Darkness Sentence Examples
She stared into the early darkness of a thick cloud cover.
In the darkness, he was alone.
In the darkness, Alex found her and pulled her into his arms.
In darkness again, he dropped his hands.
Darkness engulfed me as I felt his foot kick my side repeatedly.
Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content.
So dazzling was the light, it penetrated even the darkness that veils my eyes.
She saw nothing but death and the darkness in every soul she ran across.
And they disappeared into the darkness with their load.
The light which puts out our eyes is darkness to us.
AdvertisementAt last he saw something in the darkness that looked like two balls of fire.
Moonlight and darkness alike bent and danced around him, surrounding him in a hazy metallic shimmer.
Now I understand that the darkness everywhere may hold possibilities better even than my hopes.
In the ensuing darkness, red and blue lights flashed his shadow on the wet grass.
The groom recognized Pierre in the darkness by his white hat.
AdvertisementThe woman in his arms ducked her head again and closed her eyes, missing the flash of darkness that crossed his mind and face.
Why she sits there in the near darkness of the kitchen, I'm not sure.
Darkness lingered at the edges of her mind but refused to take her.
In the darkness, he was comfortable.
But the darkness was still there, like Talon put something evil in me.
AdvertisementThanks for the fire--we'll return it with interest, said he, carrying away into the darkness a glowing stick.
That same day, Rostov, profiting by the darkness to avoid being recognized in civilian dress, came to Tilsit and went to the lodging occupied by Boris and Zhilinski.
His fine eyes lit up with a thoughtful, kindly, and unaccustomed brightness, but he was looking not at his sister but over her head toward the darkness of the open doorway.
The gloom that enveloped the army was filled with their groans, which seemed to melt into one with the darkness of the night.
Sofi's cool power whipped through her thoughts, but it was the darkness within the small woman that drew her attention.
AdvertisementThe darkness immediately engulfed them and they paused a dozen baby steps into the tunnel to allow their eyes to become accustomed to the blackness.
Kind people will not disappoint me, when they know that I plead for helpless little children who live in darkness and ignorance.
In the total darkness the soldiers walked with Pierre to Mozhaysk.
The scent of sea was in the air, a rough circle of lighter darkness before her.
And as he spoke, the other lawmakers listened in silence till the darkness began to fade and the sky grew bright again.
In the darkness, it seemed as though a gloomy unseen river was flowing always in one direction, humming with whispers and talk and the sound of hoofs and wheels.
It is a ray of light in the darkness, a shade between sadness and despair, showing the possibility of consolation.
She lifted her head, peering into the darkness.
Rhyn snatched her into the darkness, and a familiar fog appeared around her.
The sun turned the dunes orange red and then quickly sank, leaving them in pre-moon darkness.
The sun set too early on the autumn day, and she finished the trip to Doolin in darkness.
I trust that the effort of The Great Round World to bring light to those who sit in darkness will receive the encouragement and support it so richly deserves.
I have heard of many going astray even in the village streets, when the darkness was so thick that you could cut it with a knife, as the saying is.
The door closed behind her, leaving her in near-complete darkness.
Ahead of her was the darkness of a thinning forest.
The room was in black darkness, only a small lamp was burning inside something white.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
A whisper soft movement in the night alerted her, and she held her breath, straining her eyes into the darkness.
The boy was meant for greatness-- and darkness.
The monster in the corner of her mind was a man, shrouded in darkness.
The rest was shrouded in darkness.
Insomnia was a blessing from such darkness.
Darkness settled into corners and crevices beyond the moon's touch.
Brady's world was one of cold and darkness.
Toby took the lead, and the demons, Death and Gabe disappeared as Katie rounded the corner of the palace. The angel released her and raced into the palace and up a set of stairs. They ascended several floors, until Katie was sucking wind bad enough to stop. Toby didn't wait for her, and she stumbled forward. The interior of the palace was unlit, and the darkness of evening crept into the hallways.
In fact, on the days of the spring and fall equinox the length of daylight is actually longer than darkness by several minutes.
The prospect was so splendid that she hardly believed it would come true, so out of keeping was it with the chill darkness and closeness of the carriage.
Fritz snatched the cigarette from his mouth and stepped away from the fire, glancing around nervously into the darkness.
Pete turned away and his soft footsteps faded into the darkness.
Even the animals were quiet, as if they knew danger lurked in the darkness.
It was a moonless night and the perpetrator cut the power, pitching the farm house into total darkness.
We knew we had but hours before we'd be permanently thrown into darkness.
The dream faded, and Jule slumped to the ground again, unable to fight the darkness.
She cried out as he turned yet another corner and his fading yellow light receded into darkness.
The skull looked up through hollow eyes, just as the flashlight died, plunging the pair into a blackened void of darkness.
The house is empty except for old Mrs. Cummings, who snores away her darkness.
Another shot pierced the tense darkness, then there was a flurry of movement.
Brady started down the trail towards the darkness of the forest.
Floating in the shocking cold, she oriented herself in the darkness.
He knelt on the ground and closed his eyes, seeking out the writhing darkness of his demon side. If the demons had the power to transform and fly, he could access his demon powers, too, even if the Immortal side of him was bound by Death's underworld. "Berries," Toby commanded the tree before him.
A blur of wings and darkness caught his attention.
Death didn't come. Darkness fell, and Rhyn waited. He paced and stretched, imagining there would be some kind of a struggle. At long last, he forced himself to admit she wasn't coming. No one could've overlooked the blow he dealt her underworld. The trees all around them had died off with a tear forming in the earth that led in the direction of the palace.
He took off running toward the palace, his demon vision guiding him in the darkness. Kris followed closely, and they burst onto the yards surrounding the palace.
Once past the scrub brush and small trees, the near-total darkness surprised him, causing him to pause until his eyes became accustomed to this darkened world.
Fourth and Oak were just as desolate as Ninth and Locust, but as soon as Dean stopped the car, a disheveled figure jumped from the darkness and clawed at the passenger door until Dean reached over and opened it.
Dean half-felt his way across the parking lot in his bare feet, cursing the pebbles and splashing through ankle-deep puddles at curbside before stumbling into the absolute darkness of the beach-side path.
With the power out, the darkness was absolute.
A feeling of helplessness and panic welled up in him as he strained his eyes against the darkness.
Once again in darkness, Dean made his way toward the form, his arms outstretched before him.
While darkness had descended the town was now a hubbub of activity.
Burgess flipped off the light switch, returning the room to darkness, and sat on the edge of the bed.
She stood in the darkness for a long time, and then finally went to bed.
Again she watched his truck fade away into the darkness.
He turned around and looked back at her, the explorer expression intensifying the darkness of his eyes.
Later when she woke to darkness, his arm was draped across her protectively.
Bedtime began with their ritual of sitting on the window seat in each other's arms, watching their farm in the growing darkness.
He shifted his attention to the darkness outside the window.
Alex was unusually quiet through breakfast and she assumed he was thinking about that darkness thing.
Darkness fell over him.
Darkness crossed Damian's features, the same darkness Darian felt go through him as he alluded to the fact he was broken beyond repair.
He lacks my … darkness.
His eyes adjusted to the darkness.
