Daycares Sentence Examples
Daycare Bans-Most daycares will not allow children to use cloth diapers.
Home daycares are childcare services which are maintained in someone's home.
Most states require strict licensing procedures for home daycares.
Keep in mind that home daycares that only keep a small number of children will probably be more expensive than childcare centers, although this may not always be the case.
Childcare centers or daycares typically have a staff of trained early childhood specialists, although they may use part-time help, including high school students, as well.
Flexible Scheduling-Home daycares may offer more flexible scheduling.
The biggest drawback is that in-home daycares may not be regulated as closely in your state, so you need to be sure you trust your provider.
Free books may also be provided to daycares and prison visitation areas for children of imprisoned parents as well.
The company manufactures products for retail sale to residential homes, hotels, daycares, and other business establishments.
Hotels, daycares, and other businesses can purchase direct from the company.
AdvertisementFrequent hand washing is encouraged for caregivers and children alike, particularly in settings such as daycares and schools.
This includes dorm rooms, bathrooms, children's bedroom, daycares, the office, and school classrooms.
While visiting daycares, make sure you ask all the questions that are on your mind.
Daycares should have a flexible yet reliable schedule that includes playtime, quiet time, group activities, and independent tasks.
Many daycares offer after school programs, and most provide bus service from local elementary schools to the daycare center.
AdvertisementSchools, daycares, and other large groups can often receive discounts as well if their tickets are purchased in advance.