Davis Sentence Examples
Davis handed her a scalding cup of coffee, his chocolate gaze scrutinizing - probably searching for some indication of congeniality.
The big German accepted a cup of coffee from Davis and squatted beside Royce at the fire.
Fritz shot Davis a warning look and abruptly stood, glaring down at Cassie.
Davis gulped the last of his coffee and turned the cup up side down on a rock so it would drain.
Davis rubbed his jaw reflectively.
Davis, don't you think you're a little old for her?
Davis was watching Bordeaux intently with an unreadable expression.
The men guffawed until Davis's voice broke in, low and steady.
Davis should know such needless defense was embarrassing for her.
Bordeaux, this is Casey Fritz, Hank Royce, and John Davis.
AdvertisementPete laughed and even Davis had to smile.
Davis and Fritz exchanged puzzled glances.
As she turned away from him, Pete winked at Davis.
Davis stared at her, too shocked to speak.
She filled her plate and sat down cross-legged between Pete and Davis.
AdvertisementBoth Fritz and Royce laughed, but Davis and Pete glanced sharply at Bordeaux.
Davis glanced sharply up at her and then at Bordeaux.
Pete stood and looked down at Davis, who was silently nursing his coffee.
Fritz, Royce and Davis wandered back to their wagons.
The words were spoken softly, but the gun in Davis' hand was convincing.
AdvertisementIt's not what it looks like, Davis.
Davis kept his eyes and gun on Bordeaux.
Much as she was tempted to punish him, Bordeaux wasn't guilty of what Davis thought.
Davis grunted and holstered his gun.
Davis ate and then nursed a cup of coffee in silence.
AdvertisementThe single word spoken by Davis held a tone that silenced Royce like a slap to the mouth.
Davis watched her as she cleaned the camp.
Davis turned his cup up side down on the rock, but he didn't leave the fire.
She could do a lot worse than Davis, but marriage wasn't a solution to her problems.
Davis watched with some apprehension, but Fritz and Royce were doubling over with laughter.
Davis was right about one thing.
A whisper of sound behind proved to be Davis.
Davis shook his head.
Yes, Davis will be worried.
Fritz is down to the store gettin' supplies, and Davis is sleepin' in the hotel.
Within a few minutes Fritz and Davis also joined them.
Pete and Davis had searched for Cassie and Bordeaux.
Davis was in the lobby when she arrived.
Davis cleared his throat and she glanced up at him.
Davis interrupted her thoughts.
How was I supposed to know you had a thing for Davis?
The second, the Irminger stream, passes up the west side of Iceland; and the third goes up the Greenland side of Davis Strait to Baffin Bay.
He was accompanied by John Davis, the great Arctic navigator, as pilot-major.
In the voyage of Sir Edward Michelborne in 1605, John Davis lost his life in a fight with a Japanese junk.
The narratives Pacific of such men as Woodes Rogers, Edward Davis, George Shelvocke, Clipperton and William Dampier, can never fail to interest, while they are not without geographical value.
Davis, who classifies land surfaces in terms of the three factors - structure, process and time.
Andrew Jackson Davis was in America the most prominent example of such persons; his work, The Principles of Nature, Her Divine Revelations (New York, 1847), was alleged to have been dictated in "clairvoyant" trance, and before 1848 his followers were expecting a new religious revelation.
The Falkland Islands were first seen by Davis in the year 1592, and Sir Richard Hawkins sailed along their north shore in 1594 The claims of Amerigo Vespucci to a previous discovery are doubtful.
On the death of John C. Calhoun in 1850 the state, under the leadership of Jefferson Davis, began to rival South Carolina as leader of the extreme pro-slavery States' Rights faction.
Liberal support was given to the Confederacy, both in men and supplies, but Governor Vance, one of the ablest of the Southern war governors, engaged in acrimonious controversies with President Jefferson Davis, contending that the general government of the Confederacy was encroaching upon the prerogatives of the separate states.
In 1861 he was a member of the Texas secession convention, served in the Confederate provisional Congress, and on the 6th of March was appointed postmaster-general in President Davis's cabinet.
He was captured with the Davis party on the 10th of May 1865, and was imprisoned in Fort Warren, Boston Harbour, until the following October.
The Executive Mansion of the Confederate States of America, built in 1819, purchased by the city in 1862, and leased to the Confederate government and occupied by President Jefferson Davis in 1862-65, was acquired in 1890 by the Confederate Memorial Library Society, and is now a Confederate Museum with a room for each state of the Confederacy and a general library in the " Solid South " room; it has valuable historical papers, collected by the Southern Historical Society, and the society has published a Calendar of Confederate Papers (1908).
Smith and fifty-nine others lost their lives; and St Paul's Church, where Jefferson Davis was attending services, on the 2nd of April 1865, when he received news from 1 As built in Richmond in 1845 by Luther Libby, it was a brick structure, three storeys high in front and four in the rear.