Darkness swallowed him before he could figure it out.
Little of the darkness that plagued him was visible in his handsome features and gaze.
His voice was soft, and he shook off the darkness before dropping to the ground beside her.
Xander shifted from across the room, his red eyes punctuating the darkness.
He lowered the curtain, dropping the room into darkness.
Sofi asked, her blue-silver eyes glowing in the darkness of predawn.
The flash of darkness crossed Jonny's face again.
Sand was rough against her cheek, and she blinked back tears and darkness.
She could see nothing amid snow and darkness.
The words should've scared her, but the world was growing hazy, the pain fading as darkness crept into her vision.
The darkness peering out of her eyes was ancient and evil.
Light exploded into her mind as she hit the bottom, followed by darkness.
He has, indeed, described in graphic terms the greatest of the more superficial changes he underwent; how he had " carried into logical and ethical problems the maxims and postulates of physical knowledge," and had moved within the narrow lines drawn by the philosophical instructions of the class-room " interpreting human phenomena by the analogy of external nature "; how he served in willing captivity " the ` empirical ' and ` necessarian ' mode of thought," even though " shocked " by the dogmatism and acrid humours " of certain distinguished representatives "; 1 and how in a period of " second education " at Berlin, " mainly under the admirable guidance of Professor Trendelenburg," he experienced " a new intellectual birth" which " was essentially the gift of fresh conceptions, the unsealing of hidden openings of self-consciousness, with unmeasured corridors and sacred halls behind; and, once gained, was more or less available throughout the history of philosophy, and lifted the darkness from the pages of Kant and even Hegel."
Firing only ceased as darkness fell, and next morning the fighting was again renewed.
This is not a uniform shade over the whole length of the spectrum, but shows in bands or flutings of greater or less darkness, which in places and at intervals have been resolved by Young, Duner and other unquestionable observers into hosts of dark lines.
My money back the tang dynasty where darkness covers some of the.
We have the earth engulfed in darkness which in touching the surface of the earth touches the surface of water.
The route to the cave entrance should be clearly marked by cairns, lights etc. in case of fog or darkness.
The ship made a daring escape under cover of darkness, some 100 days later.
If God has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us to the Kingdom of his Son then eternal life begins now.
Abide With Me; fast falls the eventide; The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide.
A shadowy, seemingly faceless monk who appears in the darkness without warning is just one of the delights that awaits unsuspecting visitors.
We have streetlights to keep the darkness at bay.
But during the first nineteen months of my life I had caught glimpses of broad, green fields, a luminous sky, trees and flowers which the darkness that followed could not wholly blot out.
I dreaded the darkness and loved the woodfire.
And so I went home to my bed, and left him to pick his way through the darkness and the mud to Brighton--or Bright-town--which place he would reach some time in the morning.
And again and again in the complete darkness Tushin's guns moved forward, surrounded by the humming infantry as by a frame.
Toward morning all these dreams melted and merged into the chaos and darkness of unconciousness and oblivion which in the opinion of Napoleon's doctor, Larrey, was much more likely to end in death than in convalescence.
At that time, when everything was plunged in darkness, preaching alone was of course sufficient.
Yes, first I thought that we are driving along and imagining that we are going home, but that heaven knows where we are really going in the darkness, and that we shall arrive and suddenly find that we are not in Otradnoe, but in Fairyland.
Rostov threw his cloak over his shoulders, shouted to Lavrushka to follow with the things, and--now slipping in the mud, now splashing right through it--set off with Ilyin in the lessening rain and the darkness that was occasionally rent by distant lightning.
Around him in the darkness men were standing and evidently something about him interested them greatly.
This man was doing something to his legs in the darkness, and though Pierre could not see his face he felt that the man continually glanced at him.
The sound of bare feet splashing through the mud was heard in the darkness, and the drummer boy came to the door.
Then in the darkness he took the boy's hand and pressed it.
Both fell silent, peering out through the darkness at the sound of Dolokhov's and Petya's steps as they advanced to the fire leading their horses.
Because light is accompanied by heat, he was the god of vegetation and increase; he sent prosperity to the good, and annihilated the bad; he was the god of armies and the champion of heroes; as the enemy of darkness and of all evil spirits, he protected souls, accompanying them on the way to paradise, and was thus a redeemer.
When light proceeding from a small source falls upon an opaque object, a shadow is cast upon a screen situated behind the obstacle, and this shadow is found to be bordered by alternations of brightness and darkness, known as " diffraction bands."
The question of light or darkness then depends upon whether the series begins or ends abruptly.
If the number of zones be even, the action of the first and last zones are antagonistic, and there is complete darkness at the point.
If BQ be the direction for the first minimum (the darkness between the central and first lateral band), the relative retardation of the extreme rays is (mn+1)X.
Following, unknown to himself, in the footsteps of Young, he deduced the principle of interference from the circumstance that the darkness of the interior bands requires the co-operation of light from both sides of the obstacle.
This was first suggested by Thomas Young, who showed that the rays producing the bows consisted of two systems, which, although emerging in parallel directions, traversed different paths in the drop. Destructive interference between these superposed rays will therefore occur, and, instead of a continuous maximum illumination in the direction of minimum deviation, we should expect to find alternations of brightness and darkness.
In his cosmogonic treatise on nature and the gods, called Hevr4tvxo (Preller's correction of Suidas, who has E7rTaµuXos) from the five elementary or original principles (aether, fire, air, water, earth; Gomperz substitutes smoke and darkness for aether and earth), he enunciated a system in which science, allegory and mythology were blended.
Chronos begat fire, air and water, and from these three sprang numerous other gods; Smoke and darkness appear in a later tradition.
He is represented as the god and creator of good, light, intelligence, in perpetual opposition to Ahriman the lord of evil, darkness and ignorance.
Then comes the story of the struggle between the gods of light and the powers of darkness, and the final victory of Merodach, who clove Tiamat asunder, forming the heaven out of one half of her body and the earth out of the other.
The water-demon Grendel and the dragon (probably), by whom Beowulf is mortally wounded, have been supposed to represent the powers of autumn and darkness, the floods which at certain seasons overflow the low-lying countries on the coast of the North Sea and sweep away all human habitations; Beowulf is the hero of spring and light who, after overcoming the spirit of the raging waters, finally succumbs to the dragon of approaching winter.
The battle represents the eternal conflict between light and darkness, the alternation of day and night.
It was in 1857 that Bayard Taylor saw him, and carried away the impression of a man "tall and broad-shouldered as a son of Anak, with hair, beard and eyes of southern darkness."
Ill-nourished, over-worked and, it may be, disappointed, he finds the struggle intolerable and so passes out into the darkness.
At last the power and influence of the spirits of darkness, with whom man associates himself by his sin, became so great that the existence of the human race was threatened, and Jehovah was necessitated to descend into nature to restore the connexion between Himself and man.
It is believed that after death the soul remains in a place of darkness till the third day, when the first sacrifice for the dead is offered; prayers are read in the synagogue for the repose of the departed, and for seven days a formal lament takes place every morning in his house.
In this action the Germans brought 30,500 rifles and 150 guns on to the battlefield only out of more than 10o,000 with 300 guns which could have been engaged before darkness.
