Day Sentence Examples
It was midsummer, and the day was very hot.
One day there was a great storm.
She had a rough day yesterday.
There had been an instant bond between them from the day they met.
One day it wouldn't start.
Lisa came home from the hospital the day before the funeral and Connie insisted on staying with her for a while.
Every day there is much work to be done.
I'll race the miserable wooden donkey any day in the week! cried the cab-horse.
The day isn't getting any longer.
No, she had seen the postman drive up every day since she sent out the letter.
AdvertisementIs this what you do out here all day long?
One day he was lying under a tree, thinking of his misfortunes.
The service on Christmas Eve day was, of course, about Jesus.
By the time she had cleaned the house and finished the laundry, the day was getting hot and sticky.
She felt responsible for the fact that Brandon didn't have that last day with his father.
AdvertisementOne day I'm a boring financial planner, and the next day, I can't go out in sunlight and I see the future.
One day King Henry the Fourth of France was hunting in a large forest.
I am not saying if you enjoy manual labor and being exhausted at the end of the day, you shouldn't do it.
Such a pleasant day and evening should have ended with a restful night and happy dreams, but it didn't.
The balmy weather of Thanksgiving Day had given way to a frosty day after.
AdvertisementAfter that I got to thinking how nice it would be if I had someone to cook me a meal every day.
The very next day she was straining over the counter to reach behind the stove when Cade came into the kitchen.
I could use a day cleaning up the barn.
The next day Cade worked close to the house - trying to keep an eye on her, no doubt.
He was wasting a day because of her.
AdvertisementWas that why he had kissed her that day?
Every day I stay in this house I degrade myself further.
I thought maybe that was what you were trying to tell me that day at the hay field.
We accomplished little the rest of the day.
She rose, bored after being trapped alone the whole day in the condo, and peered through the peephole.
Where is Ne'Rin this day?
It was a heavenly day.
He might be seen every day with a bag of charcoal on his back, carrying it to some of his customers.
Then came a day when the chill air portended a snowstorm.
The first day I had German.
She seemed that day to be more than ever kind and affectionate to everyone.
Anyway she finally got so lonely and depressed that she locked herself in her room one day and shot herself.
And then that day we rode together.
Then the day you fell on the ladder and I caught you - I figured you suspected then.
That's the culmination of the thirty day trial.
No need to cry on such a pretty day, little one.
We agreed the tests were finished for the day but mellowed by wine; we spent two more evening hours summarizing our findings.
The newly christened Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gustefson were finally merged into one apartment and blissfully drifting back to a day to day routine.
He's never out more than ten to twenty minutes at a time and three or four sessions make a heavy day.
Betsy screamed, It's like if The Lord Jesus was standing here, writing a mother's day card to the Virgin Mary, you'd be sitting around on your asses discussing if it was really the month of May!
Perhaps enough of the euphoria of the prior day's success remained that, surprisingly, a reluctant agreement was reached.
I trudged through a boring day, knowing I'd return to an empty apartment as Betsy was off to Los Angeles for the entire week.
It's difficult out on the road to hide them more than a day or two.
Saturday and Sunday were both productive days with four sessions taking place each day.
Howie would first go back to earlier in the day and document precise activities of the director; we hoped they'd be sufficient for him to believe our abilities.
We're trying to come to grips with our day to day problems like the rest of the masses.
Yet another problem surfaced later the same day.
It was the first time in months Quinn would attempt to position Howie back more than a day or two.
In fact, he's gone missing, Quinn held a super market tabloid as we shared coffee before starting our day.
Exactly. You'll be holding her hair for her in the bathroom several times a day.
It was that day his ma and her husband took us up in Governor's Basin for a picnic.
One day he was in the midst of a great battle.
It seemed to him that it was a very long time ago, almost a day, since he had first seen the enemy and fired the first shot, and that the corner of the field he stood on was well-known and familiar ground.
Everyone was on edge as we began early the next day.
Each of the four knew their job and we proceeded to conduct four tests before the day was over.
We had wasted nearly the entire day with no results.