The approach of the " Monitor " and the Union gunboats up the James river caused a partial and temporary panic; President Davis appointed a day for prayer, and the families of some of the cabinet secretaries and many citizens fled the city precipitately; but confidence, restored by " Bacon's Rebellion," was auditor-general of the colony from 1687 until his death, and was a member of the committee which founded the College of William and Mary.
Jefferson Davis was a prisoner here for two years, from the 22nd of May 1865, and Clement Claiborne Clay (1819-1882), a prominent Confederate, from the same date until April 1866.
Throughout the war, too, he was so intensely concerned about states' rights and civil liberty that he opposed the exercise of extra-constitutional war powers by President Jefferson Davis lest the freedom for which the South was fighting should be destroyed.
The Davis calyx drill has also been employed for petroleum drilling.
In 1586 St Augustine was almost destroyed by Sir Francis Drake and it also suffered severely by an attack of Captain John Davis in 1665.
Davis, The Cuban and Porto Rican Campaigns (New York, 1898), is a sketch of the invasion of the island in 1898.
Seward and Salmon P. Chase, and those of the South, led by Jefferson Davis.
On the west Davis Strait and Baffin Bay separate it from Baffin Land.
A similar submarine ridge unites it with the Cumberland Peninsula of Baffin Land, across Davis Strait.
The south and west coast of Greenland was then re-discovered by John Davis in July 1585, though previous explorers, as Cortereal, Frobisher and others, had seen it, and at the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th century the work of Davis (1586-1588), Hudson (1610) and Baffin (1616) in the western seas afforded some knowledge of the west coast.
When in 1585 John Davis visited it there was no sign of any people save the Eskimo, among whose traditions are a few directly relating to the old Norsemen, and several traces of Norse influence.'
Evarts to prosecute Jefferson Davis, whose admission to bail he counselled.
Chateaubriand visited and described the ruins; the Dane Falbe, the Englishman Nathan Davis, Beule, P. de Sainte-Marie and others also have carried out researches; for more than twenty years Pere Delattre has explored the ruins of Carthage (q.v.) with extraordinary success.
His father, Samuel Davis (1756-1824), who served in the War of Independence, was of Welsh, and his mother, Jane Cook, of Scotch-Irish descent; during his infancy the family moved to Wilkinson county, Mississippi.
Jefferson Davis was educated at Transylvania University (Lexington, Kentucky) and at the United States Military Academy at West Point.
Their captain was Abraham Lincoln, and Lieutenant Davis is said to have administered to him his first oath of allegiance.
In September of the same year, while visiting in Louisiana to escape the fever, his wife died of it and Davis himself was dangerously ill.
In 1843 Davis entered the field of politics as a Democrat, and exhibited great power as a public speaker.
He served in the Northern Campaign under his father-in-law, General Taylor, and was greatly distinguished for gallantry and soldierly conduct at Monterey and particularly at Buena Vista, where he was severely wounded early in the engagement, but continued in command of his regiment until victory crowned the American arms. While still in the field he was appointed (May 1847) by President Polk to be brigadier-general of volunteers; but this appointment Davis declined, on the ground, as he afterwards said, "that volunteers are militia and the Constitution reserves to the state the appointment of all militia officers."
Afterwards, Davis himself, as president of the Confederate states, was to appoint many volunteer officers.
After the passage of this bill, Davis, who as secretary of war had control of the United States troops in Kansas, sympathized strongly with the pro-slavery party there.
On the 25th of January 1861 Davis was commissioned majorgeneral of the forces Mississippi was raising in view of the threatened conflict.
President Davis, however, acted as if he was assured of ultimate success.
Campbell, representing President Davis, on the other, he instructed his representatives to insist on the recognition of the Confederacy as a condition to any arrangement for the termination of the war.
The last days of the Confederate Congress were spent in recriminations between that body and President Davis, and the popularity with which he commenced his administration had almost entirely vanished.
After the surrender of the armies of Lee and Johnston in April 1865, President Davis attempted to make his way, through Georgia, across the Mississippi, in the vain hope of continuing the war with the forces of Generals Smith and Magruder.
Hayes in 1877, and Varina Anne (1864-1898), better known as "Winnie" Davis, the "daughter of the Confederacy," who was the author of several books, including A Sketch of the Life of Robert Emmet (1888), a novel, The Veiled Doctor (1895), and A Romance of Summer Seas (1898).
Mrs. Davis, who exerted a marked influence over her husband, survived him many years, passed the last years of her life in New York City, and died there on the 16th of October 1906.
Dodd's Jefferson Davis (Philadelphia, 1907), which embodies the results of recent historical research.
Davis in 1876, and clearly showed Hamathite characters accompanying the figures.
Davis also reported, but did not see, a similar inscription at Bulgar Maden, not far away.
