Day-to-day Sentence Examples
So many celebrities seem to be expecting nowadays that people who aren't in the public eye on a day-to-day basis can easily forget how difficult it must be for a woman to endure rampant speculation and gossip during this time in her life.
Still other styles can change from day to day to reflect the emotions of the wearer, and that's what an emo hair style is all about - reflecting your personal style.
While our employment hampered our work with Howie, we all recognized our need to continue our day to day lives.
Byrne was a day-to-day guy.
From observations during twelve balloon ascents, Linke concludes that below the 1500-metre level there are numerous sources of disturbance, the gradient at any given height varying much from day to day and hour to hour; but at greater heights there is much more uniformity.
Let me put it this way, there are fast-track guys and day-to-day guys—the guys who just get the job done.
In the meantime, Dean had all he could do to keep up with Parkside's police day-to-day activities.
From the resulting elements of the orbit the positions of the body from day to day may be computed and tabulated in an ephemeris for the use of observers.
The newly christened Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gustefson were finally merged into one apartment and blissfully drifting back to a day to day routine.
We're trying to come to grips with our day to day problems like the rest of the masses.
AdvertisementDuring the first week of April Convocation sat almost from day to day to determine questions of fact and law in relation to Catherine's marriage with Henry as affected by her previous marriage with his brother Arthur.
It is nevertheless certain that during the first half of 1794 he was very strictly secluded; he had no special guardian, but was under the charge of guards changed from day to day.
A pupil of Nessus, or, as some accounts prefer, of Democritus himself, he was a complete sceptic. He accepted the Democritean theory of atoms and void and the plurality of worlds, but held a theory of his own that the stars are formed from day to day by the moisture in the air under the heat of the sun.
A charming style, a vivid fancy, exhaustive research, were not to be expected from a hard-worked barrister; but he must certainly be held responsible for the frequent plagiarisms, the still more frequent inaccuracies of detail, the colossal vanity which obtrudes on almost every page,'the hasty insinuations against the memory of the great departed who were to him as giants, and the petty sneers which he condescends to print against his own contemporaries, with whom he was living from day to day on terms of apparently sincere friendship.
Nadirs way had been prepared by circumstances, and as he progressed from day to day his army increased.
AdvertisementMoreover, the family divisions among the ruling houses of Afghanistan grew from day to day more destructive to that patriotism and sense of nationality which Ahmad Shah had held out to his countrymen as the sole specifics for becoming a strong people.
The incidents of the Venetian dispute from day to day are related in the contemporary diaries published by Enrico Cornet (Vienna, 1859).
Were the stars visible in the daytime in the immediate neighbourhood of the sun, this motion could be traced from day to day.
It follows that, if we go on computing the elements a, b, c, d from the actual values of x, y, x' and y', at each moment when the planet is subject to the attraction of another body, they will no longer be invariable, but will slowly vary from day to day and year to year.
Such tables are used in the offices of the national Ephemerides to construct ephemerides of the several planets, showing their exact positions in the sky from day to day.
AdvertisementThe rate of actual rotation is substantially uniform, while the arc through which the moon moves from day to day varies.
With Jule—and you—I think we have a chance of ridding the planet of the immortal interference and returning to our day-to-day battle between good and evil.
Let me put it this way, there are fast-track guys and day-to-day guys—the guys who just get the job done.
Account managers are responsible for the day to day running of an account managers are responsible for the day to day running of an account.
The shareholders do not retain much control of the day-to-day administration of the company's affairs.
AdvertisementDr. Angela Piccini and Dr. Caroline Rye are the project's post-doctoral research associates and are responsible for the day-to-day running of the project.
New structures and projects can divert attention away from day-to-day services.
You will also be dealing with Housing Association clients on a day-to-day basis.
Planning and control could be called'managing the operation on a day-to-day basis' except that it sounds too clumsy.
They have already been running the club day-to-day for nearly a year and recently posted a surplus for the first time in living memory.