Our last session on the day ended on a sad note that was very distressing to Howie.
Later the same day, he informed all of us he was getting needed help, as he put it.
But that's another story for another day.
I called Daniel Brennan the next day and related the story to him.
It was her first day back on the job; she would stay only an hour while Quinn babysat.
They backed off and waited a day before questioning him.
Howie Abbott and Julie O'Malley were not mentioned for the rest of the day.
Now, a state park, the mountain remains a popular destination for one day hikers.
I didn't give them the time of day, except to confirm what you told me on the record.
I thanked her and closed up shop for the day and left for home.
I know; I'm acting like a fool but it's been a bad day... week... month.
The time, of day however, was precisely known.
I'll tell the world at this end I'm off on a ten day fishing trip and can't be contacted.
I took time before retiring for the day to telephone Martha with the good news Julie's break in was a false alarm.
Molly joined us, dressed in a new outfit Betsy purchased for her the prior day.
She smiled at Molly who had just finished relating the highlights of her first day at her new school.
He's spent half the day on the phone with his shrink-doctor.
He paid each day and he didn't drop off his rent.
There were a half dozen messages from both Julie and Howie from California but in view of our frenzied day, decided to let them simmer until after a much relished glass or two of wine and Molly's carefully grilled hot dogs and cheese bread.
I'm sorry your guy missed him but maybe it was his lucky day.
Once in a while we shut the alarm down during the day 'cause some of the help use that exit to the back parking lot.
No documentation to current day activity was listed.
It took us all the following day and part of next, though our calculations of time were suspect, to finish our ladder.
We had miscalculated the time of day.
More than a day followed until we'd chiseled, in ever increasing light, our precious opening.
She'd kept the flowers around Jonny's bed as fresh as the day they arrived last week.
He went after it, and she played with her toys all day.
She'd fallen for him the day she met him seven years ago.
I don't mind trying to make your day as good as you make mine.
She wondered how many more there would be and doubted she'd last more than another day or two if he kept draining her blood.
Her smile lit up his day.
She drove the winding roads from her father's manor through County Clare and south towards the Cliffs of Moher to Doolin, one of her favorite day trips.
The sun set too early on the autumn day, and she finished the trip to Doolin in darkness.
She felt the truth in his words, perhaps because their souls had touched when they first met the day before.
By the time she reached the cliff Jule indicated the next day, Yully's soul was humming like an electric wire.
I obeyed the emergency protocol issued earlier in the day and didn't approach the vamp.
Instead, she prepared for the day as if it were her last.
Being surrounded by vamps all day and night made her crazy with the need to kill a few.
Unfortunately, the commute to work every day was still excruciating.
As different as night and day, they were his adopted brothers—and the only men in the universe he trusted with his life.
Damian hadn't expected his day to be so eventful.
Jake gave her enough that she should sleep for another day or so, Han answered.
Here she sat, covered in blood, drugged, one day from being all out crazy, then kidnapped—and the sight of the man before her turned her on.
It's not every day your little brother turns 300K.
Every day he awoke wondering what happened to him, but he remembered nothing beyond waking up the day before.
His phone dinged, and he looked down at one of the zillion text messages he received from any number of his Guardians every day.
One day, I'll tell you.
She'd wasted her first day of light.
Damian was rarely indoors during the day, and she hoped he wasn't in his room when she knocked.
Her courage fled to see him framed in his doorway, as seductive by day as he was by night.
It'll get old for you one day.
She waited until they stopped and the full light of day streamed into her room before heading to the kitchen.
It was a barracks for the Guardians, most of whom greeted her with a quiet good day, ikira as she passed.
She lowered her gaze at the heated look from the man who drove her crazy every other minute of her day.
They plotted together during the hunting trip you and your brother took the day before he died.
Let them sweat for a day, then do whatever you want with the three.
I'll be in town in a day or two.
And if he didn't, you could leave him there and do whatever the hell you wanted for the day?
One day I'm normal.