If this be so, we are still in complete darkness as to the stock from which the South American edentates are derived.
Between F and A A Virtual Virtual, erect, diminished Erect, same size CO Between oc and A A a superficial account of the traffic in indulgences, and a rough and ready assumption, which even Kostlin makes, that the darkness was greatest just before the dawn.
In 795 (February 1-August 1) Irish hermits had visited Iceland; on their return they reported the marvel of the perpetual day at midsummer in "Thule," where there was then "no darkness to hinder one from doing what one would."
The duke then attacked strenuously all along the line, and before darkness stopped the fight he drove back the French to their morning position at Frasnes.
On its southern banks, from east to west, dwell the "blameless Aethiopians" in, perfect happiness, and beyond it on the west, in the realms of eternal night, the "Cimmerians," wrapped in fogs and darkness.
For in this Logos is Life, and this Life is a Light which, though shining in darkness, cannot be suppressed by it.
Gilgamesh's conquest of the divine bull was placed under Taurus; his slaying of the tyrant Khumbaba (the prototype of Geryon) in the fifth month typified the victory of light over darkness, represented in plastic art by the group of a lion killing a bull, which is the form ordinarily given to the sign Leo on Ninevite cylinders.
In the ancient Mesopotamian religion the Intelligence of Jupiter was Marduk, "the lord of light," whose antithesis was accordingly conceived as the lord of darkness.
Little, however, was done in the science of botany, properly so called, until the 16th century of the Christian era, when the revival of learning dispelled the darkness which had long hung over Europe.
Judged from the standpoint of empirical science, philosophy passed its meridian in Plato and Aristotle, declined in the post-Aristotelian systems, and set in the darkness of Neoplatonism.
In sharp contrast are opposed the two worlds of the good and of the evil, the divine world and the material world (an), the worlds of light and of darkness.
Gnosticism has combined the two, the Greek opposition between spirit and matter, and the sharp Zoroastrian dualism, which, where the Greek mind conceived of a higher and a lower world, saw instead two hostile worlds, standing in contrast to each other like light and darkness.
On the other hand, among the speculations of the Mandaeans, we find a different and perhaps more primitive conception of the Seven, according to which they, together with their mother Namrus (Ruha) and their father (Ur), belong entirely to the world of darkness.
And here the question arises, how it came about that in the Gnostic systems the Seven appear as subordinate, half-daemonic powers, or even completely as powers of darkness.
A combination of the Babylonian with the Persian religion could only be effected by the degradation of the Babylonian deities into half-divine, half-daemonic beings, infinitely remote from the supreme God of light and of heaven, or even into powers of darkness.
Wherever this figure has not become quite obscure, it represents that divine power which, whether simply owing to a fall, or as the hero who makes war on, and is partly vanquished by darkness, descends into the darkness of the material world, and with whose descent begins the great drama of the world's development.
It is certainly true that in some way an essential part in the formation of the myth has been played by the sun-god, who daily descends into darkness, to rise from it again victoriously.
Compline, technically 9 P.M., but usually combined with vespers, is a prayer for protection during the darkness.
The physical and the ethical are not distinguished, and in this respect the character of the system is thoroughly materialistic; for when Mani co-ordinates good with light, and evil with darkness, this is no mere figure of speech, but light is actually good and darkness evil.
From this it follows that religious knowledge involves the knowledge of nature and her elements, and that redemption consists in a physical process of freeing the element of light from the darkness.
Under such circumstances ethics becomes a doctrine of abstinence in regard to all elements which have their source within the sphere of darkness.
From the contradictory character of the world he concludes the existence of two beings, originally quite separate from each other - light and darkness.
It embraces an "earth of darkness."
As the earth of light has five tokens (the mild zephyr, cooling wind, bright light, quickening fire, and clear water), so has the earth of darkness also five (mist, heat, the sirocco, darkness and vapour).
Satan with his demons was born from the kingdom of darkness.
It only remained now for the primal man to descend into the abyss and prevent the further increase of the generations of darkness by cutting off their roots; but he could not immediately separate again the elements that had once mingled.
It is significant of the materialistic and pessimistic character of the system that, while the formation of the world is considered as a work of the good spirits, the creation of man is referred to the princes of darkness.
But the spirit of darkness drove into him all the portions of light he had stolen, in order to be able to dominate them the more securely.
But these good spirits can only save men by imparting to them the true gnosis concerning nature and her forces, and by calling them away from the service of darkness and sensuality.
It is only through his agency and that of his imitators, "the elect," that the separation of the light from the darkness can be completed.
Of course men's bodies as well as the souls of the unsaved, who according to the oldest conception have in them no light whatever, fall under the sway of the powers of darkness.
Manichaean ethics is not merely negative, however, since it is necessary to cherish, strengthen and purify the elements of light, as well as free oneself from the elements of darkness.
The signaculum manus prohibits all traffic with things generally, in so far as they carry in them elements of darkness.
But he distinguished between the Jesus of darkness and the Jesus of light who had lived and acted contemporaneously with the former.
Of all the periods marked out by the motions of the celestial bodies, the most conspicuous, and the most intimately connected with the affairs of mankind, are the solar day, which is distinguished by the diurnal revolution of the earth and the alternation of light and darkness, and the solar year, which completes the circle of the seasons.
Now Ithaca lies low, farthest up the sea line towards the darkness.
The results of these observations are entered in a compass journal for future reference when fog or darkness prevails.
Darkness at last separated the contending fleets; and though the battle was a drawn one, the Danish fleet showed its superiority by blockading the Swedish ships in Kiel Bay.
Thus amongst flowers the white blossoms of the lilac, so much prized during winter, are produced by forcing purple-flowered plants in darkness.
Rhubarb and sea-kale among esculents both need to be forced in darkness to keep them crisp and tender, and mushrooms also are always grown in dark structures.
C., after its central years of freedom and p rosperity, ended in far deeper darkness than it had begun.
By a fortunate accident the isolated outwork was just missed in the darkness by the left flank of the 2nd Division; otherwise a premature alarm would have been given, which must have changed all the conditions of the operation.
The Israelites are represented as living among the Egyptians, and enjoy no immunity from the plagues, except that of darkness.
There are frequent Stifle allegories, just as in the Makhzan; and quite imbued with pantheistic ideas is, for instance, the final episode of the first part, the mysterious expedition of Alexander to the fountain of life in the land of darkness.
But we are guides on the path of righteousness, lights in the darkness, and bulwarks of Islam; we decide what is just or unjust and declare the right; through us the precepts of religion are maintained.
They were checked by two steady regiments; many fled, all was darkness and confusion, but, on returning into Falkirk, Charles found that Hawley had 'decamped in a disgraceful rout.
Among the Tahitians he was regarded as " the first and principal god, uncreated and existing from the beginning, or from the time he emerged from po, or the world of darkness.
Some speak of the abode of spirits as being in darkness; but usually the condition of things is similar to that which exists upon earth.
The exploit thus attaches itself to the very common Aryan myth of the sun-god as the conqueror of the powers of darkness.
The dark shadows of this picture of the future alone could impress their minds, but a week later three of them were allowed a momentary vision of the light which shoula overcome the darkness.
