Darker Sentence Examples
He paused, his face turning a darker shade of red.
She made her way to a coffee shop and sat at a table in the darker end of the shop, hot cocoa in hand.
He listened, thoughts turning darker.
Any darker color, and she would stand out even more.
With this goes a general increase of precipitation with altitude, so that a good rainfall map would have its darker shades very generally along the mountain ranges.
The brilliant side comes out most clearly in Joinville, the Chronique de Du Guesclin, and the Histoire de Bayart; the darker side appears in the earlier chronicles of the crusades, and is especially emphasized by preachers and moralists like Jacques de Vitry, Etienne de Bourbon, Nicole Bozon and John Gower.
A well-lit kitchen with lots of natural sunlight can be painted in darker colors with lighter accent colors.
All the American species are of a nearly uniform dark brown or blackish colour when adult; but it is a curious circumstance that when young (and in this the Malay species conforms with the others) they are conspicuously marked with spots and longitudinal stripes of white or fawn colour on a darker ground.
The typical Siamese is of medium height, well formed, with olive complexion, darker than the Chinese, but fairer than the Malays, eyes well shaped though slightly inclined to the oblique, nose broad and flat, lips prominent, the face wide across the cheek-bones and the chin short.
A second species, or race, Theropithecus obscures, distinguished by its darker hairs and the presence of a bare flesh-coloured ring round each eye, inhabits the eastern confines of Abyssinia.
AdvertisementThe brownish colour of some slates is due to limonite and haematite, but magnetite occurs in the darker coloured varieties.
Farther away from the granite the slates are not so much altered, but generally show small rounded or ovoid spots, which may be darker or lighter in colour than the matrix.
The basic lavas are usually darker and denser than lavas of acid type, and when fused they tend to flow to great distances, and may thus form far-spreading sheets, whilst the acid lavas, being more viscous, rapidly consolidate after extrusion.
After protracted experimenting Sir Thomas Wardle was able in 1873 to show a series of tussurs well dyed in all the darker shades of colour, but the lighter and bright blues, pinks, scarlets, &c., he could not produce, Subsequently Tessie du Motay found that the fawn colour of natural tussur could be discharged by solution of permanganate of potash, but the oxidizing action was so rapid and violent that it destroyed the fibre itself.
In colour the skin varies from a black-brown to a copperish hue, but the darker are the most common shades.
AdvertisementThe typical race of this species ranges from New York to Georgia and westward to the Dakotas, but it is represented by a second and darker race in Labrador, and by a third in Canada; while several other North American species have been named.
It is found that in densely wooded districts furs are darker in colour than in exposed regions, and that the quality of wool and hair is softer and more silky than those from bare tracts of country, where nature exacts from its creatures greater efforts to secure food, thereby developing stronger limbs and a consequently coarser body covering.
The darker sorts of mink, musquash, raccoon and wolverine are more valuable than the paler skins.
Russian and Prussian kinds are coarser and darker, and used mostly for brush trade.
Chinchilla, La Plata, incorrectly named and known in the trade as "bastard chinchilla," size 9 X4 in., in a similar species, but owing to lower altitudes and warmer climatic conditions of habitation is smaller, with shorter and less beautiful fur, the underwool colour being darker and the top colour less pure.
AdvertisementThe colour is of two or three shades of brown in one skin, the centre being an oval dark saddle, edged as it were with quite a pale tone and merging to a darker one towards the flanks.
As has been explained, sable is a term applied for centuries past to the darker sorts of the Russian Siberian martens, and for years past the same term has been bestowed by the retail trade upon the American and Canadian martens.
These characters are, however, peculiar to the adults of the male sex; and even as regards coloration young lions show indications of the darker stripes and mottlings so characteristic of the greater number of the members of the genus.
The mane, as well as the long hair of the other parts of the body, sometimes scarcely differs from the general colour, but is usually darker and not xvi.
The seed is rather larger than a hazel nut, with a thicker and darker shell and per- Planting fectly spherical shape.
AdvertisementUsually the under or concave edge of the arc is the more clearly defined, and adjacent to it the sky often seems darker than elsewhere.
The fur has, however, a tawny yellow or reddishgrey ground colour, marked with black spots, aggregated in streaks and blotches, or in elongated rings enclosing areas rather darker than the general ground-colour.
The natives are Micronesians, and are darker and shorter than their kinsmen, the Caroline Islanders.
Their colour is a brown, lighter or darker generally according to the amount of their exposure to the sun - being darker on some of the atolls where the people spend much time in fishing, and among fishermen on the volcanic islands, and lighter among women, chiefs and others less exposed than the bulk of the people.
The soil of the prairies is darker and coarser than that of the forests, but all differences disappear with cultivation.
The inner portion is formed early in the season and is termed "spring wood," the darker part being called "autumn wood."
The colour of the cut wood is a very light yellowish or brownish white, the hard parts of the annual rings being of a darker shade.
The wood is a light yellowish brown in colour, fine in grain and of even texture, the annular rings being marked by a darker line.
Its colour is light brown, sometimes with a greenish tint, with the annular rings of darker colour.
The Spanish wood has a darker colour and richer figure than the Honduras, and is therefore preferred for ornamental j oinery work.
The present inhabitants are slightly darker than the people of Spain, but in other respects are scarcely distinguishable from them.
Some of them are as light-skinned as Europeans, tall, robust, thin-lipped, straight-nosed, with straight black hair; others are shorter and darker in complexion, with round heads, long noses, thick lips, and scraggy limbs, indicating perhaps the commingling of more than one Semitic people.
This fatty substance is at first semifluid and yellow, but afterwards acquires the consistency of pomade and becomes darker.
Among the Carolines and the Marshalls darker and more savage communities are found, suggesting a Melanesian element, which is further traceable in the Ebon (Marshall) and other languages.
The general Micronesian type is a well-proportioned rather slightly built figure, with small and regular features; head high and well proportioned, but forehead rather retreating and narrow at the temples; cheek bones and chin slightly prominent; straight black hair, lanker than that of the Polynesians, colour somewhat darker than the Polynesians, the Marshalls being darker and more vigorous than the Carolines, while the Gilbert type, though smaller than the latter, is still darker and coarser.
But, on the other hand, the essentially human nature of these two gods 1 As in the case of Siva's traditional white complexion, it may not be without significance, from a racial point of view, that Vishnu, Rama and Krishna have various darker shades of colour attributed to them, viz.