Claire didn't look any worse for wear after a day in the offsite location Dusty had scouted as a temporary dungeon for their prisoners.
She'd been quiet for a day or two, going everywhere with him, a companion in his head who was beyond the touch of his angry master.
She'd starve in a day.
His first memory was of waking up then of everything he'd done for the day.
The day kiri grows tired of him, he's going to my behavior modification training, Dusty assured him.
You will remember the secrets I gave you one day, when you must use them.
You are saving five lives a day, simply by being my mate.
He offered a small smile, not nearly as large as the one he'd given her the day he gave her the advice that ended up condemning her.
Made you face the truth before the first day was out.
She'll be lucky if I let her survive the day.
She'd been terrified that day, unaware she'd be mated to him twenty four hours later.
There was never a day when you didn't love each other.
But there was a never a day when you didn't love her and she didn't love you.
It was turning out to be a horrible day.
I mean, you're in Hell maybe even being torn to pieces every day and you're being kind to me.
You could've waited a day for him to fail then cured Selyn.
You play with people's lives every day.
Deidre shook her head and spun away, fed up with deities for the day.
It had been a perfect day at Bird Song—until the phone call came and tanked any semblance of tranquility into a mire of despair.
Elderly Brandon Westlake, the only single oldie, failed to engage Cynthia's interest in his day's activities, a high country wildflower photo shoot in Governor's Basin.
She poured a bowl of cereal, something Martha would have done for herself on a usual day.
It was Pumpkin Green's third day since arriving with an overladen shopping cart he insisted on lugging to his second floor room.
She ended the uncomfortable scene with a muttered, "Have a nice day."
She was obsessed with them locating him and transporting his bones to the light of day.
We said we were driving to Telluride for the day.
Those were taken on a very clear day, in the late afternoon sun.
Only little Lydia—who I understand was Jill-on-the-job and busted you for racing on her first day on duty.
It was only a week past the longest day of the year and still light outside but Dean joined her, in case she changed her mind and needed him.
Whether it was Pumpkin's advice or the sunny day, Cynthia's mood lightened as they drove.
God, he would have given both arms, his manhood, and his Captain Midnight whistle for one day as a pro, regardless of the language of the cheering fans.
Monday was cleaning day, but since smiling Maria had joined the staff, the Deans' chores were reduced considerably.
There, good citizens, is the result of a wasted day in the mountains.
You're going to be in the dark all day.
A young couple whose life dream was owning a Bird Song look-alike learned from Fred the principals would be absent for the day and offered to stick around playing temporary innkeepers.
The day was magnificent and the cool morning air as sharp as a knife.
They're giving us the day off tomorrow and the Fourth of July.
It was strange how quickly the trials and fears of the day could be put on the back burner with a couple of swigs of amber liquid.
He missed the small girl and her shy smile a hundred times a day.
Great day, isn't it?
They sold like homemade ice cream on a summer day.
Once you've got the bug, you'd no more pass up a good bargain than a cold beer on a hot day.
They almost never enjoyed the first meal of the day outside of Bird Song, but the holiday was cause for exception.
He'd only been here once, years before, but he told me he owned land and one day he'd settle in the town.
She certainly shares our opinion that the current day Dawkins are a sorry lot.
Jennifer Radisson had changed to jeans and a sweatshirt advertising Ouray, and carried a day pack slung over her shoulder.
Added to it was the pleasure of seeing Cynthia, after all she'd undergone, so utterly enjoying the day.
He tried to block that day from his mind as he played out the coiled rope from over his shoulder and moved backwards down the slope.
Then one day I found lipstick on his clothes.
It was Friday, a week day, and the height of the season, so he had expected most of the town's folk to be too busy for political small talk.
I'm mighty glad to see her back on duty after only a half day off!
You'd probably fire my ass the first day on the job.
The day had arrived with more bumps and grinds than a burlesque matron.
He rose and began pacing the room as Dean stopped by and proceeded to bend Dean's ear how this was the day he and Paulette were to receive a firm offer on the Lucky Pup property.