A great darkness shrouded the scene for three hours, and then, in His native Aramaic, Jesus cried in the words of the Psalm, " My God, My God, why has Thou forsaken Me?"
He desires to interpret the coming of Jesus Christ into the world, to declare whence and why He came, and to explain how His coming, as light in the midst of darkness, brought a crisis into the lives of all with whom He came in contact.
After this the aria "Et in spiritum sanctum," in which the next dogmatic clauses are enshrined like relics in a casket, furnishes a beautiful decorative design on which the listener can repose his mind; and then comes the voluminous ecclesiastical fugue, Confiteor unum baptisma, leading, as through the door and world-wide spaces of the Catholic Church, to that veil which is not all darkness to the eye of faith.
Each man has within him a guardian spirit, a god within him, who never sleeps; so that even in darkness and solitude we are never alone, because God is within, our guardian spirit.
In God, however, as the condition of His manifestation, lies, according to Boehme, the "eternal nature" or the mysterium magnum, which is as anger to love, as darkness to light, and, in general, as the negative to the positive.
Fresh knowledge, new forces and faculties, have to be acquired by positive and strenuous efforts, while, on the other hand, delusions and superstitions are to be abandoned by an attitude of conscious neglect; or to use the phraseology of the Hindus, Avidyd, nescience - the mental state of the unenlightened - through which the individual energies are scattered and dissipated in futile effort, is gradually replaced by Vidyd, the higher wisdom which dispels the darkness of the mind, awakens our latent faculties and concentrates our efforts in the direction of that harmonious union, which ultimately results in Nirvana.
If we suppose the number of sources to increase indefinitely, so as finally to give the appearance of a luminous surface as the source of light, it is obvious that the degrees of darkness at different portions of the penumbra will also increase indefinitely; i.e.
Where he is there it is, and hence those who follow him are God's children, and those who refuse his message are left outside in darkness.
But in every one of the fourteen places it is used of " darkness " coming over the sight of a fallen warrior.
We must not suffer it to lead us into rhetoric about the deadness and the darkness of the middle ages, or hamper our inquiry with preconceived assumptions that the re-birth in question was in any true sense a return to the irrecoverable pagan past.
The Renaissance, far from being the re-birth of antiquity with its civilization confined to the Mediterranean, with its Hercules' Pillars beyond which lay Cimmerian darkness, was thus effectively the entrance upon a quite incalculably wider stage of life, on which mankind at large has since enacted one great drama.
This process was chiefly used for silver work, on account of the vivid contrast between the whiteness of the silver and the darkness of the niello.
So in the New Zealand myth, Rangi and Papa, Sky and Earth, who once clave together in the darkness, were rent asunder by the forest-god Tane-mahuta, who forced up the sky far above him.
The seers of Israel were content to dismiss their dead to a land of silence and darkness, the vast hollow gloom of the subterranean Sheol.'
In this world, two groups of powers confront each other in a truceless war, the powers of Good, of Light, of creative Strength, of Life and of Truth, and the powers of Evil, of Darkness, Destruction, Death and Deceit.
Light is everywhere the symbol of joy and of life-giving power, as darkness is of death and destruction.
Christians are " children of Light " at perpetual war with " the powers of darkness."
As for lights in the churches, he adds that " in all the churches of the East, whenever the gospel is to be read, lights are lit, though the sun be rising (jam sole rutilante), not in order to disperse the darkness, but as a visible sign of gladness (ad signum laetitiae demonstrandum)."
On Easter Eve the new fire, symbol of the light of the newly risen Christ, is produced, and from this are kindled all the lights used throughout the Christian year until, in the gathering darkness (tenebrae) of the Passion, they are gradually extinguished.
This quenching of the light of the world is symbolized at the service of Tenebrae in Holy Week by the placing on a stand before the altar of thirteen lighted tapers arranged pyramidally, the rest of the church being in darkness.
It is not, however, a mere abstraction, being filled with clouds and darkness; from it proceed Erebus and Nyx (Night), whose children are Aether (upper air) and Hemera (Day).
Metaphorically it is used for the immeasurable darkness, eternity, and the infinite generally.
It is not only the loftiest part of the sierra, but also the highest land in the whole Ionian group. The name "Black" was given from the darkness of the pine woods which still constitute the most striking feature in Cephalonian scenery, although their extent has been greatly curtailed by fire.
Mention should also be made of the partial or complete atrophy of the eyes in many Crustacea which live in darkness, either in the deep sea or in subterranean habitats.
Darkness had come before the engineer, who had been in extreme danger, could aid in the recovery of the aerodrome.
Dr George Salmon brought light into darkness by distinguishing between Simon of Gitta and the original Simon Magus.
The crowd of combatants, the gathering darkness, and the dust, prevented any general direction being given to the battle by the leaders of either side.
Some lines of certain elements are always seen fainter or thinner than on the photosphere, or even wholly obliterated; others sometimes show the same features, but not always; other lines of the same elements, perhaps originating at a level above the spot, are not affected; there are also bright streaks where even the general absorption of the spot is absent, and sometimes such a bright line will correspond to a dark line on the photosphere; most generally the lines are intensified, generally in breadth, sometimes in darkness, sometimes in both together, sometimes in one at the expense of the other; certain lines not seen in the photosphere show only across the umbra, others cross umbra and penumbra, others reach a short distance over the photosphere.
That Python was no fearful monster, symbolizing the darkness of winter which is scattered by the advent of spring, is shown by the fact that Apollo was considered to have been guilty of murder in slaying it, and compelled to wander for a term of years and expiate his crime by servitude and purification.
In the solar explanation, the serpent is the darkness driven away by the rays of the sun.
In the " Proem " the poet describes his journey from darkness to light.
But it is more probably related to furvus, fuscus, and signifies one of the spirits of darkness, who watched over men's lives and haunted their abodes.
With the coming of Augustine to Kent the darkness which for nearly two centuries had enwrapped the history of Britain begins to clear away.
As to what was going on beyond it, we have but a few casual gleams of light, just enough to make the darkness visible, from writers such as the author of the life of St Germanus, Prosper Tiro, Procopius, and Gregory of Tours.
Between this opening and this close the pageant of history and of legend, marshalled and vivified by the will and the hand of the poet, ranges through an infinite variety of action and passion, of light and darkness, of terror and pity, of lyric rapture and of tragic triumph.
With the instinctive feeling that darkness adds a horror to death, they preferred to use them for light.
The uneducated mass of mankind, he complains, either " seldom reason at all," or " put passion in the place of reason," or " for want of large, sound, round-about sense " they direct their minds only to one part of the evidence, "converse with one sort of men, read but one sort of books, and will not come in the hearing of but one sort of notions, and so carve out to themselves a little Goshen in the intellectual world, where light shines, and, as they conclude, day blesses them; but the rest of the vast expansion they give up to night and darkness, and avoid coming near it."
The climate is thoroughly Arctic. In the northern parts unbroken daylight in summer and darkness in winter last from two to three months each; and through the greater part of the country the sun does not rise at mid-winter or set at midsummer.
