Dangers Sentence Examples
The forest does not lie about these dangers.
More visible dangers arise for the apologist in the region of science, historical or physical.
Martha didn't ask for details, nor did the Deans offer any beyond dire cautionary warnings of childhood dangers.
He drew up a scheme for the construction of a pier at Madras, to avoid the dangers of landing through the surf, and instructed his brother-in-law in England to obtain estimates from the engineers Brindley and Smeaton.
He inspired the production of The Dangers and Adventures of the Famous Hero and Knight Sir Teuerdank, an allegorical poem describing his adventures on his journey to marry Mary of Burgundy.
His defeat in the hardfought battle of the Frigidus saved Italy from these dangers.
This was strongly opposed by Cromwell, who declared the very consideration of it had dangers, that it would bring upon the country "utter confusion" and "make England like Switzerland."
In 1670, fleeing from the dangers of Upper Hungary, where the Protestants and Imperialists were constantly in arms against each other, he took refuge with his kinsman Michael Teleki, the chief minister of Michael Apafy, prince of Transylvania.
It is evident that as the latter increases in bulk, more and more attention must be paid to the dangers of uprooting by winds and storms. Various mechanisms have been adopted in different cases, some connected with the subterranean and others with the sub-aerial portions of the plant.
But Valerian, well aware of the dangers and difficulties attaching to the office at such a time, declined the responsibility.
AdvertisementOn the seashore fishing naturally became a means of livelihood, and dwellers by the sea, in virtue of the dangers to which they are exposed from storm and unseaworthy craft, are stimulated to a higher degree of foresight, quicker observation, prompter decision and more energetic action in emergencies than those who live inland.
In February 1679, when the country was agitated by real or fancied dangers to the Protestant religion, the earl entered political life as secretary of state for the northern department and became at once a member of the small clique responsible for the government of the country.
Hubert and Mauss interpret this to mean that the sanctity of the remainder of the herd was concentrated on a single animal; the god, incarnate in the herd, was eliminated by the sacrifice, and the cattle saved from the dangers to which their association with the god exposed them.
Having satisfied himself of the extent of the ruins, he aroused the people to the necessity of fortifying and repopulating the city, and a vivid account is given in his name of the many dangers which beset the rebuilding of the walls.
The dictator appointed to meet the dangers of war, sedition or crime was technically described as " the administrative dictator (rei gerundae causa).
AdvertisementAt the eastern extremity of the Coastal Plain Region an outer coast line is formed by a chain of long narrow barrier beaches from which project capes Hatteras, Lookout and Fear, whose outlying shoals are known for their dangers to navigation.
Here he had to deal with the dangers arising from the increasing hordes of undesirable aliens who poured into the East End of London.
It shows a clear discernment of the dangers of the ascetic life, and a deep insight into the significance of the Augustinian doctrine of grace.
At last, in 1165, he was successful; and, after passing through many dangers, reached the court of Yaroslav, grand prince of Russia, at Kiev.
But the political dangers to be apprehended from the disruption of the English Church were sufficiently serious to palliate the fraud.
AdvertisementIf this introduction of the director is essential to the end for which Ignatius framed his Exercises, in it we also find dangers.
In the early part of the 19th century the island was chiefly known to Europeans on account of the wrecks which took place on its coasts, and the dangers that the crews had to run from the cannibal propensities of the aborigines, and the almost equally cruel tendencies of the Chinese.
The faults make analysis exceptionally difficult, for they are no longer commonplace; indeed, the gravest dangers of modern Wagnerism arise from the fact that there is hardly any non-musical aspect in which Wagner's later work is not important enough to produce a school of essentially non-musical critics who have no notion how far Wagner's mature music transcends the rest of his thought, nor how often it rises where his philosophy falls.
The ferry-man of Ut-Napishtim brings him safely through these waters, despite the difficulties and dangers of the voyage, and at last the hero finds himself face to face with Ut-Napishtim.
On the arrival of the Argonauts, Phineus promised to give them particulars of the course they should pursue and of the dangers that lay before them, if they would deliver him from his tormentors.
AdvertisementInternal and external dangers alike, however, failed to daunt Leovigild, who may fairly be called the restorer of the Visigothic kingdom.
Because of the isolation of the eastern part of the island, the dangers from pirates, and the important considerations which had caused Santiago de Cuba (q.v.) to be the first capital of the island, Cuba was divided in 1607 into two departments, and a governor, subordinate in military matters to the captain-general at Havana, was appointed to rule the territory east of Puerto Principe.
At the same time as the Convention prolonged its powers it extended them considerably in order to meet the pressing dangers which menaced the Republic. Though a legislative assembly, it took over the executive power, entrusting it to its own members.
In Scott's early days a journey to London was beset with difficulties and even dangers; but railways have now brought it within a few hours' distance, and Scottish artists and literary men are tempted to seek a wider field.
Regulating works have been undertaken to ward off the dangers of periodical inundations, which occur in the valley of the Danube and of the other great rivers, as the Theiss, the Drave and the Save.
The recognition of the dangers accompanying the drinking of polluted water or milk, or of those attached to the breathing of a germ-polluted atmosphere, has been the natural sequence of an improved knowledge of pathology in its bacteriological relationships.
Although we hear of attempts to seize the tyranny and of an institution called petalism, like the Athenian ostracism, designed to guard against such dangers, popular government was not seriously threatened for more than fifty years.
So various are the conditions of selfregulation in various animals, both in respect of their peculiar and several modes of assimilating different foods, and of protecting themselves against particular dangers from without, that, as we might have expected, the bloods taken from different species, or even perhaps from different individuals, are found to be so divergent that the healthy serum of one species may be, and often is, poisonous to another; not so much in respect of adventitious substances, as because the phases of physiological change in different species do not harmonize; each by its peculiar needs has been modified until, in their several conditions of life, they vary so much about the mean as to have become almost if not quite alien one to another.
Thus, by the avoidance both of toxaemia and of shock, peritonitis and other dangers of the abdomen, such as strangulations or intussusceptions of the bowels, formerly desperate, can in many cases be dealt with safely and effectively.
