently abducted in broad daylight.
Eighty square meters of the station 's roof are now covered with around 80 photo voltaic panels, which convert daylight into electricity.
It should give you a clear image in daylight and it should be large enough to let you see what you recorded.
As an added bonus, the Emerson CKS1862 will also automatically adjust its time for daylight savings time twice a year.
The summer months are perfect for outdoor family night activities, with long daylight hours providing extra time and extended bedtimes due to the lack of worries about getting up for school the following morning.
A kid climbing on bunk bed ladders is dangerous in daylight and that peril increases if the child has to exit the top bunk in the middle of the night in a darkened room.
If your room is dark during the day, you may find that torchiere lamps placed in corners and other areas of your room will create the illusion of more daylight by reflecting light onto the ceiling.
If you love the few, brief moments when the last of the sun's daylight is slipping away over the horizon and the deep blue-black of night approaches, this color palette will appeal to you.
Remember that there is a difference between daylight and nighttime illumination, so you will need to adjust the amount of makeup you wear accordingly.
To do this, go foundation shopping in natural daylight, and test foundation against your jaw line, not the backs of your hands!
When I arrived I discovered that the practical test was already one hour in progress and learned that it was an hour later due to daylight savings.
Some of the lighting choices mimic natural daylight, which is the best light to judge the color and precision of makeup application.
If you are able to apply your makeup in natural daylight, or have a brightly lit makeup vanity, bathroom, or other area with direct lighting, you may not need a 10x makeup mirror with lighting.
In natural daylight, check out your eyes in a handheld mirror and determine which color is mixed in your iris.
Caked-on foundation looks unflattering in the harsh daylight, so stick with a lightweight foundation and translucent powder for a base.
In the past, the challenges of applying night photography techniques forced many photographers to shoot strictly during the daylight hours.
Depression that arrives as days (and daylight time) shorten in autumn and winter yet vanishes in the spring and summer when longer days of sunlight resume.
Also, Arizona does not practice daylight savings time, so the state is always on Mountain Standard Time.
Aubrey O'Day - The singer was robbed while walking in a Los Angeles alley in 2009, in broad daylight.
Casual attire, including shorts, sundresses and tank tops, is the standard dress code for passengers exploring the line’s luxury vessels during daylight hours.
While it may be winter in North America, Antarctica enjoys high summer and 20 plus hours of daylight from December through March.
Be sure to remove it during daylight hours.
The health benefits of sunlight are widely known, but if you don't want the exposure to UV rays, or the winter days are just too short, consider full spectrum daylight bulbs.
Solar deck lights use a photocell, or PV panel, that charges a Nickel-Cadmium battery during the daylight hours.
They are simply too elegant and rich in design (and often in fabric and color, too) to pass muster during the daylight hours.
Many people change the batteries in their carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors when they turn their clocks back at the start of Daylight Saving Time.
The batteries need to be changed every six months; experts recommend changing the batteries in autumn during daylight savings time.
Learning to sleep during daylight hours and working at night can be very challenging for the miner, as well as his or her family members, who may need to make concessions to their schedule or activities because of the schedule.
Pink Lights Out Sleep Mask - The Lights Out mask keeps annoying daylight away and helps you sleep on a plane, at home or in a hotel.
In some cases, you will go in and speak to the doctor during daylight hours, but most visits to sleep centers happen after normal business hours.
The week ends with the change to Daylight Savings Time, where everyone loses one hour of sleep.
Once the digitally amplified light reaches the eyes of the person wearing the goggles, the image appears almost as clearly as it would in the daylight.
These take the existing light-starlight, moonlight, the flashlight of an enemy, etc, and magnify it so that you're effectively seeing daylight.
You can wear these clipons indoors during the daylight hours.
You don't have to stop and look around to focus; the goggles simply offer you the option to walk around as if it's daylight.
They come in a smoke lens color that changes in daylight weather conditions.
Versatility is especially important if you bike in all types of weather at all times of day and in varying levels of daylight.
Generally speaking, longer hours are reserved for the busiest times of the year and also when the weather is more clement and there is more daylight for guests to enjoy different rides and attractions.
Closets tend not to fluctuate as much, and obviously they get no daylight inside of them, so for storage purposes that would work.
If you plan to tell the following scary campfire stories during a camping trip, make sure that it's daylight when you share these tales.
Special blue fluorescent light has been shown to be most effective, although many nurseries use a combination of daylight, white, and blue lamps.
They should try to stay out of the sun between 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. (11 A.M. to 3 P.M. daylight saving time), when the sun's rays are strongest.
Rather than spend valuable daylight hours indoors with a blow dryer, twist damp hair into sections and let hair air dry.
During the summer months, the work day may be extended due to longer periods of daylight.
Pedestrians are free and walkers are only allowed on the bridge during daylight hours, for safety reasons.