The nest is generally in long heather, and contains two eggs of a dark olive-colour, suffused with still darker brown patches.
It has raised his reputation as a political philosopher into the first rank, where he now disputes the place of intellectual supremacy with his friend Machiavelli; but it has coloured our moral judgment of his character and conduct with darker dyes.
This picture has undoubtedly .a darker side.
A very weak current gives a pale and brittle deposit, but as the current-density is increased up to a certain point, the properties of the metal improve; beyond this point they deteriorate, the colour becoming darker and the deposit less coherent, until at last it is dark brown and spongy or pulverulent.
The glacial clay consists generally of alternate darker and lighter coloured layers, which give it a striped appearance, for which reason it has often been called hvarfvig lera (striped clay).
A darker passage does not occur in the annals of the English Reformation than this murder of an able and high-spirited man, whose worst offence was that he defended as best he could from the hand of the spoiler the property in his charge.
Amongst the loose tissue of the leaf numerous transparent threads are shown; these are the mycelial threads or spawn of the fungus; wherever they touch the leaf-cells they pierce or break down the tissue, and so set up decomposition, as indicated by the darker shading.
In its turn the Alpine race has pressed down upon their darker and less warlike kindred of the south, either driven down before the tall sons of the north or swelling the hosts of the latter as they swept down south.
The cheek-prominences are of an intense blue, the effect of which is heightened by deeply sunk longitudinal furrows of a darker tint, while the central line and termination of the nose are bright scarlet.
Typically the fur is greyishyellow, darker on the back and lighter beneath.
In Central America occurs another species, C. derbiana, chiefly distinguished by the darker colour of its plumage.
The Achinese, a people of Malayan stock but darker, somewhat taller and not so pleasant-featured as the true Malays, regard themselves as distinct from the other Sumatrans.
The species resembles a wolf in size, and is greyish-brown in colour, marked with indistinct longitudinal stripes of a darker hue, while the legs are transversely striped.
Their colour is light brown or grey, and generally spotted with a darker shade.
A tile of white porcelain with a black pattern on it will, if heated red-hot, show the pattern bright on a darker ground.
Each spot shows with more or less completeness a ring-shaped penumbra enclosing a darker umbra; the umbra, which looks black beside' the photosphere, is actually about as brilliant as limelight.
At best it has a rank fishy odour, and the darker the colour the more disagreeable the smell.
As distinguished from the latter, however, the Shropshire has a darker face, blackish brown as a rule, with very neat ears, whilst its head is more massive, and is better covered with wool on the top and at the sides.
The blue-eyed and fair-haired Scandinavians may have been conquerors or conquered, they may have adopted the language of their darker lords or their subjects, or vice versa.
Towards the end of the summer the uredospores are replaced by the winter resting-spores, called teleutospores, which are larger, thicker-walled and darker in colour.
Raised cicatrices usually take the place of tattooing with the darker races.
The general colour is a delicate pale brown, with about a dozen and a half darker cross-bars, which are often connected by a still darker dorso-lateral streak, enclosing large oval spots.
The natives, collectively known as Malagasy, are divided into a considerable number of tribes, each having its distinct customs. Although geographically an African island, the majority of its inhabitants are derived, the lighter portion of them from the MalayoPolynesian stock, and the darker races from the Melanesian.
Though existing horses are usually not marked in any definite manner, or only irregularly dappled, or spotted with light surrounded by a darker ring, many examples are met with showing a dark median dorsal streak like that found in all the other members of the genus, and even with dark stripes on the shoulders and legs.
The young king passed his early years amid the terrible anarchy in his island kingdom, which Innocent was powerless to check; but his education was not neglected, and his character and habits were formed by contact with men of varied nationalities and interests, while the darker traits of his nature were developed in the atmosphere of lawlessness in which he lived.
The female plant grows to a greater height than the male, and its foliage is darker and more luxuriant, but the plant takes from five to six weeks longer to ripen.
Even bucolic Ouray, the quintessential small town, wasn't immune to the darker side of the rock-strewn hike through puberty.
The urban areas were dark and the river nearby even darker.
It was bigger and darker than a normal freckle, but it wasn't a mole and certainly didn't have a hair sticking out from it.
While Dean caught brief hints of melancholy, she seemed for the most part successful in putting darker thoughts aside, content to enjoy the peace of the day.
New speed manual cuts add-on personal darker than the have helped to.
The surface is covered with a darker material causing Hyperion to have a lower albedo compared to other icy moons.
Under the microscope, dark-ground illumination reveals the details of one of the darker anthers and its filament.
Barthol Chapel war memorial A simple small stone tablet on a pediment of darker granite ashlar.
Whatever you decide to wear, go for darker, co-ordinated colors and avoid anything too baggy, striped or patterned.
The german baritone, Peter Schüler, sang with brooding intensity as he grappled with Owen's darker texts.
They are cryptically colored, being brown with darker brown chevrons down the back.
If you are pregnant or taking the contraceptive pill you can develop chloasma - darker patches on your face.
Darker colors will make the room feel more cozy.
The sky seemed to grow darker, the red becoming crimson, the gold turning to copper.
Could be dark... very dark... Even darker than this!
This is another good-looking transfer although it seems darker than the other two.
Some are completely dominated by meaningless commercial drivel designed to exploit the darker side of human nature.
This creates a darker, slightly mystical edge to the music and gives a slightly eastern flavor to the track generally.
The adult moths have a grayish forewing with an angled darker marking just inside the cleft.
The price of the ring will be higher as the tanzanite gemstone gets to a darker color shade.
Then, of course, there is the thermal imaging goggles used in some of the darker sections of the gameplay.
For this shot, weve used a neutral density grad, a filter which is darker at the top than the bottom.
Later books in the series are much darker and she kills off some characters in quite gruesome ways.
Again like The Full Monty, Wondrous Oblivion weaves a number of darker, more interesting subplots around a fairly hackneyed central storyline.
Color hazel brown, the darker the better, showing no haw.
It grows into a smaller tree than our common horse chestnut and has darker foliage.
It is also invariably darker than bitter through the use of a higher rate of roasted malt.
High levels of the skin pigment melanin reduce the risk of common skin cancer for people with darker skin.
The darker bands, between 5mm and 10mm thick, are rich in biotite mica.
The upper wings are a warm brown ochre with darker edges and the male sports a thin dark ' scent ' line.
