Dairy Sentence Examples
The dairy gave her purpose... hope.
Without the dairy she had no income.
If the dairy didn't prove profitable, she would have to go back to Wal-Mart.
I'm going to make this dairy a success if it kills me.
The sun wouldn't be up for another hour, but the block walls of the dairy loomed clearly in the white landscape.
It's like the goat dairy, isn't it?
Selling the dairy goats had erased a part of her identity.
Every week, I buy my milk from a small local dairy on the day it comes forth from the cow.
The dairy was warm, a fire burning brightly in the home made wood stove.
Here's one you should know after raising dairy goats.
AdvertisementThe dairy door swung open with a blast of cold air and Alex paused in the doorway.
The dairy wasn't that important to Carmen.
They dipped and whirled and danced around the dairy floor until the music ended.
The dairy and adjoining barns would make a nice bunkhouse - sometime.
We have a barn on each side of the dairy.
AdvertisementShe stepped into the dairy, leaving him pondering over one of the goats.
They paused in front of the dairy door and Katie stared down at Carmen in surprise.
Carmen left Alex with the doe and ducked into the dairy, returning with a scoop of alfalfa pellets she distributed in the long narrow feed trough along the wall.
The only business experience she had was the goat dairy, the non-functional farm and a horse ranch that had been in the fetal stage for years.
The dairy industry is rapidly increasing.
AdvertisementThe white block walls of the dairy remained solid, but the windows were dark.
The mares were now kept in the renovated dairy barn and they ran in a separate pasture.
Artificial breeding techniques Up to 75% of dairy cows in the UK are impregnated by artificial insemination (AI ).
The large urban population of the state makes the animal products very valuable, Illinois ranking third in 1900 in the number of dairy cows, and in the farm value of dairy products; indeed, all classes of live stock, except sheep, increased in number from 1850 to 1900, and at the end of the latter year Illinois was surpassed only by Iowa in the number of horses and swine; in 1909 there were more horses in Illinois than in Iowa.
Macroom has trade in corn-milling, leather-work and dairy produce, and is a good centre for salmon and trout fishing.
AdvertisementDairy produce is important in Afghan diet, especially the pressed and dried curd called knit (an article and name perhaps introduced by the Mongols).
The raising of live-stock, particularly of dairy cows, is an important industry.
As yet manufactures are insignificant except in lines immediately dependent upon agriculture, the combined output of the packing, flour and grist mill, dairy and malt-liquor establishments constituting in 1900 nine-tenths of the total state output.
This converted dairy is perfect for two, retaining some original stonework and providing comfortable accommodation in a peaceful location.
Coconut milk can often be used to replace dairy milk.
It has an important trade in corn, timber, horned cattle, pigs and horses, fowls, dairy produce and lard; and considerable manufactures, including machinery, cast-iron, copper and brass goods, calico, gunpowder, oil, paper, articles in felt, flour, leather and biscuits.
Stock ranches, tobacco plantations, and hay and grain farms, average from Boo to 530 acres, and counteract the tendency of dairy farms, beet plantations, orchards, vegetable gardens and nurseries to lower the size of the farm unit still further.
In the total value of all live stock (5,402,297 head) in 1900 ($65,000,000) the rank of the state was 15th in the Union, and in value of dairy products in 1899 (12.84 million dollars) 12th.
The live-stock industry showed a tendency to decline after 1890, and the dairy industry also, despite various things - notably irrigation and alfalfa culture - that have favoured them.
In 1899 hay and grain represented slightly more than a third of the farm acreage and capital and also of the value of all farm products; live-stock and dairy farms represented slightly more than half the acreage, and slightly under 30% of the capital and produce; fruit farms absorbed 6.2% of the acreage and 27% of the capital, and returned 22.5% of the value of farm produce.
Dairy products, for example, for whose production good facilities always existed, were long greatly neglected, and not for two decades at least after 1848 was the state independent in this respect.
The principal exports are cattle and dairy produce, grain, lamb and goat skins, and cloth (shayak); the imports include coal, iron and machinery, textiles, petroleum and chemicals.
The chief business is in stock of every kind, dairy and agricultural produce and fresh-water fish, a large quantity of which is exported to France.
The value of vegetable products, of fruits, and of dairy products was, relatively, equally small (only $7,346,415 in 1899).
In this year 39.6% of the farms derived their principal income from hay and grain, 33.2% from live stock, 5.5% from dairy produce, 3.5% from vegetables, 2.8% from fruits.
There are steamship services between Holyhead and Dublin in connexion with the trains of the London & North-Western railway; and an important traffic for dairy produce, live-stock and passengers between Fishguard and Rosslare on the Irish coast was opened in 1906 in connexion with the Great Western railway.