Protecting yourself from too much sun exposure is important for everyone, but even more so when you are baring areas that have never been exposed to so much daylight before.
A triangular piece of stretchy material covers most of your strategic areas while still leaving plenty of cheek exposed to daylight.
Therefore candles can be set so that they are switched off at times when the house is empty or during daylight.
One of the main drawbacks, however, is that they require enough daylight to recharge and therefore, as Christmas falls when the days are shortest, the candles might not run for a long time.
This astronomical event recognized the shortest period of daylight on the year.
You may also want to add a touch of shimmer, so that you look as if you are about to step into daylight.
Unless your child is only going to be shooting in outside daylight conditions, then you will want to choose a camera with autoflash that will detect existing light conditions and then use a flash if needed.
Otherwise, unless it is broad daylight, all of your child's photographs will come out looking dark.
Rainy days, winter weather, and shorter daylight hours often bring with them the need to find indoor activities for children.
From the French word 'matin', meaning 'morning', a matinee is a theatrical performance during the daylight, as opposed to evening or night.
For the Celts, winter was a dark time of year with fewer daylight hours.
The effect can be overpowering, especially in the daylight hours.
This is one of the most enjoyable ways to watch free True Blood episodes without paying a dime, and you may make some new friends to get together with during the daylight hours when your vampire nights are through.
The time also adjusts for daylight saving.
Sunrise clocks have a function that mimics the rising of the sun and provides an artificial light which is designed to have the same effect as daylight.
The changing of the clocks takes place in many countries of the world to take advantage of daylight hours.
The time alters by an hour twice a year to make maximum use of the daylight and this is important for many industries.
The changing of the clock ensures that, during winter months when daylight is precious, daylight is maximized and in the summer, when there is more daylight, more of it falls in the evening which in effect extends the day.
The summer time is referred to as Daylight Saving Time or DST.
This is because these counties experience less of a difference in the number of daylight hours than countries that are farther away from the equator.
This means that almost two-thirds of the year are in Daylight Saving Time or DST.
Before the advent of clocks and watches, people used the sun and daylight to order their days.
Daylight saving is the time between when the clocks go forward in the spring and when they go back in the fall.
This means that there are more hours of daylight.
Daylight saving has been introduced to gain the maximum benefit from natural daylight.
We're already late getting started on account of him and the saddle bum will probably use up another half-hour of daylight eating our food.
It looks like he killed the parents in broad daylight, in the front yard, maybe in front of the child.
It wasn't somewhere she'd ever venture, even in daylight.
The scene played over and over in her thoughts, growing stronger until he was as vivid during daylight as he had been at night.
Martha eventually slipped into a troubled sleep when Cynthia, with Dean by his side, again convinced the child they believed her, and promised to see the young girl's discovery reach daylight.
They neither saw nor heard anything, and after negotiating the remaining correctly marked turns, were in sight of daylight.
She pushed the door closed and stood, shivering, and gazed at the green glow visible even during daylight.
The new world seemed less scary in daylight.
During daylight, when he wasn't fighting the desire to make love to her that grew with the disappearance of the sun.
The healers scattered like roaches in daylight.
I think it would be better in daylight.
Of course, she'd rarely been there in daylight.
They ran until daylight then slowed. Gabe followed a trail Rhyn couldn't see that led them to a stream. The assassin stopped and knelt to splash water on his face.
Dean remained in his cramped position, his injured leg going numb, as daylight sank into evening.
There could be a snake in the daylight.
No, it's daylight and I can see all the squiggly little things in the grass just fine.
I don't see any damage, but I'll be able to tell more in the daylight.
The next time Carmen woke, it was daylight.
Jame said nothing else, and she was hauled up into broad daylight.
I had a bad night and I didn't get to sleep until daylight.
General Mezentsov, the head of the political police, was assassinated in broad daylight in one of the principal streets of St Petersburg, and in the provinces a good many officials of various grades shared the same fate.
C. Janssen, a spectroscopic method for observing the solar prominences in daylight, and the names of both astronomers appear on a medal which was struck by the French government in 1872 to commemorate the discovery.
Sir Thomas Graham commenced the active siege of San Sebastian on the 10th of July 1813, but as Soult was approaching to its relief, the assault was ordered for daylight on the 24th.
At daylight on the 7th of October 1813 he crossed the Bidassoa in seven columns, and attacked the entire French position, which stretched in two heavily entrenched lines from north 1 Duque da Victoria, often incorrectly duke of Vitoria.
At the great Indian eclipse of 1868 he demonstrated the gaseous nature of the red prominences, and devised a method of observing them under ordinary daylight conditions.
In solar physics Huggins suggested a spectroscopic method for viewing the red prominences in daylight; and his experiments went far towards settling a much-disputed question regarding the solar distribution of calcium.
Diurnal Variation.-The apparent daily period at most stations is largely determined by the influence of daylight on the visibility.