The floor suggests a hardwood parquet floor, worn in the middle and darker around the edge, focusing on the playing area.
Moorish Idols change to a darker color at night, to reduce their chances of being spotted by nocturnal predators.
The back wall graphics, being darker, allow the front graphics to stand proud of the back wall to dominate the presentation.
Worse food, worse drink, darker walls, and discontent in the air smelling more rancid than the beer.
Police have a key role in dealing with such events - sobering reminders of the darker side of summer at the seaside.
Soft pads play gentle staccato chord, bright guitars strum hip-swaying rhythms and occasional steps into darker moods provide dramatic interludes.
Could it be that the darker aspects of the play that so scandalized the British have somehow been softened in translation?
Murray will be speaking to you in a couple of minutes about some of my darker secrets.
Löhr's work transports the viewer through the surface sensuality to a darker and more complex environment.
This gives a pleasant sheen to the surface which enhances the darker tones without resulting in too shiny a surface.
Whiskey matured in former fresh oak sherry casks will usually be a darker color than that which has been matured in refilled whiskey casks.
Color varied considerably, with the darker splodges ranging from very red to a darkish brown.
Red squirrels - the tail can often be darker than the rest of its coat.
Hedychium coccineum ' Tara ' has large spikes of dense, fragrant, orange trumpet-shaped flowers with prominent darker orange stamens.
They made photographs that explored the darker symbolism of the place.
This has been designed especially for seasoned self tanners who wish to be even darker.
Mills dropped funky, minimal and and darker techno which was mixed with military precision.
We saw a darker thrush partly hidden in tall grass which hopped out of view.
Conversely, you can ' punch up ' lightly tinted expanses with darker or richer accents.
I like making my images bright and exciting both visually and in their mood, but then also having a darker undertone to them.
Select from translucent vellum to reveal the colored stock beneath, or a crisp opaque white for contrast against darker backgrounds.
Colors are incredibly vivid, especially the lush greens of Naboo, while black levels are darker than the dark side itself.
The greater weever has darker brown or blue diagonal streaks.
The ' trumpet ' is often a darker yellow and nearly as long as the outer whorl of petals.
The wood of the durmast oak is commonly heavier and of a darker colour, hence the other is sometimes called by woodmen the white oak, and in France is known as the "chene blanc."
The sky had grown darker again and the wind made queer sobbing sounds as it swept over the valley.
He could see a green open space just beyond; and then the woods seemed to be thicker and darker.
As it grew darker, I was startled by the honking of geese flying low over the woods, like weary travellers getting in late from Southern lakes, and indulging at last in unrestrained complaint and mutual consolation.
But darker legacies bring uncertainty to this vision and demand redoubled commitment.
Löhr 's work transports the viewer through the surface sensuality to a darker and more complex environment.
The bark is smooth in the shrub 's youth, silvery gray with darker stripes.
The different narratives are indicated by a subtle change in the typeface -- the interior life is a slightly darker, slightly spikier script.
It 's essentially the same place as Grianne 's home, the topography of the landscape is the same but darker and quite eerie.
In my darker hours, I dream of & yearn for this day to come.
Do you like the darker woods, such as walnut or cherry, or do you prefer lighter woods, such as pine or oak?
Use a darker color to add the specific information you want on the sign, including words, dates, location, etc. You can also purchase premade letters and numbers that will adhere to the wood.
Select a fabric for the chair that picks up either a darker shade of the wall color of the accent color in the room.
To add depth to the design, pick up lighter and darker shades of both colors to use in more sparing amounts such as throw pillows and rugs, blankets, lampshades and shelves.
Over-ripe vegetables are darker and softer than they should be.
Consider buying two different foundations when you go shopping-a lighter one for winter months, and a darker one for summer months.
Keep in mind that darker lipsticks work better at night, while lighter lipsticks do best in the day.
Foundations tend to look darker in the bottle than they do when applied, so test the foundation you are interested in by putting some on your cheek.
If so, you should pick a lighter blush if you have lighter skin and a darker blush if you have darker skin.
For night, trying something darker with a high gloss finish that brings attention to your smile.
Do you have a sun room or a sunny windowsill, or do you need something to brighten up a darker corner of your home?
They are also good for viewing in most angles in brightly lit and darker environments.
Noir Detective - focused on a darker side of society.
In more intimate settings like dens or bedrooms, you might want to choose darker flooring, which can make the room look substantially cozier.
Darker colors provide higher levels of polarization.
Reviewers give Kindle the edge for readability, thanks to higher contrast and darker eInk.
The darker the shade of pink, the more serious the problem may be.
Although bodies are basically shades of cream, the Siamese's extremities, referred to as "points" are shaded darker than the rest of the body.
He has a beige coat, but he is starting to turn a little darker at this stage.
The darker points are produced by a gene that is heat sensitive, only showing on the cooler body parts.
The body color of a Siamese cat gets darker as he or she gets older.
For example, a kitten that has darker, chocolate points will not have those points lighten to red, but a kitten with pale orange points should deepen to a richer red with maturity.
The points are a slightly darker buff color for a tone-on-tone coat.
Blue Lynx - The body is icy white with silvery blue points that have darker tabby stripes running though them.
The points are blue with darker tabby stripes and patches of cream.
Chocolate Lynx Point - This combination has an ivory body with milk chocolate points that have darker brown tabby stripes.
There are darker tabby stripes through the points with patches of red splashed here and there.
Cream Lynx - The body is creamy white with darker cream points.
The points have darker cream tabby stripes.
Lilac Lynx - The body should be a glacial white color, and the points are pale frosty grey with a pinkish tone ticked with darker lilac tabby markings.
Seal Tortie Lynx - The body is cream to fawn, and the points are brown with darker tabby markings and patches of red.
A tabby pattern consists of a light coat with darker tiger stripes or spots on it.
The hair is white on about 2/3 of the shaft, and then a darker color on the upper third.
You can create a stylish two-tone effect by pairing a lighter or darker hue of the couch.
White remains a popular choice for girls while the darker walnut is great for boys.
If the room is very bright, a darker wood will contrast nicely and draw the eye to the cabinet.
Flooring such as Morning Star bamboo flooring can be found in a wide range of colors and styles, from light contemporary shades through to darker hues.
These patches give off greater than normal radiation, and they are more powerful than the darker, cooler patches.