Madison is an important jobbing centre for central and south-western Wisconsin; it has an extensive trade in farm, garden and dairy products, poultry and tobacco; and there are various manufactures.
There are one or more agricultural societies in each lan, and there are various state educational establishments in agriculture, such as the agricultural high schools at Ultuna near Upsala, and at Alnarp near Lund in Skane, an important agricultural centre, with dairy schools and other branch establishments.
Menomonie is an important market for dairy products and livestock.
Large quantities of dairy produce, wool and live stock are exported; and there are a number of flourishing industries in the town, including brewing, flourmilling, tanning and boot and biscuit manufacturing.
Kilmarnock is famous for its dairy produce, and every October holds the largest cheese-show in Scotland.
The number of neat cattle in 1907 was 1,852,000 (849,000 dairy cows).
In 18 99, 5959 farms were classified as dairy farms, i.e.
There were 644,000 dairy cows in 1906, and the numbers are increasing year by year.
The number of dairy cows increased from 157,240 in 1890 to 183,000 in 1908, and the annual production of milk increased from 57,969,791 gallons in 1890 to 99586,188 gallons in 1900.
The most productive dairy section of the state is a belt extending from the south-west corner N.E.
The chief exports to foreign countries are textile fabrics, Indian corn, meat, dairy products, apples, paraffin, boards and shooks; the chief imports from foreign countries are sugar, molasses and wool.
The total value of dairy products in 1899 was $1,522,932.
With the consent of the Senate he appoints all officers whose election or appointment is not otherwise provided for, including the bank examiner, state chemist, dairy and food commissioners, the boards of labour and health; the directors of the state institutions, &c., and fills all vacancies in elective offices until new officers are chosen and qualified.
The city has a considerable trade in grain, lumber, fish, livestock, dairy products and oil; its manufactures include boilers, machinery and canned and pickled fish, especially salmon and herring.
Among its manufactures are dairy products (there is a large creamery), canned goods, flour and grist mill products, gasoline engines, well-machinery, barbed wire, tiles, ploughs, windmills, cornhuskers, and hay-balers.
The number of cattle other than dairy cows was 698,000 and that of dairy cows 174,000.
The dairy business is a promising industry in the farming regions, especially in the Willamette Valley.
Among Elgin's manufactures are watches and watch-cases, butter and other dairy products, cooperage (especially butter tubs), canned corn, shirts, foundry and machine-shop products, pipe-organs, and caskets and casket trimmings; in 1905 Elgin's total factory product was valued at $9,349, 2 74.
The value of the dairy products sold in 1899 (census of 1900) was $8,027,370, nearly one-half of which was represented by butter; and the total value of dairy products was $15,739,594.
Alfalfa, the Japanese soy bean and the wheat fields - which furnish the finest of pasture in the early spring and ordinarily well into the winter season - are the props of a prosperous dairy industry.
Western Kansas is the dairy country.
Its great ranges, whose insufficient rainfall makes impossible the certain, and therefore the profitable, cultivation of cereals, or other settled agriculture, lend themselves with profit to stock and dairy farming.
Dairy products increased 60'6% in value from 1895 to 1904, amounting in the latter year to $16,420,095.
Irrigation has made a surer future for limited areas, however, and the introduction of drought-resisting crops and the substitution of dairy and livestock interests in the place of agriculture have brightened the outlook in the western counties, whose population increased rapidly after 1900.
In 1905 Wisconsin ranked first of all the states in the value of butter, second in the value of cheese and fifth in the value of condensed milk; the dairy product of Wisconsin in this year was 17.8% (by value) of that of the entire country.
Mankato has an extensive trade in dairy and agricultural products (especially grain), stone (a pinkish buff limestone is quarried in the vicinity), and forest products.
To these must be added wine (mostly of excellent quality) of an annual value of about one million sterling, peas and beans, maize, fruit, chiefly cherries and apples, beets and tobacco, and garden and dairy produce.
The total number of cattle decreased from 3,236,008 in 1900 to 1,992,000 in 1910, but at the same time the number of dairy cows increased from 2 7 6, 539 to 355,000.
Dairy farms, to mention only a few of the most important points which had been hitherto excluded, were admitted within the scope of the Land Acts, and purely pastoral holdings of between £So and boo were for the first time included.
Besides the cattle reared for field-labor and (in the northern provinces) for regular dairy farming, bulls for bull-fighting are specially reared in many parts of the country, particularly in the forests of Navarre, the mountains separating the two Castiles, the Sierra Morena, and the Serrania de Ronda in Granada, and also in separate enclosures on the islands of the Guadalquivir.
The dairy interest is rapidly growing, but is still exceeded in other states.
Omaha is a great dairy market.