Its greatest depth is 738 ft., its average depth much in excess of that of Lake Erie, and it is as a general rule free from outlying shoals or dangers.
But in 1870 works for the regulation of the river were started with the object of making it quite safe for navigation, and of avoiding the dangers of inundation.
No dangers were too threatening for him to face, no obstacles too formidable,no tasks too laborious, no heights too steep. The love of power and the supporting courage were allied with a marked imperiousness.
The conditions which led to the second Athenian or Delian Confederacy were fundamentally different, not only in virtue of the fact that the allies had learned from experience the dangers to which such a league was liable, but because the enemy was no longer an oriental power of whose future action there could be no certain anticipation, but Sparta, whose ambitious projects since the fall of Athens had shown that there could be no safety for the smaller states save in combination.
Though Samos was not apparently one of the allies, this latter action could not but remind the allies of the very dangers which the second confederacy had set out to avoid.
Hancock's superb presence and power over men never shone more clearly than when, as the 150 guns of the Confederate army opened the attack he calmly rode along the front of his line to show his soldiers that he shared the dangers of the cannonade with them.
Louis XIII., hearing of the dangers to which the Syra priests were exposed, took the island under his especial protection, and since that time the Roman Catholic bishops of Syra have been elected by the pope.
Gases, consisting principally of light carburetted hydrogen or marsh gas, are of ten present in considerable quantity in coal, in a dissolved or occluded state, and the evolution of these upon exposure to the air, especially when a sudden diminution of atmospheric pressure takes place, constitutes one of the most formidable dangers that the coal miner has to encounter.
As the result of his visit he left with the queen a memorandum in which he pointed out to her in plain terms the dangers of her conduct.'
The result is that although the forms of apparatus utilized for this purpose are all based on the one fundamental principle of bringing about the contact of the carbide with the water which is to enter into double decomposition with it, they have been multiplied in number to a very large extent by the methods employed in order to ensure control in working, and to get away from the dangers and inconveniences which are inseparable from a too rapid generation.
Primitive Semitic customs recognize that when persons are laid under a ban or taboo (herem) restrictions are imposed on contact with them, and that the breach of these involves supernatural dangers.
The surveys and reports of Captain Moresby in 1874 brought home to Queensland (and Australia generally) the dangers possible to her commerce were the coasts opposite to Torres Strait and the entrance to the splendid waterway inside the Barrier Reef to fall into the possession of a foreign power.
The king's agents secured the opinion of a number of prominent universities that his marriage was void, and an assembly of notables, which he summoned in June 1530, warned the pope of the dangers involved in leaving the royal succession in uncertainty, since the heir was not only a woman, but, as it seemed to many, of illegitimate birth.
The desire to learn what the future has in store is nearly as old as the sense of responsibility in mankind, and has been the parent of many empirical systems of fortune-telling, which profess to afford positive knowledge whereby the affairs of life may be regulated, and the dangers of failure foretold.
Strenuous devotion to the deliverance of mankind from dangers and pests is the " virtue " which, in Prodicus' famous apologue on the Choice of Hercules, the hero preferred to an easy and happy life.
The close of the American Civil War, the Fenian raids across the American border, and the dangers incident to the international situation, gave a decisive impulse to the movement.
President Kruger, however, soon brushed these propositions aside, and responded by stating that, in consideration of the common enemy and the dangers which threatened the Republic, an offensive and defensive alliance must be preliminary to any closer union.
Personal experience of the inconveniences and dangers of the prevailing system of preferment, the so-called myestnichestvo, or rank priority, which had paralysed the Russian armies for centuries, induced him to propose its abolition, which was accomplished by Tsar Theodore III.
To those who, in order to promote the cause of international arbitration, are desirous of acquiring a knowledge of the dangers and difficulties which beset this mode of settling disputes, the account which Palmer has left of his part in this arbitration may be commended.
In his last words on the scaffold he alludes to the dangers and slanders he had endured labouring to keep an uniformity in the external service of God; and Bacon's conception of a spiritual union founded on variety and liberty was one completely beyond his comprehension.
Their continued existence as a pariah class after the Exile would be a perpetual reminder of the dangers and degradation of the most popular Syrian creed.
The dangers of conjectural emendation are well known and apparent; large numbers of such emendations have been ill-advised; but in the case of many passages the only alternative for the textual critic who is at once competent and honest is to offer such emendations or to indicate that such passages are corrupt and the means of restoring them lacking.
Religion was not really the cause of her external dangers, for the time had passed for crusades, and no foreign power seriously contemplated an armed invasion of England for religion's sake.
Personal experience had ripened his rare natural gift for avoiding dangers.
One of the chief deductions is that there are special dangers in numerical diminution of herds, which may arise from a chief or original cause and be followed by a conspiracy of other causes which are cumulative in effect.
The Spanish ambassador in Paris declared in 1570 that he had been for two years engaged in collecting contributions from English churches for the assistance of the Huguenots in France; and he drew up a memorial depicting the dangers of Mary Stuart's presence in England and of the project for her marriage with Norfolk.
Ever dreading a blow, he was always eager to strike the first; and alive to the perils of peace, he was blind to the dangers of war.
Weighing the dangers of delay, of retreat, and of an attack with his single division of 4500 men, supported only by 5000 native levies of doubtful quality, Wellesley convinced himself that an immediate attack, though against greatly superior forces (30,000 horse, io,000 European-drilled infantry and loo well-served guns) in a strong position, was the wisest course.
These diplomatic successes were probably due to Maio; on the other hand, the African dominions were lost to the Almohads (1156-1160), and it is possible that he advised their abandonment in face of the dangers threatening the kingdom down from the north.
In the dry season, however, it is obstructed by reefs, sandbanks, shallows, snags, trees and floating timber from the "Apostadero" up, so that even canoes find its ascent difficult, while savage hordes along its banks add to the dangers to be encountered.
Haunted by the recollection of that formidable conflict and lulled in the security of the Great Interregnum, which was to render Germany long powerless, the papacy thought merely of the support that France could give, and paid no heed to the dangers threatened by the extension of Charles of Anjou's monarchy in central and northern Italy.