If your hair is loaded with melanin, you'll probably have darker hair.
Larger rooms can handle darker colors and bold ceiling colors.
Most projects will take at least two coats of stain, three if you prefer a darker finish.
Her first sage green color looked silver in the light, so she had to repaint with a new, slightly darker shade of green.
Hardwood floors may have a darker, high-gloss finish or be replaced all together with laminate flooring.
A formal traditional approach may include more elaborate furniture styles with carved details, turned legs, polished hardware, and darker stain finishes.
A distressed finish can be achieved by layering a light color over a dark base or layering a darker color over a light base.
Have a focus in every room - One wall can be darker than the other walls in the room.
While many bathrooms are painted light colors, a classic bathroom may use a darker, more traditional color instead.
Adding a soft, warm light can help encourage relaxation, as well as mimic the sun during the darker winter months.
For this reason, either darker colors should be used or regular deep cleanings should be scheduled to keep the interiors looking fresh.
Warm colors when used in darker tones will make a room appear smaller.
In the same way, if you are painting the walls different colors then the widest walls look better with the darker colors.
The more glaze you add, the darker the sponge color will be.
Even if you don't want to use a darker color, examine the entire strip carefully.
Many times the color selection for the border is lighter, darker or two-toned.
Another green hue popular in Tuscan design is unsurprisingly a darker green, known as an olive green.
Then take a sponge or rag to apply the darker hue.
However, warmer, darker greens such as olive are also great.
If you have particularly beautiful cabinets and trim-work, choose a darker wall color to showcase these features.
If your bedroom is small, perhaps you want to make look larger by using a cool color to make the walls appear to recede, or maybe you should embrace the coziness of the space and opt for a warmer, darker shade.
For an English Country design, you'll choose from a darker palette.
Darker hues are great for accent colors.
Just remember to punch up light colors with darker accents and vice versa.
Select two colors of tile, and run the lighter color throughout the shower while the darker color is set in three rows, one at the bottom, one in the center and one at the top of the shower for clean look.
Paint a darker color on the lower levels of a wall, and a lighter shade of the same color above to break up tall walls.
Remember also that as a general rule lighter shades are better than darker.
Inspired by classic English ancestral homes, it has a slightly more masculine feel than the others and is full of darker and deeper hues.
For green, choose between the yellow undertones of the darker Sycamore Tree to the lighter Grasslands, which also has a touch of gray.
Mahogany is generally sold with a reddish mahogany stain finish to give the piece a richer darker appearance.
Maple is a naturally light colored wood with little grain; it can be stained darker in a number of shades.
Large rooms, rooms with lots of windows or high ceilings can benefit from darker, richer and warmer colors.
Pull accent colors from within the wall art, duplicating some colors exactly and choosing lighter or darker versions of others for a deeper, more dramatic effect.
You may choose to paint your walls in one shade, while darker and lighter versions of the same color go into the drapes, rugs and throw pillows.
Use a contrasting color for the trim in either a lighter or darker shade than the wall color.
Choose one that is close to your skin tone to use from lash line to brow bone, then apply a slightly darker one to the crease and blend up and away.
Use a bronzer or a liquid, cream, or powder in a shade or two darker than your foundation.
To make your cheek bones more prominent (especially on days you don't really have time to contour and highlight your face), use two shades of blush, one slightly darker than the other.
Apply the lighter shade to the entire cheek area you want to enhance, then blend a small amount of the darker color along the bottom line of the cheekbone.
Then, using a darker, complimentary color, apply this shade to the outer third of your main lid area, extending slightly beyond the outer corner of your eye.
Apply a slightly darker, but complimentary shade of shadow just in the inner corner of your lids, and then draw it out in a fine line along your lid crease, just to the outer corners of your eyes and blend slightly.
The darker shade adds a bit of depth, and tends to draw focus, creating the illusion that your eyes are closer than they actually are.
Apply a line of darker shadow along the crease of your lid to the outer edge, then soften and blend it with your fingertip.
Use a darker shade of shadow or pencil liner to draw a line along the lash line of your top lids, then apply mascara to your lashes.
For darker skins they can bring out a rosy glow, simply apply after powder to enable the color to be more prominent on the face.
Just make sure that the darker lips are matched with makeup around the eyes to balance out your face.
Darker shades are suitable on larger lips as the deep reds have a tendency to make lips look thinner.
Cover the entire lid with the light color and use the darker color in the crease to create definition.
Lastly, blend the line between the darker color and the highlighter, otherwise it will create an unnaturally stark appearance.
Start with the basic application, using the lighter above and the darker on the lid only.
The Bare Mineral makeup liner is basically a darker, loose-mineral, powder shadow with a creamier texture.
Current research has found up to thirty-nine recognized variations of color for darker skins with only ten found in white skins.
Darker skins simply can't follow the same standard colors created for white skins.
Another unique factor with dark skins is the seasonal impact; some darker skinned women don't realize the impact the sun has on their skin color.
Basically a thicker makeup stick designed to cover up imperfections, women with darker skin tones can use them to hide anything from a blemish to a variation in skin tone color.
In darker skins, much like other skintones, eyebrows can be either - bushy and dark along, or sparse and lost on the face.
However, the most popular gothic makeup look today continues to be the traditional dark grey eye shadow with perhaps a darker black shadow mixed in.
Pale, iridescent eye shadows or those in pastel tones can create a beautiful eye without the intensity of a darker shade.
Reserve darker shades for below the crease line; dark colors above that area can make eyes seem too deep set.
Feel free to apply darker colors, as long as it blends nicely with your own natural coloring.
The color is darker with a contouring display.
With safer cosmetics also came along the trend to have rosier or darker skin.
For some party drama, line your lips with a darker lip pencil than the lipstick you are using.
Choose a shade slightly darker than your natural skin tone.
Use the lightest shade under your brow, a darker one close to your lashes and the darkest on the crease and blend them properly.
What I prefer is for the eyelids use warm light colors, for the mixer/crease area using more orange/pinky shades, and for the contour darker color you can use any dark brown, dark green, dark blue or dark wine.
I like using a darker eyeliner on the top of the eyelid, like a black or a dark brown.
Contour your eyes by using a darker tone in the crease of your eye lid.
Darker tones may enjoy the bronzing effect of Bronze Goddess or the berry tones of Flush.
Lips should also stay pink and romantic, however use a darker shade if your skin tone is deeper than Duff's.