The value of cheese, butter and other dairy products was $ 2, 2 53, 8 93 in 1900 and $3,326,1 1 0 in 1905.
Indeed, during every decade from 1860 to 1890 the total value of farm property and products declined; and the increase of products from 1890 to 1900 was due to the growth of dairy farms, which yielded almost one-third of the total farm product of the state.
The inhabitants raise potatoes, oats, cattle and horses, and these, with dairy produce, form the bulk of the trade.
The goat dairy was built by the Reynolds family - even Josh, although under protest.
It would be at least four more weeks before the dairy would be in full production again, but each goat received a ration of oats and corn as well as a thorough examination.
Racing to the dairy, she jerked out a drawer and removed the book, some disposable gloves, a pair of scissors, some cord and a bottle of iodine.
Why didn't Katie take some initiative to get the fire going in the dairy?
Still, we're so different, and she's giving up so much – the dairy, her home...
It struck her suddenly that she missed the goat dairy – or at least what it represented.
Maybe he was remembering the first time they danced – in her goat dairy.
Integration with Dairy Crest is progressing smoothly and is delivering the anticipated synergies.
Sesame seeds, eggs, dairy and shellfish can also provoke anaphylaxis.
There was also wholehearted agreement for the establishment of whole chain beef assurance covering dairy calf and suckled calf breeders as well as finishers.
The dairy bull calves are still being sent straight for slaughter as there is no demand for them.
Of this sixteen acres are assigned to the dairy for the cows, and 12 for the oxen and young bullocks.
Some of the subjects covered presently include butchery, dairy production, food hygiene, food labeling and microbiology.
Flora pro·activ spreads contain buttermilk for taste, so is not suitable for people on a dairy free diet.
An " Innovation station " section provides stories, market trends and innovations in foods containing dairy byproducts.
You can get dairy free chocolate advent calenders from Kinnerton, tho they tend to go fast.
The household business continues to make a strong operating cash flow which helps finance Dairy Crest's growth aspirations.
These dairy farms use no fertilizer, spray, or medicines connected with the cows who produce this colostrum.
Bovine colostrum Usually from cows, a dairy product that has similar properties to human colostrum.
The program is administered by the National Milk Producers Federation, a membership organization for dairy cooperatives.
For the dairy cow the price paid is very dear.
Three years ago I was asked, by a dairy farmer to collect an injured fox cub which had sought shelter in a barn.
In England, it is an intrinsic addition to dairy desserts such as baked egg custard.
As I don't eat dairy, that pretty much makes me almost vegan.
The ' super dairy ' is the largest of its kind in England.
In 2000 Acorn was born as a fully organic dairy delivering milk fresh from his cows to the doorstep.
The venue, a former dairy just a stone's throw from the British Museum, has two floors of galleries of modest size.
The property is an old working dairy transformed into an intimate retreat with six distinctive lodgings.
The disease has a major impact upon smallholder dairy schemes as higher performing exotic animals are highly susceptible.
Free from wheat dairy lactose sugar yeast gluten salt corn/maize soya starch artificial colors preservatives and flavors.
All of them, for whatever reason, poured scorn on the idea that consuming dairy could be bad for health.
The 19th century farmhouse, on our 300 acre dairy farm is large, comfortable and tastefully furnished with antiques.
In Jouarre you can also visit a cheese dairy and taste brie de Meaux and brie noir.
Severe disease in adult dairy cattle in three UK dairy herds associated with BVD virus infection.
Traditional welsh cottage adjacent to the farmhouse on a working dairy farm.
I have a long-time friend who runs a dairy farm in North-Eastern Wisconsin.
Barton Farm is a 250 acre organic dairy farm traditionally managed for four generations.
The retained business will concentrate on the manufacture of dairy desserts under retailer labels and the Mars brand.
Joe will get hyper and become very disagreeable as part of his reaction to dairy.
Like most of its contemporaries, the decline of door-to-door bread deliveries saw it rebuilt to dairy dray status.
There are now more bureaucrats in DEFRA than there are dairy farms in England.
For example, one organic dairy farmer from Chepstow lost four cattle to the skin test in August 2005.
We can also make delicious cakes to order for special diets including gluten, dairy & nut free.
Free from wheat dairy lactose sugar yeast gluten salt corn/maize soya starch.
Miniature dairy goats cause excitement in the caprine world!
A new spring tine harrow specially designed for use on grassland is solving an age-old problem for dairy farmer Will Taylor.
A dairy type heifer in the herd was giving 25kg a day.
In its most recent study, obtained by CTV News, the number of infected dairy herds had risen.
The group finished their visit with dairy herd manager Mike Davies giving a tour of the new parlor.