Since his time the anthropological researches of Broca, Thurnam and Davis, Huxley, Busk, Beddoe, Virchow, Tubino and others have proved the existence in Europe, from Neolithic times, of a race, small of stature, with long or oval skulls, and accustomed to bury their dead in tombs.
But the Union troops steadily advanced, growing in strength as they went, and a few days after Lee's surrender at Appomattox Johnston advised President Davis that it was in his opinion wrong and useless to continue the conflict, and he was authorized to make terms with Sherman.
In addition to cash registers, the city's manufactured products include agricultural implements, clay-working machinery, cotton-seed and linseed oil machinery, filters, turbines, railway cars (the large Barney-Smith car works employed 1800 men in 1905), carriages and wagons, sewingmachines (the Davis Sewing Machine Co.), automobiles, clothing, flour, malt liquors, paper, furniture, tobacco and soap. The total value of the manufactured product, under the "factory system," was $31,015,293 in 1900 and $39,596,773 in 1905.
Its use was proposed as early as 1818 and 1819 by Hare and Henry; Percy advocated it in 1869, and Davis adopted it on the large scale at a works in Carolina in 1880.
From 1861 to 1862 he was secretary of state in the Southern Confederacy; and from 1862 to 1865 was a member of the Confederate senate, in which he was, at times, a caustic critic of the Davis administration.
The old state capitol, dating from 1839, is of considerable interest; in it were held the secession convention (1861), the "Black and Tan Convention" (1868), and the constitutional convention of 1890, and in it Jefferson Davis made his last speech (1884).
It has been found more convenient to take as northern boundaries the narrowest part of the straits near the Arctic circle, Bering Strait on the Pacific side, and on the Atlantic side the narrowest part of Davis Strait, and of Denmark Strait, then the shortest line from Iceland to the Faeroes, thence to the most northerly island of the Shetlands and thence to Cape Statland in Norway.
Some months later he signed the bail bond of Jefferson Davis, and this provoked a torrent of public indignation.
That his exploits made an exceptional impression on the popular mind is certain from the mass of legendary history that clustered round his name; he became, says Mr Davis, "in popular eyes the champion of the English national cause."
Jefferson Davis was chosen president of this confederacy, and an energetic government prepared to repel the expected attack of the "Union" states.
General Lee and President Davis were present and witnessed the loss of 2000 men in a frontal attack which continued till 9 p.m.
The operations resulted in re-establishing the confidence of the Confederates in their army which Johnston's retreat from Yorktown had shaken, in adding prestige to President Davis and his government, and in rectifying the popular view of General Lee as a commander which had been based upon his failure to recover West Virginia in the autumn of 1861.
In eastern Canada Ungava and Labrador are very chill and inhospitable, owing largely to the iceberg-laden current sweeping down the coast from Davis Strait, bringing fogs and long snowy winters and a temperature for the year much below the freezing-point.
Georgia had responded freely to the call for volunteers, but when the Confederate Congress had passed, in April 1862, the Conscript Law which required all white men (except those legally exempted from service) between the ages of 18 and 35 to enter the Confederate service, Governor Brown, in a correspondence with President Davis which was continued for several months, offered serious objections, his leading contentions being that the measure was unnecessary as to Georgia, unconstitutional, subversive of the state's sovereignty, and therefore " at war with the principles for the support of which Georgia entered into this revolution."
Wilson with a body of cavalry entered the state from Alabama, seized Columbus and West Point on the 16th of April, and on the 10th of May captured Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy, at Irwinville in Irwin county.
Davis, he secured the passage of the Wade-Davis Bill (for the reconstruction of the Southern States), the fundamental principle of which was that reconstruction was a legislative, not an executive, problem.
His father, Rev Henry Lyon Davis (1775-1836), was a prominent Protestant Episcopal clergyman of Maryland, and for some years president of St John's College at Annapolis.
In his speech supporting this measure Davis declared that until Congress should "recognize a government established under its auspices, there is no government in the rebel states save the authority of Congress."
The military operations with which the great Civil War opened Having entered the Church he obtained several livings owing Wolsey; 1861 were directed by President Davis and General Lee.
Owing to a disagreement with President Davis he resigned his commission in 1863, but entered General Fitzhugh Lee's cavalry as a private in August of that year.
Davis has been annually rewarded with results of the highest interest.
Judge David Davis, who knew Lincoln on the Illinois circuit and whom Lincoln made in October 1862 an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, said that he was "great both at nisi Arius and before an appellate tribunal."
States of America," with Jefferson Davis as president, was organized by the seceding states, which seized by force nearly all the forts, arsenals and public buildings within their limits.
Baffin Land is separated from Greenland by Baffin Bay and Davis Strait, from Ungava by Hudson Strait, from Keewatin and Melville Peninsula by Fox Channel and Fury-and-Hecla Strait, from Boothia Peninsula and North Somerset by the Gulf of Boothia and Prince Regent Inlet, and from North Devon by Lancaster Sound.