Sen Gupta's historical fiction has done a very commendable job of presenting children caught up in mysteries and adventures or even day-to-day problems.
Thereafter, learning comes through working closely day-to-day with experienced colleagues, supported by regular briefings and training sessions.
His Committee scrutinizes on our behalf what we do day-to-day in the Ministry of Defense.
Although you learn more theory in university than you actually use day-to-day, I do enjoy applying the theory to the practical work.
This single session course covers the basics of using GroupWise to perform day-to-day messaging tasks.
This new Group Policy format will not affect day-to-day configuring of policies.
Day-to-day management will rest with the remaining executive directors who will report to a management committee chaired by Allen Thomas, the Chairman.
The first point Carey makes, is the complete disjunction of the art world from that of day-to-day life.
What tends to make me pessimistic is the ignorance of the people I rub elbows with on a day to day basis.
The 'carbon footprint ' is a calculation of how much carbon the pub emits during day to day operations.
Their function is primarily formative, setting objectives for the day-to-day process of learning throughout the course.
Witnessing day to day life on the famous ghats from a boat at sunrise is among the highlights of any trip to India.
What you see is the genuine day to day hustle and bustle of Morroccan life.
There is a part-time janitor for the building, who will work closely with the Administrator on a day-to-day basis.
I live in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales and require a live-in personal care assistant to help with my day to day living.
This role will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Data Changes / Issues process under which the Brand Data Action Group operates.
The program chronicled the day-to-day misadventures of a bunch of rather odd and unpleasant teachers at a third-rate school.
For more information about tracing National Insurance numbers, see Part 4 of the Employer Helpbook E13, day-to-day payroll.
While many of the products are fresh in the day-to-day sense, they do not include very short-life perishables or chilled goods.
The school expects its senior prefects to take an active role in the day-to-day running of the school.
Its main function is to appoint receivers who carry out the day to day management of the person's affairs.
All health workers of any type must be involved in integrated eye care services and eye care as part of their day-to-day routine.
They are in charge of the day-to-day running of the country.
Proposed shift rotas appear to have very scanty provision in terms of senior cover for ward work on a day to day basis.
The growth of the company has resulted in the move to our new larger premises which has streamlined our day to day operations.
Apparently, you don't use the imperfect subjunctive in day-to-day conversation.
He has intwined apects of traffic, boating and the day-to-day tedium of office work in a new way.
Getting there by itself is one tough job, and sustaining your place there is another day to day tussle.
But there was satisfaction in seeing from day to day the evidence of growing mastery and the possibility of final success.
From day to day he became more and more entangled.
But the countess' health obliged them to delay their departure from day to day.
I have to deal on a day-to-day basis with this ravenous beast [the Tory press ].
Its main function is to appoint receivers who carry out the day to day management of the person 's affairs.
Who Should Attend Staff responsible for the day-to-day administration of council tax.
Of the day-to-day life of the great theocentric saints and contemplatives we know, in the great majority of cases, nothing whatever.
Always changing, the hydrosphere never looks exactly the same from day to day.
New technology, like smartphones, fitness trackers, etc., are altering our day-to-day lives. Is it always for the better?
These types of day-to-day, tactical or operational failures are perfectly natural, and should not only be expected, but they should be embraced.
Therefore, prepare for the day-to-day failures and embrace them.
There are the day-to-day tactical and strategic failures and then there is the catastrophic failure of the enterprise.
Let your child help with some of the responsibility of day to day chores.
As you look for the best baby monitor for your needs, Sony offers a choice of quality products to give you peace of mind in your day to day care of your infant.
Many times people start out providing foster care, but through the day-to-day caring of the child or children grow to love them like their own.
Don't dry bras in a dryer; rotate bras from day to day to allow each bra time to return to its original fit, and pre-treat milk stains with a laundry detergent that contains an enzyme to dissolve the stains.