A darker formulation can be used, but it may not appear as natural as the lighter one.
If you're using a trio, opt for a wash, a crease color, and an even darker color for the outer corner and possibly liner.
Add darker colors to the areas you want to recede.
Always start with a small amount of eye shadow when applying your dark (contour) eye shadow as it's much easier to add more color than it is to remove color when you're working with darker eye shadows.
Another tip or trick to try when picking a lip color that's not too dark on you is to look for what is called a "lip stain" which is lip color that gives you a darker pigment but has a lighter, sheer and longer lasing finish.
To balance a light eye with a dark lip without leaving your eye makeup too understated for your darker lip colors.
Again I choose to use matte eye shadows because they create much "softer" finished looks for the eyes, which will compliment your darker lip color much better.
Try a darker shade in the crease and a complementary light shade all over the lid for a clean, everyday look.
Use an eye shadow color a shade or two away from your natural skin color, and use a slightly darker neutral shade to contour the eyes up or towards the outward corners, depending on your eye shape.
Select a shade at least two or three steps darker than your base (if it's taupe, consider a stony-bronze hue) and apply it to the inner and outer corners of the lid.
Blend in the darker color, being sure to keep this below the crease line.
Next, follow up with a darker shade, or crease shade.
On the other hand, there are real working LED lights surrounding the mirror, which is an unexpected element that can come in handy for those working in darker areas.
A slick of clear gloss maintains the color's integrity, but I can deepen it with a darker pink gloss or play it down and add a hint of peach (great for summer) with a fresh, lighter gloss.
Use darker makeup to create a dirty look like you stepped out of the grave on your feet and hands.
Just use one of the darker lip shades and relegate the eye area to a wash of neutral shadow and a coat or two of mascara.
Be sure to check the recommendations when choosing color - even if you wear one shade in a loose mineral powder, you may need a lighter or darker foundation shade of pressed makeup.
Pale-skinned women run the risk of tinting themselves orange, while darker girls struggle to find a color rich enough to adequately cover and conceal.
Special lines, such as the Queen Collection from Cover Girl, is specially suited to darker gals, and features Queen Latifah as its endorser.
This is because mainstream cosmetics were geared toward one type of complexion and these weren't compatible with darker skin tones.
Even when this makeup was made in darker shades, it often left an ashy undertone on dark complexions.
The same natural oils that keep darker skin elastic and less prone to wrinkles are the same ones that can cause complexion problems.
They can work well with darker skin as well as with ladies with lighter skin tones.
Colors that look great on darker skin tones include darker wine, burgundy shades, and brick red colors.
Ladies with darker complexions should opt for earth tones, browns, and dark greens bring out brown eyes.
Next, use a darker color in the crease of the eye and slant this color outwards for a gentle cat-eye look.
A woman's skin changes with the seasons, so mine might be an ivory shade in fall, winter, and spring, but then late spring, summer and early fall it might be a darker shade.
If your fairy look is darker and more foreboding, then your makeup should complement it.
Instead, I choose to mix it with my foundation to essentially create a "new" shade of foundation that is just about one step darker.
Well, the Rock fragrance is described as being "darker" and "more sultry" than the original.
If the vampire culture surrounding popular books and films like Twilight call to you, then you may like the darker goth look.
Lighter lips obviously should choose lighter lipstick, and darker lips should choose darker lipstick.
If that lip is merely a shade or two shades darker than your lip that it is not wearing any lipstick, then this is the appropriate shade for you and his is the shade that you should buy your sparkle lipstick in.
If you have darker skin, try a deep red.
Blue-based colors tend to appear darker on film, and while shimmers and glosses are fun and pretty, but sometimes that shine and sparkle detracts in pictures and makes you look like you have greasy skin.
Of course, if you plan to get married on the beach under the stars, you'll want to wear darker shades appropriate for evening.
Apply the next darker shade of MAC eyeshadow across the entire lid from the lash line to just above the crease.
This prescription claims to give you fuller and darker looking lashes in just a few weeks of use.
It is used to make lashes grow thus making them appear longer, thicker and even darker than before.
Use a small eyeshadow brush to really work in the darker shade.
On darker skin tones, Ego doubles as a base color across the lid and a highlighter when applied on the brow bone.
Ego is attractive on those with green eyes, and works well as a base color on the lids when accented with darker shades of purple in the outer corner of the eyes and in the crease.
It also makes a perfect highlighter on the brow bone of those with darker skin.
It is slightly darker and less shimmery than the original Kitten eye shadow powder.
Plain mascara is makeup that a you use to paint your natural lashes darker for a more noticeable look.
Staying in the same color palette, apply a darker shadow on the outer corner of the eyelid.
You should stick with lighter colors, as darker and more intense shades will overpower your eyes and you may look overly made up.
Those with darker skin tones can get away with more intense shades of eye shadow, eye liner, and mascara.
Navy blue liner and mascara is another alternative to black for darker skin tones, as it gives a slightly softer effect and is very effective in emphasizing blue eyes.
You can use a lighter, darker, or more intense green, but just not the same shade.
Dust a light, shimmery eye shadow base color from lash line to brows, and add a darker shadow below the crease, blending at the lash line until the liner is no longer visible.
Using an eyebrow pencil one shade darker than your brows will frame your face and create a dramatic border for your eyes.
If you have fair skin, stick with brown mascara; if you have a darker complexion, choose brown/black or black.
For a perfect daytime look, choose a lipstick that complements your natural skin tones and is a shade or two darker than your natural lip color.
Look for the darkest blacks you can find when it comes to eye products, such as Maybelline's Great Lash Mascara in Blackest Black (even darker than Very Black), MAC eye shadow in Carbon and Nars' Eyeliner Stylo in Shiny Black.
You can also experiment with darker shadows that contain iridescent specks that sparkle in a subtle way with every turn of your head.
If you are African American, try to choose a shade that matches your skin or is just slightly darker.
Not all products within the mineral makeup line are available for darker skin tones.
Code.ai Lash Extend serum contains 30 percent lipo-peptides to help grow longer, darker and thicker lashes.
A dark, smoky eye can be dramatic, draw attention to the eyes, and works well for formal occasions because it is darker and more noticeable than eye makeup worn during the day.
You can use a darker cream foundation or a bronzer to create this affect.
Foundations specifically made for darker skin tones often have a red-based undertone that is more complementary.