Which left us with the last picture clue and back in our minds to Dove Dale and that delicious homemade dairy ice cream.
Currently it has projects in dairy, honey and fruit sub-sectors as well as support to the informal ' jua Kali ' sector.
The energy dairy cows lose is so great, that most only manage three lactations before being killed (3 ).
The FDA has been notoriously lax in dealing with the misuse of drugs in the dairy industry.
It is not recommended that you take lysine at the same time as milk or dairy products.
Wheat, oilseed rape and potatoes are the main arable crops, alongside forage maize frown for the 180 strong dairy herd.
Describe three significant pests or diseases of dairy cattle, including mastitis.
He's the new milkman, replacing Dan Dairy who wasn't very good.
The monks who worked in the abbey's dairy were the first to feel the effects of the piskie mischief.
Also dairy produces too much mucous making it more difficult to breathe.
The effect of duration of feeding oilseeds to dairy cows on the persistency of response in milk fatty acid composition.
Beside these were long rows of wooden pails and dairy utensils, with shining ranks of tinware and pewter platters and pots.
Mrs Valerie Wright " I have chronic pancreatitis - I cannot eat any Dairy food without causing pain.
Free from wheat dairy lactose yeast gluten salt corn/maize soya starch artificial colors preservatives or flavorings.
And today Brazilian and Jamaican dairy producers are being put out of business by imports of powdered milk from the European Union.
The sale of exhibits or other dairy products is not permitted without the prior consent of the Dairy Produce Chairman.
A provisional reservation of the Old Dairy will be held for a period of 7 days pending receipt of the deposit.
The main enterprises on the farm are an Autumn calving dairy herd consisting of 140 cows and a cereal based arable rotation.
Listening to Phil and Joe reminiscing about dairy shorthorns encourage Fallon with her mini disk again!
Its main use is as a crossing sire, to produce good quality beef calves out of dairy cows.
In beef cows, who have small udders, the incidence of mastitis is a fraction of that in dairy herds (29 ).
Free from sugar salt starch wheat maize gluten lactose yeast dairy phosphates artificial colors preservatives and dyes.
Free from wheat dairy lactose sugar yeast gluten salt corn/maize soya and starch.
Of the 33,104 farms in the state in 1900, 25,982 were farmed by their owners, 1373 by part owners, 314 by owners and tenants, 2424 by cash tenants, 2396 by share tenants, and 615 by managers; 637 farms had more than 500 acres, 3431 were between 260 and 500 acres, 5512 between 175 and 260 acres, 10,215 between 100 and 175 acres, 6513 between 50 and 100 acres, 3511 between 20 and 50 acres, and 3285 less than 20 acres; and dairy produce was the principal source of income of more than one-half of these (16,700), live stock the principal source of income of 7323 farms, and hay and grain of 2519 farms. The general sterility of the soil except along rivers and the bases of hills has made intensive cultivation always necessary, and the competition of new and rich western farm lands has made the agriculture of Vermont develop further toward specialization in dairying and raising live stock.
Between 1850 and 1907 dairy cows increased from 214,231 to 330,000; other neat cattle from 519,739 to 589,000; sheer decreased from 304,929 to 181,000; swine decreased from 1,582,734 to 1,316,000; horses increased from 115,460 to 260,000, and mules from 54,547 to 279,000.
It was in particular the misfortunes of the later 'seventies that gave the needed fillip to that branch of stock-farming concerned with the production of milk, butter and cheese, and from this period may be said to date the revival of the dairying industry, which received a powerful impetus through the introduction of the centrifugal cream separator, and was fostered by the British Dairy Farmers' Association (formed in 1875).
In 1878, at Bristol, the special awards were all for dairy appliances -milk-can for conveying milk long distances, churn for milk, churn for cream, butter-worker for large dairies, butterworker for small dairies, cheese-tub, curd knife, curd mill, cheese-turning apparatus, automatic means of preventing rising of cream, milk-cooler and cooling vat.
A typical course at one of the higher colleges lasts for two years and includes instruction under the heads of soils and manure, crops and pasture, live stock, foods and feeding, dairy work, farm and estate management and farm bookkeeping, surveying, agricultural buildings and machinery, agricultural chemistry, agricultural botany, veterinary science and agricultural entomology.
The need for scrupulous cleanliness in the preparation of rubber is now recognized, and the arrangements of a rubber factory in Ceylon or Malaya are comparable with those of the modern dairy.
The milk of the cow, which may be taken as typical of all others, and is indeed by far the most important and valuable of all (see Dairy And Dairy Farming), is, when newly drawn, an opaque white fluid, with a yellowish tinge, soft, bland and sweetish to the taste, and possessed of a faintly animal odour.