Modern authorities have explained them as the personification of the waves of the sea or of the barren, unproductive coast of Libya; or as the awful darkness of the storm-cloud, which comes from the west and is scattered by the sun-god Perseus.
Just as the sun disperses darkness, so Shamash brings wrong and injustice to light.
He is the son of Night and the twin brother of Death, with whom he dwells in the darkness of the underworld.
Before Qat's time there had been no night, but he purchased a sufficient allowance of darkness from I Qong, that is, night considered as a person in accordance with the law of savage thought already explained.
Qat produced dawn, for the first time, by cutting the darkness with a knife of red obsidian.
In the beginning (as in the Greek myths of Uranus and Gaea), Heaven (Rangi, conceived of as a person) was indissolubly united to his wife Earth (Papa), and between them they begat gods which necessarily dwelt in darkness.
And in three lots were all things divided, and each drew a lot of his own," and to me fell the hoary sea, and Hades drew the mirky darkness, and Zeus the wide heaven in clear air and clouds, but the earth and high Olympus are yet common to all."
Coming to races more advanced in civilization, we find the New Zealanders in possession of ancient hymns in which the origin of things is traced back to nothing, to darkness, and to a metaphysical process from nothing to something, from being to becoming.
In the quarrels of the priesthood under the Empire it was St Bernard, the great abbot of Clairvaux, who tried to arrest the papacy on the slippery downward path of theocracy; finally, it was in Sugers church of St Denis that French art began that struggle between light against darkness which, culminating in Notre-Dame and the SainteChapelle, was to teach the architects of the world the delight of building with airiness of effect.
In the German mythology the army of darkness is led by Hel, the personification of twilight, sunk to the goddess who enchains the dead and terrifies the living, and Loki, originally the god of fire, but afterwards "looked upon as the father of the evil powers, who strips the goddess of earth of her adornments, who robs Thor of his fertilizing hammer, and causes the death of Balder the beneficent sun."
Alexander in his book on demonic possession maintains that "the confession of Jesus as the Messiah or Son of God is the classical criterion of genuine demonic possession" (p. 150), and argues that as "the Incarnation indicated the establishment of the kingdom of heaven upon earth," there took place "a counter movement among the powers of darkness," of which "genuine demonic possession was one of the manifestations" (p. 249).
It must, therefore, be supposed that abyssal forms have gradually acquired such tolerance of darkness as makes their health independent of the sun.
This, he exclaims, can be no other than the hero who slew the two kings of the Nibelungs, Schilbunc and Nibelunc, and seized their treasure, together with the sword Balmunc and the tarnkappe, or cape of darkness, which has the virtue of making him who wears it invisible.
It was in the midst of that awful obscurity that Gustavus met his death - how or where is not absolutely certain; but it would seem that he lost his way in the darkness while leading the Smaland horse to the assistance of his infantry, and was despatched as he lay severely wounded on the ground by a hostile horseman.
Lisa gazed up at him in the darkness; acutely aware of the way the moonlight softened the rugged angles of his face.
I'd either return later or assault the door at my leisure or perhaps, better yet, let the bitch and child starve to death in lonely darkness.
Betsy and Molly shared and suffered nearly five incredibly stressful days, most in total darkness.
He didn't know if a two-bit thug like Talon rated the attention of the King of Darkness or if Talon was stupid enough to challenge an immortal so much more powerful.
She was condemning a good person to a fate of darkness and despair, and yet, if he didn't understand the importance of his role, humanity would be annihilated.
The two continued, but the Black God snatched her by the neck and moved out of the candlelight, into the darkness.
The Black God absorbed the darkness around him, glowing eerily.
She showed him Czerno - his master - and the darkness in Czerno's mind.
He hit her one more time, and she careened against Two, caught between consciousness and darkness.
He cursed his inability to communicate with the rest of humanity and considered driving directly to town to seek help, but thoughts of a person trapped in the twisted wreckage, prompted him to strain his eyes in the gathering darkness and search the abyss below.
He felt the magic penetrate him to the core, and the ancient tattoos marking him as both an immortal and an Ancient blazed red in the darkness before subsiding.
His silver eyes flashed from the darkness at the back of the cave, alarming her.
The alley light shone through the partially open door, interrupting the darkness just enough to illuminate the frightened look on her face.
Fatigue kept most of the thoughts from gaining traction, and they melted away like much of her dreams did. Gabe stopped at sunset, as darkness settled into the jungle. Katie watched him set up a small fire.
The moons appeared through the branches in the jungle, almost alone in the dark sky except for a wisp of clouds floating beneath them. She watched the clouds pass. More came, quickly blocking the moons and stealing most of the light from the jungle. Katie sat up and blinked until her eyes adjusted to the new level of darkness. The sky took on an eerie silver glow, like it did in Maryland the night before a hard snow.
Anger filled her, and she began to saw in earnest, unwilling to let another innocent person die in the darkness of the underworld.
He lacks my … darkness.
No darkness lasts the ages, Taran…I do not care to remember the sound of a bird's cry, but I wish I remembered the taste of spiced ale.
Darkness clung to the brittle pages, resisting even direct firelight.
Taran cleared his throat before saying through gritted teeth, "There are animals and plants that dwell only in darkness, and an underwater river that almost drowned me when I found it."
Darkness is conducive to sleep.
Of nesting bald also made their where darkness covers.
This near darkness, these utterly barren, sterile conditions is their home for over a month - about one-fifth of their lives.
From here a tiny slot through a calcite blockage looked down into darkness.
Sir Julian Huxley, perhaps goaded by his repeated bouts of clinical depression, wrestled with humanism in increasing darkness of thought.
The Darkness star Dan Hawkins has confessed he suffers from the eating disorder bulimia.
He appears from the darkness with a bullock in tow, a large black bullock.
With darkness less than an hour away my main concern was in finding the campground.
Dante ' s own anger at the darkness of his times here achieves catharsis through Mark's condemnation.
It is best to visit the cavern during the summer at noon, when the light penetrates the darkness producing stunning effects inside.
The sinner senses darkness in his soul similar to that of a dark and dank cellar.
There is also an underlying darkness and even more ironic counterpoint buried in the music and lyrics.
Antarctica is moving from 24-hour daylight to the 24-hour darkness of winter.
The ground was treacherous underfoot, and the darkness turned even the smallest obstacle into a potential deathtrap.
Travel Risks Long-distance travel is rarely assured to be safe for any supernatural denizen of the World of Darkness.
On the whole, however, bloodcurdling diatribes are better studied in the hours of darkness than in the morning.
It may be better undertaken during the cover of darkness as this hides many of the sheer drops!
However, in the earliest period of Anglo-Saxon history it is very much a case of history's gradual emergence from darkness.
She also discovers the enchantment holding the house in darkness is contained within a red book called Century, written by her father.
As darkness fell I was very feverish and drowsy so I must have fallen asleep.
Battle was broken off as darkness fell, and the next day the Spaniards were amazed to see the Revenge still floating.
Goth kids who like darkness will figure out some way to improve the storminess without raining on everyone else's parade.
They had left Sammy behind to collapse in the cool darkness of the tiled hallway.
Until his surrender, today, to the forces of Blairite darkness, I thought he was well-meaning - if somewhat hapless.