The new makeup lines for African American women not only offer foundation shades designed to match darker skin tones, but also have great choices in eye shadow and lipstick shades to complement the coloring of African American women.
Summer makeup, therefore, is typically lighter and more natural than the cold-weather seasons, when richer, darker colors are more apt to be worn.
For a simple, natural eye shadow look, you'll need one neutral eye shadow color (about two shades darker than your skin tone) and another shadow that is one or two shades lighter than your skin tone that has a slight shimmer.
Doing so will wash out the outfits and make their faces look darker than they really are.
The effect also works well on light blue paper, using a darker blue chalk or ink.
Attach a handle created from darker brown cardstock or scrapbooking ribbon.
Skinny jeans are in, and they look great whether you wear them casually or dress them up in a darker shade of blue.
Capris - You'll find these mid-calf pants in the same tight, straight style as jeans, and they come in a darker blues and neutrals.
Darker colors and washes are dressier and more sophisticated.
These jeans are perfect in a darker hue.
Teens may cry more easily or develop a darker outlook on life.
Nipples will get larger and darker and you may experience some soreness from time to time in the area.
The colors are normally darker, like hunter green or deep red, but some are lighter colors like white and light blue.
The colors can range anywhere from black and dark green, to bright reds and pinks, though most dresses are darker in color.
Try for darker green leaves for the best nutrition.
In general, the darker the skin of the fruit the more polyphenols are present, which is part of the reason red wine is said to be healthier than white.
You'd be hard pressed to find a darker fruit than the acai berry, since it is a deep purplish black.
A shirt with some slightly lighter or darker pinstripes in the same color tone may look nice.
Adding a few accents with a bright color will add a little pop against a darker palette.
Accent a fall color family palette with neutral ivory/cream or even with a darker color like navy blue or brown.
Indoor and winter weddings are much more likely to utilize darker colors to accent the ceremony.
Men can now wear suits and darker colors like navy and black play well at this time.
This doesn't mean you cannot cavort around in a black-based sundress, but generally you don't want your appearance to look stiff and grim if you opt for darker colors.
Silver, peach, brown, or dark red can all make a darker décor really stand out and look elegant, and there are other tricks to put a Halloween touch on your reception without going overboard.
Of course, lighter colors can be perfect as accent shades against darker colors for any formal event.
You might not expect to see sunshine yellow present in fall bouquets in lieu of a darker goldenrod shade, but it stands out next to deep forest greens, burgundies, and even chocolate browns for a salute to the passing summer.
Impurities or additives, which make the heroin darker, can include things like sugar, starch, powdered milk, strychnine, other poisons and more drugs.
One reason people are thought to get SAD in dreary climates is because it's colder and darker so they don't get outside as much.
There are also particular pieces that include the pattern as part of the furniture, such as covered chairs, foot stools, ottomans, etc. Black iron and darker woods provide a beautiful backdrop for the bedding and accessories as well.
This can give the appearance of the fabric being lighter or darker depending on the direction the fabric is brushed.
Chroma Works, which features dots in orange, yellow, pale green, dark green and blue, all with darker borders, in ascending and descending sizes.
Other times a lighter or darker hue is used as well as a different color.
If you prefer a more subtle statement, add your monogram to the lower right or left corner of your shower curtain, and choose a color for the monogram that is only two or three shades darker than the color of the curtain itself.
If you prefer a darker room, though, go for richer and heavier fabrics like velvet that block out the light.
Colors for sports are often bright and vibrant, however, you may find patterns for the older child available in darker colors like brown and burgundy with background plaid patterns.
Add more color if you need a darker shade.
You can always work in a little more coloring if you find you prefer a darker shade.
It turned out to work in his favor, as he was cast in the much darker Batman Begins later on (2005).
If we do come back, the next season will have to be darker, edgier and more real because that's where it's at."
At his young age, he still has a bright future ahead of him if he can avoid the darker side of life in the spotlight.
For every memorial or tribute site, there is another that seems to approach celebrity deaths from a darker angle.
The darker colors are great at resisting stains if your child is going to wear them outside for playing soccer or for general afternoon playing.
In white, pale pink or blue, tights are often light in color, but can also come in darker shades.
Black is reserved for adults and teens these days; dark blues, greens, and orange are common boys' colors, although the darker colors are sometimes used on outfits and jackets for girls to wear in the fall.
The white symbolizes purity and innocence before God, and looks much more appropriate during these religious rites than darker shades.
In the 1960s, this group of scouts wore a green dress with a yellow tie and darker green belt.
Lighter blue denim has undergone more post-dye washings than the darker washes.
In the 1990s, older girls tended more towards a darker look to suit the grunge fashion.
A bright outfit might now be a mix of shocking pink and electric blue with darker accessories.
Brighter colors will play up tanned or darker skin.
Darker dresses work best with black slips, and white slips are preferable with white dresses.
While navy refers to a dark blue hue, it is possible to have a lighter or darker version of this universal color.
In general, brighter and lighter colors are fit for an afternoon event, while darker more pensive tones suit evening occasions better.
While technology promises to improve communications and add value to our lives, there is also a darker side to it.
The fur has become discolored, darker and dirty looking.
Her teats have gotten bigger and darker, and her belly has also gotten quite big.
The breed's fur is short, straight and slightly rough, and the color typically varies between fawn, red or brindle with black or darker markings around the head.
Tattooing has been practiced in most parts of the world, although it is rare among people with darker skins, such as those of Africa, who more often practice scarification and cicatrisation.
It has slender branches covered with a light brown bark, and campanulate flowers produced in a pendulous cluster, and of a pale rosy-red color, with three darker lines on each of the five sections of the corolla.
It grows from 3 to 5 feet high; the flowers, many in a bunch, are of medium size, violet-blue with darker veins, opening in June and continuing until the end of July.
Scorpion Iris (Iris Alata) - A beautiful bulbous kind with fine large blossoms, the ground color delicate lilac-blue, with showy blotches of bright yellow, copiously spotted with a darker hue.
The flower is smaller than that of that Flag, and both falls and standards are vinous red-purple marked with darker veins, the standard being lighter in color than the fall, and its veins more conspicuous.
Fraxinella is a favourite old plant, about 2 feet high, forming dense tufts, flowers pale purple, and with darker lines (there is a white form) borne in racemes in June and July.
Rubro-vittatum is a variety with a very distinct bulb, the foliage is darker, and it is a hardier, better doer than the type.