It is doubtful whether Rapanui was discovered by Davis in 1686, though it is sometimes marked Davis Island on maps.
Henry Hines, of the Confederate army, was appointed by Jefferson Davis to co-operate with these societies.
Many subsequent attempts were made at the North-West Passage from 1576 to 1616, which have left on our modern maps the imperishable names of Frobisher, Davis, Hudson and Baffin.
Davis, after landing the relief party and taking off all the others, waited for the return of Mawson as long as he dared, having in view the necessity of relieving Wild's party in Queen Mary Land, and the fact that every anchor on the ship had been lost in the fight with blizzards in Commonwealth Bay.
King Davis with Sir Ernest Shackleton on board, and on Jan.
Minot (1844-1850); see also Mr Bancroft Davis's Notes upon the Treaties of the United States with other Powers, preceded by a list of the Treaties and Conventions with Foreign Powers, chronologically arranged and followed by an Analytical Index and a Synoptical Index of the Treaties (1873).
He even became one of the securities for Jefferson Davis, thereby incurring the resentment of Northern radical leaders.
He joined Jefferson Davis's provisional government as attorney-general, becoming afterwards his secretary for war (1861-1862), and chief secretary of state (1862-1865).
Although at times subject to fierce criticism with regard to matters of administration and finance, he was recognized as one of the ablest men on the Confederate side, and he remained with Jefferson Davis to the last, sharing his flight after the surrender at Appomattox, and only leaving him shortly before his capture, because he found himself unable to go farther on horseback.
An early portrait of him is to be found in Jefferson Davis's Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government.
To Danville, after the evacuation of Richmond on the 2nd of April 1865, the archives of the Confederacy were carried, and here President Jefferson Davis paused for a few days in his flight southward.
By Barbara Villiers, Mrs Palmer, afterwards countess of Castlemaine and duchess of Cleveland, mistress en titre till she was superseded by the duchess of Portsmouth, he had Charles Fitzroy, duke of Southampton and Cleveland, Henry Fitzroy, duke of Grafton, George Fitzroy, duke of Northumberland, Anne, countess of Sussex, Charlotte, countess of Lichfield, and Barbara, a nun; by Louise de Keroualle, duchess of Portsmouth, Charles Lennox, duke of Richmond; by Lucy Walter, James, duke of Monmouth and Buccleuch, and a daughter; by Nell Gwyn, Charles Beauclerk, duke of St Albans, and James Beauclerk; by Catherine Peg, Charles Fitz Charles, earl of Plymouth; by Lady Shannon, Charlotte, countess of Yarmouth; by Mary Davis, Mary Tudor, countess of Derwentwater.
The United States Supreme Court decided the anti-Mormon legislation case of Davis v.
In consequence of this intimation Mr Bancroft Davis informed the tribunal on the 25th of June that he was instructed not to press those claims; and accordingly on the 27th of June Lord Tenterden withdrew his application for an adjournment, and the arbitration was allowed to proceed.
His residence in Louisiana, his ownership of a large plantation with its slaves, and his family connexion with Jefferson Davis (who had married his daughter), rendered him more acceptable to many of the Southern Democrats than their party candidate, Lewis Cass, an advocate of " squatter sovereignty " and the representative of the democracy of the free North-west.
He determined this time to carry out his old plan of searching for a passage up Davis's "overf all" - so-called in allusion to the overfall of the tide which Davis had observed rushing through the strait.
Davis has elaborated a theory of river classification, and a scheme of the origin of surfacefeatures which is attractive in its simplicity.
Mumford, who had torn down a United States flag placed by Farragut on the United States mint; and for this execution he was denounced (Dec. 1862) by President Davis as "a felon deserving capital punishment," who if captured should be reserved for execution.
Its harbour has a total length on the three rivers of 27.2 m., and an average width of about woo ft., and has been deepened by the construction (in 1877-1885) of the Davis Island dam, by dredging, under a federal project of 18 9 9.
On Cook's death his successor, Edward Davis, undoubtedly the greatest and most prudent commander who ever led the forces of the buccaneers at sea, met with a certain Captain Swan from England, and the two captains began a cruise which was disastrous to the Spanish trade in the Pacific.
The brilliant exploits begun by the sack of Leon and Realejo by the English under Davis have, even in their variety and daring, a sameness which deprives them of interest, and the wonderful confederacy is now seen to be falling gradually to pieces.
The skill of Davis at sea was on one occasion displayed in a seven days' engagement with two large Spanish vessels, and the interest undoutedly centres in him.
In 1688 Davis cleared Cape Horn and arrived in the West Indies, while Swan's ship, the "Cygnet," was abandoned as unseaworthy, after sailing as far as Madagascar.
Bright (1812-1875), who on the 5th of February 1862 was expelled from the United States Senate for writing a letter addressed to Jefferson Davis, as President of the Confederacy, in which he recommended a friend who had an improvement in fire-arms to dispose of.