The off-side was lined with large trees, the purr of the engine was the only sound, the twin headlights piercing the darkness.
As darkness fell a few isolated lights dotted the opposite hillside but apart from that there was no evidence of other human activity.
Just two figures hunched over laptops in darkness, arms occasionally reaching through the field of light cast by a carefully positioned lamp.
Complete darkness will require the use of an IR illuminator which is ideal for close range work, effective up to approx 50 yards.
Also contains a powerful built-in infrared illuminator for viewing in complete darkness.
Much caution was displayed in guiding the dhow through these, for the channel was narrow, and darkness rendered its position almost indiscernible.
A darkness fell over the western isles with the church bearing the brunt of the violence.
We left the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear Son.
The cave is entered by a narrow ledge of columns leading into the darkness.
Of course, events in Russia remain critical and the potential for a sudden lurch into darkness remains.
It's great, intoxicating darkness, going pell mell for the burn.
As the Swedish midsummer approaches there is no escaping from the darkness of society.
A cabal formed from whispers in the darkness and grew to include the minions and disciples of the Triad themselves.
Now the darkness seemed to completely surround us, not a glimmer, or even a building to break the sheer monotony.
He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts.
Golden plovers seem to get the night-time munchies - under the cover of darkness, they eat 70 per cent more worms per minute!
And, come nightfall under the cover of darkness, you run into the arms of your vices.
The great noir was about the darkness in your head.
Leach's Storm-petrel is a truly oceanic species, only returning to remote island colonies under hours of darkness.
She thought about unexpected power outages, about wandering the wrong way in pitch darkness.
From the darkness steps a tall hooded figure dressed in black robes, emblazoned with a red pentagram on the cuffs of each sleeve.
In addition, it uses an advanced photocell that cuts off the flow of CO 2 during darkness, while still allowing fan operation.
At one point, the white stone portico of a cemetery appeared out of the darkness, startling me.
In this manner, Lilith did turn her back on God, and as such, consecrated her future progeny to the darkness.
I fired this discovery out into the darkness with the greatest promptitude.
Next april's wpt has been the of cathode rays in darkness produced.
No wonder God says " have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
The framing tree branches outlined the deeply rutted track in even more darkness.
Alternatively, the darkness may have come from a severe sandstorm.
It is the thousands of fans in a market who are gnawing themselves to just savor seeing The Darkness live.
When a destroyer with a huge searchlight circled the ships for the full duration of darkness, making sure everyone stayed onboard.
The Tiber sends back a glassy stare in the darkness.
Journeys sitting in the back of the family station wagon, elbowing siblings and squabbling, looking out into the darkness watching for eyes.
Darkness coming on, Zeid retired to the great storehouse of the city, where with his little company he passed the night.
The deeds of darkness then perpetrated arose out of that doctrine of the royal supremacy.
The flood came in darkness, with a sudden surge of water.
Elektra broke free of their control and fled Japan, but she was forever tainted by the darkness of the Hand.
The seminal essence pervades the channels of the body, and so there comes mental torpor like thickening darkness.
You can see a triptych of these portraits on my website, entitled ' Dancing with Darkness ' .
However, the darkness trope is subsumed to characterisation of the film style within an informative toned narrativisation of the film production process.
Various consequences follow, leading to earth again becoming a formless void and darkness.
It was all I could do to take a photo before having a good hard wank in the African darkness.
The taint of Darkness spreading through their realm is guaranteed to arouse the wrath of these dragons.
That the East to-day has so much to tell about Alexander is only due to the fact that old mythical stories of gods or heroes who go travelling through lands of monsters and darkness, of magical fountains and unearthly oceans, became attached to his name in the popular literature of the Roman empire, and this mythical Alexander was reintroduced in the 7th century A.D.
Reinach sees in him the fox roaming " in the darkness," to the Thracians a personification of the wine-god, torn in pieces by the Bassarae (fox-maidens).
The present world was corrupt and subject to Satan and the powers of darkness.
Hibil allows himself to be half swallowed by the monster, but is unhurt, and compels his antagonist to recognize the superiority of Mana rabba, the God of light, and to divulge his profoundest secret, the hidden name of darkness.
He also published Hidden Works of Darkness brought to Light in order to prejudice the archbishop's case, and after his execution, Canterbury's Doom..
They not unnaturally showed a tolerant spirit on the whole toward existing institutions, including the ecclesiastical abuses, and, in general, cared little how long the vulgar herd was left in the superstitious darkness which befitted their estate, so long as the superior man was permitted to hold discreetly any views he pleased.
In the second case there is also the closest parallel between physical blindness cured, and spiritual darkness dispelled, by the Logos-Light as described in the accompanying discourse.
At one time the Primal Man, who sank down into matter, has freed himself and risen out of it again, and like him his members will rise out of darkness into the light (Poimandres); at another time the Primal Man who was conquered by the powers of darkness has been saved by the powers of light, and thus too all his race will be saved (Manichaeism); at another time the fallen Sophia is purified by her passions and sorrows and has found her Syzygos, the Soter, and wedded him, and thus all the souls of the Gnostics who still languish in matter will become the brides of the angels of the Soter (Valentinus).
This book begins with the time when there was only the heaven with its boundaries towards the four winds, but as yet there was no body, nothing that clung to anything else, nothing that balanced itself or rubbed together or made a sound; there was nought below but the calm sea alone in the silent darkness.
Darkness is likewise a spiritual kingdom (more correctly, it also is conceived of as a spiritual and feminine personification), but it has no "God" at its head.
So too the victories of Re over the serpent named Apophis were more or less clearly understood as a simile of the antithetical nature of light and darkness.
On the other hand, in the case of the obdurate, he showed a relentless precision, which gained for him his evil name, ` The Bloody Clavers,' the commissioned servant of the powers of darkness."
That takes all those up into itself, outshining them in radiance and glory - just as in the last month of the rains, at harvest time, the sun, mounting up on high into the clear and cloudless sky, overwhelms all darkness in the realms 1 Questions of King Milinda, translated by Rhys Davids (Oxford, 1890-1894), vol.
The path from darkness to light was lost; thought was involved in allegory; the study of nature had been perverted into an inept system of grotesque and pious parablemongering; the pursuit of truth had become a game of wordy dialectics.
Such curves show differences of steepness according to the temperature (see temp. curve), and to alterations of light (lamp) and darkness.
In Wales its counterpart was Gwyllgi, "the Dog of Darkness," a frightful apparition of a mastiff with baleful breath and blazing red eyes.
The crisis culminated on a day, each event of which is surrounded in the Buddhist accounts with the wildest legends, on which the very thoughts passing through the mind of Buddha appear in gorgeous descriptions as angels of darkness or of light, To us, now taught by the experiences of centuries how weak such exaggerations are compared with the effect of a plain unvarnished tale, these legends may appear childish or absurd, but they have a depth of meaning to those who strive to read between the lines of such rude and inarticulate attempts to describe the indescribable.
But the universal spider as he called Louis XI.was weaving his web in the darkness, and was eventually to entangle him in it.
The shepherd soon lost sight of them in the darkness.
He knew where the old North Church stood, but he could not see much in the darkness.