A brilliant annual, about 2 feet high, like the common field Poppy, but of a darker red, and with a jet black blotch at the base of each petal conspicuous both inside and out, making masses of this plant showy in early summer.
It is of free growth, hardy, and blooms freely in May and June from its second year, the flowers 4 inches across, rosy-crimson on first opening, fading to a silvery rose threaded with darker veins.
The variety rubra has darker red flowers.
E. trichomanefolium, a pretty kind, 4 to 6 inches high, with leaves deeply cut; flowers flesh-colored, marked with darker veins.
In its growth it is like some of the Scillas, but its flowers are delicate blue, each petal being marked through the centre with a darker color.
The stems are slender and can either be finely hairy or smooth and a darker brown or black color.
Topsoil - The best layer of soil, it is darker and full of nutrients.
Minor chords sound darker and tend to feel sad.
Thematically, the band deals with some darker images like drugs and suicide that aren't often discussed in this genre of music.
Scratches are more noticeable on darker color choices and require more attention than lighter colors to maintain their original beauty.
The Sierra Copper Kitchen Double Sink from QualityBath.com has a dark copper finish, which will pair beautifully with darker or cherry-stained woods.
Obviously, if you live in a cold climate, darker siding could be a better choice.
This process is conducted to achieve darker colors but it causes the fibers to weaken.
Frame this design in a chair rail made of the darker stone.
If you're creating a retro style kitchen, consider using ceramic tiles in two colors in this way.Lay the darker color as a frame around the entire area.
Whereas lighter shades of granite were preferred during Tony's days on television, today's focus is on richer, darker colors like Saint Cloud Grey, Lake Superior Green, Agate and Academia Black.
Connect each wire in the same way you disconnected the old outlet, with the black wire around the darker screws and the neutral and common wires around the lighter screws.
The cooler days and darker evenings means that the style-conscious lady's thoughts are turning towards fall and winter fashion jewelry.
Light pine colored woods are ideal for light and breezy décor styles while darker oak colored wood is a good complement to traditional styles.
A darker sense of humor is required for this joke shirt.
Northern men, rich or poor, tended towards darker, simpler clothes, while wealthy southern men favored far more elaborate fabrics in attractive, elegant patterns.
Traditionally, this meant a suit that was darker than an afternoon suit and a dressier tie.
Don't be fooled into thinking that these darker t-shirts are plain and bland, though.
It's no secret that darker colors help people appear slimmer, while other colors tend to expand one's frame, so choose accordingly.
Choose a darker wash on a pair of jeans that fits well and has no holes.
Cooler months calls for heavier weight denim and darker washes.
If you are wearing a lighter wash of jeans, wear a darker jacket so that there is a contrast between the two.
The neo-Victorian style is still the main feature, but with a darker twist.
They also claim that the difference between the two is evident from a mere glance at the two oils; organic oil is darker in color than the oil created from conventionally grown flowers.
Some experts recommend going darker on bottom to de-emphasize curves.
When it is time for a night out on the town, a long, button-down style in a darker color over a cute dress will add sophistication to your outfit.
However, pears should trend towards darker, solid colors to add balance to their overall silhouette.
Washability - White pants may require frequent washing since they show dirt and stains more than darker colors.
For fall and winter - Heavier fabrics will keep you drier and darker colors will look cleaner longer than lighter-weight, lighter-toned colors.
Exotic prints and patterns will call attention to a beautiful bustline as well as help to slenderize your waist (especially if you choose tops that are light on top and darker on bottom).
Just because you're a woman of size doesn't mean you're stuck to darker colors - you can wear pink, seafoam green, aqua - in short, any color that brings out your best.
While it's true that darker fabrics are slimming, the idea was to wear something that didn't draw attention to yourself.
For showcasing the bustline, wear suits that feature patterns and/or bright colors on top, with darker, solid bottoms.
For concealing midriffs, either choose swimsuits with built-in tummy control (such as the Miraclesuit) in whatever color you like or select darker color suits.
You can still wear plaid; just choose a darker color pattern.
Darker denim appears dressier than light colored denim, so if you prefer a more dressy casual look, stick to indigo toned material.
You can also enhance your figure with diagonal patterns and paneled tops that concentrate darker colors on the sides, with lighter colors in the center.
Plus size women may want to consider purchasing a suit with a bright color up top, drawing attention to your face, and a solid, darker color on the bottom half.
If you want the dress to be slimming, choose a darker color rather than a light color.
Select darker colors if you are trying to hide lumps, bumps or rolls.
A shiny finish tend to show off lumps and bumps while a darker matte fabric tends to hide them.
If you've had a hard time finding a selection of capri tights, the Internet offers a range of possibilities for plus size women, but many of them are limited to darker colors.
Of course, the darker the color, the more likely it is to resemble an actual pair of trousers.
If you want a plus size red dress that slenderizes, shop for darker reds or even maroons on the rack.
Darker colors look unnatural on mature people and will be harder to maintain when they grow out.
If your skin is darker--or if you're a brunette--you can go for a really standout black pair with rhinestones.
Also, you'll want to ask for a gradient tint so that the bifocal lenses will be darker at the top and get lighter toward the bottom.
The frame color, black, is great for darker skin tones or even brunettes with fair skin.
Silver can look lovely on darker skin while black can be a striking contrast against the fairest of skin.
The Second Generation goggles improved upon the ambient lighting features, which made it possible for the goggles to work much better in darker conditions.
You do not want a pair that will make it look darker than it already is.
Some areas of the road may actually appear darker with tinted glasses than they actually are.
If you want a darker ring at the outside of the iris that may not be found on most other lenses, no problem.
Thicker parts of the lens will appear darker, and, if each eye has a different prescription, each lens in the pair will have a slightly different tint.
Glasses similar to those above but with a gradient tint, darker at the top and close to clear at the bottom.
Each runner should choose the best eyewear for his or her type of preferred run, including direction and time of day (a darker tint may be needed if running east during sunrise, for example), type of terrain, and how long a typical run is.
One common myth is that darker colored lenses offer greater UV defense.
A tint that is the same color over the entire area of the lens, not darker in one area and lighter in another.
Single gradient lenses are shaded lighter on the bottom and darker on the top.
Double gradient lenses are darker on top and bottom, and lighter in the middle.
Photochromic lenses automatically become lighter in low light and darker in bright light.