Though constrained by the general dangers of her position to make terms with Prussia, Maria Theresa long cherished the hope of recovering a possession which she, unlike her predecessors, valued highly and held by a far better title than did her opponent.
He obtained a commanding influence over the Dalai Lama, impressed upon him the dangers which threatened Tibet from England, and suggested the desirability of securing Russian protection and even the possibility of converting the tsar and his empire to Buddhism.
The mean depth of the sea is estimated at 133 fathoms. The bora (north-east wind), and the prevalence of sudden squalls from this quarter or the south-east, are dangers to navigation in winter.
The males are without these protective spines and are exposed to special dangers as they wander in search of the webs of the females.
Moreover, the crusaders who survived the difficulties and dangers of an expedition to Palestine were seasoned and experienced although frequently impoverished and landless soldiers, ready to hire themselves to the highest bidder, and well worth the wages they received.
He not merely lacked the ability to govern the empire in a time of crisis, but aggravated its dangers by his self-indulgence and vindictiveness.
Travelling generally in companies, and carrying a simple outfit, these Celtic pioneers flung themselves on the continent of Europe, and, not content with reproducing at Annegray or Luxeuil the willow or brushwood huts, the chapel and the round tower, which they had left behind in Derry or in the island of Hy (Iona), they braved the dangers of the northern seas, and penetrated as far as the Faroes and even far distant Iceland.
His merit was that he carried through this idea in spite of dangers to himself and to the state.
A certain consequence of its use is to cause or increase cardiac hypertrophy - a condition which has its own dangers and ultimately disastrous consequences, and must never be provoked beyond the positive needs of the case.
But he and his followers appear to have greatly exaggerated both the magnitude and the urgency of the dangers to which they pointed.'
In his infancy he had heard so much talk about the villainies of the Whigs, and the dangers of the Church, that he had become a furious partisan when he could scarcely speak.
A mistake at the outset would probably have been fatal to him, but he saw the dangers of his position and moved so warily that in less than a year he had obtained the alliance of the elector of Saxony, a consequence of the terrible sack of Magdeburg by the imperialists in May 1631 and of the devastation of the electorate by Tilly.
Some slight bond of conContinu- nexion was, however, necessary for defence against anee common dangers; and the Empire had existed so long, of the and so many great associations were connected with empire.
Then was a universal wish that the Austrian Germans should hi included in the German state; on the other hand, it was fel that if all the various nationalities of Austria formed a unite monarchy, and if this monarchy as a whole were included ir the confederation, it would necessarily overshadow Germany and expose her to unnecessary external dangers.
A strong feeling arose that social and political dangers could only be avoided by an increase in religious life, and the emperor gave the authority of his name to a movement which produced numerous societies for home mission work, and (at least in Berlin) led to the erection of numerous churches.
Since that time it has been the foundation on which the policy of Austria-Hungary has depended, and it has survived all dangers arising either from commercial differences (as between 1880 and 1890) or national discord.
Demands tending towards the Magyarization of the joint army had been advanced and had found such an echo in Magyar public opinion that Count Andrassy was obliged solemnly to warn the country of the dangers of nationalist Chauvinism and to remind it of its obligations under the Compact of 1867.
His conviction of the righteousness of his cause, of the evils and dangers of slavery, and of the absolute necessity of the contemplated movement, was intensified by opposition, and he resolved to go forward, trusting in God for success.
He had now to deal with internal dangers.
Thus the doors of houses are inscribed with sentences from the Koran, or the like, to preserve from the evil eye, or avert the dangers of an unlucky threshold; similar inscriptions may be observed over most shqps, while almost every one carries some charm about his person.
The Pyramid texts and the Book of the Dead are the most important of these, and teach us much about the dangers and needs that attended the dead man beyond the tomb, and about the manner in which it was thought, they could be counteracted.
But meanwhile the political needs of the empire were neglected; the dangers which threatened it at the end of the reign of Amenophis III.
The dangers that menaced Egypt now were similar to those which Mineptah had to meet at his accession.
Stanley, which went to his rescue by way of the Congo in 1887, and after encountering incredible dangers and experiencing innumerable sufferings, met with Emin and Casati at Nsabh, on the Albert Nyanza, on the 29th of April 1888.
There can, indeed, be no doubt that the Danish and Norwegian merchants at the end of the i 6th century flourished exceedingly, despite the intrusion and competition of the Dutch and the dangers to neutral shipping arising from the frequent wars between England, Spain and the Netherlands.
The ultimate triumph of the Danish party dates from 1539, the dangers threatening Christian III.
In the summer of 1679 the king suddenly fell ill, and the dangers of a disputed succession became terribly apparent.
The anarchic weakness of the reign of Stephen enabled David to secure his hold of northern England to the Till, but the death of his gallant and gentle son Henry, in June 1152, left the succession to his son, Malcolm the Maiden, then a child of ten, and David's death (24th of May 1153) exposed Scotland to the dangers of a royal minority.
Mar's highlanders began to desert; his council was a confusion of opinions and discontents, and when, after many dangers and in the worst of health, James joined the Jacobites at Perth, it was only to discourage his friends by his gloom, and to share their wintry flight before Argyll to Montrose.
Earnest men could not disguise from themselves the moral dangers almost inevitably consequent upon them; they recognized, moreover, that many pilgrims were actuated by extremely dubious motives; and they distrusted the exaggerated value set on outward works.
The Persian Gulf has an unenviable reputation for its dangers from heat-stroke, and the sun's rays seem to have a peculiar deadly power in this region, for the risk of exposure is greater than in any part of the world, though other countries have a temperature which is equally high.
Residents in the towns along the Persian Gulf are exposed to the same dangers from disease as are experienced in similar places in Mesopotamia and Persia (see Mesopotamia and Persia).
Finally he was forced to an open protest, which he caused to be inscribed on the journals, but the action of Capo d'Istria in reading to the assembled Italian ministers, who were by no means reconciled to the large claims implied in the Austrian intervention, a declaration in which as the result of the "intimate union established by solemn acts between all the European powers" the Russian emperor offered to the allies "the aid of his arms, should new revolutions threaten new dangers," an attempt to revive that idea of a "universal union" based on the Holy Alliance against which Great Britain had consistently protested.