At last, just as the blacksmith was in the midst of a stirring song, he rose quietly and went out into the darkness.
Flashes of shot gleamed in the darkness.
An enormous space, with our army's campfires dimly glowing in the fog, could be seen behind him; in front of him was misty darkness.
Pierre lay leaning on his elbow for a long time, gazing at the shadows that moved past him in the darkness.
So he lay now on his bed, supporting his large, heavy, scarred head on his plump hand, with his one eye open, meditating and peering into the darkness.
Vesenya!-- Vesenny! laughing voices were heard calling to one another in the darkness.
Dolokhov kissed him, laughed, turned his horse, and vanished into the darkness.
And twisting the ramrod he looked gloomily at Pierre, who turned away and gazed into the darkness.
Next april 's wpt has been the of cathode rays in darkness produced.
No wonder God says have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
Somewhere in the darkness someone made a dry retching sound.
The roiling clouds, losing their darkness, drew back.
Winona Ryder plays a young woman who becomes aware of a satanic conspiracy that will plunge the world into the ultimate darkness.
Selphie tried to scoot away on the sand, scared of the immense darkness.
And, on occasion, when thought strays from the ordinary monsters come scrabbling up out of this well of darkness.
It vanishes in the light of day, but shines in the darkness.
Manga Bros Darkness reigns in the Manga 's world of skittering trip-hop beats, eerie ambient washes and junglist drums.
Polly Vernon catches up with the Darkness on tour in Europe - and finds a band with angst in their spandex pants.
If this seems like materialist darkness we must stride boldly into it.
His breath tore raggedly through his lungs as he slipped and stumbled over rocks in the darkness.
He is clothed in pure, white swaddling clothes which stand out from the darkness of the cave where He has been born.
What I did find was quite a contemporary sound tonewise, tinged with a hint of darkness around the edges.
You can see a triptych of these portraits on my website, entitled ' Dancing with Darkness '.
Super troopers In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war.
Nonetheless, the reviews do organize a semantic field around the trope of darkness with some degree of complexity.
One brief fleeting night of light, of laughter, music and twinkling feet, and then again the silence and darkness.
Those passages which say that we must have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness are all overthrown.
Could that be attributed to the fact that every time the Darkness are mentioned, G'n'R are uttered in the same breath?
Then all traces of light vanished into the darkness.
We were angry and hasty because we stifled in the darkness, in a poisoned and vitiated air.
Ann Jones was last seen wobbling off up the hill into the darkness.
It's nice to be able to transition into darkness at bedtime, going from a lit room to a dimly lit one, and then to darkness.
Darkness Slipped In is perfect for ages 4-8.
Cool illustrations combine with a winning story about a girl who befriends Darkness.
Fortunately, modern times call for modern solutions and the vast amount of information available to the public helps to shine a comforting light on areas that once were sheathed in darkness and fear.
Emo makeup has become popular with teenagers across the nation, but this fun combination of punk rock and gothic darkness can be a winning look for anyone.
Cosmetics are usually a combination of childlike innocence and hard darkness.
Whether your costume calls for a transition to overt glamour, extreme hideousness, edgy darkness or exceptional beauty, makeup can help you achieve a realistic look.
Fill in the brows to frame the darkness of the makeup so that the contrast between the lids and brows isn't too strong.
Implement emo makeup tips in to your look to get just the right blend of Gothic darkness and youthful creativity.
Take on the role of Spiderman as you leap, jump and fight your way to save Mary Jane from the villains, or save yourself from the darkness that threatens to destroy you.
It also helps to provide shadow and texture, and is a valuable tool for creating a balance between available sunlight and complete darkness.
This isn't the first time the 24-year old daughter of "Prince of Darkness" Ozzy Osbourne has been to rehab.
The two allegedly began their relationship when the Russian born singer was hired to do a song for the soundtrack of Gibson's upcoming film Edge of Darkness.
While many seeds require light to sprout, some require darkness so refer to the instructions for specific advice.
The small solar panels collect light form the sun during the day, and the light uses the power to illuminate the lighting element when darkness hits.
Ash fall also blocks sunlight, reduces visibility and can sometimes cause completed darkness.
As autumn progresses, darkness comes earlier each evening often making it difficult for drivers to see pedestrians, bicyclists and playing children.
Sleep masks primarily work to reduce external light and are great for daytime sleepers who want a reasonable facsimile of night time darkness to sleep in.
With your night vision device in hand, you can explore the world of darkness and discover new things that you've never imagined.
Photochromic lenses adjust their level of darkness bases on the amount of UV light they're exposed to.
If you purchase a pair of fakes that simply have tinted lenses but no substantial UV protection, more light will enter the eye because the darkness of the tint will cause the pupil to expand.
They are very advantageous for those who desire to be able to see in the darkness, and there are numerous reasons why someone would be interested in purchasing night vision goggles.
These goggles can be used for camping trips where being able to see and navigate through the darkness is necessary at times.
If you are looking into night vision goggles, you may be interested to know that there are many other items that enable vision in the darkness for various applications.
Their abilities, of course, increase with price, up to a point where you could read maps in the absolute darkness if necessary (with a pair that costs over $2000.00).
They're so effective, you can even read in full darkness with them on.
Multiple lens colors including pink, olive, brown, wine, blue, and gray available in a range of different darkness tints.
It is important to note that the color or degree of darkness of the lenses has no bearing on UV protection.
Given some of the sanity (and insanity) effects in the game, Eternal Darkness may not be appropriate for younger gamers.
In 1993, Bungie released a sequel to Minotaur called Pathways Into Darkness.
A flashlight is your only guide to help you in the darkness.
With darkness descending upon the land, it is your goal to bring color back into the world.
Eternal Darkness is perhaps one of the best kept secrets on the GameCube.
There is plenty of action and loads of puzzles, but what really sets Eternal Darkness apart from the competition is the innovative "sanity meter."
Part of the planet is in darkness, courtesy of a meteor that struck the planet years previous; the dark side of the planer is home to creatures known as the Ing.
The light indicator tells you how well you are hidden in the darkness or how easily you could be seen.
She explains that an evil monster named Zant is trying to merge the Twilight Realm with Hyrule and turn it into a land of darkness.
It is affected by the relative balance of light and darkness in the environment.
As darkness approaches, the hormone melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland and signals the brain that it is time to sleep.
Fears among toddlers include strangers, animals, bugs, storms, sirens, large objects, dark colors, darkness, people with masks, monsters, and "bad" people, such as burglars.
Nocturnal myopia, another type of myopia sometimes referred to as "night blindness," is blurred vision only in darkness.
It is the darkness of night and the quiet of that time.
People may view emo as nothing more than a state of darkness, dreariness, and depression.
Color guides and swatches are based on the hair color level system, which measures the degree of lightness to darkness, while excluding any underlying pigments and tones.
To determine your natural hair level, you'll want to hold a swatch to the base of your scalp and compare the level of darkness to your own.
Semi permanent color will not lighten your hair and can only be used to add depth, darkness and to change the tone of your color.
Before making the toast, you must set the darkness of the toast, controlled by a timer.
You can even control the darkness of the crust when baking bread with this small appliance.