In February 1879 he was re-elected to the Senate to succeed Isaac P. Christiancy (1812-1890), and soon afterwards, in a speech concerning Mexican War pensions, bitterly denounced Jefferson Davis.
Some beautiful renderings of Kalir's poems may be found in the volumes of Davis & Adler's edition of the German Festival Prayers entitled Service of the Synagogue.
A fortnight later President Davis relieved him of his command.
After Lincoln's re-election in 1864 Blair thought that his former close personal relations with the Confederate leaders might aid in bringing about a cessation of hostilities, and with Lincoln's consent went unofficially to Richmond and induced President Jefferson Davis to appoint commissioners to confer with representatives of the United States.
One of his finest elegies is translated into English in Nina Davis's Songs of Exile.
Davis rolled sluggishly with the sway of his mule, staring disinterestedly at the mule in front of him.
Did he consider Davis competition - or maybe a way out of his proposal?
Cassandra Davis was a vampire groupie who desperately wanted to be turned.
The computer-science guru Martin Davis counted "86 really egregious errors" in Wallace's book.
Davis rescued her career with her greatest ever performance as Margo Channing, and the fading actress was gradually usurped by the conniving Eve.
In reality, the Davis Vantage Pro Plus measures atmospheric pressure, but then translates this to barometric pressure.
Then on Sunday Keith Davis turned his attention to completing the rear wall of the new toilet block from the outside.. .
This new cantata, Stabat Mater, is based on an idea by Paul Davis.
He was called Stephen Davis and was not to be confused with the injured club captain Steve Davis.
The laundry is an adaptation in 1887-8 by C.E. Davis of a dissenting chapel.
R Davis, Stoke on Trent I am writing to congratulate you on the best ever potato chips in the whole wide world ever.
Atlantic city the been soliciting restaurant Davis's credo during.
Cruise authority at pulled away and victor royal Decameron club caribbean all inclusive davis hanson.
Part 1 Chapter 1 - in which Four go through The Big Round Thing Sergeant Davis stared at the monitor with a puzzled frown.
With Details, Richard Davis has delivered an album chock full of clinical, exquisitely'detailed ' (ahem ), production.
David Davis is also going the full throttle in trying to secure the votes of 300,000 party members.
Sick officials from the Fish and Game Department poured 16,000 gallons of liquid and 60,000 pounds of powder into Lake Davis.
The talk by Chris Davis may include the bonus of being able to see young sand lizards.
Maybe it was done to welcome back our own musical maestro Ken Davis.
Ben Davis's sprawling play, with its vision of impending global meltdown, is certainly ambitious.
Neil Davis their two three family ties was.
Anusol ointment is marketed by Warner Lambert Healthcare, a division of Parke, Davis & Company.
Davis came from the " high protein " generation which preceded today's high carbohydrate orthodoxy.
Oh and I nominate Paul Davis (or nominated patsy) to ask them because the board all hate him anyway!
On one voyage Davis and his men survived by killing 14,000 penguins for the ship's larder.
Thirty-five percent of Fort Davis's land is not used for training.
His low cushioned attempt back across goal had Davis beaten but missed the far post by a foot or two also.
In 1979 Davis visited the Soviet Union where she was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize and made a honorary professor at Moscow State University.
Within a matter of minutes rovers took the lead with Bellamy pouncing on a handling error by Kelvin Davis.
Seminal zombie shocker from B-movie baron Barry Mahon (" Cuban Rebel Girls ") stars Monica Davis and John MacKay.
Mr Davis has committed the cardinal sin of losing ground at every stage this week.
Steve Davis, former world snooker champion will also attend the event.
We were superb and it was Steve Davis who headed the winner after Robbie Blake had hit a stunner to equalize.
Michele's business fell author victor davis clear blue water Portland maine Sydney.
Professor Davis is equally trenchant about her experiences of the political process in the United States.
Tony Davis found 13 dead triggerfish scattered along the strandline at Perranporth, Cornwall.
A lightweight laser trigon for layout of sundial lines -John Davis 146.
At a time when most other British jazz trumpeters were hung up on either Clifford Brown or Miles Davis, Reece sounded like neither.
Davis had previously been Vice President of corporate finance and chief accounting officer at Dell.
Robert W. Davis has been appointed executive Vice President and chief financial officer of Computer Associates International.
The principal institutions of higher learning not under state control are Bethany College (Christian, 1841), at Bethany; Morris Harvey College (Methodist Episcopal, Southern, 1888), at Barboursville; West Virginia Wesleyan College (Methodist Episcopal, 1890), at Buckhannon; and Davis and Elkins College (Presbyterian, 1904), at Elkins.