This was not unaccompanied with dangers.
The same dialogue shows him to be alive to its dangers and defects.
Resumed in 1827, the excavations at Herculaneum were shortly after suspended, nor were the new attempts made in 1866 with the money bestowed by King Victor Emmanuel attended with success, being impeded by the many dangers arising from the houses built overhead.
The command was obviously too far forward, but it was the knowledge of their general's presence, amid the same dangers as themselves, that kept the men firm in their places in spite of the long strain and terrible losses.
His opposition to slavery, however, together with his popularity - won by the successes, hardships and dangers of his exploring expeditions, and by his part in the conquest of California - led to his nomination, largely on the ground of "availability," for the presidency in 1856 by the Republicans (this being their first presidential campaign), and by the National Americans or "Know-Nothings."
This event forced Justinian to recognize the dangers of even a partially divided command, and he recalled Narses to Constantinople.
In consequence, largely, of the dangers attending its navigation, it was not visited by the European traders of the 16th-18th centuries so frequently as other regions north and east, but in the Rio Pongo, at Matakong (a diminutive island near the mouth of the Forekaria), and elsewhere, slave traders established themselves, and ruins of the strongholds they built, and defended with cannon, still exist.
The dangers of drought in the long dry seasons particularly increase the uncertainties of agriculture in regions naturally arid.
The strength of the Whigs at this time and the necessities of the war caused the retirement of Harley, but he remained Anne's secret adviser and supporter against the faction, urging upon her "the dangers to the crown as well as to the church and monarchy itself from their counsels and actions," 3 while the duchess never regained her former influence.
In ancient Greece the most striking tendency of political development was the maintenance of separate city states, each striving for absolute autonomy, though all spoke practically the same language and shared to some extent in the same traditions, interests and dangers.
Then follows the chequered period of the prime of life and middle age, during which the liability of men to industrial accidents, war and other causes of special mortality, irrespective of their greater inclination to emigrate, is generally sufficient to outweigh the dangers of childbirth or premature decay among the women, who tend, accordingly, to predominate in number at this stage.
On the other hand, only preach to them a strong doctrine of free-will, and all these dangers vanished.
As to the future of the Church in the United States, all Catholics feel, with their latest historian, that " the Catholic Church is in accord with Christ's revelation, with American liberty, and is the strongest power for the preservation of the Republic from the new social dangers that threaten the United States as well as the whole civilized world.
It derives its name from the dangers attending its navigation, or, according to an Arabic legend, from the numbers who were drowned by the earthquake which separated Asia and Africa.
He therefore addressed an eloquent and imploring letter to the earl, pointing out the dangers of his position and urging upon him what he judged to be the only safe course of action, to seek and secure the favour of the queen alone; above all things dissuading him from the appearance of military popularity.
He was thereupon interrupted by the earl, who proceeded to defend himself, by declaring that in one of the letters drawn up by Bacon, and purporting to be from the earl to Anthony Bacon, the existence of these rumours, and the dangers to be apprehended from them, had been admitted; and he continued, " If these reasons were then just and true, not counterfeit, how can it be that now my pretences are false and injurious?"
As the defender of democracy he had frequently to face serious dangers.
He died in 1561 after a life passed amidst continual dangers and conflicts.
The greatest difficulty in his way is not temperature, but the presence of parasitic diseases to resist which his body has not been prepared, and modern knowledge is rapidly defining these dangers and the modes of avoiding them.
The same writer states that the country was spacious, populous and hard to be penetrated; that it abounded in dangers; that the paths and roads were beset with difficulties; and that the obstacles to conquest were more than could be expressed.
Gustavus, whose lively imagination was easily excited by religious ardour, enormously magnified clerical influence in Poland and frequently scented dangers where only difficulties existed.
Thus surrounded by dangers on all sides the wretched shah was bewildered.
As to Afghanistan, the vizier Yar Mahommed had in 1842, when the British troops were perishing in the passes, or otherwise in the midst of dangers, caused Kamran to be suffocated in his prison.
The dangers of the climate are much less in the interior; 40 or 50 m.
His conferences with the leading men in the Transvaal and a consideration of the dangers which threatened it and the grave disorders within its borders satisfied Shepstone that he had no choice except to act upon his commission, and on the 12th of April he issued a proclamation annexing the country to the British Crown.
In the fifty years that had elapsed the case for closer union had become overwhelming and the dangers of isolation much greater.
His capacity for king-craft, knowledge of the world, and easy address enabled him to surmount difficulties and dangers which would have proved fatal to his father or to his brother.
But it was not without its dangers.
Albuquerque, foreseeing the dangers that would arise from a shortage of population in his colonies, had encouraged his soldiers to marry captive Brahman and Mahommedan women, and to settle in India as farmers, shopkeepers or artisans.
It was no doubt as a protection against such dangers that the earliest league of twelve Achaean cities arose, though we are nowhere explicitly informed of its functions other than the common worship of Zeus Amarius at Aegium and an occasional arbitration between Greek belligerents.
The difficult subject of the classification of bacteria dates ' The difficulties presented by such minute and simple organisms as the Schizomycetes are due partly to the few " characters " which they possess and partly to the dangers of error in manipulating them; it is anything but an easy matter either to trace the whole development of a single form or to recognize with certainty any one stage in the development unless the others are known.
The result has been not only to diminish greatly the dangers of the natural channel, but also to furnish a series of artificial canals by which vessels can make their way when the river is low.
Their old enemies the Franks on the west, and the Sla y s or Huns, ever ready to break in on the north-east, and sometimes called in by mutinous and traitorous dukes of Friuli and Trent, were constant and serious dangers.
He writes of it with despondency as a degenerate and declining age; and, instead of triumphant prophecies of world-wide rule, such as we find in Horace, Livy contents himself with pointing out the dangers which already threatened Rome, and exhorting his contemporaries to learn, in good time, the lessons which the past history of the state had to teach.
Perhaps an even stronger proof of the skill which enabled Livy to avoid dangers which were fatal to weaker men is to be found in his speeches.