In the right votive holder, the candle flame will appear to be floating on its own in the darkness of the room.
People worried that the world would be shrouded in darkness and death.
That scene would then fade into darkness, and an adult Jesus would then appear in a spotlight speaking to a few small children, or turning water into wine.
Perhaps it's because of this trait that many people born under this sign fear the darkness in themselves and in others, but this is something they need to overcome.
Other films followed, including Daughter of Darkness and Quartet in 1948, Green Grow the Rushes in 1949, and Conspirator also in 1949.
Popular films that she has acted in include Troy, Wicker Park, Narco, Copying Beethoven, Days of Darkness, Anything for Her, Inglorious Basterds, and Mr. Nobody.
The darkness swooped down and engulfed them until neither one could see the other, and just as suddenly, Aidan, Mark and the black shadow vanished into the ground.
Apparently adept at crashing parties, this "13th guest" is able to convince the God of Darkness to shoot the God known as "Balder the Beautiful".
This event sends the Earth into a period of darkness and mourning forever marking the number 13 as a number representing very bad luck.
In 1973, there were a number of sightings of seven to eight-foot-tall creatures with "fire red eyes that glow in the darkness".
He met people who led him "on a long journey into complete and abject darkness".
Red eyes can be seen peering out of the darkness, and objects fly off the walls and countertops.
It was late at night, and as the car headlights swept the abandoned facility, the passengers saw what appeared to be two gleaming red eyes in the darkness,so theyleft the vehicle to investigate.
Between Bill's mesmerizing gaze and Sookie's telepathy, Sookie is able to punch through the darkness shrouding Tara's mind.
The darkness of Stefan's life flooded their relationship, forcing Elena to choose to be away from Stefan.
Stefan wanted to leave Elena, to free her from the darkness of his world, but Elena's declaration ignited their passion.
These tattoos must be seen under a UV light to glow, not just in darkness.
After all, even the best of us still have that tiny little nugget of darkness at our very core, just waiting for an opportunity to trip us up.
This is because crime is more likely to be committed in periods of darkness rather than in bright daylight.
Despite being extremely tired and drained from the treatment, she managed to record an album that expressed her emotions and experiences throughout the darkness of those days.
They composed several tunes, including Force of Darkness, Sacrificial Lamb, The Elite, and The Battle.
The darkness the music video possesses pairs well with lines like "I've dealt with my ghosts and faced all my demons" and "I've been burdened with blame, trapped in the past for too long."
They didn't maintain punk's darkness, however, and their overall sound and presentation was New Wave all the way.
The team uses special surveillance cameras that are able to shoot up to 300 feet in complete darkness, thermal imaging cameras and several devices to monitor temperature and humidity changes.
The law firm of Wolfram and Hart represented the forces of darkness, and made a sleekly elegant living doing so.
Despite the glimpse of darkness in this novel there is a definite playful tone rippling throughout its pages.
Without sacrificing her sense of humor, the author again shines a light when darkness falls and again provides a promise of more adventures to come.
Ursula Le Guin's now-classic 1969 novel The Left Hand of Darkness won both the Hugo and the Nebula awards.
Following what was essentially a hunch, he traveled to a remote planet in the gamma quadrant and discovered his people's home world hiding in the darkness of space.
Magic doesn't happen in science fiction; if someone causes light to appear in the darkness, you can be sure that in sci-fi, it's because someone flipped a switch.
She is the "one" girl in the entire world who can stand against the darkness and fight evil.
Comics like Tales from the Crypt, Army of Darkness and The Living Corpse have all graced us with images of the undead.
There is almost always an element of darkness to a piece though, and a mythical element that elevates the material.
The bold, brave young man who can do anything and his descent into darkness.
The Phantom Menace introduces Anakin Skywalker as a young slave boy, Obi-Wan Kenobi as a Jedi apprentice, and the introduction of the evil Darth Maul and the forces of darkness known as the Sith.
Authors such as Heather Graham and Kay Hooper delve deeply into paranormal suspense with novels of otherworldly darkness and evil personified.
Lack of quality sleep is another cause for darkness under the eyes.
In fact, while the intent of the cyber attack may have been to cast the country of Georgia into informational darkness - that plan ultimately backfired.
Aside from the dangers of falling debris, which construction workers faced along with miners, the added problems of darkness and air quality kept the Bullard company developing new ways to protect workers.
She pulled the blanket around her shoulders and curled into a shivering ball, staring through the window into the darkness.
Bordeaux's shadowy form materialized out of the darkness.
She gasped and stared down at his form in the darkness.
She peered at his profile in the darkness.
Her whispered calls for Bordeaux received no response so she felt around in the darkness.
The room, in near total darkness, held a barely audible hum for background music.
A comfortable bed replaced the cot utilized in Peabody and absolute darkness proved more conducive to sleep than the leaked light that often snuck into our old quarters.
We were operating by pure feel in the total darkness where balancing alone was precariously.
Darkness was creeping from the edges of his mind.
He recalled agony, and the darkness of his thoughts amplified the pain of the new magic in his blood.
His scent drove her body wild, the mix of sweat, darkness, and man.
A flash of darkness went through his gaze, and the same sense of hidden fury returned.
She approached and knelt a safe distance from him, trying hard to see into the darkness of the corner.
Two sat down on his bed and stared into the darkness, unable to sleep when she cried.
The glow from the flashlight barely illuminated the next few feet of inky darkness as the two youngsters crept along the dank passageway.
Suddenly he flicked off the flashlight, plunging them into utter darkness as she stumbled against him.
Toward dawn, her conversation became fixed on the skeleton-man she'd discovered in the depths of the mine as if he too was a forever forgotten soul, equally immersed in lonely darkness.
Dusk crept up the canyon as he slowed his pace, searching for a sign in the gathering darkness below.
Darkness moved in quickly now, and he knew he'd soon need help and more light than a simple flashlight to locate a wreck, if in fact a vehicle had plunged to the valley floor, a hundred or more feet below.
Last night she risked her life climbing down a precipitous cliff in total darkness in an effort to save Billy Langstrom.
Dean took a deep breath and crept a few tentative steps into the darkness.
As May gave way to June, the lengthening daylight hours gave her more time to be with Jonathan and Destiny and still complete taking care of the animals before darkness.
Something about him touched her on a level that left her feeling at peace, as if he, too, understood what it was to face death each day and struggle to see the light instead of the surrounding darkness.
His step slowed as he saw her leaning against the wall, gazing into the darkness.
The kids were talking to her, but she had trouble focusing on anything outside of keeping the buzzing in her ears from pushing her beyond tunnel-vision into the darkness.
The forest and darkness created a sense of cozy intimacy, one that held her without crushing her, unlike the rest of the world.
She entered the forest, and the darkness was crushing, suffocating her.
There was no way for her to measure the size of the chamber, for the darkness inside was more impenetrable than night, with the exception of a circle of light ten meters from the door.
She went to him, unable to see through the darkness even while walking through it.
She snapped them closed, but not before she saw him slide into the darkness.
He'd been fevered for a zillion years, trapped in the tiny cell in ever-changing forms, always in darkness.
He sank into the shadows, at home in the darkness, watching.