Materials like silk and satin provide a better look though they can be impractical for day-to-day wear.
Once the property is yours, begin interviewing potential renters, and consider hiring a repairperson or landlord to handle the day-to-day business of the property (this won't be applicable to all rental properties).
The continuous duty rating is the most important horsepower reading for day-to-day exercise.
From movement to critical thinking to registering pain, your brain is a vital part of your day to day activities.
The processor is the brain of the computer, running the day to day tasks from the very first moment you turn on the computer to opening programs to playing that favorite game.
You should especially stop using store cards, as they are usually for stores with merchandise you don't actually need for day-to-day living.
For example, a card used for day-to-day expenses requires an arrangement with low per-transaction charges.
Accountants handle the day-to-day tasks of balancing a budget, paying and maintaining accounts, and coordinating the movement of money from one source to another.
Tips for saving money through day-to-day personal habits.
Not only does the organization handle the day-to-day contact with the creditors (hopefully ending those unpleasant phone calls), but by engaging in a DMP they often waive some or even all extra fees and charges for your pre-DMP mess.
While it may cost money to hire an attorney, consider those funds as money well spent - most of us don't have to think about these issues on a day-to-day basis, but a divorce attorney does.
Talking to each other is a way to stay in touch with the day-to-day life of each family member, and a way to come together and work out problems.
A lot of carbon can add up quickly just with day-to-day living.
The sheer volume of children, combined with day to day school activities, generates waste of all types.
We have someone in India, who is in touch with the artisans on a day-to-day basis to make sure Three Pillars' standards are being met and to ensure that we are all on the same page.
Dodging furniture as you're trying to move from room to room can be irritating on a day-to-day basis.
Britney has also starred in a movie and had a one season stint on her own reality show, showcasing day-to-day life with Spears and her husband.
If you crave a picture perfect, flawless complexion - and frankly, who doesn't - Luminess airbrush makeup helps to create a perfect canvas for day to day looks or special events.
The Internet is also filled with webcams that allow you to look at famous places around the world in real time to see what they look like from day to day.
They also don't have the same day-to-day costs of doing business as brick-and-mortar stores do.
Hopefully playing virtual pet games will install the need to check on the pet and the need to improve its intelligence and physical ability through day-to-day interaction.
Your day-to-day life teaches you to hurry, meet deadlines, and watch your time.
Sometimes, anxiety can help you perform at your best, but when anxiety becomes a constant companion, interfering with your day-to-day activities, you may have an anxiety disorder.
For example, you may not use your online calendar for day-to-day events, reserving it for big ticket items like staff meetings, parent teacher conferences and early release days.
Yet in many cases, teen lesbians are less concerned about these larger societal issues and more worried about surviving day-to-day life in the halls of their high school.
With all the abbreviations that teens use when texting or instant-messaging one another online, as well as their day-to-day vocabulary, an adult may feel like a teen is speaking Greek to him.
This can help people to better retain numerical information, remember words they have read or heard, recall directions and just function better in their day to day lives.
It's easy to take your spouse for granted in the day-to-day hustle.
Get prepared for problems - this can be preparedness for relapses and even just the day to day issues like what if everyone at work smokes.
Explain that you are ready to embrace recovery in day-to-day living.
Over the next four seasons, viewers continued to tune in to watch the day-to-day life of the new golden couple.
You'll find gossip about movie premieres and celebrity divorces, as well as info on what your favorite celeb's day-to-day life is like.
The award-winning talk show host will feature a line of 32 cards that bear her likeness in illustrations along with her quirky day-to-day observations.
Federline recently had subpoenas issued to many of the people who know Britney best and have first-hand knowledge of her day-to-day interaction with the kids and her behavior.
This leaves over $200,000 that could be added to the trust, or handed over to Suleman for use towards paying for the children's day to day necessities.
Then, tells the world that businessmen should learn from him, because, you know, he manages all of his money, brands, investments and what not on a day to day basis.