But after the assassination of Chilperic in 584, and the dangers occasioned to the Frankish monarchy by the expedition of Gundobald in 585, Childebert threw himself unreservedly into the arms of Gontran.
By these citations attention is drawn to the lowliness of the beginnings of the Saviour's life, the unexpected and secret manner of His appearing, the dangers to which from the first He was exposed and from which He escaped.
In presence of these varied dangers, Lord Palmerston was prepared to act with spirit and resolution, and the result was a notable achievement of his diplomacy.
His mission, however proved abortive, and after many difficulties and dangers he returned to Egypt at the end of the year.
Upon the return of new dangers, or at least of fears, Abelard left the Paraclete to make trial of another refuge, accepting an invitation to preside over the abbey of St Gildas-de-Rhuys, on the far-off shore of Lower Brittany.
History shows that book religion has special dangers of its own.
Dangers were accumulating upon Ludovico and the state of Milan.
It is usually sent on the market in the form of sticks, which were at one time prepared by sucking the molten material up glass tubes; but the dangers to the workmen and other disadvantages of this method have led to its replacement by a continuous process, in which the phosphorus leaves the melting-pot for a pipe surrounded by water, in which it solidifies and can be removed as a continuous rod.
Navigation on the lower Magdalena closely resembles that of the Mississippi, the same type of light-draft, flat-bottomed steamboat being used, and similar obstacles and dangers to navigation being encountered.
Forster's pluck in speaking out like this was fully appreciated in England, but it was not till after the revelations connected with the Phoenix Park murders that the dangers he had confronted were properly realized, and it became known that several plans to murder him had only been frustrated by the merest accidents.
While in classical times Asclepius and Hygieia are simply the god and goddess of health, in the declining years of paganism they are protecting divinities generally, who preserve mankind not only from sickness but from all dangers on land and sea.
He met with incredible discouragement and dangers at first, which he overcame by his strong faith, determination and genial humour.
From 1107 onward Henry was freed from both the dangers which had threatened him in his earlier years, and was free to develop his policy as he pleased.
From 1408 till his death in 1413 Henry was freed from all the dangers which had beset his earlier years.
He had his fathers faculty for gauging public opinion, and estimating dangers, and though his more venturous temperament led him to press on far beyond the point at which the seventh Henry would have halted, he always stopped short on the hither side of the gulf.
Against the first of these dangers William was to a great extent able to guard by the exercise of his right of dissolution, so as to appeal to the constituencies, which did not always share in the the passions of their representatives.
French and British troops had again co-operated in a joint enterprise, and had shared the dangers and successes of a campaign.
It has been called rescue-work - deliverance from the dangers of invited aggression and a philosophical neglect of the means of defence.
When Pomponius was still a young man his father died, and he at once took the prudent resolution of transferring himself and his fortune to Athens, in order to escape the dangers of the civil war, in which he might have been involved through his connexion with the murdered tribune, Sulpicius Rufus.
In consequence of the rising of the Bagaudae in Gaul, and the threatening attitude of the German peoples on the Rhine, he appointed Maximian Augustus in 286; and, in view of further dangers and disturbances in the empire, proclaimed Constantius Chlorus and Galerius Caesars in 2 93.
The growing ferocity of the Terror appeared more hideous as the dangers threatening the government receded.
Such a government was ill fitted to cope with the dangers then gathering round France.
It has been suggested that the fact of the conquest of the Amazons being assigned to the two famous heroes of Greek mythology, Heracles and Theseus - who in the tasks assigned to them were generally opposed to monsters and beings impossible in themselves, but possible as illustrations of permanent danger and damage, - shows that they were mythical illustrations of the dangers which beset the Greeks on the coasts of Asia Minor; rather perhaps, it may be intended to represent the conflict between the Greek culture of the colonies on the Euxine and the barbarism of the native inhabitants.
In arranging his list, however, he defers to the established doctrine of the four cardinal virtues (derived from Plato and the Stoics through Cicero); accordingly, the Aristotelian ten have to stand under the higher genera of (1) the prudence which gives reasoned rules of conduct, (2) the temperance which restrains misleading desire, and (3) the fortitude that resists misleading fear of dangers or toils.
For the most part the fishing is carried on from open boats, notwithstanding the dangers of so stormy a coast.
His realm was, however, threatened by dangers from without, as large numbers of his opponents had taken refuge, not only in Iceland, then recently discovered, but also in the Orkneys, Shetlands, Hebrides and Faeroes, and in Scotland itself; and from these winter quarters sallied forth to harry Norway as well as the rest of northern Europe.
She was brave in the face of difficulties and dangers, pure in her motives, and her utterances, some of which have been quoted, have the true ethical ring about them.
Towards the end of 1848 the Austrians, having been heavily reinforced, reoccupied all the Venetian mainland; but the citizens, hard-pressed and threatened with a siege, showed the greatest devotion to the cause of freedom, all sharing in the dangers and hardships and all giving what they could afford to the state treasury.
The scarcity of money due to the discrediting of the assignats, the cessation of commerce, abroad and on the sea, and the bad harvest of 1793, were added to all these dangers, and formed a serious menace to France and the Convention.
He was fearless, resourceful and decisive, and triumphed as few men could have done over the difficulties and dangers of a most critical position.
Moreover, this distance between the object and eye is substantially increased in the compound microscope by the stand; the inconveniences, and in certain circumstances also the dangers, to the eye which may arise, for example by warming the object, are also avoided.
He politely applauded Martha's bravery and pontificated a bit about the dangers of investigating abandoned mines, but the expected sparkle wasn't there.
She was independent, an odd contrast given that she was far too delicate to defend herself if left to face the planet's dangers on her own.
Hugely popular Web site faces backlash over hidden dangers.
To educate a child regarding the dangers of alcohol was deemed more beneficial than waiting until they had succumbed.
I could see all of the dangers of the gaping crevasses on the glacier very easily and could cross or walk around them easily.
In South Asia, we were recently witness - once again - to nuclear dangers reminiscent of the Cuban missile crisis.
Public movements are always cyclical, reacting to threats, dangers and opportunities as they come to the fore.
He was also the first to highlight the dangers of AIDS to his fellow countrymen.
