Dang Sentence Examples
I been casting my ballot that way since Roosevelt and I'll keep doing so—even if you do cancel out my vote every dang election.
The southern slopes of the Dang la are deluged with rain, hail and snow throughout the year.
I think only 43 people had the dang thing and I was one of them.
Crossing the Sining-Lhasa road a little south of the Dang la range, and about two days' journey north of Nagchuka, Captain Bower crossed the Su chu, and following a course parallel to the Giama-nu chu, he made his way to Riwoche and thence to Chiamdo, from which town he followed the Lhasa-Tachienlu high road to the latter town, which he reached on the 10th of February 1892.
I been casting my ballot that way since Roosevelt and I'll keep doing so—even if you do cancel out my vote every dang election.