See also the articles Adulteration; Dairy And Dairy Farming; Infancy; Dietetics; Food and Food PRESERVATION; in the last of which the preparation of condensed milk is described.
In 1900 the state had 497,245 horses, 198,110 mules, 364,025 dairy cows, 755,714 other neat cattle, 1,300,832 sheep and 2,008,989 swine; in 1910 there were in Kentucky 407,000 horses, 207,000 mules, 394,000 mulch cows, 665,000 other neat cattle, 1,060,000 sheep and 989,000 swine.
The name of Cheddar is given to a well-known species of cheese (see Dairy), the manufacture of which began in the 17th century in the town and neighbourhood.
Using a model dairy cow to help Animal Production students learn ration formulation.
Around 17% of dairy herds and 24% of beef herds contained seropositive cattle.
Listening to Phil and Joe reminiscing about dairy Shorthorns encourage Fallon with her mini disk again !
Shorty after a second cattle grid. turn right into a wide driveway for Slades Farm and the Old Dairy.
Allergic sinusitis may be caused by allergies to dairy or wheat, or by hayfever.
Many of the farmers who suffer losses are smallholder dairy producers.
There is an interconnecting, soundproofed door leading from the kitchen into Blueball Dairy.
The gutters leaked, water oozed into the dairy, the cars got stuck in the mud, the children would not go outside.
The integration of the acquisition into Dairy Crest is progressing smoothly and is delivering the anticipated synergies.
Severe teat injuries, such as total teat amputation, are surprisingly common in dairy herds (43).
In beef cows, who have small udders, the incidence of mastitis is a fraction of that in dairy herds (29).
All bulls are high type and will improve dairy type in particular teat length and udder attachment.
It is wheat gluten free adn contains no beef, eggs or dairy products.
There are also special sections on the use of whey products, and nutritional values for dairy products.
John Hinshelwood has made a workmanlike job of describing the building while researching the dairy company that built it.
If dairy allergies may be a factor, it's important to know that milk-based infant formulas are made from cow's milk protein along with supplementary carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
Soy formulas offer an alternative for babies at risk to dairy allergies.
Keep in mind that some foods such as dairy and honey have time restrictions and controversy surrounding their introduction.
Dairy is not recommended for the first year (though plain yogurt may be acceptable) due to its highly allergenic nature.
The same goes for cheeses, yogurt, and other dairy products.
Aim for variety in your child's protein intake, and remember that there's no need to include meat at every meal, as all those dairy products also include a large amount of protein.
Order a similar variety of produce, veggies, meats and dairy, so you can judge the quality of the items they select and their condition once delivered.
Some people like to taste the alcohol in their beverages, and others prefer it masked with mixers like soda, juice, coffee or dairy products.
Most key lime martini recipes include some type of cream or dairy product to replicate the look of traditional key lime pie.
Pour the liquids, preferably chilled, into the blender container first, followed by the frozen fruit and ice or dairy products.
Meat and dairy contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming.
It was a common additive for those who struggled to consume dairy products.
When you eat animal products such as meat or dairy, the food is broken down into its various components.
Chemically, they're very similar to the cholesterol found in meat products and dairy.
On a weekly basis, regular deliveries of fresh fruits and vegetables, milk and other dairy products, canned goods and heat and eat foods are brought to the back door and stored to be made into the meals the patrons eat.
Along with yogurt, they are the primary form of dairy consumption.
Feta cheese is the most renowned dairy product from the area.
Dairy products from goats and sheep in addition to cows may be certified organic.
Dairy farmers must also feed their animals 100% certified organic feed that has been produced from regulated land.
Animals designated for dairy can't be sold for slaughter.
Lactase is the enzyme that your body needs to successfully digest milk and dairy products.
Flavored options are achieved by using milk solids in margarines and shortenings, so if you want to avoid dairy you might want to avoid the flavored shortenings.
Vegetarian and vegan recipes are a great place to start looking for dairy free recipes.
Just bear in mind that when you are removing the dairy products from your recipe, you will have to replace the missing fat.
While vegetarians who made the lifestyle choice because of animal cruelty try their best to avoid cheese rennet, vegan individuals usually avoid cheese altogether, since it is made with dairy products.
The whole rennet issue is more of a problem for lacto ovo vegetarians, who don't eat meat but consume eggs and dairy, than it is for vegans.
This is because a vegan, who pledges to use absolutely no animal products, would not be eating dairy cheese anyway, vegetarian or not.
They have dozens of dairy free soy cheeses to choose from.
This means that a vegan eliminates foods from the meat or first food group than includes poultry or dairy.
Animal products don't contain fiber, but all plant-based foods do, so the more animal foods you eat, including eggs and dairy, the less fiber you are allowing yourself.