The date conflicted with the Election Day for sheriff but Cynthia repeated her promise to vote absentee.
The meadow was a tranquil site, far removed from main roads of present day habitation.
There was a chill in the early day air as Dean drove the topless Jeep north through town as Ouray was waking up.
Ginger Dawkins was sitting on the porch in her pretty blue sweater as if she'd never huffed and puffed her exit a day earlier.
The audience included the Dawkinses, still in residence after an airplane mechanical problem delayed them yet another day.
But no such calls came, and breathing became easier as the day moved along.
She left the day before, to visit her sister in Denver.
Ralph warned me, but when I insisted, he figured if we stuck together Blackie wouldn't get away with doing anything—wouldn't have a chance before we left the next day.
The next day we were supposed to leave to go back home, so we just did.
Cynthia accepted the news well, first on the phone amid post wedding hubbub, and the next day when he met her stepping off the plane.
Before Dean could contact Lydia to offer his congratulations, she visited Bird Song the day after Cynthia returned.
All she had to do was practice for a day or two and then find Gabriel.
But the day she met Gabriel, human-Deidre made an omelet.
Deidre wanted to experience everything about that day.
It was the second strongest memory in human-Deidre's mind, the day when both of their lives changed.
She struggled to recall what her real mother looked like or the day she became Death or even the day she met Gabriel.
Deidre couldn't learn to become the human she created in half a day.
Why did human-Deidre not eat these every day?
Deidre delicately wiped her face and stood, stuffed but beyond pleased with her first day as a human.
Was human-Deidre going through the same pain many times a day at Darkyn's hands?
Landon, start taking accountability of dealers and compasses throughout the day.
I visited dear Tamer and spent most of the day with him and his records.
The one that might one day consider him an equal worth trusting with her heart.
He definitely didn't look forward to waking up one day in Hell.
She responded to him with raw hunger, no longer timid as she had been when he kissed her the day before.
This was the best day of my life, Gabriel.
It was the fourth day of their seven-day deal.
He had done it every day he served her as her lead assassin and he was doing it now as Death.
I would've spent every day with you, if you hadn't done what you did.
He didn't know what that meant or even if it was a possibility that she would one day trust him enough to tell him what was burdening her.
He was rumored to go through five to ten blood monkeys a day and was said to have single-handedly wiped out whole villages.
I've checked on your little human almost every day to ensure what I planned for her was not altered by Darkyn's bloodlust.
But there was never a day when you didn't love her and she didn't love you.
There might one day be a way to win her soul back.
Deidre tested them three times but was afraid of pissing off Gabriel by disobeying him so early in the day.
He should've let you remember every wrong you committed so you could relive them every second of every day.
He would never hurt her, but he'd never again touch her as he had the other day, either.
Wynn wished of the second time that day he had a weapon of some sort.
She smiled, remembering the day they took Destiny home from the hospital.
We talked about this the day you signed the adoption papers.
They expected Lori to return that day, but she didn't.
I thought you might enjoy a day to yourself afterward.
Other than the situation with Lori and the fact that it was a busy day, nothing was different than any other day.
But then, any other day he wasn't home, so he wouldn't know.
Carmen was waiting for Alex outside the clinic with Destiny one day when the red-headed man strolled up to the car.
You met Lori that day, didn't you?
If Lori hadn't admitted that she loved Alex the day Destiny was born, the idea that the two of them were romantically involved probably wouldn't have crossed her mind.
I loved you from the day we met, and it had nothing to do with guilt or pity.
The next week they got the restraining order, but as Carmen witnessed one day on her way home, it didn't stop Lori.
But he didn't wake, and each day that passed made it less likely that he would come out of the coma.
She had been doing that several times a day every since he went to the hospital.
One day, when Destiny was with Grandma Reynolds and Jonathan was at staying with a friend, she decided to go down to the house before she went to the hospital.
Every day she assured him of her love, even though he gave no indication that he heard.
I was thinking about that the other day.
The doctor said there was no reason for him to remain in a coma and he might wake up any day.
