Dasyurus Sentence Examples
The devil (Dasyurus or Sarcophilus ursinus) is black, with white bands on neck and haunches.
In the "native cats," or dasyures, constituting the genus Dasyurus, the dental formula is i.
Other terrestrial marsupials are the wombat (Phascolomys), a large, clumsy, burrowing animal, not unlike a pig, which attains a weight of from 60 to 100 lb; the bandicoot (Perameles), a rat-like creature whose depredations annoy the agriculturist; the native cat (Dasyurus), noted robber of the poultry yard; the Tasmanian wolf (Thylacinus), which preys on large game; and the recently discovered Notoryctes, a small animal which burrows like a mole in the desert of the interior.