Both lacto and lacto-ovo (or lacto-octo) vegetarians drink milk and also eat yogurt and other dairy products.
Anyone who wants to cut back on their dairy consumption will also enjoy these products.
Although not suitable for vegans, whey protein, a byproduct of the dairy industry, may be useful for vegetarians seeking additional protein in the diet.
Vegetarians and vegans must obtain additional protein through plant-based sources, with vegans facing the greatest challenge since they cannot eat eggs or dairy.
Labels must be checked to ensure that the product doesn't contain dairy or animal products or derivatives.
Ener-G is a vegan friendly, kosher certified product which contains no animal or dairy products.
Lacto ovo vegetarians eat not only vegetables but also dairy products and eggs.
The most common of these is Lactobacillus acidophilus, the bacteria found in yogurt and some other dairy products.
Dairy foods - small amounts of vitamin K are found in dairy foods such as cheese.
Although vitamin K is present in many dairy foods, this is a relatively small amount compared with the amount found in green vegetables.
However, strict vegetarians and vegans are prone to deficiency since they do not eat any animal products, including dairy and eggs.
Main food sources of B12 are animal-based, such as red meat, poultry, shellfish, dairy, and eggs.
Vitamin B12 is naturally present in meat and dairy products.
Vegetarians can get plenty of vitamin B12 through the consumption of eggs, and dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt.
The diet can be vegan, but some raw food enthusiasts are vegetarian and consume unpasteurized or otherwise untreated dairy products and raw eggs.
Tofu can give a creamy texture and makes a good alternative to dairy ingredients.
Soy milk is a source of vegan protein as well as good for people looking to cut down on the amount of dairy products in their diet.
While calcium is mainly found in milk and dairy products, several raw veggies also contain this mineral, including broccoli and spinach.
There are many strong sources of protein in a vegetarian diet, including dairy products, nuts, legumes, beans, and raw vegetables.
Dairy products can be some of the most important foods that contain protein in a vegetarian's diet.
Two to three servings of these dairy products is usually sufficient to meet the body's requirement for daily protein intake.
Breakfast and lunch are excellent times to try these dairy products.
Since vegans do not eat the dairy products that many vegetarians eat, they need to look elsewhere for their protein.
This includes dairy products like butter, eggs and milk.
If you are a vegetarian who regularly eats a variety of beans, legumes, nuts, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and grains, you should have no reason to worry about protein deficiency.
Soy, dairy, grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes are some of the most substantial sources of protein in a vegetarian diet.
Most dairy products, including milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, and cream, are significant sources of meat-free protein.
Eggs are often grouped with dairy products and also provide very high amounts of protein.
Soy milk is a dairy-free, lactose-free alternative to dairy milk and is the milk of choice for many vegans and vegetarians who do not want to consume dairy.
Along with many of Silk's other products, it's fortified with calcium to offer the same amount of the mineral as you would find in a glass of dairy milk.
Many of these products are dairy items, such as yogurt, buttermilk, cottage cheese, and kefir.
Moreover, though probiotic dairy foods are sometimes tolerated by individuals who are otherwise lactose intolerant, coconut kefir is now becoming a popular item in health food stores.
It's completely free of gluten, wheat, casein, nuts, dairy, and soy, though it may slightly alter the flavor and texture of your baked goods.
Most individuals who have difficulty consuming chocolate actually have issues with dairy products or chemicals used in the making of chocolate.
Vegans take the vegetarian commitment at least one step further by eating no products that come from animals, including eggs, other dairy products, and honey.
One of the main reasons people choose to avoid dairy is because of stomach upset.
This "milk sugar" is present in all things that contain dairy, including protein powder.
Luckily for these individuals, there are still several ways to get protein without using any dairy.
Macrobiotics also eat very little dairy, eggs, poultry, and meat.
Do not put meat, fats, oils, dairy products or pet waste into your compost bins.
Papa's Organic is a national delivery service that delivers all kinds of organic foods including milk and dairy products.
When it comes to meat and dairy products, you can often end up paying twice as much for organic products.
Organic produce, dairy and meat are often produced by local farmers and available for purchase directly or through local farmer's markets and health food stores.
Organic Valley has many coupons for dairy products to print.
Organic Valley - there are food coupons on the site for a range of organic dairy products including organic milk, butter, cheese and yogurt.
Soy milk is an increasingly popular dairy milk alternative.
Dairy cows are given hormones so that they will produce more milk than nature intended.
A society that is used to commercially produced meats, eggs, and dairy products has a very bland palate.
It gets stricter when it comes to canned goods and dairy products though.
These specifications are in addition to a balanced diet of nutrient-dense foods including a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, reduced-fat and fat-free dairy products, and lean proteins.