The doctors still said they expected him to wake up any day, but Carmen was skeptical about how much they believed it.
Each day now was not drawing closer to wake-up time.
Someone has been visiting Alex at the hospital almost every day.
One day she arrived when his father was still visiting.
One day she arrived to find him struggling to sit up in bed.
The next morning when she arrived, Alex was dressed in the clothes she had brought him the day before.
The issue came to a head one day when he was standing in the living room signing with Jonathan.
When Katie brought the twins over one hot August day, Carmen finally found the courage to bring up the subject.
By day he was the man she married – less a voice.
Jonathan was out of camp now, so he was at the house all day.
It was a hot day and she was already exhausted.
The other day, when you had that white sundress on, you looked so irresistible.
If she hadn't humiliated him that day as they stood before the mirror, maybe this conversation would never have been necessary.
Every day you write me something, Okay?
I'll write something every day.
Before the day got started, she should go down to the buffalo barn and check on the grain.
After getting them each a cup of coffee and a piece of the cherry pie she had made the day before, she sat down at the table with them.
She'd let herself grieve for a day – maybe two – and then fill her world with as much sunshine as possible.
It was not every day he was summoned by a deity.
Perhaps the day he realized what he'd done was irreparable, and he was going to lose her twice.
She probably knew it was her last day and decided not to make the bed.
She touched, smelled and tasted everything she could, determined to remember every pleasurable part of every day she had left.
Unwilling to let the weirdness ruin her day, Deidre dismissed the strange exchange, distracted by the smells coming from a display of homemade candles.
Deidre flipped on the lights in the bungalow and made herself stir fry with the fresh veggies she'd bought that day.
There's nothing else on the planet that forces you to really see and accept who you are as the day the doctor says you're dying.
Couples and families had been walking up and down the beach all day.
This entire day was weird.
The sense of calm settling inside her was unnatural, like the rest of the day.
For the second time in one day, she saw the dead body of her boyfriend.
The scents were real enough and made her realize she hadn't eaten all day.
One day, she stopped.
Deidre walked into one of four courtyards she'd discovered roaming the day before.
Daniela had told her the kitchens would serve at any time of day.
Half-drunk by the time Rhyn explained things to her the day before, she'd come away from that conversation more baffled than she'd been when she fell out of the sky onto the beach.
At the end of the day, you're Gabe's, so he can do whatever he wants with you, as long as he follows the Code.
His day job is to kill people.
The heavy Southern day reminded her of the Caribbean.
Reviewing their day together, she couldn't find any instance where he'd directly tipped her off.
The Immortals earlier in the day said the same.
Whatever step towards him she seemed to take this day, she'd leapt back about twenty.
Would the Deidre that was his mate snap one day and turn into the goddess he remembered?
You took his heart and crushed it, like every day for thousands of years.
So then, one day you told him to kill Katie and her baby, because you were mad at Rhyn and the demons were coming.
No wonder Gabe hated her one day and tried hard to tolerate her the next.
I never knew she existed until a day ago, and I'm only now learning how awful of a person she was.
As he started away, he realized Fate had told him something else this day.
They proved to be the turning point in her day.
She wiped the tears from her face, feeling more torn up than she had the day before.
One arm looped around her and she braced herself against his chest, vaguely realizing that --by not refusing him the day before --he'd taken her response as a blank check.
Maybe one day they'll rub off on you, help you get a decent man.
She waited in the cold winter day until the familiar Lincoln Town Car arrived.
It was not the relaxing day she'd hoped for.
She composed herself and psyched herself up for a day of shopping, awkward questions about Rhyn, and flaky friends.
Her body was still exhausted from Kris's attack and a day spent with Hannah and her friends.
It's a new day.
Until the day not there.
He wondered if Death been more lenient if he stayed home with her and played nice instead of spending half his day in the mortal world.
As she did every day, she went to the table near his cluttered desk to await her blood draw and any other experiments he wanted to do.
She made her way to the back entrance to the castle and stepped into the quiet, chilly day.
She.d enjoy this tonight and then do what she must the next day.