He avoided the deadly dangers of a wrong attitude to wealth.
Now the real dangers can be seen with the attempt to rewrite British history.
The Dangers Ahead Our global economy is becoming more dependent on the Internet.
It's known as liquid ecstasy because it has similar effects to the Class A version - and also similar dangers.
The dangers of introducing laws to legalize euthanasia are very real ones.
The story asks you to reflect on the dangers of making people faceless.
Many dangers and difficulties which at this time last night appeared extremely formidable are behind us.
The Baron, in a great contention of mind, stood irresolute, weighing the two dangers.
They should not be left to drift in a world so laden with moral dangers.
It is difficult to keep children from collecting wood and tending livestock in the fields and this is where the dangers lie.
The public seemed oblivious to the dangers of low flying aircraft.
In the triumph of Royalist counter-revolution Milton saw the dangers of political passivity, of ideological sloth.
He drives pell-mell out of Washington because of air raid dangers, onto his estate, then back to Washington... .
Then, as now, cowboy plumbers cause dangers to public health and safety, unnecessary distress and expense.
Now the Internet provides this profusion, which is not without dangers.
With almost prophetic accuracy Lenin warned of two great dangers he thought could jeopardize the regime.
It made me think again about the dangers that can face an unwary restaurateur.
Further scrutiny of the records of six of the most frequent runaways gave a terrifying insight of the dangers they faced.
Recent anthrax scares in the US have shown the dangers of covert chemical warfare.
Even Pope Benedict XVI yesterday warned of the dangers of growing secularism while in Germany.
He deals with the problems and dangers of discouragement and shows us how to avoid the pitfalls of introspection and too much self-examination.
But other on-board conditions can blow dangers sky-high for passengers and crew.
School syringe threat highlighted A nationwide campaign has been launched to help combat the dangers posed by discarded syringes left on school premises.
As children start to crawl and then toddle they reach new dangers which you need to be aware of before they become a problem.
I first pointed out the dangers of horizontal gene transfer to MAFF in a series of correspondence in 1996.
The team hit the streets last Friday to give out leaflets on the dangers of leaving cars running unattended.
We are forced to face up to dangers to the Earth previously unconsidered.
I think the looming dangers from " enforced uniformity " are of a completely different nature.
Asbestos miners and workers in Africa have been largely unprotected from the dangers of asbestos fibers during their working lives.
Fitting is quite a serious symptom, with dangers of inhaling vomit causing respiratory spasm.
Some of our supposed parliamentary watchdogs will need to be much more awake to the bill's dangers than they have been.
A good part of this book portrays the dangers posed by high-technology weapons, including space-based weaponry.
Police will also be visiting schools to warn youngsters about the dangers.
On the 2nd of May 1422 Henry V., in right of the duchy of Lancaster, " hearing that Chicheley inflamed by the pious fervour of devotion intended to enlarge divine service and other works of piety at Higham Ferrers, in consideration of his fruitful services, often crossing the seas, yielding to no toils, dangers or expenses.
Mass meetings were held in Buenos Aires, and it fell specially to the lot of Dr del Valle, who was an able orator as well as a sincere patriot, to expose the irresponsible and corrupt character of the administration, and the terrible dangers that threatened the republic through its reckless extravagance and financial improvidence.
It is quite true that Paul does not directly attack the speculative position, but rather indicates the practical dangers inherent therein (the denial of the supremacy of Christ and of full salvation through Him); he does not say that the errorists hold Christ to be a mere angel or an aeon, or that words like pleroma (borrowed perhaps from their own vocabulary) involve a rigorous dualism.
As a consequence of the report of this Commission the Railway Employment (Prevention of Accidents) Act of 'goo was passed, putting upon the Board of Trade the duty of making " such rules as they think fit with respect to any of the subjects mentioned in the schedule to this act, with the object of reducing or removing the dangers and risks incidental to railway service."
The fragments of many wrecks emphasize the dangers of navigation, which are increased by the absence of beacons, the only lighthouse being that maintained by the Board of Trade on Cape Pembroke near the principal settlement.
The De Institutione Coenobiorum (twelve books) describes the dress, the food, the devotional exercises, the discipline and the special spiritual dangers of monastic life in the East (gluttony, unchastity, avarice, anger, gloom, apathy, vanity and pride).
Turgot, on hearing of this, wrote an indignant letter to the king, in which he reproached him for refusing to see him, pointed out in strong terms the dangers of a weak ministry and a weak king, and complained bitterly of Ailaurepas's irresolution and subjection to court intrigues; this letter the king, though asked to treat it as confidential, is said to have shown to Maurepas, whose dislike for Turgot it still further embittered.
Finally, in the person of Vishtaspa, who seems to have been a prince resident in east Iran, he gained the powerful protector and faithful disciple of the new religion whom he desired - though after almost superhuman dangers and difficulties, which the later books depict in lively colours.
That the dangers of heresy might be avoided, laymen were forbidden to argue about matters of faith by Pope Alexander IV., an oath "to abjure every heresy and to maintain in its completeness the Catholic faith" was required by the council of Toledo (1129), the reading of the Scriptures in the vulgar tongue was not allowed to the laity by Pope Pius IV.
Mr Roosevelt and his supporters were convinced that his policy was necessary to save the country from the social and political dangers of plutocracy, and that in establishing a definite system of government regulation not only were popular rights preserved and justice promoted but industrialism and finance were placed upon a basis of regularity and honesty that paved the way for an era of general prosperity in the United States, unhampered by feverish speculation and shrewd scheming, such as the country had so far in its history been unable to enjoy.
But all is not finished with the passage of the soul to the land of the dead; the soul may return to avenge its death by helping to discover the murderer, or to wreak vengeance for itself; there is a widespread belief that those who die a violent death become malignant spirits and endanger the lives of those who come near the haunted spot; the woman who dies in child-birth becomes a pontianak, and threatens the life of human beings; and man resorts to magical or religious means of repelling his spiritual dangers.
Rome, however, had greater dangers to cope with than the indignant reproofs of her friends the monks, and the opposition Growth of of the bishops, who were displeased at the spectacle of their authority waning day by day.