Eliminate foods that product mucus including dairy and fruits like bananas for a period of two weeks.
Those that contain carbohydrates, some protein and dairy may be able to help.
Other dairy products, including ice cream with low sugar levels, also provide this effect.
This amino acid is also contained in other foods, such as meats, dairy, nuts, and grains.
Another thng to keep in mind is that if a person has an allergy to something like dairy or wheat, eating and sleepiness may also occur.
The Wisconsin Dairy Artists suggest pairing merlot with mild-flavored cheeses such as Swiss, Monterey Jack, and Munster cheese.
Their parents, Glenn and Elsie Hansen, owned and operated a local dairy for many years with the help of their children.
In 1989, Fred decided to leave the dairy farm behind and tried his hand at growing wine grapes.
The meal includes all the food groups except dairy.
When dairy products are ingested, the lactose reaches the digestive system and is broken down by lactase into the simpler sugars glucose and galactose, which can then be absorbed into the bloodstream.
Lactose intolerance is also referred to as lactase deficiency, milk intolerance, dairy product intolerance, or disaccharidase deficiency.
People from cultures in which adult consumption of milk and milk products occurred earliest are less likely to be lactose intolerant than people from areas where dairy farming began more recently.
Before humans became dairy farmers, they usually did not continue to drink milk, so their bodies did not produce lactase after early childhood.
They may also add lactase enzymes to dairy products to reduce lactose content as well as use lactose-reduced dairy products.
This is different from a true milk allergy where even a small amount of any dairy product will produce a reaction.
For example, dairy products can be listed as milk, casein, whey, and sodium caseinate.
A diet free of phytanic acid (found in dairy products, tuna, cod, haddock, lamb, stewed beef, white bread, white rice, boiled potatoes, and egg yolk) can reduce some of the symptoms.
In general, the nutritional goals for preventing high levels of cholesterol are to substantially reduce or eliminate foods high in animal fat, including meat, shellfish, eggs, and dairy products.
These mucus-producing foods can vary, based on individual intolerance, but dairy products are a major mucus-producing food for most people.
Lactose intolerance-An inability to properly digest the lactose found in milk and dairy products.
Baro, L., et al. "The administration of a multivitamin/mineral fortified dairy product improves folate status and reduces plasma homocysteine concentration in women of reproductive age."
In addition to lean meat, good food sources of protein include fish, eggs, dairy products, and beans.
Good dietary sources of calcium are milk, cheese, and other dairy products.
They should also avoid dairy products that can be hard to digest.
Lacto-ovo vegetarians supplement their diet with dairy (lactose) products and eggs (ovo).
For those wishing to become pure vegetarians or vegans, the final step is to choose other nutrient-rich foods in order to eliminate eggs and dairy products.
Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers can do well on a vegetarian diet, especially one that includes eggs and dairy products.
Meat and dairy products generally contain complete proteins, but most vegetarian foods such as grains and beans contain incomplete proteins, lacking one or more of the essential amino acids.
Eating dairy products or nuts with grains also makes proteins complete.
Getting enough vitamin B12 may be an issue for some vegetarians, particularly vegans, because meat and dairy products are the main sources.
Calcium can be obtained in enriched tofu, seeds, nuts, beans, dairy products, and dark green vegetables, including broccoli, kale, spinach, and collard greens.
Eggs and dairy products contain cholesterol and saturated fat, while nuts, oils, and avocados are vegetable sources of saturated fat.
Lacto-ovo vegetarian-People who do not eat meat, but do include dairy products and eggs in their diets.
Vegan-A vegetarian who does not eat eggs or dairy products.
Patients should particularly avoid calcium-containing dairy products and antacids as well as multivitamin-mineral supplements.
Dietary changes may include limiting foods high in phosphorus, such as dairy products, meat, and poultry.
Girls should get their calcium from foods, particularly dairy products, rather than supplements.
Dairy products were associated with higher bone mineral density in the spine, while calcium supplements had no such benefit.
Elevated blood pressure can be reduced by an eating plan that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods, and which is low in saturated fat, total fat, and cholesterol.
Eating too many dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream may also result in harder stools.
High protein foods such as meat, fish, chicken, eggs, nuts, beans, milk, and other dairy products are banned from PKU diets.
Vitamin B12 deficiency occurs with the failure to consume meat, milk, or other dairy products.
Oral vitamin supplements are especially useful for persons who otherwise cannot or will not consume food that is a good vitamin source, such as meat, milk, or other dairy products.
Salmonella is found in egg yolks from infected chickens, raw and undercooked poultry and other meats, dairy products, fish, shrimp, and many other foods.
Consume only pasteurized dairy products and fruit juices.