Today my parents are convinced I made the right decision but I still face day-to-day obstacles of owning a business.
Pants are also a popular item, but on a day-to-day basis, it's the jackets that sell the most for casual use.
These costumes are tons of fun and will make your child even more adorable than he or she is on a day-to-day basis.
Some parents want their kids to look polished, but day-to-day life with children almost always involves messy food, spills and scrapes and new stains.
On a day to day basis, the RA is available as a resource and sounding board for residents of a floor.
The schools make it possible for students to get an education and encourage achievement while still managing their day-to-day lives working, raising families and more.
Most college students have lived with parents or guardians prior to moving into dorms, so purchasing normal day-to-day supplies can be a huge up-front expense.
Job duties typically differ from day to day and may include financial, administrative, human resources, admissions, and operational responsibilities.
As a manager, you can oversee and supervise a small healthcare organization and its staff, helping to plan its day-to-day operations and working on securing its success in the future.
The flowers vary from pale pink to a deep magenta, deepening towards the centre of the flower and from day to day.
Basements typically have very few windows and therefore can be difficult to light for reading, playing or other day-to-day activities.
Construction on a garage will not disrupt day-to-day living the way a kitchen remodel will.
No matter what your home addition ideas are, make sure you balance your day-to-day living requirements with your future resale plans when adding to your home.
These layers need to be fused together to create a surface that is durable enough to withstand day-to-day foot traffic.
For regular day-to-day foot traffic, most laminate floors will wear equally well.
Shorts made with spandex offer give in the hips and thighs as you go through your day-to-day movements.
This is one reason hooded parkas are the jacket of choice for skiers, hikers or just for day-to-day activities like sitting in the stands at your son's football game or going for a walk on a blustery day.
Unpredictable weather patterns can also spell confusion for women who aren't sure what to wear on a day-to-day basis.
The relationships we have in our later years and our day-to-day interactions with others can be of great benefit.
A state-licensed facility, nursing homes provide 24-hour nursing care as well as a professional health staff that attends to the physical, emotional, day-to-day, and recreational needs of the residents.
Many seniors with day-to-day limitations are not frail enough to require nursing homes, though they clearly need assistance.
On the other hand, neglecting regular eye care can lead to losing your ability to live independently or make day-to-day activities more difficult.
A solution to this problem is hiring in-home care givers to help with some of the day-to-day tasks mentioned above.
Companions often live with the senior, not to "take care" of the senior but, instead, to share day-to-day activities and to provide help such as transportation.
Non-medical home care is a system by which aides help a senior with day-to-day living needs.
While frustrating, senior memory loss does not affect day-to-day living.
With the high cost of housing combined with the costs of medical expenses and day to day necessities, their checks are often not enough to pay for their needs.
Assisted living facilities offer another option for people who need some help with day-to-day activities.
If you answered the first question with "no" then a care center can provide support and care to help your loved one with these day-to-day functions.
Others may require assistance in varying degrees with day-to-day functions.
While everyone hopes to live out life as an active, vibrant part of a community, senior living sometimes requires help with day-to-day tasks.
When you exercise, you can help slow this process, which can improve your day-to-day life.
One of the most well-known forms of dementia is Alzheimer's, but there are others, and they all carry with them symptoms that affect intellectual abilities as well as the ability to perform day-to-day functions.
It may include a short-term companion to assist an elderly loved one while they recuperate from surgery, or may be a long-term live-in situation for someone who has no guardian and needs help with day-to-day living.
Non-medical in home care for the elderly is often called "companion care" and includes help for the elderly with chores and day-to-day activities.
Ongoing in-home care often includes nursing and medical services along with the day-to-day help with things like hygiene, dressing, making meals and running errands.
Whether you are a senior that wants to maintain as much independence as possible, or someone that needs assistance with day to day activities, Horizon Bay offers housing options to fill your needs.
Expert personnel to oversee day-to-day living functions and offer help with personal care as needed.