Convinced that gradual emancipation would merely stimulate the inter-state slave trade, and that the dangers of a mixed labour system were greater than those of emancipation in mass, he formally repudiated colonization in 1834; moreover, gradualism had become for him an unjustifiable compromise in a matter of religion and justice.
From these sources they attempted to evolve a philosophy of religion, which would not only refute the views of Hobbes, but would also free theology finally from the errors of scholasticism, without plunging it in the newer dangers of unfettered rationalism (see ETHIcs).
At this juncture Henry was desirous of getting his eldest son and namesake crowned as his colleague, the best mode that he could devise for avoiding the dangers of a disputed succession at his death.
Next, entire cities banned smoking in all indoor public places, contending a private business's right to allow smoking was trumped by the dangers of exposing patrons to secondhand smoke.
For the most part I escaped wonderfully from these dangers, either by proceeding at once boldly and without deliberation to the goal, as is recommended to those who run the gauntlet, or by keeping my thoughts on high things, like Orpheus, who, "loudly singing the praises of the gods to his lyre, drowned the voices of the Sirens, and kept out of danger."
She was agitated and incessantly tortured by the thought of the dangers to which her brother, the only intimate person now remaining to her, was exposed.
A campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of intra-muscular quinine injections and to provide information about the club foot was carried out.
Linear regression I have made my views known on the dangers of fitting straight lines.
Or a patient might be agitated and think that there were dangers present in the form of communists, devils or reincarnated evil spirits.
We are daily reminded of the dangers of possible bioterrorism.
It was yet another reminder of the dangers we are living through.
The whole episode was a salutary reminder of the dangers of the ' incident pit '.
For example, Bromley plans to tackle this problem by further education of teenagers on the dangers of scooter riding.
Dangers to remaining sgraffito decorations exist and should be assessed when a scheme is going to be repaired.
Avoid the dangers of sun exposure by slipping into the shade, slapping on a hat and slopping on the sun cream.
Let them have confidence in a sober military judgment that sees in this very fact the greatest dangers.
Rail bosses are today issuing a stark warning to parents, urging them to alert their children to the dangers of playing near railways.
Careless Tanners - adore the sun but do n't protect against harmful dangers.
Often they are unaware of the real dangers they face; they may even forget to take cover.
Undaunted by the dangers that face them, Harry and his friends set out to stop the forces of evil and save the day.
Bus vandalism The Wee 'G ' Bus has been particularly effective at highlighting the dangers of throwing stones at public transport.
He gives sound advice for Indian workers impersonating Westerners, warning about the dangers of Indian call center staff assuming cultural stereotypes.
I warned of the dangers of " one-man rule ".
Some of our supposed parliamentary watchdogs will need to be much more awake to the bill 's dangers than they have been.
Confronted by health zealots out to ban tobacco, Nick goes on a PR offensive, spinning away the dangers of cigarettes.
Without warning, the minister launched into a tirade about the dangers of gossip and rumors.
While there are obvious steps you can take to ensure that she remains safe and healthy, there are also many hidden dangers in your home.
Last year, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission released the top five hidden home dangers and among the top five were two related to toys.
This was another one of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission's top five hidden home dangers.
It is possible to protect your baby without becoming obsessed with hidden dangers.
As with all investments, there are risks and dangers.
You love your pet and want to keep her in your yard, away from the dangers of the street.
Since so many cat diseases are spread through bite wounds or sexual activity, it is always best to shelter your cat from these dangers.
The urban outdoors is rife with communicable cat diseases, pests and parasites, as well as all sorts of vehicular dangers.
Dogs, wildlife, cars, feral cats with illnesses and other dangers can seriously harm your kitten.
You will save money and cut down on dangers for small children.
From the dangers of coal mining to oil spills and the possible connection of earthquakes to drilling, seeking fossil fuels can be dangerous business.
To understand the definition of renewable energy and its benefits to the environment, you must also understand the dangers and limitation of using non-renewable energy sources for fuel and electricity.
It will alert you to hidden dangers of chemical interactions like sodium laurel sulfate found in hair shampoos, liquid dish soaps, hand lotions etc. Sodium laurel sulphate and bleach leach the petrochemicals out of plastic bottles.
Jergens Natural Glow is a daily moisturizer for your body that not only softens your skin, but also gradually develops a light, natural-looking tan without exposing yourself to the dangers of the sun.
Praline offers some semblance of a healthy tan (without the obvious dangers of the natural method).
There are many dangers on the Internet that you need to be aware of.
Besides technological dangers, there are also human dangers on the Internet.
However, in many cases, simply being more aware of dangers on the Internet will go a long way towards ensuring safe surfing.
With so many potential dangers on the Internet, it's important for children to limit their activities to websites that are compliant with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
This new freedom is a lot of fun, but again, there are potential dangers, especially if your friends are into drinking or drugs.
If you feel you are about to merge onto the highway of teenage alcoholism, and don't know how to avoid the dangers on the road, the links below will provide you with more information and advice from professionals.
Because a lot of advertisements promote drinking as a fun social activity (putting "drink in moderation" in fine print), a lot of young adults fail to see the possible dangers of drinking.
Often a last attempt at controlling or changing the unpleasant cards dealt to them, hitchhikers live only in the now, and most often ignore any dangers or risks associated with that thought process.
Understanding drug abuse among teenagers can help you educate your teen about the dangers of using drugs and alcohol.
Talk to kids about the dangers of alcohol abuse, especially for girls, who may become pregnant and/or contract an STD due to irresponsible behavior while drunk.
Spewing statistics rarely works with making an impact on dangers to young people.
However, the initial driving experience can be rife with dangers.
In spring 2008, a controversy erupted regarding the purported dangers of consuming too much soy.
If you are interested in learning more about the dangers of tobacco smoking, or if you want to learn more about how you can put an end to your nicotine addiction, visit some of the websites shown below.
Take time to look around so that you may educate yourself and other about the dangers of drug abuse.
You need to make sure that your loved one understands the dangers, including the physical risks and social consequences, of drug experimentation.
People with these personality traits still have the ability to make positive life choices, they must simply become more aware of the potential dangers of addiction.