For some, a small glass of milk will not cause problems, while others may be able to handle ice cream or aged cheeses such as cheddar or Swiss, but not other dairy products.
Because dairy products are an important source of calcium, people who reduce or severely limit their intake of these foods and beverages may need to consider other ways to consume an adequate amount of calcium.
Lactose is the milk sugar found in dairy products.
Dairy products, sugary beverages and foods, highly seasoned foods, and fatty or fried foods should be avoided until symptoms have cleared.
A balanced diet includes fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes, whole grains (cereal, bread, rice, pasta, and other grains), eggs, dairy products, fish, fowl, and lean meat as preferred.
Primary calcium sources are dairy foods, eggs, fish, and green leafy vegetables.
Potassium food sources include dairy foods, fish, fresh and dried fruits, beans and peas, meats, fish and fowl, and whole grains.
Dietary recommendations to ease cramps include increasing fiber, calcium, and complex carbohydrates, cutting fat, red meat, dairy products, caffeine, salt, and sugar.
Some children have reportedly experienced improved symptoms by limiting dairy products and sugar in the diet.
Galactosemia is an inherited disease in which the body is unable to metabolize the simple sugar galactose, which is found primarily in dairy products but is also produced by the body.
Certain beverages can cause crystals to form in the urine and excessive consumption of dairy products is accordingly avoided with water highly recommended as the best drink.
Subsequently, processed meats and dairy products were tested for the presence of Listeria monocytogenes.
This includes the meat and dairy groups, something vegans avoid.
A study published in the journal Human Reproduction says that eating low fat dairy products can affect ovulation and reduce fertility.
Some studies say that the consumption of dairy products improves ovarian function.
In this day when low-fat is touted as the way to stay healthy, some research attributes the consumption of low-fat dairy foods to a higher risk of infertility.
According to these statistics they claim that women who eat two or more low-fat dairy products per day increased their chances for anovulatory infertility by two.
Consuming a diet that is high in dairy products may also increase a woman's chances of conceiving twins.
Vegan women, since they do not consume any form of dairy products, have a 13 percent lower concentration of IGF in their blood.
Vitamin B12 is most abundant in foods that come from animals, including meat, eggs, and dairy products.
Vitamin B12 deficiency diet therapy can also include adding meat, eggs and dairy products to your diet.
With so much focus on dairy products as sources of calcium, many people have no idea that plants offer a rich source of calcium too.
The Sun Shower fruit drink brand is always kept cold and merchandised in the chilled produce and chilled dairy set within most stores and offers more than 90 days of shelf life.
If you don't consume enough dairy products, adding a calcium supplement to your regimen is one solution.
In addition, some dairy products and oils, like soybean oil, are fine sources as well.
A varied diet based on vegetables, fruits, grains, fish and limited meat and dairy ensures adequate intake of vitamins and minerals.
This includes dairy products and meat products such as liver and these can make good food sources for people with vitamin B12 deficiency.
Many dairy products are also fortified with vitamin D in order to help your body enhance calcium absorption.
Additional antibiotic exposure comes from meat and dairy products.
It's found in many foods such as meat, eggs, dairy, cocoa, chocolate, and wheat.
Treatment consists of avoiding phenylalanine supplements, diet products containing aspartame (which also contain phenylalanine), and phenylalanine-rich foods such as cocoa powder, gelatin, and many meat, dairy and higher protein foods.
Dairy products and meats have the greatest concentration of vitamin A, which doesn't deteriorate from cooking like many other nutrients do.
Other sources of vitamin D include cod liver oil, seafood and fortified dairy products.
Foods high in vitamin D include fortified dairy products, salmon, mackeral, sardines, tuna, eggs, mushrooms and fish liver oils.
Since most superfood supplements can be quite expensive, you may be better off selecting to eat a variety of brightly colored natural fruits and vegetables, as well as other foods such as nuts, legumes and fermented dairy products.
A diet based on whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and healthy sources of lean protein such as lean dairy, fish, chicken and legumes provides an abundance of the proper vitamins, minerals and macronutrients.
Eat a diet rich in leafy green vegetables, legumes, lean dairy and fish, and take a walk in the morning or evening daily.
You can get vitamin A from food sources like carrots, eggs and dairy products, or take vitamin A supplements.
Dairy products may be included in your child's diet as well, but are not necessary.
It is free of dairy, wheat, gluten, and yeast.
You can obtain calcium through dairy products, green leafy vegetables, and fortified foods, or by taking vitamin supplements.
Sources of calcium include dairy products, green leafy vegetables and some fish and legumes.
You can also obtain vitamin D from oily fish, such as tuna and salmon, cod liver oil, in fortified dairy products, and from vitamin D supplements.
Dairy products, tofu, leafy greens, and almonds all contain calcium.