From the morphological point of view it is more important to distinguish the associations of forms, such as the mountain mass or group of mountains radiating from a centre, with the valleys furrowing their flanks spreading towards every direction; the mountain chain or line of heights, forming a long narrow ridge or series of ridges separated by parallel valleys; the dissected plateau or highland, divided into mountains of circumdenudation by a system of deeply-cut valleys; and the isolated peak, usually a volcanic cone or a hard rock mass left projecting after the softer strata which embedded it have been worn away (Monadnock of Professor Davis).
Davis, lasted until the 1st of May 1900, proved most effective in bridging over the period of transfer from the repressive control of Spain to the semi-paternal system under the American civil government.
The legislature has continually had regard to their refusal to take oaths, and not only the said act but also another of the same reign, and numerous others, subsequently passed, have respected the peculiar scruples of Friends (see Davis's Digest of Legislative Enactments relating to Friends, Bristol, 1820).
In politics an extreme States'-Rights Democrat, he opposed the coercion of the South, and after the Civil War became senior counsel for Jefferson Davis on his indictment for treason, and was one of his bondsmen; these facts and O'Conor's connexion with the Roman Catholic Church affected unfavourably his political fortunes.
With other radical Republicans Davis was a bitter opponent of Lincoln's plan for the reconstruction of the southern states, and on the 15th of February 1864 he reported from committee a bill placing the process of reconstruction under the control of Congress, and stipulating that the Confederate states, before resuming their former status in the Union, must disfranchise all important civil and military officers of the Confederacy, abolish slavery, and repudiate all debts incurred by or with the sanction of the Confederate government.
Davis was a man of scholarly tastes, an orator of unusual ability and great eloquence, tireless and fearless in fighting political battles, but impulsive to the verge of rashness, impractical, tactless and autocratic. He wrote an elaborate political work entitled The War of Ormuzd and Ahriman in the Ninteenth Century (1853), in which he combated the southern contention that slavery was a divine institution.
Phil Davis and Stan Clifford set about the task of rebuilding the innings and Clifford raced to an excellent half century.
The 40mm caliber was also used in the smallest of the WW1 American Davis recoilless guns which were fitted to a few aircraft.
Apparently, a team of SIS agents have had Mr Davis under round-the-clock surveillance for over a week now.
Within a matter of minutes Rovers took the lead with Bellamy pouncing on a handling error by Kelvin Davis.
Davis took the view that after a state seceded, federal forts became the property of the state.
It kinda reminds me of William Burroughs fronting the seventies Miles Davis band.
Belper started to get back into the game but Simon Maguire, Ellis Davis and Kegan Brewin were solid in defense.
Michele 's business fell author victor davis clear blue water portland maine sydney.
Davis argues that the specific tautology implicatures which actually arise in English are not ones that audiences could work out.
Tony Davis found 13 dead Triggerfish scattered along the strandline at Perranporth, Cornwall.
A lightweight laser Trigon for layout of sundial lines -John Davis 146.
They incorporate AA or NA into the program, a 12-step program, Davis added.
Virtually unknown outside the party, Davis needs to declare early to get momentum going.
Davis rescued her career with her greatest ever performance as Margo Channing, the fading actress gradually usurped by the conniving Eve.
Davis had previously been vise president of corporate finance and chief accounting officer at Dell.
Robert W. Davis has been appointed executive vise president and chief financial officer of Computer Associates International.
For victor davis the great cruise a fee per.
On two nights victor davis hanson first treat was to walk the.
Would Frank Sinatra, for instance, be considered a more voracious reader than Sammy Davis Jr.
No one doubts that David Davis is a wily operator.
Have you noticed how many more movie stars seem to be having or adopting children later on in life, such as Geena Davis, Joan Lunden, Patricia Heaton, Susan Sarandon, and Diane Keaton?
I was recently advised by a veterinarian at UC Davis that there is a surgical procedure that can eliminate the male cat spraying.
I was recently advised by a veterinarian at UC Davis that there IS a surgical procedure that can eliminate the male cat spraying.
If you need suggestions for ABC lists to help you get started with your scrapbook, Denny Davis shares lists for a number of different scrapbook themes on his personal website.
The high profile stars have apparently been acquainted for several years, first meeting at a pre-Grammy party hosted by Clive Davis, but the couple's romantic relationship is new.
Cowell was so impressed by Lewis' talents that he gave legendary music producer Clive Davis a call.
Davis and Cowell signed Leona Lewis to a J Records/SyCo contract for five albums at the rate of £1 million per album.
The two super-hot pop stars were leaving Clive Davis' pre-Grammy party when they reportedly began arguing.
On the February 13th episode, the family requesting Frost's help was Phil and Debbra Davis, and their five children, whose ages range from 14 to 2.
Mr. Davis was shown on camera spanking his children with his hands and with a belt, belittling the kids and his wife and horrifically, slapping his young daughters in the face on more than one occasion.
