D-r Sentence Examples
Engler's Versuch einer Entwickelungsgeschichte der Pflanzenwelt (Leipzig, 1879-1882), we should have in Siberia (a) the arctic region; (b) the sub-arctic or coniferous region - north Siberian province; (c) the Central-Asian domain - Altai and Daurian mountainous regions; and (d) the east Chinese, intruding into the basin of the Amur.
See Peter Scriver, Beschryvinge der Stad Harlem (Haarlem, 1628); Scheltema, Levensschets van Laurens d.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under D to Dar.
A general introduction to the system is given in the tractate Ober den Begriff der Wissenschaftslehre (On the Notion of the Theory of Science), 1794, and the theoretical portion is worked out in the Grundlage der gesammten Wissenschaftslehre (Foundation of the whole Theory of Science, 1794) and Grundriss des Eigenthiimlichen d.
In the cortical tissue beneatJI each furrow a wide intercellular space is present running the length of the internode, and called the (C, D, E from Strasburger's Lehrbuch der Bolanik, by permission of Gustav Fischer.) FIG.
D E I D R E Speechless, she traced her fingers down the letters then looked into his eyes.
Vincent is a widow gentlewoman living here aged 82. her maiden name was Story sister to D r.
If the primary wave be represented by = e-ikx the component rotations in the secondary wave are '1'3= P (- AN y) N r2 ' cwi= r x D y N 'y)' lw2=P (- AD + 6,N z2 - x2 ' D r N r2 where ik3T e-ikr _ P - 4 r The expression for the resultant rotation in the general case would be rather complicated, and is not needed for our purpose.
Y D R O P O N I C S There is a rota of volunteers that take care of growing fresh vegetables.