Workers are available to help seniors with personal in-home, day-to-day care or are available to provide long-term care in the home when needed.
Along with the assistance offered in day-to-day living, planned activities and programs are also designed to help keep seniors engaged.
These communities offer a number of options for seniors ready for a little extra day-to-day help or seniors who need health care services.
Dining options offer a varied selection designed to meet the taste and mood of residents from day to day whether it is something from the grill or a sweet treat at the ice cream parlor.
Yes, CPAP can improve the quality of sleep and the quality of day to day life, but for a while, especially if there are problems with the CPAP mask, it can be hard to remember how CPAP improves life when it's so darn annoying.
This varies depending on several factors, and the stage in which a person awakens varies from day to day.
Sleep apnea may not top of concerns for visitors, but Las Vegas' population has the same day-to-day concerns as any other city.
The side effects of the medication are significant and they may interfere with the patient's ability to function normally on a day-to-day basis.
The company also have a small range of prescription spectacles, allowing you to gain all the benefits of Bolle in your day-to-day glasses, too.
Instead of shopping for lenses and feeling disappointed about what's offered, you can browse through exciting options that have actually been improved for a more impressive experience when wearing your lenses day-to-day.
One of the most convenient items for our day-to-day lives can be pretty mysterious if you are not familiar with the construction and function behind contact lenses.
For example, if you book a 7 day pass, you can visit the parks for as much as 50 percent off the standard day to day rate.
On top of living his day-to-day life of course!
The second half of the equation is the day-to-day "front end" operations.
As video games progress in realism, the rules become increasingly like the ones we live with from day to day.
To see what a difference the shape of the glass makes, take a normal day-to-day wine glass and a big Burgundy stem and pour the same wine into both and take a big sniff.
The prices can change from day to day and location to location.
Take advantage of the lack of car horns, noisy neighbors, loud radios, and all the other day-to-day disturbances we live with in town.
If you don't need a super-size truck in your daily life, it certainly makes sense to purchase an RV that can be towed by a vehicle that is affordable and that is better suited to your day-to-day lifestyle.
Choosing the right smartphone will be dependant upon your individual needs, your current computer operating system and the applications you require for your day to day tasks.
Working with the child's school teachers to formulate a day-to-day schedule can help maintain consistency for the child and address specific developmental delays.
Cholesterol levels in blood serum vary considerably from day to day and even from one time of a day to another related to the consumption of fats in the diet.
If given proper encouragement and the opportunity to practice a coherent inner sense of morality, however, most people will develop a balanced morality to guide their day-to-day interactions with their world.
Specifically, adolescents are more likely to conform to their peers' opinions when it comes to short-term, day-to-day, and social matters-styles of dress, tastes in music, and choices among leisure activities.
Family conflict during this stage is more likely to take the form of bickering over day-to-day issues than outright fighting.
Because a girl's menstrual flow may vary from day to day during the cycle, she may want to use different types of products during her period.
If menstrual cramps become severe enough to keep a girl from going about her day-to-day routine, she should see a doctor.
While in the hospital and immediately after the birth, they may withdraw from their older children to care for the newborn, leaving day-to-day care taking of the other children to friends, relatives, or hired caregivers.
The deviation can vary from day to day or during the day.
However, it should not be considered a potential symptom of dependent personality disorder unless the behavior becomes chronic and significantly interferes with day-to-day functioning and/or causes the child significant distress.
On the other end of the spectrum is the fact that dance (along with other physical activities) engages a different part of the brain than intellectual exercises like writing or dealing with the day-to-day stresses.
Over time as the concept of agency-based hospice, rather than volunteer-based hospice care grew, the government began to establish more regulations about the day to day management of hospice agencies.
To reflect those emotions, an emo style may be somewhat unruly, and in fact, many teens who wear emo styles will change their look from day to day to reflect their current state of mind.