The optical lab then tints your lenses as you wish--from a gradient that starts darker on top and gets lighter toward the bottom (great for simultaneous map reading and driving), to one solid color in any depth.
While the park is only open weekends this late in the season, later hours each night give park guests the opportunity to experience their favorite rides in new ways with a darker, spookier atmosphere.
In stark contrast to the bright colors depicted in Wind Waker, Twilight Princess had a much darker atmosphere overall, with plenty of greys and browns filling out the palette.
Because this movie focuses on a darker, scarier Batman, the Batman Begins video game uses a fear tactic system to intimidate your foes before you pounce.
One runner is shaded darker than the other two.
To make a Mii version of Muhammad Ali, choose a darker skin tone, the flat-top style haircut in black, thick eyebrows moved lower on the face, and smaller squinty eyes.
A bottle can be found near the left side of the bridge where the darker water is.
Find the bait bottle nearby on the left hand side of the bridge near the sign in water that appears darker than normal.
Epic Mickey explores Mickey's darker side on a mischief level.
Determined to survive, Kael the High Elf leader, taught the remaining elves how to tap into energies (including the darker demonic ones) to build up their strength.
Instead, place the racks in a cooler, darker spot along your countertop, away from direct sunlight.
Most have a dense, darker flavor, tinged with sweetness, that makes them ideal when paired with cheese such as Stilton.
As the juice remains in contact with the skin, it becomes a darker ruby red in color.
The white variant is functionally identical to its darker cousin.
Jaundice may be harder to see in infants with darker skin.
A mole's color and shape do not usually change; however, changes in hormone levels that occur during puberty and pregnancy can make moles larger and darker.
People with a less severe form are born with white hair and skin that turn slightly darker as they age.
After the rash has cleared up, parents often notice that areas where there were spots may appear lighter (hypopigmented) or darker (hyperpigmented) in color than the surrounding skin.
Hypopigmentation can be particularly obvious in darker skinned patients.
Bleeding in the GI tract can cause the stool (feces) to be darker than normal.
Newborns with naturally darker skin color will not be pink, but pallor is still noticeable and especially in the soles of the feet and palms of the hands.
For teenagers, especially those who are artistic, entertaining a dark period or even a quasi-violent Goth or vampire series of art work may simply be artistic exploration of darker themes.
About a year later, when the growth spurt begins, the penis also grows larger, and pubic hair becomes coarser, thicker, and darker.
Pubic hair is getting darker and coarser and spreading to where the legs meet the torso.
Deoxygenated blood is darker and appears blue through the skin.
Acne is causing dark skin to have darker patches when lesions heal.
They may become darker and may bleed when the child is older or as an adult.
The darker the skin tone, the more melanin is present.
Fair-skinned, pale, freckled individuals are more likely to get sunburned than individuals with darker skin.
If you must go with glass, choose a darker colored glass.
The more melanin there is in an eye, the darker brown the eye color.
Low lighting involves adding darker pieces to minimize brassy tones or simply darken hair.
However, if your skin tone is significantly lighter or darker than those people, your results may not look the same.
The different lasers have properties making them each unique for treating darker or lighter hair, dark skin, or that work better for treating fine hair.
Women with darker hair colors and complexions may suffer from darker colored peach fuzz that can sometimes appear as a perceptible mustache, but neither of these previously described scenarios are the result of a medical condition.
To add insult to such treatments, laser hair removal is also contraindicated in darker or sensitive skin types due to skin pigmentation issues.
Some looks can be playful and flirty, while others are darker and more subdued.
Altering highlights to reflect the season (generally with a subtly darker shade, since there is no more summer sun to brighten hair) is another simple way to update a style.
Very pale skin may look washed out and sickly against a bright blonde, whereas darker skin is best complimented by warmer hair colors.
In fact, your stylist may even create lowlights, which are darker than your natural color and are woven into the hair in order to provide your strands with depth and contrast.
The darker the hair, the more red pigment is contained in the strands.
However, if you have extremely light blonde eyebrows, one shade darker is recommended to provide the brows with definition.
Some lasers do operate by targeting contrasting colors, however, so the darker the contrast between the hair and skin, the more effective the treatment may be.
As women age, their fine, vellus hair converts to terminal hair, growing longer, darker, and coarser.
The client noticed that where her hairs were darker the laser felt hotter and more painful, which was expected since the laser targets the dark melanin pigment in hair.
On darker shades of skin, however, this relatively simple method of hair removal is prone to some difficulties.
He uses YAG laser technology that is suitable for darker skin colors, and free consultations are available.
Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but overall, blondes don't follow the emo style nearly as effectively as those with darker strands.
It's time to usher out last year's tendencies toward darker roots.
They're slightly darker shades that, with glossy finishes, look perfect year round.
Lighter eye colors generally coordinate best with lighter hair colors, while darker eyes can be sultry and mysterious with dark hair.
Lowlights work wonders in enhancing the hair and lending it a darker, warmer and ultimately richer and dimensional appearance.
Face framing streaks or highlights can also add a touch of blonde without completely forsaking your darker shade.
Emo hair color is more often darker and less funky, while goth hair color is almost invariably dark.
The darker hair color you opt for will obviously highlight skin imperfections.
If you have light colored hair, laser hair removal may not work as well for you as for a woman with darker hair, since the hair removal laser targets the melanin in your hair.
A darker color will reflect shine, while a platinum hue will always be striking.
To create a dynamic, trend-setting hue, why not throw a few chunks of a darker shade into your style?
Once hair is stripped of its core pigments, the hair shaft needs to be refilled with tone to avoid a funky ashen hue when going back to a darker shade.
By applying a darker color in the back of the head from the occipital bone to the nape, and a lighter shade to the rest, the distinctive shape of the haircut is emphasized.
When going darker or covering gray, demi permanent color has the staying power of permanent color without being damaging to the hair.
Bear in mind once you go darker than desired, you can never lighten up without a professional and costly salon visit.
Do you want your hair lighter or darker?
With fuller faces, darker around your cheekbones and lighter around the fringe and the top of the cut can really heighten and add volume.
There are many variations of caramel, some being darker and some more golden.
Your baby should be feeding on the areola (the darker portion of your breast), not the nipple.
Your nipples may become darker and feel tender.
Sometimes the areola may get darker or the nipples may change in size or become more erect as well.
They're also available in a darker "beetle" gray.