She.d spent the day in thought after her talk with Gabriel, and there was only one solution that might drive Rhyn away before she and Gabriel hurt him.
She barely knew the man at her back, but she.d felt his absence even during the few hours in the day they weren.t together.
Another thought occurred to her about her trip to the boutique earlier that day.
He.d paced in front of her chamber at some point every day for three weeks, wanting to tell her something, anything, to make her want to stay.
I can sit here all day, Darkyn, and you can.t come near me.
The first light of day filtered in through the small square window above her bed.
You wake up one day and find he.s turned from child to man overnight.
She vaguely recognized the other three and knelt beside the statue of Rhyn, who was no older than Toby had been the day before.
I assume one day it hatches.
At the end of the day, he.d try to do what was right.
She hid in the room most of the day to prevent any more run-ins with cats or models and to think.
Yet another embarrassing event to add to her day's tally!
It took him a full day to realize she didn't know how to exit her room, that her intent at disassembling the access pad had been to make it work for her.
On the third day, he decided to land.
The brilliant suns were overhead, their heat heavy in the still day.
That day was near.
Another day, Talal said.
The next morning, she went to the game room after her sparring session and sat the entire day, learning more and more about the game and experimenting with how the symbols on the keyboard interacted with the images before her.
She spent the next day in the game room, and the next.
Ne'Rin only came for her once during the third day, to bring her to stand by him while he received visitors.
He traveled for a day and slid beneath the radars of Qatwal easily, having stolen the codes needed to jam their tracking systems during one of his scuffles with Kisolm.
He'd see her in less than a day, if the Council didn't absorb all his time.
Another was hunch-backed and dressed in heavy robes despite the heat of the day, and a third man barely taller than her had white irises and silvering hair.
She returned to her room, eager to spend the day drawing.
She ached as much from her workout the day before as falling asleep sitting with her sketchbook.
He wore light colors this day of tan, a shade that brought out the depth of honey in his skin.
She recognized the same routine from the previous day, only this time they moved through it without swords.
Today his gaze fell to the white-eyed, small man that had addressed nishani the prior day.
It was part of the reason he wished to speak to nishani later that day.
His second had training for the day.
It was mid-afternoon already, another day wasted with the Council rather than concentrating on preparing for battle.
He recalled her outburst at him the previous day.
His grip was warm and firm, as it had been the day he prevented her from falling on her face in front of Romas's relations.
It wasn't right to leave him standing in the sun all day!
Pensive and troubled, she dressed for a difficult day.
She rubbed her face, dressed in grey to reflect her mood, and tucked her spare earpiece into her pocket as she did every day.
Night brought a chill as uncomfortable as the heat of the day.
I just had the most horrifying day of my life!
I've had a bad day.
The dwelling was warm already in the midmorning, and she wondered how she'd survive another day of heat like yesterday's.
Drained despite her long night of rest, she didn't look forward to anything this day.
The day grew hot fast, though the surrounding peaks shaded her from the sun itself.
You've done more this day than I could in seven.
We'll need half a day to evacuate the planet.
She'd cried for two days before finally realizing on day three that no one was coming for her.
She stood before her favorite, an image of A'Ran the way she remembered him from the day they'd first met.
She was making it day to day telling herself neither of those things was true.
Her stomach churned as the day grew on.
The descent felt as long as their two day trip.
Edith Shipton appeared, as Cynthia had described, to be more nervous than a fifth-grader on speech day.
I'm like some poor farm girl, barefoot as the day I was born.
You've had a terrible day.
And now she's snoring like a bum after a three day drunk.
It was a beautiful day and the town seemed to be enjoying it.
While the distance to her aunt's trailer was only a half dozen blocks, once the January sun had retired after its day's work, it would be a cold walk.
Isn't this my lucky day!
I'm going over to Telluride tomorrow and give the slopes a one day try.
But I talked her into giving me the whole day with him at Telluride tomorrow.
Yeah. It really made my day, I'll tell you.
I'm getting to know my guy a little more each day.