Most people assume that punk hair styles have a single look, but in fact hair that can be classified as punk can be styled in a number of ways, and it may be long, short, layered, teased, or otherwise coiffed differently from day to day.
For some people, a different color can better reflect their personality and even their day-to-day moods.
You can make it what you want from day to day without feeling like you've wasted your hard-earned cash.
The child also has more of an opportunity to watch parents model these values on a day-to-day basis.
Introducing the idea that fractions are highly applicable to a person's day-to-day activities is important.
This can create a very complicated barrier between parent and child because it is difficult to gauge the overall success of the child's progress on a day-to-day basis when one is isolated from the subject matter.
What percentage of the work is routine and what percentage changes day-to-day or week-to-week?
Summer interns work on special projects or participate in the day-to-day functions of the department to which they are assigned.
Once you have a clear idea of what the day-to-day responsibilities of this career choice involve, you can make an informed choice about whether it would be a good fit for you.
Others argue that this is not true, asserting that it is the day to day experience of running a business that is most valuable to entrepreneurs.
Operations managers are tasked with the responsibility of overseeing the day-to-day management of the facilities where they are employed.
This rate varies from day to day and reflects the true cost of borrowing paid by central banks.
Who decides what is LIBOR rates on a day to day basis?
Some use these funds for home repair, travel, medical care, or for day-to-day living expenses.
Buddy groups are small groups of women who commit to supporting each other on a day-to-day basis.
Having the money and resources of a celebrity may seem like a dream come true to cash-strapped parents, but the day-to-day reality may not be so dreamy for many celeb mamas.
For example, your day-to-day lifestyle may not have changed and yet you feel very tired.
Of course, Kelly's off-camera style is just as becoming as what you see on television, but her day-to-day looks include outfits you'll never see her wearing on camera!
Perhaps the most important thing you need to know about vitamin C is that it can help you stay well on a day-to-day basis.
For day-to-day style, popular women's fashions in the 50s included dresses and two-piece suits with full, flared skirts.
As you get more skilled at sudoku your mind will become more agile, which will help you out in day-to-day life as well as making the puzzles easier to solve.
For some people, a breakup can be so excruciating that they just can't seem to function on a day to day basis.
Cubic zirconia is hard wearing and will survive many day to day knocks and bumps.
To cover more time without plowing through all the details of your day-to-day life, you may add glimpses of your childhood that show how your amazing character came to be.
You'll quickly discover that half the items you've been toting around in your handbag serve little day-to-day purpose.
The tote has to be large enough to carry all of your necessary items, for example a PDA device, books and the like, but small enough not to get in the way of your normal day to day activities.
In addition to packing a backpack properly, it's important to take some time and consider what's actually needed on a day-to-day basis.
There's a call for obedience and the courage to face the day-to-day work required of the ox.
They like living in their own world and being detached from all the day to day drama that people carry around with them.
This is because acquiring a mate has now become as important a task as his other day-to-day projects.
Cancer natives feel this change very personally because each sign has a distinctive set of characteristics, and Cancer may embody those inherent traits from day to day.
Catching behavior problems early and treating them as thoroughly as possible can help your child develop new, positive patterns in his day-to-day life, and these patterns can and most often will follow him into adulthood.
The more information you have on hand, the better equipped you'll be to handle your day to day situation.
Still other camps will push your daughter outside of her normal day to day life with adventure training like rock climbing, backpacking and hiking.
She recently spoke with LoveToKnowKids about her book and her philosophy on how to use leadership skills in day-to-day parenting.
If so, there is a danger of living in the past or for the past while missing the day to day excitement of your current life.
It also offers guidance in the day-to-day living and practical steps needed to take advantage of these deals by getting organized and providing a working knowledge of how to coupon.
More coupons can be printed from the Frugal Living in the NW's Facebook page amid day-to-day updates related to saving money or life in general.
Plus, they carry just about everything people require for day-to-day living.
This shoe is designed for all-around comfort, working equally well for walking, dancing and day-to-day activities.