Supernanny producers have said that Mr. Davis and the rest of his family are seeking counseling, and recommended that Mr. Davis attend anger management classes.
There is also the possibility of criminal charges being filed against Mr. Davis.
During the show, Frost was blunt and almost forceful with the Davis', in an effort to show them that they are breaking their children's spirits and risking serious injuries.
She and Geena Davis played best friends who take a road trip that doesn't go quite as planned.
Years later, she played the unforgettable wheelchair-bound sister driven to madness by her real-life nemesis Bette Davis in the bizarre film Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?
He hired Miss Gussie Nell Davis from Greenville High School to create a special drill team.
Early versions of the group included musicians Monroe, Cleo Davis, fiddlers Art Wooten and Tommy Magness, bass players Amos Garren and Bill Wesbrooks, and singer/guitarist Clyde Moody.
In his career, he played alongside such jazz greats as Miles Davis, Charlie Parker, Max Roach, Benny Goodman, George Shearing and many others.
This bracelet is from the 1950s Whiting and Davis jewelry collection.
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Urban Dead was launched in 2005 by Kevan Davis.
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With the legendary Helen Turley as the consulting winemaker and UC Davis grade Brian Kvamme as the winemaker, you can't go wrong.
At the University of California at Davis, researchers found that resveratrol was also present in non-alcoholic red wine.
The history of Cabernet Sauvignon wasn't fully understood until the 1990s when researchers at the University of California at Davis used the nascent science of DNA testing to identify and type the grapes used to make this red wine.
Dr. Carole Meredith, a researcher at the University of California at Davis, led a group that conducted extensive DNA tests on the modern-day vines used to produce Cabernet Sauvignon.
For the 1989 movie Tap, he worked with Gregory Hines and Sammy Davis, Jr., and gained much from the experience.
Capezio fans over the years include Fred Astaire, Sammy Davis Jr., and Bob Fosse.
Following in the footsteps of his idol, Sammy Davis Jr., he worked to expand his talents beyond that of a tap dancer.
In 1990, as Sammy Davis Jr. lay on his deathbed suffering from throat cancer, Hines visited him.
Look at pictures of Kristin Davis in a bikini to not only see her impeccable fashion sense and style, but her fantastically fit figure as well.
Kristin Davis is best known for her role as Charlotte York in Sex and the City.
Usually low-key, Kristin Davis is not one of those actresses seeking attention and flaunting herself in front of the cameras.
In June 2008, Kristin Davis partnered with Belk department store to create a line of ladies' apparel and accessories.
In order to stay fit and have a bikini body like Kristin Davis, practice yoga.
One other way to get a look like Kristin Davis' is to pair your swimwear with great shoes and accessories.
You can even try a pair from Kristin Davis', own line at Belk's, to look every bit as elegant as she does.
Davis, Vitamin A was the first of the fat soluble vitamins to be identified.
Rent movies like Pirates of the Caribbean starring Johnny Depp as Captain Jack or Cutthroat Island starring Geena Davis.
Throw this Giselle bag into the look and you're practically Betty Davis.
The Ref - A Christmas Eve caper starring Dennis Leary, Kevin Sapcey and Judy Davis.
Andy Davis, who is now all grown up, gets ready to go off to college leaving all of his toys except Woody -- including Buzz, Jessie, and the rest of the toy-box gang -- packed up in the attic and left behind.
Perhaps, but Ayer has received requests for tissue samples from UC Davis as well as the University of Texas, so the issue will eventually be sorted out.
Cayce warned that unrest would first erupt in the Davis Straits of Canada, "where there will be attempts to keep open a life line to a land."
Members Eileen Freiburger, CFP and President of ESF Financial Planning Group in Manhattan Beach, California, and Jana Davis, CFP at ESF Financial Planning Group, took time to share their insight.
The Frugal Living blog originated in 2008, when a woman by the name of Angela Davis taught a class on couponing.
It was company founder, René Lacoste, who won the Davis Cup for France for the first time in 1927.
He made a bet with the Captain of the French Davis Cup Team over an alligator suitcase.
For dressing up a casual outfit with a pop of color, try the Davis Driving Moc in red suede leather.To update that little black dress for a formal occasion, the Grenada is great.
Bette Davis, Ava Gardner, Audrey Hepburn and Sofia Loren were just some of the famous names who wore Ferragamo footwear, and the designer continued to create stunning new designs right up to his death, at the age of 62.
Her daughter, Dylan Davis with her ex-husband Wayne Davis, died when a shelf fell and crushed her.
Katherine's aunt Lillian (Ellen Geer) dies of natural causes, but not before writing a note that reveals the truth of Dylan Mayfair versus Dylan Davis.
Wayne Davis (Gary Cole) menaces Katherine and later kidnaps Katherine and Bree after he learns the truth about Dylan.
It does not take her long to be plunged into a complicated love triangle and deep family rivalries between Raintree and Davis Farms.
