Cyclists Sentence Examples
There are 2,000 cyclists who get to ride on a first-come, first-served basis.
The two men compared the cyclists' numbers each had listed as possible Byrne look-alikes.
The old canal park is popular among nature enthusiasts and off-road cyclists.
Maps were thus named after the material upon which they were drawn or painted, and it should be noted that even at present maps intended for use in the open air, by cyclists, military men and others, are frequently printed on cloth.
The city has large public parks and spaces and is frequented by cyclists because of its extensive bike trails.
It is a local beauty spot, popular with dog walkers, cyclists and runners.
Consequently, relying entirely on maps (rather than guide books) can sometimes pose problems for off-road cyclists.
This seems to be a treat reserved for the distance runner - endurance cyclists don't suffer.
A few months ago, sick of being a bleary-eyed Tube creature, I transformed into one of London's commuter cyclists.
There are somewhat deceptive signs no doubt to lure cyclists to outlying villages.
AdvertisementCyclists also benefit from being able to queue away from harmful exhaust emissions.
All cyclists start on square 0. 6. There are two sprint finish lines.
Cyclists and horseriders can of course cross a footway to reach a route which leads off the road.
It included Japanese gymnasts, Sanger's elephants, Henning Orlando's Horses, and trick cyclists.
Cyclists are dazzled by full beam headlights, like everyone else.
AdvertisementThat traffic calming features frequently increase the hazards for cyclists seems incontestable.
Since then innumerable cyclists have fallen as they cross these rails.
A dietary study of elite cyclists estimated their average daily calorie intake at over 6000 calories!
The cyclists returned to Alverstone Village Hall where the Marlows were ready with the traditional mince pies and mulled wine.
The idea was to take cyclists off the rather busy road alongside the Coast Road, partly using the next road northwards.
AdvertisementProvide new and safe off-road walking and cycling routes, and give more priority to pedestrians and cyclists where they cross main roads.
Of course, cyclists can conduct themselves in ways which endanger pedestrians, and laws that bear on this should be enforced.
Cyclists would face on-the-spot penalties and even two years in jail if they did not warn pedestrians of their approach.
The plan aims to improve conditions for the disabled, pedestrians and cyclists by sustainable transport projects.
These include the picnic on Wheels which allows cyclists to stop by the river for a picnic in the surroundings of Seaclose Park.
AdvertisementThe route in front of the Woolwich Arsenal by the site for the ferry pier ought to be marked for cyclists.
Fortunately, cyclists are allowed to use the sidewalk.
Sections graded strenuous include steep climbs that will challenge even fit cyclists.
The pedestrian subway at Hereford Street will be replaced with a new on-street toucan crossing for pedestrians and cyclists.
Bartholomew of Edinburgh; (2) political maps, showing political boundaries; (3) ethnological maps, illustrating the distribution of the varieties of man, the density of population, &c.; (4) travel maps, showing roads or railways and ocean-routes (as is done by Philips' " Marine Atlas "), or designed for the special use of cyclists or aviators; (5) statistical maps, illustrating commerce and industries; (6) historical maps; (7) maps specially designed for educational purposes.
Cyclists may need to rejoin the carriageway following use of the facility.
These are the places where roads should be reshaped to provide for cyclists and pedestrians to look like they belong.
Here the lane just stops and cyclists are invited to make a right-angled turn onto a path off to the left.
Where there are appreciable flows of pedestrians or cyclists, a defined route for cyclists through the area aids orientation and assists effective movement.
As the fighting stagnated into trench warfare, the Cyclists were more regularly used as ordinary infantry.
Animal lovers can embrace a nature theme that includes lovely animal-inspired bells while cyclists can include their favorite sport by using bicycle bells into the occasion.
Accusers have been as diverse as his personal masseuse, fellow cyclists, and a personal assistant.
This was important because the product was intended for cyclists in particular, who sat for extended periods of time and who occasionally suffered blisters when wearing other, less effective forms of protection.
The invention and its success amongst cyclists in Boston (who would often ride the cobblestoned streets in the city) led to the creation of the Bike Web Company.
They're ideal for cyclists because they provide a comfortable fit while compressing the muscles and providing support.
Did you know that these shorts serve a purpose and are essential for cyclists?
Along with breathability and wicking, another feature avid cyclists look for is the right padding.
Fitness walkers and cyclists continue their activities in comfort, rain or shine.
If possible, plan your driving so that you are not on the road close to dusk, when it's most difficult to see cyclists and pedestrians.
Since cyclists spend so much time outdoors, it is vital that you wear shades that will keep you cancer free.
Usually, you'll need a brown or amber lens color for best maneuvering around potholes, other cyclists, rocks and mud.
You'll see plenty of active people throughout Golden Gate Park - walkers, joggers, cyclists and roller bladders.
Competitive cyclists understand the importance of lightweight racing shoes.
Additionally, carbon is stiff, strong, and incredibly durable, which makes it an ideal resource for competitive cyclists.
This allows them to be shaped and custom fitted to the feet of individual cyclists.
These materials are especially advantageous for cyclists whose feet have particular needs for structural reinforcement.
Most importantly, high impact cyclists can persevere in confidence, knowing that their racing shoes are durable enough to withstand even the most compromising conditions such as rain and extensive use.
Competitive cyclists are aware of the knee strain caused by continuous racing.
Cyclists who experience knee alignment problems and joint swelling may notice a considerable lessening of symptoms when wearing LUST shoes.
Many new cyclists are tempted to slouch or rest their upper body weight against the handlebars, but this prevents you from getting the best workout possible.
Fred O'Connor, in the company of Emma Blanding, was passing out coffee and hot chocolate to the grateful line of chilled cyclists.
British cavalry and cyclists found some scope for useful activity and considerable progress was made.
Wrist mounting won't suit all cyclists so there is a bike mount adapter on the way.
Cyclists now look set to have their right to claim restricted byways guaranteed in law.
You must give due consideration to the many cyclists present in Danish cities.
Police are set to launch a major crackdown on speeding pedal cyclists.
The number of pedal cyclists killed rose by 10% to 148 in 2005, the highest level since 1999.
The site attracts a fairly catholic following, from first-time cycle owners, through committed commuting cyclists, to racing cyclists.
This lane encourages cyclists to put themselves in the prime position not to be seen.
Some studies claim that helmets do save lives, others show that helmeted cyclists are more likely to die.
A while back, the rights of pedal cyclists were laughed at, but look at SUSTRANS now.
While they may not be suitable for many occasions, they are essential for cyclists.
Sunday morning broke with a surge of nervous excitement as 2,000 cyclists oozed out of Cortez, Colorado, bound for their first day's destination 46 miles distant.
The army troops, divisions and mounted brigades consist of 56 regiments of yeomanry; 14 batteries and 14 ammunition columns R.H.A., 151 batteries and 55 ammunition columns R.F.A., 3 mountain batteries and ammunition column, and 14 heavy batteries and ammunition columns R.G.A.; 28 field companies, 29 telegraph companies, railway battalion, &c., R.E.; 204 battalions infantry (including to of cyclists, the Honourable Artillery Company, and certain corps of the Officers' Training Corps training as territorials); 60 units A.S.C.; 56 field ambulances, 23 general hospitals and 2 sanitary companies R.A.M.C. Told off to the defended seaports are 16 groups of garrison artillery companies and 58 fortress and electric light companies R.E.