The cast now (in 2011) reflects members of the Horton, Brady, DiMera and Kiriakis families in their day-to-day struggles.
It's easier than ever before to keep up with your favorite ABC "stories", no matter how hectic your day to day schedule might be.
Unlike their other super couple counterparts on daytime dramas, Nikki and Victor's trials and tribulations were compounded by day-to-day living, business rivals and personal vendettas.
However, unlike the light and portable watches we have today, these watches were heavy and egg shaped, so you would not carry it in your pocket or wear it on a day to day basis.
Weil was intimately involved in the day to day operations during the early years, and the company's reputation grew quickly.
Day-to-day wear can be deadly to any watch.
Many of the watches are waterproof making them ideal for day to day wear as well as wearing on vacation.
Having good, reliable weather forecasts first thing in the morning will help with day to day planning.
In addition to yoga pants and bottoms, the company offers day-to-day clothing and accessories, too.
The company offers day-to-day clothing, not yoga-specific apparel.
Offering to assist with day-to-day errands can be a great help as well, taking some of the pressure off parents whose days are full of appointments from morning to night.
These groups include families that have been through the diagnosis, the emotional aftermath, and the day-to-day difficulties of accepting and adjusting to the circumstances of autism.
This means the skills your child has acquired in a one-on-one setting with a therapist have to be repeated and reinforced in day-to-day life.
When you're knee-deep in day-to-day operations, it's easy to say something such as "Ah, marketing.
To gain an understanding of how to provide good customer service, stage merchandising and obtain knowledge of the day-to-day retail operations of Hot Topic.
Business services includes any service you utilize to assist you in the day-to-day maintenance and improvement of your operation.
Besides your day-to-day business expenses, the expenses related to paying and maintaining your business employees and clients are often tax deductible.
Workloads, project deadlines, downsizing or being short-staffed, and mergers all make day-to-day stress climb.
The day-to-day work of making sales or providing services to clients is only part of the business story.
In the course of day-to-day business, you meet a great many people, and it can be difficult to remember the name of everyone you come into contact with.
Decisions that you make at work reflect the way you think about and deal with ethical conundrums in your day-to-day life.
Their job duties require them to know a great deal about the operations of the business from day to day in order to promote business, attract new customers, and maintain financial success in addition to many other day to day activities.
The more people who live in a home, the more clutter it seems to generate not to mention laundry, dishes, paperwork and the general detritus of day to day living.
In general, picking up on a day-to-day basis will take only a few minutes, while deep cleaning and reorganizing can take hours.
Sometimes we all just need a break from our day-to-day activities.
Well, good news--you don't have to be a taste-deprived healthnik to make smarter choices in your day-to-day eating habits.
If you have problems finding enough protein sources in your day-to-day life, consider a protein shake before bed.
Men are typically more muscular and require additional calories to perform day-to-day activities.A 5 foot 9 inch man who is 35-years-old, moderately active and weighs 200 pounds must eat 2925 calories a day just to maintain his weight.
However, you may find that you are at an ideal weight, and your day to day healthy routine may be all you need to do to maintain the status quo.
Rather, changes in your lifestyle can help you manage your day-to-day life, despite being diabetic, and prevent the serious complications which it can cause.
Often, diets can complicate life, and most people don't need any further complication added into the day-to-day mix.
It's much easier to work biceps; the workouts are less awkward and more day-to-day activities utilize the biceps than triceps.
The following information includes numbers of calories burned during exercise including several regular physical activities performed in day-to-day life.
If you also lose weight, the decreased day-to-day load on the joints and ligaments can have a big impact on problematic knees, aching backs and the like.
Joints and ligaments get stronger, decreasing the risk of injuries in your day-to-day life (assuming you're not overdoing it -- see the next section).
Strength training is essential for protecting your joints and for day-to-day function.
It makes a difference in your day-to-day ability to perform certain tasks.