At hospitals you see plenty of doctors and nurses smoking outside on their breaks, so the dangers of smoking and the correlation with cancer may well be unproven.
However, cars can be deadly; violence in the workplace can be deadly; obesity can most certainly be deadly not to mention all the other hundreds of dangers one might run into.
Again though, how they help and the dangers involved can vary so don't simply try them out before talking to your healthcare provider.
Just be aware of the dangers of too much alcohol.
Alcoholism facts can help you understand the dangers of this disease.
One of the dangers of using this drug is that people who buy it on the street have no idea how pure the drug is or what the dealer may have used to cut it with.
Heath's accidental death serves as a caution to the hidden dangers of combining prescription medication, even at low dosage."
The dangers are somehow downplayed in the hubbub surrounding the celebrities, but they are all too real.
He's served nearly 1,000 hours of community service, mostly with children and has also worked with young kids, talking about the dangers of guns.
While awaiting his trip to lock-up, he performed over 1,000 hours of community service as well as other public service announcements and speeches on the dangers of guns.
Fortunately modern science has proven that smoking can lead to any number of diseases and health concerns, so the younger generation is well-informed of the dangers.
You might think that, with the wealth of knowledge about the dangers of smoking, these celebrities could afford to get the help they need in order to quit cigarettes for good.
Public service announcements in the campus newspaper and posters in dorm bathrooms detail the dangers of binge drinking and date rape drugs.
Wild parties have their good points and bad points, but they also have some serious dangers of which incoming and current students should be aware.
In an effort to protect their dogs from toxic dangers, many dog lovers are turning to organic dog toys as a natural alternative to more traditional offerings.
I have created a recipe that allows you to let your four-legged friends have a bit of holiday cheer without the dangers that can be associated with our human treats and traditions.
There are certain dangers associated with many brands of dishwashing liquids and laundry detergents.
Through all of the dangers and challenges, Edward and Bella fight to hold onto their love.
While it is only recently that people know about the dangers of the sun on the skin, the hats were purely practical.
As more people become aware of the dangers of household chemicals, organic cleaning supplies are increasing in popularity.
Reading a list of possible trampoline dangers can make the calmest of parents a bit antsy.
It's a good idea to have separate sheets for all of these material dangers.
Mold elimination procedures range from simply using bleach and warm water to wipe down affected areas to stripping out drywall and making major repairs to one's home to get rid of the dangers.
Despite all the good things about green vehicles, there are some hidden dangers in hybrid cars.
Concerned about the hidden dangers in hybrid cars?
While there are a few hidden dangers in hybrid cars, as the technology improves and we are educated on the potential hazards, the issues we have will diminish.
That much is clear when you hear about rampant fast food dangers.
Skidding is the most common unexpected winter driving condition, but with the proper snow driving safety techniques, drivers can minimize the dangers of a skid.
Teachers can educate the very young with free Internet safety materials, videos and websites that have been specially designed to teach about Internet dangers.
A person who is currently smoking may be more likely to consider quitting if they learn about the dangers of cigarette smoking.
Even non-smokers are vulnerable to the dangers of cigarette smoking; inhaling second-hand smoke is just as toxic as it is to the primary smoker.
Learning about the dangers of cigarette smoking may encourage people to give up the habit entirely.
Instead it should be a time of educating people to the dangers of fires and how to prevent them.
Companies want to keep their workers safe and free from potential dangers.
Some people are choosing not to be vaccinated against the H1N1 flu, citing concerns about swine flu shot dangers.
An example of swine flu shot dangers that some members of the public are concerned about is Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS).
For most people, the side effects of having the injection are minor and would not be considered swine flu shot dangers.
Employers are required to inform employees about the dangers of any chemical hazards that are present in the working environment and to provide them with training about necessary safeguards that should be taken.
Being aware of seasonal safety issues and knowing how to protect yourself from both common and unexpected summertime dangers helps ensure a happy and healthy summer for everyone.
Understanding Hot Weather and its Dangers provides additional information on identifying and preventing heat cramps, heat syncope or fainting, heat exhaustion and heatstroke.
Swimming pools - Whether you are swimming in a pool at a hotel, resort, a cruise ship or in your own back yard, swimming pools have many dangers.
For example, the ocean poses dangers of riptides, unexpected high waves and currents while a lakeside beach may pose health dangers from bacteria in the water or possible injury from diving into unknown shallow water.
Being aware of summer safety issues helps keep you and your family safe from possible seasonal dangers during the hot summer months.
Many young people enjoy spending time online and they need to be aware of the potential dangers that exist when going out into cyberspace.
One of the main dangers of a faulty furnace is the emittance of deadly carbon monoxide fumes.
As a bonus, they protect from multiple dangers, including fire and critical conditions such as carbon monoxide.
The screening process also serves to safeguard your profile and protect you from dangers.
They argue that the hardships, risks, and real dangers faced by members of the military justify the retirement program.
Insufficient sleep is bad enough for your body, without the dangers of sleep apnea.
However, surgery should be a last-resort option, as risks and dangers exist.
Find out how these bedside devices can change your sleeping patterns, reducing daytime fatigue and the dangers associated with sleep apnea.
Skin cancer dangers are finally making it to the forefront and everyone is urged to wear sunscreen of at least SPF 15 or 30 for daily activity, but what we don't hear enough about is our eye care.
Most people look at the counterfeiting industry as a dishonest business, but they don't recognize the dangers that many fakes pose.
Everyone knows about the dangers of UV exposure -- those short wavelengths can damage skin and eyes -- but what about the longer wavelengths of infrared light?
Think of the possible dangers that could arise should you purchase counterfeit Oakleys!
Before you step out into a squash court, make sure that you understand the following eye dangers that you'll be dealing with.
When they do happen, both operators and riders can react safely to prevent additional dangers.
Ride operators are trained to react to accidents safely while keeping riders from further dangers.
This type of gaiter is intended to protect the feet and lower portion of the leg from any dangers associated with water, snow, or dangerous terrain.
As with warmer weather expeditions, you must prepare for your expected trip as well as potential dangers that could keep you outdoors longer than expected.
Having the right attitude, knowing the dangers and preparing will minimize your risk.