Junior (Ryan Sypek) is his competition at Davis Farms, who shares Matt's desire to break away from their family obligations.
Nicole Tubiola plays Danielle Davis, Junior's younger sister and majority owner of Davis Farms.
She runs her own veterinary clinic and only takes over the family farm when her father Ken Davis, Sr. (played delightfully by James Read of North and South and Charmed) faces charges for fraud.
The central families shifted over the 35 year history of the program, but Rachel Davis (then played by One Life to Live's Robin Strasser and later by Victoria Wyndham) remained a central figure on the show and in many storylines.
The award-winning series starred Sarah Jessica Parker as glitterati Carrie Bradshaw, Kristen Davis as demure Charlotte York, Kim Cattrall as sexpot Samantha Jones and Cynthia Nixon as workaholic Miranda Hobbes.
When Jim Davis passed away in 1981, the series acknowledged his passing with the death of Jock Ewing.
Phil's real father was a man named Nick Davis.
Bush portrayed Brooke Davis, a feisty and beautiful cheerleader who went places with her own clothing line.
Brooke Davis (Sophia Bush) - Brooke is Peyton's best friend, Jaime's godmother and Lucas' ex.
Peyton's best friend, Brooke Davis, falls for Lucas, and later gets pregnant.
Back in 1850, three men (Aaron Dennisson, Edvard Howard and David Davis) founded the Waltham Watch Company in the U.S. The company was the first industrial watch manufacturer in the entire world.
Hans Wilsdorf and his brother-in-law, Alfred Davis, founded a watch company in London called Wilsdorf and Davis.
In 1908, Wilsdorf and Davis decided to take a different focus for the company and timepieces.
Chirolla has studied with Roy Eugene Davis since 1984, who learned his craft from Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi.
Decades later, in San Francisco, George Monty Davis, known as the "Naked Yoga Guy", was arrested but not convicted for practicing on the waterfront in 2004.
A University of California Davis Health System study discovered that a larger percentage of children with autism born after 1990 had gastrointestinal issues than autistic children born in the 1980's.
At Davis & Sons, I was team leader on various projects and designated as the client contact.
The diet plan here was designed by the University of California, Davis Medical Center.
Davis' Big & Tall Men's Store carries several robes for the big and tall man that are perfect for warm weather.
The pair brought in Ryder's brother Paul on bass, amateur footballer Gary 'Gaz' Whelan on drums, Paul Davis on keyboards and, Mark Day on guitars, the only member who could actually play an instrument.
The first bit of controversy in season 2 arose during the semifinalist round, when Frenchie Davis was barred from the competition after topless photos she had posed for online four years previously surfaced.
Clive Davis joined the judging panel for the show finale.
The wife of jazz music mastermind Miles Davis, Betty singlehandedly invented that 70s funk sound - part rock, part disco, and part soul.
The soundtrack to this Tim Burton film starring Winona Ryder, Michael Keaton (as Beetlejuice), Geena Davis and Alec Baldwin was not released until two years after the movie.
They named her after golden age cinema great Bette Davis (although they pronounced the name differently).
He was initially discovered by Tina Davis, a senior A&R executive at Def Jam Records.
Hudson's songs track high on the US R&B Charts, and she is often invited to perform at large events such as the Superbowl, Clive Davis' Grammy Party and events featuring President Barack Obama.
At her new school, she met brothers Zac and Josh Farro and friend Jeremy Davis.
Shortly after signing the deal, bass player and founding member Jeremy Davis left the group.
John Hembree was briefly brought in to replace him, but Davis returned to the group five months after departing, in time to take part in most of the touring for the band's debut release.
Not long after Davis returned, rhythm guitarist Jason Bynum quit the group.
Alex McLeod hosted the first season of Trading Spaces, with Paige Davis taking over hosting duties in 2001.
Later the show moved to a different format that did not include Davis, but she has since returned as the host of the show.
She made it to the end this time as well, but was ultimately heartbroken for a second time when Flav chose Chandra "Deelishis" Davis over her.
Richard Davis is the founder and CEO of the business.
Ginger Alexander assists in flipping houses and is Davis' assistant.
Davis did not return for a second season because of a contract disagreement and the failure on A&E's part to pay Trademark Properties.
Eventually, Richard Davis won $4 million and signed a contract with TLC to star in The Real Estate Pros, which was first named The Real Deal.
Contestant Frenchie Davis, who made it to the semi-finals, was disqualified when it was revealed that she has posed topless for photos years before.
The real puzzler was that Davis had alerted Idol staffers to the situation well before the semis, and no action was taken at that time.
Even though Doomsday poses a real threat, Clark can't bring himself to take Davis' life.
Warwick Davis (Willow) played the robot onscreen, but like James Earl Jones, Rickman's voice has left its mark.
I had been following the Flash work Josh Davis was doing at Kioken and was eager to do a full site in Flash myself.