Whilst daylight is the principal cause of the diurnal inequality, it is not the only cause, otherwise there would be as many auroras in the morning (forenoon) as in the evening (afternoon).
Both of them were intent on forcing the theologians into the daylight, and grudged them any aid they might expect from Kant's postulation of God and immortality to crown the edifice of ethics.
After the loss of a reconnoitring party sent south, Bartlett decided to await the return of daylight before making a move, but Murray, Forbes Mackay, Beuchat and a sailor, eager to attempt the journey, set off for the land, with Bartlett's permission but contrary to his advice.
Ivanov determined to push home the assault on the main position on the night of the 25th26th, an order which involved an approach march in broad daylight and consequently heavy losses.
C. Home and P. Salkeld, who blew in the gate in broad daylight on the day that Delhi was taken by assault.
The hydrocarbons, upon which the luminosity of the flame entirely depends, are divided in the analysis into two groups, saturated and unsaturated, according to their behaviour with a solution of bromine in potassium bromide, which has the power of absorbing those termed "unsaturated," but does not affect in diffused daylight the gaseous members of the "saturated" series of hydrocarbons.
At the end of this month or in June the ice is breaking up on the lakes, woods rush into leaf, and the unbroken daylight of the northern summer soon sets in.
The director was shot and stabbed by a lone assailant in broad daylight in Amsterdam while on his way to work.
Daylight fill-in flash Avoid losing your subject in a shadow when there is a strong light in the background.
Two large, fully glazed patio doors flood the room with daylight.
With Anger is a Gift, Last Nation, Broken Daylight, and The One I hate.
You should drive on the highways during daylight hours only.
Last hour of daylight spent walking around the surprisingly lush hotel gardens.
It also played an important role in the Strategic Bomber offensive and the daylight raids in support of the allied offensive in Europe.
His skin has the shiny pallor of someone who has never seen daylight.
Thus he stumbled on Bagovut's corps in a wood when it was already broad daylight, though the corps should long before have joined Orlov-Denisov.
Parents should examine their infant in natural daylight and under fluorescent lighting for signs of jaundice.
The extra hour of daylight has many health and safety benefits.
It means that people are traveling in daylight, which can reduce accidents.
This is because crime is more likely to be committed in periods of darkness rather than in bright daylight.
This page looks at how the transition to daylight saving takes place.
World Time Zone - this page features a useful global map that graphically represents which countries move to daylight saving.
There is also a chart detailing when each country moves to daylight saving.
In fact, some places do not observe daylight saving time and therefore do not change the time.
If you live in the U.S. or in parts of Canada, your area probably observes daylight saving time and changes the time twice a year.
Learning about daylight saving time can help you understand when the time changes.
The practice of setting clocks forward one hour in the spring and backward one hour in the fall, is a part of a program known in the U.S. as daylight time or daylight saving time (DST).
Over the years, many parts of the world have adopted some form of time change adjustment to conserve energy and maximize daylight hours.
In 1986, the Public Law 99-359 required daylight saving time to spring forward on the first Sunday in April.
Daylight saving time begins on Sunday, March 8 and ends on Sunday, November 1.
Learning about time change helps you understand the importance of conserving daylight for the planet and society.
The Timex Jelly alarm clock has a Daylight Saving Time (DST) adjustment feature.
Rather than having to reset the time to take into account the move to Daylight Saving Time, this feature allows the time to be adjusted quickly.
Automatic time setting and auto-adjusting for Daylight Savings Time means this clock is among the most accurate models in the world.
To make atomic technology available to everyone, LaCrosse created a lightweight wall clock with four time zones, auto time setting and on or off options for Daylight Savings Time.
Standard options include four time zones, accurate radio-controlled movement and Daylight Savings Time options.
Still, it's best to look in a mirror before leaving the house - you want to make sure that nothing shows, especially in bright daylight, if you're heading to work!
She finally chose Daylight Records, under Epic, and, shortly afterwards, released her debut album 'Not That Kind'.
Some other games can be volleyball or tag if the girls will be over when it is still daylight.
The first step is to evaluate the location by daylight, taking a tour led by the property owner or caretaker.
Deleese went into a deep depression, and refuses to leave her house during the daylight hours.
Interestingly, the vampires as depicted by Stoker are completely able to operate during daylight hours, although their strength is at its maximum during the night.
Remember, during daylight hours, the sun is always shining, even if the sky is overcast.
Considering how much Gabriel couldn.t tolerate sunlight, Rhyn was surprised to see him during daylight at all, let alone without his shades.
Technical features include four time zones, auto or manual time setting, Daylight Savings Time options and a radio-controlled atomic movement.
Scraps from the table coaxed him out even during the daylight hours - but only when she stepped back into the house.
The snakelike branches overhead were creepier when she could see them in daylight, and the few birds and insects she saw made her shudder. The sense of being followed didn't leave even in the full light of day.
When she woke again, daylight was streaming in through the cave opening.