The official Fitbit site recommends the product for logging your "general day to day trends".
Weight lifting provides so many benefits, from increasing your resting metabolism to helping you prevent injury in your day-to-day activities.
With a varied selection of exercise equipment to choose from, you never need to perform the exact same routine from day to day.
This helps you both achieve a long term goal of speaking French moderately well, as well as knowing enough to get through day to day exchanges during your time in France.
Flirting is not part of the day to day interactions between men and women.
The plans offered through Cinergy are less expensive than other options on the market because they are designed to provide benefits for day-to-day medical expenses only.
Equipment - The stationary equipment you have in your home such as computers, printers, inventory, and anything else you need to run your business on a day-to-day basis should be covered.
A hard workout, or even a short job, involves vigorous activity which is much more than your day-to-day bra is built to handle.
The prices are some of the most reasonable online, and these bustiers can be worn day-to-day as well.
Before you write off a thong bodysuit as an uncomfortable selection for day-to-day, explore these options for business ensembles and layering weekends.
Select a pretty underwire bra as your standard brassiere that you can wear on a day-to-day basis.
Cotton lingerie is usually best for day-to-day wear, especially on your bottom half.
Even if you believe that a bustier is simply too impractical for day to day activities, you may want to pay special attention to this romantic style for this very special day.
It's a great look for any guy who's either sporty or who prefers added support in day-to-day wear.
Choosing the proper transvestite lingerie for performances, day-to-day wear, and costumes can be dizzying to the uninitiated.
This show appears on E! and follows the star around on her day to day activities as she cares for her children and puts a lot of energy into dispelling rumors about her defunct marriage to Charlie Sheen.
The show is similar to other reality shows following celebrities around during their day to day activities.
As a mom, her kids are a part of her day to day life so not allowing them to appear might be unrealistic.
With these side projects and promotional events going on, as well as the day-to-day dealings of the business, there is often tension between the owners of the studio as well as the artists.
Keeping up with the Kardashians is a reality show on E! that follows the day-to-day lives of the Kardashian and Jenner family.
Hutcheson's father, Chris, handles the day-to-day business operations for all of Ramsay's restaurants.
Featured on the cable channel Arts & Entertainment, Intervention first aired in 2005 as a documentary-style program following the day-to-day life of an addict.
He runs the day-to-day operations of the store and has 28 years experience in the pawn business.
With a family this size, multiple appliances are required for day-to-day activities.
In 2005, she was asked to fill in for injured tattoo artist Darren Brass in the first season of TLC's Miami Ink, a reality television show based on the day-to-day events at Miami Beach, Florida tattoo shop.
She runs the day to day operations at the Vexcon office and hands out assignments to Billy and Ricky.
Having robots perform the day-to-day and repetitive surgeries can free up doctors and surgeons for the harder operations.
Roslin chose to no longer fight against the cancer but let it run its course and though she remained President in title, she turned over the day to day duties to Lee Adama in the fourth season.
The Flash Forward television show is centered in Los Angeles where viewers are introduced to the main characters through slice-of-life vignettes of day-to-day life.
Whether you want to change your background around, find out more about the people who are following you, or just share more information about your day-to-day life or business, the best Twitter tools can help.
Whether you are a business owner or just someone who wants a web page that your friends and family can keep up with your day-to-day life, you need a home on the Internet; but why pay money when you can create free web pages?
You aren't surviving day-to-day anymore as you have your whole life, and for the first time, you're fighting for something other than you.
She was making it day to day telling herself neither of those things was true.
She and her husband, Marc saw to the day-to-day needs of Fairhaven.
But as a man who lived day-to-day, tomorrow was a concept he wasn't always comfortable with.
Glass tumblers are therefore preferable on a day to day basis, however, many colleges use plastic tumblers on occasion for safety reasons.
Since summer is such an easy, carefree time, try not to stress too much about your day-to-day casual outfits, unless you're getting ready for a date or special event.